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File: 25 KB, 599x347, doki05118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68973107 No.68973107 [Reply] [Original]

how anyone could possibly think she's the one in the wrong and not just another victim of abuse by a fucking shit company and the cliquey livers within it, blows my fucking mind.

This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again. Aggressors and Abusers are not the ones that try to move on and want to keep things quiet. They're the ones that try their hardest to keep the public on their side, even when the Victim hasn't said shit about them in public. The mere implication and fear that she MIGHT, is what destroyed Niji from within.

Reminder: She hasn't said shit. It has been Niji telling on themselves this entire time.

>> No.68973159

damn how she stronger than gura?

>> No.68973239

she tried to kill herself and survived, she literally have nothing left to lose.

>> No.68973286
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Maybe dont record someone who trusts you for malicious intent and hold onto that for over a year? wonder what else dookie recorded/kept for her agenda.

>> No.68973342

Stop making threads about this ffs
Its not a big deal yet its the biggest shitfest on this board since its creation. Shut the fuck up

>> No.68973376

This is Depp vs Heard but more in the sense that it's a BPD menhera who the public initially supports until it turns out she was a shitshow behind the scenes and everyone hated her.

>> No.68973390

hope you have enough money for the legal fees :^)

>> No.68973422
File: 167 KB, 374x565, F9C77021-B3AB-4790-A025-9273D139504D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes got a lo tof weight to lose lol

>> No.68973426

>hurr durr stop talking about our fuck-ups, you're supposed to side with us and hate Doki!

>> No.68973429
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>it's not a big deal

>> No.68973463

>Its not a big deal
Holy shit its mr Yatch himself?

>> No.68973471

she should've known there's no way they let the mysta and nina frame go through
i'm assuming this was the 100th time she got denied, reached her boiling point, and just thought fuck this im posting it anyway
but to suspend/fire her over that is retarded

>> No.68973519

What the fuck are you even attempting to communicate

>> No.68973558

To be honest, I agree. The death of NijiEN as a branch is, indeed, negligible.

>> No.68973569

The NDF were promised riku's personalized Keychains for their participation in their defense squadron. One of those Keychain comes in with a 1 round trip to Japan so all the kurosanji bootlickers are competing against each other for the grand price.

>> No.68973599

Don't be a bitch and you won't get your ass recorded, Enna.

>> No.68973626

But enough about Elira.

>> No.68973643

maybe don't post

>> No.68973671

You have a lot of pag pag to pick up. Isn't it like.4 am in manila?

>> No.68973682

someone's upset their victim was smart for once

>> No.68973782

What did you say that's got you so paranoid?

>> No.68973800

Kurosanji is definitely not the same moral equivalent of Johnny Depp.

>> No.68973833

Wasnt elira above 600k subs? Kek

>> No.68973856

Holy cope

>> No.68973874

You'd know wouldn't you?

>> No.68973901


>> No.68973912

It was. For over a year and a half management ghosted her, shot down her projects, dragged out perms to the point that AAA multi-billion dollar megacorps were tweeting her directly begging her to just DM them if she wanted any perms so she could actually stream the game before the heat death of the universe, and she was constantly getting belted for management's fuckups like in the tourney/when niji didn't pay the artist/when she gave contest rewards in addition to rules being selectively enforced only against her while Vox, Millie, and others get away with everything

>> No.68973937

If she wasnt so fat she would have not have attempted suicide.

>> No.68973982

You are literally just believing a woman because you want to whiteknight her. No receipts of bullying means it did not happen.

>> No.68974002

>This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again
Neither of those retards ended up the good guys though when all the facts were revealed. Which I suppose is how this will pan out so maybe you are on to something.

>> No.68974042
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>> No.68974156

Who dis

>> No.68974188

You're fucked Enna, lawyer up.

>> No.68974242

Which is definitely the reason, Elira, Millie, and others contact information is included in the legal documents being exchanged between lawyers regarding the incident after doki gave her lawyer her box of receipts. Wait...

>> No.68974259

But Depp was the one that was recording Heard behind the scenes, wasn’t he? I remember fags trying to give him flak for that when the trial was ongoing, even.

>> No.68974277

How is Anycolor supposed to confirm Doki's claims without contacting the livers in question about it?

>> No.68974305

The trend for the board ops to be in favor of who responded last is pretty cute.

>> No.68974319

Just because your mom died that way doesn't mean everyone is the same retard

>> No.68974342
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how anyone could possibly think she's the one in the wrong and not just a sweet neet girl that wouldn't harm a fly

>> No.68974424

Because Kurosanji isn't a generous philantropist actor with too much money, bad character judgement and questionable substance abuse habits?

>> No.68974462

Enna-posting makes me wonder how many people get legit tard rage from reading and how many people think about rape-correcting her. Either way I think it is the new (you) meta.

>> No.68974471

Do you have the receipts that you weren’t adopted?

>> No.68974533

Heard was recording him in compromising while passed out to paint him in a bad light too.

>> No.68974545

That friend?


>> No.68974557

Funny enough COVID almost killed me and thats what motivated me finally to lose weight, now im down over 100 pounds since then and feeling great would be respectable if she did the same

>> No.68974570

Like this:
> Hey Vox, so do you think there are any favoritism management has towards you?
Not like this:
>Hey Vox, Selen just said management payed favoritism towards you, she secretly recorded the conversation between you, anywhere here's the entire legal document.

>> No.68974584

>This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again.
This. Initially everyone thought Amber Heard was in the right, then after everything came to light, she got exposed. Same thing is going to happen to Doki.

>> No.68974590

both canada and japan have one party consent laws that allow them to record conversations. Cope.

>> No.68974658

there are women on both sides anonchama....

>> No.68974665

Not really. It's open and shut
>After being exclusively targeted for abuse by management for over a year and a half she finally had a menhera moment on christmas day
The others are much worse
Then, Mr. "Pfft, I thought I knew you" Eveland
and we can't forget Mr. "oh yisss my Kittens, I've THOROUGHLY reviewed this confidential legal document I'm in violation of numerous canadian laws to possess" Akuma.

>> No.68974678

1. Contrarians and edgelords.
2. Corporate shills.
3. Antis.
4. I'm sure this is going to end up on the wrong end of the culture war.

>> No.68974697

The Voldemort of vtubing.

>> No.68974713

fuck off slumsaint

>> No.68974754

You are also a woman nijisis

>> No.68974785

Go back to sucking black cock, enna you coal burning whore.

>> No.68974884

Selen recorded Vox because the concert incident was proof that there was unequal rule enforcement and punishment helping build a credible case that she was singled out and targeted by management continuously.

By not flopping down a legal document meant only for lawyers that contains literally everyone's contact information and Selen's medical records?

>> No.68974892

if this happens, I don't think I'll have enough popcorn in stock

>> No.68974907

>Nobody was the good guy
You sound like a 'believe all women' NPC.

>> No.68974914

Yozakura Tama. Back in the day .live was one of the big companies and when she got terminated she exited in a similar fashion to Selen, except with a MUCH stronger case about how the company was a black company. It effectively killed the brand, far harder than even NijiEn is taking a beating right now actually.

It took years but it was eventually proven that she was a lying bitch painting herself as a victim and a martyr.

Everyone is acting like this is the biggest yab ever but Tama was one of the yabs that tangibly changed the entire vtubing scene. Selen's case is playing out like the baby bitch version of it so far until further developments and people who're unambiguously on her side are way too new to this rodeo.

>> No.68974926
File: 20 KB, 119x144, question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't she simply graduate if things were bad like the other livers?

>> No.68975058

She planned to.

Then things got bad enough she had a suicide attempt and they decided to just terminate her after doing a complete media lockdown.

They only had to wait a couple more weeks.

>> No.68975069

Nijisanji needed someone in the wreckage.

>> No.68975091

>but to suspend/fire her over that is retarded
I don't know about you guys but I worked in little league local showbiz in my city as a small-time editor. It's the same with the little fishies as it is in Hollywood: if the producers like you, then any publicity is good publicity; if the producers don't like you, then "well we don't know how we feel about her representing our brand."

