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68908595 No.68908595 [Reply] [Original]

Don't let all the chaos today distract you from the fact that Ninisanji accidentally exonerated Selen. In Niji's own "evidence" they not only show that management took over 24 hours to reply to her, which is totally unacceptable, but the excuse that they needed to check permissions for their ex-livers is a total lie. Because who owns the names and likenesses of Niji's ex-livers? NIJI DOES. So in other words, management told Selen they were delaying her MV because Niji had had to check to make sure Niji has perms for Niji's own intellectual property. She recognized this was obvious bullshit and in reality the MV was being delayed just to harass her. So she told her fans to reup it and was completely justified in doing so because fuck management at that point. Selen did nothing wrong.

>> No.68909108

Holy shit. Leaker sama. More

>> No.68909214

this is a screencap from elira's cope party retard

>> No.68909267

It's good to know that even the managers are esl.

>> No.68909410

What's interesting too is that the Mane-san is clearly ESL

>> No.68909488

>So why this is released before I got confirmation
Holy ESL and passive aggressive faggotry, I'd release it too if I had to go through someone like that.

>> No.68909500

That was one of my big takeaways from this vid. The former IN talents are without a doubt the managers, all the Indian people at my job type like this.

>> No.68909538

>management took over 24 hours to reply to her, which is totally unacceptable
Have you ever had a corporate job before? What do you think they don't sleep and work 24 hours a day?
They'd need to wait on responses from others and you can't actually be this retarded

>> No.68909618

Not a leak, it's from Elira's cope stream on her channel.

>> No.68909912

>Taking a while to respond is "totally unacceptable" but knowingly disregarding required company protocol is perfectly fine
Smartest dokishill

>> No.68909939

Reminder that this tweet exists, so this whole thing was part of her master plan to sink the company.

>> No.68910054

>They'd need to wait on responses from others
Real corpo manager with 3 yoe here. You are retarded. Telling someone to wait ain't taking 30 hours, please kill yourself

>> No.68910099

Apparently, (You) haven't worked in a company before.
You don't fuck on your deadlines.
Deadline was Christmas.

>> No.68910184

Its possible the “managers” for the EN branch is actually just the liver themselves and the reason they had to ask perm was more they had to actually talk to Nijisanji themselves. NijiEN might have been just like a McDonalds or other corpo chain joints where they are just given part of the franchise brand and told to work, with some workers given more supervisor powers and all that. I would explain a lot of why even though Doki spoke of management, the PR response brought ip the livers instead and a lot of other things.

>> No.68910478

>perms from ex-livers
who the fuck are they gonna ask it to when the people concerned is already gone?
the corpo owns the IP, shouldn't THEY have free reign on that? asking perms OF YOUR OWN PROPERTY doesn't even make sense either

>> No.68910548

Bitch the manager had one entire fucking work day to watch a 2 (TWO) minute video posted at the start of the day and to realize it went against whatever arbitrary fuckdump rules they have and they couldn't do that
Go LARP somewhere else Elira

>> No.68910718

It's just BS pure and simple, it's just a way to cockblock Selen from ever releasing the vid.

>> No.68910751

Oh nyo, they work sooo hard gwuys, give them a brake, reviewing a 4 minutes video is soo hard.
They won't even know if their talent starts to stream child pornography on their channels in 3 days because they don't fucking care

>> No.68910786

>major release scheduled
>get video in
>don't hear from them in 24 hours
You've never had corporate job, or your bosses are unreasonably permissive. If you took 24 hours before looking at a major product launch I'd fire your ass.

>> No.68910795

Lmao this is from and official stream on Elira's channel, believe it or not.

>> No.68911032

>niji had to check if they had perms for content owned by niji (ex-livers)
manager was bullshiting hard

>> No.68911132

If it took you TWENTY FOUR fucking hours to respond in my company, you would get yelled at so fucking bad by the upper management, you would feel like shit for the next month in here.

>> No.68911181

Try to keep up with the diarrhea deluge of drama, fag.
Sheesh, all you have to do is refresh every 10mins for new niji fails.

>> No.68911249

hey anon 24 hours without replying would get most people fired

>> No.68911256

>Keeping deadlines
Choose one

>> No.68911275

Also Im pretty sure Selen was working on this for over a year, she even made twits about asking artist for work, wich Im pretty sure it isn't her job to do.
In a whole year you didnt know about this video from the talent you are supposed to manage? And the whole community knew?

>> No.68911352

years passed and you still blindly defending your friends like a retard elira
i guess the mocca drama didn't taught you anything about your clique members huh

>> No.68911359

Is that where we are now? "Maybe she was talking to herself?"

>> No.68911412

Selen doesn't own the IP, upper management does, and so upper management needs to approve it. How is this that hard to undrstand?

>> No.68911682

Why would they know what an unfinished product looks like until it's sent to them? Selen was on record for working outside of the company directly with artists.

>> No.68911809

24hrs is a long time in corpo talks. Especially when its be it was in the works for a fucking year. Although we talking about Jap Corpos.

>> No.68911820

And said upper management decided to blow up the company over such a petty fucking internal dispute. Are you understanding things now?

>> No.68911853

Because it's their IP and their job to know?

>> No.68911983

taking a day and a half to reply that you need to get permission for the characters that the company owns completely was obvious bullshitting and both sides knew this

>> No.68911998

Considering they messed up their own NDAs evidently it's not their job to know their own IP, lmao

>> No.68912043

You could ask you know?
>Hey Selen we are very excited with this new video you are preparing, but we have to check some things just in case. Care to give us a peak on what the video is going to be about?

>> No.68912094

least retarded NEET

>> No.68912164

>major release scheduled
Scheduled since when? I don't usually watch Selen so maybe she had already mentioned it earlier, but I was watching her stream the day before where, from my pov, out of nowhere she tells her chat that she's uploading a cover on christmas.
Scheduling it before even getting confirmation is entirely on her.

>> No.68912235

You have not seen a deadline announcement in your life.

>> No.68912269

Imagine knowing what the project your liver is working for over a year is about...

>> No.68912299

Nijisanji doesn't need perms for their own IP. So their reason for privating Selen's MV was a boldfaced lie. How is this that hard to understand?

>> No.68912517

Bro...I work in management and I would be fired the next day if I didn't respond to my boss within a few hours or immediately the next morning, let alone fucking 30+ hours jesus christ.

>> No.68912633

I don't think anybody's sure. People have said anywhere between 2 years and 3 months. But there's no way she just dropped it on the manager the day before he'd have been screaming at her in the chat.

>> No.68912787

How would they know about it if they get sent it the day before she wants to upload it?

>> No.68912856

it was fucking christmas bro. people may have not have been available due to a holiday

>> No.68912980

Is this really so difficult? How many managers are there?

>> No.68913025

are you living under a rock or something

>> No.68913027

imagine being bullied by someone who doesn't even speak your language

>> No.68913158

nta. yes

>> No.68913303

sounds abusive

>> No.68913371

lol, this is actually pretty funny to me coz someone at my job took over 20 mins to reply to something from another employee and the president of the company @'d their ass and told em if they don't reply in 5 minutes they'd be having words.
everyone works remote at my company though so if it's work hours and you're not on point replying to shit you get the stinkeye real hard at minimum.

>> No.68913499

It wasn't even 24 hours.... it was 37 hours.

>> No.68913500

Here is Kyo's comments on all of this

>> No.68913536

i leave my manager on read all the time. what's he going to do, fire me? sounds like you're the company bitch

>> No.68913581

Can you prove they didn't do anything like that?
Did selen even mention that retired livers were in the video beforehand?
Why did she only send the finished video for review the night before she wanted to upload it?
Why did she go ahead and upload it without permission knowing full well she would get in trouble?

Why did dokibird tweet about reopening merch sales the day before all this?

>> No.68913934

Found it
>All right, another announcement. Out of nowhere, I'm releasing a cover on christmas. Anyway let's start.

This steam was around 11am JST I think. If OP timestamps are also JST, that's only 2 and a half hours from dropping her video on her manager to telling her chat cover on christmas.

>> No.68914231

please larp more. I work in corpo. The only time any response takes 24 hours is because the recipient is on vacation - and it always comes with the auto response "I'm on vacation."

Please go fuck yourself.

>> No.68914509

They had to check if AnyColor gave a shit about graduated Nijis being in the video. Selen just pulled the trigger without waiting, she actively went against management and when she got told ‘no, bad girl!’ Ran off to kill herself.

>> No.68914549

The best part is that Christmas isn't even a working holiday in Japan, so this 'management' doesn't have that as an excuse
Unless they're under Canadian law which... haha, oh boy

>> No.68914559

Kek why is this taking me out

>> No.68914609

How about when dealing with people in different timezones? Whoever took these screenshots is presumably in japan.

>> No.68914701

You are beriberi fatto. You should kirr yourserf NAU!

>> No.68914719

why doesn’t selen just provide proof that she got permission to include ex livers earlier on? niji’s actually provided receipts now

>> No.68914810

>Why did dokibird tweet about reopening merch sales the day before all this?
Because this was all a work, she got the marks wrapped around her finger and is going to milk them for all they are worth.

