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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68916975 No.68916975 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:











Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>68912188

>> No.68917004
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Just BPD things

>> No.68917009

My favorite Nijisanji livers, Selen, Griffith, and Pomu.

>> No.68917012

sex with my cute chinese wife

>> No.68917013

>asmon alludes to elira 'tanking' the damage from nijisanji
>elira's last stream is her tanking in ff14

>> No.68917016

You mean Selen=griffith right? Because Selen is literally winning in everything while Guts, Anycolor, is still losing to this day.

>> No.68917028

Because she was being bullied

>> No.68917030

she quit after the Petra discord leak that lead to "council didn't do as well as expected"
so probably that stuff, because she's friends with Mumei

>> No.68917040 [DELETED] 

khyo raided Sayu

>> No.68917050

im stuck in the abyss... pew pew pew pew...the timeloops, they never miss... pew pew pew pew

>> No.68917084

All of you nijisisters need to watch Sidney Lumet's Serpico to understand just how hard and alienating it is to be a whistleblower in any corrupt enterprise, and how a person can be personally unstable or even unlikeable and yet still be on the side of justice.

>> No.68917106

asmon simping for elira

>> No.68917109

noctyx can't catch a break

>> No.68917115

People don't record their friends for no reason. The fact that she felt the need to record him is evidence enough. And if he's never done anything wrong, why would anyone be worried that he was being recorded?

>> No.68917133
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Everyone should just start watching NijiJP

>> No.68917140
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Char did nothing wrong.

>> No.68917164

I'm not sure it's wise to compare Selen to a rapist.

>> No.68917175
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>> No.68917195

How did we get here?

>> No.68917194

>selen = griffith
>showered in praise and adoration despite being the demon emperor rapist
>had to get fucked in the ass to reach this point

>> No.68917196

I will dream of rape correction with Ike

>> No.68917202

Why do people like asmongold again?

>> No.68917225

What do you think he did then? Call her a fat bitch?

>> No.68917230

Terminate Luca Kaneshiro.

>> No.68917242

It is oddly convenient that he cannot remember the specifics of the conversation.

>> No.68917247

A mentally ill narcissist who despite being a terrible person ultimately wins?
You‘re right that fits way better

>> No.68917258

So do you think they'll be able to shrug this off after graduating, or will the stream and retweets haunt any online careers forever?

>> No.68917261

I don't like Vox but just because she recorded him doesn't imply he did anything wrong. It's possible she was just recording his statements of all the nice things Riku Tazumi did for Luxiem when they were in Japan to contrast it with how poorly Obsydia was treated for her discrimination case. That wouldn't require Vox to be accused of anything.

>> No.68917264

What evidence is there that she wasn't using the company discord? Or are you someone with internal access? Sure you should be posting here with this sort of thing with the way things are going in there right now?

>> No.68917267
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I just fucking hate it that we will never get Pufferfeesh dueting Necromantic

>> No.68917273

vox = cell
elira = frieza
ike = buu
selen = goku
zaion = vegeta

>> No.68917274

I've only watched gundam unicorn...

>> No.68917293

I no longer want to correct him, just snuff rape him

>> No.68917301

Based Vox.

>> No.68917309
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Based. Who wouldn't?

>> No.68917310

Even if Selen is 100% in the right and a paragon of moral justice I still want her to go away forever because my oshi isn't streaming. The hatred I have for her will eclipse the Sun if this goes on any longer.

>> No.68917323

Can’t wait to it being taken to court.
The livers were confident that they were in the right to the point of making that stream and all notSelen could say was pointing out the possible NDA breaking which she then retracted right away.
We will see.

>> No.68917325

my man

>> No.68917333


>> No.68917341

Asmon completely shitting on nijisanji lmao

>> No.68917345

Her recording the others would only be okay if she has actual evidence of them mistreating her, until we can actually hear something like that it might as well just be due to her being a schizo.

>> No.68917358

I wonder what is selen and elira's mama thinking right now

>> No.68917367

Are you a Briskadet? Because I feel like you all have truly shown me a new level of love for an oshi I don’t think I knew was possible

>> No.68917374

Just a great day for nijikeks, deserved desu KEK

>> No.68917381

he's just like me
expect for the money
and the bimbo asian gf

>> No.68917389

It was pretty clear he was being recorded for the purposes of exposing wrongdoing and the fact that it got mentioned in her document means there was something there.

>> No.68917401
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I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

>> No.68917415

It happened a year ago

>> No.68917416

Maybe he should have recorded it desu

>> No.68917423

Japanese are on niji side

>> No.68917439

If you knew about the things Vox and Ike have already been through and managed to see success, you wouldn't be so sure. Who knows, maybe this is karma coming back to get them after all this time. But the fact remains that you can bounce back from some truly heinous shit.

>> No.68917447
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>> No.68917448

didn't this guy do wow stuff
why is he a reaction streamer now

>> No.68917463

>In another timeline nijisanji accepted Selens olive branch and let her graduate like she asked after the incident instead of whatever this is
Mistakes were made

>> No.68917468

That wouldn't require Vox to feel "betrayed" either. Yet here we are. He's nervous about something he said. That he conveniently can't recall on stream. Despite thoroughly reading the documents. Something is up.

>> No.68917495

Gundam tier list:
Watch now tier: War in the pocket
Solid tier:00 gundam, Mobile suit gundam the movie trilogy, gundam zeta
Great looking tier:Thunderbolt, 8th Ms team

>> No.68917494

because wow is deader than ever

>> No.68917504

How am I suppose to know? And what if he did?

>> No.68917507

I hope she's doing ok.

>> No.68917531

wow is bad now

>> No.68917535

I generally agree anon but
>And if he's never done anything wrong, why would anyone be worried that he was being recorded?
If you confide in someone and trust that a convo is strictly between you and them, you would get mad at them if it turns out they were recording the entire time right? What if you reveal personal information that you only wanted to share with that person alone? Even if she didn't plan on sharing it, I'd trust someone less if they recorded a convo as if to break down and analyze everything I said. I'd try to be understanding if it stemmed from extreme paranoia but I'd still feel hurt.

>> No.68917534

bro he gets clowned on by yajirobe...

>> No.68917550

He was probably shitting on management with her.

>> No.68917560

Did they think releasing a statement like that at the same time doki was going to steam would help them?

>> No.68917564

You are asking too much for the EN management
So easily avoidable... Niji would still get hate? Yes, but not like this shitshow

>> No.68917574

I just don't understand why a recording was needed to prove the favoritism. Were the Luxiem channels, Puchiluxiem, half anniversary merch etc not enough proof? Or how they shoved Luxiem everywhere and not any other wave? It's blatantly obvious even without a voice recording.

>> No.68917582

yeah, but not necessarily wrongdoing on his part. Maybe she was talking about her negative experiences and he was offering her support. That would also make sense since he prefaced it with "I was ready to graduate in solidarity with her until blahblahblah" so she probably listed that in her document, that Vox can testify to the timing and truthfulness of her testimony since he was there at the time. But Vox is a fucking retard and thinks Selen was throwing him under the bus for whatever reason, idk he's a dumb zoomer.

>> No.68917585

Selen is a mentally ill menhera.
Vox is a self absorbed asshole.
Elira is a 2 faced bitch.
Ike is a faggot.
Millie is retarded.
Enna is a schizophrenic narcissist.
NijiEN is incompetent and unprofessional.
Anycolor is a garbage company.