>> No.68975157

I do. I don't trust her because I refuse to trust women

>> No.68975160

Heard's a conniving cunt that got with Depp not out of love but for status, and Depp is a barely cogent old man who just wanted to plow some young gash when he was lucid. Really not hard to turn things into a faggoty culture war, but I guess I'm different.

>> No.68975164

She had just renewed her contract so she would have continued to have been starved by a spiteful management for another 10 months
We don't know the penalties for ending the contract early but it's clearly awful enough since literally everyone has chosen contract expiration for their exit instead.

>> No.68975175
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She was clearly planning to but still had things she wanted to accomplish in 2024. It's a long queue.

>> No.68975176

Anon, don't be ridiculous, there's no way they would spring for a round-trip.

>> No.68975182

Would be entertaining, no doubt. Holochads are just watching the barn burn and laughing at them.

>> No.68975190

>I can only relate to things through famous shitters and media references
60 IQ individual. Btw you nyfco sisters really tell on yourselves, huh?

>> No.68975307

>Never got that Towa fps tournament
I want to believe

>> No.68975329

Stop crying OP, you brought it up first sister.

>> No.68975395

>a legal document meant only for lawyers
This makes no sense. When she wants them to be held legally accountable, then they have the right to read the document. If it was only for lawyers, well then Vox needed a lawyer to check the document for him and then share the details with him anyway.

>> No.68975416

because didn't really want to graduate, she wanted to put pressure on them to get their act together, problem is they fucked up because they weren't the adults in the room, they became spiteful and played chicken with her, her manager was obviously a bitchy woman, note the ellipses every message and the passive aggressiveness, that manager is spiting her and escalating things

>> No.68975450
File: 206 KB, 600x900, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heard vs. depp
naw this is kemono friends mine and kadokawa getting jealous of tatsuki

even down to firing for a video that already had permissions until last minute when they decided they needed extra permissions even though all permissions were already in order from the parties that mattered

for fucks sake theres even a VA shield video conference

>> No.68975460

Woman moment.

>> No.68975609

Maybe you should stop saying dumb shit on your memberships Enna

>> No.68975687

>Threaten to quit
>Company ignores it
>Talent still doesn't quit
They are both incompetent.

>> No.68975842

Retard. This is incredibly early when the lawyers are just organizing shit. Furthermore they trim , redact, and control sensitive material so later in the process if a case is going to go ahead then yes Vox's lawyer would review it, Vox would get Vox's stuff and other relevant things with sensitive details redacted. Not doxing literally everyone you mong.

>> No.68976035

>Bullied by management
>"I think I wanna graduate like right now"
>Other Livers: "Nooo you're doing so good think of the stuff you want to do we'd feel so baaad (www)"
>"mmokay i guess"
>repeat ad nauseum
Guaranteed this is part of the cycle of abuse she suffered. Might sound hyperbolic but im just assuming the worst so far.

>> No.68976138

>Pissed of the victim took action to protect themselves.

LOL Get fucked Niji cock sucker.

>> No.68976150

>From what I know, based on this document, Salon had wanted to use this as proof of staff showing favouritism for some members over others

Because Vox was never intended to be held legally accountable to begin with? The recording was meant as an evidence of staff favoritism, and not meant to sue Vox.

>> No.68976156

I personnaly think that the blames lies with management simply because you're supposed to be the more mature party, if the talent is a pay and unfixable, fire them and don't make it toxic, if you fucked up, make counter measures, and try at least to placate the menhera talent down if they start threatening to leave at the very least, shutting down and ignoring it means you're daring the person to go further

>> No.68976262

>This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again
So everyone sides with one person but in reality both sides suck?

>> No.68976311

I'm sure you will find out when you have to pay Doki a six or seven figure settlement including attorney fees + tip.

>> No.68976482

Everyone knows Selen is menhera so it's kind of like knowingly hiring someone who is a headcase and then not treating their mental illness carefully and later wondering why something you thought was innocuous caused her to tard rage. Don't hire people who aren't mentally stable if you're not going to make that concession or you're just going to have these drama shitshows.

>> No.68976508

The should have hired actual lawyers.

Who ever is advising them legally likely does not know what the hell they are doing.

>> No.68976552

biggest drop is -21k for selen?

>> No.68976671

From privated Chihiro Twitcast
> They told me to delete all the follows and replies on my sister's account.
> There's a lot of other things I wish I had control over.
> *sigh* I'm disappointed.
> There's so many things things I want to protect, so many things I want to save, so many management-like things I'd like to see (them) do, but...
> Honestly there's been so many times I thought of quitting.
> Lately some bad stuff happened to my sister, and I hoped she could get some energy by having fun with everyone
> *big sigh*
> It's kinda unfair isn't it? Only during times like these they say "It's to protect Chihiro-san!".
> In the end I had to do so many things myself, about the slander and other things..
> It's tiring to be told you're an "individual proprietor" only when it's convenient for them.
> I've been holding back on (saying) so many things, but..
> "sole proprietors" when it's convenient, and "corpo VTubers" when they need it.
> *sigh*
> When you're told that you can't (keep) twitter or Youtube, it's a bit.. y'know..
> The 1st gen contracts were changed around so much
> It's a wonder they still continued to this day... the 1st gen...
> We kept telling each other "I'm seriously thinking of quitting" and stopping each other and came this far
> Chihiro might have been the one that wanted to quit the most

>> No.68976675

This is the early stages. Where they were being put on notice.

This was not at the stage of filing a lawsuit and naming names yet. You really have no fucking clue how this works do you.

>> No.68976683
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Why would Doki's lawyers go after Vox if the accusation was preferential treatment? Unless he was directly caught sabotaging his co-workers to put himself in a favorable position, it's not his fault that his bosses line up to milk his cock for the chinese fujoshits to swallow. It is literally a managerial issue.

>> No.68976713
File: 228 KB, 389x395, 1707389937887871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because Vox was never intended to be held legally accountable to begin with?
>Selen and her lawyer mentioned the possibility that they will also hold Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR Inc. legally responsible.

>> No.68976765

Does she still play Apex with ac1d these days? I haven't followed her for a long time but I remember dragoons getting mad about that. Then it was Noct and idk who it is now.

>> No.68976849

she didn't want to wait in the queue for several months

>> No.68976852

I can't believe you seriously believe Amber Heard was the victim. If you don't, you've completely misunderstood your own analogy.

>> No.68976916


"While the act itself isn’t illegal, it could lead to job termination stemming from breach of trust, violation of company policies, and potential legal and privacy issues that can disrupt the work environment."

>> No.68976949

nijifaggots on suicide watch that the yab is going into mainstream now.

jump ship now, niji can't pay you when their IR reveals they're shrinking.

>> No.68976999

Good job anon

>> No.68977095

its ogre manlet jesus also made a video instead of just a clip

>> No.68977192

You can be right and still be an awful person. Like when Hasan got falsely accused of SA. I didn't jump the hate wagon because I dislike him and his terrible takes and attitude, I waited for the facts to come out and it showed that he didn't do it. He's still an awful person.

>> No.68977220

>Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR

>> No.68977346

Also the termination notice that was so well written and so trustworthy it revealed that selen was being bullied by the livers specifically instead of everyone assuming it was just the company being shit?
Vox didn't have any skin in the game. As far as we know he was just an example that Selen was singled out for abuse by management.

>> No.68977376

>recorded something
>never talked about or released to the public, at any point

>learn about the record
>instantly talk about it and make a 15 minute video to talk about it to smear the one that recorded
idk enna-chan, only one side sounds truly malicious here

>> No.68977407
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>when the company is so black they don't stop abusing you even after you quit
>neopets permissions removed

>> No.68977770

If anything, the one whose address got included are most likely going to get sued - the court summons has to get Mail to their place after all.

>> No.68977901
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>> No.68977920
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Anons she's already filthy rich and has sponsors that will make her even richer. She's set for life. You don't need to keep pretending like you care about her when she don't even know you exist. She already has the means to live a much better life than anybody posting on 4chan. She could buy herself a Lamborghini to cry in it or even kill herself with style for real this time.

