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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 433 KB, 1288x823, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68898912 No.68898912 [Reply] [Original]

Put aside the bullying and everything else for just a moment. On just the question of uploading the cover, Selen was clearly in the wrong.

They clearly told her before she uploaded it that they would have to get further confirmation. Selen ignored this and uploaded it anyway. Of course, management took it down.

Getting perms for every single thing might be a dumb policy but it is the policy none the less. And you can't ignore company policy just because your manager took a long time to respond to you.

Nijisanji might have done a million things wrong, but this was not one of them. Trying to pretend otherwise because you like Selen and do not like Niji is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.68899116

Nobody here has ever had a job they weren't fired from so they will never feel sympathy for people who have to work with a bad employee.

>> No.68899221
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Did you not read the replies on anycolor's tweet? they were saying too long didnt read wtf kek they wont read your statement too sad.

>> No.68899255

Damn. I hate Selen now. Thankfully, she's no longer here with us.

>> No.68899274

I know "deflection thread" is a meme but this is literally a deflection thread. The discussion moved past whether they were right to take the video down ages ago and now it's about the clique culture and bullying

>> No.68899398
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>> No.68899437

>works her ass off for years
>"bad employee"
you're a bootlicking midwit

>> No.68899469

she made the cover song as a suicide note, she didnt care about rules

>> No.68899558

>Be employee
> Always he vague towards your employees weather something gets a pass or not
> She requested NDA in august? Let's sit on it!
> She wanted confirmation? Sure, but first I need a 37 hour rest.
> How dare she break our rule after we repeatedly bullied and ignored her for years, she is clearly in the wrong!

>> No.68899589

And nobody is really upset about that, its EVERYTHING AFTER that has fueled the fire.

Skinwalker her account, lied to fans, made a slanderous statement, then after everything was all said and done, posted this as "proof" after having every other collogue of her drag her through the mud.

1 flaw vs hundreds of more major faults isnt equivalent. its dishonest to believe that just cause you violate policy throws away any humanity or decency

>> No.68899600

checking perms should not take time more than 24hrs. if they didn't have the perms, they shouldve said it earlier.

>> No.68899632

2 being a late reply and we don't even see the date on the original post

>> No.68899715

I had to check, they actually fucking put Discord screenshots in the video? KEK
How fucking desperate are they to slander Doki and clean their names?

>> No.68899760
File: 149 KB, 1200x630, pic534606-2664685719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>37 hour delay between initial submission and manager response
>ADDITIONAL 15 hour delay before second manager response
1. FIFTEEN hours is long enough gap for the perms to have been granted.
2. what the fuck took them so long?

>> No.68899818

Entitled pieces of shit like you are why people like me have to work twice as hard to keep things running. No wonder you like that fat piece of shit.

>> No.68899945

it's Zaion's all over again
>here's a list of her crimes
>she lied about a collab with deez nuts

>> No.68899956

Anyways guys, I think selen should put her fat ass directly on my face so i can experience true joy

>> No.68900021

Oh look, another bot reply with almost the exact same wording as the other dozen or so.
I guess NijiEN management was actually AI all this time.

>> No.68900022

If the situation was just “Selen uploaded this when she shouldn’t have and told fans to reupload it which broke our rules so we terminated her” things wouldn’t be nearly this bad.
The company itself leaked details about a bullying situation during the termination notice. The company threw the livers under the bus then and did it again as recently as a few hours ago with the video from Elira, Vox, and Ike.
Yes Selen was in the wrong for uploading the cover when she shouldn’t have but you can’t just brush aside the bullying issue because that is a large part of WHY this is such a shit show.

>> No.68900117

>On just the question of uploading the cover, Selen was clearly in the wrong.
Sure, maybe. But it's not illegal to upload an MV without permission, and Nijisanji has admitted to many, many crimes by now.

>> No.68900166

Seethe wagie

>> No.68900191

She was wrong to just release it right away but how the fuck did the production for the video get that far along before management even became aware of its contents? Were they just not checking updates or something?

>> No.68900229

Putting aside everything about Selen, it's clear that Nijisanji EN have no fucking idea how to handle PR and have shot themselves in the foot repeatedly.

>> No.68900253

>Selen was clearly in the wrong.
Maybe if you're a retarded corpo who thinks everything needs to be triple stamped. Part of the problem with these Nip companies is how stupidly anal they are about everything and Niji somehow manages to take that to a whole nother level by not only being anal about perms but being fucking lazy about getting perms.

>> No.68900259

not to mention for everyone (especially on the japanese side of twitter) who thinks there was an URGENT copyright concern - there fucking wasn't. The only "concern" was whether Selen could use ANYCOLOR'S OWN IP - there was NEVER any actual issue other than some internal bullshit

>> No.68900261 [DELETED] 

OP... delete your tiktok account immediately... it clearly affected your attention span.....

>> No.68900277

>No one gives a shit about the confirmed rrat that manager was trying to salvage the video for reupload
I dunno who that mane-san is, but you shoulda just let it die then and there my dude

>> No.68900288

Selen is not 100% in the right here, but wasn't nijisanji's official stance on the matter that they didn't have perms? In these screenshots they clearly say that it was the presence of former livers that was the issue. Are the admitting to just straight up lying again, just like they did in the zaion statement?

>> No.68900318

This projects has been on the work for months and it somehow occurs to them to check it AFTER it was uploaded?
Imagine yourself on doki place, you have been working on a project for months, you have perms and everything, the project is FULLY PAID FROM YOUR OWN POCKET.
>Surely, there's no trouble with the video, it has no copyright issues
>post it
>"wtf you didn't wait for the okay for us despite ourself being 30+ hours late for a project that you have been working for months!"

>> No.68900332

This company is so fucking incompetent they leaked Selen's medical records.
They completely fucked up Pomu's graduation too

>> No.68900331

You should be forced to work quadruple as hard as much as you do now nigger

>> No.68900388

>last cup of coffee was on her schedule from the get go
>she really wanted it to be released on Christmas
>Manager takes fucking eons to reply and takes even longer to get approval for characters that are Nijisanji property.
She just needed a manager to wrangle her passion since she's rather impatient and quick to emotional distress

>> No.68900456

It's so weird how no one else in Nijisanji seems to have trouble releasing music videos. It's almost like a lot of the blame goes on the person who took two fucking years to make a single song

>> No.68900477

>she paid for the project
>she got the permission from the copyright owner because as you can see in this picture the nigger manager took over 30 hours to respond and it was a christmas gift to her community
>you can see the dates he finally responds on the due date to post the song that she already paid for from her pocket and got approval for from the copyright owner
sure man when niji fund the project they can complain, they didnt even bother clearing it it was done by herself which the owner of that copyright confirm

>> No.68900520

>Are the admitting to just straight up lying again
Seems that way.

>> No.68900554

They wanted to check with ex-livers and it was the middle of the Christmas holiday so said ex-livers weren't responsive?

>> No.68900592
File: 241 KB, 800x810, 1389622777790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls, you lost, just shut up already before you lose whatever power you think you had. Papa Riku already has to fire the management of your branch and your next bosses aren't going to be too stupid to not be manipulated like the last ones.

>> No.68900596

They kind of had to switch tactics on this one considering the original owner of the song outright came out and said "I sent notice that she had permission to Niji over a year ago" So they knew that wasn't gonna hold up.

