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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68756441 No.68756441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Full grift mode - engaged!

>> No.68756593

keep malding nijisisters

>> No.68756949

>check debut stream
>checks stream after that
>checks lunar new years stream
What the fuck? I just wanna see her play games.

>> No.68756951

she is kinda grifting a bit tho...
not that it's a bad idea, she knows this drama buff ain't gonna last forever, might as well cash out as much as she can now

>> No.68756976

More power to her. She just isn't entertaining so she better try to cash out while she can.

>> No.68757029

Enna she has made more in a week than you will this whole year with your black company. Cope. Seethe. This is what it means when the vtuber community actually like someone versus think they are a complete bitch. Meditate on that a bit.

>> No.68757062

Celebrating lunar new year is very important to her and her merch sales numbers

>> No.68757076

Her next stream is a game stream. In fact all of her streams next week are game streams. So rejoice

>> No.68757081

Stop projecting, Enna.

>> No.68757094

Based backhanded complementer anon

>> No.68757104
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>Full grift mode - engaged!

>> No.68757109

Her lunar year merch isn't even for sale. No subway gift card for you, sister.

>> No.68757115

>This is what it means when the vtuber community actually like someone
Not OP but this is baseless. A fraction of her viewers actually likes her, and the vtuber community is vastly larger than her viewers.

>> No.68757139

OK but. Did you buy any of her merch? Cause if you didn't you are kinda proving her point that she has to do more streams about merch until you buy it.

>> No.68757146

Full Niji intern meltdown - ENGAGED

>> No.68757167
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>plugging monetization after 6 weeks of not being paid by Nijisanji
What did she mean by this?

>> No.68757169

It is what it is. Not going to lie and pretend it isn't. I fell asleep during her last stream waiting for it to get good.

>> No.68757328

>Readers added context they thought people may want to know
>Dokibord not only isn't a grifter, she asked her fans to nos speculate nor bully nijisanji members
>This thread is just a tranny nijifag trying to rewrite history

>> No.68757341
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>A fraction of her viewers actually likes her
Just because you hatewatch her, doesn't mean the other 30K people are, Anon.

>> No.68757427

Who said anything about hate watch? Stop projecting. Almost nobody actually likes her for being just her.
>6 months from now, I come from the future where she has <5k ccv

>> No.68757454

>Her lunar year merch isn't even for sale
Is it for free? Where can I get it?

>> No.68757477

She's not even getting rich off it, she's just gonna give it away to her faggot artist friends again.

>> No.68757505

People only didn't watch her because she was in Niji, actually she is the best vtuber that has ever descended from heavens.

>> No.68757524

This anon >>68757341 said you're hatewatching. It's right above your post, so it should be easy to find.

>> No.68757529


>> No.68757532

>pay for services to create luxury products based on character for vanity
>"see, she's just giving it away"

>> No.68757552


>> No.68757574

Look at that poor naive guy: >>68757477 he actually believes the story she made up to get more money.

>> No.68757610

Nah, they didn't watch because they don't even know who she is or care. You could list all of the niji talents and they're just meaningless words to me and most other people. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.
This post >>68757427 replied to this post >>68757341 where you >>68757524 replied and confused yourself.

>> No.68757623

The mandate of heaven is a Chinese tradition

>> No.68757625

Oh hey it's you again. Bitch I don't even listen to zatsudans or read tweets or wherever you think I got "her story", all you have to do is look at the mountain of crap she commissioned.

>> No.68757679

It's time for you to stop typing

>> No.68757680

Wrong, all of these posts >>68757341 >>68757427 >>68757524 said hatewatching. Get it right.

>> No.68757713

>meaningless words to me and most other people
I will never understand this statement. When I was a teenager I was a big fan of metal music and we were always bragging about knowing the best bands that no one else knew. And here we are with a hobby were people pretend to be cool by not knowing anything about the hobby they are talking about.

>> No.68757714

>luxury products
What, you're real envious of her living the high life with her collection of anime art? She's throwing money away.

>> No.68757730
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>> No.68757733

It's just so pathetic. People have to stop typing or you have to report them if you don't like what they say. Your oshi isn't the next big thing, she's the sight of a burning yacht.