>> No.68978030

Actual lawyers would have the parties present, including a lawyer from Selen's side, and asked questions both lawyers agreed upon, take the statements made by the employees, made a new document with said statements, all signed to show agreement on it, and archived it to use on court if necessary.

Not giving them a downloaded PDF so they could throughly read and then talk about in public, on stream.

>> No.68978032

Vox's contact information still has to be included to go ayo dis recording u? Before yesterday we had no reason to believe Vox was bullying. Now... Hahahahaha

>> No.68978115

She blew all her money producing shit like the birthday concert. You never watched her so you wouldn't understand.

>> No.68978179

>Anons she's already filthy rich
She has poor finance management, as she admitted.

>> No.68978221

Discovery. Both sides have to share evidence with the other. Anything not shared is inadmissible in court during trial.

>> No.68978288

Yeah, but she was already terminated when all of this came into light, brought by niji themselves.
They can't terminate a terminated person.

>> No.68978468

Lmao she went -200k with zero profits last year. How do you think she has any financial sense to not blow her money on some vanity project. But must be nice having rich parents covering her back that she doesn’t need to be financially responsible.

>> No.68978494


>> No.68978864

what an absolutely shameless bitch. that's the oldest move in the book, oh nyo I'm a scared lonely girl, won't someone stay with me? *gets railed 5 minutes after the stream ends* fucking cuckgoons are pathetic

>> No.68978881

tell me one thing that Depp did wrong besides vent to his best friends and say mean things over private text messages?

>> No.68979023


Her videos are all gone moron.

>> No.68979078
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Bark and bark
Keep going
That's the last sound you'll ever hear
Who do you think I am?
The kiss of death

>> No.68979134

the three stooges literally confirmed that the receipts are in the legal documents not meant for their eyes, which have names in it.

>> No.68979263

lmao can you tell me in what world, when asked that question, you would actually get a "yeah we bullied her mb."

This isn't something you "ask" the suspects. You collect evidence and do the entire process through lawyers.

>> No.68979464

Her parents live with her and she's the one paying the rent...

>> No.68979587

it's all either 14yo egdy baiters dogpiling on her, schizophrenic nijisisters or assbending jappies, anyone with even a shred of IQ or maturity supports her

>> No.68979737

You can transcribe claims without dumping an entire document that doxes literally everyone involved including Selen because it's meant solely for the lawyer who redacts all that before disseminating if the case goes forward.

>> No.68979743

do you actually have proof of this or is this just based on what the bullies are claiming to feel justified for it?

>> No.68979803

How did so many people miss the rent begging part.
Is this actually summoning newfags?

>> No.68979876

Depp was the victim retard. Selen/Depp both just want to wash their hands of the situation and want to move the fuck on, but Niji/Heard won't shut the fuck up because they can't stand not leaving the argument without the person they hate's name in the mud.

>> No.68979932

>Nigga really asked why no one thinks that Nijisanji is in the right.

I mean I guess you can have your (You).

>> No.68979958

The termination notice was a gold mine
>It says here you tweeted that we privated the video.
>You have to edit that to say we privated the video... cause it shows ex-livers YOU DUMB BITCH! GET TERMINATED! GET TERMINATED! HNNNGGGH~

>> No.68980099

>lmao mr. beast spent a million dollars on ONE video and barely made any profit. how do you think he has any financial sense to now blow her money on some vanity project?

>> No.68980215

the new narrative is that selen is just the menhera of all menheras so she deserved the bullying and termination, tried to khs for clout, and at the same time is playing 5D chess because by saying nothing she forced nijisanji's hand and self-exposure (or she was threatening and blackmailing the billion dollar company all by herself which made them scared, forcing their hand)

the funny thing though, is that for a menhera having a meltdown, she sure kept quiet and everything under the rug, while nijisanji, the professional company, self-exposes every new day

>> No.68980265

I don't fully believe either side until I see proof.

>> No.68980296
File: 45 KB, 200x200, 1692444589760390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fact in all of this Niji decided that openly they would for some fucking reason have some livers read that they have seen confidential documents that would have disclosed confidential medical information among other things that you can't just let other people read, but some reason they did?
This is super fucking illegal by the way in literally every country.

>> No.68980373

It's okay, they investigated themselves and declared themselves clear of any wrongdoing

>> No.68980441

Selen is not suing vox because management treated him better. She is suing management, because they are the ones discriminating between their workers and giving unfair treatment. Management just ratted her out to vox and told him half the story in hopes that he would attack her on their behalf. And like a retard, he did.

>> No.68980465

Anon let me tell you a secret. Women survive suicide attempts because they actually dont want to die or kill themselves, they want attention and want to be victims, just like this attention whore.

>> No.68980521

I'm 1000% sure it's because they never considered they would have to deal with one of their employees actually having a spine. They're used to nippon slave labor where they're too ashamed to say anything so the company can freely use them however they want without repercussion. This literally explains all of their fumbles. Japan cannot deal with people that have confidence and no shame.

>> No.68980546

I only opened the vid for a second but Vox sounded monotone enough in that point that for a second I thought it was AI.

And let's be honest, Niji absolutely would use AI of their own livers' voices to voice-act a script of theirs if they thought they could get away with it, it would not be the dumbest move they've done so far.

Honestly wish they had, it would be glorious to see the fallback of that landmine.

>> No.68980565

This shouldn't be a feature. People that choose to say something in public shouldn't be given the power to silence responses.

>> No.68980654

How was Johnny not the good guy at the end of that? He was cancelled and vilified but ended up coming out squeaky clean compared to his nutcase ex.
Paying artists out of her own pocket makes Doki way more like Johnny than Heard.

>> No.68980660

If they were named as perpetrators then they can read the documents. And they wished to make it known that Selen has been planning to sue them in secret for months now.

>> No.68980689

Its not about intent. Women survive suicide attempts because a man wasnt helping them. They cant even hang a 5 pound picture frame, let alone themselves.

>> No.68980719

so this is a pretty bad generalization. A lot of people that are suicidal have an """"attempt"""" which is them teetering to the edge of what would be required to actually end their lives. She might have just been in a fucking bad spot mentally and decided to down a few pills, but then freak out and not want to go the entire way. It's really not something to generalize and make fun of, it's a complex mental issue.

tl;dr people can want to kill themselves but still have enough of a fear of actual death that they don't do it competently. This isn't something that's weird.

>> No.68980733
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I just want to know why they would have someone come out and go "Yea well we seen this confidential documents of this lawsuit and these names were one it" Why is the fuck you have anyone admit to that? Do they not know how fucking illegal that is? Like this so fucking dumb and illegal it's fucking mind boggling.
This isn't just a "Only in Canada thing" for this type of thing. They have to have legal advisors hired, what the fuck are they doing?

>> No.68980840
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>> No.68980868

>If they were named as perpetrators then they can read the documents
They weren't though, they were just used as examples. Even if they were they get sent their own copies that get to read that have the information they need, you legally cannot just give it to someone else cause there name is there. It's very very fucking illegal.

>> No.68980877

The sooner Niji /#/ fucks off from here the more likely people will back down in /vt/

>> No.68980911

>Selen/Depp both just want to wash their hands of the situation and want to move the fuck on
This is incorrect, in both cases. Depp sued Heard. That's the case everyone watched on TV and couldn't shut up about. Heard was the defendant.

And Selen's lawyer sent them legal documents, which they're obviously upset about. She could've just walked away, but she didn't, she threw her lawyer at them.

>they have seen confidential documents that would have disclosed confidential medical information
They did not. They only saw the parts that pertained to them. I don't know why you're having a bitchfit over Elira seeing why her coworker was hospitalized but don't care that her coworker's lawyer knows where she lives. I would much rather my former colleague learn my reason for visiting a hospital than for a random stranger to know my address.

Of course, you don't think about these things, because you've already made up your mind and are bending everything to fit your predetermined conclusion.

>> No.68980931

The only angle anyone has for Vox prior to this is he was recorded as evidence of unequal enforcement which is evidence for her case of management singling her out to abuse her. He's in there because as part of the evidence for the case the lawyers from both sides need to be able to contact him. That does not give him the right to read an unredacted legal document with literally everyone including Selen's private contact information. You can't just actual dox everyone like that.

