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File: 73 KB, 1280x720, selenlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69131258 No.69131258 [Reply] [Original]

So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch? It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company? It's perfectly fine that, even after she's graduated, her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers?
Dokibird doesn't deserve all of this success. Dokibird deserves to be destroyed like Zaion was.

>> No.69131301

dokibird deserves to cum

>> No.69131384

>destroying honest, hard working livers
casualties of war, more bad will be purged than good will be unjustly harmed

>> No.69131470
File: 129 KB, 480x450, 50176004_2047567611946628_895840464668721152_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, cry

>> No.69131479

It's perfectly fine that Nijisanji rushed out a termination notice that implicated their own livers of bullying her and are now imploding because of it. Yes. They made it public, it's 100% their fault this is happening.

>> No.69131498

Nah fuck em weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.69131565

isn't it fine that you F your mom and kill yourself ?

>> No.69131575

Ethyria and Luxiem ruined the branch

>> No.69131648

at this point I can't tell if these posts are made by NDF or just someone with too much free time

>> No.69131658

I accept your concession, lemming. Now go get more of your opinions from YouTube comment sections.

>> No.69131668

Kek Nijifags begging for their failed branch to be saved from the fate of getting HoloCN-ed

>> No.69131674
File: 249 KB, 850x1136, 1688964349428833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay seething BITCH
Selen did nothing wrong and niji can burn down like the scum they are.

>> No.69131700

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.69131719

Niji ruined the branch my brother. This did not have to be nearly the massive event it has become

>> No.69131753

She literally just wanted to stream and drop the subject.
She's not the one making "This is a message from Nijisanji EN" videos.

>> No.69131754

>destroying honest, hard working livers?
since when does niji have those?

>> No.69131783


>> No.69131844

I agree. She should cum her brains out.

>> No.69131846

It did. Her name was Selen.

>> No.69131867

They had one two weeks ago but she's been fired.

>> No.69131953

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch?
Yes. Niji EN gets what it fucking deserves.

>> No.69132110

If fucking Vshojo can get this extremely basic thing right then Niji has no excuses. This is all they needed to write. If they just peacefully parted ways nobody would fucking care

>> No.69132111

Everything in your post is Nijisanji’s own fault.

>> No.69132134

I would rather be doing that than being a dick sucker for a corporate company having entitled talent who bully someone to the point of unaliving themselves.

>> No.69132199
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kek forgot the image

>> No.69132232

She's getting the support from people she has supported.

She's doing fine because Niji has a shitty management and she tried to get shit done with her events and paying from her pocket because she actually worried about the content and not the money.

Niji is the one constantly shooting themselves on the foot.

Why the fuck are you blaming someone that didn't even start the public fire?
Actually she didn't even wanted to make it public but Niji insisted on trying to Zaion her.

>> No.69132233

rofl way to prove me right. Don't hurt yourself with an original thought, Scooter.

>> No.69132247

>Bitches about Selen's pity party
>Proceeds to look for pity with "m-muh poor innocent hard working livers"
Exemplary job demonstrating sister retardation, well done.

>> No.69132257

NDF is barely even trying

>> No.69132289


>> No.69132299

for me personally, I just hate drama channels with all my soul, those niggers can eat shit I hate the fact that they're getting so much attention and even this board is now accepting them, I also hate fleshtubers and normalniggers talking like they know shit
I couldn't care less about NijiEn they can close the branch for all I care but dramafaggots should die, most people here don't watch YouTubers they're just keyboard warriors, the obvious twitter tourists trying to feel good about themselves and destroying things they don't understand because it's fun

>> No.69132316

God I'd destroy both of them so hard

>> No.69132354

Yes. It's perfectly fine. If the company clearly isn't working to keep its employees happy and healthy, it doesn't deserve to exist.

>> No.69132456

>Nijicucks shooting themselves in the foot twice in a row


>> No.69132512

sure nijifag keep bootlicking the yachtman.not that he is paying you or anything but oh wait...

>> No.69132541

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch? It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company? It's perfectly fine that, even after she's graduated, her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers?

>> No.69132539

Just move the fuck on. Everyone, please.

>> No.69132569

I felt the same back during the hogwarts shitshow. Dramatubers farming outrage and dragging things out, and not a single soul calls them out on their shitty behavior because people thrive on that drama. Fuck them all, even if they shit on people I hate.

>> No.69132662

Nijisanji EN did that to themselves. Why hasnt the bike meme with a stick been posted like crazy.

>> No.69132666

I will destroy Dokibird with my dick.

>> No.69132674


>> No.69132683

Fuck Niji, fuck anycolor, but fuck off if you're accepting dramafags and fleshies to "own" either of them. I get that half of you SEA creatures stick out for one another but they will just as soon turn on your oshi the second anycolor collapses.
Never forget that half of these dramafags were waiting for gura to graduate for the past year so they could release a 15 minute video about it and earn a paycheck for it

>> No.69132772

Could've just blown it all sky high and left easily but she was weak-willed.

>> No.69132781
File: 26 KB, 480x360, 1665815094781807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself, unironically, not in Minecraft, to completion

>> No.69132914

not before me you don't go wait in the line buddy

>> No.69132957

Yes it is fine that a black company will be leaving the EN sphere and can't exploit people anymore. Dogshit management and cliques ruined the branch, all Selen did was tell us.

>> No.69133070

Okay Elira.

>> No.69133176

She didn't even tell us. NijiEN told us themselves. It's incredible how all their worst wounds this past week have been self-inflicted.

>> No.69133265

>her pity party ruined a branch?
Branch ruined itself.

>> No.69133303


>> No.69133463
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>> No.69133482

Yes, it is fine. The company almost drove someone to suicide, and the livers are sitting there backing and defending it. Each and every one of them that supports their company bullshit can rot in hell for all I care

>> No.69133555

Off to the tomato fields for Riku.

>> No.69133566

Bro... let's go together so we can become hole brothers like we always wanted

>> No.69133652

You don't give a shit either. You're pretending to care because other people are pretending to care. If Selen succeeded, she'd be mourned for a week and forgotten about, only brought up on her birthday.
And that's exactly how it should be. You don't know her so why would you care if she's dead?

>> No.69133752

>her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers
The good are being sorted out from the bad. Elira, Vox, and Ike are finished, but Scarle will have no problems if she goes indie.

