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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69153909 No.69153909 [Reply] [Original]

>predicted to cuck Novelites on Valentine's
>autistically learns Unity to make a cute and high-effort 3D stream for them instead
Advent is the best gen

>> No.69154496

I would expect that from my goth wife

>> No.69154564

A pleasant surprise

>> No.69154591

Why would you even predict cuckoldry? What is wrong with this fucking board?

>> No.69154664

Fauna singing rap and swearing so much was the real shocker
She’s changed a lot this year honestly, surprised that Shiori became my constant instead.

>> No.69154702

just like the japs VT loves being cucked

>> No.69154784

Unity is utter dogshit to work with; She genuinely loves you Novellites.

>> No.69154847

What good is left at the JP branch when EN is this high effort?
Cover should be moving their HQ and studio to the US.

>> No.69154923

Well I wouldn't say it's that extreme, Shiori is definitely an outlier.

>> No.69154980

I would. EN is overall just better than JP now with the addition of Advent.

>> No.69155052

Way to out yourself as an absolute newfag or just a fucking liar.

>> No.69155123

How long till you have this opinion? Because this was the exact same cocky statement when people said JP was better than EN.
You're all grifters.

>> No.69155224

I have never thought that JP is better than EN. I could merely understand that Cover might consider them more valuable somehow, but I don't see how they can continue doing that.

>> No.69155268

Still not watching your BBC whore. And no, she will never live it down.

>> No.69155277

Personally I can't put EN over JP just because of one branch.
>EN is overall just better than JP
I think we'll need a few more good gens until we can say anything along of the lines of that.

>> No.69155380

It's just a stupid thing every millennial used to say sarcastically in the mid 2000's for some reason. Never liked it myself but I can tell you it wasn't serious. Calli's "based BBC enjoyer" comment on the other hand...

>> No.69155448

Cover considers all their branches valuable in some way.

>> No.69155460

the mind programs itself for the worst case scenario, so when it does happen you become mentally prepared for it
and when it doesn't happen, it's a small victory worth celebrating

>> No.69155522

But some of them are considered more valuable than others. All the contacts and facilities being based in Japan is very unfair to EN.

>> No.69155826

Well, it's not the 00s anymore. She should have more cultural awareness. Interesting how (besides the wigger) no other Hololive member has said anything like this.

>> No.69156155
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Yes, that worked so well for Playstation

>> No.69156230

I think it's less about who's more valuable and more out of convenience and accessibility.

>> No.69156259


>> No.69156266

Sony fucked it by placing it in California

>> No.69156292

You absolute retard.

>> No.69156325

>respect my collab coices
>makes schizos seethe to eternity
>doesn't ever do weird collabs
imagine being a schizo

>> No.69156360

she is a hard working girl although mentally challenge

>> No.69156737
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hard-working mentally challenged women make the best vtubers

>> No.69156779

Advent > Regloss at least

>> No.69156948

Just say you got into vtubers a month ago

>> No.69157136

Respect her collab choices

>> No.69157242

Her collab choice being no collab was plot twist of the decade

>> No.69157460

do you even know who her oshi is lol

>> No.69158008

If we go in order of JP gens I would also say Myth > gen 1, Council > gen 2, Advent > gen 3
They're all just better than their JP counterparts.

>> No.69158486

And where do you think they'd put it? If not California they'd just put in some other major coastal city like Seattle, New York or Vancouver, the only slight win being Florida. But then they'd hire westerners and tank the company like every japanese company's western branch as we've seen repeatedly. It's not a perfect situation but I'll take one "Mel's Manager" every few years over western infestation

>> No.69158539
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Shiori had a solo collab with Haachama before having a solo collab with anyone in Promise.

>> No.69158611

I mean, she didn't have a 1 on 1 (or 2) collab with Fuwamoco either. They were waiting for some VN perms and ended up never doing anything.

