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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68943052 No.68943052 [Reply] [Original]

>Retarded drama turns into “Japan is LE BAD” after e-celebs start covering it and normalfaggots start zergrushing the board

>> No.68943102

And people need to understand that even if Cover is admittedly flawed their history pales nothing in comparison to Anycolor.

>> No.68943169

It turns into every corpo in JP is le bad.
Who tf do we blame from this?

>> No.68943199

Parrot and Asmongold

>> No.68943297

That's what you get for courting the world

>> No.68943353

Cover sucks too only slightly less so

>> No.68943391

>Japan is LE BAD
Their corporate culture is dogshit and their culture is mostly ass backwards and retarded. Am I supposed to defend them?

>> No.68943406

Compared to vshojo or mythic they are bad though. People only sign up for them because of guaranteed audience of midwits

>> No.68943429

This is why when I read news about how gen z is aging extremely fast or they are dying younger than other generations I laugh, evil subhumans getting their comeuppance.

>> No.68943536

Let us know when Cover tries to cover up a suicide

>> No.68943539

>whore culture good
>the agency that doxxed talents that applied to it is better than anything
Play in traffic fatherless mutt

>> No.68943550 [DELETED] 
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>their culture is mostly ass backwards and retarded
oh nyo they don’t have drag queen story hour, gender reassignment for preschoolers and section 8 housing
the horror

>> No.68943620

Asmon has a motive to badmouth his competitors. His agency is probably trying to get doki on board.

>> No.68943628


>> No.68943652


>> No.68943681

you made the claim that japanese culture is bad, faggot

>> No.68943720
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>> No.68943785


>> No.68943794

You fags don't work in Japan. Japan corpo culture is more horrible than often portrayed

>> No.68943801

no fucking shit
they’re giving westerns what they assume westerners enjoy
they’re fucking mocking you cause they’re looking into the bubble from the outside

>> No.68943806

Their culture is collectivism and discourages people from standing up for themselves or trying to make changes causing shitty people to remain in power and things to stagnate overall

>> No.68943812

more like SEA Rabbit and Hero Hei

>> No.68943877

Maybe Americans are just lazy

>> No.68943889

I said that Japanese culture is mostly ass backwards and retarded and you responded with whatboutism.

>> No.68943926

Yes. Just be glad that you don't live in Japan. And no, being there as a tourist doesn't count

>> No.68943930

based illiterate retardchama

>> No.68943934

Capeshit likers in weimerica are less than human desu

>> No.68943955

"Japan is LE BAD" is already the identity of most of this board including holo and niji fans.

>> No.68943959

them too
nousagi doesn’t actively bring tourists here tho
how is it ass backwards?

>> No.68944013

That's too many viewers

>> No.68944017

>and their culture is mostly ass backwards and retarded
This hobby literally came from Japanese culture. Imagine shitting on Japanese culture on a board(and website) dedicated to Japanese cultural ideas.

>> No.68944032

Nah, I'm not taking Cover's treatment for granted, I'm gonna full fledge thank them high as fucks because I want it to be continued for my oshis. I am not letting you ruin everything.

>> No.68944057

Kind of sucks since they fail to mention that Nijisanji EN was run in a very much EN way. It turns out that without the rules and strict structure of the JP side these talents eat themselves alive. This is why Cover tardwrangles the girls as much as possible. Turns out, woman is stupid and male vtubers were a mistake. Put the two together and it's a ticking time bomb.

>> No.68944060

Well, they are responsible for bringing some stupid conventions to the Western vtuber scene, like keyfabe, which has never and will never work here.

>> No.68944108

>You fags don't work in Japan
am literally a senior dev. in jp anon, and the company is just like the one I worked with on amerika and eu.
So try saying that shit again when you actually experience the actual work, instead of just watching youtube vids about how shitty all the work environment there is :)))

>> No.68944121

>Japan is le bad
>still going to consume their culture for my entertainment
>still going to go there for my vacations
>still going to livestream myself there for content
how do you describe this behavior?

>> No.68944141

Well it's true
This bullying shit has been going on even on JP side in nijisanji for a long time

>> No.68944145

A lot of people indoctrinated with Japanese culture are now furious that a woman dared to lawyer up and go against their precious corporation.

>> No.68944161

>goes on an imageboard (they were created on japanese internet) created by a weeb who got bullied out of SomethingAwful for being a weeb
>hates everything about Japan
>consume an entertainment niche created in Japan
I genuinely do not understand the thought process of this board
Do they think they can change the hobby they invaded to suit their own tastes if they screech loudly enough?

>> No.68944174
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How are you guys not tired of all of this? Every time these things happen?

>> No.68944192


>> No.68944195

We are already used to Nijisanji being the plague of vtubing

>> No.68944203

good, I want normies to start hating japan and anime to stop being mainstream

>> No.68944217

Most people suck if we're being honest. I don't get why only one country or another is singled out.