>> No.68900631

You are a literal nigger slave lmao

>> No.68900729


>> No.68900805

Genuinely they just had to let her go on neutral terms. Sign some ndas etc and be done. I think she did some impulsive, emotional things but Niji countered by being petty and vindictive. Niji doesn't have a good grasp on PR in the west and that's 100% their fault.

>> No.68900825

They told her about the issue before she uploaded it, not after.

>> No.68900864

Why would they need to? Nijisanji own the characters. What, did they give Nina and Mysta the rights to their former characters when we weren't looking?

>> No.68900879

>They wanted to check with ex-livers
Why? Niji owns the rights to their image.

>> No.68900881

Get it deep into your throat sweetie.

>> No.68900930

Why aren't members present asked before even starting any project?
Why her manager didn't know that it contained ex-livers before this day on something that was in the works for a year?
Why her manager took a 36 hours break, to fuck on Christmas, when it's the most profitable day to launch any video besides anniversary?
Seems like a management problem to me. If you don't want ex-livers like Mysta and Nina to show up, announce it on development stages. They had a fucking year.

>> No.68900990

Rule 1 of HR: Do not be more menhera than the menhera.

>> No.68901005

If you take over 37 hours to respond to someone you're supposed to be managing you're a fucking retard and should be demoted. THIRTY-SEVEN FUCKING HOURS AND ALL YOUR JOB REQUIRES IS PICKING UP THE GODDAMN PHONE.

>> No.68901029

Oh yeah what will the ex-lives do, sue them?

>> No.68901087

Given Pomu's frustrations with her own video, undoubtedly there continues to be tons of miscommunication resulting in hours and hours of wasted effort (and money out of the talent's pocket).

>> No.68901197

>They wanted to check with ex-livers
they OWN the ex livers. they have no sayi9ng over nijisanji's IPs

>> No.68901215

How does the kurosanji boot tastes like?

>> No.68901249

Japanese business culture. You don't poke your superior asking for an update; you politely wait until they do shit for you.

>> No.68901320

It's possible they meant perms with upper management, which is just a sign Niji is a nonfunctional mess.

>> No.68901331
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1483024582976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This video was in the works for like a year. And then right before release they decide "nope we have to check LOL" and ghosted her for 2 days.

>> No.68901378

I'm sure that works for the Japanese but did they ever consider that:
- the managers aren't Japanese
- the talents aren't Japanese
- no one involved in NijiEN in this situation is fucking Japanese

>> No.68901392

It doesn't matter, people are mad because they drove selen suicidal, whether she actually broke the rules is irrelevant to the large angry crowd.

>> No.68901486

Hi Elira.

>> No.68901519

From what it looks like, the management are the bad employees. There have been multiple accusations of favoritism and Nina has separately implied that they don't do shit compared to the Vshojo managers. So it seems like all Niji management does is sit around and cause delays on projects while not providing any assistance or support to get those projects running. Selen broke policy but I feel like management's crime of being utterly useless is worse.

>> No.68901538

She was jealous because of the other cover being released first and taking the spotlight.

>> No.68901560

>Erm, sorry sweetie, I was unable to finish the very last check for this project within the span of several business days, looks like you're getting fired ;)

>> No.68901629

>whether she actually broke the rules
The rules are draconian and retarded.

>> No.68901649

Proof? Wasn't the song released on Xmas? the response was basically way past Xmas, more specially with timezones.

>> No.68901708

It was literally Xmas Eve in Japan; they were busy having sex. You foreigners wouldn't understand.

>> No.68901710

Don't forget only enforced if you aren't someone's favorite. If you're in Lux, do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.68901743

>nijiintern is back from lunch

>> No.68901787


>> No.68901854

She broke the rules because she was angry, and burned down the whole branch for it. Selen is a monster.

>> No.68901901

There's a reason the Japanese economy is in the shitter.

>> No.68902016

OK OP, one question, WHEN did you think management was made aware of the inclusion of these two on the video? I am supposed to believe she kept them secret until there was only hours until it was posted? I am not fucking taking Nijisanji's side unless they release screenshoots of all the messages related to the video. They get to only show only the most flattering screenshots of the conversation and that still shows a gross mismanagement, 36 hours for fucks sakes.

>> No.68902055

The screenshots are in japanese for a reason. This specific manager is japanese.

>> No.68902120

>knowingly does things you are not supposed to do
That's called being a bad employee. Get a job.

>> No.68902140

Niji was the one who burned the branch down though? Almost every statement they made has just made things worse.
Which again proves that they're completely incompetent and terrible employees.

>> No.68902182

Not legally damning, but I feel like the 15k cad is being forgotten here

>> No.68902231

Keep slaving away wagie

>> No.68902274

i still cannot believe just how esl the manager sounds

>> No.68902291

Despite their logo, Nijisanji isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

The privating of the MV is, as they say, "the straw that broke the camel's back" and was not an isolated incident. Choosing to zero in on it as tho it was is disingenuous

>> No.68902351

The timestamps are in Japanese. Even if they are ethnically Indian, they are probably in Japan having sex.

>> No.68902389

>That's called being a bad employee.
+10 social credit.

>> No.68902449

how does that boot taste?

>> No.68902482

>initial submission
I think this point should be contested more. For all we know there are dozens of request predating this screenshot that were ignored or not attended to.

>> No.68902488

Which employee is worse?
Employee one:
>uploads a video before perms are cleared
Employee two:
>completely tanks your company's reputation with multiple vindictive, tone-deaf public statements
Niji's next step here needs to be nothing short of firing their entire EN management team if they want to solve their issues.

>> No.68902561

>The discussion moved past [definite event that happened] ages ago and now it's about [rumors and hearsay]

>> No.68902633

that mananager is clearly ESL probably on jap time zone

>> No.68902682

It's literally in the image you retarded ESL.

>> No.68902695

I resigned.

>> No.68902708

>Invest 200k into the company you work for
>Cannot get in contact with manager in a timely manner
>Ask to quit over it but they fire you
>You are the bad employee

>> No.68902755

You are clearly unaware how devastating cancelled concert and the Zaion's termination notice was to NijiEN's credibility. The concert cancelation let people know Niji's management participates in behind the scenes fuckery. Zaion's termination let people know they were also petty as fuck. The goodwill afforded to managment and their credibility were already thin ice. The only saving grace was the livers were at least okay and having fun so fans of the active livers were willing to look past the managment bs as just a necessary part of being in a corpo. Then Selen happened and all the rrats about how shitty NijiEN was all were proven true.
>b-but she didn't listen so they had to pull the MV
Oh yeah, the MV. It was a rrat that the reason was because graduated members were in it. Wait, who owns the IP for the ex-members? Niji does. So why is that an issue to include ex-members in an MV? Oh, Niji just treats them as comoany assets while Selen thought of them as genuine friends or peers. So now it was 100% clear that not only is management incompetent and petty, but they also dgaf abou the livers outside of being just corpo assets to be managed. Okay, got it. Message heard loud and clear. Get fucked you cunts.

>> No.68902801

not a holiday

>> No.68902849

>Choosing to zero in on it as tho it was is disingenuous
I don't know why Niji shills think this is the smoking gun. People didn't question whether Selen had permission to upload the video. The issue was they privated it over petty bean counting bull shit. THAT SHE PAID FOR THE FUCKING VIDEO IS JUST ICING ON THE CAKE.