>> No.69158658

Her speech at the debut raised a ton of red flags and she confirmed herself later that she expected everyone in holo to be assholes
Thankfully she got groomed right extra quick, in part thanks to "help" from her old friends

>> No.69158707

>I could merely understand that Cover might consider them more valuable somehow, but I don't see how they can continue doing that.
Gee, I don't know, maybe it's somehow related to the fact that THEY'RE A FUCKING JAPANESE COMPANY

>> No.69158758

>she expected everyone in holo to be assholes
Oh she's AUTISTIC autistic, huh?

>> No.69158836

Shiori questions and discourages Fuwawa's incestuous advances towards Mococo, so there's beef between the two of them.

>> No.69158886

>She should have more cultural awareness
If she had more cultural awareness then she wouldn't be autistic, and if she wasn't autistic then she wouldn't be in Hololive so no.

>> No.69158890

You must have never heard Shiori talk about incest.

>> No.69158935

That's 2D incest. It's different.

>> No.69158976

That too but she mostly hung out with bunch of crabs

>> No.69159482

She's just someone who previously was treated as a tool and shit on. She's a negative and cynical person but it's because of her experiences

>> No.69160095

Why'd she expect everyone in holo to be assholes
was she really mindbroken that much from her previous gig

>> No.69160193

I think she's just learned to be realistic and from her own experiences.

>> No.69160247

This. Cover is a tech company, they should place their HQ in the Silicon Valley. Since japs love big cities for whatever reason, it probably has to be in San Francisco, which is less than ideal.

>> No.69160250

but they are 2d?

>> No.69160370

They should stop being a Japanese company since all of their most valuable assets are overseas.

>> No.69160392

Silicon Valley is expensive. A better fit is Los Angeles. There they could more easily resell use of 3D studio time. Devs could work from the Bay Area and visit the LA office easily when necessary.

>> No.69160547

Bait or SPED
Call it

>> No.69160598

Do you seriously believe that holo JP or worth more than EN?

>> No.69160602
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Isn't Shiori kinda cute??

>> No.69160631

Yeah bro I really want ESG to force COVER into making a tranny side branch and promoting gay poopy buttsex

>> No.69160643

Probably a combination of her previous gig being a disaster, her vtuber 'friends' being a bunch of crabs and her believing the negative gossip about Cover and the Hololive girls. Now she probably understands why a lot of the Hololive girls stay in the garden because the vtubing sphere outside the garden fucking sucks.

>> No.69160711

Cover is already ESG-ified. Try reading their corporate reports sometime.

>> No.69160728

Shiori made a cozy 3d thing
Fuwamoco made a lewd visual novel stream
some other EN members didnt even do a chatting stream. I'm so glad I have advent now, I hope they wont end up going down the same path

>> No.69160762

Hopefully holoJP grooms her and makes her happy
A good Subaru fingerblast should do the trick

>> No.69160771

Some? You mean Kronii? I think everyone else did something.

>> No.69160799

Yeah but they aren't forcing talents to do BLM or dykegayhomofaggottrannyqueer+ celebration events
Americans destroy everything they touch
Anyone who argues for COVER to move their HQ to America is either profoundly retarded or doing so in bad faith

>> No.69160814
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Meanwhile brats expected to get their yearly dose of GFE, and got cucked hard a day before Valentine's Day

>> No.69160833

Yeah, by me

>> No.69160856

silicon valley is dead, constant layoffs everywhere, nothing new starting up
This whole year will just be announcements of layoffs and massive flop releases losing more and causing more layoffs. It would take them over a decade to turn things around if they started right now and admitted all their mistakes

>> No.69160902

>I have never thought that JP is better than EN.
Because you don't understand what they're saying.

>> No.69160906

>silicon valley is dead
So where's the new place, Cascadia?

>> No.69160916

>IRyS did another kino caraoke
>Gura fed her members very well
>Ame did a love song karaoke
>Mori with her kitty charity
>Kiara's return stream
>Bae GFE
>Even moom came back
list goes on
the holoen girls came in full force to treat us in this year's vday
Even Kronii did a pleasant twitter space

>> No.69160959

>So where's the new place
Literally anywhere that isn't America

>> No.69160983

And I don't need to. Gura blew past all of them and I can see what kind of content Gura did to achieve that.

>> No.69160989

What makes you think they will be forced to do that in US?