>> No.68944248

For some reason a lot of normalfags resent Japan, I'm not sure why.

>> No.68944253
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Should have gate kept harder.
/jp/ was right.

>> No.68944272

i agree with this anon, only show the west the bad things about japan so they start to fuck off

>> No.68944287

Good, get fucked.
>It's the tourists!
>It's the seamonkeys!
>It's the commies!
>It's the joos!
/vt/ has never been good asshats

>> No.68944324

They fear a traditional homogeneous society like how a devil fears the crucifix

>> No.68944344

This just sounds like the USA

>> No.68944350

Yep Fuwamoco are definitely the runts of their gen for relying on good kayfabe.

>> No.68944360

gatekeeping is important friend. they ruined videogames, they ruined anime, now they'll ruin vtubers and it's too late to do anything about it.

>> No.68944384

>you like their entertainment don't criticize them!
What kind of logic is that?

>> No.68944396

Doesn't mean you're immune from exhaustion

>> No.68944398

Vshojo has been around for a while where have you been

>> No.68944418

Japanese corporations.

>> No.68944419

>it's too late to do anything about it
loser mentality

>> No.68944440
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I mean Cover just did this today, so I mean eh? Like harder to point them to look bad.

>> No.68944454

4 years ago

>> No.68944498

That doesn't make Western Corporate culture good, a movie can be bad because it makes no sense just as much as another one can be bad because it's boring

>> No.68944522

You’re not criticising Japan, you’re saying how Japan is literally Nazi Germany because an Chinese-Canadian girl was treated badly in a black company

>> No.68944538

>japan is le bad
>japanese corporate culture is le toxic and hopelessly outdated

>> No.68944542

>expecting anything less from a hobby filled with ironic weebs.

>> No.68944544


>> No.68944556

this board quite literally do not talk about JP streams or anything JP related besides drama at all, so why do you even care

>> No.68944580

It was over when loli got banned on 4chan to appease election tourists. The force field was taken down.

>> No.68944616

Japanese work culture being bad is far from a hot take friend

>> No.68944651

this. Japanese boomers maintaining the work life tradiiton

>> No.68944691

It's not super evident, but a lot of things make sense once you realize that americans have a chip on their shoulder with Japan.
Japanese low birth (which is not bad when compared to europe once you remove immigrants ((who are below 2.1 themselves)), japanese corporations bad (look up their work hours and conditions vs americans), even the dubing and localizing industries are filled with people who actually dislike Japan.

Even american anime fans have this mentality, it's why you see "btw anime characters are white" posts or why they often compare anime and manga to live action and books from all over the western world, even from different times.

It's a mixture of racism and complex of inferiority, which is utterly bizzarre when you think that historically they always dominated Japan, and yet it's evidently there.

>> No.68944692

>but how does this affect YOU personally?

>> No.68944734
File: 137 KB, 322x270, moomtism[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3myzh4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't cover just let Mumei have a bunch of time off and she made a video on how she was glad they let her take time off for it because normally any other place wouldn't?

>> No.68944738


>> No.68944742

Japanese work culture does not apply to vtubers in any meaningful capacity so I have no idea why you're trying to bring it up.

>> No.68944774

But anon, japanese corporate culture is actually unironically bad. Even with accounting for cultural relativism.

>> No.68944792

I didn't even know loli was allowed outside of b before.

>> No.68944839

Do you work at a japanese company, or a company that operates in japan?

>> No.68944849

>drop the sun on them twice
>still seethe cause you think they’re better than you
sad! many such cases

>> No.68944912

Those people will move on to the next big thing in a month. Stop caring about what they think

>> No.68944923

Where did I do that? Why are you so batshit insane and defensive? Are you a jap?

>> No.68944940

cover has their own BPD bitch they got rid of that threatens suicide every other day

>> No.68944964

Western companies using troons to do shitty ass PR and Marketing doesn't take away that Jap corps are soulless sociopathic hellholes that drive people to suicide from overwork

>> No.68945012

k let us know when they try to hide a suicide
also last time I checked she is in vshojo so you will have a very hard time doing that

>> No.68945016

>Jap corps are soulless sociopathic hellholes that drive people to suicide from overwork
How does this apply to vtubers in any way?

>> No.68945021

This thread just feels like a "Please Holo fans help us were dying ahhh they will kill you too ahhh"

>> No.68945062

>t. watched a video essay about Japan from a gender studies graduate who went on vacation to Tokyo once and now thinks he knows how Japanese society works

>> No.68945089
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>what is spinning
>what is coordinated mass posting
>what is swaying public opinion
riku's genitals are already in your mouth

>> No.68945090

I think in part it's also a form of coping, thinking that another country is a hellhole allows them to ignore how much they are getting fucked.