>> No.68757786

Full Enna seething mode - engaged!

doki has pulled bigger crowds the last week than enna will see in her entire fucking lifetime. hope all the shitheel tattling was worth it bitch.

>> No.68757857

It's a glut of content and creators of said content. I don't know most content creators nor do I have the time or desire to know them. This isn't an edgy comment and there is no special meaning behind it. It's just recognizing that I actually don't know them and would probably typo the few names I vaguely remember reading repeated in a few threads. It's not like I or others actually know them and just don't watch them because of the NijiEN logo. Because that's actually cope.

>> No.68757948

How can she keep on getting away with it? How does she have so many IPs and VPNs and how is she multi-boxing her AI hate farm? This has to be illegal.

>> No.68758063
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That is a tough one. Personally I would prefer to have like 4000 viewers that watch me because they enjoy what I do than 100k viewers who are here only because of drama. As it stands I think it is around 2000 people who like her and remaining 99% of the audience is for drama/pity. Although that is Selen we are talking about here so I am sure she is loving this situation cause it means she can get much more money then usual. I mean all of her streams now are her just panhandling.

>> No.68758098
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Shut it Enna.

>> No.68758146

You just keep going, fucking hell

>> No.68758155

Yo, I know Metallica, Slayer and Manowar, and that's all bands you need to know. I don't have time to listen to any other metal bands nor do other bands matter.
Maybe you want to become a film critic and tell me about all the 3 marvel movies you've seen since you started out in 2022 and how we don't need anyone else to make movies.

>> No.68758166
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I wish darksydeselen would make an incident stream...

>> No.68758185

I don't think any of you know what grift means as usual with most buzzwords you fags spam

>> No.68758191

The smear campaign against Doki is honestly disgusting.

>> No.68758194

I hope Doki milks me harder.

>> No.68758198

It's well known in content creation that some tactics like drama will make your numbers surge into the clouds. It's also well known that it's like burning yourself to fuel that rise. Once you're burned up you can't unburn yourself. Those that helped boost your signal in those first few months can't become true loyal fans. Either you use that boost to attract OTHER people to become fans and slowly heal, or you dry up and fade away.
That's why Pomu won.

>> No.68758255

But content creators and even vtubers aren't creative people making creative content. You could just leave it where it was already implied most just came for the drama and even more still don't even know she exists. Instead of trying to drag it out and use your own internal logic to argue that people must have really known but pretend they don't. It's just not reflected in the numbers and it's so obvious most came to watch a yacht burn. Trying to argue over that is just unsightly and comes across as desperate.

>> No.68758300

Grift means swindling on a small scale. Are you trying to argue that it's a much larger con?

>> No.68758339

Kind of annoying to be honest but good for her. The talent is the same but buying merch of a vtuber after them using their character two times feels weird. Yes she used it in the past but the majority of the current audience was not watching. Anyways fuck nijisanji.

>> No.68758349

>Grift means [not what grift means]
Thanks for confirming my thoughts

>> No.68758362

It is just your wallet anon. E-girls don't milk their viewer's dicks.

>> No.68758426

No, I am just saying that using your ignorance as an argument is dumb. That's all.
You are right about her getting much more exposure thanks to that drama. But you are not going to convince me that people didn't knew who Selen was, but refused to watch her, because of tribalism.

>> No.68758464

That is what grifting means in English and how it is used. What does grift mean in your native language?
It fits because it's based on pity and misrepresenting her situation, but it's small scale that adds up. $5 here, $20 there, $100 over there.

>> No.68758554

Using ignorance of someone to argue that people don't really know or care much about them is dumb? Please think before you post. This isn't even a hate comment, this applies to all niche hobbies and niche content creators within a niche within a niche.

>> No.68758562

That's not Pippa

>> No.68758664

>to acquire money or property illicitly
Getting money by faking suicide, lying about being bullied and lying about how the projects you did nijisanji gave you 0 profits (funny how it is exactly 0) isn't illegal.

>> No.68758696

Psh, everyone here knows what grifting is. It's defined as "when someone I personally dislike sells a product."