>> No.69160993

I understand being skeptical, hololive is honestly too good to be true.

>> No.69161030

>I can see what kind of content Gura did
Content made for children so the youtube algorithm picks her up? yeah, indeed

>> No.69161111

Gura has never made anything aimed towards children.

>> No.69161121

new plan seems to be incorporate in Ireland for tax breaks but hire cells of random people worldwide

>> No.69161127

Not now Venti

>> No.69161180

If she thought Hololive would suck so much, why even accept the offer?

>> No.69161188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.69161196

That's just your cuck fetish

>> No.69161227

Yes, seriously her old gig continues to explode years after she left it, it's that bad, worse stuff is still coming out about it all the time

>> No.69161262

rejecting hololive in vtubing at circa 2023 is like rejecting an offer from Google in the tech world
Plus really from where she came from, the only way was up

>> No.69161312

This is a really really really bad comparison to make

>> No.69161314
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what the fuck is happening to western media

>> No.69161353

Botan's dumb goggles always make me smile

>> No.69161394
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>> No.69161457
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incredibly true

>> No.69161569 [DELETED] 

>praising shiori "4 boyfriends" novella by shitting on other holos
I know sisters are getting desperate to deflect from elira being the shadow management but come on

>> No.69161635

I don't even think it's nijisisters I genuinely think someone here just hates Shiori and vtubers in general and likes to start fights to fill the void inside them.

>> No.69161684

He should get a better hobby like hating Amelia Watson

>> No.69161689

Yes retarded Muttbrain

>> No.69161695

I miss this chick a lot more than I thought I would

>> No.69161728

>autistically learns Unity to make a cute and high-effort 3D stream for them instead
So what you are saying is that Shiori is a gothy discount version of what Ame is capable of doing.

>> No.69161738

why wouldn't they side with someone who hated hololive up until she got hired lmao

>> No.69161752

There's definitely a number of people who are here just to shit on everything and provoke reactions.

>> No.69161822

June is only 4 months away

>> No.69161843

Jesus christ stop regurgitating this narrative, There is no proof her pl ever had any negative feelings about hololive/Idol culture

>> No.69161867

amelia would've paid someone to do it for her

>> No.69161876

Shiori has done some nice stuff in unity lately.

>> No.69161899

Wait what I am out of the loop

>> No.69161984

Her new corp is going to be a spectacular failure in June and will be a popular discussion topic here.

>> No.69161999

Sorry to tell you this but they're not.

>> No.69162022
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She founded her own corpo and will be a talent-manager (how timely a topic kek). Auditions soon, debuts in June

>> No.69162140 [DELETED] 

Her boyfriend Pending is involved with writing scripts for her educational streams. Go check the microscope stream, the vitamin stream, the cryptids stream. He also writes the scripts for her Tier 3 members rewards. Check the hide and seek one and the fireworks one for January. Her friend Yana draws the emotes for her channel, she drew the "gift" she gave to Fuwamoco for their birthday. Her friend KLemiscus draws the comics she has as a T2 member reward. Shiori Novella is a group project and not an individual. You support Shiori you support her 2view gay and troon friends.

>> No.69162162
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>> No.69162164

What? I dont think gura has EVER been strictly family friendly

>> No.69162204

I misread that logo as "Vailure" like failure but with a v lol
As much as I like her I can't imagine her managing a corpo too well, but I'll look forward to seeing her again at least

>> No.69162296

she has friends? i hate her now.

>> No.69162323
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Doesn't matter, I'm the 5th

>> No.69162387

Out of my way, it's my turn now

>> No.69162448

>Contracting people to help produce content is bad now
So it is the nijisisters

>> No.69162474


>> No.69162574

people have been saying they wanted holojp that spoke english for a while and advent is basically that, with goofy intros and everything

>> No.69162582

Isn't that the lewd corpo? How is it even supposed to work?

>> No.69162668

Normal streams on youtube, regular lewd content on Patreon

>> No.69162677

4 hours of earlicking every day.