>> No.68945104

>and she made a video
clipfaggot FUCK OFF. It was part of superchat reading. Mumei doesn't "make videos" retard

>> No.68945181

She did try to kill herself before her firing was announced and Cover didn't say anything about it. Fubuki and Flare just said that her firing was supposed to be announced earlier which is pretty much covering up the suicide attempt.

>> No.68945210

Never watched kurosanji and never will
I'm just tired of all the underaged EOP shitters especially knowing that a lot of them will never leave

>> No.68945245

Sure thing anon, sure thing.

>> No.68945272

How many of you here right now defending Japanese honor are actually Japanese?

>> No.68945274

k let us know when they do it

>> No.68945278

Rushia dropped her phone from a balcony for attention, anon

>> No.68945310

They're not wrong. Cover, Sony, Brave Group, they're all fucked. But only Nijisanji treats their talents like a disposable cumrag.

>> No.68945319

And who told you this? I hope you have a good source on this

>> No.68945331

Try moving over there and see how accepted you are Last Samurai. Even if you reached N1 level you will always be seen and treated as an outsider because of appearance and heritage.

>> No.68945371

>watching Japanese corpo “you bring great dishonor to my turbo-Jew corporation” punishment applied live to vtubers

>> No.68945408

>CEO earns less than most of the talents
>Former middle management complains that talents hold too much power in the company
>Yagoo told an investor to fuck off when they suggested to pay talents less

>> No.68945427

When you buy a bushel of apples, they aren't all guaranteed to be perfect. You can like certain things about Japan while loathing other aspects.

>> No.68945455

Thinking about it, it is hard to defend the japan work culture anon

>> No.68945479

>Even if you reached N1 level you will always be seen and treated as an outsider because of appearance and heritage.
How is this a bad thing? Should be the norm everywhere
Migrants can never fully integrate unless you’re in America which had no culture or identity to begin with

>> No.68945491

They already did it on 24th of Feburuary in 2022.

She OD'd on her anti depressants after that and was in hospital for a day. Why do you think she suddenly had a meltdown on the 19th but was only fired 5 days later? Back then people said it was because the alien dumped her but now you know that's not the reason.

She did. The problem with her is that she is always vague and hides 95% of serious talk in membership streams.

>> No.68945536

Can't we just shitpost and lolipost them into oblivion?

>> No.68945552

Like I said, they don't treat their talents like a disposable cumrag.

But their working conditions, policies and work culture 100% lead to burnout, particularly with someone like Gura who would have graduated already if not for the money.

>> No.68945612


>> No.68945633

inferiority complex
good 'ol uncle Kaczynski had it all figured out decades ago.

>> No.68945644

Cover regularly overworks the talents, has unnecessary meetings and permissions bullshit screams black company culture.

>> No.68945650

Muemi literally came out like 3 days ago saying she was happy that they gave her a bunch of days off out of no where and any other workplace would have let her go. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.68945711
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>Cover bad too please help us
I see what you're doing with this thread and it's very sad.

>> No.68945750

I wonder why she needed to take a long break...

>> No.68945766

Cover is bad by the nature of being a japanese company. They are all bad.

>> No.68945782

>Japan is LE BAD

But anon japan is le bad. Fucker are going extinct due to shit like this.

>> No.68945784

How in the fuck are fandead still around, what the fuck?

>> No.68945843

I'm not a fandead. The ho should have chosen a better suicide method but it's still a fact that her attempt was hidden.

>> No.68945846

Japan is bad, why do you think they're refusing to have sex and raise kids there
It's a corporate hellhole

>> No.68945899

Sure thing buddy.

>> No.68945949

Yeah a fandead would totally say that she should have died.

>> No.68945996
File: 130 KB, 463x453, pekokek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please say you didn’t just unironically use Gura as proof that Cover has poor working conditions

>> No.68945995

>Always be treated as second class citizen no matter what you do

>> No.68946017

Bringing up how a company mistreated a person does not mean you have to like that person. Nor does it mean that you like nijisanji.

>> No.68946032

Keep trying, you might get someone

>> No.68946074

Japan was bad all along, since long before "drama"

>> No.68946089

>The Japanese are going extinct because Selen

>> No.68946121

>Bring up Rushia
>The person caught lying about everything she has ever done and killed a fucking cat out of spite
Now I know you guys have to be trolling

>> No.68946141

no one ruined anything if youre not a faggot who knows how to stand up for himself and what he believes in. giving up is pussy shit.

>> No.68946177

She did try to kill herself.

>> No.68946186

>he said on an otaku imageboard
>on a board about a Japanese niche

>> No.68946220

Follow her steps but actually succeed if you worship her so much

>> No.68946222

>fubuki tired
Has there ever and I mean ever been a good post made with this image?

>> No.68946247

I mean I like Japan but some of their laws are just stupid.

>> No.68946249

How am I worshipping her? She tried to kill herself and Cover covered it up.

>> No.68946252

The Japanese are no better with "EN is bad" either.

