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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 618 KB, 1883x1102, dokibird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69141797 No.69141797 [Reply] [Original]

>39daph has made previous appearances on Enna and Kyo's streams.
>She also shares a friendship with Kyo.
>In her offline chat, she mentioned Dokibird allegedly spreading baseless accusations and talked about potential legal action against her.
>Dokibird was supposed to stream her dog's birthday on Feb 14th, but someone who claims to know Dokibird announced the cancellation, citing "behind the scenes" drama involving Nijisanji.
>Several hours later, Dokibird confirmed the cancellation through a tweet.

I worry for Dokibird now

>> No.69141878

Chink on chink violence

>> No.69141880

Where is Niji going to sue? Canada? lmao

>> No.69141905

Can't they just fucking leave her alone for 5 minutes?

>> No.69141918

Who cares lol. That 39daph bitch is more retarded than mel.

>> No.69141952

The ride never ends

>> No.69141987

this person has no idea what they're talking about

>> No.69142011

>no proof to public
is counter-intuitive to
>doki doxxed me with her statement :'(
also, kurosanji has precedent in which they failed to shutdown dramaniggers, what makes you think they have a case now.

>> No.69142014

Isn't this the dumb cunt who openly disparages white people for being white and gets away with it?

>> No.69142024

>she mentioned Dokibird allegedly spreading baseless accusations
Against who lmao? She hasn't named a single person

>> No.69142029

> someone who claims to know Dokibird announced the cancellation
retard, she announced that she may not stream when they dropped the video during her stream

>> No.69142057

This is like a full-throated endorsement of Dokibird, kek. Being on the wrong side of this cunt and people like her is like a badge of honor.

>> No.69142062

This one wanted to fuck Sonny, right?

>> No.69142069

Doesn't matter if they have a case. I just want them to fucking leave people alone so she can get back to streaming.

>> No.69142085

Yes. They let Magni do a stream with that cunt.

>> No.69142100

Its okay because she's cute.

>> No.69142135

But who cares? They're complete retards who shot themselves in both knees on biggest social platforms. There are legal firms who are jealous of Dokibird's lawyer, because of this lawsuit.

>> No.69142140 [DELETED] 

she doesn't deserve to be left alone. backstabbing cunt should be hounded for the rest of her life for throwing her entire branch under the bus to make pity money. I hope she never has a moments peace again.

>> No.69142142

They're going to counter sue for... Accusations they themselves told the public? That's not how that works.

>> No.69142144

Japanese slander laws not going to hold up in Canada, also
>DOZENS of people
which people? she never named anyone.

>> No.69142150 [DELETED] 
File: 378 KB, 1538x2047, GGVwEp_b0AAN7rK.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course.
naturally, guess what her boyfriend looks like.

>> No.69142155

nijisanji is leakier than titanic it seems
roru it's this bitch, it's like they're trying to graner support for doki

>> No.69142171

I hope they do countersue her. With Anycolor's incompetent legal team, they likely don't know that, in Canada, defamation lawsuits require you to prove the defendant's claims false.

>> No.69142172


>> No.69142185

Who's this and why should their word hold any value?

>> No.69142197

This rrat seems flimsy. Going off the word of some dumb bitch aloupeep who's understanding of current events suggests retardation in the clinical sense and making the most obvious possible call about a doki stream cancellation.
Therefore, OP, I will have to cum in your ass. Can't be helped.

>> No.69142198

Now that's the ugliest asian twitch celeb I've seen so far

>> No.69142239

Ew. People in this thread were saying she's cute. You guys need to get your eyes checked.

>> No.69142246

are you blind? even in an unflattering pic she's hot as fuck

>> No.69142264

This. Thankful someone has rational thought here.

>> No.69142266

>"effectively slandered dozens of people to the public"
lmao where? when? What are they going to say in court, "Selen said she was bullied, and even though she never named any names publicly she was CLEARLY talking about ME because I bullied her"? Good luck with that.

>> No.69142273

I have full confidence that kurosanji is stupid enough to try and counter sue doki with no case.

>> No.69142285

Every statement made by dokibird has been lawyer approved and only addresses nijisanji statements. Granted, anyone can sue for any reason, so it might be true that they are pursuing action against Dokibird. I'm just saying nujisanji has slandered/liebled themselves.

>> No.69142288

This coming from Daph is honestly pretty interesting because she's a relative outsider with little skin in the game but still knows about vtubers. She could VERY easily just hop on the fuck Niji train if she wanted to and not involve herself with the drama

>> No.69142301

NDF are the dumbest niggers on the internet

>> No.69142313

They already torpedoes any case they might have had by taking multiple opportunities to slander her and publicly disclosing details of legal documents. The best case for Niji is the main branch immediately catching wind of this and settling out of court.

>> No.69142314

I'm sorry my tastes are different from just "anything slightly resembling asian."

>> No.69142327

Fortunately for doki Niji lawyers are retarded, don't know any english and will be forced to go to canadian court that tends to side with employees in civil cases.

Its not Japan, they can't just sue, say "Defamation" and automatically win.

>> No.69142331

>nothing was ever published
>suing for libel/defamation
they're fucking retarded...

>> No.69142374

>39daph is friends with Enna and Kyo
A bitch always attracts other bitches, who would've thought.
God I hope so, with how inept Nijisanji was handling Roa, Lulu, and dramaniggers copystrike case.

>> No.69142387

Post a single picture that proves her hotness. Until then I'm going to assume you're a ricefucker.

>> No.69142389

I just looked at /vt/ for the first time in 30 hours. Can I get a qrd on the drama development in the last 30 hours?

>> No.69142400

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.69142405

Also the fact that those Nijinigs brought it up themselves to public light serves to damage their reputation way worse than whatever Doki was about to do behind closed doors. They really brought it upon themselves.

>> No.69142404

>mainlander likes niji and hates hong konger
Tale as old as time. Everyone knows the correct side in this

>> No.69142423 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 1062x1295, 1000000124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were saying?

>> No.69142435

>"Selen said she was bullied, and even though she never named any names publicly she was CLEARLY talking about ME because I bullied her"
haha, they might actually do that.

>> No.69142434

schizos pretending to know things and lying to each other on the internet

>> No.69142444

how the FUCK did she bag that? he's hot

>> No.69142445

hot is really pushing it but she's cute. definitely not ugly unless you just hate asians lol

>> No.69142448

In my defense, I had only seen clips of her streams from like 4 years ago. She looks way different now.

>> No.69142457
File: 220 KB, 439x603, 1707226637817878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHO FUCKING CARES. You think this is about her taking a stand? Everybody knows that twitch leftie cunt only comes for the clout KEK

>> No.69142462

No way fag.
Bully will never stop when even their victim refuse to defend themselves.

>> No.69142465

Yeah. Ricefucker confirmed.

>> No.69142467

Nijisanji sinks itself by being retarded

>> No.69142484

nta but someone posted one above

>> No.69142482

who is this supposed to be?

>> No.69142486
File: 149 KB, 400x400, 1684042003636993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69142512

unironically I'd rather fuck him and I'm straight. (I think? Maybe not after seeing him)

>> No.69142520

The one thing that I believe may fuck Selen over here is that the initial thing that sparked all of this off, her tweet telling people to reupload the last cup of coffee MV, was a complete lie on her part regarding what management told her

Most of what Niji has put out has been self inflicted, but they could easily argue that they felt the need to defend themselves due to Selen fabricating what management said initially and that some livers got harassed as a result.

>> No.69142521

They don’t even need Japanese slander laws, what you on about. If the claims were not true and calculated to inflict damage, they got a case. It’s obviously not nothing and I hope doki’s lawyer get on top of this

>> No.69142524


>> No.69142530

If evil, why semi attractive?

>> No.69142536

Average body and man face lmao. Nta but she is like a 6/10 for asians, tops.

>> No.69142538

It'd be funny if they tried to sue Dokibird for telling things to the fucking lawyer she's consulting with. It wouldn't even surprise me at this point since they seem to have a poor grasp on how legal works going by how they misunderstand confidentiality.

>> No.69142539

That's a man.

>> No.69142541

aren't you suppose to post a photo where she look good?

>> No.69142551

NDF newfag, you know how many rrats came true this past year?

>> No.69142555

complete faggot confirmed

>> No.69142556
File: 1.22 MB, 480x360, chalmers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slandered dozens of people
can you name them?

>> No.69142558

Disgusting, she looks like a CGTN muppet

>> No.69142560

At this point everyone involved needs to just move on already. Even if Selen is in the wrong, stretching this drama out is not going to do any good for Nijisanji. They could show rock solid proof that her claims are all bullshit and all the youtube drama leeches who let the sheep know what to think are not going to budge an inch on seeing them as the bad guys. No need to keep the bad publicity going.

>> No.69142574

Nigga that's gay. You're gay.

>> No.69142581

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.69142585
File: 427 KB, 925x1211, 1707411075264935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best you could find?

>> No.69142598
File: 408 KB, 741x1285, awooga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sees literally any asian woman
>Anons pic related

>> No.69142600

butter face
she doesnt even look better than Towa

>> No.69142604

I don't want to see any threads about this bitch unless it's to announce that she has posted nudes.

>> No.69142605


>> No.69142607

Makeup and filters don't make someone attractive; they simply hide unattractiveness.

>> No.69142610

39daph, the girl that people were shitting on for being so ugly

>> No.69142618

She's like bootleg 5mm sensei

>> No.69142621

Doki refuse to defend herself and now the clique strikes back with vengeance

>> No.69142624

Nijitards couldn't even win case in their own turf(Japan). These retards at main office don't even know english, and you expect them to win a case in Canada?

>> No.69142631

>friends wih enna and kyo
evil attracts evil...

>> No.69142637


>> No.69142642

That's just Riku

>> No.69142661
File: 29 KB, 552x447, KEK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing ever being public by Doki
>Sue for defamation
Goodluck with that, what a bunch of retards

>> No.69142662

Honestly if this countersue happens, they're basically just outing themselves further as bullies. Just them posting that idiot "Message..." vid on the same time as Doki's stream alone outs themselves as having bully-like tendencies. Bullies don't just quit after any sign of retaliation like the ones in the fairy tales. If they have the means, they would absolutely want to get even. They should hate the very idea of leaving one of their targets be to live a happier life than they do.

Luckily, I have a feeling that the corporate wouldn't be eager to sue on their behalf after they fucked their stock prices with their stupid bullshit. Tazumi wants to keep that yacht like his life depends on it. Also they're a publicly traded company, and there's a limit to how much influence a non-owner can have

>> No.69142666

Passable, wouldn't be a dealbreaker if she wasn't a cunt

>> No.69142665

The stock value going down is the biggest argument they have, but only if it actually takes place in Japanese court.