>> No.69162952

>Her friend Yana draws the emotes for her channel, she drew the "gift" she gave to Fuwamoco for their birthday. Her friend KLemiscus draws the comics she has as a T2 member reward.
So all Hololive is a group project? Because this is what almost all holos do

>> No.69163467
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Anxiety and paranoia ridden loser males always believe the worst will happen and indeed create fantasies in their mind of the worst things happening to them that they then believe are predictions of what's to come.
It's called psychosis.

>> No.69163470


>> No.69163544

post tits

>> No.69163668

There is a reason why JP underperformed by 40% in last revenue report.

>> No.69163700

Was it that bad?

>> No.69163708

That's what she used to do in her previous life.

>> No.69163733
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>she'll never talk to me! she'll record it on her phone and the whole school will laugh at me!
>that woman at work told me I was creepy, she's going to tell people I raped her or something I need to be careful omg I should delete my hard drive
>all women are disgusting none of them will go on dates with me! I haven't asked them but I know the answer already!
The incel movement exists only in the heads of anxious and paranoid man children. If everytime you watch a stream you're worried about being NTR'd you need to speak to someone about your mental health.

>> No.69163819

Biboo is the best gamer in Hololive. Dogs are so fucking cute even nips go crazy over them. Nerissa family streams are some of the best content they ever did.

Face it Advent is a massive success.

>> No.69163835

why are you so mad? is life really that bad for you?

>> No.69163880

Post your breasts already, Nerissa

>> No.69163908

Yes. That's why stock nosedived. It was like -38%.

>> No.69163974

I'm not mad. I simply think that being mad at people because of a fantasy you've concocted that exists only in your own head is mental illness and you should seek help.

>> No.69164064

>Biboo is the best gamer in Hololive
Why is her growth so poor compared to the rest?

>> No.69164082

You can cope all you want sis, you can't erase shiori's past

>> No.69164155

The two don't have to be linked.

>> No.69164156

Last month you said her boyfriend was Killjoy, yet now it's pending because Killjoy proved to be a sad motherfucker who still couldn't get over the fact that he was dumped years ago and is single. Furthermore pending is a turbofag, as in he has a YouTuber channel and that man is straight up gay and in a gay relationship with a gay furry, confirmed by Shiori when talking about her friends and confirmed years ago by himself on his own channel. As for the rest, are you really bitching that she has artists as friends that she can contact to create her stuff for her? Oh the horror, oh wait no it's not it's just a sister still shitting on Shiori with a new cope because Shiori will never collab with the Holostars.

>> No.69164207

But she's actually not dogshit at games, why can't she grow as much as the others?

>> No.69164212

Eventually your anxiety, paranoia and selfmade fantasies of being NTR'd will destroy your mind and I think that's very sad.

>> No.69164308

We're probably going to see their channel growth begin to stagnate during the second half of this year.
I'm expecting to see a heavy shift in resource allocation next year when JP's decline is too obvious for Yagoo and shareholders to ignore.
It just doesn't make sense to make 3D access so difficult for the most profitable branch so they will need to buy or move their 3D equipment elsewhere. They also need stronger connections to American businesses since the Japanese sponsorships are clearly not worth shit.

>> No.69164355

You keep parroting this shit, and have never presented any proof. Put up or shut the fuck up I'm tired of reading this rrat.

>> No.69164379

I don't care about shiori, it's just sad how many poor fucks she's stringing along

>> No.69164430

sound like your personal experience cuck

>> No.69164477

I dont think there are that many people interesed in vtubers that are 'cracked' at videogames. It's a shame, I like Biboo

>> No.69164500

She's growing fine? FWMC are the outliers

>> No.69164507

>Roommate shit from years ago
>Blatant dox
Yeah...I think I know who the Nijisister is...

>> No.69164558

NTA but it sure sounds like you do

>> No.69164788

Rrat time: myth and council dislike advent, with the exception of Mori. Kiara likes Nerissa (or simply wanted to fuck her), Ame likes Shiori, but that's it.
Advent, for better or worse, is isolated from the rest of EN. This is why Shiori had a collab with Haachama before anyone in EN, why Biboo is so attached to Kaela, and why Nerissa had collabs with Niji girls.

