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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 123 KB, 1066x1147, Screenshot_20240212-010808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68812072 No.68812072 [Reply] [Original]

She's opened a fundraiser for cats.



>> No.68812122


>> No.68812147

But I don’t like cats

>> No.68812173

uhm we don't like cali here, anon

>> No.68812205

is funding this early the only way to prevent the mario party collab from going down?

>> No.68812270


>> No.68812440
File: 2.66 MB, 600x338, g9m3xhj12b281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a world filled with various needs and challenges, it's essential to prioritize helping people over animals. While caring for animals is undoubtedly important, directing our resources and efforts toward assisting fellow human beings should take precedence. Human beings possess the capacity for complex emotions, aspirations, and struggles that warrant our attention and support. By prioritizing human welfare, we can address issues such as poverty, hunger, healthcare access, education, and social justice, ultimately fostering stronger communities and a more equitable society. While caring for animals should not be disregarded, recognizing the intrinsic value of human life and extending a helping hand to those in need can create a more compassionate and inclusive world for all -wikip

>> No.68812531

Da rules
>It has to be Mario Party
>Mori must play
>If Mori plays the 4th place graduates but only if she wins
>If Mori does not win, nothing happens
>Watamage can deflect spell
>Those who are already dead or undead are immune

FuwaMoco has autoimmunity since you cannot be 4th together and FuwaMoco only dies together

>> No.68812581

>you cannot be 4th together
Tell that to the two homos.

>> No.68812593 [DELETED] 

I hope she raises a lot of money but then her own cats die

>> No.68812651

The two homos were 2 separate people with separate channels.

>> No.68812665

They each got 4th in two different streams.

>> No.68812691

I'll donate to a charity neutering them in Australia instead, there's too many cats in the world already.

>> No.68812770

I remember when Ame did this way back. Is this the first time a new charity stream was done or did I miss one in Hololive?

>> No.68812776

I'd do it if I could get a free cat I don't trust these people to take care of them

>> No.68812798

>FWMC share one channel
I'm sorry, Mococo, but Fuwawa must live on.

>> No.68812843

I just cast a redirect spell so that two of your most cherished things die or break

>> No.68812878

>it's an animal charity
I love cats but holy fuck there are so many things you could be doing to save human lives and reduce human suffering

>> No.68812991

they already reduce human suffering by being vtubers

>> No.68813003

like which one

>> No.68813081
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>> No.68813135


>> No.68813144


>> No.68813151

She wasn't able to do one for elderly people or kids because her character is literally "Death" and would seem in bad taste. Animal charity was a compromise.

>> No.68813341

>Human suffering

Anon if their suffering so much the only help I could give is donate a bunch of rope I didn't have the guts to use

>> No.68813376

Reminder that all charities are mostly scams where 90% of the donated money doesn't go to the cause. That's not on Mori, but you'd be better off directly donating to a shelter.

>> No.68813556

Reminder that you're a poopyhead.

>> No.68813630

Animal charities are easy and non-controversial. Pretty much anything involving humans will make some group mad at some point

>> No.68813657

If Mori wanted to reduce human suffering, all she'd have to do is leave hololive

>> No.68813667

We clearly have enough humans if countries can afford to let them just run away to America.

>> No.68813752
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>> No.68813783
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>More desperate Fuwamoco leeching
Yikes, is that all her content amounts to these days?

>> No.68813823


>> No.68813863


>> No.68813879

only way to help others is through direct action, money will only go to salaries for NGOs. probably the same for animals but idk enough

>> No.68813926

I probably trust a cat charity more than a human support charity since many people seem to have an easier time giving a shit about cute animals than their fellow man.

>> No.68814063

Nah, considering how terrible so many people are it's better to help animals instead(a lot of so-called "people" aren't real people and are lower than animals anyway).
>but anon I'm just shitposting I don't really mean it
Yes and?

>> No.68814137

She already is...
I can hear her eggs drying up...

>> No.68814175

No thanks i dont want to give more money for niggers in africa

>> No.68814277

you have a point but some good is always better than no good, it's a lot easier to complain than to actually do something oneself

>> No.68814406

The only thing desperately getting leeched here my cock from your mother sucking it all day lol

>> No.68814534

Watch this guy reply to himself about 20 times.