>> No.69142669

Sort of.
In Japan any action that has a measurable effect on the honor of an individual or organization can be hit for defamation. However, in Canada you need to name names in a public forum. Private correspondence between you and your lawyer cannot be defamation. So, whether or not a countersuit has any legal validity is wholly dependent on the jurisdiction. Anycolor will fight tooth and fucking nail to get it moved to Japan, but if it stays in Canada they have nothing.

>> No.69142667

Nigga notSubaru looks cuter than her kek

>> No.69142672

Yellow fever can be quite powerful.

>> No.69142674
File: 170 KB, 700x700, etardra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she effectively slandered dozens of people
>I was bullied and I want to move on.

>> No.69142673

she looks extra chinky here but id still let her clean the taste of her ass off my huge white dick

>> No.69142681

>people think this is an attractive woman

>> No.69142692

>will countersue
Do it then? Surely they have a strong case that they all have faith in to win? There are lawyers who never even heard about idol agencies, vtubers and any of this shit and they're salivating at the chance to represent Selen, because other side is that much of a retard.

>> No.69142695

For the people simping, wait until you hear her talk and she sounds like Enna LMAO

>> No.69142698

im not actually sure how all that will go down.
Doki said her lawyer was actually in japan implying she was going through the japanese system, but, shes in canada so worse comes to shove she can just... ignore whatever ruling japan does, i'd imagine? i cant imagine either country upholding the ruling of the other. at worst some sorta barment from doing business in the other country maybe if they ignore the ruling, but that could only end up hurting Niji, a lone independent like Doki just isnt going to care about being barred from doing business in japan, especially when she probably doesnt have much of a fanbase there.

>> No.69142702

doki has slandered 0 people because she never publicly said who did what, it was elira who read it out and made it public.
t. lawyer

>> No.69142707

Impossible when she's trying to sue them

>> No.69142709

I thought doki said the documents were to part with Nijisanji regarding their contracts, she's not suing the company by any means?

>> No.69142710

I remember I was on the Magni train desu, but this was the turning point for me. This and the Scarra collab, it was clear for me that he just wasn't really on the same page about what Hololive was really about

>> No.69142715

Japanese honor laws are fucking retarded like that.

>> No.69142714


>> No.69142718

Towa is hot though

>> No.69142730

lmao no way that's a woman, that's 100% a man

>> No.69142740

I thought this was another white-hating asian female in a WMAF relationship, but this dude is actually of korean descent??? Crazy.

>> No.69142747

only if Selen can do it first without botching it again

>> No.69142750

Dokibird made a tweet basically shitting on nijisanji and that its all out wsr now, even though she was ready to just put it all behind her and move on
NDF got scared shitless and said she "lost"(?)(somehow) and were trying to bait her into leaking confidential documents. Fortunatelly for Doki, her lawyer isnt a retarded twitter freak so she didnt do that and fuck herself in future court
tl;dr Nijisanji lost before it even began and they have only themselves to blame for it. Oh and the clique was confirmed to exist and Elira is most likely part of NijiEN staff

>> No.69142754

>putting yourself in a middle of a crossfire for e-clout
these people have no brain

>> No.69142759

Holy kek

>> No.69142762
File: 3.32 MB, 2360x2851, 1688022696740917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, that whore? No wonder Magni collabed with her.

>> No.69142763 [DELETED] 
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>> No.69142792

Yeah totally, the woman who has been talking to her lawyer from day 1 and not releasing random haphazard statements but always "I talked to my lawyer and he okayed the following" is gonna get counter-sued.

You nijiretards need better rrats.

>> No.69142793

well yeah now she is gonna have to tough up becasue if she spected to go unscathed she was not just naive but dumb.
i wish she wasnt fat, suicidal girls in the verge of breakdown are hot.

>> No.69142814

The scarra collab was fine, the daph one was just fucking boring.

>> No.69142823

Oh no, she's retarded.

>> No.69142835

The moment she named and accused the livers of bullying, gave them the right to see that documents and be informed of the accusations.

>> No.69142854

I read through the entire log in another thread. Daph is retarded and has no idea what is going on.
She spends most of the time arguing that Doki never should have released the damning statements while also saying that Doki not going full public with her legal documents somehow makes her look bad.

What she doesn't know is, Doki never released some wild statement that threw everyone under the bus. Nijisanji are the onces that have been releasing bullying claims, suicide attempt etc.
Conclusion: What Daph says doesnt matter and shes retarded

>> No.69142862

> Therefore, OP, I will have to cum in your ass. Can't be helped.
Jesus dude you don’t know where that’s been. You’ll get sick.

>> No.69142867

Informed? Yes. Allowed to say that shit in public? No. What part of this is hard for you to understand? It was under NDA faggot.

>> No.69142878

That's why i like her

>> No.69142885

>The moment she named and accused the livers
When will that moment be, exactly? Need to clear my schedule.

>> No.69142892

90% of slander cases fall through on grounds of proving intent, because the bar is extremely high

>> No.69142909

Anycolor filing a countersuit is inevitable, actually. It's just how Japanese companies function. The suit holding any water is the long shot.

She didn't name anyone in a public space. Correspondence between an individual and a representative with client privilege can never be counted as defamation in Canadian or American law.

>> No.69142941

They're gonna fucking lose, so that's cool.

>> No.69142942

Which one of the three are you?

>> No.69142951

>Doki defamed people.
>In a confidential legal document.
Do words have any meaning to this person, or are they just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks?

>> No.69142958

It's very unlikely it was under NDA, otherwise Niji's lawyers wouldn't have let them stream it. Either there was no NDA, or Niji found some loophole that allows them to leak the vast majority of it.

>> No.69142965

I can believe she's getting counter-sued but not because there's any real legitimacy to the case but just because to win a legal battle you don't have to go to court. You just have to make one side miserable enough that they won't pursue anything further. Having "dozens of people" claim slander and get in on the case increases the amount of litigation that Doki has to wade through, costing her more money and thousands more lawyer hours to make her give up. Even if all the claims of slander are possible to get thrown out before any real legal matters begin, the amount of work it creates could demoralize her from continuing to pursue any action.

>> No.69142967

Japanese laws permit you to sue somebody even if the claims are true. For example, suing you for leaving a bad review on website even if what you said is true. Fucking fleshtubers living in Japan don't talk about this drama because they can get sue. Freaking Rushia also tried to sue a 2channeler for mild internet insult.

>> No.69142972

If she actually kills herself over this, Nijisanji will forever be remembered as the first big corpo to successfully run a talent or ex-talent into suicide. Something even WACTOR failed at despite getting very close.
We thought all the shitty smaller corpos would do it.
Nijisanji stepping in to claim the crown of <Hanger of Oshi's>

This would send shockwaves so big that NIJI JP will feel the brunt of the repercussions.

>> No.69142991

yeah they're trying to fuck with Doki, I hate those organs. They won't give up...

>> No.69143009

doesn't she have better things to do...
like sucking off hasan piker or something...

>> No.69143018

>Niji found some loophole that allows them to leak the vast majority of it.
There are no such loophole in Canadian law tho

>> No.69143019

imagine if daph stops streaming this WHOLE month because she gets outed haha.

>> No.69143040

Bitch do you not understand how lawsuits work? If you get shown something from a lawyer, it's probably under some protection clause. You can't just show that shit to everyone, and you sure as fuck can't talk about it in the open. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.69143054

They will not manage to sue her in Japanese courts for an alleged crime she committed on Canadian soil. Now, if she had committed the crime in Japan and fled to Canada, that might(?) be a different story. That's usually when extraditions occur, but I don't see an extradition treaty between Canada and Japan. Which may be why Elira fled the country.

>> No.69143057

Daph is one of the most immature people on fucking twitch and a college dropout to boot, just consider anything she says a shitpost

>> No.69143061

None of this was done in Canada, it was entirely done through Japanese lawyers.
Source: Doki's most recent statement.

>> No.69143064

This thread is full of women.

>> No.69143065

Retard lawfare? Aww yeah. Dramabros, we eating well

>> No.69143077

If Niji's lawyers had any control over the situation, there is zero chance that video would've gone out.

>> No.69143083

At this point I'm not assuming that anything is too retarded for Niji's lawyers.

>> No.69143086

Actually a bit wrong there. Nijisanji did release that they got hold of confidential documents that are for >>>>>>>LAWYERS ONLY<<<<<<<<< , that means niji lawyers and doki lawyers. Vox, le retard admitted in that 15 minute stream that they(refering to the 3) read these documents. Basically admitting that they broke the law.
Nijisanji is finished and their defense force is shitting their diapers

>> No.69143115

>entirely japanese
lmao she fucked up

>> No.69143118

Isn't her current boyfriend,who she quickly got with after her last, on a dick tier list by extra Emily?

>> No.69143126

eh she deserved it for being a menhera
Niji also desrves to go down forsucking ass

at the end WE win.

>> No.69143131

she got into drama with blackpink, a kpop group, she sure as fuck won't care about this. kpop schizos are 100x worse than any containment breaker army

>> No.69143135
File: 21 KB, 592x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She can be counter-sued for slander
Got this bullshit recommended to me thanks to YouTube algo. Looked it up, it's actually true.
TLDR: apparently you can be sued in Japan just for saying something unflattering about a person in public, and it doesn't even matter if it's true.
So if they are going by Jap law, yeah, they might have a case.

>> No.69143150

I genuinely would not be surprised if that was their plan. I would not put it past soulless corporate husks and the bully clique to go: "If we kill her we just win"

>> No.69143151

I'm pretty sure she'll be okay, the defamation claims are absolutely retarded outside Japan. Winning the case is not the goal. NijiEN just wants to pressure her and intimidate her. Classic corpo tactics. It's, once again, psychological warfare meant to discourage a mentally unstable individual, just like Elira's hit stream.
The interesting part is, if this lawsuit is from Elira (since she's in Japan), then JP management MUST be involved. Have they dug deep into EN's corruption and decided they don't care? Are they in on it? These are the real questions.

>> No.69143162

Isn't she the person who thinks all whites are pigs? I remember she tried to coin the derogatory term for whites, was it "snow trash" or something? Whatever it was didn't have as much weight as the NIGGER word.

>> No.69143167

Post the rating

>> No.69143169

Nijisisters really think 39daph is a trustworthy source.