>> No.68758712
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It's ok when hololive does it. lmao 6 different sets of merch with a "priority" ranking, kinda lame ngl.

>> No.68758895

i feel that it is important not to watch lesser VTubers because we already have too many of the ones who only got a lick of fame in the wake of drama and controversy. VTubers have started thinking that drama is the -only- possible path to getting noticed.

if someone new or a small channel with a million followers can manage to create quality content and be interesting enough to become a big channel, i'll devote some time and check them out.

>> No.68758948

So you're just a pedant. Thanks for clarifying.
Yeah, nobody actually thinks she was proven to commit a crime by being manipulative. Hope that clears things up for you Cpt. Autismo.

>> No.68758964

What is a priority score?

>> No.68759000

Swindling is technically criminal activity such as fraud.

>> No.68759076

I remember that FWMC morning. Was honestly the worst one they'd ever done with about 25-30 mins of shilling and only about 10 mins of the regular content.

Which merch makes them more money

>> No.68759141

It's the same thing but different motivations and different target. Saviorfags vs coomerfags.
Next post the picture of one of those plastic plated toy "engagement" rings. All this junk plastic and the only sane people don't buy any of it, but "both sides" never admit there is a neutral party that refuses to engage in this pointless consumerism.

>> No.68759215

I know them and don't watch them thanks to the Niggy logo, and the same is and has been true with a large portion of my friend group ever since the Zaion fiasco. Just because you're a stupid sow that uncritically gobbles up whatever is in its trough doesn't mean everyone else is, too.

>> No.68759359

It'd be stranger if it was more than 0, because then Niji could actually fight the claim back.

Funny how Niji fought the claims rhat management bullied her, but didn't fought the claim Selen went unpaid.

>> No.68759362

Don't turn it around now, you can't seriously argue that the last three streams have been good content. But the burden of proof to show that everyone is just waiting for them to graduate/terminate is on you.
Not only do you have to show that the majority of the whole fandom was aware of them. You also have to show that the majority of the fandom is tribal. Then you have to show that they didn't watch because they're tribal, but now they watch because they don't associate ex-niji with niji itself. Then you have to show that people are thrilled to watch her, and her numbers are stable or will positively incline with time.
You're taking on all these weird burdens of truth you can't satisfy because you don't want to admit that she was and is obscure outside of her own particular niche. The only reason for increased attention this week is the drama, not because finally we can watch her.
As for gobbling up whatever is in the trough, I have given her the benefit of the doubt, but I'm not watching Apex streams. There is much better content out there. You can enjoy it though. Enjoy it if it's the slop you love so much.

>> No.68759390
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I wonder how many viewers she will be left with after this. Good on her for getting money off of this but this has attracted a majority of self righteous retards who want to destroy another hobby after they burned down the last one. These retards want vtubers to become fleshtubers, or to actively get terminated from their corp, namely Hololive from what I have seen, getting terminated from niji would be a favor for the good ones though. I have more thoughts but I need to collect them. For now, good on her for getting out of a shit situation but she will be left with a small amount of people who actually care about indies while the majority that shout TAKE THE INDIE PILL DESTROY ALL CORPOS fuck off to the next corpse of drama faggotry to pick apart while destroying another hobby. After all, they did something!

>> No.68759441

imagine being pressured by a anime girl to spend money so you might see her play the same games she already has before

>> No.68759512

>same games
not when she's free from permission autism

>> No.68759535
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>> No.68759545

>Anycolor believes that the claims raised by Selen Tatsuki are in fact referring to situations that arose when she was warned about her breaches of the activity rules and attempts to shift the responsibility for these violations, damaging Anycolor and Nijisanji EN's image
Niji didn't actually fight those claims either, they acknowledged it. They just tried to deflect with 'yeah but she deserved it because she disagreed with us.'

>> No.68759667

How did Enna become the Enna-my and not Millie?

>> No.68759774

Strange. She's the exact same girl but you never called her a grifter while she was still being exploited by the black company and their abusive staff that can't even speak english because they're too evil and stupid.

>> No.68759801

Because Millie is dumb beta.