>> No.68815044

Yeah let’s have the Grim Reaper do a stream for cancer that’ll go well

>> No.68815089

>seething over a your mom joke

>> No.68815115

Is she going to save calico cats too?

>> No.68815209

Mori said the charity's main activities were trapping, fixing, and then homing the cats

>> No.68815318


>> No.68815320

The belief that humans need welfare to survive will manifest that reality.
Welfare creates parasites who depend on it.

It's the preferred way of governments to buy votes by stealing the money from the most productive elements of society to maintain their voters in a dependence state, because that makes them easier to control.

>> No.68815395

Yeah that's why Ame did an animal charity too. I'd bet Cover have pretty strict guidelines about what their talents can publicly support

>> No.68815400

Her first choices were elderly and children's charities but those were shut down by management because of themes. Like >>68813151 said, animal charity is easy and non-controversial

>> No.68815431

morischizos are very thin skinned creatures, please understand

>> No.68815488

but cats suck

>> No.68815544 [DELETED] 
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>> No.68815675

Noooooooo why aren't to donating to my troon charity that will actually just go directly into the pockets of some fat black bitch so she can buy herself a second McMansion :'(

>> No.68815682
File: 137 KB, 674x834, Screenshot (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal who
muth sisiter doko?

>> No.68815859

Try posting again, but evolve first before you do.

>> No.68815877
File: 173 KB, 686x858, f9586d66fde2ef4f063dc50027f60e8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68815902

imagine believing a cause is worthy enough to raise money for but you can't because of your fucking anime girl lore

>> No.68815963
File: 32 KB, 240x240, 1692476295484841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine believing a cause is worthy enough to raise money for but you can't because of your fucking anime girl lore

>> No.68816035

Not everyone needs to be an activist for some asinine causes, so that’s a based restriction.

>> No.68816053 [DELETED] 

>caring about some stray cats that are literally happier running around outside eating fresh food then cooped up in a room eating dry trash kibble
>meanwhile an active genocide is happening and millions of innocent people are on the verge of starvation and dying a grusome, inhumane and sadistic death with the full blessing of the Western World

>> No.68816065

ChatGPT tier post.

>> No.68816213

Thats nice, I wish her luck. Cats are cute and fluffy. It wont make me watch and enjoy Moris content tho.

>> No.68816284

Charities that aim to help people always end up corrupt and they pocket the money. At least sometimes the ones that aim to help animals actually help some animals.

>> No.68816451 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1045x315, morisisters_035346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68816532

go back to sharty

>> No.68816592

Do you want your vtubers to help change western policy or something?

>> No.68816756

Isn't mario party for 4 players? Are they having a CPU for the 4th then? You'd think there'd be more people available.

>> No.68816826

Based retard, keep posting it so more people can laugh at you

>> No.68816857

MP8 doesn't let two players play locally together?

>> No.68816864

But I don’t like mori
besides this is a bad look mori stealing funds by larping as charity

>> No.68816904
File: 219 KB, 1068x219, death5m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her kills keep coming

>> No.68816938 [DELETED] 

>but le evil bad humans are worse than heckin wholesome animals
go back

>> No.68816966

Bae doesnt like FuwaMoco

>> No.68817020

Oh yeah I'll bet it's for cats and not to pay off debts from trying to live the rapper lifestyle while not even making a sliver of a real rapper's income.

>> No.68817064

It's a pretty funny angle sisters but I don't think it's going to stick long term, might want to go back to the drawing board.

>> No.68817114
File: 21 KB, 903x1017, 1685730110737167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they genuinely believe that holos are poor, it's their only cope

>> No.68817147

cats aren't dogs so no

>> No.68817166

Are you a bonafide retard?

>> No.68817247

Maybe that’s why their castle is crumbling.

>> No.68817488

But anons were telling me she was graduating and joining vshitshow because blue dorito is a black company. What happened?

>> No.68817656
File: 54 KB, 126x128, IMG_8296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody can stop me from using this as an excuse to kotpost

>> No.68817768

The only animal charity I will ever donate to is the sheldrick wildlife trust, sorry mori.