>> No.68980951

If elira was named she can read the documents about elira. She should never have known which other livers were named alongside her.

>> No.68981075

>They did not. They only saw the parts that pertained to them
That is not legal. You can't do that. The people involved get their own copy sent to with the information they need to see. It's still illegal. You cannot show someone that just cause they were named in it it's you own copy.

>> No.68981081

They're fucking retards
They said at the start they ran everything they were going to say past staff and niji's legal team. Which uh, says a lot.

>> No.68981125

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existence on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike

>> No.68981165

Still waiting for her to prove any of the supposed bullying. I learned my mistake with Tama and unlike Selen she even had people leave with her.

>> No.68981233

>hey only saw the parts that pertained to them.
You get your own copy, you don't get shown parts. That's not how that works at all. The fact she knew about people besides herself shows they showed her way more. They are fucking dumbasses for opening themselves up to this.

>> No.68981243

>anyone with even a shred of IQ
lmao its the opposite, you dont need any IQ when internets tells you what to think. Pure anti corpo position + anyone who works there/supports it evil is the laziest and safest low IQ position you can take. Your brain is literal mush.

>> No.68981295

Yes. He sued her because she wouldn't shut up about constantly claiming he raped her and was an abusive motherfucker. He wanted to be done with things but she clearly wasn't going to stop until he lost everything. He only reacted an equal amount to what was getting pushed onto him.

>> No.68981305

Hey, Judge Judy, you have no idea what they did or what they saw and neither do I, but they themselves said it wasn't illegal and they have a professional legal team telling them what they can and can't do. Stop being a retarded child.

>> No.68981413

>This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again.
kill yourself.

>> No.68981433

NDF is absolutely rabid today. Did it get worse when the pags woke up and saw the videos?

>> No.68981443

She shouldn't have to fucking prove anything because she never even talked about bullying with anyone in public, it was all internal and between lawyers. If she's going to prove it, we will see the evidence if it goes to court. Niji's the one that's spilling the spaghetti and making internal HR claims public. It's none of your business.

>> No.68981471

It doesn't work like that. After gathering and sorting everything the lawyers then redact everything before the advance to the step where they start handing shit out.

The lawyer will lose his loicense if he does anything fucky with the contact info which they are required to have for sending documents to them, requesting statements, etc. Are you 10 or something? Do you not understand that Selen's information is also in the document? It's the case files being shared it has everything and it's not something retardcolor should have given to Elira. All that shit gets redacted before the case and due to precedent it would be trivial for Niji to seal the court records for further protections. There was zero risk or issue at all but the dumb slag was a model cockpuppet for Tazumi attacking on command.

>> No.68981535

women survive suicide attempts because they are cowards and dont like pain, they try with pills and other shit which isnt as effective and dont kill you instantly so someone can save you, men tend to just off themselves with guns or throwing themselves on the train tracks, is just the method of suicide.

>> No.68981536

They're fucking stupid. They literally shouldn't have even talked about what was inside that that document. The fact they came out and gave names and had someone give more names themselves is self incriminating on it's own that they seen and read it on it's own. I don't think you realize how truly dumb this is to do.

>> No.68981791

>Complaining they could be doxed because they got an unredacted legal document they shouldn't have been shown because it was solely for communication between lawyers which is redacted later in the proceedings before anything is given to anyone else because everyone else doesn't have the training and risk of being disbarred for fucking around with a document that has everyone's contact info
>"you have no idea what they did or what they saw"
Well unlike you, I actually watched the video so we had a hysterial Elira telling us both her and Millie's contacts were in it. We have Vox gloating that's he's THOROUGHLY reviewed the document.

>> No.68981950

>They have a professional legal team telling them they can just hand a confidential legal document with literally everyone's contact information and Selen's medical information in it to a bunch of vtubers who... can see literally everyone's contact information including Selen
>Cry about doxing
>When they just doxed Selen to the other talents

>> No.68981969
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cope they just do it for attention.

>> No.68981973

She will have to prove the company has done anything bad rather than terminate her for posting a video without approval and then telling people to mirror it when it got removed. I do not believe women.

>> No.68982051

>If they were named as perpetrators then they can read the documents.
No, that's literally not how it works.
A signed legal document made only to be read by lawyers is not allowed to be read by anyone else even if they're mentioned on it.
The lawyers should get some bullet points, then questioned the livers about it
And for the schizo theory about Selen going scorched earth, she had an incredible amount of time to do that by now yet she didn't, all she tried to do last literally play neopets. Niji is scorching their own earth.

>> No.68982061

>Heard vs Depp
oh my fucking god go back to twitter you loser

>> No.68982131

you people are marks for misinformation and don't even know it

>> No.68982157

At least one person actually gets it. I’ve dealt with this type before.

>> No.68982169

>Literally the biggest yab of the entire debacle all from Elira
>Tazumi almost, almost, managed to get a lid on the mess but Elira fucked it for everyone forever by being a complete retard and Vox a gloating sociopath

>> No.68982183

The "abuse" she was subject to from management was one video getting set to private because she was too stupid and impatient to wait for a final check, and the "abuse" she received from the "cliquey livers" was them questioning her about why she made that decision. It's fucking mind boggling how susceptible you guys are to suicidebaiting

>> No.68982296

Who are these losers? Do they understand that Amber Heard will never fuck them and this stunt will not raise their ESG score enough to get a loan?

>> No.68982343

bold claims anon, how do you know that is all that happened?

>> No.68982401

There are genuinely people that think a corporation is more moral than an individual and that a large group attacking one person is a sign of righteousness/justice.

>> No.68982433

thanks for proving the point

>> No.68982456

>This is incorrect, in both cases. Depp sued Heard. That's the case everyone watched on TV and couldn't shut up about. Heard was the defendant.
He sued her because he wanted to move on, while she wanted to, gasp, scorch the earth on him and kept going on TV shows to talk about how he raped and beat the shit out of her, exposing everything to everyone to see, just like Niji

>> No.68982470

Is this not common knowledge?

>> No.68982490

>The fact she knew about people besides herself shows they showed her way more
Or the others got their own papers and then told her? Why didn't you assume that happened instead?

>He sued her because she wouldn't shut up about constantly claiming he raped her and was an abusive motherfucker
He sued her because she called herself a survivor of domestic abuse and everyone knew what she was referring to (because she had already won a case against him). In reality, she wasn't doing anything aggressive at all, if you claimed to be abused, got sued for it and won, of course you'd continue to claim to have been abused. It'd be very weird for you to suddenly stop. What Depp was actually doing was using the opportunity to sue her for the original claims all over again, except this time in a different country. I don't see that as Depp just wanting to walk away.

You have zero reason to think they were able to read something they legally shouldn't be able to, you're just making it up to have something to be angry about.

>> No.68982570
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>> No.68982590

lmaooo I'm sorry your BPD queen did not win. Nobody likes people like you and it's completely transparent as to what you are.

>> No.68982611

Hey Elira, actually management intentionally sabotaged Selen by privating her video for a completely fictitious reason. And that is why you lose.

>> No.68982686

>Abused for over a year and a half
>Tourist says it's just one year long production for a 15k of her own money video privated on christmas day after being ignored for 37 hours as was usual for over a year and a half of abuse by management to the extent that AAA multi-billion dollar internation megacorporations would tweet directly at Selen begging her to DM them for any perms she wanted so she would be able to stream their new releases before the game EoS'd
>(you) never even questioned why there's over a year of correspondence missing from the 6 message screencap
>(you) never questioned why they didn't include the upload date on the MV in the 6 message screencap
>Nijisanji literally owns Mysta and Nina's character
Yeah man it really is how mind boggling how you don't know anything

>> No.68982696

Because her claims were false.

>> No.68982734

If it's a LEGAL document, that means it was signed by BOTH lawyers (so they both agree there is no sussy shit in it)
Of course Niji would have a copy of said document sent to them, as they are part of the process.
By showing the document to parties that were not allowed to, they broke the agreement. It wasn't Selen that was throwing the documents around for Vox or Elira to read, it was Nijisanji the company showing the documents to them.