>> No.68759819
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/vt/ be like
>Shin on Chinks 90% of the time
>But also shower them with money

>> No.68759836

I think you mean "blackhanded"

>> No.68759886

They want Twitter mobs to run vtubing. You can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.68759942

Online "artists" throwing slop into photoshop are the real grifters.

>> No.68759967

Exact same person that was a willing participant and contributor to said black company. Maybe now it's different people, different fans, different groups that are engaged in the discussion.

>> No.68759998

Good for her after what she went through; after sitting through one of her streams I came to the conclusion that she's not a very interesting person. Nice and all, but a bit bland. And the constant fake laughing became tiresome real fast. Can see the appeal tho.

>> No.68760092

You're literally (d)evolved from those same chinks anon. Humanity came from asia, then some migrated to africa and fucked monkeys, becoming retarded. Then some of those traveled up through iberia and settled ireland, and the rest of Europe has been wondering why the irish are barely human for the past 3000 years.

Verification not required.

>> No.68760156

To be fair she's from Hong Kong, chances of her being a counterrevolutionary traitor burgers would approve of are pretty high

>> No.68760168
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Well them and other people who have a liberal leaning ideology as well as their golems. This isn't a conspiracy either. How these people talk and type is the most disgusting thing I see in their bubbles. The contempt they have over not having total control over a thing is very palpable.

>> No.68760192

There's a certain amount that you can grift before it becomes the element that defines your stream. She can grift a little off the situation now, but if she continues like this for say 5 months, then that is all her streams will be.
And based on this Anon, that will hopefully not happen.

>> No.68760237
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I blame Mr.Man for this.

>> No.68760324

>Which merch makes them more money
Can't they just make a private bank account you can send money to so they can buy condoms for use with their boyfriends?

>> No.68760359

Chinese society and culture is built on commerce and scamming. Asking for money is basically ingrained into their DNA.

>> No.68760491

No one goes into a company expecting to be abused, exploited, and underpaid. Every one that escaped kurosanji has discovered that real vtuber companies actually support their talents.

The real grifter was kurosanji all along, pretending to be a real company. And now they have been permanently labeled in the public sphere as being a black company and that can never be undone.

>> No.68760512

>If I dislike them and they profit, they're grifting.
>If I like them and they profit, they're just playing the game.
>If I disagree with them and they're male, they're an incel.
>If I disagree with them and they're female, they're a pickme.
>If I dislike someone who collabs with a smaller partner, they're grooming.
>If I dislike someone who collabs with a larger partner, they're leeching.
>If he's male and has spoken to a female, he's a sexpest.
>If she's female and has spoken to a male, she's a slut.
>If he likes girls under 25, he's a pedo.
>If she likes boys under 18, that's her taste. (Nice.)
>A female pandering to male coomers is practicing free expression and loves her job.
>A male pandering to female coomers is a grifting groomer in it for the money.
>All "sex work" is 100% acceptable and should be celebrated.
>Certain drawings of sex are dangerous.
Etc, etc.

>> No.68760522

You're absolutely wrong about ideology. It's regardless of ideology, those you call liberal, those that others call alt-right, they're all fucked in the head. This has gone so far beyond politics, you cannot convince me that games and movies would be better if they were exactly the same but expressed an alt-right dogma. It's ALL shit hot garbage. It distracts people from what is really important which is making something entertaining. Alien movies in the 70s and 80s are a strong example of showing liberal feminist depictions of strong women, but they're amazing movies.
It's outrage culture in any form that's the problem.

>> No.68760615

Nijisanji was well known before they opened up their NijiEN branch. The talents signed a bad contract, met bad employees, convinced fans to support a bad company, and continued until they got terminated. Selen was in negotiations up until the end. Don't forget that. The tune changed only as soon as it fell through.

>> No.68760670

>If she likes boys under 18, that's her taste.
Sayu was attacked for (pedo) by the twitter trannies.

>> No.68760701

I would like a year or two of heavy alt-right influence on culture for a year or two because it would be refreshing and I want people who subjected me to the modern entertainment to suffer like I do. After that sure it would be nice if everyone would realize that going in either direction is bad.

>> No.68760725

There is no "alt-right" you nutcase. You fell for the fucking memes.