>> No.69133755

Cause most people are not as callous as you and actually value human life in general?

>> No.69133815

She would have tried to kill herself even if she was at hololive. When you're menhera like she is, anything that rubs her the wrong way is going to tip her over the boat

>> No.69133817

>You don't know her so why would you care if she's dead?
This is why nobody hangs out with you.

>> No.69133858

She did not destroy anything, they destroyed themselves.

>> No.69133879

Because I watch her regularly and she gave me entertainment and joy during some of the lowest parts of my life? The fuck are you expecting, she's one of the biggest talents they had.

>> No.69134052

nijisanji ruined itself you humongous retard, none of this would've happened if they didn't post that notice

>> No.69134091

> Implying that sucking anycolor's cock isn't an opinion straight from the YouTube comments.
You aren't as special as you think you are.

>> No.69134321

You have never had an original thought in your life, and never will.

>> No.69134369

And let the clique wrote the narrative?
Nah, this is the best outcome for her, she's all lawyered up wait for nijisanji to blunder themselves into oblivion.

>> No.69134566

You talk in cliches yet you seem somehow arrogant about your originality. Curious.

>> No.69134769

At first I only wanted Selene to be happy but now these types of posts give me joy. I really hope Nijisanji as a whole crashes and burns. I can't wait to see Hololive and other vtubing companies completely dominate the industry. I hope you enjoy watching as it's revealed just how nijisanji is

>> No.69134781

> Everyone else should be as a sociopathic as me!
Seek professional help.

>> No.69134911

The only clique that matters is that you make sure to clique that like button, and make sure to also subscribe and RING that bell because we got more videos coming out in the future. Anon... out!

>> No.69135041

So which liver posted this?

>> No.69135134

Everyone deserves their failures or successes. If you're a loser, it's your fault.

>> No.69135178

kys millie

>> No.69135243
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 8459847895435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah I'm a sociopath
Cool story bro. What you fail to understand is that the world is an extremely unjust place which makes people desperate for justice. So when they see utter pieces of shit like Elira, Millie, Enna, Niji EN, and Nijisanji in general get exposed for being totally corrupt, people will dogpile them because they want some goddamn justice. And it doesn't matter what you think about it because you are completely insignificant in this whole process. Nijisanji have been correctly branded as monsters, because that's what they are, and there are few things people like more than seeing monsters get their comeuppance.

>> No.69135299

It's not just fine, it's a good thing

>> No.69135303

If you're an honest and hardworker, you deserve a better workplace, not to perpetuate abuse and bad practices.

>> No.69135412
File: 83 KB, 346x288, image_2024-02-14_234735975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"One sword keeps another in the sheath. Sometimes the threat of violence alone is a deterrent. Sometimes by taking a life, others can be preserved. It's the code the Samurai lived by."

>> No.69135525

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind.

>> No.69135756
File: 159 KB, 1176x558, doki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I think about this, the more I think doki manipulated the situation so it looks good for herself.

When she made this tweet, she knew that her medical records hadn't been shared, but was openly "wondering" to lead everyone to think what she wanted them to think. It's a really skilled and malicious way to fan the flames the court of public opinion.

>> No.69135807

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch? It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company?


Stop sucking dicks of entities that don't care about you.

>It's perfectly fine that, even after she's graduated, her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers?

I wish them to find a better job.

>> No.69135838
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, glub glub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother, Vox; the yacht has taken on too much water. Riku has a golden lifeboat, you do not.

>> No.69135840

The World Wonders

>> No.69135993

the alternative being that they blame some unnamed manager, and pat themselves on the back for firing him and promising to do better?

>> No.69136073

When you "wonder", nothing that you say needs to be factual. It's such a convenient tool to say anything you want without getting trouble for it legally.

>> No.69136134

Niji literally did all of this to themselves

>> No.69136164

Nobody cares. Anycolor fucked themselves plenty on their own, some quip in a tweet is irrelevant next to their fuck up.

>> No.69136174

Her pity party isn't what ruined the branch.

>> No.69136179

Yeah sister, you tell them. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!

>> No.69136223

Vox could literally strangle a puppy on stream and get away with it thanks to his rapid landwhale simps

>> No.69136253

I'm sorry that your billion dollar corporation is getting out-PR'd by a menhera shut-in tomato.

>> No.69136260

>You don't know her so why would you care if she's dead?
Because Nijisisters are seething that she survived kek

>> No.69136284

It's amazing that there are people believe that the livers are being blackmailed and brainwashed. If that's the case, Selen would be the first to mention it.

>> No.69136352

I'd rather believe the person that almost killed herself... Twice actually...

>> No.69136372

You can't flip the script no matter how hard you try, Elira. You were only good at manipulating the weak minded and gullible. But then you went and pissed off a whole bunch of people who are much, much smarter than you and you're too stupid to manipulate them at all. You're completely out of your league now. It's over.

>> No.69136416

Do you get payed by the post or by the hour Mr.Shill?

>> No.69136453

This is the level of stupidity running Niji management and NDF.

>> No.69136473

> If people were being brainwashed
> They would share it with the public!
The theory smells, but what's amazing is your stupidity.

>> No.69136530

>Dokibird deserves to be destroyed like Zaion was.
But enough about what Vox's clique did to themselves

>> No.69136539

>oust elira’s toxic clique by name
>endanger people’s careers and send nijisanji EN into turmoil
why’d you think selen bottled it up and kept her head down to the point where she got suicidal?

>> No.69136544

The entire tweet was the bombshell though.

Elira and Vox talked as though Doki was about to publicly post the doc (hence their fears of getting doxed). Niji wasn't even aware that doc was supposed to be confidential. Doki's lawyer screwed up the memo when translating their message into Japanese with google translate, and the confidentiality notice never made it across the language barrier.

There's a reason why doki is posting in both English and Japanese now.

>> No.69136557

I do find it kind of gross and fucked how people jump to manipulation and suicide baiting immediately but such is the nature of this malicious fuckhole.

>> No.69136606

I hope your oshi stays in Nijisanji forever.

>> No.69136655

95 IQ woman thinks she can outsmart 110+ IQ incel no lifers in an information war. Kek.

>> No.69136657

This is fucking fan fiction.

>> No.69136707

xisters they arent buying it anymore how do we justify our billion dollar corpo that has used and spit out every person who has worked with them, now?