>> No.69164860

Shiori wants a metal cover of "all the things she said" and an amv of it with fwmc

>> No.69164889

sort of right. nerissa would have just been a better fit for niji.

>> No.69164956

Hey janny, I haven't been on /b for months, I don't know their fucking culture. Stated personal feelings and opinions aren't trolling.

>Why is her growth so poor compared to the rest?
Do you mean subs or superchats because she's 3rd in subs.

>> No.69165052

>why Biboo is so attached to Kaela
Biboo collabs with Mori too

>> No.69165087

>Ame likes Shiori

>> No.69165130

what the fuck has happened to this thread

>> No.69165249
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>> No.69165305

>used to kiss novelites every stream
>didn't give novelites a single kiss on valentine's day
>even biboo gave pebbles a kiss despite biboo not being anywhere near GFE
it's actually over lmao

>> No.69165344
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Shiori is pure NTRbait, prove me wrong.

>> No.69165356
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>> No.69165416

uh, uh, incel!

>> No.69165418

It happens a lot. Suddenly sisters show up and ruin the discussion.

>> No.69165421

Novelites have taken worst fanbase from Deadbeats

>> No.69165459
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>> No.69165487

Kronies say hi

>> No.69165525

Shiori is...chubby?

>> No.69165538

>nijisisters deflecting with holo vs holo again

>> No.69165578

Anon we got a sex slow dance and multiple panty shots. The only one """mad""" about yesterday is you Nijiggers who raided out thread because your company is dying.

>> No.69165613
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Are you telling me Shiori is a unicorn now?

>> No.69165646


>> No.69165705

Why would I post in your thread? This is my first post on /vt/. I guess a lot of people must feel the way I do.

>> No.69165794

Already got warned for completely unrelated shit, whatever the fuck is going on with shiori is the problem of those paying her, I'm not one of those guys and thankfully I learned a fractured truth before joining your ranks.

>> No.69165839

Bae, Mori, Fauna and Mumei get along well with Biboo too?
Kaela and her are just inseparable best friends by now often even just talking to each other through their solo-streams like the other is supposed to be always watching (and it's often correct)

>> No.69165911
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>This is my first post on /vt/

>> No.69166150

Ok but as I said Mori is the only one who likes advent as a whole, or at least acts as a good senpai.

Yes, PL lore supports this + Shiori raids Ame.

>> No.69166161
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I hate this board so fucking much holy shit

>> No.69166179

The CCV and Subcount don't lie.
She's the only member of Advent under 500k.

>> No.69166221

My village just got internet today.

>> No.69166251

mori likes them because it was easy leeching off the new blood

>> No.69166348


>> No.69166409

An objective measures of her failure.

>> No.69166640

>Didn't mention supas or merch sales
She's the 2nd highest supa'd advent channel and one of the highest supa'd Holo channel in general. Her New Years merch is competing with Rissa for 3rd place, since no one can beat Fuwawa or Mococo in Advent, and her Valentines pre-order merch is selling more than Rissa and Biboo.

>> No.69166754

But for how long? Her superchat revenue is falling and she no longer gets as many reds. Her whales are leaving for greener pastures.

>> No.69166794

about 2 weeks

>> No.69166956

>Her superchat revenue is falling and she no longer gets as many reds.
Are you high? Genuine question btw considering she was the 2nd highest Supa'd advent channel over the course of valentines day and so far for the month of February the second highest Advent supa'd channel. Her whales and unicorns also aren't leaving, she reads every supa regardless of color so they spread out their supa's over the course of the stream like the fag who donated about $300 but in 6 separate supas in the course of 5 minutes so she reads every one.

>> No.69166994

336 hours

>> No.69167080

>Her superchat revenue is falling and she no longer gets as many reds.

I don't track numbers daily, where's the sign of that?

>> No.69167097

Fauna also has the lowest subs in Promise. I guess Fauna is now a runt.

>> No.69167192

The massive snort of coke he took before making that post.

>> No.69167233

Shiori has less fans than Nerissa than Biboo but hers are richer and more prone to spending.

This is by design, btw, it's evident the gen was planned with all the girls having different strengths and covering every base.