In a functional corporation her manager would've been fired for being a knee jerky piece of shit wasting people's time asking for permission for every little detail and not having the balls to ever ask for forgiveness. Nijisanji is not a functional corporation.

>> No.68902877

>Know you have people graduating
>Know said people appear in official company affiliated content after their "graduation"
>No internal process to ensure you are legally in the clear for stuff like this when people graduate
Incompetence at it's finest.

>> No.68902987

We could argue about that, sure.
Problem is Selen never came after them for unjust termination. She said her piece and asked to move on, while filing enough legal documents to cover her ass if they came after her.

>> No.68902998

that doesn't make it any better
why is an ESL managing NA talents to begin with? they have NA talents so clearly there's no hiring barrier

>> No.68903015

Selen is basically a smarter Rushia. She knows what riles up people and knows how to use that to her advantage. I can't say what Selen is doing is wrong because Nijisanji EN's management is just plain incompetent. They might be in the right here but you should always try to handle situations like this with care. Should have had livers not even speak or announce a single thing about this.

>> No.68903089

MV take months you drooling retard, with multiple steps of authorizations, are you fucking going to tell me no one in management knew Mysta and Nina were going to be on the video until fucking hours before it was posted you fucking idiot?

>> No.68903156

niji interns please.

>> No.68903190

But anon, if you expect the superior at your work to do his fucking job, you're a bad employee.

>> No.68903199

What money did she invest into the company? Literally all her investments were into herself, as proven by the fact that she cashed in on them to sabotage the company.

>> No.68903207

Believe it or not, mitigating circumstances are a thing in many legal systems: even if Selen was in the wrong, so long as Nijisanji had a clear pattern of abuse towards her, it won't matter, because Nijisanji won't even have been following the law, much less the rules Selen was terminated over.

>> No.68903335

>That's called being a bad employee. Get a job.
If you think annoying your boss with permission for every little thing is good employee behavior you're retarded. If you're indicative of contemporary corporate culture, I'm glad I'm old.

>> No.68903388

Idiot anon

>> No.68903433

>Getting perms for every single thing might be a dumb policy but it is the policy none the less. And you can't ignore company policy just because your manager took a long time to respond to you.
It's a shit policy which Anycolor is in the wrong for implementing. Why do people think that just because a policy is written down, that means it's ok? They created a shit policy and suffered the consequences when the shit policy was rightfully breached. If the policy was something ridiculous like "recite the alphabet backwards at the end of each stream" and someone got punished for not following it, would you still say they were in the wrong? It's this lack of critical thinking and blind adherence to rules that makes you a retard.

That aside, Selen has had the cover in the works for a full fucking year. This shit could have been released forever ago if management hadn't dragged their ass about it. Furthermore, aren't talent managers supposed to be on-call? What the FUCK was a talent manager doing not checking his notifications for 36 hours? He's also an awful ESL, by the sound of it. And I want to know exactly how including ex-talents would have delayed the verification process in any way. Anycolor owns all rights to their past and present characters so there shouldn't be any problem including them. You just KNOW that her manager had to contact another manager who had to contact another manager to get a 3-minute video approved. Complete incompetence at the management level. And privating it was also totally wrong as well; they could have kept it up while doing the verification process. It's their own fault for how things turned out the way they did. Selen absolutely had enough of their bullshit and took matters into her own hands, as one should do when faced with gross incompetence.

>> No.68903634

Even hololive enjoyers hate perms shit. That may be the policy, but I assure you that you won't be winning any public favor if that's your only argument. Any color shouldn't have done stealth suspensions and done a slander campaign on multi-award winning (by community-vote) Vtuber Selen Tatsuki. Had she been very publicly suspended multiple times before this, people would be more willing to buy the narrative that she's insane. Note also that a lot of people are focused on this being a PR disaster more so than whether Selen broke any rules. That aside scheduling this shit at the same time as this emotionally unstable girl is making her first proper stream, her first move towards putting this behind her is fucked up. It's like they want to her die and this is how in public, lord knows what happens in the underground.

>> No.68903751

>Any color shouldn't have done stealth suspensions
Beneath all the horseshit, I fucking forgot about the stealth suspension bull shit. Fuck.

>> No.68903859

Manager literally got assblasted because Selen reminded people about graduated livers who keep calling them bad. If they did their job properly, they would have known those frames were part of the video long ago. If they found out after they approved the schedule, they deserve everything and should have made the public statement first before privating the video.

>> No.68903897

That they'd go through the trouble of getting their graduated livers permission to use their characters despite owning the IP shows the complete opposite of what you're claiming. If they didn't give a fuck and saw them as corporate assets then they'd just use their image without asking them first.

>> No.68904034

Wow she was attacked by her genmante

>> No.68904065

Yes, both parties are wrong. They could end this quietly and peacefully just like Cover did to Mel, but Niji decided to make the stupidest move.

>> No.68904191

If you worked for me and I sent you something to check before I post it and you took 2 days to reply and tell me you didnt do the thing you had months to do I'd beat you to death with a pool ball in a sock

>> No.68904370

Mel didn't throw a tantrum over her mistakes then try to off herself over it and blame everything on Cover and other Holos

>> No.68904425
File: 712 KB, 1590x1520, nijicrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way the messages are cut up is weird.
They cut all the messages up, but all of them show a bit of the previous message. The last message being a twitter post makes sense.
Why doesn't the 2nd message show the emoji things for the video of the 1st message?

>> No.68904583

Mel wasn't being crazy gang raped by Filipinos and Chinks

>> No.68904649

This >>68904191

>> No.68904763

>Mel didn't throw a tantrum over her mistakes
Are you going to pretend Selen was the one who leaked the harassment by livers accusation? Are you going to pretend this wouldn't already be fucking done if Niji would have, from the beginning, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

>> No.68904772

You know nobody actually said they needed permissions from their ex-employees, do you? The manager actually needed approval to un-memory hole graduates from upper management.

>> No.68904950

>Muh company policy
Confirmed JP poster running damage control. You do not understand the western mind.

>> No.68905241

this is how harassment works btw
it's not people calling you a fat retard, it's ghosting you, taking days to respond, not doing the thing they said they'd do and acting like it's your fault, all extremely common tactics

>> No.68905347


>> No.68905765

I had to go trough and saw people go trough what selen did. Where genuinly good workers who did their best were being fucked over by the manager. The manager constantly shifting objectives, changing up times, not organizing what they promised, then the worker got fired for not meeting goals that were made impossible because of the manager. Shit was a real life mindbreak to me. Same shit was attempted on me, but I got into a screaming match in front of everyone once the manager tried to pull that shit on me.
There is probably a good reason why we don't see any other messages. There is probably a reason why they chopped up the messages this hard, and posted them out of context.

>> No.68905767

Hostile work environment's hard to prove but if she didn't have anything Niji would've shut the fuck up by now.

>> No.68905839

I think its clear that Selen did do something wrong by ignoring her manager and posting the cover, but there's a lot of context that we don't know. We really don't know the extent of the bullying she was suffering in the company, we don't know what she said in her legal document and wether or not it's true. It's just a classic match of "he said, she said" right now. I'm interested if Selen has the recepits like she claims to, like other people mentioned it's 100% ok to record a call with someone in Canada and if she really did record and/or screenshot damning evidence of her being mistrated, regardless of the objecitve breach of contract Nijisanji's reputation will be completely, and this time irrepairably obliterated. Until then, we can only wait and see.