>> No.69136724
File: 39 KB, 728x410, demiurge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijinigger shot itself
>Sasuga Doki sama, is this also a part of your 1000 years master plan ? unfathomably BASED

>> No.69136743

Yes. The company deserves to burn. The ‘honest, hard working’ employees deserve better too. They have been there so long, some probably even developed Stockholm Syndrome too. At this point, I hope they get canned and find a better place they actually deserve.

The ones responsible for keeping the toxic environment up deserve to burn with the company. Doesn’t matter who they are.

Inner corporate bullshit twists your mind into thinking you are worthless and you will not be able to stand on your two feet alone, just so they can trap you for longer.

>> No.69136759
File: 187 KB, 1166x570, translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what she's talking about here then. They mistranslated cookies then?

>> No.69136775

Doubleplus good, Nijisister. Riku will allow you to give him a blowjob on his yacht next time.

>> No.69136789

While you were whoring out, I studied the blade.

>> No.69136802

Offer blowjobs in exchange for siding with you. Its the only way now.

>> No.69136803

>95 IQ woman
You're being way too generous. Elira's IQ is probably more like 65.

>> No.69136830

all damage to niji was self inflicted
refer to the video linked below for an explanation

>> No.69136836
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>> No.69136849

The medical records had to be shared with Niji in the legal documents in order for her to prove the company's actions put her in a state of self-harm. Reminder, we didn't know about this until Niji themselves confirmed it for us.

And that means if niji had it, then the retards who went live just to say "WE HAVE ALL THE LEGAL DOCUMENTS SELEN SENT US AND THEY'RE HORRIBLE" had them too.

>> No.69136852

And (You)'ve gotta help her!

>> No.69136893

Her pity party led us down a rabbit hole that might end up with the first chuuba embezzlement case.

>> No.69136936

Nah the low end isn't common in dragon girls. Lowest I'll go is 90

>> No.69136955

It isn't fine. That's an understatement. It is the correct and just thing to do.

>> No.69136961

She didn't say anything was mistranslated. RIP to your headcanon.

>> No.69136960

>If Selen succeeded, she'd be mourned for a week and forgotten about, only brought up on her birthday.
I'd say that's a projection, but I'm pretty sure nobody would even remember (you) the next day.

>> No.69136967

To the surprise of no-one, Nijiniggers continue to be terminally retarded.

>> No.69137021

>getting hospitalized for a month
>being out of work and not getting an income
>making your close family members worried to death and father bursting into tears
>hide the fact you tried to an hero twice until the bullies kept hounding her

>> No.69137050

What part of "different translations" do you not understand?

>> No.69137068


>> No.69137090

Yes, mistranslated phrases that may have been construed. There's no way they misconstrued confidentiality when they literally admitted to saying they agreed to the confidentiality in their follow-up post to the poorly received 15 minutes of doubling down. https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1757257329945497672 "However, regarding the specific information and documents which Selen’s lawyer requested that we do not share with our Livers, with utmost consideration of this request ANYCOLOR Inc. has not shared any such information."

>> No.69137110

I'm still confused what the fuck either
-Their managers
-Nijisanji as a legal entity

thought they would accomplish by having unaffiliated third parties reading legal documents shared by a representative's lawyers on-air.

>> No.69137128

Anon, if you knew BPD women and their suicide stories you would know better

>> No.69137142

I can't fucking believe Doki orchestrated the entire Zaion fiasco in advance back then for her meteoric rise as an independent vtuber now.
Sasuga, Doki-sama.

>> No.69137165

>Niji wasn’t even aware
Fuck off. Not knowing the law doesn’t excuse you from obligations to act according to it nor does it absolve you from its consequences.

>> No.69137204

Vox thoroughly reviewed them.

>> No.69137214

Anon, look at Elira's stream where she tried to smear Selen but accidentally blew up Niji EN instead and ask yourself if she's intelligent in the slightest kek

>> No.69137260

>"However, regarding the specific information and documents which Selen’s lawyer requested that we do not share with our Livers, with utmost consideration of this request ANYCOLOR Inc. has not shared any such information."

So I wonder, have people simply not considered or dismissed the possibility that they're lying? It's not like they didn't release a statement at the very start of this contradicting itself and lying within the span of a single paragraph about who privated the Coffee video in the first place.

But this time


>> No.69137293

Different translations != mistranslations. Try again.

>> No.69137299

Sure would be a lot of fucking people to lie to and lie about outside of just random shitters on the internet.

>> No.69137335

If you screw up your translation into Japanese, the thing you wrote in Japanese that got sent to Nijisanji is the only thing that counts.

>> No.69137352

>toxic work place culture doesnt exist and corporate japanese companies are all sunshine and flowers
confirmed retard I hope you get fucked by your shitty coworkers faggot

>> No.69137377

bet he beat it while reading about her suicide attempt.

>> No.69137390

shouldnta privated the video. simple as that.

>> No.69137397

Being manipulative is a good trait when trying to bring down a shithole like Niji. You convinced me that Doki is the right person for the job, thank you anon.

>> No.69137427

At least get the names right, fag. It was Elira and it’s Finana, not Fiana

>> No.69137428

She has enough sense to fool higher ups and take all the sponsorships. She might have been embezzling too. Past 85 and people can't really learn anything. But yeah I get it, 90 doesn't seem that low. But it is kek. 70 is like assisted living at age 25 because you drool in front of the TV

>> No.69137499

>make some shit up
>get blown the fuck out
>run away to make new shit up
You NDF folks have to get a better playbook

>> No.69137503

Who wrote the tweet? Niji EN managers again. Kek.

>> No.69137537

Don't you have a lawsuit to prepare for?

>> No.69137549
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>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch?
>It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company?
>It's perfectly fine that, even after she's graduated, her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers?
>Dokibird doesn't deserve all of this success.
500k+ people say otherwise.
>Dokibird deserves to be destroyed like Zaion was.
Zaion screwed Zaion.

>> No.69137593

Sorry, but you can't just make up some fan fiction about them not having known about the confidentiality when they went on record as saying they knew about the confidentiality.

>> No.69137614

So now you want us to believe that Anycolor lied that Selen's lawyer requested confidentiality? You're twisted yourself into a pretzel here, NDF

>> No.69137616

But how would they explain where the money for the MV went if the MV was released?

>> No.69137719

The cool thing about accusing people of lying is that you can just do it and believe it and not have to prove jack shit.