>> No.68914835


Selen acted like a spaz due to an MV being private for legit reasons. Instead of handling the situation like she should have, she went full sperg out and acted like a totally normal process was a personal attack against her. She is vial yet all of you white knight defenders of the maiden bought her fake sob story hook line and sinker.

>> No.68914840

~4chan, apparently

>> No.68914939

sounds like you're working for a black company

>> No.68914955

Jesus fucking Christ the mental gymnastics you retards are going through to defend Selen even when there's evidence supporting Niji deserves a gold medal.
>they not only show that management took over 24 hours to reply to her
How long it takes is completely irrelevant, they told her to wait for approval and she didn't.
>that they needed to check permissions for their ex-livers is a total lie
That's not what it says. The manager says he needs to get confirmation that it's okay to include the ex-livers, not that they need to get permission from the livers.

>> No.68914962

i don't believe all women but i sure as fuck believe her lawyer over fucking elira

>> No.68914960

She doesn’t have proof, and clearly she doesn’t need it because public perception is firmly on her side and people will do whatever mental gymnastics they need to to come to the conclusion that Selen did nothing wrong. All because some menhera bitch cried suicide.

>> No.68915038

It's literally Elira's clique vs Selen so picking a side is inevitably choosing to believe a female. Are you that stupid?

>> No.68915106

you seem to have forgot the key point nijinig:
we don't work for nijisanji, we do not give a shit if she violated some arbitrary corporate rule because we do not care about their insane company policies.

niji still took confidential legal info and handed it out to random fucking employees LOL

>> No.68915125

Found the manager from the screenshot

>> No.68915189

>That's not what it says. The manager says he needs to get confirmation that it's okay to include the ex-livers, not that they need to get permission from the livers.
why wouldn't it be okay other than some petty bullshit and literal bullying of selen?

>> No.68915201

The conclusion I am reaching from reading all of this is that the "rule" of needing "perms" to use artwork of other Livers was probably invented by whatever manager or managers at the company had a hateboner for Selen to create an excuse to kill the video.

Given how the company has continued to pursue a largely baseless grudge against her for weeks now, I cannot imagine any other explanation at this point.

>> No.68915229

Whether or not she had the permissions, the issue is so fucking beyond this that it is unironically negligible.

>> No.68915234

Because that's not how legal cases work. If she has anything, it will be used in the court trial, if it happens.

>> No.68915259

I believe the screenshot Nijisanji released which was supposed to prove Selen did something wrong but ironically actually proved she did nothing wrong

>> No.68915274

>not that they need to get permission from the livers
The OP doesn't say that, though. Needing permission "for" ex-livers is not needing permission "from" them.

>> No.68915324

she’s the one making a fuss without providing any receipts. niji’s now provided evidence that she ignored her manager and posted a manipulative tweet. multiple livers have come together to corroborate that they think she’s made manipulative tweets in the past and just overall acted weird when it came to how she interacted with the company. they’ve said this knowing full well this could be part of a legal battle

>> No.68915323

I would believe that if nijiEN shared any correspondence on the project before the 24th. There was correspondence on a project for an entire year and a half at least, and they can only provide from the 24th?
What about the other manager('s) who were supervising selen's projects?

>> No.68915339

What fucking permissions would they need to use their own characters who THEY OWN

>> No.68915357

Hi Millie

>> No.68915414

Given Luca wasn't terminated for using fucking Holo BGM and obviously didn't get permission from management, it is a fucking clear cut case that the red tape was being applied selectively.

>> No.68915456

>niji still took confidential legal info and handed it out to random fucking employees LOL
Do you really think Niji isn't working with lawyers of their own? I'd trust them more than some white knight faggot on /vt/ that wants to defend his maiden.

>> No.68915550

Why not just Okay the cover nijishill? Why pomu art makes management seethe? Why management never clarified why the took it down? They didn't actually clarify it outside of this screenshots. It was never properly addressed. Why was it taking so long?
Looks like bullying harassment and toxic working environment to me

>> No.68915559

ding ding ding

She has shown NOTHING and yet so many people are buying her story and rewarding her for her mentally ill behavior. The Niji livers had receipts to back up their side of the story.

>> No.68915575

24 hours, but they were actually sleeping on it for an entire fucking year.
>Hey Selen, I am following up on your project, great video that you have completed, but I remembered you included a few livers who unfortunately have JUST graduated. Would it be possible to re-amend your content, sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.68915590

>Do you really think Niji isn't working with lawyers of their own?
IF they are, they're the dumbest motherfuckers on planet Earth. Even dumber than the Nijinigs who are using "Trust me bro" logic like you are for depending their wrist-slapping behavior

I think what is happening is they have a Japanese legal team that doesn't know jack shit about Canadian law which results in retarded fucking takes like "She's not allowed to record me" and "I can give this info to anyone in my company because it was shared with my lawyers"

>> No.68915607

The same lawyers that have lost to drama tubers multiple times?

>> No.68915622

>the company with a history of being a hell hole, bullying their employees and skinwalking their talents should be believed at face value
>the person who has had no history of this, shouldn't be believed


>> No.68915676

what are you even talking about? is it even about believing her or about niji being fucking INSANE?
We don't even need to believe they were harassing her because they DID IT LIVE ON STREAM

>> No.68915690

>Nijisanji has lawyers too and I trust them despite the fact they greenlit the most retarded stream ever conceived as a PR stunt
are you their lawyer? because you're about the IQ level i would expect them to be.

>> No.68915703

Selen never made any public claims. Why does she need to provide anything?

>> No.68915755

24 hours for a major product release is unreasonable. Any company that takes that seriously isn't black, it just wants to stay in business.

>> No.68915774

kek Nijinigs are firm believers of 'guilty until proven innocent'

>> No.68915779

I can’t wait for her to get sued for all she’s worth. niji better hope her doki account doesnt fail because every penny it makes will go towards paying damages

>> No.68915810

>they told her to wait for approval and she didn't.
They didn't tell her to wait though?
Are you blind or be stupid on purpose?
Point to me where the manager respond and told her to wait before saying uwu I'm sowwy for late bs
The 24th is not a fucking holiday, idiot

>> No.68915836

Indians celebrate Christmas?

>> No.68915846

same KEK

>> No.68915849

What can she even be sued for? She hasn't actually done anything.

>> No.68915858

two weeks xister, I'm sure they didn't torpedo their case (if they ever had one) by publicly admitting they broke client confidentiality on a livestream

>> No.68915904

breach of contract, defamation

>> No.68915957

Is it just me or does this prove the opposite? If what they wanted was approval from the ex-livers that would imply that they didn't want to include them without their permission, which sounds like it's the opposite of black company shit? It would also undoubtedly be needless bureaucracy, but it would mean that they wanted to get the approval of the people who were in these roles before they allowed them to happen. That's giving the talent a bit of agency in the character they played and the potential for it being used for something they wouldn't approve of. Continuing to use their old likeness without asking them if they're okay with it would be actual black company shit. Like if Hololive did a collab with a cafe and included a "MF Burger" with a picture of Coco without ever contacting Kson or getting her OK with it.

The issue here seems to be entirely the 30 goddamn hours it took to reply, as well as the needless bureaucracy involved. Selen definitely knew that both Mysta and Nina would be okay with their appearance there, but JP corpos demanding everything be written on paper means they didn't approve of it until they had direct confirmation. Selen also had a timeframe she wanted the video released on. Christmas. That it took them 30 hours to reply when this close to that time limit is ridiculous and seems to be at the heart of the problem.

>> No.68915984

The animation isn't made in one day. Its been month, if not years, while this was made. They needed to be on it while it was made, not before release.
If they didn't approve, then what? "Just reanimate it"? Its their paid job to oversee their livers activity. Those screens are brainlet bait and will only help Doki

>> No.68916004

i just wonder if this is shittty trolling or if we're talking to genuine elevens who actually believe selen doesn't have a slam dunk case against them for the privacy violation alone

>> No.68916067

Either someone poorly stirring the pot to get a rise or they're legitimately retarded

>> No.68916072

why are you talking about things nijisanji did? we're talking about selen.

>> No.68916075

>Why does she need to provide anything
Well the Niji livers tonight proved that her freak out over the MV was bullshit. So yeah, I think she does need to prove something.

>> No.68916096

Stop thinking chud, you're supposed to believe all women. She tried to kill herself didn't you hear?

>> No.68916125
File: 32 KB, 271x403, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant their >>>>>EN<<<<<< staff speak english

>> No.68916147

>Well the Niji livers tonight proved
they didn't actually prove anything. they leaked a DM from a project that was a year in the making.

>> No.68916149

>ex-livers that would imply that they didn't want to include them without their permission
that's pure nonsense

>> No.68916192

>broke client confidentiality
didn’t realize vox was selen’s lawyer. but for real niji breaching the nda they sig- oh they didn’t? oh fuck

>> No.68916235

A more important question is, assuming these projects take months to cook, why did everyone involved wait for the absolute last minute to iron out perms? As someone who worked in project management, I put a greater burden on her manager. Did you not know shewas working on this? Aren't you supposed to be asking these questions? Aren't you supposed to be looking at a bigger picture? Are these people even talking to each other?

>> No.68916243

they only proved that they are fine with harassing their talents

>> No.68916253


>> No.68916258

What part of her contract did she breach that is grounds for a law suit?