>> No.68917584

Griffith got bitch slapped by a kid lol

>> No.68917591
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>Vox crying about how Selen almost made him consider graduating

>Streams twice a month anyway

>> No.68917605

Asmon just killed nijisanji

>> No.68917606
File: 2.87 MB, 400x500, lucaGODS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luca eternally vindicated
>Tried to help console scarle after she got bullied by a twink
>Stood up to his groomer
>Got his own place
>Setup pomu's graduation just in time for the branch collapse
>Stood up to luxiem's clear favoritism
>Took the bullet for everyone

>> No.68917613

Elira was smart to have it on her channel. All the unsubs mean the people that would give her the most shit are gone so she can stream in peace.

>> No.68917617

Selen just stop

>> No.68917621

Yeah, it's like a horrible string of bad decisions that let it get to this point. I hope they are actually able to put it behind them, it's so stupid.

>> No.68917647

>Did they think
that's the part they messed up

>> No.68917655
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>maybe this is karma coming

>> No.68917659

It's not about what they get it's about what the other members are being denied, matara said something on the issue recently and I wish I had a clip
They really did have different expectaitons for the male members and female members

>> No.68917668

reaction streaming isn't an improvement
I will never understand why it pays

>> No.68917692

I hate that most cases in court drag on for a very long time while I want to see Doki's face when she loses as soon as possible.

>> No.68917693

I'm sure Vox has a ton of internal issues and personal shit that could be damning in many ways but may not necessarily be related to Selen. Man has confessed to needing to furiously fap one out in public toilets to release stress after all. That ain't the behaviour of an average well-adjusted person.

>> No.68917695

I agree with >>68917550
He was probably shitting on them and threatening to graduate with her if she chose to do so. Then once she actually graduated he immediately backtracked because he's a dumb NEET with no college degree and no job prospects. It's a normal case of a terminally online overly idealistic zoomer coming face to face with the hypocrisy of their own self-righteousness.

>> No.68917699

all her members are leaving too lilbro

>> No.68917700

He still does wow stuff, then does shitting on WoW stuff and he also has a PC building company, a gaming organization, an indie dev publishing studio, and agency for some vtubers. His shit can be shady though, and he's good for voicing different sides but is very egotistical and thinks he can never be wrong. React content is his main money flow these days. He can be good sometimes too

>> No.68917709

You are scum for using Korone to shitpost.

>> No.68917718

And now he's forced to suck management's dick by saying he's happy with his job. Is that not power harassment?

>> No.68917726

selen = luke
riku = sidious
vox = vader

>> No.68917732

wow has been getting worse and worse over the years

>> No.68917736

I will never understand why people recommend 00 or Thunderbolt, maybe if you were recommending it to a 12 year old, maybe, but it's easily the worst ones

>> No.68917746

I liked his mount and transmog reviews..

>> No.68917760

um actually he has a film degree! (absolutely useless)

>> No.68917765

>why are you upset someone you trusted recorded your conversation?
Half the people in this thread are autistic even by /vt/ standards

>> No.68917785
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This is why you don't do business with westoids. They're all mentally ill dramafags.

>> No.68917790

Will you still support Niji?

>> No.68917793

He's probably a millionaire by now but he also wants to be the Tarantino of vtubing so he needs the capital for that

>> No.68917812
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>Mobile suit gundam the movie trilogy

>> No.68917825

I remember Matara said that as a female liver she got denied sponsorships just because she talked about sex or cursed one too many times and that was seen as a brand risk.
Meanwhile Vox regularly talked about jacking off in public and got a nendoroid for free.

>> No.68917831

yeah I'm seeing a few loyal simps renounce Niji now, it's not even about Selen, it's about the idiotic move to publicly condemn her (Which had massive backlash when they tried it on Zaion, what did they even expect trying it on Selen)

>> No.68917846
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Same... I just want peace for her and for her to stream again. Whatever your opinion may be I hope Riku's message earlier and them being in Japan means 3D soon. She needs some wins when she's back. Love and miss my kamioshi...

>> No.68917851

To any Nijisanji talents still employed, I cannot stress enough that you have to get out of there. You cannot wait months and months, you already just took a massive blow to your reputation and it's only going to escalate. You have to get out now.

>> No.68917856
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Luke, huh?

>> No.68917859

If Vox has paper proof of his autism diagnosis can't his lawyer just say "look he's retarded and was manipulated"

>> No.68917885

what are you gonna do about it holobrony LOL

>> No.68917898

yeah that was the rant

>> No.68917910

I don't think he ever graduated film school.
For reference his favorite movies are the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, the guy has zero knowledge of film.

>> No.68917916

Selen = Tiger 1
Nijisanji = T-34
Vox = Matilda

>> No.68917924

I've stopped when Pomu graduated

>> No.68917940

He’s said he’s been fine with corpo for a while. This isn’t new or coerced info as people want to make it out to be.

And even if he did have his grievances, which likely every liver has had at some point just like most people do at any other fucking job, he probably feels like she’s purposely now going to try to twist his words to satisfy her own purpose, which is probably something he doesn’t want to be involved with

>> No.68917954

I only watched them when they are burning and being tards so I support them still KEK

>> No.68917963

I feel selfish for not being able to think about anything but Sonny. I wonder if he’s cried from all of this

>> No.68917989

Vox = Jack Twist
Ike = Ennis Del Mar
These are not their real names, these are the main characters from the movie Brokeback Mountain. They are two gay cowboys that have sex with each other.

>> No.68917987

The transmog contests are actually fire content. People are so creative and he's at his best when he's shitting on people. Also use purple to win lol

>> No.68918004
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>> No.68918012

No wonder they keep on coming /here/
This reads like a /vt/ All-stars team

>> No.68918015

Isn't that a problem with the sponsors themselves and not Niji management then?

>> No.68918014

He made a top 10 films vod and its all artsy film student stuff, and his favourite is that gay fruit fucking film.

>> No.68918022
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>a terminally online overly idealistic zoomer coming

>> No.68918026
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What if some third party put out a lengthy legal breakdown that exonerated Anycolor?

>> No.68918042

BASED fujo.

>> No.68918045


>> No.68918058

Depends on what you think of as support. I'll keep watching my oshi and hope she can get out soon. Hell, kurosanji getting a cut of a few streamlabs is fine if it means she can save some up to get out even faster.

>> No.68918069

>watch Sayu
>She gets like 50 gift subs and spends the next 40 minutes gushing over it and saying supas aren't free


>> No.68918077

Thanks for making me laugh

>> No.68918084

someone just told asmon that vox beat xqc in ow2 charaity tournament

>> No.68918138

My favorite ex-liver is Selen, can I still discuss her here? You do have honor for your past livers right?

>> No.68918136

the harsh reality is it is a brand risk. If you put a girl who talks about sex on something you risk people calling you sexist and coomer pander you get shit from both sides. Men thats not really an issue since as long as they are hot women will excuse their gross behavior and find it hot.

>> No.68918155

Elira will never recover
Vox took a massive blow, but his fanbase are all coomers who don't care that much (and women aka retarded)
Ike just punched himself in the head, I don't know why but apparently he isn't the nice guy we believed he was.

As for the others, their choices in the coming days will define how people see them. Which team are you on? Depending on their actions people will judge them severely.

>> No.68918169

Fagoons were never welcome

>> No.68918180


>> No.68918195

Yeah, man, of course! Do you want to talk about Mysta with me, too?