>> No.68946295

>second class citizen
No, you will just never be Japanese
Same as you will never be Italian if you move to Italy and you will never be Swedish if you move to Sweden

>> No.68946302

Keep reading the post anon, maybe someday you will understand the words.

>> No.68946358

>The Japanese are no better with "EN is bad" either.
But they don't do that. It's more common for them to say "EN is good" while criticizing a Japanese vtuber for something that an EN vtuber they have no problems with also does.

>> No.68946382

An hero yourself

>> No.68946402

proof next thread?
>she vagually mentioned it in a members stream
your head is not proof btw

>> No.68946442
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>Japan is evil
>See look she was bullied by all people who live on the east coast
I want to point out the fact the people who bullied her were in fact not Japanese

>> No.68946452

Why was there a 5 day delay in announcing her termination?

>> No.68946457

except that the normalfag hate that guy, the other guy that Nerisa thought was him is going to be more damaging.

>> No.68946515

I read this as zegurushi

>> No.68946537 [DELETED] 

This exact shit happens from time to time in japan you dumb larpers
I mean you SEAnigs are dumb as shit but at least learn a little about the culture and the hobby you claim to love so much
literally just months ago

>> No.68946547

Fuck off

>> No.68946553

She was mostly bullied by niji management who are Japanese and that same management tried to hide her suicide.

>> No.68946579

Because they're not subhuman trash like anycolor. If you knew anything about the situation you would know that they DEFENDED her right from the start.
Now the question here is why are you trying to derail people from shitting on Nijisanji and deflect

>> No.68946631


>> No.68946632

>still no proof

>> No.68946643

>nijiEN management

>> No.68946649

Crazy how much this feels like it could blow up when the largest Twitch org (OTK) blew this nijiEN drama out of the water (harbored a member who raped a women during his time in OTK), and they effectively wiped their hands clean of it all in the public's eye just by kicking the guy out when it went public

>> No.68946676

This thread is such a sorry sad deflection thread that it's disjointing.

>> No.68946731

>they DEFENDED her right from the start.
They didn't defend her during those final days when she wasn't allowed to speak through her accounts.
>why are you trying to derail
How am I derailing? There was direct claim made about Cover not hiding anyone's suicide and I said they have actually done that.

>> No.68946749

>(harbored a member who raped a women during his time in OTK),
Oh it wasn't just one, they have been kick groomers and shit too. It's funny bladman talks about this shit and he is friends with these people

>> No.68946761

Holy newfag

>> No.68946777

>the agency that doxxed talents that applied to it is better than anything
this isn't even true retard.

>> No.68946814

>final days
You mean the days when they found out she doxxed flare and was leaking company info to dramatubers left and right? lol
You are a retard. Have fun

>> No.68946874

talents holding power means they also have to have the responsability or atleast be present in all those decisions where they will be part of.
Cover is really good just like >>68945408 said.

>> No.68946896

Oh, you're retarded. Carry on.

>> No.68946899

>Made up Rushia stuff
No one believes anything form her mouth at this point, no one. Come up with something better

>> No.68946994

>she doxxed flare
This didn't happen, but feel free to post proof of it if you got any (you don't).
>was leaking company info to dramatubers left and right
So why wasn't her termination announced immediately after they found out? That's when she tried to kill herself and it took them 5 days to get everything in order after that.

>> No.68947147

Rushia was too busy covering up her marriage with that pussy

>> No.68947245

>they ruined anime

>> No.68947290 [SPOILER] 

>some subhuman is defending nijisanji by deflecting on RUSHIA who was abusive to her husband, cheated on him on christmas, tried her best to control his life before divorcing him, killed her cat, fucking cremated it and left the ashes to rot in a house she stole from her husband before fleeing the scene
Nijiniggers really are subhumans

>> No.68947305

I like how people call rushia a liar then lap up a story by a guy who is also a liar who in fact lied about literally the exact same thing at the exact same time. Very weird. Japanese corporations are still bad though.

>> No.68947325

>Can take breaks for months
>Please believe me that Cover is shit, bro.

>> No.68947399


>> No.68947414

Bro are you serious right now?

>> No.68947425

Watch out he'll deflect the posts by asking for proof

>> No.68947446

>they ruined anime
They ruined anime fandom but the medium itself is unaffected unless you're a dubfag, in which case you get what you deserve

>> No.68947457

They wouldn't take months long breaks if they enjoyed their jobs. My indie never vanished for months and she's been active for years. Longest break has been a few days.

>> No.68947478

Let us know when Niji tries to cover up a suicide. Fake attention seeking from a BPD schizo bitch doesn't count btw. I mean an actual suicide attempt.

>> No.68947561
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>> No.68947577

not him but any business has processing days anon

>> No.68947606

It's a he said she said between two liars with no proof. Why are you so invested in one side?