>> No.68916280

>The issue here seems to be entirely the 30 goddamn hours it took to reply
brainlet take, if you ignore that niji owns those characters anyway and getting approval was done over a year in advance, then you get into what the actual legal matter is: releasing a statement to a legal team and just leaking that statement to third parties unassociated with that legal team is illegal in her country. whether she's menhera or not isn't up for question: she tried to kill herself over what boils down to some internet fight.

but that last part? nah fuck them,you must be a genuine retard if you see that and think 'no she's at fault', she didn't give her paperwork to former employees to gossip over.

>> No.68916327

we literally know niji has problem with poor management
it is LITERALLY known for every branch
it's not really what's important here

>> No.68916356

are nijinigs really so fucking dumb they don't know that NDAs aren't the same as client confidentiality? of course they are, they are legitimate dumbasses.

>> No.68916429

>proved that her freak out over the MV was bullshit
No they didn't. They gave a tiny bit of extra context which again proves that Niji management is a bunch of incompetent fuckwads.

So I'll ask again, given Doki has made no claims, what does she need to prove? The only claim about the MV she made was that it was taken down by management. That is factually true. So what else?

>> No.68916436

her employment contract, first going around her manager and then, as doki, being open about and flagrantly marketing off of her PL
as for defamation, misleading statements can be defamatory

>> No.68916445

>nda they sig-
-ned, you're agreeing to that as part of legal preface.

>> No.68916448

Do you think it's was a fucking "goodwill" from niji that they did not want to clarify why the took down the mv? and was harassing selen to do it herself? they had every chance lol
They simply know IT's BULLSHIT
It's really that simple

>> No.68916520

Niijnigs are literally so fucking stupid they think the employment contract is legal tender that come above state and local law when they TERMINATED THE CONTRACT THEMSELVES

>> No.68916551

It's funny that they didn't dare to show the whole conversation but cuts of messages lol

>> No.68916552

you cant be this retarded.

>> No.68916605

oh no no no no no nijixisters how do we gaslite that the contract still exists when nijigod cancelled it????? contracts are one way right??????

>> No.68916610

Remember what Sayu said about how none of EN management knows how to speak English?

>> No.68916624


>> No.68916632

>have hundreds of talents to manage
>reply to message sent on christmas is delayed
Selen is a fucking retard and clearly at fault here

>> No.68916670

shut the fuck up millie

>> No.68916677

that contract she's not under anymore?
back in my day trolling used to mean something

>> No.68916681

>breach of contract
Resulted in termination of contract, that part's done. If posting the video had resulted in a lawsuit, they could sue her for it, but they weren't and they can't.
Niji'd have to sue itself. The only truly damning statements have been released by Niji about Niji. The harassment was pure speculation before Niji acknowledged it in that shitty press release and then the video today.... I don't know if Selen has a case, but Niji's acting like they think she does. They are not acting like they have one.

>> No.68916751

lmao you don’t know how lawsuits work
>To begin with, ANYCOLOR Inc. has not made any confidentiality violations regarding submitted documents for legal claims such as these. However, regarding the specific information and documents which Selen’s lawyer requested that we do not share with our Livers, with utmost consideration of this request ANYCOLOR Inc. has not shared any such information.

>> No.68916764

>have hundreds of talents to manage
Why the fuck does one manager have hundreds of talents to manage?

>> No.68916792

they're acting like Japanese lawyers who can intimidate smaller opponents into silence by playing a game of legal chicken with "Oh yeah? You want to sue? I got all your personal information bud and I'll ruin your reputation".

Except that doesn't fucking work outside of Japan. They should hire Canadian lawyers to deal with it.

>> No.68916842

Less money to pay people and more money going into daddy rikus yacht

>> No.68916854

They're at best witness statements from out of court. Those don't prove shit. They can't prove anything really. Or rather the only thing they've proved is that Niji's PR is run by monkeys.

>> No.68916869

>To begin with, ANYCOLOR Inc. has not made any confidentiality violations regarding submitted documents for legal claims such as these.

They already did that, so their lawyers are absolute retards.

>However, regarding the specific information and documents which Selen’s lawyer requested that we do not share with our Livers, with utmost consideration of this request ANYCOLOR Inc. has not shared any such information.
He read that information on stream today retard lol

>> No.68916920

>Threadly recap for newfags

Enna, Millie, and Elira were friends before kurosanji. Elira nepo'd the other two in the company.
They are all living in the same neighborhood in Honkouver, and two of them went to the same school. Incidentally, Selen is also from the same city, and was loosely in the local "scene" as an indie.
They ganged up on Selen because that's how chink culture works, more or less. Female nature + weird chink caste hierarchy bullshit. It's hilarious too, since Millie is a brown flip goblin.
The pudgy ugly-duckling pudgy chick managed to propel into one of the top earners, while the trio of bullies stagnated. That's my inference, I don't know why they started obsessively harassing her and sabotaging her, maybe it was even something petty that we don't know. They pivoted to "office" politics instead of streaming and entertaining. That's how a lot more livers ended up being implicated in the harassment and bullying. The branch devolved to highschool histrionics.
The ones that I know for a fact are implicated are the ring leaders (Elira, Enna, Millie), and the useful idiots (Matara, Reimu, and just recently Rosemi).
Vox is a conceited retard, but he was not part of this. He is implicated because he received favoritism and had instances where ruled simply did not apply to him, whereas new rules were being invented for Selen. He is the stereotypical morally insolvent bugman, he has no principles, and only understands opportunism, but he didn't actively harass selen.
No idea about Ike, other than the fact he received preferential treatment from management, and the fact he is well-connected outside vtubing.

FYI, pomu was not taking part in the drama/gossip discord groups that the usual suspects made, which often devolved to group-badmouthing or making fun of coworkers.
Rosemi was also not complicit until relatively recently. Don't know why she did a 180.
Scarle is also innocent, she is lovably antisocial and awkward. Drama is not her strong-suit.
Finana was part of the groups, but she never contributed, so no instances of her badmouthing anyone. She's laughed at jokes at coworkers' expense though, dunno if it counts.
Petra & Maria - nothing comes to mind. Not a part of it.
Aia - kind and inoffensive. Nothing bad comes to mind.
Kotoka & Meloco - irrelevant, they are not part of it.

Homofags are homofags, they are not directly implicated in bullying / harassing, but they have a ton of skeletons in their closets. Aster is an emotionally incontinent, mentally ill retard, so I am unsure whether to count his emotional blackmailing (not only scarle) as bullying/harassment.
Oh, and as you have probably deduced, most of the homofags are indeed sexpests.

>> No.68916924

>her employment contract, first going around her manager and then
Go ahead and explain how that is grounds for being sued. Unless you can prove it created financial damage for the company that she decided to tell her manager to get fucked, there's no case here.

>flagrantly marketing off of her PL
as for defamation, misleading statements can be defamatory
I can't tell if this is English or not.
What statements did she say that could be misleading or defamatory in any way? She has never even once mentioned Nijisanji.

>> No.68916932

Yeah, that's fair. I don't have any idea how Jap lawyers act, but if they haven't hired a Canadian firm to represent them in a dispute WITH A CANADIAN, that's... honestly expected from Niji at this point.

>> No.68916955

ok then how did random fucking employees get it then and read it on-stream
clearly it leaked and instead of admitting they did it, they just doubled down and lied again. apparently you're enough of a retard to believe them

>> No.68916961


>> No.68916982

>managnent took down my video
>I made an attempt on my life due to bullying from within
I assume if theres any credible bullying claims its managnent canceling her projects for reasons other talent didnt get repremanded for. Is it defamation to sue a company over workplace bullying? Because AC were the first to share it with the public so its either the lawsuit or threat of defamation

>> No.68916992

You should be responding COB minimum.
Keep in mind that livers are effectively a sales position, you give them additional support even if they do dumb shit like overpromise, but this was like an 18 month timeline

>> No.68916999

You think they have one manager per talent?
One manager can probably easily handle like 20-30 talents since most of them have fuck all going on

>> No.68917022

They already did that, whatever Selen sent was meant to be seen only by Nijisanji's legal team, so unless it includes their livers, client confidentiality has been broken by them.

>> No.68917026

Jap Lawyers literally feel they are gods. You should see the shit prosecution lawyers get away with, it's Pheonix Wright levels of "dude trust me" bullshit.

the reason you play as a defense lawyer in that game is a statement of how the odds are stacked against you

>> No.68917070

Does Nijisanji have any case even if they are false claims because 'Dokibird' has no connection to Selen or Nijisanji?

>> No.68917074

What misleading statements? All the shit that's sticking to Nijisanji right now came from themselves. Doki only gave further context or defended herself if necessary. She didn't even say who harrassed her. That, too, was Anycolor telling us instead of them keeping it to court.

>> No.68917105

I'm kicking you while you're down in hopes you suffocate from your face being submerged in dirt. You are the most retarded anon I have ever seen. There are toddlers and paralyzed special-ed kids in wheelchairs that possess a higher level of thinking than you. If you own a car, I will find your DMV and report them for criminal negligence. The fucking AIM chatbot from 2003 has a higher intelligence than you. My Grandma has a higher intelligence than you and she's been in an urn for over 12 years. I would tell you to kill yourself but I'm certain you have no idea how to go about it or even understand the concept of death.