>> No.69143174

This one word is doing a lot of heavy lifting.
The point remains the same: if the information the clique revealed on stream was under NDA, Niji's lawyers wouldn't have let them reveal it. It's just that simple. We know their statement were reviewed by a lawyer because a) they said so and b) they would have been punished if they had actually gone rogue.

>> No.69143179

I'm expecting all the tits to back that up.

>> No.69143180

>some retarded twitch whore not affiliated with either group says retarded shit
>143 replies
This board is filled with inbred mongoloids

>> No.69143189

It will be very funny if Wlira gets extradited and this becomes an international incident.

>> No.69143188

I'm still waiting for one of you retards to name who specifically she defamed.

>> No.69143192

What make you think people won't fund her lawyer cost? Speaking about WHO is suing you is not illegal either, all Selen have to say is who the people suing her are and we'll see who will be miserable.

>> No.69143196

Jap laws dont work in canada.

>> No.69143232


>> No.69143237

>Japanese lawyers
Yeah that where they fucked up. Lol

>> No.69143238

It would be pants on head retarded if it wasn't under a protection of some kind. That's how these things work. Also none of them have streamed since, so how the fuck do you know they haven't been punished?

>> No.69143259

Go back to your deadbeat father's crusty ballsack and look for your common sense you whale.

>> No.69143260

Doki isn't in Japan you fucking retard

>> No.69143265

>after you publicly admitted to wrongdoings
>thinking any court won't find it funny you waited til NOW to do so
>while your EN branch is on fire from statements that "are their own making"
Daph is a very daft cunt who is only worried her EN collabs are about to all be canceled lol

>> No.69143273

>through Japanese lawyers.
There are Japanese lawyers who move to other countries to work in international law though.

>> No.69143286

that is what i said.

>> No.69143288

Why the FUCK is she involved in this mess. Leave her the fuck alone, you attention whore.

>> No.69143294

Cost isn't the issue here, man. I just want some haha hee hee streams, and a depressed doki isn't a streaming doki.

>> No.69143297

Ofcourse some retarded flesh whore had to get involved.
I hope her career gets ruined by this.

>> No.69143303

>I have no counter argument.
Cry more bitch.

>> No.69143313


>> No.69143328

can anybody debunk this please?

>> No.69143337

So is this bitch siding with Nijisanji?

>> No.69143339

You all invited the normalfags in by promoting dramawhores

>> No.69143345

read the whole thing you fucking retard.

>> No.69143352

Are you a chink? You type exactly like one
You do not get to enforce chink laws on someone in canada no matter the circumstance

>> No.69143357

Anime court where legal documents don't contain real names

>> No.69143359

Read the fucking thread.

>> No.69143374

I agree, but she might have slandered NinisanjiEN by stating that they shared her confidential document when they claim they didn't.

>> No.69143376

They might be going for exhaustion tactics to get her to kill herself.

>> No.69143384

How about the moment she brought lawyers and that document claiming bullying? Do you want to want me to spell that in monkey so it'd finally hit you?

>> No.69143387

Buy an ad, whore

>> No.69143398

>literally make zero claims, the people who fired you say you made claims
>they then sue you for claims they claim you made that you never did

>> No.69143400

Stopped reading here

>> No.69143402

do not add the context cute white hate messages to your posts. They have been dis-proven and people will focus on that rather then your findings.

>> No.69143417

It's kind of important actually because it shows that nijisnakes are slandering her behind the scenes. She's also surely not the only person they've talked to, it's going to be hard for her to get collabs in the future.

>> No.69143419

Isn't 39daph like a turbo racist who hates wypipo? I thought for sure 4chan would love her, am I wrong?

>> No.69143423


>> No.69143425

She slandered the bullies who got the hint

>> No.69143435

how did she slander anyone? have people already forgotten that it was niji themselves that threw their own livers under the bus? lol

>> No.69143438

You're putting a lot of faith on a bunch of obvious idiots. Even if everything you say is true, no sane lawyer would've approved that video going public. It did nothing to strengthen their legal position. More shit going public isn't good for anyone.

>> No.69143446

You can post literally anything on this board and retards will gobble it down whole

>> No.69143453

Wasn't that daph whore a gook?

>> No.69143454

>all they have to do is leave her alone
kyoani inc

>> No.69143458

3rdies on this board are anti-racism

>> No.69143460

>hasn’t named anyone other than in legal documents

NDF you are retarded, you can’t sue because the actions of your own side supported the worst conclusions people had already made about your black company and acted accordingly

All Niji and your retarded clique had to do was shut the fuck up and say nothing. They couldn’t even do that, so everything that happens next is their fault.

>> No.69143477

Read her termination notice you fucking retard
You cannot quote or cite dokibird ever saying that

>> No.69143481

Honestly the funniest part is this borderline-suicide note was likely poorly translated into JP and then poorly translated back to EN.
And niji is still rushing to put out full retard tier statements

weird how someone who is retarded and literally always wrong would line up with people who are in the wrong and retarded

>> No.69143484

Asians love wypipo, daph is just tsun

>> No.69143486

All I'm saying is I definitely didn't bully Selen into trying to commit suicide. But if I did, then then it was her fault.

>> No.69143495

Hey buddy.
Where does Connor live?
Where does Doki live?
yeah that's a bit of an issue for Niji huh?

>> No.69143500

anycolor hired a team of jew lawyers.

>> No.69143507

Where the fuck did you get that from my statement? It means they practice the law of the country they move to for cases involving people from their original country. Like when a Japanese company gets sued in Canada.

>> No.69143522

What a Cunt im starting to belive they genuily want er to kill herself

>> No.69143533

Oh god, he's mad. Look at this guy screaming like a pegged babboon.

>> No.69143536

Not enough info.
Search reddit for the clips

>> No.69143538

Daph is the most disgusting fleshwhore Twitch. It makes sense that she's Enna friend

>> No.69143539

That's one of the most obvious men I've ever seen trying to crossdress.

>> No.69143562

oh god i hope niji countersues what will basically be the end of nijiEN lmao

>> No.69143564

I'll reply to you when you name names retard. Otherwise you ain't getting any more from me.

>> No.69143575

No? She said correspondence was done internationally, through translations.

>> No.69143588

it will also end doki
so is a win win

>> No.69143599

Oh you are retarded
I really have to stop giving you anycolor fucktards the benefit of doubt lol

>> No.69143600

Funniest part is she swore off of ‘vtubers’ after the Fagni stuff, yet converses with them constantly.

>> No.69143602

REMINDER: Doki has never named dropped any names. ALL the names came from the retards at kurosanji.
>she did on the "docs"
Yeah? It was an HR complaint meant for lawyers only but the imbeciles shared those docs to irrelevant organs and in turn, actually doxxing Doki.

>> No.69143615

The last 2 messages from daph in the OP show she's a fucking dumbass. It's great she has an insider(s). Unfortunately that insider is also a fucking retard who's in trouble. They can say whatever they want to "justify" Anycolor revealing those documents to the Livers, but it was illegal to do so.

>> No.69143618

the best part is they're trying to counter-sue over an HR complaint because they can't even figure out it was an HR complaint just asking to terminate her contract so she could stream again.

They thought she was fishing for wrongful termination and/or hostile work environment.

We've literally gotten to this point just cause Niji did not want her to stream indie AT ANY (negligible) COST.

>> No.69143626

Can't they just keep this issue on closed doors?
All these drama hungry pests are eating this up.

>> No.69143631

She probably got shitty bargain basement lawyers that didn't bother putting in an NDA or something. She doesn't speak Japanese and got scammed.
I don't see any evidence Niji's lawyers are so incompetent they don't understand the basics of NDA law. What you're talking about is PR stuff, and maybe it did hurt them, but that's not really a legal issue.

>> No.69143638

This is a forsen board.

>> No.69143658

Niji is really going for the Chewbacca defense on this one huh.

>> No.69143661
File: 248 KB, 500x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's crazy how people who've got jack shit to do with the whole thing see this dumpster fire of a situation, and think to themselves
"Yeah, imma get involved in this, that's a good idea"

>> No.69143660

This is getting confusing, do we hate Doki now?

>> No.69143674

>Making shit up
Okay buddy, enjoy being retarded. I'm sure her manager didn't help her get a good lawyer. You know, it's basically his fucking job.

>> No.69143682

Dokibird's house of cards is crashing down pretty quickly, lol. I think she was expecting to be able to cruise on the drama train for a while longer. I think she expected Niji to lay low since the court of public opinion is largely on her side. However Niji is striking back anyway. Good for them! Dokibird is a menhera grifter.

>> No.69143698

i though whyte people love it? Dont you guys pay money to kiss the feet of black people because of slavery?

>> No.69143716

Depends on who "we" is supposed to be

>> No.69143717

you limp dick fuckers need to actually research your shit, she hasn't said shit about white people. But she is so openly misandrist you guys could have a field day collecting all the shit she generalizes about "MEN!"

>> No.69143725

This is very important to note. The NDF won’t even admit the self-report happened.

>> No.69143733

>Company makes a termination notice saying she said she was harrassed/abused/bullied
>She comments on it
>Company: reee you're slandering us!

Imagine trying to call it slander when you're the one saying all this shit then trying to blame her because she responds agreeing it's true.

>> No.69143737

why would you hate the correct party in this situation
NIJISANJI is retarded, DAPH is retarded, THEY are retarded, doki is probably a little menhera and mindbroken from years under a black company but she isn't in the wrong

>> No.69143739


>> No.69143741

No Ndf is just in full force today.
what happend now is just another bully exposed

>> No.69143743

It’s so painfully retarded but hilarious. I hope they do sue so she can take them to the fucking cleaners

>> No.69143747

Yeah, second generation chink who’s part of the white hatred woke brigade, it’s so funny to me how those subhuman parasites seemingly always live in western nations that they claim to hate so much.

>> No.69143755
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>> No.69143768

im pretty sure this is why NTR is such a big thing now....
god i hate it.

>> No.69143766

Even if they did manage to get this moved to Japan, which they won't because Canada actually has workers' rights, >>69143135 shows the maximum fine at just over 3,000 USD and Canada is NOT going to extradite a citizen for this bullshit.
So the impossible worst case scenario is she loses one stream worth of revenue, kek

>> No.69143770

So, is she just a contrarian?
>She hates hololive
>Therefore niji is good because it's the anti-hololive
>Therefore doki is bad because she's opposing hololive

>> No.69143788

>said nothing about white people

>> No.69143797

My rrat has been shifting to "Someone has spiked NijiEN's water with LSD and they're all fucking tripping balls" at this point.