>> No.68982826

This is just not true. There's nothing inherently confidential about legal documents. A DMCA notice, for example, is a legal document. A letter than sent to someone informing them that you're suing them is a legal document. None of these items are inherently confidential.

It's a different story if they signed a separate NDA on the side, but without that there's no law backing this up.

>> No.68982845

You're right, Niji's lawyer just violated a half dozen canadian information privacy laws when they doxed Selen to vox, Ike, and Elira of whom Vox has given testimony that he's THOROUGHLY read it. Wait...

>> No.68982899

Vox went out of his way on stream to say he read the full document like a literal fucking retard. There is no fucking way of you dressing this up that he didn't read the full thing. I can tell you in the real world and not in your head this is illegal, even admitting slightly to the fact you did it illegal. Saying you didn't well knowing these type of things is also illegal. They should only talk about things about themselves in the document or this is illegal. You cannot spin this to not be highly fucking illegal.

>> No.68982929

>This is unironically the Heard vs Depp all over again. Aggressors and Abusers are not the ones that try to move on and want to keep things quiet. They're the ones that try their hardest to keep the public on their side, even when the Victim hasn't said shit about them in public. The mere implication and fear that she MIGHT, is what destroyed Niji from within.
>Reminder: She hasn't said shit. It has been Niji telling on themselves this entire time.

im starting to understand what you amerimutt dumbfucks want to project on this bitch. its very interesting that you anti woke fucktards are being paradoxical here.

>> No.68982937

Are you saying Rosemi is bad since she supported her fellow livers than Selen?

>> No.68982947

>They literally shouldn't have even talked about what was inside that that document
They did it because Anycolor isn't very smart and they wanted to look like the victims, which they very well might be, but the problem is people like you don't want to hear it because you've already chosen a side.

>Elira telling us both her and Millie's contacts were in it
No, it said their location. They live near each other. She didn't say it literally said both of their addresses. Even if that's what she meant, Millie could have just told her.
>We have Vox gloating that's he's THOROUGHLY reviewed the document
The one he was given, which we don't know the exact details of.

>doxed Selen
>to the other talents
Are you retarded?

>> No.68982948

There's no way it was just issues over one specific project. The MV was just the final straw, and she told fans to reupload it because at that point she was already done with the company. Preparing to leave with one last gift to her fans. What she didn't expect, or deserve, was to be told she was fired via a tweet (as per her claims.) Which is unprofessional and going by Nijisanji's own words, it seems like they tried to contact an emergency contact and my gut feeling was to try to relay the message Selen was being terminated through them. Telling the girl who was hospitalized that she was done. Followed by the usual airing of dirty laundry that has become custom for Niji, instead of a simple and neutral statement.

>> No.68982967

I'm talking about THIS document, that Doki LITERALLY said it was signed by lawyers and agreed upon that them could read.

>> No.68982998

>Abused for over a year and a half
Prove it.

>> No.68982995

>You have zero reason to think they were able to read something they legally shouldn't be able to
NTA but yes there is a reason; Nijisanji are retarded at PR and did something they would exonerate them or make them look better. Also Vox literally said he thoroughly read the document.

>> No.68983074

Niji's doing that for her

>> No.68983093

>You have zero reason to think they were able to read something they legally shouldn't be able to
Vox literally said he did on video

>> No.68983098

thats what shes doing in the courts retard

>> No.68983200

Her former company is doing a pretty damn good job.

>> No.68983238

Doki has literally no idea what document Elira and Vox saw. You can see it in her tweets when she tries to guess what they saw, but ends up correcting herself afterwards when she finds out from her lawyer they were only told about her diagnosis and reason for hospitalization.

>> No.68983276

meanwhile luca gets a free pass for sharing his coworkers private conversations

>> No.68983311

Cope, sis, cope.

>> No.68983364

Management didn't do their job regarding perms and approval, regularly shot down her projects, and stringently punished her for things not enforced on others in the company and things others in the company got only a slap on the wrist behind the scenes for over a year and a half. she dumped her box of receipts on the lawyers which included Vox only getting a slap of the wrist and millie getting fuckall hence why they're included for the purpose of building evidence for her claims.

>> No.68983414

The media universally condemned Depp with no proof.

>> No.68983465

>Complain the legal document has their contact information (for the purpose of a legal case)
>Selen is also part of it
Are you retarded?

>> No.68983471

>Neither of those retards ended up the good guys though when all the facts were revealed.
you're insane if you don't think that heard lost in all accounts

>> No.68983512

They shouldn't have said ANYTHING because the worst will be presumed (they were given unredacted copies of documents). They shouldn't have made any statements about an ongoing issue, lest of all one where they claim they're the victims, and let their legal department handle it. They gave Doki's lawyers plenty of things to grill Niji's on.

>> No.68983519

You've just proven my point, retard

>> No.68983528

Well I’m not her lawyer so I haven’t seen any proof. I’m not doing anything until I see proof.

>> No.68983532

enna needs correction

>> No.68983560

>Doki has literally no idea what document Elira and Vox saw.
It's confirmed that it was a document they weren't legally allowed to see. Try again.

>> No.68983575

Hate fapped to Elira on Koikatsu today. Enna and Millie are next.

>> No.68983643

No, that's literally proof they know what document it is, her tweet was about her worried about getting doxxed but only her hospitalization reason was shown in it and no other private information.
The same tweet you're talking about she clearly states that it was requested for this document to NOT be made public.
>I am currently talking to my lawyer and thankfully only my diagnosis and reason for hospital stay was reported without further private info being disclosed. It was requested that none of this info should be revealed to anyone other than legal. Thank you everyone for the support,…

>> No.68983647

>You didn't watch her at all
>Claim it's never happened
Jesus christ. The NDF aren't sending their best

>> No.68983691

It's actually sad that we have historical precedent for this EXACT situation and I've only seen TamaSio posted once after lurking these threads for a while.

>> No.68983703

the SEAmonkies that Niji employs all have slave mentalities
they unironically think that their master can do no wrong

>> No.68983760

You made me realize that there probably was a huge uptake of koikatsu footjobs from Enna Millie and Elira in the recent days. Or is there a better position you can use to roleplay being bullied by the clique?

>> No.68983913

kusosanji deliberately left memberships active so nobody will get refunds for the month despite no content

>> No.68983953

who is Chihiro exactly?

>> No.68984011

She called herself a survivor of domestic abuse. That's it. Are domestic abuse survivors not allowed to say so publicly? Not saying I believed her, of course.

Right, so he had a mission to silence her. That's not "just walking away." She didn't go after him. If he just wanted to wash his hands with her and move on, he would've rolled his eyes and ignored her. That's just walking away. He didn't want to do that at all.

>If it's a LEGAL document
You don't know what the paper they read actually was.
>By showing the document to parties that were not allowed to
You don't know that.

>> No.68984020

reading comprehension

>> No.68984043

Wasn't she the gen 1 niji Yuki Chihiro that finally bailed?

>> No.68984119

by not passing legal documents over to them and just asking questions while both parties are present. all of this is also recorded

>> No.68984121

lmao are you just pretending to be ignorant that letting a woman say you abused her without correcting that claim if it's false, isn't tantamount to political suicide? If he ignored her, in the eyes of the public it would be the same as admitting she was right.

You lost.

>> No.68984135

>She called herself a survivor of domestic abuse. That's it. Are domestic abuse survivors not allowed to say so publicly?
There is a fine line there.
Making a show out of it? Way over the line.

>> No.68984172

>she should've known there's no way they let the mysta and nina frame go through
They let nina art go through for enna's anniversary song and even call out nina by name in the dedication.

>> No.68984202

>bro, i just tried to commit suicide

>> No.68984222

I can't wait to see her take them to court and prove they did something illegal, then, lawyer bros! That thing which is absolutely going to happen.

Yes, anon, all of them are evil and Selen is good.

>> No.68984271

>>By showing the document to parties that were not allowed to
>You don't know that.
I don't.
She does though
The best you can do here is to call her a liar, but you see, it's quite hard to lie when you're talking about something related to legal measures and lawyers... because if you lie and get caught, you lose

>> No.68984291

How is that 2% feeling right now? That Big, Black Company money must feel good Queen of Spades!