>> No.68917113

I just wonder if Nijinigs read this information, watch the stream where Vox reads that information, and says "I'm sure the company that has lied in the past isn't lying to me about this now"

>> No.68917121


>> No.68917122

It’s just you

>> No.68917132

Clearly they can't handle that, lmao

>> No.68917152

>breach of contract
>Resulted in termination of contract, that part's done.
niji gets to decide when that part’s done. terminating her doesn’t mean closing a case, especially if she was terminated over specific acts in a larger pattern of breaches. not to mention that ”the contract (likely a whole slew of documents)” extends to activity after termination

>> No.68917162

>You think they have one manager per talent?
No, I thought it was like 7-10. That seemed reasonable.
>One manager can probably easily handle like 20-30 talents since most of them have fuck all going on
I think it's pretty obviously they can't easily manage their talents.

>> No.68917167

>37 hours to hear back from a manager that can barely speak English
holy shit, no wonder she ended up just doing her own thing in the company. we're gonna hear about them constantly being late on paying the talents next aren't we?

>> No.68917184

What's so nonsense about it? Yes, Niji owns the characters, but there's a reason nobody ever recasts after someone leaves. Because they would get crucified for it. If Kuro or Matara posted saying "I don't approve of this" after Selen posted the video then Niji and Selen both would get in deep shit for it. If they're willing to respect the people who left enough to want to get their opinion on the matter that's actually a good thing.

Again, the bigger problem is JP corpo autism requiring something that Selen knew they would be okay with, as well as extreme delay in responding, but wanting their opinion on the matter is unironically a good thing. I'd assume they did the same when Enna included Nina in the song she released the day she debuted as Matara.

>> No.68917243

You should expect a reply to be delayed during a fucking world wide holiday

>> No.68917254

I mean, you are not wrong, expecting people to work on a saturday december 23 and be fast about it is asking for much BUT they should have everything ready to upload the video beforehand, I fucking doubt Selen kept the video of 13k dollars a secret from managment. So this show how shitty niji is at doing some basic ass job like getting a permit fast enough before the dealine that is fucking xmas, even worse because they don't even have to ask a third party as the problem was some graduated livers. So no, they are a bunch of slackers bullies and they deserve all this shit.

>> No.68917269

>the MV was being delayed just to harass her
Companies do not work this way.

>> No.68917313

Retard black companies do.
Pettiness beats reason.

>> No.68917330

I literally work 10 to 16 hrs everyday. Stfu faggot.

>> No.68917334

lmao you don't know how lawsuits work
>Client Confidentiality
When Nijisanji opened a legal dialogue with Dokibird, which has been confirmed by the livers in the stream, they agreed to this and #2 on it outright says:

>I acknowledge that all Information is strictly confidential and I agree that I shall not reveal to any person or entity, or use any Information at any time, except as expressly directed by [firm], or as may be required by law.
Idk if BC has the same confidentiality agreement, but every legal inquiry follows this rule. You're confusing an NDA, something that isn't even enforceable in Canada, with literal legal tender.

>> No.68917339

Nigger you can't sue someone for breaking your autistic internal rules unless they did something actually criminal.

>> No.68917398

>you contract a roofer
>roofer starts work but then halfway through decides to sto, causing your house to get rained in on
>you fire the roofer
are they now immune to legal action

>> No.68917405

>Sure I terminated the contract but she should still follow it because.............
Can you just start posting wojaks because that would be far more intelligent than anything you've typed so far

>> No.68917408

What holiday is there for a chinese on december the 20th? Also she talked about this MV to management and they ghosted her for a year

>> No.68917418
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, Seventh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anycolor is the type of company that saves money whereever they can. 2% for their livers and third worlder ESLs for management.

On that note, the subs for Riku's statement are also weird. Would anyone actually write out dates like this?

>> No.68917454

you are out of your mind if you think nijisanji gives a fuck about what their ex-livers think about their inclusion anywhere

>> No.68917456

You do know civil suits are a thing, right?

>> No.68917467

>niji gets to decide when that part’s done.
No, employment law does.
>terminating her doesn’t mean closing a case
Often true
>especially if she was terminated over specific acts in a larger pattern of breaches
They'd still have to prove they suffered financial damages from her actions. Not from their own statements after she was terminated.
>not to mention that ”the contract (likely a whole slew of documents)” extends to activity after termination
Impossible to say, but Canada is notorious for post-contract restrictions being unenforceable.

>> No.68917470

They knew Selen was one foot out the door. Dokibird was already reactive in early December. My guess is they wanted to potentially stall the video indefinitely as one last kick in the teeth until her graduation date.

>> No.68917472

In a job where a large amount of people tend to work (stream) during said holiday? No, you really shouldn't

>> No.68917513

Maybe she should have had her video ready to go a week before it was meant to be released. Also where does it say it has anything to do with copyright instead of maybe they just don't want ex members showing up?

>> No.68917561

>are they now immune to legal action
No, you suffered damages. I realize I didn't use that wording but that's what I meant by 'If posting the video had resulted in a lawsuit.'

>> No.68917572

does this nijinig actually think contracts are one-way agreements and when they're terminated nijisanji doesn't have to fllow any of it but selen does?
fuck off m8 you don't know dick about contracts or the legal system

>> No.68917575

Do you think Hololive asks Rushia or Sana every time they appear in a music video? Do you think Gen 3 asks for permission to display a Rushia plushie in the background every time they make a new room set?

>> No.68917625

you really tryna promote the "selen is a dumb bitch" rrat aren't you?

>> No.68917632

Civil suits require you to provide proof that by her not following autistic internal company policy she caused financial loss for the company.

So go ahead and show me the financial losses of the girl who threw so much money on projects for Nijisanji that it actually hurt them.

>> No.68917637

The evidence is DM's anon. That means they weren't public statements arranged to be viewed by the public to make themselves look good or anything. It's actual internal communications. And that's what they say in the text.

Hell I'm not even defending Niji. I'm just saying this point is retarded.
So are you arguing that Cover handles this worse than Nijisanji? Because that sure as shit sounds like what you're arguing.

>> No.68917703

dude you're an actual fucking retard, the only way this could be any more stupid is if it was a food analogy.
more like
>you contract a roofer
>roofer puts a roof on
>you fire the roofer because it's the wrong color
>you try to sue the roofer for being unable to read your mind

>> No.68917711

I’m getting my BA in political science with a focus on law and I’ve worked as assistant to law clerks in a courthouse for an extended period of tine

>> No.68917713

>december the 20th
At least get your date right before making your shitpost

>> No.68917717

Given Mysta and Nina have appeared in other places, this is retarded

>> No.68917744

Who gives a shit about selen?? Seriously.
You niggers spend years talking shit
>lmao purple dragon retarded
>purple dragon fat
>apex? Id rather kms
The second she an heros and drops the crazy truth bomb that enna is in fact a piece of shit you drama niggers flip flop

>> No.68917767

Companies are a collection of people. Collections of people do petty dumb shit.

I argue you don't need permission for an IP your company owns, character and person are distinct. Who gives a fuck about a 1 second appearance or a background element.

>> No.68917782

>The evidence is DM's anon.
no? nowhere it says anything about talking to ex-livers themselves
it's PURE neglect and harassment from the management

>> No.68917808

wtf people care about the most popular female nijisanji en streamer????

>> No.68917815

I have a master's in political science in Canada and I can confidently say you're a grade A retard likely being carried on diversity bucks. Being a retard isn't a personality trait, you're just an imbecile.

>> No.68917816

My god you are fucking retarded as expected of a corpo bootlicker

>> No.68917839

That's everyone, for every department, for every spot. If the company makes millions of dollars per day, you better do your job well because otherwise you're out with enough warnings.

>> No.68917857

you don't show your receipts when you're threatening a lawsuit retard

>> No.68917886

at this point I wouldn't be surprised if they outsourced their legal team to an Indian or SEA firm.

>> No.68917887

cleaning their toilets doesn't make you qualified to speak in civil case law in Canada.

>> No.68917978

They don't need permission, sure. I wouldn't argue that. They can do whatever they want. I'm arguing the fact that they wanted to get permission first is the exact opposite of a black company move. Kuro and Mata were Mysta and Nina, getting them to sign off on an appearance from beyond the grave would be showing them a great deal of respect.
The OP image is the evidence and that's internal company correspondence is it not? Unless this entire discussion was happening in someone's public server that would make it essentially the same as DM's even if not literally.

>> No.68918035

Hololive doesn't ask anyone for permissions but they can tell their talents they aren't allowed to use members who were fired in their content

>> No.68918047

>The Niji livers had receipts to back up their side of the story.
A single screenshot that makes them look worse? You'd think they'd start with their strongest evidence to support their claims instead of literally nothing.

>> No.68918055

Not on here no

>> No.68918071

try researching and drafting orders for judges

>> No.68918078

i gues the question i have for nijinig is if he thinks nijisanji has a legal case against dokibird why the fuck would they make a youtube video apologizing deeply to everyone hours after the livers dropped the ball? if they had a case they just wouldn't say anything, right?