>> No.69143798

there is an anti doki raid since the morning, is quite obvious and retarded lol

>> No.69143800

/vt/ oppose bully culture, nepotism and racism

>> No.69143802

I just feel so vindicated to see them keep fucking up after what EN and JP nijisisters were saying about selen and how that spread to the rest of TSB.

>> No.69143808
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>> No.69143810

dumb fuck.

>> No.69143818

it will be, but people on bothside will keep leaking shit.

>> No.69143822

>Send a private legal document to lawyers
Smartest Nijinigger.

>> No.69143830

There's an example right there in the middle. It's even a different color so it's easier for you to read, little buddy.

>> No.69143829

She never says that. Here is what she actually says.
>All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country.
This heavily suggests all of the lawyers were Japanese. You would never hire a Canadian lawyer to deal with Japan anyway, if she did she got mega scammed, they're neither qualified nor licensed to practice law in Japan.

>> No.69143833


>> No.69143867
File: 3.13 MB, 2716x3500, elira is management rrat 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sums it up
also doki confirmed to be shit at sudoku

>> No.69143889

>knowing anything
she's a female hasan piker, except worse in every way.

>> No.69143904

Lawyers are not perfect machines. In the same promotion you get valedictorian and retards that barely got a passing grade. Most of them are just a bunch of retards trying their hardest to get clients even if they are not familiar in that field
Seeing how anycolor keeps losing legal battles and releasing retarded PR announcements and streams, they most likely hired a couple of retarded but cheap lawyers

>> No.69143909

How would her manager know who the good lawyers in Japan are? How does working for xqc do that?
Also, I suspect she got the lawyer well before she hired sovereign, if anyone helped her it was probably her parents. Maybe they hired a fellow Chinese, they like to keep things within the tribe.

>> No.69143922

Always has been
t. Aloucuck

>> No.69143929

All biases set aside, is Doki in the right or in the wrong?

>> No.69143936

hasan is hot at least, daph is mutated

>> No.69143937

>penal servitude
i sentence you to three years of serving my peen

>> No.69143954
File: 521 KB, 1170x1435, IMG_7749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Down almost 30k since Sunday

>> No.69143960

How would they move this case to Japan? Aren't the EN manage also in Canada when this happened?

>> No.69143968

>Sisters trying to deflect by turning it into a straight up /pol/ thread and meidos do nothing


>> No.69143979

The concept of jurisdiction is foreign to you huh

>> No.69143985

You clearly don't know how the business world works. It's about connections. "I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy". But do keep sucking Njij dick. I'm sure you'll be vindicated.

>> No.69143992

Anon, Nijisanji is a multibillion dollar corporation. They either have an in-house legal team or a contract with a prestigious Japanese legal firm. The fact they are able to leak this document to damage Doki's reputation and she can't do anything about it but tell everyone to move on demonstrates their lawyers ran circles around her lawyers.

>> No.69143997

She's a clout-chasing whore. She used to collab with Magni for clout. She has no integrity.

>> No.69144000

except elira named them, not doki

>> No.69144001

If she's in the right, she wouldn't apply to Nijisanji in the first place

>> No.69144007

She isn't in the wrong at least in this case.

>> No.69144008

>college dropout discussing bilateral law
kek I fucking love the confidence

>> No.69144026

favoritism is obviously happening in niji, but is it illegal? can they get sued over that? I thought it's just some shit you bring to HR and nothing happen

>> No.69144030

I don't think they're suing. They already overplayed their hand and the court of public opinion has ruled against Nijisanji. Any legal action they might take will just hurt their business more.

>> No.69144037

Yes, that is what managers do anon, but that does not mean they have connections in every part of the world and can hire you good lawyers. And again, she likely did not even have a contract with sovereign when she hired a lawyer, that came later.

>> No.69144039

No. They've already proven to the world that they are the blackest of black corpos. May as well go full mask-off now that no one's on their side.

>> No.69144043

Anon she’s been vague enough about the bullying situation that not only has she not named names, she never even said it was Niji that was bullying her. There is no case.

>> No.69144055

>The thing that looks to everyone else like it's retarded isn't retarded because company that has done SO well at managing yabs clearly managed this one well and not poorly.
Okay buddy, drink less.

>> No.69144069

You gotta love /vt/'s international tort law arc

>> No.69144089

As a streamer you get a distorted image of your own self-competence when you've got thousands of retards singing your praises on the daily for nothing more than opening your mouth.

>> No.69144095

feed me anti-Selen rrat

>> No.69144109

She's not the one who brought up bullying first or even published the name of anyone allegedly involved if that's what you're asking.

>> No.69144123

She plays Apex

>> No.69144129
File: 171 KB, 400x400, Roa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do they keep losing fucking stupid lawsuits over and over?

>> No.69144135

Niji execs must be on drugs. Is winning in court worth reputational suicide in an industry where PR is everything?
They have to be aware that a massive corpo ganging up on a mentally ill suicidal girl is never going to look good even if she did something bad.

>> No.69144137

>chinese canadians
What about them is so intertwined to vtubing? They're the most sheltered people on the planet

>> No.69144148
File: 240 KB, 1024x640, 1668533255540581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and can actually be countersued
>she effectively slandered dozens of people with no proof to public
uh, did she? when?
or is 39daph implying
>so she sent a document that was meant only be read by lawyers and NEVER talked about it, never gave names, and only made lawyer-approved statements AFTER nijisanji made the allegations public
>so nijiEN read that document in public
>that means dokibird made that document public
if they can "countersue" her, I don't know, but I'm 100% sure they CAN'T countersue her for making things public... since niji were the ones that did...
also, I laughed at this
>she slandered dozens of people to public
>the public hasn't seen it

>> No.69144157

I mean, it's clearly having an impact, look at the OP. It hasn't assuaged public sentiment against Niji but it's going a good job fucking her on the way out the door by sabotaging her reputation with content creators and other players in the scene.

>> No.69144163

This all makes a lot more sense when you consider the clique is still running by highschool-style rumor mill threats and fearmongering instead of actual lawyering. If Doki was the machiavellian mastermind NPD's making her out to be:

>Lawyer: Hey those apes are trying to countersue.
>Doki: LOL, just as planned. How much can we clean them out by?

And meanwhile Riku's on a fucking speedboat coming for EN management with a katana in hand, so at this point I wish the clique all the best.

>> No.69144175

Why do these turbo retards keep bringing up japan laws when she lives in Canada?

>> No.69144179

except for the cover stock also falling, which implies it's just the current investment climate and not the whole drama situation.

>> No.69144180

Ah yes a rational take from mrs snow roaches.

>> No.69144182

she's canadian
she's goddamn LEAF

>> No.69144192

doesn't count. we're talking about doki here, not some literal who

>> No.69144199

I'm not defending them, I'm saying Selen's lawyer could be Japanese-Canadian. You're assuming they must be Japanese in Japan just because they speak the language. Anycolor is fucked by Canadian law and that's a good thing.

>> No.69144204

Niggas in here suddenly acting like you're a law expert, why don't you tell me what Tennessee v. Garner is about without googling it.

Go on i'll wait

>> No.69144206

shes not very good at fps games and has never achieved a rank like GM or Pred without a professional player queueing with her

>> No.69144209

if this goes to court then is gonna be bad for selen. Not becasue she will lose, she can get out of this after months of back and forth, but because the alegations of bullying will be inspected in court.
And im dam sure both selen and her lawyer know that shit wont fly with the judge. they need to be really fucking smart to not bring anything about the bullying in court if the sueing is just becasue of selen statements damagin the invovled partes in any shape or form. Becasue if the judge even mention that the bullying wasnt the casue of her actions then it will be a hit to both selen psyche or image.
i would say the same about niji losing but their image is already ass they have nothing to lose.

i still think nothing will go to court becasue is a dam hassle and at some point both parties will do compromise and apologize to each other.

>> No.69144216

I didn’t say shit nor blame anyone buddy, calm your pussy

>> No.69144226

Please understand sisters insist that her responding to niji spilling their spaghetti is her slandering them and that niji's legal team is unbeatable

>> No.69144227

Yeah, this isn't getting enough attention. If they talked to this literal whore then they've been slandering and defaming doki with every contact they have.
Could explain why vshojo who are typically "rah rah talent freedom!" have been stone silent on this latest episode of a black corpo abusing their power.

>> No.69144231

It's weird knowing that some people involved in the case come to this board to post the information. It's like they know that if something gets traction here, some anons are gonna do the detective work and that will end up everywhere because of twitter and youtube videos

>> No.69144238

Nijisister, your lol...

>> No.69144246

Desperate sisters think she can be extradited to Japan LMAO

>> No.69144253

nijisanji: *makes everything public in their 3 page termination notice and 15 minute video*
also nijisanji: wtf how dare selen make everything public
meanwhile selen: haha neopets lol

>> No.69144256

What else will this board do when all of this drama goes away? Go back to Michael Cat?

>> No.69144267

Bro nobody is getting sued or countersued yet. If that was happening we'd know about it. Lawsuits are not private.

>but they could sue her in japa-

Japan doesn't have jurisdiction over her, she doesn't work there, she doesn't live there, even if they did succeed in the lawsuit they'd have to transfer that judgement to a canadian court where it would have to comport with canadian law to be approved. In short, its not happening.

>> No.69144269

Seems to be in the wrong for bullying my brown mommy

>> No.69144275

Japs aren't new to this. Kadokawa did the same thing during Kemono friends debacle. doesn't matter if they burn their house down. what's important is that they're not wrong.

>> No.69144277

Cover's stock dropped after their financial report, not a comparable situation at all

>> No.69144282

is an apex adict girl. all of those are menheras.

>> No.69144288

39daph is dumber than a pile of rocks, I can’t even remember what she has going for her stream appeal except being in association with other more well known asian streamers.

>> No.69144306

Even in the Roa case, which was essentially uncharted territory, they won some of the legal battles including establishing precedent about how vtubers are treated legally. They didn't win in the end, but going to trial is always a risk.
Anyway, I wouldn't say Niji has had a lot of legal trouble to the point we can assume they don't understand what an NDA is.

>> No.69144315

Reading this gave me an aneurysm.

>> No.69144317

There's literally screenshots of sisters talking about raiding /vt/ on discord.
They also do this shit in other threads and generals on a regular bases
>t. ruffian

>> No.69144334

>Dokibird is likely being countersued by Nijisanji and their livers

>> No.69144338

based selen's lawyer shitposting in between meeting clients at his law firm

>> No.69144345

Surely it will be great for their public opinion

>> No.69144348

it was also criminal court
not a civil one.
not sure if they went civil after.