>> No.68947637

(((The left))). Anyone on the left tends to hate anything Japanese. Look at G4 TV and how they constantly made racist remarks towards the Japanese and Japanese games, and it's not by G4.
It was also prominent by the (((western))) liberal gaming media in the 2010s as well.

All this did was give them extra fuel and another excuse to be racist towards the Japanese and say all of Japan is bad, instead of going after the one black company here and ignoring the good companies that do exist in Japan.

>> No.68947661

So your are saying that she lies all of time and I shouldn't believe her then? Thanks I agree.

>> No.68947691

Like I said Fubuki and Flare said the termination announcement was supposed to come sooner. We know what held that announcement up.

>> No.68947770

The Japanese.

>> No.68947782

Ye fuck this, i hate normalfag so much.

>> No.68947798

For real. It’s literally only nijisanji that’s bad

>> No.68947821

What does any of that have to do with suicide? Taking 2 aspirin and going on a grippy sock vacation isn't suicide.

>> No.68947891

Are you inclined to believe the other liar because you're a bootlicker mad she betrayed the blue triangle?

>> No.68947893

Yes... stop consuming from Japanese companies...

>> No.68947900

And my oshi needs to be forced to take a break.
Neck yourself, faggot.

>> No.68947939

>she is in vshojo
She's in Voice Ore now, and they chose to stand by her after she was exposed.

>> No.68947998

>sample size: 1
Common holofag fallacy.

>> No.68948070

And most people in Hololive don't take huge breaks. The point was they can, faggot.

>> No.68948099

You see you switched up, but I caught you and you had to switch again. You guys are fucking funny.

>> No.68948112

Japanese culture is good, but their corpo culture is fucking retarded.

>> No.68948158

Why would you bring up a completely irrelevant point that has nothing to do with my argument? Calm down bootlickerchama.

>> No.68948180

Yes you should watch OTK instead. All of the drama streams right now are telling you to watch their big company instead, do it now! They only had a single pedo rapist in there, but he's gone now.

>> No.68948183
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For you, anon.

>> No.68948211

It's "If you like something, you must like every part of it or you're a fake fan" retardation

>> No.68948251

some jobs, especially those that involve creativity and sociability, can drain you no matter how much you love it.

>> No.68948262


>> No.68948335

Yet it doesn't happen outside of hololive

>> No.68948370

Niji defense force aren't sending their brightest.

>> No.68948424

Low iq tribal response. Please evolve and enter modern society.

>> No.68948493

Normalfags don't care.

>> No.68948505

except it does?

>> No.68948562

This has nothing to do with vtubers.

>> No.68948566

Name some indies who have gone on multi month breaks

>> No.68948672

my sides.
oh hm I wonder why an independent wouldn't want to go on long breaks?

>> No.68948700

and you can blame Nijifans since they're the ones using that angle as defence

>> No.68948800

Coastal behavior

>> No.68948895

There is no way we could have predicted this... or EN was a mistake.

>> No.68949002

Japan is the paris for millennial. Move on braindead weeb

>> No.68949182

This situation redpilled me.
I can't see Japanese culture as anything but corporate bootlicking dystopia.

>> No.68949307

Your post doesn't make any sense, nobody was saying Japanese companies can do no wrong.

>> No.68949322

>It turns into every corpo in JP is le bad.
Because they are le bad, they're just bugmen conditioned to put up with unpaid overtime and seniority being valued more than competence

>> No.68949396

Because they have fun working and aren't slaving away to a strict corporation every day behind the scenes?

>> No.68949466

because they wanted to confirm everything before dropping her ?
maybe in corporate america you think its okay to fire people out of spite because you think they might have done or said and you get away with it but in japan you can be sued if things aren't done properly and they didn't fire her out of spite.
what retarded faggot you turned out to be.

>> No.68949529

The caucasoid race makes the best content...

>> No.68949532

Flare and Fubuki said it was supposed to be announced earlier.

>> No.68949638

Try making another catalog thread begging people to believe you, retard.

>> No.68949765

Yeah it's a slave society of corporate drones but it's only bad if you live there. They produce great results so you should be rooting for that slave society to never change

>> No.68949913


>> No.68949929
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Oh I got a good one for you, look up the story about the guy that made the blue LED and how his company fucked him over.

>> No.68949949
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Japanese corporate culture is fucking garbage, even the elevens themselves hate it but can't do anything about it due to seniority culture giving the boomers at the top all the power.

>> No.68949996

Oh it's this faggot. Rope yourself, Nijisister.

>> No.68950061

They have an actual profit motive vs an employee guaranteed a paycheck doing the bare minimum

>> No.68950427

It produces all anime/manga/games that you like. Lose that corporate slavery and nothing will get done, the Japanese are simply not entrepreneurial by nature, they need a whip

>> No.68950493

Because Japanese corporations tend to be shit and even the Japanese hate them, and the fact they have a name for terrible companies really says how awful it is.
Most western companies would love to get away with the same shit Japanese companies do.
Infact that collectivist corporate mindset is going to result in going down the same direction as western companies but with even worse results.