>> No.68918217

We do not talk about elephant in here

>> No.68918243

No, different sponsorships have different requirements but sponsors don't actually pick the livers all the time. A lot of the time they just ask for specific engagement goals and the company just picks who they think can provide it. But Matara said management specifically denied her from having sponsorships despite her numbers because of her "content" which is completely bullshit. Selen complained about the same thing constantly to the point it was a running joke on her channel. Just because she said fuck and talked about omegaverse transformers BL she never got any sponsors meanwhile Ike does the same thing and gets management pulling strings to get him shit all the time.

Obviously we don't know all the inner workings of the corpo but it seems like something more than a few livers were upset about and not just an isolated thing.

>> No.68918260
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>hehe heeey guys, why are you so mad?

>> No.68918259

selen = kira
pomu = lacras
zaion = shin
rpr = athrun

>> No.68918262

you can only talk about her after someone posts mystas feet in the thread

>> No.68918270

I hope to god that my oshi says zilch about any of this, him even qrting the tweet had a few schizos after him

>> No.68918272

Let me guess, he's taking Doki's side.

>> No.68918277

Or they‘ll spend a couple weeks having member only chat and lose 100 hundred viewers each max

>> No.68918278

Yajirobe Isn't a weakling. Mother fucker killed Piano easily and fought Goku

>> No.68918282

thank you bud!

>> No.68918342

Holy fucking cope

>> No.68918350

Seconding this! I’m personally fond of 08th MS Team

>> No.68918369
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>Ike hangs out with millie/enna all the time offline
>People wonder why he outed seren

>> No.68918406


>> No.68918404

probably stopped showering and is laying in bed all day which has led to his weird sleeping schedule too, and whatever 'irl stuff' he had to do that made him respond to discord late was actually him avoiding his computer because he's addicted to checking /here/ and it was making him even more dejected than twitterfag antics, since all the posts weren't about him and too many briskadets were concernfagging. at this point i am now a fly has wandered into his room due to its unkempt state, surviving off a forgotten ramen cup he left on the floor as he lies in bed and watches japanese fish gutting videos on his phone. i land on his bare leg that's sticking out from under the sheets and rub my fly hands together, ready to snack on the lovely pile of skin flakes, congealed sweat, and other compounds found in the pores of his leg hairs. or perhaps a mosquito so i could drink his delicious blood with an increased volume of urea and salt due to holding in his pee

>> No.68918411

nah, asmon usually comes up with his own takes

>> No.68918457
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>> No.68918459

Okay I might watch the clip he puts out if he actually is reasonable about it.

>> No.68918463

I feel like at least one Liver would have already quit if this was as bad as reported
Either Niji management is really good at grooming and gaslighting talent behind the scene or there are major facts that haven't yet been disclosed that don't fit the circlejerk version of events
That said, EN's PR has been atrocious and the entire branch's management should be fired

>> No.68918469
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Good list. 08th, War in the pocket and original UC through zeta are my favorites. I like 00 for showing a possible future. China, Russia, India going against the dollar, etc

>> No.68918486

but in that arc he was like the farmer in episode 1 and it set the tone for vegeta's character for the rest of the series

>> No.68918492

Elira's next stream will have 10k ccv but most of them will be seething on twitter because they can't chat

>> No.68918500

>have almost no information about a developing court case
>one side presents an argument
>before the other side has even responded, immediately jump into the fray and start making conclusions
Great job "reaction streamer"

>> No.68918502

>I feel like at least one Liver would have already quit if this was as bad as reported

>> No.68918506

Why is it everytime anons say a liver will never recover, they always recover anyway?

>> No.68918507
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>nah, asmon usually comes

>> No.68918512

I think he has a terminal illness and won't be around for much longer

>> No.68918516


real sane people they got out there

>> No.68918531
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>Both my oshis graduated before the great vtuber shitstorm
Thank the lord.

>> No.68918556

>Asmon feels that Elira probably feels worse now.

>> No.68918574

It was in the works for months, anon
I meant specifically in regards to the mishandling of this incident, not the general shitfest that is nijiEN

>> No.68918588

Could you at least inflate the likes on your twitter post before linking them here? Try to make it less obvious?

>> No.68918604

livers can take a fair bit of abuse
like thirty years of daily alcoholism kind of abuse

>> No.68918606

>It was in the works for months, anon
And the bullying was going on for at least 2 years.

>> No.68918608
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Guys I think Elira took the lore too seriously...

>> No.68918613



>> No.68918621

He should watch her playing FFXIV

>> No.68918649

Tourists are always looking for any excuse to shit on Nijisanji and say this will for sure be the thing that breaks them down. I've seen so many "It's over for Finana" posts over the last three years that it doesn't even make me flinch anymore.

>> No.68918679

>yaminion >based


>> No.68918685

No he wasn't? He trained with God like everyone else.

>> No.68918691

>selen recorded vox's conversation because of favoritsm wave
what if she recorded something with noctyx too...

>> No.68918700

Ren and Hex’s tweets definitely make me feel like they pretty much all genuinely share the same sentiment of feeling hurt by Selen, in hindsight they seem in support of the members getting shit on and slandered even though people assumed they were in support of Selen

>> No.68918716

Yeah this pretty much.

>> No.68918734
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>> No.68918755

>overhyped fat piece of shit with high maintenance
>propaganda piece of shit machine, shatted hundred of thousands to pad nnumbers
>actually good tank

>> No.68918761

I think miki should make a 2024 presidential run the country is dire need of saving

>> No.68918759

selen = cody
riku = the rock

>> No.68918767

>Selen bullied Pomu in her menhera outburst
Fucking snake.

>> No.68918770

Yeah, almost every Japanese person is on their side. It's like night and day when you read the tweets from Japanese and English

>> No.68918774

asmon trying to use this as a secret backdoor to get close to elira in her hard time

>> No.68918777

I love this nijikeks this is fuel to my boredem KEK

>> No.68918781

i meant the image that was posted

>> No.68918785
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God it makes me happy to see your shit corp burn. All of you who supported these garbage people for years are getting your just deserts. This is karma. You support bad people, you get to wallow in shit with them.

>> No.68918790

sonny is too autistic to say anything in a serious group chat, don't worry

>> No.68918792

noctyx orgy.....

>> No.68918799

Could you at least inflate the likes on your twitter post before linking them here? Try to make it less obvious?

>> No.68918800
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>No wonder they keep on coming

>> No.68918802

I can't believe she recorded Sonny confessing to all those female coworker lewds he commissioned, he is awfully silent now because he was shown the legal documents and knows the truth will get out there.

>> No.68918811

Pomu is 100% on Elira's side. She's not throwing her friend away for a schizo BPD chink.

>> No.68918829

I’m genuinely concernfagging over their safety and if some schizo tries to find and hurt them

>> No.68918828

Damn, maybe they should close EN already and focus on Japan exclusively

>> No.68918830

I mean, the EN branch will be joining it soon so not a bad idea to start early.

>> No.68918832

even if they wanted to. most probably just feel it's easier to leave when their contract is over

>> No.68918848

Sir, WoW is fucking dead

>> No.68918860

It's genuinely over for Elira, Ike, and Vox. They're NEVER recovering from this. It'll follow them wherever they go.

>> No.68918863

i am now watching superstore
it's fun, this is what i imagine america to be like

>> No.68918870

Except for that one time he slipped out a 'nigger' while they played on call together

>> No.68918879
File: 204 KB, 587x2048, i_love_nijien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah after this shitshow I'm not going to try to figure out who is okay and who is awful. I'll throw Doki a few hundred dollars and a membership, which I almost never do, and just cut out any money sent to niji. I don't expect niji JP to die from this but niji EN is fully dead; no one new is going to want to join or want to collab with them, and a really big chunk of their popular members have already left. Momentum should keep them going for a while but they can't help but accelerate.