>> No.69144358

>Nijisanji winning a defamation case when they can't even win against a dramatuber specializing in defamation

>> No.69144361

>it doesn't count that they lost a lawsuit due to their own incompetence when trying to argue that they're clearly competent because trust me bro

>> No.69144373

>Chinese Canadian Women
Suicidal. Legal Trouble. Civil War.
>Korean Canadian Women
Unbothered. Happy. Flourishing.

>> No.69144381

Who the fuck knows. There is no proof anywhere lol. All we know is she tried to kill herself and fucked up trying to go around management. Niji is dumb af and should have just tried to terminate Doki on neutral terms with neither side posting any bs.

Schizo thought: She played this pretty well if she wanted the public on her side. No one wants to question the sweet girl that tried to kill herself twice because of the "bullies."

>> No.69144390

They are retarded chinks that think you can enforce another countries laws on selen
They try to do that all the time as was the case with that 1 brit that accidentally had CCP agents on his stream

>> No.69144404

they dont have public opinion anymore the fanbase demonized them to the point they can do this and realize they cant lose anything else.
i do think doki shouldhave tardwrangler the fans and viewers a little bit better.

>> No.69144419

Harassment is a pretty low bar though. If she's getting bombarded by her co-workers about the MV even if individually what they're saying may not seem bad all of them sending her shit on behalf of the company is pretty toxic in and of itself and she has the medical records to attest to the effects of it

>> No.69144422

>A person who defames another by publicly [...]
So they can't sue her.
She was smart enough to listen to her lawyer, she NEVER made anything >public<, she didn't say a single name >in public<
Even in her lastest tweet when she says "I'm sorry" to Vox for the recording misunderstanding, she NEVER said his name.
You CANNOT find a single piece of public defamation coming from her to another person in specific. If anything, THEY could get sued for that.

>> No.69144434

In house legal teams are usually underpaid intern lawyer that need to handle a wide variety of legal fields. Jack of all trades, master of none
Prestigious legal firms are just prestigious in name. They charge their clients a plus for the brand, then let the cases be handled by inexperienced graduates that do slave labor to burry the other party in mountains of paperwork and only big money making cases are handled by the seniors
Seeing how much they fucked up with Roa's and dramatuber's lawsuits, I can conclude their lawyers are incompetent

>> No.69144441

Niji will just pay Selen a settlement and then fire the responsible NijiEN livers/managers, they're not going to risk losing a court battle.

>> No.69144443

To be fair if they filed against her in japan they'd likely win because its literally not worth contesting a lawsuit in japan if you are not subject to the jurisdiction of japan

But to get the judgement applied in canada they'd essentially have to win again but his time under canadian law. IE: Won't.

>> No.69144450

oh they do, still many drones out there and the subs keep going down, they can go lower

>> No.69144460

>"the public hasnt seen it but the individuals being accused have, and they disagree"
Wow, bullies being accused of bullying don't agree? What a shocker. They must be innocent then.

>> No.69144478

>So if they are going by Jap law, yeah, they might have a case.
Nigga this is not a Kodakawa sending a C&D to some anituber reviewer. If they want to sue Doki it will be in Canada. Also Conner lives in Japan on a visa, his situation is not remotely comparable to Doki's

>> No.69144488

Look I love both Ina and Kronii but they're definitely not unbothered and happy is definitely debatable.

>> No.69144500

>japan; Doki japan has found you guilty, hand over the money.
>Doki; No
>japan; Canada, we demand you force Doki to hand over the money.
>Canada; we haven't forgotten WWII- er, we mean no.
>japan; well we tried our best Niji.

basically exactly how it would go down.

>> No.69144506

>I HEREBY DECLARE their lawyers are incompetent

>> No.69144511

The niji legal department is so retarded, I'm convinced a lawsuit would end with Doki owning anycolor, by their sheer incompetence.
>financial impact is negligible, you now undercut the burden for slander
>directly imply that your organs were the bullies and not just management, when doki kept it vague
>tell organs to make a statement before your trust fund baby boss does
>tell them to say they went over the full confidential documents
>tell them to directly name who the alleged bullies are, including the host of the stream
>last hope is chink sisters shitting up social media in the hope that Doki is 1% as retarded as you and will let something spill

>> No.69144529

This Chingchong Sally bitch looks like a man. Is retarded to boot too. No wonder she's a maniacal leftists, she wouldn't be able to survive without sucking off the right people, lol.

>> No.69144530

Or maybe she isn't just some innocent party in this. Niji is stupid af, but so is Doki considering how much money she spent on shit even while knowing Niji wouldn't reimburse her.

>> No.69144553

the idea of Anykara or Livers attempting to sue her in Canadian courts for slander is laughable

>> No.69144556

My mans Garner wrestled with an entire state tru. Wiped that bitch-ass state off the map

No but to actually add to the conversation, the chances of anons here knowing law or stocks is slim-to-none. Let alone law for Canucks and Japs

>> No.69144561

They (including the livers) are probably very mad now and want nothing but the worst for her.

>> No.69144574

Go to bed enna, you're gonna need your strength for when stacey is raping you in prison.

>> No.69144578

no, the Sisters are making a concerted effort to be loud

>> No.69144582

They actually could sue her in China, she's a Chinese citizen, not Canadian. She'd either have to pay up or risk going to jail if she ever loses her residency and has to go back.

>> No.69144590

not arguing for it, but technically saying she was bullied at niji impacts niji's reputation as a whole so that's defamation of niji

>> No.69144605

You really gotta wonder how much time Jap business lawyers spend on international law.

>> No.69144607

Just the fact that they went to a criminal court means they are stupid. Criminal judges are more likely to side with the defendant

>> No.69144614

Nijisanji almost made this pup an orphan. Fucking monsters burn in hell.

>> No.69144624

They'll argue it should fall under JP jurisdiction because they suffered financial losses in Japan, but it likely won't be approved.

>> No.69144627

Learn to read ESL retard.

>> No.69144644
File: 17 KB, 320x375, Promotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen's lawyer eating good this month

>> No.69144655

How did this bullshit of a law get through holy shit.

>> No.69144662

Nah the sisters have been getting torn apart in catalog and are in panic mode

>> No.69144666

she's a chink agent in disguise to sabotage en/jap vtuber development after the coco incident.

>> No.69144676

You don't have to know much about law to know that you can't sue foreign nationals for your shitty defamation claims otherwise the line outside the Tokyo courthouse would be 5 miles long of extradited foreigners.

>> No.69144690

>Doki: I was bullied to the point of suici-
>The clique: It wasn't me. The messages we sent her wasn't harrassment, the conversation we had wasn't incriminating, and spreading out legal documents wasn't a violation of anyone's privacy.

>> No.69144693

>but technically saying she was bullied at niji impacts niji's reputation as a whole so that's defamation of niji
Did she say that publicly before AnyColor themselves said she did in the termination announcement?

>> No.69144695

AnyColor breaking confidentiality agreements and possible laws doesn't mean their legal department ran circles around Doki's team, it just means they're desperate. They aren't magical contracts that literally prevent people from doing things, it's a simple agreement on the basis that if broken legal repercussions can occur. For AnyColor's team to run laps around Doki's a law suit would have to occur and AnyColor would have to win it.

>> No.69144702

isn't 39daph a piece of shit

>> No.69144707

Ina is getting drunk on Choya, and Kronii getting fingerblasted on her dates with coworkers in Japan.

>> No.69144710

>proof that the clique is shit talking doki to multiple people
>thinking other people will still side with the clique after this

>> No.69144713

Even if she isn't blameless, she's not a retard and is listening to her lawyer which puts her way ahead of Nijisanji and its livers

>> No.69144714

zaibatsus run the country

>> No.69144723

i think she played it at the beggining but as the shitstorm formed around her it made her go into her shell again becasue she doesnt know how to take responsability over this. Her revaling the second attempt doesnt come out of bravery or malice but from shame.
she should have just said im not comenting on anything and ended there instead of another page of counteralegations in both english an japanese. rather than keep the flames alive again.
Same for niji and eliras video. At this point the best course of option is that both her and niji lawyers get togheter and both make an statement about how both are sorry for the allegations throw at each other and pain casued to all parties involved but good luck on that.

>> No.69144725

She doesn't live in China, and none of the potential damages incurred by either party were incurred in China - so remind me again, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.69144748

Words bad, feelings hort.

>> No.69144758

>the public hasnt seen btw

>> No.69144767

No it's not lol. If that was the case, then anyone working any fucking job could claim they were getting bullied. Shitty work environment =/= bullying. Although she is more than welcome to provide evidence to prove me wrong

>> No.69144772

She was already planning to leave before the song got privated (proven, she announced doki merch preorders on the 23rd) so she engineered a scandal to make herself into a victim and draw attention to her youtube debut

>> No.69144779

IDK Anon, even if all that is true, it doesn't mean the lawyers Doki hired are somehow actually competent.
The fact that they were able to leak Doki's document in all the proof I need that she didn't have an NDA, or at least not a good one. If she did, and Niji somehow fucked up on a very basic issue, I expect there to be a big lawsuit.

>> No.69144782

They actually put up a job posting for their legal department but that doesn't require a lawyer license.

>> No.69144789

it doesnt becasue the harrasment must be done knowingly that they will have the effect on the worker. they would just say "i didnt know she felt that way" and the judge will buy it.
That is why shitty places to work will alwasy exist.

>> No.69144801

>The moment she named and accused the livers of bullying
But anon, that never happened and you're completely making it up.

>> No.69144821

Unironically who the fuck?

>> No.69144828

>literally not worth contesting a lawsuit in japan if you are not subject to the jurisdiction of japan
This makes no sense, you wouldn't be sued in Japan in that case.

>> No.69144840

you think they care about subs at this point?

that is why someone mentioned about the uncharted territory. They are still goingto civil.

>> No.69144841

Holy newfag

>> No.69144876

legal correspondence is automatically protected, it doesn't need nda

>> No.69144881

sisters live on another plane of existence, nijiEN can't burn fast enough

>> No.69144883

They can argue it all they fucking like, they cannot enforce a japanese judgment on Doki. Even if they convince a court that the case is in their jurisdiction, they cannot enforce any judgement.

She has no business presence in japan. She does not live there.

>> No.69144884

China doesn't care whether you live in another country, if you are Chinese you belong to the CCP and are subject to Chinese law wherever you are. You might have a point about the damages not being incurred in China though.

>> No.69144885

Not in this spiteful timeline friendo.

>> No.69144890

Only part time school children allowed. Working adults not elligible.

>> No.69144903

You can literally sue someone under creating a hostile work environment for calling you an old fart in Canada and win. That's literally the litmus test they use.