>> No.68984305

No, it proves that she originally didn't know what document it was and had to check with her lawyer. It wasn't the worst of what she assumed originally, and it was somewhere in the middle of in terms of information sensitivity.

In all likelihood there are a lot of documents circulating around. There's not a single document containing everything, and in fact it would be extremely strange for doki's lawyers to send doki's private notes meant for her own lawyer documenting her personal thoughts to the antagonistic party.

>> No.68984310

yes because people still need to make money and people that are suicidal are not constantly sad 24/7 like you probably assume. They're usually mentally unstable and go between feeling "alright" to manic depression episodes.

I don't see how the actions you're describing are contradictory.

>> No.68984336

All Nijis feel like those kind of girls that say they hate drama but they cause it at every turn. Selen included.

>> No.68984341

Who said anything about woke?
Try listening to what people are actually saying instead of just going off about whatever the fuck is rolling around in your mind.

>> No.68984393

Actually we do know.
* We know that evidence was collected and exchanged between lawyers. This contains the contact information of the people mentioned within for obvious actual legal reasons
* We know that this is confidential privileged information meant only for the lawyers
* We know that before these things are normally shared with anyone other than the lawyers they are redacted of sensitive information like *gasp*! your address, mailing address, phone number, etc
* Elira spent half her segment bitching about seeing her and Millie's info in the document that legally she shouldn't have access to

>> No.68984395

It's already going to court, so I don't get your point here? You just get fined even more when your get court.

>> No.68984428

Heard Vs Depp was everyone siding with Heard at first thanks to her being a woman and having sketchy allegations with no evidence and only believing Depp after everything came out in full

At this state, everyone is siding with Doki at first thanks to her being a woman and having sketchy allegations with no evidence...

>> No.68984431

Yea that would never happen in Hololive haha...

>> No.68984483

what drama has she caused? She got fired, tried to kill herself presumably because of awful work environment, and then just stated matter-of-factly the reason why she was away and wanted to move on and continue streaming on her old account.


>> No.68984491

1. Selen already said her info wasn't in it.
2. Anon, they know her already.

>They shouldn't have made any statements about an ongoing issue
Were you this angry when Cover did this to Rushia? You defended Rushia, too, right?

>> No.68984507

Damn, she was bullied, huh

>> No.68984522

Haven't done any standing footjob yet. Too busy raping Elira in the school closet. With mods you can add in more characters in the custom H scenes with different positions.

>> No.68984547

It was nearly a month later
It's her 4 year old merch
It's pre-orders
It was opened up by a former esports manager with experience
Two other staff with shopify experience were hired for consultations
It was pre-orders of 4 year old merch from her PL

>> No.68984603

>being this fucking desperate to get in someone else's grudgepost

>> No.68984650

>wanted to move on
>my fan name is dragoons and im getting a purple dragon model made because...because I'm moving on!!!!

>> No.68984672

you're acting like Doki is doing her best to tarnish Niji's reputation by talking shit about them in public and trying to publically sue and go to as many news outlets as possible. She got fired and wanted to move on and start streaming on her old account, and just had a single tweet talking about what happened.

Are you sure it's the same?

>> No.68984744

Do you deal with it by bullying them further?

>> No.68984748

Selen just wanted to fucking stream, organize tourneys and blow all her simpbux on projects. Management kept fucking with her the entire time.

>> No.68984776

Why is that weird? That's always been her fan name. They can't copyright the name, and it makes it easier to keep doing what she wants without the company.

>> No.68984867

only NDF thinks these non-issues need to be addressed by whatever the fuck that EN stream was yesterday lmao

>> No.68984879

Other talents weren't bashing Rushia and directly calling her out. In all Holo terminations, there was a statement giving a basic reason why and that's it. Any words made by other talents were courteous or saying they were sad. There was no side to take because all involved agreed to move on.
This is more like HoloCN and the result should be the same: cutting the entire branch because clearly they are out of control.

>> No.68984961

No it hasnt. It was bark knights before Selen. Why didnt she go back to that?

>> No.68984971

At this point, Doki and Elira are in a race to see who reaches 550k first.

>> No.68985001

>everyone is siding with Doki at first thanks to her being a woman and having sketchy allegations with no evidence...
Wrong. Doki's allegations aren't sketchy and Nijisanji provided evidence incriminating themselves.

>> No.68985020

Because the majority of her current audience were used to being called Dragoons. This isn't hard. It was also a vote and the majority voted for that.

>> No.68985031

>and in fact it would be extremely strange for doki's lawyers to send doki's private notes meant for her own lawyer documenting her personal thoughts to the antagonistic party.
That's probably one of the first things they had to do if they were in contact with nijisanji's lawyers, if those somehow ended on the hands of the livers that is proof the lawyers on both sides had those documents.
The problem of the argument there is that nijiEN came forward saying that they read the documents. This validates Doki's claim of said documents existing, and she says on both tweets, before and after confirming what those documents were, that they were not meant to be read by anyone.
Even if the parties stated in those docs should be allowed to read, they should only be allowed to read the parts about themselves, but Elira clearly states that she saw not only her name, but Enna's and Millie's too. Oopsie.
Let's not even talk about how Vox said he "throughly" read "the document", not HIS part of the document, the whole document.

>> No.68985037

She said her medical records weren't in it which would have immediately gotten niji raped to death in court if they were. Everyone's contact info is still in it and their info being in it was what Elira was crying about early on. Selen's in the same info collection pool because all of that is supposed to be redacted before it's shown to non-lawyers. Elira's either fully lying or you agree that information privacy and legal procedure laws were violated.
Her personal address, mailing address, phone number, email, etc. huh? They already know that huh? Then why is elira sperging that her and Millie are included huh?

>> No.68985042


>> No.68985130

Nijifans are unironically not human
no real person could actually defend this fucking demonic corporation

>> No.68985132

Sauce on the purple model? I'm a little confused cause I watch her streams and she said she's looking for a new mama and has no idea what her new skinsuit will look like.

She talked about it in the redebut stream.

>> No.68985195
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She needs to do this for a few weeks.

>> No.68985202

because that sounds like shit retard

>> No.68985205

Niji is garbage and they have terrible management. That isn't the same as explicit bullying, heinous clique politics or driving her to suicide. There is no evidence of that

>> No.68985225

>Niji self-reports that it was talents bullying her
>Elira self-reports herself and Millie

>> No.68985243

>Nijisanji is known to give less than 10% of the actual profits of a channel
>Also known to take months to acquire permissions
>Several other talents had left the company because of similar things happening to them
But no, it's just her doing things for attention
I really hope someone is being paid to do this and you guys are not actually that dumb that you can't watch what happened and make a logical guess as to what happened
Is it that hard to believe that a company would treat their workers extremely poorly?

>> No.68985353

it sounds like she does have evidence thanks to Elira and Vox revealing private documents with specific livers names in it lol

>> No.68985393
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Is there a reason why people keep spelling it Yatch, and not Yacht? I can't tell if it's just lots of people being the same breed of retard, or me missing a joke.

>> No.68985402

They're victims of their government's conditioning programs and propaganda. you can't fault them for lacking critical thinking or exercising better judgement over a matter that concerns a talent they didn't watch in a company they've probably never even heard of before the tourist fuck came here.

>> No.68985406

No, you don't give both sides your personal notes. Doki says in her tweet that she had written "a legal document to help my lawyer and document my thoughts".

In this kind of document, you tell your own lawyer what happened from your point of view.

The lawyer does not go and forward your notes to the opposition because then those words can be used against you in a case. Instead, your lawyer uses the material you provided them to write a new document that gets sent to the opposite party: "On X date, my client was bullied by your employees Y, Z. She maintains that ABC happened. The following is evidence of this. We are suing you."

There are many layers to this, and whichever document dokibird was referring to in her first tweet almost certainly wasn't the document that Vox/Elira saw, and it's proven by the fact that she later tweets that there wasn't as much information disclosed as she originally feared.

