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68944822 No.68944822 [Reply] [Original]

name one(1) thing that nijiEN could've done to prevent this shitshow

>> No.68944906

Never opened an EN branch

>> No.68944914

It all started when Lulu was harrased out of the company by niji schizos.

>> No.68944962

let Selen graduate.

>> No.68944972

just graduated selen normally

>> No.68944981

Shut up?

>> No.68945006
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let her graduate in peace on the 26th, like she initially wanted?

>> No.68945009

The one thing they could've done was literally do nothing and let it blow over but they couldn't even do that.

>> No.68945011

You shoulda made the dragon purple at least. Or Elira colored considering she's the one who poured a ton of napalm on everything.

>> No.68945030

Didn't she quit because Nijisanji was also taking their sweet time with the situation? For a company in Japan who publicly apologized for a train being 15 seconds late this seems egregious

>> No.68945048

Build a time machine?

>> No.68945063

Not hiring Indians, an indian holding any amount of power is the deathknell of any corporation.

>> No.68945078

Fuck that nonsense, name one (1) thing that NijiEN can still do to make them look even worse

>> No.68945129

Did you see what NijiJP did? Riku's Statement?
That. Just basic professionalism. That's what has kept the main branch afloat, no doubt they're just as black underneath.

>> No.68945155

Mass terminations of other talents. Everyone's speculating that Scarle's next on the chopping block after her accounts gotten locked down.

It'll show the onus is on the company and not just one girl.

>> No.68945170


>> No.68945176

All they had to do was follow PR 101, shut the fuck up and let it die down

>> No.68945200

Maybe they shouldn't release hit pieces on their livers that aim to damage their reputation just to save face as a company. That shit is supposed to be kept internally, why does the world need to know, and now they are broadcasting the lawsuit

>> No.68945197

Stop saying anything after firing Selen.
This could have burned out by now but for some strange reason management keeps reigniting the fire.

>> No.68945211

>selen wants to graduate amicably, willing to sweep everything under the rug
>let her

>> No.68945238

Let them have their AR live

But from what Elira said yesterday, I’d say they should’ve fired Elira Millie and Enna months ago.
Still can’t believe they admitted to that shit

>> No.68945320

she quit because management was incompetent at dealing with her situation with her antis, not her antis per se

>> No.68945353

Absolutely nothing, the queen bitch came in on their first gen and she opened the door for the bully clique, the subhumanity from the faggots and fujos is just the icing on the shitcake.
Also doesn't help that the Pot of Greed guy spends like 10 cents a year on pajeet management.

>> No.68945378

It all could've been prevented if they just let her graduate like she originally wanted, but it's NijiEN management so of course they're going to completely and utterly fuck things up. It's par for the course for them.

>> No.68945393

uh you kind of forgot the queen bee of the clique wanted to make an example out of her?

>> No.68945407

graduation without a month of suspension with selen's farewell stream

>> No.68945411

You know maybe keep your notice of termination to 1 page. Keep it brief so nothing can be used against you and you don't breach any NDAs. Carry on like nothing happened and don't make things worse for yourselves. Have management properly explain legal documents. Have management not approve an emotional statement full of contradictions and potential NDA breaches and then release the vod during the terminated talents Neopets stream making her far more sympathetic then the company appearing to be actively smearing her.

Ya know really basic ass shit nothing crazy.

>> No.68945438

>don't nepohire some musician to be in charge of the branch
>don't hire pajeet managers
>don't skinwalk
>don't allow cliques to run wild
>don't smear the fired organ
>don't have your remaining organs release hit piece shitting on the ex-organ
>stfu and stop shooting themselves in the foot

>> No.68945581

>termination letter is quick to the point, not three pages of bullshit
>just says they terminated her for uploading the cover without permission and encouraging fans to reupload the video which would be Nijisanji property
>that’s it

>> No.68945600

This guy MBAs

>> No.68945731

All NijiEN livers hold a stream where they triple down and shit on Selen. The entire branch.

>> No.68945860

No, she quitted because she handled the stalker situation perfectly fine but Nijisanji wanted to turn it into a full blown case, essentially turning her into Roa 2.0

>> No.68945866

Post the unredacted legal complaint on their main account

>> No.68945944

Leak more discord messages.

>> No.68946060

Announced Selen was suspended for uploading an unapproved video immediately after it happened.

>> No.68946283

Upload Doki's legal correspondence and medical documents to Google Docs and post it on xitter to prove a point.

>> No.68946315

They could've stayed silent and told Selene to graduate.
They also could've just not terminate someone over those retarded reasons.