>> No.69144922

Anon I'm not planning to move to Canada for hikki snatch I just like comfy streams.

>> No.69144946

It happens, usually in shithole countries that don't matter a dumbfuck court will take up a case they have no JX of, put a judgement against someone, and someone will go try to enforce that judgement in another country's court and usually fail.

Jap courts are competent enough that they wouldn't humiliate themselves that way, its usually latam shit, but even if they did convince a japanese court they had JX over Doki and could sue, they couldn't fucking enforce it because they'd have to naturalize the judgment in Canada and they would fail.

>> No.69144950

I don't think this is true, I see people posting about cease & desists, etc. they get all the time. It's true that correspondences between you and your lawyer are protected by attorney-client privilege, but it's not true that the opposing side is automatically barred from publishing documents you send to them.

>> No.69144967

People really just don't seem to comprehend how staunchly pro-worker these laws are in Canada....

>> No.69144979

>but technically saying she was bullied at niji impacts niji's reputation as a whole so that's defamation of niji
But that's exactly my point anon.
She NEVER said that before Niji did.
Did you forget the sequence of events?
We had radio silence from Selen for more than a month, suddenly we get FROM NIJISANJI the termination notice, and in said notice NIJISANJI SAYS that Selen was accusing them of bullying.
She never said that in public, they did.

>> No.69144997

this is not true at all.

its just usually a bad idea to publish legal correspondence.

>> No.69145000

She's never publically claimed to be bullied by any liver. So why would she have to prove it?

>> No.69145014

You're telling me /vt/ is actually retarded?

>> No.69145064

Please point to where she admitted to being bullied before niji made this public should be simple no sister?

>> No.69145071

yeah but she confirmed it after they said it

>> No.69145084

C&D is just a general notice dude, not a document full of personal information

>> No.69145107

Inconceivable, they were right about the rrats

>> No.69145110

How would they even get standing to sue in China? It's a Japanese company. No one involved lives in China.

>> No.69145114

Yes, but she wasn't the one that made it public.

>> No.69145116

>in public
I think the tiny teensy problem is that the documents in question aren't public

>> No.69145135

doesn't matter according to jap law

>> No.69145144

What does that have to do with anything? No, including personal information does not automatically make it protected either.

>> No.69145182

That's neat sister now please tell me where she isn't

>> No.69145183

Jap law doesn't allow you to sue people for something they haven't said

>> No.69145190

>China doesn't care whether you live in another country, if you are Chinese you belong to the CCP and are subject to Chinese law wherever you are.

>> No.69145195

niji has business in China so they probably could

The difficulty is even if Selen is a Chinese citizen (I don't know if she is), she doesn't... Fucking live in China, a judgement in China would have to be naturalized in Canada to get at Selen, and thats also going to be what we call 'fucking impossible'

>> No.69145203

Jap law doesn't fucking matter to a Canadian citizen doing work in Canada

>> No.69145208

Good thing it's going to get settled in Canada then huh?

>> No.69145209

It's right in the post.
Niji made the allegations public, true or not they can get sued for it.

>> No.69145213

Doki, the Japanese streamer who lives in Japan.

>> No.69145230

>still bringing up japan law
Are sisters a bunch of dumbfucks?

>> No.69145233

>nijisanji is not a chinese company
First I've heard of that.
Jokes aside, they probably have some Chinese subsidiaries. Also, foreigners and foreign corporations can sue in Chinese courts.

>> No.69145244

Her chat is a bunch of sisters.
like Lolc*w sisters.

>> No.69145248

>doesn't matter according to jap law

How are they going to naturalize a judgemenet based on a 'jap law' you claim exists, in Canada, where no such law exists

enlighten me. tell me how they will naturalize a judgement in Canada of a law Canada probably finds abhorrent to its rules based order?

>> No.69145258
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x720, 1703073772821730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daph is also part of Elira's clique and Elira sent her the legal documents that were meant only to be seen by Anycolor's lawyers. Guess who also is part of the clique, but managed to escape any consequences, because he chose the perfect moment to dip.

>> No.69145263

anycolor lawyers are so bad I'm sure they could find a way to lose that

>> No.69145268

Link me where the Jap law said who made the statement public doesn't matter retard

>> No.69145273

Let me make this clear:
The JAPANESE COMPANY made all the allegations public, true or not it came from them.
The CANADIAN streamer confirmed those allegations.

Do you understand?

>> No.69145285

You guys should be talking to a lawyer right now instead of posting on 4chan, and not some cheap chinky one either that is your family friend, the most expensive Hebrew money can buy.

>> No.69145294

She's a Chinese citizen and not a Canadian citizen. If she ever went back to China to visit family, because she had visa issues, etc. she could get arrested if Niji gets a Chinese judgment against her.

>> No.69145304

If they weren't dumb as bricks then they wouldn't be doing this for free would they?

>> No.69145310

ah yes i forgot there arent shitty places to work on canda.
dont be naive man wining these is harder than poeple give credit for. You also need to undertsand the context and how this is different to most cases. selen is a remote work not an office job your hostile work enviroment is even harder to proove becasue of that.

>> No.69145326

>she could get arrested

Even China doesn't arrest you for a civil judgement you stupid nigger

>> No.69145351

I don't think I would ever want that bitch on my side, just makes niji look worse

>> No.69145364

Remind me again what damages happened in China as a part lex loci delecti?

>> No.69145387

>selen is a remote work not an office job your hostile work enviroment is even harder to proove becasue of that.

Ita actually even easier elira because you don't need to prove some face to face interactions, all the receipts have been saved digitally.

>> No.69145394

Dude where is the video for this and timestamps. I searched Kyo's and I couldnt see Daph's chats

>> No.69145440

Remote work is even easier to prove because its done over easily recorded mediums like Discord/Video calls. These people literally do 90% of their communication with services you could easily call and legally request transcripts directly from their servers as well to dissuade "It's edited!" arguments.

>> No.69145475

It's all here


>> No.69145484

This time they want 3 years of experience but you can be a HS grad as long as you've studied for the bar exam before! (No need to pass)

>> No.69145486

>She's a Chinese citizen and not a Canadian citizen
Is she actually? When did she move to Canada?

>> No.69145507

Yea looking at her regulars logs there all sisters. after a short review, im pretty sure she bots. these numbers don't match up. but thats no my department.

>> No.69145525

How much'd you wanna bet they broke confidentiality over discord too?

>> No.69145549

What's with retards that never studied law acting like they know law?

>> No.69145566

I wouldn't bet any money against it.

>> No.69145592

Wouldn't bet against it they seem dumb enough to do it

>> No.69145627

Video dude, not a bunch of texts, the stream

>> No.69145631

retards think that law isn't real and countries would really undermine their entire credibility to foreign investors over some internet anime girl

>> No.69145682

Kek, the outpouring of support will be huge for Dokibird if ever this happens just because of the precedence this can set, not just for Nijisansji, probably not even for all vtubers, but all content creators. This is probably really the final yab for Nijien.

>> No.69145686

trying to prove the intetnion for discord chats is gonna be hard for either party because how it is written could have different entonations. hence why records are far better.
is like trying to prove if some one here is mad or not by their posts. You will need to prove those chats were made with the intention to hurt selen and this is assuming they were.what selen could conider hostile is different than what niji considered hostile and thejudge will have to analyze that situation about how much of the actions of selen fall under her own responsability and how many on her workes chats.
it is NOT EASY that is my point.

>> No.69145700

Reminder that there are people posting on this board right now that legitimately thought it would be okay to call "Elira Pendora" the anime dragon girl, to the stands in a civil suit.

>> No.69145704

Classic, guess that's why he jumped ship as soon as possible.

>> No.69145715

It's from her offline chat, she's typing it, you dumbass. There's no video

>> No.69145771

>thinking china would EVER side with japan and give up one of their own
Stop larping. You don't shit about law and you don't know shit about china or japan.

>> No.69145801

The key thing to proving this is consistency. If I send you one comment calling you a faggot then hey, it's just internet banter. If I send you 30 comments, especially after you telling me to stop then your "Well, I didn't really mean it" arguments tend to stop working.

>> No.69145846

Also if she's being countersued then that means she's suing, which has yet to be announced. Plus why would that stop her from streaming? I buy that she didn't stream because working on the new statement has been exhausting

>> No.69145845

In her apex stream she said she spent most of her life in china. I don't know how old she is but I would guess that's 12+ years

>> No.69145850

Yeah I'm sure the judge is going to have a REAL hard time identifying the intentions of high school tier bullying messages bro LMAO

>> No.69145874
File: 48 KB, 395x323, 39chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like it, tuned in for a short bit to see if she was online and got this.

>> No.69145876

Forgive me since I'm a dumbass, but why are we talking about Japan or China? Like, implying Doki would have to go against Nijisanji, when the OP image implies Doki having to go against NijiEN.
It's different, isn't it? NijiEN is in NA, no?

>> No.69145890

So you agree that Anycolor is guilty of defamation because they do business in Japan?

>> No.69145917

>Forgive me since I'm a dumbass, but why are we talking about Japan or China?
Because people have the legal IQ of a crusty cum sock.

>> No.69145921

I believe they're stupid enough to do it, but it's possible they're also too dumb to send attachments digitally so they mailed a physical copy or had the talents come to the Japan offices. I don't know how feasible that is for Vox or Ike but Elira lives there so she might actually be harder to prove.

>> No.69145927

>So... these messages show that you've called the plaintiff 'fat cunt' thirty seven times and told her to, quote, 'kill herself' no less than ten times across multiple separate occasions. Do you have anything to say in your defense?
>Your honor, is just jork. Why you have to be mad? Just jork.

>> No.69145938

huh, never knew she was cuddled up with 2 whore. Guess she was just another disgusting cunt behind the scenes huh

>> No.69145939
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You are telling Niji's from EN branch are going to sue her? What about daddy Riku, does HE know about it? Wtf are you niggers doing KEK this is specifically the shit Doki mentioned as "it's not a highschool"! She's trying to settle this shit with him on cordial terms and yet you jump the gun.... AGAIN



>> No.69146032

Can you blame them? It's get Doki to back down first or get beheaded live by Riku. I'm sure next they'll be throwing EACH OTHER under the bus to escape, if it hasn't happened already.

>> No.69146060

Worth remembering all of this is happening because of a dumb mv.

>> No.69146082

there is no lawsuit, if there was a lawsuit we would know about it because lawsuits are public.