>> No.68985466

Could’ve sworn at some point Niji claimed that Selen would pursue legal actions against them & certain livers. Though there might of been the word “potentially” in there somewhere.
Niji seeming to imply that she would’ve (?privately?) taken them to court.
A counter to that was it was only going about the motions of a threat without the actual willingness to follow through with it. Maybe something else, only Selen & her lawyer knows for certain.

>> No.68985503

Thankfully I have all the slack and discord logs containing personal information and company secrets that tarnish Nijisanji's to disclose the pro-ACK!

>> No.68985534

>When she wants them to be held legally accountable, then they have the right to read the document.
See >>68957198
>2.Are Elira, Ennna and Millie allowed to see the documents, since they are about to get sued
No. If they were being sued directly, they would get their own papers that they ARE entitled to see.
I can't stress enough that NOBODY is allowed to see those documents at this stage, or even know they exist, other than Doki, her legal representation, and Anycolor's legal representation.

>> No.68985562

Most sane poster

>> No.68985577

>are you just pretending to be ignorant that letting a woman say you abused her without correcting that claim if it's false, isn't tantamount to political suicide?
Are you just pretending to not know English? No one cares about your feelings. Wanting to just walk away means it doesn't matter what the other person does unless they intentionally go after you. Calling yourself a survivor of sexual violence or whatever is not her going after him. If SHE sued HIM, then yes, that'd be her going after him. All she did was continue to claim to be the thing the British courts already agreed she was. He wasn't walking away, he was looking for an opportunity to go after her.

>We know that this is confidential privileged information meant only for the lawyers
That's what she said, anyway.
>We know that before these things are normally shared with anyone other than the lawyers they are redacted of sensitive information
She said hers was.
>Elira spent half her segment bitching about seeing her and Millie's info in the document that legally she shouldn't have access to
Elira and Millie aren't legally allowed to know that their private information is in the legal document? Are you sure about that? That sounds kinda' wrong to me, anon.

>> No.68985627

give them an edited, censored copy or an excerpt of it, not the actual documents you just agreed not to show anyone for them to look at Selen's private information.

>> No.68985661

depp defense was sustained by a lot of testimonies from direct witnesses. no one so far came out to confirm doki claims.

>> No.68985663

idk seems like she's loving all the attention this drama has brought her

>> No.68985673

Yet for some infinitely bizarre reason after "to preface we have discussed with Anycolor staff, and our legal team about what we are able to say" Elira then goes on to cry about her info being in it (for legal contact purposes)

>> No.68985724

How the participants of the situation are not aware of what documents are being exposed for the public, anon?
It's irrelevant, your post makes no sense, her second tweet she STILL claimed it wasn't a document supposed to be made public. Both tweets she claimed this, so no matter what document she originally thought it was or what it actually was after talking with her lawyer, both documents were not meant to be shown and they were.
The fuck up is on Nijisanji's side

>> No.68985726

Niji also claimed the bullying was mutual and not just Selen being targetted for no reason

All this "bullying" talk is childish, these are adults you are talking about not highschool children. You are listening to one side and thinking it is the ONLY side because there hasn't been any explicit claims from the other side yet, *just like Heard V Depp*

What's funny is a couple of these livers even posted some dumb audio only thing where they claim exactly that: and instead of taking a step back and wondering "huh, I wonder if there is mutual animosity and bad behavior" the statements are being ignored in favor of hyper fixating on the legal details of Doki Vs Niji

>> No.68985760

a lot of artists came out directly refuting niji's claims about selen causing issues with payment

>> No.68985764

Your picture? She's big black company only.

>> No.68985788

>not crumpling when harassed
>i bet the bitch likes it

>> No.68985789

>There is no evidence of that
I honestly don't care, and I doubt most other people do either. The 2% shit, all the stealth suspensions, etc. The company deserves to burn, who gives a fuck what starts the fire

>> No.68985812

Anon, have you not been paying attention to what’s been going on between Selen & the management for the past year?
What with all the cancellations?
We can all agree that by the MV situation, the trust & respect between Selen & the management had long been eroded down into nonexistence.

>> No.68985848

>Reminder: She hasn't said shit. It has been Niji telling on themselves this entire time.
This is by FAR the funniest fucking part of this. They could have given her a graduation. They could have fired her with a non-schizo announcement. They could've not had talents discuss private issues in a shill stream. They could've not then claimed they're allowed to do that because the talents didn't sign the NDA (lol). But they just keep doing stupid shit for no fucking reason. It's amazing.

>> No.68985849

>and it's proven by the fact that she later tweets that there wasn't as much information disclosed as she originally feared.
but she still says I quote
>I am currently talking to my lawyer and thankfully only my diagnosis and reason for hospital stay was reported without further private info being disclosed. It was requested that none of this info should be revealed to anyone other than legal. Thank you everyone for the support,…

> It was requested that none of this info should be revealed to anyone other than legal. Thank you everyone for the support,…
this was the second tweet btw

>> No.68985857

yes but that just mercantile drama. no one so far said that X or Y bullied selen. Even selen herself hasn't named anyone.

>> No.68985878

mental gymnastics does not change the outcome of the result. her claims were false, he was acquitted. He sued because he knew the claims were false, and it was an act in self defense. Heard/Niji went/are going after Him/Selen with false claims to try and save their own image.

So what part are you caught up on?

>> No.68985917

Where is the proof? Specific claims about Vox and Millie were made so there has to be proof of them right?

>> No.68985945

doki hasn't made any allegations lol, that was all nijisanji saying any allegations she's going to make aren't true

>> No.68985966

I am John Akuma. I was there when my son Vox Akoomer put the dent you see there in the head of the artist formerly known as "Dokibird". Bitch deserved worse for impregnating my demon boy's formerly pristine bussy.

It's Nijicope. Management was shitting on Selen all the time. Selen's assmad cause others like Vox and Millie are getting away with it. Niji's only choice was to incite them against her.

>> No.68986056

Because this is something that should be done in a court and not on twitter and she knows that. Niji's shitting themselves and losing their cool.

>> No.68986114

That contact normally happens later in the legal process after everyone's personal information is redacted. You don't just flop a fat stack that doxes literally everyone involved on the desk to three vtubers

>> No.68986145

Actually she reopened her merch store before the suicide attempt and before the christmas video even got uploaded chud.
wait a second...

>> No.68986237

You aren't owed proof. Selen/Doki hasn't said anything publically, you're getting mad about a private complaint to HR that Niji made public because they're incompetent and panicking for some reason???

>> No.68986429

hey dumbshit, it is comically easy to take a lethal dose of tylenol and no amount of medical intervention will save you

they do it for attention, they don't WANT to die

>> No.68986491


>> No.68986514

No anon I am owed proof if you want me to believe something. Prove the claims about Vox and Millie or shut the fuck up.

>> No.68986523

Did you take a step back and wonder about the material of the video?

Elira is being hysterical over unredacted information she shouldn't have seen in its unredacted state. Information that would be redacted and trivially sealed with a routine court motion to seal records filing.
Vox the yellow carpet bagger tweets in solidarity recently then 180's after.... It's revealed that the lack of punishment for a similar infraction he did is evidence in the case for Selen's mistreatment.
ike is there for literally no reason at all other than to say I thought I knew you while estalishing that he is the third retarded cock jockey that doesn't get that the Information would be redacted and trivially sealed with a routine court motion to seal records filing.

They all dropped to their knees and sucked tazumi's fat B-ait so deep his balls were in their lungs.

>> No.68986578

IMO it's much more likely there isn't a specific document that dokibird asked not to be shared, but rather specific type of information. For instance, it's not a single document under NDA but rather dokibird asked them not to disclose anything related to her personal information.

>> No.68986632

Based Subatomo

>> No.68986722

My girl just wanted to play Neopets...

>Vox ragetweets, gets a slap on the wrist
>Millie goes rogue in a private discord without management and does the 4chan stream. Gets a slap on the wrist
>Selen gets waterboarded for over a year and a half over any and everything with even new shit being made up that isn't even followed by Nijisanji in past projects nor in future projects they're doing

>> No.68986725

the former.

>> No.68986788

>Reason for hospitalization
It's public knowledge that she had a suicide attempt lmao.