Oh right they're full of shit

>> No.68918085

It's almost like, people get upset when companies abuse innocent people and then try to flaunt the fact they can get away with it.
If Niji had just done a single sentence in terminating Selen, "We are announcing the termination of Selen Tastuki, we wish her all the best." None of this would have happened.
I don't really give a shit about Doki as a content creator but I care about the industry and my oshi. Allowing Niji to publicly assassinate their ex-employees to drive fear into their other employees is only making the entire vtubing landscape a worse place for everyone since it gives the okay for other companies to do the same.

>> No.68918089

Even Phase, midsize at best, has never had a ratio higher than 6 talents per manager
Holo managers have been known to be handling just 2-3, heck even just 1 (when Kanata was training a newbie)

>> No.68918144

inspecting their poop isn't researching, though I think they should know they have an absolute retard rummaging through their paperwork if you're actually serious.

>> No.68918212

>If Kuro or Matara posted saying "I don't approve of this" after Selen posted the video then Niji and Selen both would get in deep shit for it
When your defense of Nijisanji has been reduced to "BUT CONSIDER THIS OUTLANDISH HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO I'M MAKING UP" it's time to stop

>Companies do not work this way
Nijisanji cworks that way

>> No.68918221

that screen just makes selen look like a menhera who can't work in an office

>> No.68918222


>> No.68918227


>> No.68918273

... should we start a pool on whether Niji's eventual lawyer will have license to practice law in Canada?

>> No.68918286

Are you the reason all those mountie rapists got away, the judge looked at your deeply researched drafting orders and just saw a crayon drawing of a sad face?

>> No.68918345

shit ones that works AGAINST them, yes

>> No.68918355
File: 321 KB, 1216x211, 17071377434246332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting them to sign off on an appearance from beyond the grave would be showing them a great deal of respect.
Except that's not true, if you believe Selen in this post. If you give them a benefit of a doubt about the mentioned "confirmation" then it was simply a delay of saying NO after checking or making up this rule.

>> No.68918360

Selen being a menhera and nijisanji being incompetent retards are not mutually exclusive.

Every vtuber is a menhera, how else would you convince yourself that playing an anime girl on the internet is a respectable profession?

>> No.68918375

ok but are any of these judges and drafting orders canadian? if not you can fuck right off from whatever third world shithole you live in where a company can cancel a contract but keep all of the benefits (America is third world btw)

>> No.68918387

There is it, black company caught in the headlights.

>> No.68918393

>the 24th is not a fucking holiday
Christmas Eve is MORE important than Christmas Day especially in places like Japan

>> No.68918438

Niji hires like 10 new streamers every month and most of them end up making fuck all money so you can't really justify even giving them a manager so you end up with one manager handling a bunch of talents.
All the holos actually have a lot of shit going on in the background so they need more dedicated managers to handle all that shit. They also make enough money to justify it

>> No.68918474

>Nijisanji doesn't need perms for their own IP
Right, it's Niji IP, not Selen's. Of course Selen would have to get permission to use IP she doesn't own. Just because she's in the same company doesn't entitle her to use whatever assets they have.

>> No.68918493

So she went mental in just 1 day? RUMAO
No wonder JP is siding with niji

>> No.68918510

Christmas Eve isn't a holiday in Japan even if it is important, so it doesn't matter. Maybe this argument would work if management was in a western company or the Phillipines.

>> No.68918521

Can I get a qrd on Elira's video? Not watching 15 minutes

>> No.68918529

>No wonder JP is siding with niji
Even JP's mocking the Vox video.

>> No.68918547

holy dick that's not her job you retard, that's her managers.
they literally work in the company equivalent of the same building, if niji can't get a piece of paper across an aisle, that's on them.

>> No.68918605

Oh look, they had an internal rule to not use ex-members in content and her manager was checking up on the higher management before saying no. She just looks like a fucking baby who can't wait a couple days

>> No.68918614

And the manager said they would check. So what's the problem besides Selen going mental?

>> No.68918615

>be professional tard wrangler
>you do not make the company money
>the tard makes the company money
>but only when they arent being a tard and doing tard shit
>your paycheck is dependant on exactly one thing, you must properly wrangle the tards for the company

>do not wrangle them properly
> tard shit happens

>> No.68918620

It was Elira and Vox confirming they had been given information meant to be for the legal teams only, and saying how betrayed and upset it made them. In the middle of this, they also leaked private discord messages that will likely be used against them in court if it elevates to that.

>> No.68918627

I'd almost say no one will bet for them having a license, but after reading this thread, I'm not so sure anymore.

>> No.68918648

She is
Selen is a mentally ill chink retard and kurosanji is run by mentally ill old jap boomers plus all their organs being retards
Anyone who chooses a side in this conflict is being grifted by a crazy retard

>> No.68918653

>spend $15k planning for a MV to be released on Xmas day
>write reports about the contents of the video to be released, contact all the composers, artists and animators
>send the final product
>get a reply 40h later saying they need to review it for permission because it includes ex livers (they own all rights of those characters), something they had a year to decide
>Xmas day is ending and there's still no reply
This is clearly malicious and a case of banishment room

>> No.68918654

>where a company can cancel a contract but keep all of the benefits
who is saying this? we’re talking about ongoing obligations such as NDAs, potentially non-competes, as well as damages caused by breaches of contract, not about how she should continue to work for them after being fired

>> No.68918664
File: 39 KB, 1603x190, 1694374225454442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already said that they would have approved and this the result of JP autism. "m only arguing that the op's point of "NIJISANJI CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT BECAUSE THEY OWN THE CHARACTERS THAT MEANS THEY'RE BLACK" is fundamentally at odds with the facts here. Try keeping up with the chain of posts.

>> No.68918670
File: 126 KB, 1004x1004, 1693761712313648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its almost like this is a drama board
>If Niji had just done a single sentence in terminating Selen, "We are announcing the termination of Selen Tastuki, we wish her all the best." None of this would have happened.
Lol none of you have even acknowledged the statement in days
All you care about is the bullying accusations

>> No.68918687

if selen's a baby, niji management is still in the womb

>> No.68918703

>What's the problem of a manager not doing his job
I don't know, beacuse he didn't do this job? This literally is the cause of internal red tape and people blame selen for it like she could change it.

>> No.68918737

24th was a Sunday you retard

>> No.68918766

Read the rest. Other members had used ex-Livers in recent, and in-production works. The rule was being applied unevenly and was not communicated to the talents. Why does it take 36 hours for a "uhh, I'll look into it"?

>> No.68918769

Elira says she is scared because the legal document Doki's lawyer sent to AnyColor's legal team has personal information of her, Enna and Millie and that if it is made public, it could doxx her.

Vox says that Selen constantly butted heads with management and him and others tried to convince her to just play nice. He was upset that Selen had recorded a conversation he had with her without him knowing which implicates him in recieving favouritism from management. He denies all favouritism accusations.

Ike was also there.

>> No.68918771

i too can say i do my job and do absolutely fuck all and said i try my best
because that's literally what they did

>> No.68918772

see >>68918615

>> No.68918780

They have a lot of shit going on because they have dedicated managers that are competent. Their managers actually provide value to the talents by helping them. Niji managers don't need to do shit and are still 24+ hours late in replying to messages when a deadline draws near.
You're mixing up cause and effect here.

>> No.68918806

>I spent 15k! I should get a say about niji's property!

>> No.68918838

> management told Selen they were delaying her MV because Niji had had to check to make sure Niji has perms for Niji's own intellectual property

That makes perfect sense now that you mention it. Like, are they supposed to ask Mysta if it's OK to use his likeness even though he fucking quit that job and has not been mysta for a while and is in fact a new identity now? They have to ask Kuro if it's OK to use Mysta's likeness? What if he says no? He's not not an employee anymore, it does not matter what he thinks as he does not own the Mysta identity in the slightest.

>> No.68918841

If they didn't outright say her contract was terminated, you may have a point. If they used weasel words like "Graduated" or "Left us", they could play dumb and say "Well maybe we DIDN'T terminate teh contract and maybe it's still working in our favor with NDAs!"

But they didn't, the announcement has the words "terminated" in reference to her contract. You can't sugarcoat it, you're saying they can cancel the contract but keep the benefits

If you're an actual clerk, you really fucking suck at your job.

>> No.68918857

also they were concerned about misleading tweets

>> No.68918877

sounds like they shouldn't have hired tards in the first place

>> No.68918903

>>get a reply 40h later saying they need to review it for permission because it includes ex livers (they own all rights of those characters), something they had a year to decide
Sure doesn't look like a year passed since she sent the video to be checked

>> No.68918920

Ever consider you’re also dealing with an ESL on the otherside of the world? From what we heard, the black company understaffed EN too, stop larping retard

>> No.68918936

No, it's because she literally worked there as one of their biggest livers

>> No.68918961

>e’re talking about ongoing obligations such as NDAs, potentially non-competes, as well as damages caused by breaches of contract, not about how she should continue to work for them after being fired
None of those are enforceable in Canada and especially in BC.
This is why we're laughing at you. You talk so confidently on something you know literally nothing about.

You also keep ranting about an NDA when she didn't disclose anything about Nijisanji, Nijisanji did that to themselves with their terrible PR.

Here's a shit test to see if you're an actual political science major: can you name the thing she disclosed which could be actionable?

>> No.68918968

Selen is the money maker for the company. If you've ever worked in a company, you'd know that everyone is at the beck and call of Sales. If Sales says they promised X to customers, guess what you're doing? You're going to be providing X to customers.