>> No.69137765

The confidentiality NDA they agreed sign to was surrounding Selen's medical records and personal identifying information, which happened many weeks earlier. The Feb 8 menhera document came afterwards and the content within wasn't covered by any NDA.

>> No.69137804

Different narratives would imply misconstrued intent. Doki wanted out of her contract and to go about her life in peace. Anycolor thought she was gearing up for a serious legal battle. They came out swinging and shot themselves in the foot, repeatedly, until there was nothing but a stump left. All to discredit someone that was simply trying to provide just cause for her to be released from her contract early.

>> No.69137869
File: 256 KB, 820x898, 1707848385167038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes to a foreign country and commits various crimes
>Gets called out on it
>"Uhhh I didn't know the language and the law so I'm absolved from the consequences of said crimes.

>> No.69137879

Why would they prepare? They're going to win easily without doing anything. There's nothing for them to do kek

>> No.69137956

I'm saying Niji lied about claiming they didn't violate confidentiality. If they violated it, they're not going to come out and say "Yeah we fucked up" after they've been lying this long until now.

>> No.69137964

You know what you do in a toxic work environment? Quit.
>She tried, they wouldn't let her
WTF are you talking about not let her? Do you know what quitting means? Just don't show up for work. Just don't stream as Selen and ghost everyone at NijiEn, it's literally that easy
>b-but the NDA and lawsuit
She lives in Canada, she could tell them to go fuck themselves. She shit the bed for drama to farm simp bux, this is classic BPD tactics. The more I think about how everything played out the more it's clear Doki knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.69137979

Fan fiction again. Stop making shit up. It's a bad look.

>> No.69137990

Niji and Elira clearly thought Doki was going to go public with that doc, hence all that talk about doxxing.

>> No.69137994

I feel bad for them honestly

>> No.69138025
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>> No.69138071

Accusations of lying is formed of habit. If Niji didn't lie about Kyo, about Zaion, and about Mysta, it wouldn't be so easy to accuse them of lying, now.

Which they are.
Nijisisters can't stop believing liars.

>> No.69138106

You're right she could probably get away with breaking the contract. But she was also making dough.

>> No.69138143

1. Niji ruined the branch.
2. She was terminated not graduated.
3. Those retards were pushing her to death.

>> No.69138164

>company breaks several privacy laws by releasing private conversations and logs
>drags other employees into security breach
>public defamation of an individual
Even if Selen did things wrong this is such an unproffessional, gigantic fuck up, Niji deserves every bit of backlash.

>> No.69138184

>You know what you do in a toxic work environment? Quit.
Bad news: modern law hasn't been like this in close to 80 years. If your job sucks, that's on you for not quitting, but if people are actively making a job you want to do untenable to work with, and nobody stops them, that's on the company for not putting their foot down.

>> No.69138186

this is kinda mindfucking me

>> No.69138216

you wouldn't eat your oshi after shes been transformed into a delicious dessert, right anons?

>> No.69138246

Which is funny because providing that document to Elira and the rest WAS doxxing. Livers should be far more concerned about the company they work for mishandling their information than an ex-employee trying to get on with her life.

>> No.69138269
File: 7 KB, 300x168, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijisisters can't stop believing liars.
And they can't stop lying either. They really think they can fool us

>> No.69138310

Niji deserves it all.
Zaion didn't deserve any of it

>> No.69138329

Then why not contact her legal team directly for more information before setting themselves on fire in front of the whole internet? I feel like there are MANY steps they could've taken to de-escalate things before shitting the bed this badly.

>> No.69138339

It's even funnier when you consider that they, theoretically, have a lawyer who were given these documents and apparently didn't know what the fuck they meant. Genuinely thinking they were some form of Blackmail instead of a process filing.

Which means the real thing must be REALLY BAD

>> No.69138398

things would have blown over if management didnt act like fucking retards and shot themselves in to foot over and over again. why do you keep ignoring that? if they had let her go quietly, there would be no issue but they had to terminate her in a really shitty way and try to publish more hitpieces. its all on them, stop pretending they did nothing wrong. nijiens management had been garbage for a while and people have been calling it out long before anything related to selen happened

>b-but she deserves to be shit on
even if i agreed with this, they still acted extremely unproffessionally, they are representing a multibillion dollar brand, they shouldnt be throwing tantrums like toddlers

>> No.69138471

I can answer that: the documents either didn't make it to Niji's legal team first, instead being passed around by management before they decided what to do with them, or the person they hired to be a lawyer is only a qualified lawyer in Japan and may not speak much English.

Nothing else makes any sense whatsoever because presenting the accused with evidence from their accuser before taking them to trial is standard practice everywhere else in the world.

>> No.69138497

It doesn’t. The nature of the documents already warrant the handling by law. Any kind of mishandling breaches said laws. Niji lawyers should have known that from the start before reading anything Selen’s lawyers wrote.

>> No.69138608

It's the other way around. Doki's lawyer doesn't speak japanese and all of the communications have been in Japanese. Her lawyer screwed up trying to translate into Japanese.

>> No.69138688

>I'm saying Niji lied about claiming they didn't violate confidentiality.
Oh sorry for the friendly fire kek. Niji absolutely violated confidentiality. But I could see a scenario where upper management intended to honor confidentiality but the EN branch acted independently and violated it like the complete retards they are. Which would explain why Riku's statement and Elira's statement are completely at odds with each other.

>> No.69138708

Anykara but only kara I see is burakku.

>> No.69138728

>didn’t make it to the legal team
Major responsibilty flaw of the company if true. How could such documents land in the hands of monkeys if they have a company structure and hierarchy?

>> No.69138859

lol nice fanfic.

>> No.69138873

Best Post ITT. this will backfire hard on this board like it already has been doing with hololive stock. and i'll be laughing

>> No.69138883

>ndfcord still trying to blame dokibird for nijisanji shooting themselves in the foot
this is getting stale

>> No.69138917

I imagine lawyers who know how to deal with international employer disputes have contacts who know how to translate legalese into other languages. Considering all the retardation that ensued, and Anycolor's past legal bunglings, their lawyers are probably just fucking morons.

>> No.69138924

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch
Yes, a company that already had *two* branches implode on them is clearly innocent here and anything that happens to the EN branch is all the talent's fault and not a sign that the company's handing of their foreign branches is deeply flawed. Why I bet Selen somehow is responsible for the the death of the Korean and Indo branches as well in fact.