>> No.68946470

Not fire and replace the original management

>> No.68946628

Make Rosemi and Finna do what Vox did and read a script throwing Selen under a bus.
Then make every single other Talent go do the same.

>> No.68946685
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Step in when managers acted like little shits.

>> No.68948588

Hire more competent managers to give every talent one so if they try to stir bullying then the competent managers would stop it ... but nah Riku wanted to invest in yachts

>> No.68948836

Doing the same thing all over again with Scarle, mudslinging and all

>> No.68949051

Release a neutral termination notice saying you're going your separate ways? Not try to Double then triple the fuck down right before Rikus video and completely fuck up the corpo apology? Sky's the fucking limit here man.

>> No.68949097

deflect to attacking holoEN with paid shills

>> No.68949280

Easy. Just keep their mouth shut after the first announcement and everyone would have forgotten it after a few weeks tops. They literally pulled a Rushia.

>> No.68949345

hired competent English-speaking management for the NijiEN branch. have more managers and give more support to the talent.

>> No.68949701
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Let her go in peace, their second chance was yesterday, just let the fucking CEO talk, don't try to smear her.

>> No.68949958

>Zaion terminated, smears management and cliques
>Nina and Mysta leave, immediately talk about how much better management at Vshojo is. Even if Zaion is retarded her complaints seem more valid.

>Selen terminated, Pomu and Kyo graduate, all within a month. Probably more waiting in line.

The branch is rotten, dogshit management already sank it. They needed someone to blame.

>> No.68950148

Give Selen the goddamn permissions instead of trying to stall indefinitely.

>> No.68950225

They could employ managers who are not actively terrible at their jobs.

>> No.68950289


As in literally shut the fuck up and don't say anything.

>> No.68950340

>one thing to have prevented this
swallowed their pride and let doki graduate on neutral terms in late january

>> No.68950409

Not terminating Selen

>> No.68950541

Fire/"suicide" Rosemi, Petra and Scarle.

>> No.68951518

Not hire Selen

>> No.68952319

Actually this

>> No.68952445

>”We’ve called you all here today because desperate times call for desperate measures.”
>”Sacrifices have to be made. We’ll need to fake one of your deaths to beat her at her own game. One of you will be graduated on that pretext. Who here has the most experience with this stuff?”
>Camera pans around the room and settles on Sonny Brisko
>He glances into the POV for a second and then looks away

>> No.68952860
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Release second part of the statement with even more damning information, have Rosemi and Petra read it.

>> No.68952992

Go into the courtroom and then have a liver put on the stand superman through the air at the judge.

>> No.68953240

>Send a hitman after Doki
>Find, kidnap and torture Pomu until she agrees to read a script throwing Doki under the bus (while her model's eyes signal TORTURE in morse code)
> Vox praises the zodiac killer

>> No.68953744

Actually admit that there was bullying and then reveal who the bullies are. It's technically a positive for dokifags, but the nijifags losing their shit would be funny.

>> No.68953893
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Literally all they had to do was sit down and shut up. It was the easiest thing in the world and they couldn't even handle that, its baffling.

>> No.68953906

They already pretty much did. By bringing up court documents, claiming there was potential risk of doxxes, and then having those on steam admit it was *their* info in the documents.

>> No.68954071

They basically did, yeah. I just meant them saying it with 100% clarity so even 0 brain cell ameboids can understand.

>> No.68954299

Niji wanted to stop Lulu from streaming so they could say, 'look the stalking situation is hurting her work, you should take it seriously!' to police. Lulu didn't care for this shit though, and wasn't really worried about the stalker shit because as a 3DPD idol before being a vtuber it kind of came with the territory.

>> No.68954350

Shut up and let everything die down

>> No.68954435

She dodged a massive nuke, seeing how they had Roa not stream for 2 years so they could claim damages from the Meiro/Narukami lawsuit and still allegedly lost.

>> No.68954570

>and still allegedly lost.
Their problem there was still continuously releasing Roa merch, which directly flies in the face of the claim she couldn't work because of it. She's probably doing the smart thing by streaming on another channel now while still getting whatever shit may trickle in from Roa merch.

>> No.68954597

Segregate the genders from the start.

>> No.68954949
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>"See, there is just one thing that bothers me, Miss Elira. You said that Selen was trying to doxx you through the legal system, but I can't help but wonder: Exactly why would your names be in a court document regarding workplace harrasment alongside conversations and voice call recordings of you three with Selen?"

>> No.68955441

>terminate selen
>not release a 3 page doc defending the termination
>never mention selen again
People would still be mad but it would have blown over in like a week and everyone would have moved on.

>> No.68956289

What I would pay to see Colombo go after Ninjisanji, it'd be kino.