>> No.68950680

I don't get the need for people to have superiority complexes about this stuff anyways. It feels like the idea of "we're bad but at least we're not this bad" is so pervasive, as if we can't accept that all humans are at least a bit fucked up.

>> No.68950727
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japan is a fucking hellhole

>> No.68950776

I know this might be a little hard for your tiny tribalistic brain to understand, but you can like certain parts of a culture while criticizing the rest.

>> No.68950823

you can see many chink shills using this as their anti japan campaign and amerimutt "based" "/ourguy/" ecelebs shitting on japan the same way as them and not even noticing it. which means things are only getting worse.

i really wouldnt be surprised if amerimutts turned into chink tier anti japan bugs. i mean, they already are

>> No.68950898

Words for them exist in English too, faggot.

>> No.68950915

>/pol/ has entered the thread to do the work of Nijis.

>> No.68950920

they still use fucking fax and don't know how computers work

>> No.68950961

Ah so that’s why every anime nowadays is a generic isekai with the same fucking plot or why Japanese video game companies are starting to think it’s a good idea to listen to their western branches now.

>> No.68950969

Thread swarmed by bugs and Nijifaggotry.

>> No.68950989


>> No.68951353

This is the case in most civilized countries, america is the odd one out

>> No.68951568

its anachronistic for sure but fax is used for a specific purpose. better not trust anything redditors say. those self-proclaimed experts or the expats boasting like "ive lived over a decade here" know nothing bout japan. most of them are eops or only have garbage language skills.

>> No.68951693

EN chuubas were a mistake.

>> No.68951871

The fuck did you expect them to do, publicize everything happening in someone's private life? If she chose to not talk about it that's the end of it.

>> No.68951924

idol culture =/= japan
japanese corpo culture =/= japan
I could understand wanting to defend idol culture, but why the hell would anyone want to defend japanese corpo culture?

>> No.68952076
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nice try
those "chink shills" are 80% of your fanbase and like 91% of the company owners
basically what you are saying is "AIIEEEEEE DO NOT CRITICIZE MY CHINK OWNED CORPO PLS SAAARS I CANT TAKE MY STOCK GOING DOOWN" which that tazumi guy already addressed LIVE and only makes you a dicksucker.
Pls try to deflect again.

>> No.68952534

calm down chink. you just dont know it but the chink shills have infiltrated into everywhere. the ones who im talking about arent those usual chinksanji defenders, are genuine anti-japan ideologues or CCP worshippers. they dont really watch livers or vtubers. only know about controversies/dramas like this.

>> No.68952559

non-hololive EN chuubas*

>> No.68952897

>the fact they have a name for terrible companies really says how awful it is.
My nigeru, we in the west have names for those companies as well. It's not my problem you can't into basic English corporate language.
>Most western companies would love to get away with the same shit Japanese companies do.
Most western corporations do get away with more than Japanese companies do.

>> No.68953231

>Most western corporations do get away with more than Japanese companies do.
Yeah but you see in the west they support libertyTM and the companies support buttsex and brown people so everything they do is okay

>> No.68953881

You'll never be as respected as hololive

>> No.68955395

Your children can't even live in safety without risk of getting mowed down by a shooter. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.68955603



>> No.68955704

Lots of good ideas start in other countries, but Japan's copyright system and law system in general both fucking suck ass. Their work culture often discourages the idea of standing out and being innovative in the workplace and encourages the idea of basically becoming a mindless drone.
You're pretty much expected to work until you drop dead at your job and there's a reason why their suicide rate is as high as it is and potentially even higher since the government there has actually gone as far as to cover up suicides
There's literally an entire song dedicated to how the Japanese government tried to cover up a little girls suicide that she livestreamed.

As much as it might make people seethe, corporations like vshojo offer the talents better contracts and more rights than any Japanese corporation out there. The lack of 20 different hierarchies that they have to climb in order to get anything done also means that there are no month plus long delays for things like covers or 3Ds or anything like that.

>> No.68955784

Consume only vtubers from western companies, or else.

>> No.68956232

You can consume whatever you want but at the end of the day it is true that Western vtubers have better contracts and are allocated more freedoms and do not burn out at nearly the same rate as Japanese corporate vtubers do.
Not to mention in general the technology that Indies and westerns have access to any more is incredible. I follow a 3view on YouTube Who has such a detailed model that it literally chews when she's chewing. Like the model itself looks like it is eating.
That's all because she runs this other program alongside vtube studio and this other program gives almost a 2.5D by combining 3D effects with her 2D model.
I'm pretty sure that holos still have to use buttons to change their facial expression, unless I'm out of the loop?

>> No.68956347

>Japan's copyright system and law system in general both fucking suck ass.
but amerimutts cant even make any doujins.