>> No.68905962

>asking for perms for their own IP like a corpo asset means they considered them more than corpo assets
Are you retarded?

>> No.68906042

I agree, but this was obviously the straw that broke the camel's back. She clearly wasn't thinking straight and felt like they were all treating her like shit, so she said fuck it.

>> No.68906213

>Disney has to get permission from Tom Hanks to use Woody's likeness

>> No.68906350

Going to be wild if it's proven Selen was nuts and Riku sues her for damage to company and wins. Hope Doki merch has a good profit margin.

>> No.68906395

This. I mean, the original issue with the MV was for one or another reason not going to be resolved within the company with differing opinions so Selen wanted out in an amicable manner and any reasonable fan would've understood if that had happened or even in the worse case scenario, she was given just a termination with no goodbye like Yugo. Anycolor refuses and escalates and terminates her with a 3 page document being even more vindictive and pI've seenetty than what they did with Zaion because "she made them look bad" and "threatened legal action". She releases a statement about that 3 page document to address specific points and to refute any of the brought up that were untrue and then wanted to move on with trying to restart her career as Doki and told everyone not to harass anyone left at the company. Anycolor releases their IR statement and then does their black screen video with a screenshot today to specifically escalate and shit on her wanting to do that with her first proper stream with Neopets. Now she has to escalate and release evidence vetted by actual competent lawyers to clear her name.
Like WTF, how can a company be this incompetent? The statement from Riku is the first non-escalatory action we've seen from Anycolor but holy hell, it's going to take a lot more to actually defuse the legal bomb thrown their way.

>> No.68906521

I bet Selen had seen this movie before and that's why she defied management and uploaded it. How many times do you think management (deliberately) dragged their feet on approving projects for talents they didn't particularly like? How many projects didn't see the light of day because they got canned maliciously? I'm willing to bet this was a "here they go again" moment for Selen, so she said fuck it and uploaded it anyway.

>> No.68906544

Bro imagine

>> No.68906637

Thing would be different if Niji didn't release the 3 pages termination first

>> No.68906953

Yes, this specific aspect of the whole situation is correct, so what?
It doesn’t justify all the other things that niji has done.

>> No.68907251

*allegedly done
I don't trust women ever

>> No.68907258

I don't understand the "ex-livers" check. Isn't their characters Niji's own IP? All of the sudden they care about people that don't even fucking work for them anymore?

>> No.68907372

No, you work twice as hard for half the pay, because you're a tool that's easily taken advantage of, and all workers would be treated better if bootlickers like you didn't prop up the broken system. Get a spine you fucking worm.

>> No.68907516

In the big corpa world, something like this isn't that unheard of. I work for a bigger company, who is owned by an even bigger company, and we run into shit like this all the time.

In our environment, we have gotten really good about the execution of tasks and just getting shit done. Our team is well integrated, we know each others strengths, weaknesses, and how best to communicate with each other and so we can just get shit done with light planning and regular comms. Our parent company, because most of the staff are ESL, depend heavily on SOP's to do even the most benign of tasks. They eventually get done, but the way we express our wants or needs, and the way they actually go about executing them almost never align the first 3 times we ask, and then eventually we find the right path by trial and error and things move along.

It wouldn't surprise me if they have all sorts of SOP's and red tape around screening that would result in it taking a week for them to make headway for something like that. But not everyone understands how shit and soul robbing interacting within corporations can be. Its not an excuse, but it kind of just is what it is. The solution is to escape the corporate machine and seek independence or a smaller employer.

>> No.68907529

How recent is this?


Is EN crumbling down as we speak?

>> No.68907531

We're past that, anon. They've screwed up so royally at this point that it doesn't matter who was in the wrong. Everyone involved in this is tainted.

>> No.68907838

Gotta love the botlike responses from the management that are also very obviously made by a non-native speaker.

>> No.68907846

Can someone explain to me how this is a “document” it’s just screenshots with the manger right? I don’t even get why you wouldn’t want someone to see this.

>> No.68908058

even if they do, wouldn't that make Niji look a lot more human in this case? That they care about their former conctractors that much?

>> No.68908163

Time zones are irrelevant if it takes over 24 hours. That means they just weren't doing their fucking job all day.

>> No.68908284

>drag my feet on your video until I only get permissions at the end of the video's production
>ignores you
>ignores your coworkers bullying you
>be incredibly anal over permissions for the company's own IP in a video yet take forever to get said pointless permission
>skinwalks your twitter account after you attempt suicide
>terminates you without informing you
>leak your medical records
>"heh, maybe it's a YOU problem"

>> No.68908391

I agreed with this sentiment up until Anycolor showed that it took them 37 hours to respond to Selen, which is what put her in the position to begin with. Pure negelegence and incompetence on their part. Selen still wasn't in the right, but neither is that kind of response window in a corporate environment.
And it can't be stated clear enough, this is all info Anycolor is volunteering, not Selen. All of this backlash is their own fault. It would have unironically been neglegiable had they said less.

>> No.68908433

Yes, but all of their actions AFTER that, prove how that clearly isn't the case, so it was just another bs excuse to not have to do their jobs.

>> No.68908584

>putting aside what actually matters

>> No.68908611

It's generally a bad idea to show sealed court documents to a person or three people (or 40,000 people) who don't have a professional need to know the information in those documents.
Especially when among the sealed documents is someone's private medical information. Elira and Vox and Ike DEFINITELY did not need to see even the slightest part of Doki's medical records, but Niji showed them anyway.

>> No.68908767

because image 2 is slightly more zoomed-in (notice the video is bigger), so the gap between the video and the emojis is larger. you can see that the emojis are, in fact, behind the timestamp bubble by looking at the brightness of the bubble’s outline. At the top, the light outline has patches where it gets brighter then dimmer again if you look very closely. plus, the gap on image 2 between the bottom of the video and the next message is best explained by the emojis. I’ve been against public opinion on this issue from the start and now I’m reaping dividends. what a good day to be a contrarian

>> No.68908819

What perms are we talking about? LilyPichu herself said she gave her a pass. What else they need?

>> No.68909011

>Hiding the name of the person replying to her
Imagine if the name was one of the livers.

>> No.68909040

You're gas station job must be so hard.

>> No.68909100
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>> No.68909253

>Riku sues her for damage to company and wins
based on what statement? Most of the accusations against Niji have come from Niji.

>> No.68909251

ngl every time I see her write or speak something I can’t help but pick up a “manipulative” vibe

>> No.68909349

Ah yes the corpo autism my favorite.

>> No.68909452

Taking a while doesn't excuse her uploading without permission. She knew she was breaking rules. If she got permission from the singer in 2022 she should've submitted it for review earlier than the night before her apparent deadline.

>> No.68909466

Sorry but nijisanji needed perms from nijisanji to use nijisanji livers in the nijisanji video, pureaze undastando

>> No.68909523

Selen error:
> Uploading a video that cost her 15k without proper authorization after asking for 2 years

Nijishit errors:
> Either sitting on or canning each and every project Selen had because fuck you they can
> Doing fuckall about corporative bullying and the clique that acts inside the branch
> Firing Selen without complying with both Canada and Japanese Labor Laws
> Leaking legal documents to unrelated third parties

By the way, OP is a faggot and should become an hero ASAP

>> No.68909557

She hasn't said anything that Niji hasn't said first. The most damaging thing you can say she did was the 'go ahead and upload the video yourselves'.
Anycolor would be laughed out of any court in the land.