I just hope someone saves Hana from the corpse of niji ID, but I'll lose even that hope if she doesn't jump ship herself soon.

>> No.68918888

sonny getting cancelled for saying nigger on discord arc?

>> No.68918890

My rrat is that she’s had meltdowns before on their discord that they’ve just kind of tolerated, and are now just annoyed that they’re all dragged in this fight

>> No.68918896

no shit, she's with Nina too, people are going to have to reconcile Pomu's crowd with their love of Selen

>> No.68918906
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>> No.68918914

And Pomu just didn‘t care for years?
And spend her entire graduation period praising Nijisanji?
And still prefers hanging out with the supposed bullies rather than her victimized friend?
The only former nijis who seem on Selen’s side are Yugo and Zaion who themselves were huge fuckups

>> No.68918918

>yeah, but not necessarily wrongdoing on his part
True but I just can't imagine she would name him and have recordings for a legal document regarding her experiences if there wasn't a problem.
>But Vox is a fucking retard
I'm not so sure about this. I don't think you can become a top earner in an entire vTuber division as a male if you aren't incredibly smart in certain ways. It's the Gura effect, she's not a retard, she just plays one on TV because it draws viewers.

>> No.68918922

She will probably take no one's side.

>> No.68918930

You're correct, this will blow over for all of them....
Except Finana. It's actually all over for her, the courts will find her guilty of bullying and sentence her to death

>> No.68918928

I don't think Japanese people actually care about this drama whatsoever. They just see it as westerners trying to ruin Nijisanji. None of them actually watched any NijiEN streams. In their minds the easiest way to ensure this doesn't affect the streamers they do watch(JP) is by siding with the corporation and not letting it bleed into the JP scene.

>> No.68918944

i'm literally just scrolling "Elira" on twitter

>> No.68918969 [DELETED] 


>> No.68918982

She was in Japan with her and obviously talked about this. Cope. She will testify against Selen if needed.

>> No.68918983

dont drag yugo into this, he's completely innocent and too esl to know what's really going on

>> No.68918999

Did she even say anything?

>> No.68919017

This tims for sure

>> No.68919045

>aspect raidou reaction pic while backreading threads
I hope Ittetsu fixes his ps2 controller soon

>> No.68919052

Vague borderline incomprehensible support

>> No.68919054

hes diagnosed with autism & ptsd and has to carry a monkey plushie to calm down outside

>> No.68919067

Pomu isn't taking anyone's side, at least for now.
>She will testify against Selen if needed.
If niji or nijien livers try to drag her to court while she's studying in Japan you can bet she will tell them to go suck a fat chode.

>> No.68919069

Not that I know of. Still has a stream scheduled with Doki.

>> No.68919070

Is it confirmed that Millie is a bully?

>> No.68919073

Protip: Literally all but Scarle are bad
Yes, even Petra and Rosemi

>> No.68919077
File: 365 KB, 527x354, German Elephant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overhyped fat piece of shit with high maintenance
You mean the tank that made the Amerisharts to shit their pants to the point of making a lot of air support calls hitting nothing because of the paranoia? or the tank that has to be defeated by sending 20 russian tanks at ones losing half in the process?
>actually good tank
lol? That shit was Panzer 2 tier, the only time it was useful was against the Italians """tanks"""
There is a documented tank battle in France after the D-day:
>20 Matilda tanks going to a germany occupied town
>3 (TRES) Jagdpanthers appear
>all the 20 Matildas died

>> No.68919090

Yugo just wanted his music and band, Zaion just broke some dumb rules and had a bad manager, Selen actually backstabbed both her friends and the hand that feeds because she was jealous and in a fit of rage mentioned suing the company.

>> No.68919092

The sad truth is both Vox and Gura are retards who simply appeal to the lowest common denominator. They're incredibly relatable to other retards and that's the biggest contributor to their success. Being intelligent has almost no correlation with success in the entertainment sphere, because audiences aren't attracted to intelligence.

>> No.68919119

fulgur commissioned a shota vox doujin and showed it on stream

>> No.68919123
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You're welcome.

>> No.68919122

The JP side already has enough schizos we don't more

>> No.68919137
File: 20 KB, 640x480, 4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have tank expert here

>> No.68919139
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1662623624723578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fake-crying voice Elira did for "emotional effect" pisses me off so much.

What a fucking snake

>> No.68919184

They can't all simply leave. There will be graduations in the upcoming months.
Pomu, Mysta and Nina all gave their graduation notice and actually graduated like half a year from then.

>> No.68919189

As for someone who got here because shits all over my wall. I'd say NijiEN has incompetent management, but I'd also say that Selen is full of shit, she's been confronted for rule breaking and deemed it as bullying. And don't use the (she attempted on her life) to guilt trip. If she's going to have a mental breakdown for being confronted for her mistakes then she's too mentally weak to be a streamer in the first place. Not taking sides both suck

>> No.68919194

Well...Vox is at least. As for the other...just shut up about things you don't know about

>> No.68919205

Elira crying because she was sad that her friend backstabbed her made me so sad.

What a terrible situation

>> No.68919215

>shu is the only luxiem that doesn't have a single drama lately

>> No.68919216
File: 195 KB, 480x480, EMOCEBOR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fake-crying voice Elira
Made me rock hard and I felt guilty for rubbing one out

>> No.68919220

It wasnt even good enough to win a war lmao.
Shermans superior still

>> No.68919234

>he thinks it only happened once

>> No.68919236

There's no reason to get involved.

>> No.68919237

its good for men to be kinda of stupid. Even when schemers get in power they can never keep it for long

>> No.68919249

why are you still here

>> No.68919247

Sounded real to me cuckgoon. I can claim the same thing about Selen pretending to speak with weak voice after she was discharged from the hospital for faking her suicide.

>> No.68919257

He's smart in the algorithm gaming maximize ad revenue kinda way. That doesn't make him a people's person. He IS retarded when it comes to reading the room and there's plenty of collabs that really show it.

>> No.68919262

In doki‘s mind yes
Otherwise no

>> No.68919285

Shu is a Japanese woman

>> No.68919288

pomu take elira's side boobs

>> No.68919290

>vtuber I like being sad - Oh poor baby!
>vtuber I hate being sad - what a fucking snake

>> No.68919305

yup, directly named in the lawsuit along with Enna and Elira

>> No.68919314

I hope Elira ropes herself, but doesnt fall far enough and the last moments of her life are spent scratching the noose as she chokes

>> No.68919319

He isn't even smart at gaming the algorithm. As soon as he stopped doing lewd ASMR his channel completely tanked. He struggles to break 2k viewers these days.

>> No.68919330


>> No.68919347

What do you mean her friend? Are you talking about selen? Everyone knew they weren't friends for years prior to this

>> No.68919350
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>> No.68919365
File: 130 KB, 943x885, pomu_smoking_a_fat_dart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theatre kids recognize drama a mile away

>> No.68919388

Hey Canadabros, whats legal proceeding transparency like? are we eventually gonna be able to access legal/court documents on this when it goes to the courtoom?

>> No.68919389
File: 944 KB, 288x217, 1688152785264394.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chinks KEK

>> No.68919398

This but Ike.

>> No.68919406

Dudes just got a hot voice. His ASMRs are porn for women and sex sells.

>> No.68919434

Well, you're now knee deep in SEA hours so good luck.