>> No.68760786

Lets be honest.
If you had lost your job and all you knew was playing videogames, you would be just as desperate.

>> No.68760788 [DELETED] 
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Who is this? :)

>> No.68760868

Blond Bae

>> No.68761069

so smug... so hot...

>> No.68761110

You're being lied to ultimately by groups that have a stake in convincing you of their lie and controlling the narrative. But don't be fooled that they're not the same groups that have tried to control media for the past 70 years, using censorship, restrictions, and even bans. When words are bleeped out or replaced, that's not because the gay rights movement hates those words.

>> No.68761146

Don't know about that, my man. Most people who make companies that ensure culturally appropriate for the times translations most definitely have a political mission at hand. This goes deeper than you think anon, jews, useless idiots, actual evil people, greedy people who want to snuff out the lesser, apathetic people who throw their hands up in the air etc. The rot goes deep and is multifaceted. Not saying I want to force people to listen to my ebul yahtzee natsoc politics/philosophy because there are places for that (no not pol, or the larpy ass stormer site) but they should be aware of the rot from a rational perspective, wherever that may come from, at the very least.

>> No.68761244

>playing videogames
It's always wild to me that /vt/ of all places is infected by boomer misconceptions of what streaming entails as a business model, and how much work it is. You should try doing it sometime, and see how far you get by just playing video games.

>> No.68761314

I agree it would be hard to play the game and bounce around in the chair so the tits of my avatar jiggle.

>> No.68761388

Nobody wants to admit that the reason modern media is shit is because it's shit. There always needs to be some other reason behind it that's easier to explain than a breakdown of creativity due to overly self-referential fan-driven culture.

>> No.68761450

The movies are shit. The gags are shit, the pacing and acting is garbage. Movie games are a normie snorefest and always have been.

>> No.68761715

Zoning out while playing your favorite video game after work isn't remotely the same thing as entertaining a crowd of people for 4+ hours straight while playing a video game. Give it a shot.

>> No.68761748

>She'll crash so hard she'll have more CCV than all of Nijisanji!
It's a hell of a self-own.

>> No.68761783

Define the values of the "alt-right" you nutcase.
And since you're going to get it wrong anyway and you've been mind fucked by nick fuentes and his psyops, explain how left wing homosexual socialist groups that originated in Europe and used to be called Identity Evropa have anything to do with American conservativism?

Also this is a good strat to kill kurosanji threads.

>> No.68761958

Detroit Become Human was good except for that part where you wander town looking for the oil tanker. That was so fucking bad it prevents me from doing a replay.

>> No.68761965

Nobody ever wants to talk about how Rambo and Rocky movies were blatant propaganda, especially the later ones. Because they were good movies. Just like nobody bothers to talk about how an extreme left-wing anarchist created The Watchmen and the Rorschach character, or V for Vendetta, and how these have clear ideological messages. Because they're good stories.

Vtubers being run by Twitter has nothing to do with political ideology. It has everything to do with irrational mob drama addiction.

>> No.68762055

Did you notice the robots go on the back of the bus? Genius. We truly live in the most creative age.

>> No.68762124
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NTA but in a broad sense it is /pol/ shit in general. I do agree though that it is the exact same kind of people as the lefist twitter trannies. It is losers who can't accept their loserdom and need to find a political identity for themselves.

>> No.68762181

What's the propaganda of Rambo? It was about how society mistreats veterans.
Do you think Dog of Flanders was also propaganda? An author trying to convey a message isn't necessarily propaganda.

And the twitter trannie mob is marxist politically. It isn't as aimless as you think.

>> No.68762251

>Don't turn it around now, you can't seriously argue that the last three streams have been good content.
NTA but I've enjoyed her rambling incoherently about random shit. I usually don't like ramble/interact with chat streams, so I'm pretty surprised.

>her numbers are stable or will positively incline with time.
I don't think anyone's said that in any thread I've read on the topic. She's got a drama buff and a re-debut buff, her numbers are definitely going to decline from here. The only people that have made the argument that she won't decline are holofags that are arguing against ghosts, like yourself.
The actual predictions are that she'll fall somewhere around the 3k-5k range when everything cools off.