>> No.68909574
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>> No.68909677

Wait what is this from?

>> No.68909681

>Taking a while doesn't excuse her uploading without permission
>doesn't excuse
How dare she defy the corporate gods, death to her!

>> No.68909705

>Uploading a video that cost her 15k without proper authorization after asking for 2 years
doesn’t the screenshot show her asking for perms the day of?

>> No.68909871

>doesn’t the screenshot show her asking for perms the day of?
... the 24th is not the 25th anon.

>> No.68909902

If they work this slow no way they are one of the top in world economy.

>> No.68909930

apparently from a discord Selen had to talk with her artists, was first posted here Dec 31, a lot of people thought it was fake because "please do not let this info slip into the public" is basically a meme for fake leaks. Turns out it was absolutely real

>> No.68909998

Well most bosses aren't lazy shits, they wouldn't survive JP work culture if they were. Niji's got a rot in it.

>> No.68910023

so an artist leaked it knowing it would potentially hurt selen?

>> No.68910082

That's also not asking for perms. You don't upload a finalized, edited video to check for permission. That's a final approval check before it goes live. She would have had perms for things like the song ages ago

>> No.68910167

That's how jobs work dumbass. Don't follow protocol, get sacked.

>> No.68910169

Maria releases covers practically every month. Only Selen has had this issue and it's entirely because she didn't let management know there were ex-livers in the video so management had to make sure if it was alright and before she got confirmation she uploaded the video. Then, even though she was told the video would be unprivatized she took the nuclear option to slander management again for her OWN fuck up and then tried to kill herself.

>> No.68910187

semantics, basically perms

>> No.68910223

This information should never be released to the public. The audiences are not the judge. They don't need to know all this.
Nijisanji should only mention Selen's termination is due to contract violation and close the case.

>> No.68910338

>selen uploaded that video without permission and thats wrong
Yep. Zelen was also definitely wrong when she said deez nuts and she also absolutely deserved a stern talking to for it. Undeniable truth. When niji burns to the ground fans can certainly look at the ashes and say 'she should have waited until the 27th to upload'.

>> No.68910379

kek, this is the guy at work who nobody wants to get a beer with

>> No.68910439

different conditions during the latter half of the last century
or well, pure luck

>> No.68910445

They hired a bunch of lazy ass indians, who don't respond to messages from the people they are managing. I fucking hate indians who do that shit. Every rrat has been right

>> No.68910496

are you ten

>> No.68910550

>That's how jobs work dumbass. Don't follow protocol, get sacked.
I'm sure your boss loves it when you ask them about every little fucking detail. I'm sure they aren't looking for an excuse to lay your ass off for making their lives objectively harder by not having the balls to be wrong once in a while.

>> No.68910595

if there wasn't preferencial treatment i could agree but there is and for that reason she was right, everybody knows that the clique is real.

>> No.68910620

Maybe on planet retard

>> No.68910669

these people either are ten or think grown-ass adult vtubers are small animals that need to be coddled by their audiences UwU I’m so sad Uwu
>my oshi could never be manipulating me!

>> No.68910685

Cope, dicksucker. Management should have known the content as soon as they received the storyboard and at the latest when she commissioned the artist. Did they not care what contracts she is agreeing using their IP?

>> No.68910814

>Literally tried to kill herself
Sorry but a thousand words doesn't excuse the fact that she tried to kill herself.

>> No.68910947

It looks to me like they didn't actually look at anything she sent. They probably just spent all day chatting witht he clique.

>> No.68911102

I could see Selen mistakenly thinking the first response was a go-ahead if she didn't read it closely (e.g. skimmed and just read the last part, or mistakenly thought that the first part as an apology for taking so long). I could also see Selen tweeting about it without actually reading the messages in discord asking her not to. Which would mean she's in the wrong, but not malicious. Just a genuine mistake.

On the other hand, I guess it's also possible that she was fed up with management and just decided to release the video because she thought there was no actual issue with anything in the video, even if the proper permissions hadn't been granted. But it's hard to sympathise with the company here even if this is the case (it seems like the logical conclusion here is that there was a long history of unnecessary bottlenecking by the company). It would mean she's technically in the wrong, but I don't think anyone would actually care much. It also hardly seems like a fireable offense (reprimand-worthy, sure) and they're not providing evidence of it being a pattern (the shock at it happening certainly seems to suggest it wasn't a pattern).

If this is the worst that can be said about Selen, then Nijisanji are kinda fucked.

>> No.68911143

This reminds me of the time Lamy woke her manager up around 2:00AM and asked said manager to go and watch her stream because she started to drink. It was in the middle of Golden Week and Lamy confirmed that the manager said she was going back home to visit her parents.
But then that was Yukihana "Yazuka Princess" Lamy. Poor manager didn't have a choice

>> No.68911232
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Even the nips think it was retarded.

>> No.68911483

>I'm sure your boss loves it when you ask them about every little fucking detail
>by not having the balls to be wrong once in a while.
Actually yes because those people are ironically afraid of people that's even higher on the totem pole.
Not him, just saying.

>> No.68911604

Who the fuck cares? She's BPD. She'd probably try to kill herself over spilling her coffee or whatever stupid menhera shit gets into her chink brain. You should follow her example though.

>> No.68911668

>I could see Selen mistakenly thinking the first response was a go-ahead if she didn't read it closely (e.g. skimmed and just read the last part, or mistakenly thought that the first part as an apology for taking so long). I could also see Selen tweeting about it without actually reading the messages in discord asking her not to. Which would mean she's in the wrong, but not malicious. Just a genuine mistake.
Possibly. One of the first things you learn in communication is unless you're giving permission you don't say any variation of 'looks good to me.' Manager should've said 'I need to check with the boss.' Full stop. Nothing else. That's a communication blunder waiting to happen.
IF that's really how shit is now I'm glad I'm out.

>> No.68911680

it literally does not matter if they like it if it's their job

>> No.68911778

... you're going to have struggles in your professional life.

>> No.68911851

I'm a manager, cope more cocksucker

>> No.68911885

shut the fuck up enna

>> No.68911923

Permissions aren't a matter of convenience dumbass.

>> No.68911947


you admitting to never working a real professional job in your life proves his point faggot.

>spend 3 years with employee, disagreement over thing that has never been enforced during entire employment period, fire employee

makes so much sense

>> No.68911958

>I'm a manager
>I waste the D-level's time with pointless bull shit and don't care if they like it.
Good luck.

>> No.68912024

Who to trust who to trust
Which side would be funnier

>> No.68912041

That's why you have written rules in an employees handbook. This shitshow happened because there weren't any handbook and rules were made on the fly as it seemed.

>> No.68912090

They had 37 hours to inform Selen that they were waiting on additional permissions. Instead they said nothing, stealth suspended her for over a month, then fired her after she tried to quit.

>> No.68912113

>That's why you have written rules in an employees handbook. This shitshow happened because there weren't any handbook and rules were made on the fly as it seemed.
HOLD THE FUCK UP! They didn't have an employee's handbook?!

>> No.68912118

Where did I say otherwise? Or did you just glance over "Selen was in the wrong"?
They had grounds to terminate her. She fucked up.
But terminating her and then openly discussing all elements of the case, repeatedly, is where THEY fucked up and is why they're getting so much backlash. The info, rather than squashing rumors, lined up with every rumor about the situation being true instead. Its their own fault.