>> No.68919436

comfydants what mean

>> No.68919450

yea probably I've seen them posted
but I don't know how they can prevent doxxing themselves

>> No.68919466

Based Ikehater

>> No.68919471

I'm gonna laugh at nijitards and predict another graduate and shit on nijikeks again

>> No.68919475

Can someone translate? Is she a bitch?

>> No.68919489

just wait 40 minutes and this thread will become /nijien/ cars general

>> No.68919498

Kek remember when he yelled at Alban to shut up and Alban immediately left call

>> No.68919503
File: 866 KB, 1042x693, This kills the Ameritard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sherman tanks, remembered by their designers for their speed and agility... and by their crews, for being the right tanks for the wrong war
>Sherman veteran: We were just inadequate

>> No.68919514

depression sells

>> No.68919533

Both are hot

>> No.68919567

I hope Selen finishes her job.

>> No.68919570
File: 180 KB, 1080x642, Screenshot_2024021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls are fightingggg

>> No.68919573
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So does Anycolor pay for their legal bills or they gotta pay that themselves too?

>> No.68919576

Who won world war 2 again?

>> No.68919591

Elira is too much of a psychopath to feel actual sadness

>> No.68919596

remember that selen was grinding apex during her supposed "suicide" attempt from those tracking sites and was even confirmed by reimu's leak

>> No.68919598

isn't it the other way around, he made himself the shota so vox could suck his life force like in his movie

>> No.68919619

The allies by going 3 superpowers + the help of 40 countries against Germany alone

>> No.68919620


>> No.68919665

I feel thankful for Pomu. She spared her Pomudachis from being roped into all this shit.

>> No.68919669

it's over...

>> No.68919687

Guess Germanys tanks werent so good then. They probably would have won if they had shermans instead

>> No.68919693
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>comes to reading the room

>> No.68919699

they all have hospital records, retard
she was grinding Apex for the majority of the month though, including during Pomu's graduation

>> No.68919706

damn last i recall this sister was on selens side

>> No.68919705

I don't know, I'm starting to lose sympathy for Pomu the more I see her cozying up to Elira

>> No.68919708
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Another hobby ruined by westoids.

>> No.68919742

I rather take Elira's side then some menhera

>> No.68919745

I trust Pomu more than Selen.

>> No.68919753

nothing about that indicates hating selen

>> No.68919764

>If you confide in someone and trust that a convo is strictly between you and them, you would get mad at them if it turns out they were recording the entire time right?
I've actually been secretly recorded by friends before too and more than anything, I was just confused, like why were they recording me? But it was just a prank so I didn't think much of it, pretty normal shit we did to each other on the regular.

The problem is that the people defending Vox aren't asking why Selen felt the need to record her conversation with him and submit it in a legal document in the context of harassment and bullying. The people running to Vox' defense are blatantly ignoring the obvious questions here.

>> No.68919767

Ruined by the one in your post, in particular

>> No.68919773

Good. Consider Pomu to be evil and aligned with the evil niji bullies. That's more nerd for me.

>> No.68919792

Pomu doesn't need your sympathy, worthless nigger

>> No.68919796

You're a westoid retard

>> No.68919800

jwu, what the fuck is this shit?
Why can't this company learn to shut its stupid fucking mouth instead of trying to draw out their own flagellation even more?

>> No.68919827

They‘ll still need to deal with retards like >>68919705 who believe anyone not falling over themselves to suck selen‘s cock is a terrible person

>> No.68919830

They lost because they were 1v20, 2 fronts war
With your only allies being Italy who jobbed to Greece and Hungary who instantly shat its pants when the Soviets won Stalingrad

>> No.68919832

they don't keep you locked in a cage without anything to do after the initial hold hours pass retard

>> No.68919840

>vtubing pre-pandemic
>cute japanese girls doing cute stuff
>vtubing post-pandemic
>whores, whores, and more whores

>> No.68919846

Reminder that Elira didn't even attempt to invite Pomu to the various Canada meetups, only Nina did

>> No.68919855

Better trust Pomu than the chink backstabbing over 30 members in the group

>> No.68919856

The stock price is fucking plummeting anon. Last time Tazumi saved it only by spending 10's of millions on share buybacks. That was his last resort.

>> No.68919865

Retarded japs must protect their non-existent reputation

>> No.68919874

I will say it's all an irritating situation because I have a very poor opinion of Nijisanji right now and I am all for shitting on them, but I can't help but feel that the majority of the people participating in the shitting are people who have never watched a single Nijisanji stream in their lives and are just here because they see a good opportunity to be a part of the drama.

>> No.68919887

I genuinely don't see how Vox's reputation survives, this short of sheer denial by his entire fanbase. The same man who hosted a charity marathon to support suicide prevention then went on to victim blame someone who attempted suicide. How do you even recover from that?

>> No.68919899

Pomu is more trustworthy than anyone. She'd also not fucking stupid and won't comment on any of this

>> No.68919918

I hope Tazumi steps down soon

>> No.68919933

Lol believe what you want, but everyone agrees with me and not your circlejerk.

>> No.68919942

Isn't it weird that there's not a SINGLE NijiEN current or ex-member that supports Selen besides maybe Yugo?

>> No.68919941

I fucking hope so. As much as I want to hear her twitter space. I hope she goes radio silent for at least a week now.

>> No.68919947

He said that she was trying to use it to prove favoritism for Luxiem over Obsydia, particularly in regards to his opinions about the AR live cancellation.

Which who knows if it is acting damning evidence of it or not, or if even favoritism, while it sucks, is something that holds water in court for her claims if she’s going to say, “luxiem got dinners but we got nothing”

>> No.68919962

>I can't help but feel that the majority of the people participating in the shitting are people who have never watched a single Nijisanji stream
and you would be right

>> No.68919968
File: 208 KB, 480x480, UWNaYtS6McSJ8wTLhovQCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some of scarle's vods are being privated

>> No.68919989

Poor Pomu losing out on dramafag fans
I‘m sure she‘s devastated

>> No.68919991
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>> No.68919995

>She'd also not fucking stupid and won't comment on any of this
I hope so, but I won't be surprised if one of her nijifriends convinces her to throw Selen under the bus too.

>> No.68919999

Ok Enna you already posted this before if you want to be heard post it on xitter

>> No.68920000

She's not touching this shit. Even if she did a twitter space she would ignore all dramaniggers

>> No.68920003

Voxs fanbase are ugly women. Ugly women love to hate successful women. They are excited to protect him from Dokis army of meany haters. Vox will be fine.

>> No.68920009


>> No.68920015

Assalamualaikum brother and sister

>> No.68920025

hes actually suicidal for starters, he has ptsd from his childhood and thus is more legitimate than a bpd whore, hope that helps

>> No.68920026

>Which team are you on?
This is literally the fucking problem with all of this. Nobody willing to take an objective look at things just shit on the people you like/dislike in the scenario when real life is always way more complex than that.

>> No.68920034

It's no surprised they can't be open about it while employed at Nijisanji.
I am on Selen's side

>> No.68920050

it's amazing how much you can get away with by claiming to have tried committing suicide

>> No.68920054

do you guys think holo and vshojo will help selen fight with niji?

>> No.68920057


>> No.68920062

Dragoons will team up with some of the few remaining SA lulzers and form an unironic Goon Squad to harass Elira in all of her streams from now on, even through into her PL if she chooses to graduate.

>> No.68920076

Scarle's been stressed out. This is the last straw. After Kyo graduates she wants next.

>> No.68920085

Literally the only reasonable anti Selen take. I'm sorry for your inconvenience.

