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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68861190 No.68861190 [Reply] [Original]

Mr. Man's twitter post: https://twitter.com/BySovereign/status/1756951410716062155

>> No.68861339

no way we finally figured out who dokibird is

>> No.68861367

Uhhh Dokikeks? Explain

>> No.68861448

What are you implying? They're clearly different people. Look at the avatars. Doki would never collab with a whore like Selen.

>> No.68861530

Wait... Selen is Dokibird????

>> No.68861592

It just confirm that her MV got the boot because other nijis didn't wanted to be in it

>> No.68861618

Wdym nobody believed it, pretty much every leak out of Nijisanji has been real

>> No.68861648

my brother in christ which rrats? The ones we already knew?

>> No.68861696

So what does this have to do with Dokibird?

>> No.68861697

>Old leaked screenshot, nobody believed it
>nobody believed it
In what universe?

>> No.68861732

>Dokibird was Selen all along

>> No.68861750

>the leak was real
luca i kneel

>> No.68861766

>didn't wanted
Swear to god her shitty ESL grammar is contagious

>> No.68861864

Ah, so it was her fault, doesn’t change the fact that niji massacred thier own pr

>> No.68862037
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>didn't wanted

>> No.68862086

please andastando, nobody believed = sisters didn't believe it because they wanted to blame doki for everything despite everyone with functioning grey matter in their skull knowing that everything she said is truth.

>> No.68862099

Maybe she should've asked all the other livers if they were comfortable being in the video before including them? All this does is paint her as an incompetent.

>> No.68862221

we knew this was true already, it's Kyo and Mysta by the way who didn't want in

>> No.68862495

How would Mysta be able to keep anyone at Niji from using the character?

>> No.68862568
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>> No.68862614

Imagine being the liver who said i dont want to be in this video take it down, the fucker almost destroyed niji en fucking manchild.

>> No.68862619

My personal rrat is that Selen leaked that screenshot herself. It may even be fake, as in it wasn't what it purported to be. It was first posted in the middle of a bump-limit drama thread and claimed to be from an "artists discord" for people who worked on the MV, but none of her artists have stepped forward to corroborate this or ever acted like it's real.

Here's an important part: it was also pair with another screenshot, which people dismissed as even more fake, (actually posted first) showing Selen claiming she was likely going to graduate because she was facing harassment from other livers, who thought "she added nothing to the company". This is the first instance we had of allegations of harassment against Selen, even /vt/ wasn't rrating about it beyond shitting on Millie's posts, and the next time we heard this narrative resurface was the termination announcement.

Selen was also likely behind the #WhereIsSelen hashtag through proxies, there may even have been other leaks/social media manipulation I haven't noticed yet.

>> No.68862824

Based if true. That's guerilla warfare shit.

>> No.68862827

wasn't this a discord message to everyone who worked on the MV project? it wasn't an internal discord

>> No.68862973

The fuck is this plebbit shit?

>> No.68863030

Can you post the other screenshot?

>> No.68863045

management didn't want GRADUATED nijiENs to be in it, duh. Graduated livers can't consent. Is this not obvious?

>> No.68863108

Looking for it right now, on a different computer.

>> No.68863185

>Selen was also likely behind the #WhereIsSelen hashtag through proxies
Yeah but thats based. Imagine employing someone who can drum up a trending hashtag with minimal effort at the drop of a hat. It would be the dream for any social media company. She could probably return to 130k viewers after a campaign like that. If i were her manager i'd kill someone to keep her employed for me.

>> No.68863242

SHE DREW A COW????????

>> No.68863349

>unironically proving the comic's point

>> No.68863568

I was on the fence. It made sense but it's also in a really easy format to fake.

>> No.68863621

fucking kek sisters are literally npcs at this point

>> No.68864147
File: 144 KB, 1080x628, Screenshot_20240105_081720_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny thing if you look at millie retard post on selen, makes you think that she wasnt the bully, there no way that you will be that stupid to post that if you ask to get the song down minutes ago . ENNA OR ELLIRA IM CALLING IT

>> No.68864369

A childrens cartoon designed to sneak important life advice to children by having a character who is right about everything for all of the wrong reasons and goes about trying to solve all of his problems in the worst way, who has noble goals but flawed methods and who fails and suffers, in an effort to provide a negative example to counteract the plethora of banal childrens heroes who always succeed in their every effort and falsely teach children that the world is good and just.

>> No.68864647

it's calvin and hobbes you fucking zoomer reprobate

>> No.68865059

I never believed it was Millie, it would take a special kind of sociopathy to get her video taken down and then taunt her in public.
Millie always just seemed like a genuine bootlicker to me who unironically thinks niji is a good company because she personally doesn't have problems with management and is comparing it to SEA working conditions.

>> No.68865622
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take your meds

>> No.68866513

>Selen was also likely behind the #WhereIsSelen hashtag
Very likely

>> No.68866947

This is SEA bullying 101, turning an embarrassing private matter into a public one for everyone to laugh at. Millie is at the very least one of the bullies in my eyes.

>> No.68867055

I would be given the same scenario.

>> No.68869651

ohhhh shit

>> No.68870103
File: 83 KB, 1249x251, 1703964014854430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this took way too long to find but here's the other screenshot. I think Selen sent this to herself/a friend and leaked it. It's the first instance we hear of about harassment from inside the company, it wasn't even a popular narrative on /vt/, we just get this leak and then allegations coming out in the termination announcement.

>> No.68870143

>didn't wanted

>> No.68870579

this feels a bit... disingenuous on her part

$50 bucks, right here right now: Selen is crazy and this is going to be shown in court.
Not even a nijinigger if she destroys nijisanji I will celebrate too but I think she is biting more than she can she can chew by suing

>> No.68871595

>asked nina to be in an MV
>nina says yes
>commission an artist
>art takes time
>time passes
>nina suddenly graduates
>art may or may not be done
doesn't really matter, there's other things in an MV
>MV is done, all perms get
>MV posted
>MV deleted because a retard manager took 37 hours to reply
>graduated livers can't consent
motherfucker they already did. kurosanji owns the fucking IP of nina kosaka, what more do you retards want?

>> No.68874442

This is just how women shittalk each other

>> No.68874985

And this is why everyone hates women.

>> No.68875151

cows don't look like that THOUGH

>> No.68875349

>Graduated livers can't consent
They actually can, they've done it before
>*In accordance with Nina Kosaka's desire, the "Perk Random Sticker" will feature her version even after her graduation.
How long it took them to reply is irrelevant; they told her to wait for approval before posting and she blatantly ignored them.

>> No.68875678

I sure do.

>> No.68876035

It definitely looked like something /vt/ could easily come up with.

>> No.68876442

Anon MANAGEMENT OWNS THE RIGHTS TO THE IP. It wasnt fellow Livers it was literally an ego manager that didn't approve of it.

>> No.68876711

I can understand that. If every time Selen wants to do a project she just creates conflict between NijiEN and NijiJP, why would they want her? Just let her leave, take her fanbase elsewhere. NijiEN will survive without her instead of needing to be punished by NijiJP by losing perms or having projects cancelled or changed because of Selen constantly trying to fight HQ.

>> No.68877897

Calvin and Hobbes really is a masterclass in what makes a comic work; comedic, lovable, iconic it hits all the boxes and it stands the test of time.
Nowadays kids are more South Park-y with early exposure to thirst traps and having no filter on their honest thoughts.

>> No.68878907

What does the cow mean?

>> No.68879502
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>> No.68880421
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, royal rat authority.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats always win

>> No.68882458