>> No.68817809

Has someone told Fuwamoco that there are other EN members besides Mori? Maybe they're genuinely unaware

>> No.68817812

What next, you have a P**leshit flag in your twitter name?

>> No.68817855

i'll only donate to her graduation stream

>> No.68817919

Has anyone considered that Mori's genuinely nice unlike what rratmongers/haters say all the time?

>> No.68817995

The rules of the Mori party.
Appropriate music:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzaztK22Mo0

>> No.68818033

It's SEA hours anon, they're so retarded that they try to hatepost about a literal charity stream

>> No.68818119

>believing nijisister psyops

>> No.68818131

contrary to popular belief, you don't need to be Sea to be a seething nijisis

>> No.68818189
File: 397 KB, 526x630, smugcoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo knows a way to "save" cats

>> No.68818263

I don't watch her, but this is based.

>> No.68818283

You don't have to be, but it sure seems to help them seethe.

>> No.68818380

Go, Mori, go!

>> No.68818554

They only remember the Mori from when she first joined Holo, not the one that's currently active.

>> No.68818850

That's a cute logo

>> No.68818912

You're talking to a SEA btw. I bet its the same ol seething burgers seethin she dont bend one way or the other in "the line"

The line ofc being serving "chuds" and serving SJWs.

>> No.68819005

Holos aren't poor. Kobo is just fucking retarded.

>> No.68819030

Cats are pests and all these charities do is catch, neuter and release when they should be fucking culling them.

>> No.68819040

Kobo is playing a bit, but don't let the nijisisters hear that

>> No.68819064

If her kayfabe is being retarded, then she is in character 24/7.

>> No.68819077

Hope this really is a fund raiser for cats and not just a scam.

>> No.68819135 [DELETED] 


>> No.68819159

All charities are scams.

>> No.68819204

I'll help a cat or dog a million times who give you unconditional love before some person who most likely be malicious, selfish or have ulterior motives. I've got my fair share of ungrateful people in my life.

>> No.68820582

If you put them in the fridge they'll be saved for later. Dunno why you need a bunch of money for that though, are the electricity bills that high?

>> No.68820596

Cats are selfish CUNTS

>> No.68821319

Looking forward to it.

>> No.68821497

she should strip irl for donations. pussy for pussys

>> No.68822254


>> No.68822308

omg so true for yass

>> No.68822393


>> No.68822395

Nah. The planet would be a better place without humans on it. We're the worst thing to happen to life on this planet. The least we can do is throw a few dollars to a cat charity

>> No.68822427


>> No.68824505


>> No.68824628


>> No.68824936

>Mario Party with Mori
Has she not learned her lesson? Also, how does the curse work if Mori wins and MilkyQueen is in last place? I don’t think there’s been a scenario where someone outside the company has been in the crosshairs.

>> No.68825058

no one likes humans

>> No.68825159

>save human lives and reduce human suffering
you're so young and innocent i see. if you are a wizard like me, you will know how shit humanity is.

>> No.68825245

Humanity is still trying to figure out whether terrorism is bad. Fuck em. Might as well save some cats.

>> No.68825358
File: 1.29 MB, 2048x1536, __mori_calliope_fuwawa_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_fuwawa_abyssgard_and_1_more_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_seblueka__e545b24b4dfdacfaffcfa75301e54372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closet twin fetishist huffing their necks while they aren't looking
Pick one.

>> No.68825481

where's your flare image, anon. lol

>> No.68825523

>It’s Mori’s fault Mel fucked up and broke NDA on her own.

>> No.68825575
File: 328 KB, 770x770, INTERACTIVE_DEVASTATION_ACROSS_GAZA_NOV22_2023-copy-1700634119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of Idol proceeds go towards the Palestinian ethnic cleansing, Aviel?

>> No.68826053

Silly anons, the whole point of charities is to give your friends jobs(paid by the "administration fees" taken from the donations, of course) and get tax deductions with other people's money.

>> No.68826107

>Al Jazeera

>> No.68826335

Wait, the cat charity has ties with Israel?