>> No.68919019

Dude they're vtubers, they're all fucking stupid menhera retards
this is like saying the farmer shouldn't have animals if he's worried about being stepped on by a cow

>> No.68919021

The company exists to profit from tards. Tards make money. Tard wranglers do not make money, and in fact the company has to pay them to not make money. If tards didnt need to be wrangled the company would simply stop hiring tard wranglers.

>> No.68919061

All I see is that dumb beaner not following simple fucking rules.

>> No.68919076

please stop being baited by this retard, he's clearly full of shit.

>> No.68919087

Man. Who needs bosses when the guys wearing a ribbon behind the clean glass is on the top of the food chain.

>> No.68919112

It took 36 hours because that manager was probably not working on Christmas. Also once she got a reply she only waited like 12 hours at most. I don't know which timezone the screenshot is from but if it's JST then everyone was already off work by the time that reply was sent so you can expect the confirmation to take at least 12 hours, which she didn't wait

>> No.68919131

That's pretty mean to say about Nijisanjis manager

>> No.68919147

You know these video projects don't get done in a week, right? They get updates from the people they commissioned from. The management already knew there would be ex livers, that's their job

>> No.68919213

Which beaner? Elira?

>> No.68919219

If a holo did the shit Selen did wouldn't they be terminated too? Going against management looks bad no matter what.

>> No.68919240

it’s possible for certain provisions in a canadian employment contract to remain in effect post termination, assuming they aren’t separate agreements, though a series of related agreements can form a contract
rofl, NDAs aren’t enforceable? also people don’t understand non-competes, including the companies that issue them; they’re complicated

>> No.68919255

Selen, please get help.

>> No.68919260


>> No.68919279

They have a lot of shit going on because they are actually valuable to outside brands and have money to throw around for events and original songs. Most nijis don't have this so it makes no sense having a dedicated manager

>> No.68919313
File: 315 KB, 536x684, 1707562113372611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RRAT: The person in the screenshot is not a manager, it's a talent, maybe Elira. Management are all JOPs so they literally delegated communicating with their talents to their other bilingual talents who then have to pass it up the chain to the JOP managers if there's an issue. That's why it's such a clusterfuck and that's how Elira got the screenshots for her hit piece, an upper manager with half a brain would never send her that shit and be like "go get em tiger, lets undercut our CEO".

>> No.68919353

No, the low tier manager has to ask the higher management if it's ok to use ex-members in their content. It looks like it was not ok

>> No.68919378

She needs to prove the harassment was real.

>> No.68919404

(also as to what’s actionable with regard to NDA, her identity as Doki may be. that’s an example of an agreement that generally persists post-termination)

>> No.68919410

> rofl, NDAs aren’t enforceable?
Not in Canada or BC
>The NDA must be the expressed wish and preference of the person who experienced discrimination or harassment. Under Bill M215, NDAs involving discrimination or harassment, or allegations of discrimination or harassment, must not be entered into unless “the agreement is the expressed wish and preference” of the person coming forward to call out that discrimination or harassment.

If you were an actual lawyer instead of a lying Nijinigger hack on 4chan, you probably could have googled it and realized that

You also would have been able to answer what the actionable part of Selen's words have been instead of just outright avoiding it because you know you're lying lmao

>> No.68919421

No one. Selen said management was bullying her but they were just doing normal management shit. Her BPD made it seem like they were attacking her but they weren't.

>> No.68919445
File: 625 KB, 783x720, 1707477749405269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie laughed about her being an APEX predator

>> No.68919453

i believe it

>> No.68919478

This is the funniest part of your schizophrenic rambling because almost every single person in Nijisanji has a RM account

>> No.68919481

Holos have butted heads with management constantly. But it seems to be the case that Holo values the talent more than the manager.

>> No.68919504

Don't care, will still somehow blame Hololive for it

>> No.68919527


>> No.68919530

Anon, you clearly misunderstood what they meant.
They didn't mean they had to get legal permissions for copyright reasons. They meant they had to get permission from the JP main branch to use the models of alumni in the video, just like holomems had to ask their managers if they could publicly talk about Rushia.
They were absolutely right in that regard and they could definitely punish Selen for that. The problem is everything else they did.

>> No.68919561

>The management already knew there would be ex livers
You don't know this, especially if she was paying for the project. It's very likely Niji had nothing to do with the project until she had the video completed and sent over

>> No.68919577

your proof that NDAs aren’t enforcable is proposed legislation around NDAs to cover up specifically discrimination and harassment?
please stop acting like you know what you’re talking about

>> No.68919581

The low tier manager should've done that months ago before they commissioned the MV, not the day before and clearly not replying to the liver at 21h of the following day that they will ask the high tier management. There was no sense of urgency

>> No.68919604

>it’s possible for certain provisions in a canadian employment contract to remain in effect post termination, assuming they aren’t separate agreements, though a series of related agreements can form a contract
literally "just trust me bro I'm a lawyer's clerk's janitor somewhere doing something"

meanwhile the stream you didn't watch had vox outright admit he was reading selen's legal documents and you don't say shit about it beacuse it makes your compay look bad ROFLMAO how do nijiniggers live with themselves, lying just as naturally as breathing?

>> No.68919618

It's complete bullshit made up on the spot to hide the fact the manager does not want to review that video for whatever reason. Like best case incompetent manager and worst case malicious manager.

>> No.68919642

Companies run by people who put their egos before their wallets do.

>> No.68919649

>the MV was being delayed just to harass her
>Companies do not work this way.
When Doki was streaming Neopets and the dumpster fire was finally dying down, Niji crashed a tanker truck of gasoline into it. They have demonstrated that they do work that way.

>> No.68919650

Bro I have a BA in international relations, we are not lawyers retard.

>> No.68919711

Are you retarded? Even if she's paying for the project herself, she needs to present paperwork of the project that states the content she wants to commission

>> No.68919715

>you can spread company secrets if you say they harassed you
Look at this fucking retard

>> No.68919728

m8 you have to reply to your reports within like an hour if you're not in a meeting during work hours and still within the day if it happens outside of work hours.

>expecting people to work on a saturday december 23 and be fast about it is asking for much
Not if your job is managing talents who will perform during the holidays.

>> No.68919746

>A leak exposing that it was a double Selen fault of not just ignoring a manager and posting her cover, but also ignoring her manager and lying on twitter/ breaking rules
>B-but m-manager took too long t-to answer
Holy fucking kek. Now I clearly see that dumb holokeks are behind all that shitfest on twitter/reddit/here

>> No.68919751


>> No.68919757

Pekora chimped out before on stream when her proposals got rejected back then. But that's all I remember and they are just proposals too.

>> No.68919775

You know at this point it doesnt even matter if the bullying and shit was real, I haven't seen this much retardation from a company in a while. Are their pr team really this bad or they literally dont have one?

>> No.68919784

imagine working on a sunday

>> No.68919787

Holos might butt heads with management but they don't actually go ahead and upload videos that management has said is being checked

>> No.68919789

Except she never said that. She said she was in a toxic environment but didn't explicitly point fingers at anyone. If anything, it's Nijisanji that blamed it on other talents with a reply statement.
On the other hand, the other SIX people that graduated before her talked about AWFUL management to various degrees.
I mean, one thing is not believing one person, but not believing 6-7 of them seems to be like being a bit in denial, anon.

>> No.68919831

It's already been enacted across most of Canada.
As stated: if you are a clerk or a lawyer, you are notoriously fucking terrible at your job. Seriously, go to work tomorrow and just tell them you're an absolute fraud and your presence in a courtroom is a danger to defendant and plaintiff alike.

>>you can spread company secrets
I keep asking "which secrets" and you just keep saying "Secrets, ok?"

>> No.68919853

You made me check.
Yeah the 24th was a sunday.

>> No.68919863

I love my Nijien family

>> No.68919873

>If anything, it's Nijisanji that blamed it on other talents with a reply statement.
Selen sent her lawyers after them

>> No.68919872

>company secrets
Such as...
>the names of the harassers

>> No.68919893

Maybe she said she wants "all of EN" featured and there was a misunderstanding about "all" including retirees.

>> No.68919898


>> No.68919910

It's not Selen's fault she was assigned an ESL manager on the other side of the world and she shouldn't have to cope with the consequences of that retardation either.

>> No.68919921

Ok, and how the fuck is that a valid excuse?

>> No.68919937
File: 1.11 MB, 1258x1264, 1696319648541164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68919938

Just because they knew of the project and had a general idea what was in it, doesn't mean they knew it would have ex-members in it and they could have had rules changed on if ex-members are even allowed since the project for that video was started

>> No.68919958

>t. didn't read it
It's an extension of an existing law in Canada. You did a google search on the bill, ignored what it was about, and came to continue your driveling retardation.

>> No.68919972

Will we ever know the names of the bullies? Even being alleged would be funny

>> No.68919982

Yes, anon. These screenshots show Selen @'ing herself, then taking 37 hours to reply to herself while suddenly becoming cripplingly ESL.

>> No.68920007

You don't know whats written on it

>> No.68920027

You don't get it, do you? Cover actually tries to build up a brand with their talents, so they provide good management to help them grow. They also only let each manager have so many talents to oversee, so that they can do their job properly.