>> No.68912186

it’s not just a disagreement over rules you absolute child it’s the tweet manipulating people against the company after ignoring her manager. she’s shown herself to be a manipulator

>> No.68912220

You're a genuine retard if you think communication about your mutual company's product is worthless. Their job was to make sure the employees are working. Ignoring an employee for at minimum 37 hours is insane and is why you have no idea how successful management works.

>> No.68912278

Clean it up manager

>> No.68912327

>that has never been enforced
Permissions have always been enforced and HAVE to be followed, everybody knows this but only Selen seems to have had an issue with it.

>> No.68912347

The grounds for "termination" are fucking retarded though.
Who cares if ex-livers were shown? they own the fucking ip.

>> No.68912386

she’s the one that made it a massively public and emotionally/reputationally charged affair

>> No.68912466

Is 1% salary increasing that significant so you have to literally rip your ass in half, desperately trying to impose your narrative and hoping that it will work?

>> No.68912495

I'm sure that will work in Canadian court.

>> No.68912499

>Ignoring an employee for at minimum 37 hours is insane and is why you have no idea how successful management works.
... No, I agree with that, what're we arguing about then?

>> No.68912516

How did the tweet make them look bad, though? The fact it was made private was obvious, I don't think anyone came away from it thinking worse of Nijisanji because of it.

>> No.68912558

>Ignoring an employee for at minimum 37 hours
on a time-sensitive holiday schedule
the song probably should have been done earlier, but it was literally Nijisanji IP holding it up allegedly per the OP image... which should be a quick internal discussion not a multi day process
It's also just the cover video itself getting checked, not the cover song rights, so presumably this is the last step of the process (e.g. long after song rights and concept, though it looks like Nijisanji's workflow is so inept they might just shoot down projects after they're finished)

>> No.68912566

Do you know for a fact they exclusively own the character rights? Plenty of livers i.e. Momo designed their own character.

>> No.68912654

I'm OOTL can anyone post the Riku statement?

>> No.68912660

If that's the case Kiara has probably one of the strongest cases for harassment ever. Girl literally mentioned how one time her manager took an entire year to reply about a question involving perms.
Gotta love Japanese autism

>> No.68912703

he bowed for eight straight minutes, turned 360 degrees, and walked off stage

>> No.68912758


>> No.68912866

>Girl literally mentioned how one time her manager took an entire year to reply about a question involving perms.
Harassment comes from a consistent pattern of ignoring. If it's just the one thing, then no, could've just been any number of human errors. If it's a pattern, yeah she's being harassed.

>> No.68912892

Makes me think they purposely were trying to have her wait as a Jap power move to get her to remove the EX-Nijjers. The Japs are good at destroyer their workers moral with silence.

>> No.68912940

JP corporate apologies are incredible to behold.

>> No.68912948

I will PAY MONEY to be manipulated by a cute girl. Management is not a cute girl. Unless they are, in which case they are very bad at their job because all they had to do to make me agree with them this whole time was pull out an ASMR mic.

Know your fucking audience. Hope you can eat righteousness.

>> No.68912991

are you kidding? the tweet was obviously manipulative against nijisanji
>management privated the song
true but why don’t you give a little more background, like “due to permissions issues…”
>please feel free to reupload
hold on hold on in what world do you think that’s acceptable. this statement not only flagrantly goes against nijisanji but also tells the world “the song being down is an unjust act by managrment”
>since a lot if money and effort was done by so many dragoons
how magnanimous
>I’m really sad this happened on christmas
oh no my vtubers sad :(
>but I hope somehow you guys will be able to listen to it in some way
making it out like its permanently gone, the manipulation is unreal
NEVER trust this ho

>> No.68913005

The only portion that she made public was the fact that management needed to private it and check out perms.
Bullying allegations and suicide attempt were rumors and rrats before they decided to address it. And by bringing it up themselves denying it, it cratered their public image.

>> No.68913018

kys Enna

>> No.68913036

Nijisanji implied they weren't originally going to fire her in their original statement. They said they asked her to abide by their rules in the future, then she refused and threatened to publicly release harassment allegations if they didn't let her have a "neutral ending" despite her refusal so they terminated her. All of this would have been avoided if she hadn't made those threats. Selen is proof of how effective suicidebaiting is on the simple minded.

>> No.68913066
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Yeah but you'd like sucking 2 dicks at once

>> No.68913086 [DELETED] 


>> No.68913120

What time, in the time zone in the screenshot, was the original video upload btw?

>> No.68913130

>I'm sure your boss loves it when you ask them questions
>It doesn't matter if they like it that's their job.
I'm thinking you aren't even that first guy, misunderstood what I was arguing for to begin with, and jumped in blindly mad without actually understanding the conversation.
Ironically this is another example as to why actually communicating in work is important.

>> No.68913166

obvious manipulation

>> No.68913188
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>> No.68913196


>> No.68913268

I mean she's literally said that's how everything is. Sometimes it's days. Sometimes weeks, sometimes months, sometimes it's upwards of a year

>> No.68913297

But, the suicide rizz is too fat to ignore

>> No.68913353

That's a long bow. Shit's about to go down (or already did) at Anycolor HQ.

>> No.68913359

>Ironically this is another example as to why actually communicating in work is important.
Fair enough. Happy to be an object lesson sometimes.

>> No.68913376

Total Nijinigger Death

>> No.68913383

No, I mean.
According to the time zone used for the discord screenshots, at what exact time did Last Cup of Coffee originally get uploaded?

>> No.68913467

You are dumb or something, They wanted to check if it was ok for Nijisanji to show traitors to the company in the video. That's how they were seeing the situation. If they say that they were asking the ex-livers, dont even bother to believe a word, Nijisanji has the visual appearance of all their chuubas as their own. When you quit is no longer for you to use, and the fact that fans will revolt is the only thing preventing companies making skinwalked vtubers.

>> No.68913477

yeah I’m sure there’s absolutely nothing more to that story. she asked permission for something and her manager left her on read for a year, dropping all communication. you know it’s true because it’s coming from a known manipulator who made a flagrantly misleading and harmful tweet about her MV being privated

>> No.68913493

People always bring up this cope at jobs. This isint an own, your coworkers do half the work for the same pay. Only one person is stupid in that situation

>> No.68913523

This is still their own fault, as they previously OK'd it and their own delaying by never sending the producer a second email about perms or tried to otherwise contact the producer was what got it this delayed that people graduated in the meantime

Instead of realizing that their own delays created this situation, they try to paint this as "See, it's all her fault!" when it very clearly is nothing but a failure of their own management - and they ironically even prove this point again.

>> No.68913611

Read the post I was replying to, we were talking about Kiara.

>> No.68913635

Selen herself said it was about asking the graduated livers for permission >>68878954

>> No.68913668

if they previously OK’d it then she wouldnt have to send it for review

>> No.68913763

mb pope

>> No.68913829

I'm not sure how you think this makes sense. If she wanted out, then no duh she'd refuse to abide by the rules (which would mean she'd not be out)?

And it's somehow bad that she threatened to go public if they didn't allow her to graduate without dragging her name through the mud?

>> No.68913870

you are a literal bootlicker

>> No.68913976

found the child

>> No.68914093

What real reason would Niji decide to ban the MV? You can't spin this any way that makes them look good.