>> No.69138953

yeah lol

>> No.69139048

>Her lawyer screwed up trying to translate into Japanese.
That's your headcanon though. Doki didn't say her lawyer screwed up the translation. Nijisanji didn't say her lawyer screwed up the translation. NEITHER side is saying the documents were mistranslated. You're ass-pulling it.

>> No.69139091

Dude their lawyers can't even win a case between two japanese people why the fuck are you giving THEM the benefit of the doubt?

>> No.69139093

The only thing I see is that doki is now posting in both English and Japanese and she wasn't before.

I'm pretty sure she hired another person to check the Japanese is accurate now since her last lawyer screwed up.

>> No.69139126

go to bed, millie

>> No.69139134


>> No.69139169

She has an entire paragraph in her tweet about "different translations". I don't know how that's anything but admitting that the translations were an issue.

>> No.69139194

We've been talking about this for ages how the japanese community has no fucking clue what's going on and just think of her as a random who just got ousted, defending the corpo constantly with bad info, wondering why people give a shit.

>> No.69139252

Sorce: trust me bruv

>> No.69139453

>uhh they think 1 time is no big deal so let me tell you, they are so bad they made me do it TWO times
>twice = niji is twice as terrible see.
>uwu feel bad for me i did nothing wrong and ebil company makes me die, give me money or else i do it the third time

dont believe women

>> No.69139755

bro, the branch was rotten from the core and while Selen is a big girl and did shake the branch when she jumped off and left, it was not her fault it was rotten to the core and collapsed

>> No.69139768

Doki said the lawyer correspondence was a challenge because everything had to be translated into Japanese but neither she nor Nijisanji ever said the documents were mistranslated. Doki says her lawyer requested confidentiality. Riku says Doki's lawyer requested confidentiality. So there was obviously no mistranslation there.

>> No.69139825

>dont believe women
But anon you are a woman

>> No.69139890

>it's perfectly fine
Yes. The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.69139924

Corporations are women of business world

>> No.69140487

Everywhere I go, I see her face...

>> No.69140858

If Selen succeeded I unironically think a dragoon would have Kyoani’d Nijisanji HQ. Those fags have been nothing but loyal throughout this entire mess.

>> No.69141036
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>Loyal dragoon sacrificing his life to sink Riku's yacht in a homemade suicide torpedo

Just imagine....

>> No.69141159

Death to shitsanji, their fans, and people who would still choose to work for them after this. It's THAT simple.

>> No.69141591

>somehow this benefits Holosrael

>> No.69141759


>> No.69141820

She Literally tried to not bring it up any more then she needed to in order to silence fans.

Go stream for your dying Company, Millie.

>> No.69142001

no! i will never be a woman!

>> No.69142569

so what? lmao niji en will collapse anytime soon bcs of all those bullshit, Elira.

>> No.69142795

you know whats silly? I dont watch ANY of them, and i dont watch ANY of the dramawhores either. and I dont shitpost here. I just read and laugh and educate myself with the discussions here.

i dont condone bullying or harassment. be kind to each other, you niggers

>> No.69143036

>I am just trying to move on
BTW i tried to killed my self not once, but twice!

>> No.69143235

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch?
Employees are really only responsible for themselves, whereas companies have a responsibility for everything surrounding them due to the nature of how companies and laws exist.
Selen lying and breaking rules is bad don't get me wrong, but her accountability can only exist towards herself as she is the only one affected and only one who can get punished.
When Anycolor lies and breaks rules, that's bad and debatably worse because legally and morally companies hold accountability and responsibility towards so many moving parts/people/places/things and law violations on a corporate level are extremely pernicious.
In most cases it's way worse when a single person wrongs a company vs when a company wrongs a single person.

>> No.69143269

Has Selen ever accepted responsibility for wrongdoing on any occasion at all?

>> No.69143325

Doki hasn't done shit to damage NijiEn. The ones ruining NijiEn's reputation are NijiEn.

>> No.69143408

Dude they released THREE statements lying out their ass trying to paint her as fucking Lucifer on her first day back that was scheduled. What the fuck do you want from her?

>> No.69143684

kek maybe that retarded company shouldn't have kept adding on more reasons to pity her kek

>> No.69143721

I see you like to gobble your sausage pitch fucking black.

Cope and seethe. Whatever is coming is fully deserved and entirely Kurosanji's own damn fault.

>> No.69143773

change the story to 3 attempts, it might garner more support.

>> No.69144829

I wish you and those around you a horrible life and death.

>> No.69144964

Elira ill fogive you and anti doki if you post your fat fucking dragon tits

>> No.69145021

She's not stupid like Bomu

>> No.69145378

>Not stupid
If shes dumb enough to embezzle company funds then shes dumb enough to post tits for forgiveness. Now give elira the phone millie/enna. I know you whores are phone posters.

>> No.69146007

Just keeping up with the bait huh discordngger?

>> No.69146249

anon, most of the big streamers, especially the female cunts, made it big cause drama. people love drama because their life is boring and sad and pathetic. That's just how the world works

>> No.69146283

Next time you want someone dead, do it yourself.

>> No.69146285

Dokishit simps are cult-like and deserve to be scammed by her if we're being honest. everyone loves a victim even when they're the abuser

>> No.69146358

the company was already ruined
incinerating it is an improvement

>> No.69146453

Niji ruined their branch the moment they put out that vindictive termination notice. They were the ones who revealed all the rrats to the public.

>> No.69146457

Zaion/Sayu is actually doing better now thanks to this. All I wish for is for Doki to save Rosemi at the very least.

>> No.69146545
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>HAHAHAHA you came in by ass what the fuck HAHAHAHAHA put that shit in my pussy next time holy shit you sick fuck HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.69146549

So fucking what? She's making the mother of all omelette's here OP, can't fret over every egg.

>> No.69146632

You should read some of the niji rrat threads that are in the catolog.

>> No.69146645

dramabirds gonna drama and fuck up everyone else

>> No.69146832

We're not here because we like Doki.
We're here because we hate Nijisanji.
And every dramafag on the whole net is gathering to watch the bonfire. Here, on twitter, on reddit, on facebook, in other dark corners of the web. We're here for the entertaining content of watching a dumpsterfire with a preestablished good guy, preestablish bad guy and no one cares about the truth.