>> No.68956362

Vwhorefags, no matter how much negative campaigning you do against nip corpos, kson and nazuna will negate your efforts.

>> No.68956374

I hate woke western culture
Things just keep getting worse

>> No.68956546

Why is /vt/ shilling western corpos now? It's a good time to attack I guess but who's behind this totally not artificial conversation? Vshojo?

>> No.68956589

Nazuna was a giga menhera who had even bigger problems outside of Vshojo and Kson is happy and enjoys her time. Not sure what your point is here besides seething that some normies side with western agencies.

>> No.68956659

I don't care about people hating Japan, but Cover's stocks are taking a (admittedly negligible) hit too because retarded investors can't differentiate between Vtubing companies.
That shit is pissing me off.

>> No.68956821

I mean, I agree with you anon. Jap corporate culture is fucked. I was more talking about people who take every chance they get to shit on Japan whilst they get most of their entertainment from Japan.

>> No.68956943

bc the demise of the western vtuber industry began. every amerimutt industry is like this. every single one. amerimutt media pushed their sjw comics so hard shitting on manga and now their comics are dead. cartoons dead. games are obviously starting to die. vtubers are already following suit.

>> No.68956975

To be fair You can, you just can't be a huge name while you do it. Most companies aren't going to go after some two-bit nobody selling a doujin at a convention in the middle of nowhere.
It's really not until you start raking in thousands that companies take notice.

The worst part is that also happens in Japan, up until very recently both any color and cover had statements in their terms of service that stated that if you made a lot of money off of a fan project you were not supposed to sell that fan project anymore or something along those lines. I forget.

>> No.68957174

you only cope. you will be just sued if you sell the doujins of marvel or dc comics or any comic.

>> No.68957185

Fair enough
I've just kind of become more open to the idea of Western vtubing companies becoming more relevant because while cover has done a better job than anycolor, cover still has a lot of problems with management taking ages to respond, projects being delayed, perms fuckery, and talent burnout due to it.

>> No.68957319

I'm pretty sure there are Western artists who do sell doujins of characters from those comics.
At Comic-Con and places like that you'll find a ton of different artists who are selling sketches and fan art of marvel and DC characters and maybe even some Disney characters thrown in there such as Star wars characters. There are cases where people are hit by cease and desists but it seems pretty rare.

>> No.68957506

>I'm pretty sure there are Western artists who do sell doujins of characters from those comics.
you shouldnt talk about comics if you know nothing bout it. funny that you are desperate to defend american stuff while hating on japan. such a patriot/nationalist.

>> No.68957551

They covered up all the stuff with Mel's manager stalking and sexually harassing her. He did it for months and kept her from streaming regularly during that time. They didn't even fire the guy, they just moved him on to be someone else's manager. All of it only got out because Mel leaked the information to Narukami. And you're assuming Selen is mentally stable and isn't a BPD psycho who wouldn't get pushed to suicide by pretty much anything.

>> No.68957605

>Japan's copyright system
so which countries have it perfectly figured out so we can copy them? because around here (not japan) according to the law you can get sued for playing a song on stream, they dont enforce it (YET) but it's still possible.

>> No.68957832

You are a subhuman defending a company that drove a girl to attempt suicide

>> No.68958224

Drove her to attempt suicide by privating a video they told her to hold off on uploading for a couple of days while they checked with some of the people in the video. Make sure to include the context so the ridiculousness of Selen's actions don't get lost here. She totally comes across as mentally stable in this whole thing.

>> No.68958259

The 180° is scary, people are so easy to manipulate, we've seen this in politics
Like suddenly drama channels are le good? This board always hated those cunts, and there are so many twitter toutists posting the most normalfags opinions
now "japan le bad >:( westoid cancel culture? Le good :D"
I fear for hololive, I'm 100% sure this is gonna happen to Cover at some point, maybe sooner than later
just burn bridges and separate JP and EN completely, Yagoo should know you can't trust the western audience, they're commies, keyboard warriors, backstabbing bitches

>> No.68958864
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why do you keep talking in absolutes, retarded """holofan"""?
criticizing one thing doesn't mean you support another without question
>muh jp purism
ofc its a brownie seething

>> No.68958992

Drove her to attempt suicide by bullying her for a fucking year denying her to do anything all while 3 of her subhuman coworkers also bully her and shittalk her at every opportunity

>> No.68959308

obsessed chimp

>> No.68959319

Anime creator's treating the medium as actual fiction makes them seethe, they can't stand it.

>> No.68959421

This, terminate all non HoloEN English vtubers.

>> No.68959590

Only thing cover is retarded about are the homos, no need to gaslite yourself in believing doomposting just watch streams nothing will happen to Hololive.

>> No.68959791

I can name shitloads of indies who graduated instead

>> No.68959823
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>killed a fucking cat out of spite

>> No.68959853

So the latest NDF line is "d-don't criticize Niji or you're feeding Japan bad sentiments to the normies!" As if filtering Twitter normies is a bad thing. You guys need to workshop this one a bit more.