>> No.68920084

What about the ones not employed anymore?

>> No.68920099

did they mention that the lawsuit was about bullying? or something else?

>> No.68920105

I mean you could be on the side that has all the fans, the money, the entire community behind them.
Or you could be a corposucking faggot

>> No.68920111

>doki has yellow hair
>sonny has yellow hair

>> No.68920127

If i were to wordfilter "bdp whore" i'd never have to see your posts again since you say it every single time

>> No.68920141

That said, this is also the first time subscription numbers have noticeably suffered, so there definitely are real fans who are pissed. I'm just not sure they're the ones that are being particularly loud about it, maybe they just silently left.

>> No.68920159

No one aside from Elira could ever convince her and Elira wouldn't put her in a situation like that.

>> No.68920169

ok sayu

>> No.68920172

But enough of Nyfco sisters

>> No.68920175

Hopefully he one ups her and jumps off somewhere very tall.

>> No.68920173

>submit it in a legal document in the context of harassment and bullying. The people running to Vox' defense are blatantly ignoring the obvious questions here.
nothing in any statement given indicates vox did any bullying. from what we know it's just him venting about the cancellation and talking about him tweeting. probably something as simple as
>i'm too popular. they won't punish me for tweeting what i did. they can't suspend the whole group we are too popular
every statement indicates selen's 'harassment' was people reaching out to her and asking why she's freaking out when it's her fault the cover got taken down

>> No.68920180

vox is just as much of a whore and what do you think triggers bpd

>> No.68920198

I really want to drink Salome's urine

>> No.68920226

LMAO Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.68920230

Oh yes I forgot about her kek. Her and Yugo are the only ones that follow Doki but Doki doesn't follow Sayu back so it's one-sided.

>> No.68920232

NTB but if Sonny got exposed for doing something shitty, I would simply think that's funny and continue supporting him. I just cannot imagine a situation where I would stop supporting him, unless he raped/murdered a real child or something.

>> No.68920244


>> No.68920251
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until this whore shows some integrity and reposts Elira's tweet, I'm boycotting her.

>> No.68920250

do you think they'll fish out posts like this in court? same btw

>> No.68920249

S-so what season are we in now, guys?

>> No.68920254

Look. Either Vox just got done victim-blaming someone who attempted suicide, or he KNOWS she didn't attempt suicide. If it's the former, then he's a piece of shit. If it's the latter, it means he read her medical records. And that means he's not only a piece of shit, but Anycolor is going to be fucked by the Canadian government. Pick your battles.

>> No.68920258

>Elira wouldn't put her in a situation like that.
You say not one day after Elira threw gasoline on the dying flames of the drama?

>> No.68920266

the loudest ones will always be the malicious dramafags who don't give a shit whether they hurt innocent livers or not, as long as they've had their fun.

>> No.68920274


>> No.68920280

Same way Luca still has fans defending him. Women are retarded and majority of NijiEN fans are women who don't understand english and just shlick to their voices and models.
NijiEN is gone from the west.

>> No.68920289

It was verified by the doctor at the hospital you asshole. There is no way for Vox to ""know"" anything other than that.

>> No.68920303

lmao, no.
Nina hates Selen.

>> No.68920308

based and same

>> No.68920322

>notmysta is on elira's side

>> No.68920325

Ironmouse is completely ignoring Doki's existance. She knows something.

>> No.68920328

Yes retard. Elira and Selen were never friends retard. Pomu and Elira are

>> No.68920337
File: 32 KB, 590x350, images - 2022-11-01T130412.775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesn't Selen just say who is the bully if she is right

>> No.68920340

Use the archives to find a good picture for your falseflagging next time. It's fast and easy.

>> No.68920350

Lmao 1 Japanese company that will side with niji if they decide to involved with, and one company that has an ex-niji who currently is hating selen as much as everyone in nijien

>> No.68920353

>scarle literally the furthest person from all of this
>most publicly stressed out and hurt between this, aster, and kyo
feels bad man

>> No.68920362

>notSelen on Elira's side

>> No.68920372

There is no season, we're in full Nadesico Prince of Darkness territory

>> No.68920378

Once again, the Briskadets prove to me that I still have a ways to go to truly saying that I love my oshi

I hope you’ve been okay since he hasn’t been around much with all this going on

>> No.68920382

Business wise they'd stand to gain from killing their main competitor, yet they also risk reputation loss for trying to do something like that in this type of community where things are meant to look much more friendly and cooperative
The best thing for them to do is nothing at all and just enjoy the warmth of the fire while they can
What the fuck would they even be able to do? Only the individuals themselves would get involved as witnesses or some shit

>> No.68920432

It's her alter ego, Big Selen

>> No.68920434

The amount of misinfo surrounding the release of medical docs from literally everyone is triggering me. The medical info is sealed. No one saw it. Selen is being paranoid. You can submit hospital records in a lawsuit and they still can't be read by the defendant unless SHE SIGNED THEIR NAMES IN SPECIFICALLY.

>> No.68920446

*sigh* she relates to Selen's situation after being manipulated by Aster and management...

>> No.68920457

>If he's lying, he's a piece of shit, and if SHE is lying, HE is a piece of shit

>> No.68920493

what if you need to subscribe for more than 4 weeks to chat on elira's livechat for the next stream?

>> No.68920503

You should probably reread my post. I'm saying that either he didn't know for sure, or he did know for sure.
If he didn't know, he's a piece of shit for blaming her without having all the facts.
If he did know, it means Anycolor leaked her medical records alongside those other documents that he "thoroughly read", and THAT means he's an extra special piece of shit for invading privacy. Plus Anycolor would be in serious legal trouble with the government.

Which narrative do you prefer?

>> No.68920507

I hate this image

>> No.68920520

Now you're getting it. These retards just had to stay put and play ball.

>> No.68920521

You are so retarded it's funny. If think that Elira will spare any effort to save her own skin you are also delusional on top of being retarded.

>> No.68920533
File: 289 KB, 1250x2192, Fy0c7RHaEAAD1r-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my bird wife ennatsu!

>> No.68920534

Vox is just a piece of shit, no questions asked. Anon is right.

>> No.68920541

Both Vox and Selen are suicidal menheras who made eachother worse SHUT THE FUCK UP

>> No.68920572
File: 58 KB, 1682x153, 1701639579556483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved for future grudgeposting

>> No.68920582

>the loudest ones will always be the malicious dramafags
not so sure about it in this case since a quick look at eliras members sections shows you that a good number of her long time members is also disappointed and are leaving

>> No.68920586

After today's shitshow she just might. Rejoice rrat bros, you will keep on winning.

>> No.68920592

People will be ashamed once Doki is revealed to be Western Miguel Gato and loses all her lawsuits.

>> No.68920594

Yeah. Like, yes, there are real fans who are genuinely mad and upset and are leaving. However, the people in EN members' replies on Twitter, and in their comment sections and chats? Those are tourists. Speaking only for myself here, but 90% of the accounts I have seen harassing the members and hating on them in their replies and comments, I have never seen before. Not on replies, not in chats, not in VOD comments. Most of the people chiming in are complete strangers.

>> No.68920601
File: 794 KB, 2000x3556, 1689435689968140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys holding up?

>> No.68920605

I haven't popped into a stream for a couple or so weeks now. I got out before the bomb went off. I'm not here to send hate comments to them unlike everyone else on YouTube and Twitter.

>> No.68920613

Vox is addicted to money and bows down to the great and powerful Riku Tazumi for blessing him with the opportunity to make money in his life. He lights incense and does rituals in front of a statue of Tazumi before delicately its penis.