>> No.68826399


>> No.68827408

Most human charities have some mission that are either political or religious so to be neutral Hololive seems to vastly prefer talents going with an animal charity. The only human based charities that management allows are the ones they know in Japan.

>> No.68827935
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>> No.68827963

>not a horse charity
Missed opportunity

>> No.68828138

these numbers are too low. they need to be higher. wait this is only through november

>> No.68828155

Vox would get 200k by now
Guess you can't bot merch, supa, and charity stream

>> No.68828232

>Vox would get 200k by now

>> No.68828291

This is the most woman thing ever, I do like cats tho, but what does the charity even do?

>> No.68828292

Don't look at vox VA charity, holobronies

>> No.68828397

How much do I need to raise to get a paizuri?

>> No.68828437

ill be there to tell her the same as well

>> No.68828456

She could personally save a entire litter of kittens from drowning and some of you would find a way to shitpost about it.

>> No.68828506

Be the top donor, which currently sits at 5K.

>> No.68828554

Personally charities I'd support, I'd go with a sarcoma or some other kinda cancer research one

>> No.68828681

if milky ends up in 4th place, does she join holo?

>> No.68830101

Why is her fundraiser in euros and not yen or dollars? Why does she care more about europeans cats?

>> No.68830202

those are not even euros anon...

>> No.68830282

Ah yes, let's compare a charity for privileged actors to a charity for homeless stray cats

>> No.68830799

>it's essential to prioritize helping people over animals
Depends on what shade of people we're talking about here.

>> No.68830840

Charities are a waste of money.
It's like superchatting where you send $100 to your oshi but she receives only $10 from it. Same with charities.
If you wanna help help directly on individual level.

>> No.68831003

If Mori wins and an indie gets 4th place what happens?
Does the curse go into a negative integer and they join Hololive?
I hope so, Milky's great.

>> No.68831151

Fuckin white people.
There's children dying in Gaza and they care more about cats.

>> No.68831224

No, I already give enough to people I dispise through taxes.

>> No.68831311

Ok then anon, where can I donate money to make sure children keep dying in Gaza?

>> No.68831395

Nobody complained when Ame wanted to help animals, and whatever the world is going through right now is always happening to someone somewhere else that you personally don't give a shit about so kindly shut the fuck up and go to the right place to voice your complaints

>> No.68831688

>Nobody complained when Ame wanted to help animals
People did. Her first choice for a charity was so bad she changed it.

>> No.68831756

>Niji do a charity stream for suicide awareness
>Ignore coworker who tries to commit suicide
>Holo do charity for cats
>Ignore when coworker's cats die?
Who's pussy is getting destroyed after Mori's stream to keep things balanced?

>> No.68831933

hers by me

>> No.68832029

You are fucking insane if you really think they're going to get involved in that catastrophic political nightmare.

>> No.68832084

what about the cats in gaza? who's looking out for them?

>> No.68832117
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The last time I tried to donate to Ame's burger animal charity, they locked my credit card, because they thought I was defrauded or something.
Had to explain to an older customer service lady, why a Euro wanted to give money to some foreign critter organization, because a talking cartoon girl told him to.

>> No.68832159

i hate cats and am also allergic to them. i will NOT be donating to this. let me know when she does one for dogs.

>> No.68832207

Reminder that the beleaguered /morig/ /vt/ league team beat Nijisanji s team last season, leading to the bloodbath we have today.

>> No.68832249

Not horses?

>> No.68832269

If only she had drown in their place

>> No.68832278

>Yes, I made that charge.
>"Why"? Why do you need to know?
>Ugh... Listen, it's a long story...
>Have you ever heard about vtubers?

>> No.68832344

Good morning sir, please do the needful.

>> No.68832396

Kobo likely retarded enough to only brought GPN* card when going abroad.
(*Indonesian alternative to Visa/mastercard)

>> No.68832437

It's really out of character of her to be saving lives like that, even animal ones. She's suppose to be the embodiment of death but has shown such disregard for kayfabe.

>> No.68832579

I don't give a shit about human lives or suffering though. I've met lots of shitheads who deserved to be out on the streets, but I've yet to find a cat who deserved to be a stray.