>> No.68986921

no solid evidence, that's true
we only have partial evidence provided by niji SELF EXPOSING THEMSELVES AND MAKING THOSE CLAIMS

>> No.68986925

It's public knowledge that Selen can't Cook. https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou/status/1754946895951077887

>> No.68986977

>Other talents weren't bashing Rushia and directly calling her out
Did Rushia threaten to sue Sora, Aqua and Miko?
>In all Holo terminations, there was a statement giving a basic reason why and that's it
I want you stop for a second and actually think about what you're saying here. From NijiEN's perspective, Selen did something shitty to them and they told their fans about it. That makes you hate NijiEN? What if she punched Petra's teeth out, you don't want to know about that either? You're actually arguing AGAINST transparency from the company. You're mad that they revealed a liver acting in a shitty way. I'm sorry. I 100% disagree. I'm absolutely pissed that I don't know why Mel was terminated and I can think of a handful of people who would've been thankful if Cover had said more about Rushia 2 years ago instead of tricking them into giving her more money. There was a disagreement between two parties, I'll decide who to continue supporting based on the details. If I don't have details, then I might end up supporting a shitty person. Why is this okay to you?
>There was no side to take because all involved agreed to move on
Michael Cat absolutely did not move on.

>> No.68986980

just wait until you hear the news that she won her case against nijisanji. nobody is going to send this type of shit on the internet

>> No.68987115

Yes, that's why she said it was fine only that was reported, without further private info
It's literally in the post anon

>> No.68987370

>Did Rushia threaten to sue Sora, Aqua and Miko?
we have three major points here
1 - she didn't threat to sue them. she said there was a possibility of her doing so if she wanted (niji themselves said that)
2 - she's only suing because of niji's terrible working conditions. there would be no need to sue anyone if the working conditions were like hololive
3 - and even if she was threating to sue you don't get to badmouth people because they are pursuing legal action against you
I'll not read anything past that, it was disingenuous enough

>> No.68987680

>Elira and Millie aren't legally allowed to know that their private information is in the legal document?
See >>68985534
If Elira and Millie were allowed to see the legal document, they would have each received documents tailored specifically for them that had been vetted by both legal teams.

>> No.68987886

Selen isn't even threatening to sue the talents. Nearly everyone in there is just more logs for the management is abusing Selen fire. I have zero expectation that there's any real bullying from either side that would hold up to a court standard unless they've really been holding down some fucked up shit. It's all catty sperg shit that is supposed to stay behind in highschool.

>Selen tweets that Niji privated it
>Niji has a massive bitchfit and demands that it be edited to say that Niji privated it until they got perms from... themselves
>After ghosting her for 37 hours prior
>For a scheduled release
>Of a project that has been in development for over a year
>And was funded by Selen
>Fire one of their largest livers

Selen didn't name bring up livers, it was Niji's termination notice that put the target on the livers back
Elira put the target on her and Millie's backs
Doki has said like four times that it was over, it sucked, but let's move on and not harass anyone. Each time Niji's microdicked faggot couldn't stand to see Selen walk away. She just wanted to play Neopets, now look where we are.

>> No.68987949

>he was acquitted
The second time.
>He sued because he knew the claims were false
Probably, but people sue all the time even when they know the claims are true.
>self defense
Speaking of mental gymnastics, anything can be construed to be self-defense. It's not like her comments hurt him.
>Heard/Niji went/are going after Him/Selen with false claims
Selen is suing Nijisanji for false claims? Which are these?

>You don't just flop a fat stack that doxes literally everyone involved on the desk to three vtubers
Thank Allah, that didn't happen, then.

>> No.68987974

>elira lost more subs in 7 days than 30 days
impressive, very nice

>> No.68988004

Then why's Elria cryan brah? There's clearly nothing to fear

>> No.68988444

>1 - she didn't threat to sue them. she said there was a possibility of her doing so if she wanted
She lawyered up and sent them a document detailing all the dirt she has on them, retard.
I'll not read anything past that, it was disingenuous enough.

>Selen didn't name bring up livers, it was Niji's termination notice that put the target on the livers back
>Elira put the target on her and Millie's backs
But why does this cause you to hate them?

>> No.68988514

but the claims came all from niji...
and nobody came to confirm or deny the claims...

>> No.68988606

When all is said and done, I hope this shit goes public so your, Millie's, and Elira's faces are on global News as the traitorous cunts you are

>> No.68988733

>Selen gets waterboarded for over a year and a half over any and everything
Proofs? Or do you just want me to #believewomen?

>> No.68988917

Niji is the one that said livers were bullying her. All doki did was,
>I will not be silenced anymore. On Dec, I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within&being in a toxic&poor environment for numerous months that led to my breaking point. I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan.
Vox is only in the document cause he got a slap on the wrist for what got doki gaped.
Millie has priors and Elira's being a hysterical retard over something that can't happen unless she's implying that Niji's lawyer is so incompetent it can't handle filing a motion to seal the court records if it isn't quickly ended with a settlement.

>> No.68989038

I wish someone would leak Niji's discord. I want to see their reaction to the statements. I want to see who is begging not to be included in the Elira video. Who is screaming about how management doesn't understand they're fucking themselves. Who is blaming Selen for their subs going down.

>> No.68989047

>She lawyered up and sent them a document detailing all the dirt she has on them, retard.
and? those documents were for nijisanji the company. she wasn't suing them, she's suing the company

>> No.68989060

If you didn't watch selen getting beaten retarded by management including the corpo apology reading at gunpoint from the tourney niji dragged ass on perms until it got cancelled you can just leave, Retard.

>> No.68989241

>Selen isn't even threatening to sue the talents.
why are you lying?

>> No.68989249

>Open VC with Alban screaming Nooo! don't do it you fool! it's a trap! it's traaap!

>> No.68989253

he might have done that too. but I remember the first video coming out was her secretly recording him having a meltdown and painting him as an unstable abuser when she posted it online. turned out she was leaving out a lot of context in those videos.

>> No.68989349

That’s still not proof of anything. Seeing a building collapsing doesn’t prove it was done with thermite, it proves it collapsed. You can’t say why until you have carefully scoured over the rubble.

>> No.68989387

If they didn't bully they have nothing to fear. Most of them in the document are just corroborating evidence for the toxic work environment from management singling Selen out. That's why Vox is there unless there's some secret bully arc literally no one knew about.

>> No.68989610

>Anycolor made them do the video because they're all named as witnesses and they were threatened with termination if they didn't record it

>> No.68989646

It'd believe it.

>> No.68989908

I'd go even further, and guess that Anycolor's legal team told them that their personal information would become public record if Doki's suit against Anycolor went to court.
Like, beyond incompetence and into malicious misinformation by legal council.

>> No.68990000

>She lawyered up and sent them a document detailing all the dirt she has on them, retard.
>I'll not read anything past that, it was disingenuous enough.
But she never came forward with any of that.
Did you forget all of this actually happened last month? She never sued, never exposed, never gave names. And she had a lot of time to do it, hell her termination was last week and she only made two posts about it on twitter.
Niji did it all.

>> No.68990080

She's copying what Hololive talents do. But without the support. Don't blame her for trying to copy success.

>> No.68990095

Retarded bootlicking faggot.

>Niji doesn't pay artist for Niji work
>Selen pays the artist themselves
>Termination notice blames Selen for it

>Tourney was Niji's manageers fucking up
>Has to read a corpospeak apology on stream

>Selen paying contest winners out of her own pocket was literally not her problem

>Niji doesn't deny all the mismanagement yabs during 2023 in the termination notice

>Projects stalled or shot down constantly

>The (((authorization flow))) was corpospeak because the company which just self-reported that it ghosted her for 37 hours has a lengthy track record of not doing its job on perms and approvals
>Self-reported that they ignored over a year of perms collection and development on the MV
>Self-reported the ex-liver rule they don't even follow and literally own the IP for
>To the point that AAA multi-billion dollar international mega-corporations tweeted selen directly begging her to DM them if she wanted perms for anything so she could stream it before the head death of the universe

>Vox, millie, and many other talents got away with shit constantly but Selen got annihilated