That is Vox, he's a fucking faggot and he completely humiliated himself. Whatever is on that recording must have terrified him if he would stoop this low.

>> No.68920644

I also notice a lot of them have Twitter Blue. I don't trust a single person who actually pays for fucking twitter.

>> No.68920656

I still remember Selen eating ice cream and watching Pomu's stream while everyone was hanging out during Nijifes 2022.....

>> No.68920655
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this didn't have to happen at all

>> No.68920659

Feel like putting this fat pig's head on a stake

>> No.68920668

KuroEN is dead for good and my oshi is probably going to get another sub and view boost so it's all good news, we did lose the Neopet stream sadly, but it's worth it.

>> No.68920694

Anycolor's track record for "helping" their employees is a joke.
I fully expect Selen to win the court case even if she murdered somebody.

>> No.68920698

You sisters keep saying this but this situation has nothing in common with Michael's fuck up, besides both being mentally unwell of course.

>> No.68920701

Or you could acknowledge the reality that both sides have clearly made mistakes. Like the fact that management clearly asked Selen to delay release of her video and she did it anyways and then went on to make a tweet that they obviously didn't want her to make.

And that the corpo is in the wrong for failing to effectively manage their corporate environment and terminating Selen after a suicide attempt.

Ain't no angels here.

>> No.68920712
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>> No.68920739

can this faggot not infest every interest of mine? why do you people watch and keep bringing him up

>> No.68920741

I'm a day wunner

>> No.68920743 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Still think she's innocent?

>> No.68920764

>erminating Selen after a suicide attempt.
Terminating Selen wasn't even a bad idea, they just did it in the worst way imaginable.

>> No.68920776
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I was sad at first but now I just want to see the world burn and someone end up in prison or die for this all to end, be it a liver or a fan

>> No.68920799

>members sections
not loud then.
yeah I have a pretty good idea of who Ike's regulars' are because I'm one, and the number of grayname dramafags who are claiming to be supporting him and are disappointed in the comments of his last VOD are people I've never seen show up in his chat once. I expected it but it's still annoying. at least I know the livers know it too.

>> No.68920804

Average person
>hired for a job
>shakes hand of employer
>does job
>goes their separate ways
>oh my god THANK YOU for this opportunity! I will love you forever! I will kiss the ground you walk upon! I will fall on my sword for you! I will attack my friends if you ask me to! Blessings and good tidings forever! My children and my grandchildren will bless you and sing your praises to the heavens!

What is that attitude? Fucking gross.
That is Vox right there.

>> No.68920807

>shitting on pomu
fucking nigger

>> No.68920817
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Lol is this the shit people were retweeting at Elira that all of the Fagelira were horrified at?

>> No.68920822

inb4 schizophrenia and the "bullies" were all in her head this whole time

>> No.68920824

I guess MicroWorks collab is gonna be cancelled tomorrow

>> No.68920831

Elira should put it on 2 years sub and I could be there.

>> No.68920845

he actually looks good here bro what are you doing

>> No.68920877

Still no streams for another 6 hours...

>> No.68920886

Day one here she should enable 1 year sub only mode

>> No.68920902

No good streams ANYWHERE.

>> No.68920916

>What is that attitude?
This video has always summed up the vibe of NijiEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOkQJm_UGM4

>> No.68920917

If he went on that stream willingly, Doki must have something really fucking bad on him.
If he was forced onto the stream then Nijisanji just irreparably damaged the man's reputation through power harassment. Because that shit is going to follow him for the remainder of his public career. We can't pretend people won't know who Vox's next reincarnation is, if he has one. This is a permanent black mark on the man. Likewise for Elira and somewhat Ike. They will be remembered as the people that overlapped a girl who had recently attempted suicide and tried to make her cry on stream. That is their legacy now.

>> No.68920925

It was already dying down a bit, why did they have to do this

>> No.68920942

What a year, huh?

>> No.68920946

holy kek kindreds and dragoons are fighting on x right now

>> No.68920953

The same goes for Vox’s comment section on twitter right now. Lots of the negative comments got pushed up in the algorithm.

>> No.68920958
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Riku i kneel, turning whole company into lolcow is the funniest shit that could happened

>> No.68920960
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tbdesu I WANT the truth to be that Selen lied about her suicide attempt. I'd rather it turn out someone lied and was kinda scummy about it than it being true that someone actually attempted. I don't want to believe someone has suffered that much when they don't deserve it.

>> No.68920966

I'm gonna hurt myself if this is the case...

>> No.68920969

>Terminating Selen wasn't even a bad idea, they just did it in the worst way imaginable.
Not saying how they did it wasn't terrible but how do you think it should have been done then? Pro-tip: there is no good way to fire someone after they make a suicide attempt. It's also in clear violation of a TON of laws.

>> No.68920973

*boom boom SLAP*
*boom boom SLAP*
We areee, we arreee CORPO SLAVES!
We arree, we areee CORPO SLAVES

>> No.68920983

That is one benefit to Nijisanji not being as huge as other companies, the livers memorize the names of their regulars and will know when someone hasn't been there before.

>> No.68921004

Matara and Kuro already trying to stay away from Selen.

>> No.68921012

Cute opinion I'm sure you wrre an avid watcher of her and totally aren't a catalognigger talking out your ass

>> No.68921024

ngl but I still don't know who joined this collab...

>> No.68921039
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>> No.68921042

a lot of these dramafags have twitter blue too of course the algorithm is on their side. it's all so annoying.

>> No.68921056

It's still February, what else does this year have for us. I can't take it anymore

>> No.68921061

>Wow they all hated Zaion when we did this, surely it will convince all of the dragoons that she is a bad person

>Oh btw do not harass anyone over this :) We're going to drag her through the mud but don't harass her, teehee

>> No.68921080
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Been trying to avoid all this drama
Found this vtuber, shes pretty chill
Who are you watching while you wait for the dust to settle?

>> No.68921099

Can I get a QRD on what happened on the last 12 hours? Why thread is so fast?

>> No.68921101

Lulu never even went to court

>> No.68921107

I hope it's fake
>she fucks off
>Nijisanji gets management fired and finds better one sto tardwrangle any future menhera breakdowns
>everyone moves past it
>she's free to cite her mental diagnosis as the reason she lied, which will keep her fans

>> No.68921120

It really is, and it’s been making it hell knowing that they’re constantly just waiting for more drama to keep rolling to keep shitting on them

>> No.68921131

nta but she planned on graduating anyways right? Just pull another Yugo and announce that she has graduated, say it's for mental health reason, reupload her cover, then have Riku apologize for neglecting the EN branch.

>> No.68921140

Once a meth whore always a meth whore. No amount of charity will ever fix Millie. Even if she has a kernel of goodness in her it is wasted and useless. A million good actions can't undo bullying someone into attempted suicide.

>> No.68921152

video on elira channel. video on en channel

>> No.68921151

I don't know about other livers but most of Ike's chat is consistently green. graynames who have supported him for a long time stand out and are recognizable.

>> No.68921159
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>> No.68921164

An indie that just debuted the other day

>> No.68921165

Selen is en rushia who was backstabbing everyone in nijien

>> No.68921191

The best way would have been to let her do one last graduation stream, second best was to just say she is graduating and move on, third would be to copy Mel's termination and change names as needed.

>> No.68921201

Didn't Roa say she was going to sue someone and never did? All these lawsuits are all talk.