>> No.68832687

>I am on the wrong website
Outside of walking into a temple of Bastet 4k years ago and asking why they aren't doing more for the starving Hittites I cannot envision a less appropriate forum for your comment.
Go back.

>> No.68832736

In my opinion the Jews should be sanctioned for bombing Gaza without first evacuating all the animals.

>> No.68832903

Mmmmm das some spicy bait mane

>> No.68832976

I live in an area with a lot of cats. I haven't seen any birds in my neighborhood for a good while lmao. I even saw a cat fuck up a nest a few years back.

>> No.68833821
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>rich people doing fundraising

>> No.68834173

>save human lives and reduce human suffering
>save human lives
>reduce human suffering
anon you're joking right

>> No.68834845

She needs to put a queen of spades crotch tattoo reveal goal

>> No.68834890

this isn't Enna anon

>> No.68834973

anyway you know Mori has one

>> No.68834986

no, that's Enna

>> No.68835043

i have no idea who enna is
stop trying to promote your shitty indie in a holothread

>> No.68835097

Do nijicucks really?

>> No.68835348

The Nijisanji team's funniest loss has to be getting bodied by the Niji ID team not long after the announcement ID and KR would be absorbed into JP.

>> No.68835522

Yes. Glad we agree

>> No.68835579

Too many humans, not enough lions. Support lions

>> No.68835608

Is all the money will go to Taiga?

>> No.68835637

There's kids in Gaza dying right now and you want me to donate to save....the heckin caterinoos?

>> No.68835694
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As a matter of fact, yes

>> No.68835714
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…… lets save some more humans and keep nulling all the projects aimed to combat this by increasing the world population.

>> No.68835758

For me, it's tigers. There's more in captivity in the US than there are estimated in the wild. That's really sad that such a majestic animal is more commonly found in someone's backyard than in their natural habitat.

>> No.68835813

Oh fuck. I'm gonna make my own then.

>> No.68835817
File: 166 KB, 2000x2000, 1686636403920402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to attach my tiger Mowi image to that post.

>> No.68835824

If you're American, just keep paying taxes

>> No.68835911

They warned her that that charity was a shady one didn't they?

>> No.68836428

That's the standard? You need funds to do fundraising.

>> No.68837219

At least with the Cat charities I know the money will not go to the next Wars missile fund that will just cause more children to die.

>> No.68837599

Milky has been with the dogs since their adventuring days. Glad to see their interaction again.

>> No.68837605

Y'all ever consider that the reason it's a charity for cats is that it's the only org she could get approval for? It's not even a jp or usa charity

>> No.68837824

They should do something for sharks and sea life. It's a shame because they have Gura, but Gura is Gura.
Well, I guess Japan is more interested in eating sharks and whales than protecting them anyway.

>> No.68837987
File: 106 KB, 789x796, f388f8f874832939ab20192e5625ab45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything for sea life is a good cause. When she was regularly active, I longed for Gura doing something with Shark Week. She did some collab with an aquarium in Japan.

>> No.68838029

>why is it in euros

>> No.68838107

Ok, i pick leeching

>> No.68839366

I used to volunteer for this charity, it does good work and I promise the money does actually go to feeding and sheltering the cats. It operates no-kill shelters and also does work neutering ferals. My volunteer role involved cuddling and socialising some very nervous cats and getting them ready and comfortable for adoption. I also had several cats from them over many years. This is a good cause.

>> No.68839513

This is 100 percent a PR thing, it has nothing to do with her wanting to do charity, it’s just another attempt for her to save her numbers

>> No.68839655

humans are niggers cats are cute

>> No.68839709

Mori is rich why can't she support cats herself in private without collecting the money from hololive viewers?

>> No.68839755

>Br*tish cat charity
Mori bows to the will of Milky Queen.

>> No.68839837

The point of fundraisers like these is to increase awareness. Marketting is worth way more than a single donation.

>> No.68839848

Better than saving terrorists

>> No.68839933

It operates high-welfare cat shelters, neuters feral cats and helps them stay healthy and also provides a service that rehomes elderly people's cats when they die
>inb4 muh wildlife
UK charity in UK ecosystem where even our conservationists admit cats aren't doing shit to our bird and other wildlife populations

>> No.68839935

Actually the point of fundraisers like this is PR, 50,000 isn’t enough money to make any substantial difference, and this isn’t a cause that really needs attention

>> No.68839974

awareness of Mori perhaps

>> No.68840101

50k will feed 5000 cats in their shelters for 50 days.