>> No.69146086

The final cope is that they could try to sue through a Chinese court because she is a Chinese citizen by birth and they operate as a company in China. I don't know enough about law so maybe they could do it but that is going to MASSACRE them in the court of public opinion if they try it and niji will be kill in the west forever. Not to mention I'm pretty sure the CCP would give their legal people a tap on the shoulder after seeing the insanely shit PR going on and say that China doesn't want anything to do with this.

>> No.69146092
File: 92 KB, 358x407, 1683296581311495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, girl, listen up. Take out your tampon and fire up your neurons.
Selen had a contract with ANYCOLOR, which is a Japanese company, and they can sue her for anything they think they can, even though she lives in Canada.
In Japan, if you say something that is deemed malicious or bad about another person or a company, even if it's true, you can be sued for defamation and slander.
For example, if you get salmonella for eating a spoiled chicken at a restaurant, and you leave a bad review on google, then this restaurant can sue you for slander and they'll win.

>> No.69146093

Because of a dumb mv after a long term consistent period of other dumb shit piling up.

>> No.69146113

Probably 0 chance she's not a Canadian naturalized citizen by now then.

>> No.69146118

>effectively slandered dozens of people with no proof to the public
Niji was the one that kept stepping in their own shit rumao

>> No.69146125

But Doki didn't say anything. Niji did themselves.

>> No.69146126

she's suing, there's no "leaving her alone". doki is actively bringing them to court.

>> No.69146132

Sister she no longer had a contract with them when she confirmed their own statement

>> No.69146162

fuck off they're leagues apart in the looks department

>> No.69146165
File: 83 KB, 913x1024, 1696312946717765m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My embezzlement rrat is growing legs and learns how to walk at this point: you don't do this sort of shit unless you literally don't have anything to lose and only gain. This is fucking great, KEK

>> No.69146174

go elsewhere for accuracy. this board is currently just pure baitposting on both sides and shitflinging

>> No.69146187

She said on discord that management privated her song.
Ask an autismo JP lawyer about that.

>> No.69146203

Considering the case so far has been handled in Japan by Japanese lawyers, probably not.

>> No.69146263

they can sue her all they like in Japan, that does not mean they can enforce the judgement in Canada.

>> No.69146268

I do blame them. They chose the comfort of their clique over the supposed family they bullshitted about. They’ll have to own up to it sooner or later, come a new wave or the stagnation without one.

>> No.69146275

Reminder that playing Phoenix Wright does not, in fact, make you an expert in Japanese or international law.

>> No.69146284

Niji is pulling out of Chinese services because of their new identification laws. I don't know why people are just assuming the CCP would work with Niji here. A chance to bully a Japanese company that won't play ball and is trying to harass a native Chinese citizen probably sounds pretty good to them.

>> No.69146295
File: 59 KB, 1815x319, 1651541458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know reading this, it kinda make sense. Never thought about it that way. I don't have a side here so I'm rooting for one more plot twist.

>> No.69146300

An invite only discord is public now? A fucking server of people directly involved in the project is worth all of this garbage? Fucking listen to yourself.

>> No.69146329

It doesn't even need the embezzlement rrat to be true.
You know what motivates Asians? Face.
You know what especially motivates the Japanese? Shame.

Guess which organ caused Anycolor to go through a very public face loss and the CEO to undergo an embarrassing public humiliation? Uh, fleeing to Japan might be a mistake, they better hope they have brawler skills on par with Kazuma Kiryu with all the hitsquads that are gonna be sent

>> No.69146357

I'm not defending that shit you fucking woman. I'm stating it as it is.
>are invite only discord public now
Yes, because you disclose information that was eventually leaked, to people outside your company.

>> No.69146373

Yes it does. I know that unless Doki gets a lawyer with really stupid hair and a lot of homosexual undertones with the prosecutor, she'll absolutely lose if she goes to Japan. I don't think they've ever had a case in Canada though so she's safe there.

>> No.69146381

China makes a bunch of noise about proud nationalism, but at the end of the only real Chinese value is money. Unless Selen's family has closer connections to the CCP than Niji, I could easily see them siding with a giant corporation over some nobody they accuse of slander.

>> No.69146402

lol no. this is all happening because kurosanji is run by a bunch of imbeciles.

>> No.69146406

Why would she give a fuck about a judgement in Japan

What are they going to do to Doki, a chinese citizen living in canada, with a judgement in Japan.

>> No.69146412

>that is why someone mentioned about the uncharted territory. They are still goingto civil.
A decent lawyer would've advised against going to a criminal court for something like this, because they teach you in law school to always choose civil over criminal in these types of cases
Now they wasted 3-4 years fighting a lost battle. Roa went on hiatus to help build a case against the dramatuber and maximize the damages claim, but since it's been so long and she hasn't returned, it's hard to determine how mnmuch time from that hiatus was caused by the dramatuber

>> No.69146435

If Niji lawyers approved any of their pants-shitting retarded moves they've pulled so far, no one should ask an autismo nip lawyer about anything rumao

>> No.69146440
File: 443 KB, 480x238, 1672987628562578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disclose information that was eventually leak
By Vox le retard. Yeah

>> No.69146451

Bitch should have reincarnated, collected her cash and shut up. Win or lose have fun dealing with the stress of a legal battle.

>> No.69146464

They can't just selectively enforce this shit on Selen then after all of the other discord leaks with other confirmed talent. That'd do even more wonders for pushing her point of targeted harassment. Where's Luca, Scarle, and Petra's 3 page termination letter?

>> No.69146481

>revealing receipts publicly
That woman is so dumb, I can't believe it.
First of all, it was nijisanji that said she claimed she was bullied, and she tried to keep it between lawyers, but she was fired.

>> No.69146491

>going to a criminal court.

>they teach you in law school to always choose civil over criminal

Nigger you don't go talk to your lawyer and say 'can we take them to criminal court', you do not fucking take someone to criminal court with a private lawyer, you make a report and the STATE decides whether its going to prosecute them criminally or not

you are retarded. Stop making shit up.

>> No.69146495

I dunno. I do know that British law requires five jury members to launch fire into a giant scale to decide on a verdict, though.

>> No.69146516


>> No.69146519

>doki defenders
like the girl didn't try to kill herself haha

>> No.69146528

>seaslug that never studied law tries to talk about law
Look up what "jurisdiction" means because you are clearly clueless

>> No.69146532

>Never thought
It shows

>> No.69146535

That's literally what she tried to do. Don't forget that every instance of things reaching public eyes comes from NijiEN.

>> No.69146550

This literally what they told each others in their discord lmao

>> No.69146582

Wait, I can use a parrot as witness?

>> No.69146584

Yeah, she didn't name anyone, the clique self reported

>> No.69146596

This all happened when people called her DramaBird.

>> No.69146623

And this is where you are mentally retarded. Nijisanji claimed that selen claimed she was being bullied, but selen did not make this public, nijisanji did. They terminated her in the same notice and Selen was no longer a Japanese employee. The first time Selen even suggested that she was being bullied was as Doki, not selen since she was fired. You have to have negative IQ to look at that and think Nijisanji has a case against selen for defamation. They literally grabbed the shit Selen gave to them, smeared if on themselves and went around telling people, "See! She defamed us!!"

>> No.69146624

Kill yourself

>> No.69146626

>A decent lawyer would've advised against going to a criminal court for something like this, because they teach you in law school to always choose civil over criminal in these types of cases
What in the holy fuck am I even reading here? Fuck me, you niggers never even passed high school civics.

>> No.69146631

These gossiping chinks never do original research. They hear it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend. There's a reason the game is called Chinese Whispers.

>> No.69146636

Ok I agree that showing "receipts publicly" is kinda dumb. But the "people you accuse will have relevant documents shown" part make sense.

>> No.69146680

But you're saying Nijisanji JP and anycolor would have to find proof of Selen slandering them when she was still an employee, yes? Do you have any proof of that?
She, supposedly, slandered Nijisanji EN

>> No.69146800

"People" would need to be shown the docs only if she was suing them. The only one in legal trouble is the overall company itself, and the bullying was cited as the lack of proper management and HR on the company's part.
So once again, you'd arrive at this point yourself if you took 2 minutes to actually think it through instead of being a woman.

>> No.69146817

I don't actually care about any of this. I just came here to say fuck this 39Daph whore.

>> No.69146834

>They can't just selectively enforce this shit
Law is always about selectively enforcing shit to destroy smaller people. You don't think that law is about justice, huh?
>Where's Luca, Scarle, and Petra's 3 page termination letter?

Doesn't matter in the eyes of jap autismos.

right back at you. https://www.pinsentmasons.com/out-law/guides/jurisdiction-and-choice-of-law-clauses-in-international-contracts
This is why, if lawsuit happens, will take hundreds of thousands of dollars and years to settle

>people you accuse will have relevant documents shown
You're falling for that chink's narrative, like an average /vt/ard falling for an image of Kiara with a text "orange woman bad." You don't know what was in those documents, how they were phrased and what names there were. And no, a slander rally stream made by Elira and her fuckboys isn't a proof of anything.

>would have to find proof of Selen slandering them when she was still an employee, yes?
Yes, sirs
>Do you have any proof of that?
Do I look like an anycolor legal consultant? Nobody knows what the fuck is in the receipts, and what is in the legal docs.

>> No.69146836

I like how daph39 is a legal expert.

>> No.69146854

It's not like a rape or murder case where the state (prosecutor) goes against the individual. Defamation cases can only start if the offended party sues.
Fucking retard, just stfu, you clearly know nothing about law

>> No.69146867
File: 31 KB, 502x282, 1689033483364712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she seems like a lovely lady

>> No.69146873


>> No.69146876

She has never even mentioned the name Nijisanji, ever.

>> No.69146881

Where has anyone said there's a lawsuit? Doki wanted out the company and knew it would not happen quickly or cleanly. She knew they would publicly eviscerate her like they did Sayu so she lawyered up and made a document explaining her stance and that if they didn't allow her to leave she would go forward with the claims. Threatening to sue someone isn't actually suing them. NijiEN just seems to have collectively shit the bed and assumed an actual lawsuit was happening so they tried to get ahead of it. Just because legal parties are talking doesn't mean an actual lawsuit is happening either, that's a last resort thing.

>> No.69146897

That's what she was trying to do. That's why niji is losing. She just wants to play neopets ffs

>> No.69146910

It's not like a rape or murder case where the state (prosecutor) goes against the individual. Defamation cases can only start if the offended party sues.
Fucking retard, just stfu, you clearly know nothing about law
Well, you never studied law, of course you wouldn't ubderstand

>> No.69146929

>Law is always about selectively enforcing shit to destroy smaller people. You don't think that law is about justice, huh?
Yeah, you can tell the judge that, bravo, so clever sister

>> No.69146935

>that's not how legal matters work
That's literally how legal matters work. One thing do not exclude the other.