Anycolor just throws whatever at their talents to meet the bare minimum requirements. They don't try to build up their talents, so they don't give them good managers but ESLs that are just there to check for permissions. They don't provide support for projects and so they can technically work for more talents. But that doesn't change the fact that Anycolor recruited bottom of the barrel managers who can't even speak English properly.

Or to get back at the original point: It's Anycolors direction that led to this situation where one manager "manages" so many talents. This is just the result of them trying to save up on costs.

>> No.68920028

If I send a message or email at 8am to someone I work with in the same company about some urgent matter, I expect to get a reply by the end of the working hours, not at 10pm of the following day that they will ask around the next day

>> No.68920029

It's not anycolor's fault half the EN staff left to form an NFT grifting company either

>> No.68920038

>which is totally unacceptable
this is normal for songs and checking perms with JP. expecting shit to be sovled in a day is dumb. BAe mindcraft took a week for example after management privated it intiially.
Is not about Niji being owner of the IP, is about they allowing it to be used after graduation.
is dumb but those are rules on jap corpos for some reason.
still sucks they sell her merch after termination so not a good luck.

people really need to start choosing their battles better. Selen not able to follow the rules is one thing most poeple agree she could have waited.
The juicy thing from this stream is confriming she has had beef with management for years, specially after vox revealing she wanted to use his tweets about the AR concert cancellation to stick it to management. This could work both on benefit or her demise depending on what bassis was management or the other livers harrasing her. if it was a ctually discrimination that is ground for legal actions if they were just assholes then meh it could make her look bad depending on what she says on those documents that were shown to the livers.

>> No.68920042

>Not if your job is managing talents who will perform during the holidays.
The managers aren't tied to the talents, otherwise they would be working 24/7

>> No.68920055

hey I'm noticing through all this smokescreen about imaginary NDAs that exist in your head that are totally real bro, you havent' actually said what was violated, you haven't mentioned it or even hinted what exactly she could have said that violated NDAs or company secrets.

why is that?

>> No.68920069

Fuck off Millie. Good luck working at Jollibee lmao

>> No.68920101

Have you ever worked in a company?

>> No.68920125

He's full of shit. If he was a real lawyer he would have noticed >>68919831 felt a little flustered and fucked off. But no, he's just doubling down again and again and it's just getting pathetic at this point.

>> No.68920136

>admit he was reading selen's legal documents
which didint break any confidential clasues.
look niji has lawyers too. probably more.

>> No.68920189

My rrat is that noor hired only some family members/acquaintances from india to work as managers for the EN side and that most of them don't even speak japanese (on top of barely speaking english) which makes communication with the main branch absolutely tortuous.

>> No.68920217

>waaaaaah reply to me on a weekend and on the holidays immediately!!!!!!!!
jesus christ fuck that
you niggas are blinded by drama

>> No.68920253

None of this makes it ok for Selen to go against management. She's the one who agreed to work for the company that handles things like this, nobody was stopping her from quitting

>> No.68920261

The thing with this is that it's obviously cut to try make selen look bad.
Considering how long it took for her to get everything, it was probably all discussed before hand and everything approved up to that point
Song licensing, permissions, artwork posted. This was literally the final video check once it was complete to error check.

Also 100% likely she also just skimmed it because who can be bothered to read ESL and just saw "ok to me" at the end and hit publish.

>> No.68920262

That's the management's job to inquire about who will appear on it
And also their job to revise the projects if there are rule changes that might affect it
If there's a new law, it's the lawyer's duty to update his client and not the other way round

>> No.68920312

Bro it's a talent manager for a fucking streamer. All they need to do is check their emails and discord more than once every 2 days.

>> No.68920311

shhhh. Nobody actually cares about this menhera hoe. Niji will sink and this bitch will have a round 2 of her 'attempt'.

>> No.68920313

>urgent matter
If it was so urgent, maybe she should have had the video done and checked a week before. Also holidays are a thing so you would expect delays during holidays

>> No.68920317

>which didint break any confidential clasues.


you are 100% sure and have been arguing for over an hour now that selen is under an NDA but are now going to 100% say with certainty it didn't break any confidential clauses

which as stated before, these clauses are part of legal restitution in canada

and you're saying that beause

>the same retards(probably japanese lawyers) who gave these documents to employees said so

if vox read the documents, that's the end of the discussion, he broke the terms.

>> No.68920359

You will know once you get a job with responsibilities

>> No.68920370

Bro please understand he was busy ERPing in finanas FF14 discord.

>> No.68920375

would have noticed what about it? you realize they just linked a “resolution” passed by… the BAR association (not law) about their opinion on the prospect of banning the *abuse* of NDAs. you’re unironically looking at the dude ranting about how NDAs are broadly unenforcable and going “idk that guy seems smart and hes on my side”

>> No.68920387

Literally the one and only argument you've had all thread is "They have more lawyers" not even "They have better lawyers" just "There's probably better lawyers somewhere who said this is okay".
Have you heard of the appeal to authority fallacy? It's made when people don't have an argument and just claim authority makes stupid logic into sound logic. It's entirely possible their lawyers are just wrong.

>> No.68920399

there are 2 levels of managemnt that it needs to go trough
it works the same on holo and it happeend to ame okami blues one time where her manager aproved but upper amnegemnt rejected after it was almsot done.

>> No.68920398

Sounds like you've never had a corporate job
There are things that are reasonable for them, and things that aren't. A timely reply during work hours for a scheduled project is reasonable. All the shit Selen had to go through due to shitty management isn't

>> No.68920426

Are you serious? Read

>> No.68920469

PLEASE, Riku, make another video and point this out. It's EXACTLY what you need to save face and start looking good to the rest of the world. Seriously.

>> No.68920477

>would have noticed what about it?
That you're full of shit and are talking about something that's already widespread across canadian law.

>passed by… the BAR association (not law) about their opinion on the prospect of banning the *abuse* of NDAs. you’re unironically looking at the dude ranting about how NDAs are broadly unenforcable and going “idk that guy seems smart and hes on my side”
This is so fucking ironic coming from the person looking at Nijisanji "assuming" they have an NDA which as not come up yet or has been mentioned by anyone and saying "idk that black company seems smart and he's on my side"

You're quite literally proving my point you're full of shit further and further.

>> No.68920481

>jeet manager nepohiring fellow jeets into other management positions

That's not even a rrat, that's a straight up observable fact. I'm going to laugh and be fully vindicated when I see half a dozen street shitters named in the court documents.

>> No.68920497

>can't check inbox because eating kfc
great holiday

>> No.68920539

no, becasue dpepending on the info it can or not be classified. The share of that info has no effect on selen or her case against niji and hence it was curated before sharing to the livers remvoing the info that was confidential.

>> No.68920555

>they didn't break confidentiality
>because they have lawyers


>> No.68920564

This argument is so obviously retarded that (You) cannot possibly be being sincere. kys

>> No.68920577

>you’re unironically looking at the dude ranting about how nijisanji has an NDA that he can't prove is real and going “idk that guy seems smart and hes on my side”
that's literally what you've been doing

>> No.68920590

this is exactly how a twitter snowflake karen has a meltdown and knee-jerkly tweets her sentiments before checking anything.

>> No.68920603

You don't know if any art was sent to be approved and even then the rules might have changed after. You also don't know if the manager sent any of it to upper management to be checked instead of the manager just approving it for now

Also your last point is fucking retarded and completely Selen's fault if that is what happened

>> No.68920642

nigga if there was problem she would have sued from the beggining. Not all documents are protected that is what you need to understand they can share them with the lviers and as long as it doesnt go to the public it is fine. it isnt a hard concept.
But i guess if selen is so confident she will probably sue them in the next days
she wont

>> No.68920648

Are (you) two actually retarded, or just the same dumbass posting twice?
NTA but he clearly meant that NijiEN management could be JP/ID/other non-EN livers with minimal English proficiency.
How the fuck did you get the idea that he meant Selen's manager was herself from that

>> No.68920649

No, but it makes it understandable. Also she didn't know how hte company handles their talents when she joined. Just like we wouldn't know if Nijisanji weren't such enormous fuckups that we can closely follow it.
She also planned on quitting apparently but Anycolor was ahead of her.

>> No.68920679

I really hope Nijisanji doesn't stop one video short of changing everyone's mind

>> No.68920730

>no, becasue dpepending on the info it can or not be classified.
you just contradicted yourself from earlier
>The share of that info has no effect on selen or her case against niji
it's literally her fucking case file against Niji LOL it's the stuff she confirmed her lawyers handed to niji being read aloud, over the air.

that's why she ended her neopets stream

again you discard that because it's not relevant to defending braku comapny

>> No.68920738

When your job is managing talents that stream on sundays, wouldn't that be part of the agreement?

>> No.68920754

99% of gamblers quit before their big score.

>> No.68920815

>nigga if there was problem she would have sued from the beggining
And you know she's not because..?
I'm literally having to explain to the person who claimed to be a clerk of the court why it's a bad idea to discuss an ongoing case on-air on your personal stream. Again, if you're serious and not bullshit trolling, go tell the law office you work in that you're a fraud tomorrow morning.

>> No.68920830

So what you are saying is that she is unprofessional

>She also planned on quitting
Sure she was

>> No.68920857

>133 posters
>not a single good counter argument against Selen being a retarded cunt, only excuses, cope and seethe
Was Anycolor the right one the whole time?