>> No.69147064

That's a very superficial way of looking at it. The only reason her numbers are pumped is because of the new waves of drama. It's like her existence is really hitched to Niji drama and her own merits aren't enough for people to watch her. This is going to be worse for the cause of the drama which is now called DramaBird according to the new rrat. She is going to be tied to Niji drama forever and will never be anything apart from the person that caused drama. This is not a good place for any content creator to be for any reason.

>> No.69147269

Imagine being so high up in your own ass that you protect a corpo

>> No.69147322

It doesnt matter now. The fire has grown too big all involved.The masses are out for blood. Corns will be popped and heads will roll.

>> No.69147339

Dude no one care about Doki except dragoons, people came here due to Niji's continous mistakes and because people LOVE drama and seeing big bad corpos fall down.

It's not about Doki, it's about Niji management being proved shit.

>> No.69147533

It's just Elira's house of cards slowly falling apart anon, this was just the straw that broke the camel's back

Sayu said this three months ago
>The expected me, they expected a certain someone (Zaion) to go scorched earth on them. I could. I fucking could. But I knew they would self destruct anyway.

>> No.69147556
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Yachtman and his EN regime is apart of the normie cancer that is ruining VT.
For the good of the culture, they must endure the ultimate.

>> No.69147592

Her fanbase is hers, not Niji's, and they made her one of the most popular talents in EN. She's off the chain entirely now, able to do whatever she wants with whoever she wills, beholden only to her dragoons rather than the petty whims of an inept psychopath.

She'll grow beyond this the day it's finally put to the sword, and leave that entire company to its fate with nothing more than a sigh of relief.

The same cannot be said for Niji.

>> No.69147678

it was a Niji own goal, so yes. Out of all the ways they could handle a menhera liver they chose the worst possible way and doubled down. Their actions confirm her story to everyone on the outside; even if it's all in her head and she went schizo on them their response to it goes beyond mere incompetence. Your strategy shouldn't be so baffling that it makes shitposting /vt/ narratives sound plausible.

>> No.69148116

The termination notice stated that she was hospitalized, Vox literally said the thoroughly read the documents, and Elira clearly stated her, Enna's, and Millie's information was there. This is plenty of evidence for Doki to suspect what documents they were given. All of this info came FIRST from Niji.
All you're saying in your post is that Doki made a 5D chess maneuver by saying nothing and Niji fell for it like dumb retards by making the 15 minutes video (that came before that tweet you posted) validating her claims before she even claimed anything, you're not helping your case here.

>> No.69148499

>The Feb 8 menhera document came afterwards and the content within wasn't covered by any NDA.
The menhera documents was sent on the 5th, hours before her termination notice, and that was the document that was requested confidentiality. At that point, the termination notice didn't violate the confidentiality since they said nothing about the details of the document.
NijiEN later, using Elira, Vox, and Ike, proved the confidentiality was breached when they confirmed they read the documents, which forced Nijisanji to make a post using semantics as defense
>we didn't breach the confidentiality because the ones that read it were our talents that were not under the confidentiality tehepero

>> No.69149770

>we didn't breach the confidentiality because the ones that read it were our talents that were not under the confidentiality tehepero
Which is utter nonsense because the confidentiality breach was letting livers have access to it in the first place. Not what the livers did with it once they had it. The person who wrote that notice is absolutely not a lawyer. I'm more willing to believe that EN went rogue than that an actual attorney thought that it was a good idea to do the textual equivalent of dabbing on people by saying they used a loophole so everything is okay. Especially when said loophole begins with an admission of breached confidentiality. Then ending the notice with a "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing"? Absolutely not. That was a college intern at best.

>> No.69149964

Ruining nijishit is based so yes

>> No.69150104
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>> No.69150153

>That was a college intern at best.
Rrat: It was Petra playing lawyer

>> No.69150169

You could have just kept your mouth shut Nijisanji and like 'won'? But ego trips amirite! SO WORTH IT

>> No.69150223

As a show of solidarity, I think it's time for notNina to reveal was she saw on Enna's phone. Come on Nina, the world wants to know what was so revolting it made you every, even Millie, flabbergasted

>> No.69150309

short answer is yes
long answer is kneel down I want to test your sucking capabilities

>> No.69150340

It wasn't confidential. They were party to it because it was about them, if it was a HR complaint then it's property of the company too. Dramabird orchestrated this and manipulated her audience into thinking it was something it wasn't. If you don't see this that's because you have tunnel vision.

>> No.69150485

my sides niji shill talking about tunnel vision...stop it I just can't stop laughing

>> No.69150533

Doesn't work that way. If two parties sign an agreement stating it is confidential, then it is. That's literally what an NDA is. They broke it. You don't get to be party to anything and everything that mentions your name. That is not how ANY legal system works. If you aren't one of the actual sides in a lawsuit, you don't fucking matter. And she has never once claimed to be suing ANYONE, let alone the actual talents.

>> No.69150708

Damn, I didn't know imposter syndrome can post on /vt/.

>> No.69150741

I don't judge Nijisanji based on what Selen did or said.

I judge Nijisanji based soley on their own actions.

THEY chose to run a smear campaign, THEY chose to have a dumb release on Elira's channel. THEY chose to fuck this up.

Nijisanji could have just shut up. They could have let it go. They could have left the reasons vague and never talked about it again.

Niji fucked over their own reputation. Again: Selen didn't do this to Niji, they did it to themselves.

>> No.69150747

You were fucking stupid to publicly disclose anything at all. Want to know how to avoid this mess? Instead of the bulleted-list character assassination of Selen at termination, here's what you say instead:
>"Selen posted the MV despite management telling her not to do so until they had completed permissions checks on it. Bypassing management and ignoring our permissions policy was a clear breach of contract, and as such we have no choice but to terminate her contract with us here. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours, and thank her for all her contributions to Nijisanji."

It's that simple. Just literally post that instead. You'd get some grumbling over the Kafkaesque bureaucracy, but no branch-ending shitstorm. Dumb fuckers.

>> No.69150899

Yes it's fine.
It's better than fine it's great.
It's better than great its SIEG ZAION!
I'm gonna be real happy with myself when my work is done and NijiEN is dead. It's been a lot of work. I thought it might not happen for a long while, but now i see the finish line ahead and i got my second wind.

>> No.69150988

If NijiEN members would not side with black company they would not be on receiving end of people's wrath. Their position is their own damn choice.
Seethe, cope, dilate and cry, Nijisister.