>> No.69167530
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You see, everyone who screams "cucked!", "NTR!", etc. are usually the same people who consume too much NTR porn. In a sense, they are more cucks than the people they are accusing of being cucks

>> No.69167595

Shiori streamed for years with a small audience. Now she's streaming to a large audience who send a lot of SC. I'm sure she's quite happy. I doubt she ever expected to be #1. And anyone who is in hololive is a success.

>> No.69167918

small my ass. She had like 400k subs or more.

>> No.69168131
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>There is a reason why JP underperformed by 40% in last revenue report

Old man yagoo losing his touch

>> No.69168332

That channel and the contents were not hers alone.

>> No.69168558

Shiori gets big SC numbers because she makes a genuine effort to read and react to them in real time as they come in rather than relegate to some dogshit 90 minute struggle session of name reading. It's actually impressive she does it as well as she does with the noombers she has.

>> No.69168638

She did cucked her audience yesterday all those guys featured in stream were pay piggies.

>> No.69169005

Most of promise and myth seem to be unmotivated to reach out to their kouhai, but they don't seem to be actively avoiding them.

The only one who seems to be deliberately avoiding advent is Gura. And not just because she doesn't stream either.
>um watch streams sister! she did that family feud collab!
You watch streams. The avoiding came after that.

>> No.69169044

>streaming constantly interrupted by superchats
that sounds like a dogshit viewer experience

>> No.69169155

Everyone who submitted their OC do not steal in time was included.

>> No.69169222

Her streams are consistently kino, she is one of the best yagoo ever hired, begone seething sister

>> No.69169335

is this the new tactic, calling other people sisters? you're not original

>> No.69169386

Slant eye detected

>> No.69169588

It's why I hate twitch streams

>> No.69169639

OK sir

>> No.69169836

Dunno personally I tend to find the 100db TTS and notification meme songs with bouncing pepes and wojacks flying across the screen far more annoying than the streamer taking two seconds to thank someone for a donation.

>> No.69170015

those aren't tits

>> No.69170033 [DELETED] 

Pretty much. They've become so addicted to NTR that that's the only way they can view the world. That or they just really want to write their own personalized stories to really get them off.

>> No.69170116

Pretty much. They've become so addicted to NTR that that's the only way they can view the world. That or they just really want to write their own personalized stories to really get them off.

>> No.69170296

>she wont cuck me says increasingly nervous man
Lmao, she is is just reeling you in further, its gonnna be the cucking of the year when it happens, you guys are fucking losers.

>> No.69170459

Her PL was big into NTR, like REALLY into NTR.

>> No.69170494

phase sisters ofc

>> No.69170514


>> No.69170582

You are a retard if you think anybody is fooled.

>> No.69170804

NTA but his complaints are valid, I also feel the same and I don't normally go on /vt/

>> No.69170953

NTA but even I can tell that you are the same person, and I don't normally go on /vt/

>> No.69170959

Yeah, I have never been to /vt/.

>> No.69171085
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>Why would you even predict cuckoldry?
he doesn't know

>> No.69171285

No, all women are whores. Sorry. You can’t blame everything on men.

>> No.69171417

lol say that to mori before debut

>> No.69171479

>Rrat time: myth and council dislike advent, with the exception of Mori.
They get along with Advent but they are closer to coworkers. That was going to become more noticeable as Cover debuts more EN gens. There will be constant overlap in their schedules after EN4 and EN5.

>> No.69171484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.69171529

because japan is going through a recession?

>> No.69171562

homobeggers see a girl like shiori who leans into unicorn stuff and become deeply upset when they realize there are women in this world who actually like GFE and don't want to do homo collabs.

Seeing this mutual happiness between chuuba and fan makes them deeply resentful because they are in this hobby to hurt unicorns, not to enjoy the hobby. They're parasites who live to cause drama and get deeply upset when it doesn't happen.

>> No.69171674

? I am not the same person though
I'm not one of the people "raiding" /shig/ either but I'm sure it just means there are others like me who saw the same things

>> No.69171731

i’d be happy too if I got paid for gfe as a ‘hobby’

>> No.69171744

no one mentioned a raid on /shig/. well you did. odd.