>> No.69146950





>> No.69146960

Anons... Niji isn't countersuing on the basis of defamation via online posts. Countersuing is just that- a way to counter Doki's attempt at legal action. I will say that Niji alleges that Doki demanded that they be held legally responsible which roughly means a lawsuit, but idk if it has been confirmed. What ever Doki accused Niji and their talents of in legal documents is what they would be countersuing even in regards to defamation.

>> No.69146973

>Well, you never studied law, of course you wouldn't ubderstand
Sorry, I can't ubderstand you

>> No.69146991

In Japan it can be. But it's much harder to prove and oh, neither selen or the livers are Japanese citizens with standing

>> No.69146992

>disclose information that was eventually leaked, to people outside your company
Like the documents they disclosed in their 15 minutes video?

>> No.69147015

500 replies after, what's the verdict on this rrat?

>> No.69147043

>Law is always about selectively enforcing shit to destroy smaller people. You don't think that law is about justice, huh?
Retard. You're absorbing too much drama if this is how you think.

>> No.69147051

doki demanding nijisanji be legally responsible could also be 'fuck you pay me for the 15k i spent on the mv'

yeah but i don't care about japanese law because neither I nor doki are japanese so why the fuck would anyone involved care about retarded nip shit

what are they gonna do, try to throw a canadian citizen in japanese prison over defamation as if that wouldn't be an international incident?

>> No.69147053

Nijisisters are retarded

>> No.69147066
File: 366 KB, 1100x1154, 1630206222213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Niggersanji

>> No.69147071

That 39daph knows less about what she's talking about than anyone in this thread

>> No.69147074

what documents did they disclose?

>> No.69147085

Sisters are incompetent

>> No.69147093


>> No.69147103

It's the mad ramblings of a retarded bugwoman. Entertaining, but meaningless.

>> No.69147105

It's possible

>> No.69147126

Are you okay seafriend? Google defamation

>> No.69147160

Sisters and daph are dumbfucks

>> No.69147166

39daph? not sure

the two other posts are worrying though

>> No.69147172
File: 15 KB, 594x94, 1704911365013605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That too. I hope they'll get fried for that.
There. Want me to dig cases where corporations would leak toxic shit into the water, killing dozens of thousands of people and just get a slap on the wrist?

>> No.69147199

I don't even get why the fuck people are even talking about this whole thing if it's turning into a big legal drama. That goes both for whoever this chick is and whoever Doki's friend was that came out and said they were the bullies. If Elira and Selen aren't strangling them both respectively I'd be surprised.

>> No.69147212

Slandered dozens of people = Said ZERO names, just vaguely mentioned a toxic working environment and asked her followers 5 or 6 times to not harass anyone. Got a video with 3 former fellow chubas accusing her of slandering them, almost cried on stream and then replied saying she was scared about the company potentially releasing her private info to those fellow coworkers and STILL doesn't point fingers at anyone saying thing will be resolved privately by lawyers.
Is this person ESL? Does he know what "dozens of people" even mean?

>> No.69147235

niji isnt retarded to sue doki... r-right? they cant make it worse for their reputation.. r-right?

>> No.69147246

and if someone doesn't get money that they feel they are owed from an entity, they usually sue right? so, I mean, same difference y'know? There is still potential to countersue.

>> No.69147253

Point me to the last time someone was convicted of criminal defamation in canada

>> No.69147272

>Do I look like
So you're just making shit up

>> No.69147297

to countersue someone would have to sue first

lawsuits are public and we would know about it already if there was one

>> No.69147302
File: 10 KB, 220x211, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The law actually doesn't matter because look at this irrelevent youtube video

>> No.69147311


You have got to be the most retarded woman to have ever walked this earth.

>> No.69147335

Doki's friend also didn't name names. So she's still smarter than anyone on the other side

>> No.69147338
File: 708 KB, 1746x3101, 39daph, enna and kyo friend, speaking about dokibird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 39daph's full chat log talking about the dokibird situation

>> No.69147346

This is how I know you're clueless. Niji would be on their knees begging for chinese money, not the other way around dumb fuck.

>> No.69147350

Women should've never been given rights.

>> No.69147412

your missing two days of events.

>> No.69147414

>those 3 disagreed with the contents of the document
Nijisanji and self-reporting, name a more iconic duo.

>> No.69147539

>Section 298(1) of the Code describes “defamatory libel” as a “matter published, without lawful justification or excuse, that is likely to injure the reputation of any person by exposing him to hatred, contempt or ridicule, or that is designed to insult the person of or concerning whom it is published.” This Section further provides that a defamatory libel may be expressed directly or by insinuation or irony “in words legibly marked on any substance or by any object signifying a defamatory libel otherwise than by words.” A defamatory libel is punishable by up to two years in prison, or up to five years where the person “publishes a defamatory libel that he knows is false.”

Stop moving goalposts. You claimed defamations cannot be criminal, you doubled down, and now that you realized your mistake, you are trying to move goalposts and using typos as your counter argument. Don't talk about law if you never studied law, you will only look like a fool

>> No.69147551

>itll come out in time
>i think shes screwed down the line
Yep, the organs have already leaked everything to her and are just waiting to find a suitable agent to make it go public.

>> No.69147552

does no one here have access to job hiring credit checks?
a hand full of things would be so clear if you did. Especially involving elira, and pomu. there are some other names i don't know but uhhh, promotions are a weird thing ya know?

>> No.69147601

Holding someone legally responsible has obvious implications which is, for example...
>pay me
>u no pay
>i sue
I know Doki's has not pursued legal action, but she has heavily implied that she is willing to if Niji doesn't give in to her demands. There is also whatever accusations in those legal documents that caused Elira to do that stream. It's just speculation like how people assume Vox, Ike, and Elira had no right to see the contents of the documents even though we don't know whether or not they're the accused.

>> No.69147632

She was not suing her coworkers. She was suing the company and for doing nothing about the bullying. So she had to include who her bullies were. Otherwise, Elira and the others would have had to also lawyer up. The agreement was clear that they should not show the document to anyone other than the ones authorized. To confirm claims, they should have simply asked for all the chat logs they had between them and Selen. They decided to be lazy and simply gave the document (or the snippets who knows) and said, "Is this true?" Think about this for one second. If you were a bully and your lawyer asked you, "Did you bully X?" Do you really think you would say, "Aw shit my b. Yeah I did." Fuck no! A competent lawyer would go through all your shit because they know the other side also has the same shit if not more and analyze what could be interpreted as bullying so as to create a defense. Going to court and then the telling the judge, "Your honor, I was not and did not intend to bully," and expecting the judge to take that at face value when they are presented hard evidence that could say otherwise (chat logs). I'm guessing Nijisanji's lawyers basically thought they could avoid a lawsuit by publicly shaming Selen, a tactic i'm sure has been used often in Japan, but then got shocked by the overwhelming support Selen had. Ironically it worked well in Japan (seeing all the JP comments supporting Nijisanji), but overseas didn't buy the bullshit. So now they can't even use their backup plan which could have been a countersue for defamation since technically they defamed themselves as Selen never made anything public first.

>> No.69147668

"Bro a giga edge case where if you insult a government official can be criminal defamation, therefore all defamation is treated as criminal all the time"

saying "Defamation is not criminal" Is correct for about 99.999999% of cases.

Retard. Kill yourself you ESL paki nigger

>> No.69147681

Jesus she's stupid. She could easily be sued for defaming doki if she's saying doki was suing and she isn't

>> No.69147703

>she kinda publicly slandered and caused a witchhunt
no she didn't, she explicitly did NOT do that. this woman is retarded

>> No.69147734

There's other consequences to this as well.
You can forget about ever visiting Japan ever again, or being sponsored by a Japanese company, or conducting any form of business in Japan period.
Of course, that's if she even wants anything to do with Japan after this.

>> No.69147797

this is pretty overstated. Just because there's a judgement against you doesn't mean none of that stuff could happen.

Like realistically it just would not affect her.

>> No.69147818

>injure the reputation of ANY PERSON
>immediately attributes it to government officials
>calls others ESL
So you are an ESL and a retard who doesn't know law. Got it. I just feel bad for your parents

>> No.69147829

Daph is dumb as shit, a legit sub-80 iq retard who thinks she's super intelligent because she's friends with Hasan.
>source: I used to watch her streams

>> No.69147834

I genuinely believe that Anycolor thought it WAS gearing up to be a big legal drama. That's why they reacted the way they did. It was an attempt to get ahead of it. In reality it was a fucking HR complaint trying to get her out of her contract by providing cause. Anycolor thought they were being sued. Which meant Elira thought she was being sued. Everyone freaked the fuck out because Anycolor is entirely manned by people who have no idea what the fuck they are doing.

All Anycolor had to do was stamp a paper saying she's graduated and everyone would have went their separate ways on neutral grounds. Instead they repeatedly shot themselves in the foot trying to defend themselves against an upcoming court case that was never going to happen to begin with.

>> No.69147840

Both Sayu and False visited Japan no problem few months ago. Anycolor is worthless.

>> No.69147847

>irrelevant and unattractive Asian twitch whore
Who gives a shit about daph.
She knows nothing.

>> No.69147858

Really does put the daph in daft like that one anon said lol
Does she always get drunk or high on fent and type in chat like this?

>> No.69147867

Why the fuck would you admit to doing something so fucking stupid?

>> No.69147874

Please understand that the criminal defamation law in Canada has only ever been applied to defamation of government officials. Literally only ever though.

Like actually the only times its ever been applied.

reading wikipedia is not a substitution for actual legal knowledge.

>> No.69147894

I forget who it was, Yugo maybe? They did this exact same thing and it worked out fine. Just further proof of how collectively retarded NijiEN is.

>> No.69147914

This dumb whore daph.
She didn't name anyone publicly. The only names would be in private legal document.
There is no slander or libel.
God I hope niji burns

>> No.69147937

They disclosed the contents of the document, which is 100% illegal. Even alluding to it can get you in hot water and they didn't even hide that it was basically the document Selen specified be confidential.

>> No.69148006

>When you get rejected by chad at school and make that your entire personality to hate white men for the rest of your life.

>> No.69148103

to any non retard in here, you admitted to being a hasson watcher more then an actual daph watcher. You know he's not white right?

>> No.69148199

daph is a dumb bitch, but im starting to see how much of /vt/ are insecure white dudes by how retarded and ill researched their takes are.