>> No.69151017

So you have suspicion of manipulation versus actual evidence of twisting and manipulating facts from both Zaions and Selens termination notices?

>> No.69151143

you hate selen because she burned down nijisanji
i hate selen because she didn't let hololive burn it down first

go cry to your groomer that panders to chink more, nijifag

>> No.69151308

Even if, by some bizarre legal loophole, what they did with the document was legal: Having your own talent use a clearly-intended-to-be-private legal document to run a 15 minute smear stream against an ex-employee trying to go live as an indie is a fucking horrendous thing to do. It's cruel, vindictive, paints a massive target on your current staff's heads, is a PR catastrophe, and guarantees nobody will want to talk to your layers if they can avoid it.

>> No.69151570

Well I never liked nijisanji so yeah. From an outsider's perspective all I knew about nijiEN was the 2% thing and the pair of livers that went to Vshoujo and then this pirvated video thing that sparked this whole event. She had incredibly good optics and sympathy as some lone anime girl against this incompetent company that already had accusations of being a black company. If a team of lawyers and HR can't defeat one lone anime girl they deserve to lose. Hint: there was a picture of a landwhale posted in at least one of these thread earlier but by then I had already thrown in support for Dokibird. If there was credible proof early on that the human behind the anime girl was fat she would have less support. That wouldn't have solved everything but I certainly would have remained neutral.

>> No.69151774

Hello retard, everyone knew years ago that Selen is fat. And everyone loved it. Now go kys

>> No.69152110

After all fuckups your branch can burn to the ground for all i care.

>> No.69152243

No thanks, you're a dumbshit angry nigger.

>> No.69152285

Like Hololive, Selen is winning by doing nothing.

>> No.69152310

Dokifags see someone accusing someone of something, see the accused deny the accusations and then proceed to mock the accused for not having proof that they DIDN'T do something

Twitter has disastrous effect on the psyche of young minds

>> No.69152363

It seems to be an incredibly reliable tactic for dealing with people this incompetent.

>> No.69152469

People aren't mad at Nijisanji because of any accusations by Doki (she barely made any), they're mad because of the things Nijisanji have publicly said and done.

>> No.69152555

The PROOF that it was confidential is that Niji had to make a post about the loophole. If it wasn't confidential, they didn't need to explain the loophole, they just needed to say it wasn't confidential period.

>> No.69152602

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch? It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company? It's perfectly fine that, even after she's graduated, her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers?
The company did that, Zaion was the canary in the coal mine and she's the fucking toxic leak that finally shut it down. You're blaming the symptom and not the cause, just like the Livers you simp for.

Really starting to realize that if we're going with High School comparisons Nijisisters are the beta orbiters around Stacy thinking if they suck up to her, she'll give them the time of the day. You're only useful to that clique as a tool, so keep being one.

>> No.69152634

They explained it because she was spreading misinformation that suggested they did something illegal.

>> No.69152672

how fat are we even talking, here

>> No.69152677

Consider having sex
with me

>> No.69152705

>Doesn't work that way. If two parties sign an agreement stating it is confidential, then it is
No, it works exactly like that. If two parties sign a legal document agreeing that something is confidential then it is, and they're held accountable to the agreed penalties. That's exactly how it works. What are you not understanding?

>> No.69152726

The difference
>Zaion gets terminated, Sayu admits she did break the rules sometimes. Zaion debunks claims in termination notice. No one in Niji is willing to publicly defend management over this. Zaion does not drag in other livers into her fiasco. Finana drags in herself because she's a retard

Vs Selena
>Publicly breaks rules and gets her video privated .Tells people to bypass the privatization of her video. Throws manager under the bus on a Niji account. Drags other livers and the company into a suit. Gets terminated. Doki never debunks anything said in the termination notice. Doki instead of posting evidence that she could reasonably post without getting sued like Zaion just claims she was bullied. Selen's ex-friends come out of the wood work and say her document claims she was harassed. Her ex-friends all deny harassment took place and give their POV of what happened. Doki continuously says she'd make evidence public and hasn't

>> No.69152850

Drama is the only way Vtubers make any kind of traction. Plus, seeing their autism on display for the world is amazing- I don't even need the Farms or Jim to find stupidity of this level anymore

>> No.69152885

Most niji fans seem to believe this and even as ex-niji fans they're thriving off drama.

>> No.69152939

>instead of posting evidence
>instead of posting
lawsuits isn't twitter beef

>> No.69152944

I think you misread me or I'm misreading you. I said it was confidential because they agreed it was. Nobody outside of the parties that signed the confidentiality agreement should have seen that document. Even if other parties were mentioned in it, they have no right to see it.

>> No.69152985

If Nijisanji management or lawyers signed a legal agreement and broke it then they're absolutely liable. That is absolutely how it works. There is an implication in there that you're too stupid to figure out.

>> No.69153090 [DELETED] 

>Publicly breaks rules and gets her video privated
Management privated her video solely to bully her. After that point Niji got what they deserved.
>Doki instead of posting evidence
Doki didn't need to post evidence when Nijisanji bumbled their way into doing it for her.
>claims she was bullied
Confirmed by Nijisanji.
>Doki continuously says she'd make evidence public
And other lies Niji interns what you to believe

>> No.69153101

Anon? You are calling me stupid while saying the same thing that I've been saying. The person I was replying to was saying it wasn't confidential. I was disagreeing with them. It IS confidential. That anon was trying to claim that people outside of NDA should be allowed to see documents simply because they were mentioned within them. Which is retarded.

>> No.69153163

>Publicly breaks rules and gets her video privated
Management privated her video solely to bully her. After that point Niji got what they deserved.
>Doki instead of posting evidence
Doki didn't need to post evidence when Nijisanji bumbled their way into doing it for her.
>claims she was bullied
Confirmed by Nijisanji.
>Doki continuously says she'd make evidence public
And other lies Niji interns want you to believe

>> No.69153224

So you ARE retarded and agree that nobody said they can break an NDA without consequences?

>> No.69153263

Cuddly soft.

>> No.69153352

Ok but where's the proof?

>> No.69153397

A disagreement about whether or not they broke a legal agreement doesn't warrant an attack based on defining the legal agreement. They said there weren't such documents with such agreements. She responded live that they broke such an agreement, and later backpedaled her statement.
If Nijisanji managers or lawyers broke such an agreement they would be legally liable. Who is the retard?