>> No.68762392

Millie is a retarded drama whore, Enna is a manipulative cunt. It was always Enna and Millie, never just Millie.

>> No.68762553

>Niggerdroids go to the back
That isn't propaganda, it's just bad writing from bad writers being too in-the-nose about the allegory. If they were smarter they'd just have Marcus in an AI driven Tesla. There's no fucking way a rich man that needs errands run and his Android to administer medicine would send his only caretaker on public transportation. Realistically he would be ordering everything he needs sent to the house by drone.
I'm not saying these idiots haven't been tainted by Marxism, I'm just saying they're probably not making this garbage intentionally.
Part of the Marxism virus is that it rots the host's brain.

>> No.68762718

>nobody bothers to talk about how an extreme left-wing anarchist created The Watchmen and the Rorschach character
NTA, and I'm not even that into comics, but it seems like every other conversation I see about Watchmen involves a discussion of Rorschach being a critique of Question's objectivism, and him not being meant to be a terribly good guy, yet still resonating with a lot of people because he's relatable as a very broken man trying to stick to his own moral code, even if that code is itself questionable.

>> No.68762966

First Blood is about that, and everyone loves it, but the sequels are something else entirely and they're hilariously insane. Awesome, though.

>> No.68763095

Mr. Man who she can't stop talking about for 5 minutes. He's definitely porking that fat ass in exchange for all this free work, she was flat broke, remember?

>> No.68763254

Usually managers will get a cut as opposed to a salary. He jumped on the opportunity to make some mad dosh from a retard that doesn't know anything about finances.
>Oh, you only want 40%? That's way better than what I got with Nijisanji, sure!

>> No.68763284

I hope she throws him under the bus next. Would be awesome if she accuses him of being the guy who pushed for merch while she was more reserved and thought it looked bad.

>> No.68763341

yes but the way she talks he's been doing everything for her 24/7 for weeks. Just jumping on board for free hoping for future profits? Doesn't seem likely, maybe he's just a saviorfag who took pity on her I guess.

>> No.68763367

>blew all her fucking money last year
>wants to recoup losses

>> No.68763432

>close friend recommends his own manager
>must absolutely be a con
seethe harder, sisters

>> No.68763451

can you imagine? once her pity tourists run out she can get that back! "th..the person I trusted scammed me again... please save me, Dragoons™! with your money!"

>> No.68763495

she has two other guys working for her too, little man and consult man, and a lawyer on top of that, are you saying they're all running a train on her?

>> No.68763524

the issue is what kind of Giga-manager works for free for weeks? it doesn't add up

>> No.68763568

evidently! surrounded by dudes doing high paying jobs for free. hmmm. how could she be paying for it..?

>> No.68763580

It's not a con if I pay $100 for an acrylic stand of an anime girl. I'm just dumb.

I'm not sure about that, she seemed to be in a dark depressive episode until the termination notice and then started rapidly trying to spin up everything at once. But yeah, anyone could have predicted that she'd be big. Even if she crashed after a week the profits would be worth it.

>> No.68763602

Who said he works for free?

Besides, he's clearly not working very hard. He wasn't even watching her re-debut stream, and took three fucking days to set up a Shopify page.

>> No.68763664

she was completely broke all this time, remember? who was paying him up until a few days ago?

>> No.68763666

skinheads and commies are both retarded. you can believe something without being an annoying faggot. one of my favorite games is VTMB, which has some liberal characters that hate authority but it isn't OMG X BAD

>> No.68763744


>> No.68763759

She wasn't completely broke, she just didn't make a *profit* last year. That doesn't mean she's got no money and no savings.

>> No.68763848

Even if she was, I could see someone working pro-bono for a celeb whose apt to make about $5 million in three days... Which she did.

But yeah, I'm fairly certain he's being paid, just not sure if he's worth it.

>> No.68764322

>blew all her fucking money
That is what you say in addition to I got bullied and I tried to kill myself to maximize the profits. Doesn't have to be true. You prove it yourself that you can just say this and people will believe you before they proceed to shower you with money.