>> No.68959903

Obviously they eat it up, what they are tired of is watching streams. You know the entire point of vtubing.

>> No.68960048

Twitter normies are the herds of newfags coming here and into chats spamming selen hashtags. Get used to it dramanigger, you are the normie now.

>> No.68960058

>I fear for hololive, I'm 100% sure this is gonna happen to Cover at some point, maybe sooner than later
exactly. you should know many were pointing out niji en is an sjw branch but now nearly all amerimutts are siding with the stupid dramawhore.
same will happen to holo en ofc. its just a matter of time. reminder ALL the amerimutt entertainment industries are taken over and ruined by woke fucktards and you will NEVER remove them.

>> No.68960172

I don't really go to conventions but I do know you can find fan artists for western stuff.
Don't get me wrong I don't care much for America and the bullshit but I prefer it to JP corporate lifestyle

>> No.68960753
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>> No.68961173


>> No.68961469

Good question maybe Netherlands? Idk

>> No.68961719

this coming from a twittersanji drone is pretty rich
do you guys need another "riku addresses the situation" livestream?
can't even take the fucking hint lmao

>> No.68962112

I just want everyone who watches Parrot to leave.

>> No.68962165

The Japanese

>> No.68962244

fuck off back to twitter normie, I'm sure you have some drama to catch up on there

>> No.68962671

its just another self destruction of woke. youll see.

>> No.68964337

Oh good another retard who saw a mistranslated version of the Mafu^2 spergout

>> No.68964370

>Yeah but you see in the west they support libertyTM and the companies support buttsex and brown people so everything they do is okay
better not look at what Japanese video game companies been doing lately.

>> No.68964437

>better not look at what Japanese video game companies been doing lately.
Yeah, Blackrock noticed that they missed a spot.

>> No.68964521

>Yeah, Blackrock noticed that they missed a spot.
and guess what, the work culture of japan is going to allow them in!

>> No.68964545

False and sayu unironically

>> No.68964592

their retarded incompetent prime minister*

>> No.68964653


>> No.68964715

they dominate steam.

>> No.68965288

HDF at it again

>> No.68965486

I see that bootlickers have simply moved to another company and not disappeared at all

>> No.68965782

>regularly overworks the talents
The talents are the ones responsible for not signing up for every fucking project, concert, or sponsorship
The ones who burned out like La+, Kanata, etc. admit they were the ones who put too much on their own plates

>unnecessary meetings
You've never worked in a company before, have you? That's every fucking corpo

>permissions bullshit
After Holocaust, they gotta cover their ass harder

>black company culture
No shit, Cover is still Nip, just a lighter shade of gray compared to AnyBlack

>> No.68966043

who cares
the ones making a big fuss about "corpos are ALL le bad" are not Hololive fans, they're tourists misunderstanding as usual (or twitch indies with an agenda)
either way, not people that influence Hololive's bottom line in the slightest
Niji on the other hand is bleeding fans by the thousands

>> No.68966282

>my indie has never take a long break
No shit Sherlock, is because if she takes a break of more than 1 month her fan base dies and goes away, and not to mention she wouldn't earn shit, that whole period, I know is hard to you but think

>> No.68968323

>who cares

>> No.68968653

I just hate that drama channels are getting tons of subs, and twitter tourists are shitting the board more than usual with their normalfaggotry
Hopefully they'll leave in a few days
Dramaniggers don't watch streams so they only come here every once in a while

>> No.68968781

>Hopefully they'll leave in a few days
They're always here to stay
See hololive global, shit is a glorified subreddit

>> No.68968959

Many of them are already latching on to Mumei. Most of them will eventually leave but some will stay and this is their path to start to infiltrating Hololive through her

>> No.68968960
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>> No.68969083

epic meme, kind stranger!
take my gold!

>> No.68969298

My oshi has talked about her time as an OL in Japan and makes it sound like hell. And you're paid in Yen, which is increasingly worthless funnymoney globally.

>> No.68969327

>Japan is LE BAD
Yes. It is one of the most toxic environment on the planet. Also retards need to learn that Japan is just China but small and with better QA.

>> No.68969372
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>Japan is just China but small

>> No.68969515

what are you talking about? the jp nijidrones did it without anyone's help

>> No.68969711

for now. yen will go up again when western banks cut interest rates. you might say its gonna happen but it just means the west keeps suffer from a high mortgage rate and people cant easily borrow money from banks.

>> No.68969804

>its gonna

>> No.68970292

why do normalfags hate him? what's the difference? they're practically clones but moist seems to dumber than asmon.

>> No.68970821
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always end with koyo

>> No.68971573

Selen wiuldnt have attempted suicide if she wasnt fat. She needs to treat herself with more respect.

>> No.68972500

she's lucky she was fat otherwise the rope wouldn't have snapped