>> No.69153399

Anon, for the last time please fucking read the post I was initially replying to. Here I'll break it down for you.
>It wasn't confidential.
Yes it was. Two parties agreed to it being confidential and then Anycolor broke confidentiality.
>They were party to it because it was about them, if it was a HR complaint then it's property of the company too.
No, Elira and the rest are not party to the fucking document just because it contains their names in it. If they did not sign the confidentiality agreement, they should not have seen the thing. When I said no legal system works that way I was referring to this nonsensical statement. I'm not quoting the rest because it's just troll shit.

>> No.69153467

Even if this was true (it's not and I don't know why you would lie like that) That's a "Not her problem" problem.
Doki lives in canada, and so it's up to Nijisanji to have a Lawyer fluent in Canadian law, which means a lawyer fluent in English.

>> No.69153485

No, we need to believe the histrionic narcissist and take her at her word. She can't possibly lie or fumble under pressure.

>> No.69153495

All she's really done is post a couple statements, take back her fan name, and do way better than the rest of the female Tubers in her branch since she left.

Guess which one prompted Elira statement when Doki was about to go live on Monday night?

>> No.69153514

Literally fucking everywhere. Privating Selen's video supposedly because Nijisanji needed to check to see if it was okay to include its own IP was an obvious lie. Then Nijisanji confirmed shit in their termination statement. Then Elira, Enna, and Millie outed themselves as the bullies.

>> No.69153521
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>> No.69153544
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Yes, Millie

>> No.69153557

No, because the lawyer wrote up the post for her to ensure that she doesn't fumble
Unlike Niji with their retarded statements

>> No.69153582

Please go back and read it all. You will find that nobody disagreed that breaking a legal agreement doesn't open them up to legal liability. That's exactly how the law works. If it wasn't then contracts and any such agreements would have no teeth and would be entirely worthless. You're retarded that you continue to be unable to parse the information everyone has available and come to the correct solution. Read what you are replying to before you continue to self-own.

>> No.69153599

That's a lot of words saying that you have no proof

>> No.69153610

it is more than just perfectly fine

>> No.69153629

>Nijisanji doesn't have real lawyers
>only the histrionic Chinese Canadian dramabird has a lawyer

>> No.69153696

So you agree with me on every bulletpoint but just decided to call me a retard because you are having a bad day. Got it. Formulate a coherent argument that disagrees with my statements or kindly fuck off.

>> No.69153712
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How hard was to just fire her rather than wait a month in total obscurity? How about also not talking shit after firing the girl that got harassed? How about also not deleting her channel so other livers don't live in fear of their life work being destroyed over nothing?

>> No.69153718

Never said that they don't have lawyers, just retarded ones
She does have one

>> No.69153780
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The clique totally shared her medical records though.

>> No.69153785

>Literally didn't do anything
>Nijisanji Tried really hard to blame shift, but dug their own shithole several times
>This has to be Selen's fault.

>> No.69153798

Kek. You can pretend the proof doesn't exist but considering that basically the entire English vtuber sphere has turned against Nijisanji, your attempts to pretend like Doki doesn't have the facts on her side just makes you look like a completely retarded clown on Nijisanji's payroll.

>> No.69153846

Everyone deserves the best, this includes dokibird, and talents within nijien that looks like unfortunately will be affected by collateral damage.
Nijisanji should atm surgically excise the rotten scum off their organs and move on

>> No.69153910

> her sympathy pains are destroying honest, hard working livers
They missed their chance for redemption now they will suffer the consequences

>> No.69153912

NijiEN has a history of being extremely vindictive against former talents

>> No.69153946

>Nijisanji should atm surgically excise the rotten scum off their organs
So all their golden piggies?
That'd be grim

>> No.69153953
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>> No.69154076

>Nijisanji denies claims of bullying
>This proves they bullied her
>Elira claims the document alludes to where her, Millie and Enna live
>This somehow proves they were the bullies
>Vox says he was recorded without his knowledge
>This proves Vox was in on it

But...but indie fags who jump on bandwagons all the time for their five seconds of fame are siding with Selen. You fuckers are retarded

>> No.69154102

so dragoons stay winning, sweet

>> No.69154108
File: 197 KB, 548x580, 1707091424238091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, what, it's perfectly fine that her pity party ruined a branch? It's perfectly fine that it might have ruined an entire company?

>> No.69154117


>> No.69154177

And you get a D- for reading comprehension, mon ami. Fucksake and people say I'm obtuse.

>> No.69154187

They admitted to the bullying in the first statement and mentioning the clique members only proves it further.

>> No.69154209

You get an F for being autistic and being baited by shitposts

>> No.69154259

Keep your Fs, I'm not interested in your VD.

>> No.69154280

Imagine being an NDF shill and trying to defend Nijisanji's reputation even though it's already dead lmao

>> No.69154309

You're not obtuse, you're acute

>> No.69154411

Elira listen to your manager to stfu

>> No.69154426

They don't actually deny the bullying claim and instead added that her claim which mentioned nobody specific involves livers. Then the three stooges stream added faces to these claims.
Just an all around fuck up on their part.

>> No.69154447

If I walk up to a cop and, completely unprompted, proclaim that I didn't murder anyone then he's gonna think something is up. That's what Anycolor did with that termination notice. They walked up to twitter and proclaimed they didn't bully anyone. Nobody had publicly accused them of doing so. It was an unprompted statement that was suspicious as fuck.

You know what Doki hasn't done? Publicly mention livers bullying her. Not a single time. Not on twitter. Not on stream. Prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.69154760

they're the golden piggies right now because they've been slurping all the nutrients required to grow, exactly like a tumor
once you excise the tumor the normal talents will be healthier and become golden piggies too in the long run

>> No.69155654
File: 440 KB, 925x841, 1707784546672398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one bud

>> No.69156105

Sisters projecting their own sociopathy and then wondering how others can possibly have empathy will never stop being so funny.

>> No.69156335

kys retard
go support embezzlers and sexual predators somewhere else

>> No.69156497

Selen literally prepared a statement claiming she was bullied from within Niji. Obviously people would believe it was the managers whose job is to do nothing but tard wrangle and approve perms. Not people she considers friends, has collaborated with and has met in person.

>If I don't mention anyone specifically, they can't sue me for defamation
That was probably her thought process

>> No.69156550

Was the mistranslation real in your mind?