>> No.68840165

What is the point of feeding 5000 useless cats instead of just immediately putting them to sleep?

>> No.68840205

People like cats

>> No.68840248

yes, she's appealing to the british cat lovers to boost her numbers. that's what this is about.

>> No.68840268

Calm down PETA.

>> No.68840285


>> No.68840358

Implying that you are going to donate to either cause?

>> No.68840671
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, url(20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt: joyless contrairians upset that Mori wants to help a charity that looks after grandma's cat for free when she dies

>> No.68840675
File: 353 KB, 1184x2048, TUTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really will try to act outraged over anything she does. lol
Even though she's spoken in the past how any causes linked to helping humans, specifically kids or elderly people, the groups she has the biggest soft spot for, would be complicated. Both due to the nature of many of those organizations and because having death herself be the face of helping people would probably not go over too well.

>> No.68840690

fuck that. that's my SC money.

>> No.68840727

Awareness of what? Cats existing? Im so aware anon.

>> No.68840882
File: 172 KB, 1136x1280, 1689346512563660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are now even more aware. You're welcome.
Some people may learn about the specific group too and want to donate money/time on their own too.

>> No.68840886

The cats are less likely to blow themselves up

>> No.68840896
File: 25 KB, 612x408, 1701706668408718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll donate to the fundraiser and save my life, right anons?

>> No.68840995

An old lady in our village died and we took in her cats to save them from being killed. It’s called community maybe we can bring it back

>> No.68841014

50 GRAND? Fucking hell.

>> No.68842718

This cat is so fucking cute

>> No.68845309

As >>68815209 said, is there any charity that traps, neuters, and homes humans?

>> No.68845402

It's cause they wouldn't stop sperging out and eating entire villages so India and China genocided them

>> No.68845539

>admits human problems are very complex
>thinks throwing money at it will solve it
Retard. At least with animals, all you have to do is control their population and maybe give them a space to live, nothing else. Easily achievable with some money.

>> No.68845845

Sterilizing humans is considered a human rights violation, anon...

>> No.68845889

And yet this isn't considered a cat rights violation...Curious...

>> No.68846012

Kawaiinyaope Meowririn!

>> No.68846105

Cats can’t control their reproductive instincts so we’re doing them a favor.
>neither can blacks and the poor
Yeah but it’s politically incorrect to admit it.

>> No.68846109

Because reproduction is not a right, yet humans think it is a right for them (but don't you dare want to reproduce, you filthy incel lel).

>> No.68846111

I can already see the money getting 'lost' (because she put a 'trusted' person in charge) and the subsequent drama.

>> No.68846794

>charity for cats
>charity for cats (pinkwoman)

>> No.68847760

she gonna do a Froot and keep the money

>> No.68848798

You should do some research. She'll never touch the money.

>> No.68849288


>> No.68849394

You can't have emphatic and logical reasoning here, is funnier to be misandryc and narcissistic.
Sadly, instead of helping us, ideologies have rotten the brain of most people, so every help to other human is seen as political, maybe thats why it would not be approved by Cover (Or Calli just really likes cats).

>> No.68850063

what about palestine childs?

>> No.68850381

no childs

>> No.68852959

She is bad but not froot evil.

>> No.68853563

imagine saving animals instead of eating them

>> No.68853893
File: 103 KB, 1078x1351, 7f0e569dd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dogs? this is bullshit. pink women hate

>> No.68856855


>> No.68856979

Cats are dogs
Source: FWMC

>> No.68857317

The cats are being saved for FWMC's food supply

>> No.68857662

We have to save some or else there will be no more left to eat

>> No.68858729

Are they cannibals then???

>> No.68858802

Its a dog eat dog world out ther

>> No.68858892
File: 459 KB, 700x518, 1678800615042498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, this is true

>> No.68862345

wtf i hate cats now

>> No.68863297

mori is now a hot milf cat lady in your area