>> No.68921214

I'm watching arsenal beat westham VOD right now

>> No.68921222

>Selen's nui is still in stock in both the JP and EN store
But why

>> No.68921231

Wasn't Selen angling for a peaceful graduation after the december incident? How about do that.

>> No.68921234

Some metal gear obsessed nerd but she's been away for a few days

>> No.68921235

Stop using my oshi for these posts you fuck

>> No.68921248

>nothing in any statement given
Which statements have been given?
>from what we know it's just him venting about the cancellation
Under which statement is this the belief? According to Vox himself, he doesn't remember the conversation that was recorded so how could he know?
>every statement indicates selen's 'harassment' was people reaching out to her
Given that no public statements have been made about specific harassment claims, which statements were these? Have you seen things that haven't been publicly released? If so, does that mean you have insider information and if so, should you really be posting here?

>> No.68921252

Anon calm down, it's just one sin and a hundred good deeds

>> No.68921271

You sound like a bitch. You type like a bitch.

>> No.68921290


>> No.68921295
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>> No.68921302

love geeg, I've been watching some green Armenian fatfuck

>> No.68921303

What gives you the strength to keep posting?

>> No.68921312

I just love how as a branch they decided that a female talent should be the one to release the statement over the two fucking Luxiem members who volunteered to speak out.

>> No.68921314

They lost the case against Meiro. Just because they were selling her voicepacks during her hiatus.

>> No.68921324

Mind when Miko and Sora had to come out and show discord screenshots about how Rushia is a liar and a fake bitch?

>> No.68921336

This is kind of why I have a hard time wondering what case she has if she just wants to make another statement instead of just letting the court decide things from here. The only time I’ve seen people keep throwing statement after statement when they say they want to move on are the ones who would at best settle in court without it going to trial

>> No.68921350

It's fair to say people are less sympathetic towards Vox because he made more money than her, ergo has higher privilege and should take more accountability. This is twitter doing the speaking, not my own beliefs.

>> No.68921355

what's dumb anyways is that she literally tweeted the entire reason why she was gone for a few days after the cover was privated. and between that tweet and if she contacted anycolor first without her lawyer about her health....they're under no obligation to not share the info with livers. i see people keep mentioning the pipeda thing in candada but to me reading up on it, seems much more about sharing/collecting employee info with a 3rd party. not you telling your management you had a hospital stay and then management telling other employees to be mindful

>> No.68921362

Pomu is the only one I trust.

>> No.68921369

do you think you can fix selen?

>> No.68921377

We‘ll never know
Maybe she slit open her arms and only barely made it to the hospital or maybe she took half a dozen aspirin and chased them with vodka
Either way she‘d say she tried to kill herself and will be treated accordingly

>> No.68921380

Her lawyer released a statement, and they're in the middle of fighting to rewrite law to doxx Narukami last I heard. Lulu also went to court, not real court but her stalkers were fined and sent court orders which didn't deter them.

>> No.68921386
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>Mind when Miko and Sora had to come

>> No.68921387

So? Still a meth whore at heart. Still a worthless bully. The only funny stream she ever did was the totsu. The only good thing she did was charity. She will be forgotten and end up in the streets again, where she belongs.

>> No.68921420
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shouldve just given her that damn coffee

>> No.68921424

get a load of this retard

>> No.68921427

With a lethal injection

>> No.68921435

Yeah, I'm taking her Apex away.

>> No.68921438
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I still love and support Elira

>> No.68921442

>70% of the members comments being disappointed
>not loud
hopefully elira doesnt go down way too low for the algo to classify her channel as dead since youtube is retarded that way

>> No.68921443

kys nigger, the bitch ruined the only funny meme of herself

>> No.68921460

I think only CCP can fix her, and send this woman back to the mainland

>> No.68921462

>el no sabe

>> No.68921509

Should I play Neopets?

>> No.68921512

Because there is a pending legal case surrounding all of this and saying anything publicly in advance of that case puts it at risk. Which is the utterly retarded shit Niji has already done under Eliras channel.
>After today's shitshow she just might.
It's possible she'll out "management" but it's highly unlikely any specific person will be called out at this stage.

>> No.68921513

For what it’s worth, I don’t want NijisanjiEN to die. If it does all the coed loving sisters and brothers can potentially run to and ruin Hololive and we don't need that. Can you imagine? Holostars actually becomes popular. No please, stay strong my niggas

>> No.68921522
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>Makes everyone miserable behind the scenes
>overwhelming public support
>completely overrides all of the goodwill Elira and Ike had with the community
>inspires a personal apology and "I fucked up really bad" bow from Riku Tazumi himself
>makes Luxiemsissies cry like bitches
>more merch and sponsorship offers than she got in Nijisanji
>Straight women hate her

Kneel immediately and lick her feet

>> No.68921546

omg i just realised what deerskin means

>> No.68921555

I don't mean that, I mean legitimately unless Selen has amnesia and does not remember writing in Vox, Elira, Ike, Riku, whoever, in her medical release form when requesting it from the hospital, in order to give it to her lawyer as evidence, NO ONE can see exactly what happened. The mere fact that she went to the hospital is not confidential information if she said it. So her tweet is justified but entirely incorrect paranoia and not how medical docus work, even in a lawsuit.

>> No.68921556

at least it's kept in members and not openly shitting on her for tourists to dogpile on like on twitter. it could be worse. but then again, dramafags are already doing that.

>> No.68921563

please recommend a good anime last season

>> No.68921578
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>> No.68921584

>lick her feet
I‘d rather not considering she‘s a morbidly obese diabetic

>> No.68921593

>should take more accountability
When his shitbag fans were sending Reimu death threats over ruining some ASMR stream, his big contritution was getting mad at people in his chat for having to get involved.

>> No.68921615

Since /NijiEN/ is a bunch of xisters and you probably are one too...
The Apothecary Diaries.

>> No.68921620
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>> No.68921623
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Simply put, why should I stop?

>> No.68921639

Because of your selfish desires, what you have feared will come to pass.

>> No.68921643

>All of this
>Over a fucking cover

>> No.68921675

>at least it's kept in members
no not really since those members also commented on the 15 minute video which is public which you can also see by pressing the channel members only comments in the video
its a god damn shitshow

>> No.68921683
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>> No.68921684

Writing up my "boycott Niji, watch Holoboys" thread rn

>> No.68921688

>All of this
>because they wanted to make an ENshart branch

>> No.68921708

>after talks with selen we've agreed to part ways
>selen's graduation stream will be on this date/or allow selen to post a written statement
>we wish her the best on whatever she does after nijisanji
selen wanted to leave. anycolor only terminated her after she brought the lawsuit in.

>> No.68921758

Vtubers being all about musicshit was a fucking mistake.

>> No.68921759

>mistreat your employees and violate the employment laws of canada
>cry when someone sues you

>> No.68921760


the community note on Eliras tweet is gone.

>> No.68921763

space adventure cobra

>> No.68921780
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>> No.68921797

Almost as if it was bullshit or something

>> No.68921807
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>> No.68921808

the fuck did zuttobros do

>> No.68921820


>> No.68921826
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Dude this bow was so fucking long

>> No.68921828

do you guys think kanae, lauren, bora, chihiro and oliver are sad right now???

>> No.68921852

oh that's what you meant. yeah well. that video will always have negativity regardless. the livechat and comments section in that one werent really friendly to any kind of support for the livers. I like to think elira's regulars would know to trust her more and show that in her future streams.

>> No.68921856

What exactly is holofags‘ obsession with Vivi? Also at least watch her god damn

>> No.68921874

>he doesn't know

>> No.68921887
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