>> No.68920876

>Not all documents are protected
it included her medical records, retard dumbass.

>> No.68920900

No? Why would the talents need 24/7 monitoring? Managers need their time off work too

>> No.68920910

I don’t feel the need to keep responding with you clearly not knowing what you’re talking about with what you’re linking, but to be clear, the NDAs were an example of provisions that can extend beyond termination. as for what nda’s niji has in place, likely ones concerning connecting their vtuber personas to personal accounts

>> No.68920945

what do you think the job of a manager is?
It is LITERALLY to reply in a timely manner

>> No.68921030

Because that's not the argument. Whether or not Selen is retarded has zero bearing on whether or not Niji management acted like a bunch of malicious cunts.

>> No.68921043

A day or two is timely manner in corporations

>> No.68921044

It breaks basic fucking legal principles that everyone knows, don't require any contracts ahead of time, and are basic fucking common sense. Holy shit (You) must be at least 18 years old to post here. They're probably lying about their lawyers clearing something so retarded and if they aren't then those lawyers are getting disbarred soon.

>> No.68921092

Wym, is it not to gaslight and publicly shame your employees?

>> No.68921100
File: 78 KB, 772x525, ESL dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this but the other way around kek I believe it

>> No.68921105

Phoenix Wright is a documentary on the Japanese legal system.

>> No.68921125

>And you know she's not because..?
my man we got a presecutor already on past threads and she was already leaing this behind for a reason.
She has no case and she wont go trough it and if you were a lawyer you will advice her to also not go trough it. but good look proving that bullying is some how a hostile work enviroment.

>> No.68921129

Why is everyone defending her then?
Where is the proof Niji management were malicious cunts?

>> No.68921135

Yeah you said something stupid and got called out for it, and then made some bullshit lie like "I'm a clerk of the court and a very serious-" but then have to have it explained to you why Selen wouldn't discuss an ongoing case on air.
You're also acting like Selen's personal medical records aren't protected information and they can freely hand out legal information to anyone in the company regarding this.

I'm pointing all this out, along with the NDA best practices thing, originally to show you're a fraud. Your arguments revolving around
and not actual facts like Selen's lawyer outright stating that confidental information was shared or Niji releasing multiple statements with provable inconsistencies.

I've been pressing you to prove that you would say anything if it defended the company, and it seems obvious you would because you haven't questioned anything they said on the matter. Your one and only argument is "They have lots of lawyers and are big, they good"

>> No.68921182

selen is just a typical naive karen who has no clue what shes doing and pushes her emotions before everything. you dont need to support the management but at least its really trannytarded if you believe the livers on the stream are less trustworthy or less fact-based than selen.

>> No.68921185

>all those poster saying Selen is at fault
>ignoring the part where the problem is exlivers that left on July
5 months 5 months just to get a thumb up from some dude up there and maybe some other chump and they waited to the last minute? Even if Selen forgot, managment and her indian manager fucked up really bad.

>> No.68921199

>the attoriney are lying
yeah im sure selen will press charges in the next day.

>> No.68921207

>along with the NDA best practices thing
lol you're cartwheeling

>> No.68921221

damn and you're the one who was claiming to be a lawyer? you're fucking retarded. almost all of the livers in nijisanji have personal accounts, some being their real-life selves we call 'roommates'. i'm having to explain this because you're clearly a newfag

>> No.68921257

You instantly added + 1 onto the "excuses, cope and seethe" category.
Looks like managers are right and Selen is wrong after all...

>> No.68921270

>like Selen's lawyer outright stating that confidental information was shared
that is his manager

it was already sahred how it works upermanagement needs togive the approval.

>> No.68921278

Didn't think it was possible to be more retarded than nijiEN management.

>> No.68921318

idk what that means other than "I got asshurt so hard that I'm having to deflect and cope". If pointing out that Canadian law has had exceptions for NDAs is "cartwheeling" what the fuck do you call the crashing and burning you've done?

>> No.68921351

and selen has no case

>> No.68921366


>> No.68921376

Maybe Selen should have brought that up to management long before having her video be done. Also should have had the deadline for the video be well in advance of the date she wanted to upload it on

>> No.68921385

>that is his manager
She outright said it was her lawyer in her neopets stream, again proving you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and furthermore Selen is a woman.

Are we done here? Okay good. I accept your concession.

>> No.68921398

keep doing backflips its funny

>> No.68921440

>my man we got a presecutor already on past threads and she was already leaing this behind for a reason.
The prosecutor outright said she had a case. You didn't read it because you're clearly not a lawyer and don't know dick about Canadian civil case law.

>> No.68921453

Why is everyone defending her? Because it doesn't matter if you're retarded, you don't deserve to have a 3 page hit piece that also serves as your termination notice public thrown into the internet with the intention to sink your reputation so you fail without the company. You don't deserve to have your personal legal information leaked to your ex-coworkers. You don't deserve to have an entire PR campaign based around denigrating you.

Being a retard to your manager is a small sin that should have be dealt with professionally by Niji. Instead they decided to go scorched earth and displayed how petty and vindictive they are whilst Doki has been nothing but passive and reactive.

>> No.68921475

the dialogue you are refering to is his manager you fucking monkey.
selen only mention worried they sahred her med records with other livers but that is not the case or there is no proof of that.

>> No.68921506

>I got destroyed so i'll run away with my tail tucked between my legs
Many such cases with Nijinigs, Sad!

>> No.68921559

>I got destroyed so i'll run away with my tail tucked between my legs
no please keep doing mental acrobatics for my amusement

>> No.68921582

>Why is everyone defending her?
I'd also add that a lot of people might feel guilty about taking management's word during the Zaion debacle and now mgmt is trying to use the same bullshit tactics again.

>> No.68921597

>The prosecutor outright said she had a case
he didnt. for her to have a case she would need to proof she was actually harrased or proof it was a hostile work enviroment. Which mind you has a more strict criteria under the law than "my manager is ingroing me"

>> No.68921600

>Here's Canadian case law
>K-Keep cartwheeling, D-do backflips it's f-funny

What happened?
We were so confident earlier! Where is our armchair legal bluster!?

>> No.68921602

>actually just the liver themselves
Because "liver" is singular and there isn't any other definite referent, the natural interpretation in English is that it refers back to Selen.
Also, it takes like zero effort to do reps and discover that they have too many employees for that rrat to make any sense https://www.statista.com/statistics/1326525/anycolor-number-of-employees/ Even for the 100+ vtubers that haven't left yet, that's still tons of room for actual managers.

>> No.68921605

They just had to let her graduate. Everything proceeds as normal. But no, we have this. You reap what you sow I guess.

>> No.68921612

>selen is just a typical naive karen who has no clue what shes doing and pushes her emotions before everything
I agree on the emotions part, but I don't think is is a naive karen. I see her an overgrown child. She literally has a mentality of 5 year old child. It is shown the most in the way she talks (constantly doing childish sounds, mimicking other people, struggling to clearly express her thoughts) and acts (overly impulsive and without thinking of consequences). Imho, the worst thing NijiEN's management did regards to Selen was hiring her.

>> No.68921636

It doesn't matter if she deserved it or not, she's the one who kicked the ball down the hill by going against management. I'm not saying it's ok for niji to do whatever you allege they did but she is clearly a fucking retard

>> No.68921671


>> No.68921680

she could have geaduated long ago but the negotiations were not working meaning she wanted something else than what other livers got.
what is it? that is just specualtion for now.

>> No.68921702

You got fucking owned and can only snivel and whine now about "That's wrong! It's mental acrobatics!!" but can't actually explain why just like you've gone close to two hours now and haven't explained what Selen has said that violated NDA

nijinigs suffering to find a point makes me smile.

>> No.68921707

How tf do you know what she has presented in her court case which is sealed and only aired partially by nijifag managers/livers.

>> No.68921732

>good look proving that bullying is some how a hostile work enviroment
This is in fucking Canada, retard.
(You) might as well say "good luck proving that the sky somehow looks blue at midday when there aren't any clouds".

>> No.68921753

>nda best practices COPIUM

>> No.68921762

I'm incredibly amused by how the entire Nijisanji front has deflated in a wet fart by just asking one simple question
>Okay, prove it

>> No.68921779

It literally does matter if she deserves it or not. That's the entire issue.

Whether or not she is retarded is not relevant.

Did she deserve to be fired for repeatable going against management?
Does that mean management is not full of vindictive cunts who bullied her and continue to bully her?

>> No.68921815



assuming they did anything (unlikely) and the harrassment continued (likely) and she has documentation (likely) but the people responsible for it are still employed and continue doing it, then yes that's a hostile work environment.

do you get paid in usd, yen or rupees?

>> No.68921817

You think the Nijinigger can find Canada on a map?

>> No.68921844

sam deal my man becasue is base on the employee protected class.
So unless management and all the livers were calling her "here piggy piggy" shit wont fly.

>> No.68921871

As far as people calling her a retarded cunt, it doesn't matter what happened after. People in this thread are defending her against people saying she's a retarded cunt

>> No.68921880

Or maybe she got a lawyer and they panicked. Remember her termination was a surprise to her and was announced on Twitter instead of informing her directly. That's a panic move. What are they afraid of?