>> No.68914148

Just pull yourself up by your bootstraps anon! I'm sure your boss' 5-10-20x your salary will trickle down to you eventually and when he retires his job won't just go to his son/cousion/dog. <Company> appreciates you. We're like family!

>> No.68914194

>ignore everything until my employe- uh i mean until my personal opinion is right

>> No.68914220

you don’t even have your basic facts right goober

>> No.68914416

I mean, you can argue it's manipulative and/or wrong, but that still doesn't show how it made Nijisanji look bad.

I don't actually believe there's anyone who didn't understand that it was almost certainly made private because of permissions (what other reason would there be?), and I don't see how Selen wanting people to share it anyway makes Nijisanji look worse.

>> No.68914451

Found the midwit

>> No.68914486

She got permission from seeming everyone genuinely important and Niji dragging their heels over "oh but we need to confirm we can use our own ip years into production" is fucking retarded

>> No.68914528

They didn't ban it. They told her to wait until they could check with the graduated livers in the video if they want to be included in it, she ignored that and uploaded the music video anyway, they privated it, then she decided to act like a baby and kill herself over it.

>> No.68914667

>we have to ask if people who participated in a video want to be included in a video
If this was genuinely the thought process she was right to anhero, no one shoukd have to deal with that level of retardation from their managers

>> No.68914684

Let's put things in perspective here. Selen did the stream equivalent of jaywalking. Fine, she is technically in the wrong, but meh. Meanwhile, the manager was the equivalent of the traffic light repair guy sleeping on the job in full view of everyone, on the street the jaywalking occurred.

>> No.68914712

nah, even ignoring that niji still looks bad imo. they should have kept the termination notice short and sweet. instead they looked absolutely vindictive. there was very little need to air out everything except to smear selen's reputation.

>> No.68914717

Which makes no sense as the exlivers dont have the IP. The visual image of the vtubers themselves are fully nijisanji's. You can argue it was done to be polite, but with something in the works for months, they drag their feet to answer and haven't checked anything before that time apparently...? Come on, they dropped the ball very hard.

>> No.68914792

>put aside the bullying
OP is the bully then.
hello fucker, take a pair of pliers and pinch your clitoris with it. you deserve it. telling you to kill yourself just isn't cutting it anymore. you have to suffer.

>> No.68914842

>they could check with the graduated livers in the video if they want to be included in it,
they dont work there anymore, who the fuck cares what they think? its their ip, their characters

>> No.68914850

Niji defense force out in full force today. Kill yourselves, and do a better job at it than doki

>> No.68914925

He did a good job with this but I can't say it significantly improves my opinion about the situation. As the CEO he should have anticipated possible issues such as this and worked harder to ensure the fans knew how much effort he was making to ensure Livers' mental health. It's a bad situation for him because nothing he says really matters, but he is responsible for this through his negligence, which makes this statement stink too. I don't think he'll have trouble managing the company in the future, but I also don't think he will add enough resources to protect the rest of EN. Actions and performance over words after all.

>> No.68914934

she’s not going to fuck you mr big brain corpocontrarian

>> No.68915003

she was so fucking done with nijisanji at that moment and decided to go with a bang

>> No.68915009

It makes perfect sense that this was her understanding of the situation while the company actually thought something else and couldn't explain properly through their shitty ESL managers.

>> No.68915159

sorry selen I gotta check if we have the perms for ex-niji talents please wait 10 business days before I reply

>> No.68915261

Again, the graduated livers being included in the video should not be any issue. Anyone with more than a single braincell can guess that those livers were talking with Selen about it beforehand. It's not likely that any ex-liver appearing in the video would reject it. Selen's manager had a long time to contact the ex-livers during the video's production which we now know they did not do.

>> No.68915322

Yep, she fucked up. This makes everything they did to her after completely reasonable, right?
There were so many options available here. A single management tweet - "sorry, we had to do a last minute perms check" would have sidestepped everything. They could even do their stealth suspension afterwards. Hell, we know they have control over the talents' tweets - they could have just skinwalked and posted a "correction". They could have gone with a quiet termination.
No, they just kept on choosing the nuclear option every time.
Vox saying they were obviously going to repost it was so fucking tone deaf. The whole fucking EN message was, I'm still shocked.

>> No.68915415

Rules are rules, jaywalkers get the mating press.

>> No.68915467

>This makes everything they did to her after completely reasonable, right?
What did they do? Private her video while they check perms then fire back when she started bitching about it?
Yes, that is completely reasonable.

>> No.68915524

Plenty of people here would care if they used Nina in a video and Matara even vaguely implied that she didn't like the idea of her former company profiting off her old character, in the way she likes to take shots at Nijisanji and her former coworkers. You'd never hear the end of how they're a black company for continuing to make money off people who graduated, against their wishes.

>> No.68915544

>Trying to pretend otherwise because you like Selen and do not like Niji is intellectually dishonest.
nah it's just picking a side. Guess which side i pick? That's right SNEEDS side GET FUCKED

>> No.68915587
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>NijiEN melts down because of coffee
How did he do it?

>> No.68915692

>he thinks he does anything for anyone in the world and isn't just a retarded wagcuck living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.68915702

>What did they do?
This post will age well after the court date kek

>> No.68915788

But enough about Niji management.

>> No.68915890

I guess it has little to do with politeness or legal reasons and more with internal rules requiring management authorization to use their own ex liver models because probably the company doesn't want to remind the fact people left their company much. I mean, would have probably been the same if Marine decided to include Rushia in a MV.
In Hololive they talk about Rushia no problem, in fact, but they implied they were given authorization to do so.
It takes so much probably because there's poor communication between the EN branch and the main branch. Vesper Noir had a meltdown and got suspended for a dimilar issue when he wasn't given permission to play a game in time for a stream, and as a result he got suspended.
Again, nothing wrong with them asking Selen to wait for authorization and then punishing her for not complying. It's all the rest that is problematic, and I don't see how that justifies everything else they've done, quite frankly.
I mean you can call her a bad employee and everything, but I would remind you she's, like, the 6TH IN A ROW that flees. If it were an isolated case, I would be more prone to believe the company, but if you look at the whole picture and everything that happened, it's crystal clear the company is in the wrong.
Vox Akuma's defense of the company can be summarized as "eh, I thought about graduating too because yeah, she's right, it's shit, but she's wrong". Excuse me? Uh.

>> No.68916069

it's like jaywalking in a town with no paved roads, no crosswalks, no traffic lights or even signs of any kind, just dirt trails that are starting to grow over with weeds from disuse. and the local government's reaction is for the sheriff to get a posse together to take you dead or alive.

>> No.68916092

Not really, it comes off more as an excuse more than anything

>> No.68916378
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The only one I feel bad about right now is parrot, mf can't catch a break

>> No.68916522

Nah they're giving him so much material
His next video gonna be a 5 stars full course meal, so let him cook

>> No.68916664

I have a job interview tomorrow why the fuck am /here/

>> No.68916985

>Which again proves that they're completely incompetent and terrible employees.
It only proves that when people want to hate something nobody can stop them
I'm sure nijisanji is a pathetic company, but there's no reason to destroy the entire branch and ruin the lives of other talents who don't have anything to do with your drama

>> No.68917395

>Put aside the bullying and everything else for just a moment.
No, why the fuck would I ignore 99% of the context to support your shitty argument?