>> No.69171824

wasn't a surprise to me. sounds like you're a schizo.

>> No.69172115

Nta, I've never watched a single JP hololivers stream aside from one time I clicked on Korone Jump King, felt she made some cute noises, then left after 3 minutes.
I really don't understand the reason to watch a JP liver that doesn't have subtitles during her stream.

>> No.69172236

Croney did a live Twitter space

>> No.69172273

Cute noises, mostly.
Also you would be surprised at how quickly your brain picks up the language patterns if you watch enough.

>> No.69172341

It's this one btw BVTM tried to astro-truf her into being the bad one of her gen but it backfired hard when her most controversial collab choice has been Mori

>> No.69172377

>I really don't understand the reason to watch a JP liver that doesn't have subtitles during her stream.

>> No.69172811
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And they announced the name VAllure right after Phase Connect debuted their first Musical Sub-unit A/LURE.

>> No.69172898

why are sisters so mad at her? she seems harmless with lowest metric for advent, i can see fuwamoco being hated for their popularity alone but shiori is filling a niche, her page in dox site is tremendously horrendous people really do wanna berates her in her sleep

>> No.69173089

and one of their own had a collab with Flayon recently, the homo BVTM convinced everyone Shoiri would collab with simply because she thanked him on twitter. BVTM (not once) mentioned their Phase whore collabing with Flayon.

>> No.69173145

God they look so retarded and breedable.

>> No.69173266
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>hey I heard this chick is a vtuber that's actually good at games, let's check it out
>open stream
>gyatt sigma rizzler did you guys see the latest tiktok skibidi toilet
>close stream

>> No.69173385

Watching the losers hold a grudge from debut because their "respect my collab choices" shitpost didn't pan out is both funny and sad

>> No.69174433
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They've only tripled down, it's hilariously sad

>> No.69175515

I suspected Eilene was behind it, but she's definitely busy with other stuff now and yet the shitposting keeps going. So I don't get it either.

>> No.69175635

The worst thing is, people didn't even understand it. She has to get close to someone before she collabs, which is why she's rarely collabed with anyone outside advent.

>> No.69175747

she's close to haachama? i'd like to believe that is true, but

>> No.69175950

Mori knew shit about Hololive, her disdain for Idols was cured by Milky before she even joined Hololive

>> No.69176173

It's actually the opposite. Shiori is constantly asking about their incestuous relationship what makes them uncomfortable.

>> No.69176587

Mori changed her mind about idols before she joined Hololive; Milky Queen convinced her. You're perpetuating a rrat of a stream you didn't watch, and on that same stream she literally said she changed her mind.

>> No.69176774

I think Haachama invited her

>> No.69177470

Shiori was only happy to collab with Haachama because in Shiori's eyes, Haachama is an actual senpai, deserving of respect and her time. The rest of EN are subhuman kohais.

>> No.69177597

Because anything that plays on the insecurities of young men is guaranteed trollbait and (you)s.

>> No.69177920

i want to rail pixelwife

>> No.69177983

Based nerissachad

>> No.69178542

>Yeah but they aren't forcing talents to do BLM or dykegayhomofaggottrannyqueer+ celebration events
Give it some time, Sega, Square Enix, Sony, they'll get there.

>> No.69179674
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>why are sisters so mad at her?

>> No.69181877


>> No.69182095

People have a weird want for it. They always predict it, when its nonsensical, almost like they're projecting.

>> No.69182995

Yeah, Haachama mentioned that they where friends on stream before. Shiori has also mentioned Haachama on stream as well before the collab, and she said in her debut that people won't really know if she's actually close to someone unless she collabs with them.

>> No.69184122

Is this thread even about shiori anymore?

>> No.69184376

She didn't drink a lot of milk in the childhood, probably.

>> No.69185568


>> No.69186865

Goth girlfriend

>> No.69187467

Kill yourself sister

>> No.69187608

Sounds like you're projecting sister...do you want to share anything with the thread?

>> No.69191170

says who

>> No.69191175
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