>> No.68917552

The entire discussion never brought up which people appear in the video, that part was signed off on a year ago and only when the video released did management realize their mistake

>> No.68917743

lots of whataboutism simps

>> No.68917849

then selen should bring receipts

>> No.68918297

they got perms in 2022, making up new perms they haven't got yet every time it's ready to post is bullying

>> No.68918622

Eh from the looks of it they got perms for the song. The audio was approved but not the video

>> No.68919055

Deviations drive change. Management should have investigated why the scenario occurred and then blown their brains out for being the problem.

>> No.68919196

They did investigate and realised selen was a crazy bitch so they fired her.

>> No.68919614

approved by who? whose perms do you think they actually needed by this point, was it checking with different levels of management? the original artists of graduated vtubers? the VAs for the graduated vtubers? without knowing how reasonable the process was we don't know the extent to which management was basically just stonewalling selen with made up bullshit. We don't have any of the relevant information, this is such an opaque situation and it's fucking stupid for vox to have presented such an incomplete picture of the situation as if it was some gotcha.

>> No.68919944

its obvious that selen was a liar or an absolutely naive and spoiled child from the beginning. she can do whatever she wants now but its still surprising that the niji en fanbase is this braindead and was actually a bunch of low iq troons.

>> No.68919961

The artists had all been involved for a long time too. They would have had storyboards and those storyboards would have had to have been approved to be sent out.

>> No.68920106

Yes and everyone trying to say "BUT THE CORP IS BAD TOO" is dumb.

>> No.68920478

The MV was approved, the storyboard was finalized, everything was done. Management performed the inspection of the end-product (ie audio + video), two days before release, and that's when the issues came up. They told her to wait before releasing, and confirmed the audio is a-ok, and that they'd double-check about company policy regarding ex-livers.
They created a brand-new rule about the appearance of graduated livers' appearances in music videos, AFTER THE FACT, by the way. Many members have incorporated ex-livers in their covers, orisongs, and MVs. Selen had the video privated and unlisted, ready to launch it, when management let her know about the (new)rule, giving her half-cooked excuses about IP rights. Selen initially thought it was about getting rights from Lilypichu, which she had done already, and made sure to get again, even publicly. It turned out it was about the terminated/graduated livers that appeared for 4 frames. That's when selen decided to release it anyway, since she'd already spent over 15k and had promised her fans a christmas song, which she had hyped up for a while.

As a typical emotionally incontinent female menhera, though, she double-downed and asked her fans to save and reupload the video. That was immature, but in context it makes sense. She had already talked to management about graduating, and wanted to be out by mid January. She was already mentally out of the company.

>> No.68920560

Sorry this is an entertainment product. The timings of release matter a lot especially with how fucked Youtube's algo is. If I was told "lol we were supposed to launch yesterday but Rakesh hasn't responded yet" where I work heads would roll.

>> No.68920768

>had promised her fans a christmas song
This happened only 2.5 hours after sending it to be checked.

>> No.68920965

>this was not one of them
Tell me where in the history of good decision-making that from one small mistake like uploading a fucking harmless cover song without confirmation from management leads to this whole fucking shit show?

There was a critical moment where Nijisanji could've made the right decision: right after Selen put out the "cover is privated by management" tweet. I concede that Selen didn't word it out carefully and came across as emotional and bypassing management, but the ball was on management's side. Before the fires were flamed further, they should've checked the cover as their priority and re-uploaded it as soon as possible.

>> No.68920986

>Management performed the inspection of the end-product (ie audio + video), two days before release
Management was sent the complete video two days before release. They can't inspect it before it's sent.
>They created a brand-new rule about the appearance of graduated livers' appearances in music videos, AFTER THE FACT, by the way.
They did this as a result of Selen's little stunt.

>> No.68921057

which stunt

>> No.68921077

>They did this as a result of Selen's little stunt.
If they told her no, and then created a rule after as to why, Niji is 10000000000000% in the wrong.

>> No.68921172

>adding a rule to prevent a sticky situation from occurring again means you're in the wrong

>> No.68921263

>then created a rule after as to why, Niji is 10000000000000% in the wrong.
that means Minoru Tanaka is right. Death God is wrong!!

>> No.68921275 [DELETED] 

Insider here:

Two terminations and another graduation coming up. Keep an eye on the rose.

Source? I wouldn't steer you wrong.


>> No.68921439

Nobody here has ever had a job

>> No.68921536

At this point I can't tell if this is just elaborate ragebait or if people are actually retarded enough to think that delaying a christmas cover because nijisanji needed to ask nijisanji if they could use nijisanji characters is ok

>> No.68921583

Having sympathy doesn't mean you absolve them from fucking up to such a huge degree.
They deserve the consequences.

t. Managed and counseled multiple different teams

>> No.68921693

Thanks Lich King, keep me posted.

>> No.68921771

lazy nigger manager

>> No.68921777

>cherry picked messages from 12/24/2023
ok now show the full conversation from August 2022, the moment she started working in the cover

>> No.68921883

The fact that Niji showed such a tiny slice makes it obvious they don't have anything else that would improve the public opinion of their recent actions.

>> No.68921964

How do we know you are the real Lea Ker

>> No.68922045

The messages feel too casual... no professionalism and leaves room for many misunderstandings.

Also, we don't know what they discussed prior to these messages so I can't judge them on their own

>> No.68922165
File: 56 KB, 464x465, fLrNDSl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Management had been proven inconsistent and unreliable beforehand. I can't blame Selen for being done waiting for them to triple check a request through the multiple middle managers who clearly do not give a shit and uploading it on her own time. Her knee jerk reaction just being to tell us to reupload it is clearly her being frustrated with how useless her management were. If Selen had done what management asked the video wouldn't have been released for months since it'd be caught up in all the other paperwork, including the half dozen graduation requests being lined up

>> No.68922238

LordKnight? The fuck you're doing here man? Go work on those Baiken fast rcs you keep missing.

>> No.68922280

So what trumpet level are we on now? 6 or even 7?

>> No.68922458

6 has been blaring since the termination notice. I don't think we're at 7 yet, but I expect it to sound off sometime in the next year with them either folding the EN branch or most EN talents leaving.

>> No.68922726

the bitch just didnt even check the massages from the management. even children can do it, but what this spoiled bitch did first was tweet her sentiments on twitter like a karen or spoiled snowflake teenager. its nowhere near professional or "mature"

>> No.68922775

It looks like they needed approval from management for the inclusion of past members. It literally says that in the screenshot. They had to run it by upper management cuz it included graduated members.
Like I'm all in support of Doki but this one instance does look like she was in the wrong. She ran a cover by on Christmas eve, uploaded it without permission despite being told not to until she got the final approval. Manager didn't seem to tell her "no, you can't include them" manager said "hold up I gotta check this out real quick"

And before someone replies
>But Japan doesn't see Christmas as a holiday
They celebrate it by getting sloshed on sake and eating KFC. Chances are upper management wasnt even in office. I don't know what happened past this point but this point in time was 100% Selens fault.

>> No.68922892

It's still a work day.
No one is off because of Christmas.
They celebrate Christmas at night as private dates similar to our V-day

t. Live in Japan

>> No.68922945

This is also true. Both Selen and management failed. Selen probably could have cut the last scene out and it would've been approved but because she had graduated members it needed extra approval which takes time.
That said. All covers take time. Bae got her Mindcraft cover delayed like 2 different times and even talked about being on the verge of tears cuz of it.

Japanese autism is something else