>> No.68764385

brb providing screencaps of everything in my life for some faggot on /vt/ to feel better eat shit

>> No.68765399

>"Yeah, so this is what happened, and I have all the receipts, and I've lawyered up to prove all of this in a court of law where if I'm lying it will be very fucking obvious and completely annihilate my reputation and finances forever."
Meanwhile on /vt/,
>"she's a lying grifter please believe me :("
Holy kek. The most likely reality by far is that she's telling the truth.

>> No.68765434

Anon, she's chinese, they only care about money, it's literally part of their culture. Actual skill issue on your part for expecting better.

>> No.68765468

If Niji did terminate her contract themselves they probably paid her severance.

The manager can also easily just ask to get paid at the end of the month.

>> No.68765575

>A Chinese Leaf is the same as someone from mainland China

>> No.68765658

she immediately started chinkaiting after reviving her doki persona and she constantly chinkbaited before the suicide attempt too.

>> No.68765885

NTA but I am saying it looks like she has a lot of money to throw around for someone who is crying she has no money.

>> No.68766162

>is crying she has no money.
She said she spent $200,000 and made no profit. Those aren't the same thing.

>> No.68766248

Probably borrowing some money from her parents, she still lives with them and the Chinese in Canada are rich.

>> No.68766326

If someone is Italian, is talking about pizza and being Catholic wopbaiting?

>> No.68766525

>that pic
fucking kek

>> No.68766543

Begging for the Funko with an @ 2 days after coming back comes off as kinda weird, but I guess you gotta shoot your shot while the topic is hot

>> No.68766606

Kamusta Millie

>> No.68766733

Yeah, I've personally tuned in to the last two streams to show support, but I'm ngl the constant awkward laughing makes me unable to watch very long

>> No.68766788

rent free dramaholobrony

>> No.68766868

So she is Chinese and she only cares about money. And her mom is very interested in her job (and if I remember bullies and controls her somewhat) and her mom keeps a close eye on her finances... And she just didn't pay attention and she got 0 profits from last year?


People really believe this?

>> No.68766888

She deserves every penny after surviving kurosanji

>> No.68766951

All you have to do to prove people wrong is wait for one year. Let the chips fall where they man and you will see how beloved or entertaining Doki really is.

>> No.68767117

She's never indicated that her mom is very interested in her job nor controls her finances.

>> No.68767134

Hello sir you have been refunded a 5000$ refund. Please provide your email so I can send it to you

>> No.68767266

The amount of times she says "I can talk about this now" isn't healthy. the fuck are they doing over there.

>> No.68767510

And there it is. "Grift." Once she recuperates her losses and gets back into her usual groove, and not talking about the finacial situation and the behind the scenes stuff. They will move onto their next buzzword; Pickme.. It's kinda ironic in a way.

>> No.68767579

>suicide baits

>> No.68767620

They hire skilled actors and actresses that show one face to the public but are totally different people behind the scenes. I think there is at least a correlation between people like that being also at least a bit narcissistic and possibly manipulative. And collecting a lot of people like that in one place can create a bit of hellhole. Thankfully Selen was nothing like that and she escaped that place.

>> No.68767652

It got youtooz in her mentions at least

>> No.68767697

I bet you would also be angry if people called her out for NTR if she accidentally revealed she has a boyfriend

>> No.68767902

It's almost like the situation is different.

>> No.68767975

I want to smell her small hat

>> No.68768085

Lol. I must have struck a cord with this one. Am I calling our your playbook too early?

>> No.68768137

>get mad
>goto no u
You simps are pathetic

>> No.68768242

She needs permissions. :)

>> No.68768316

Nothing will be more pathetic than being a NDF bro, probably a Wactorfan is the closest

>> No.68768393

She's riding the popularity wave because of her firing. It will die off in a couple months. Why would you want to watch a fat Asian girl?

>> No.68768398

Grifting means telling people what they want to hear to win their support, not because it's what you actually think.

>> No.68768686

When she's back down to her old numbers in a couple weeks is she going to try and off herself again to get the views back up?

>> No.68768805

Why do people keep coping about Doki being unpopular/unlikeable/not entertaining? It's fine if you don't like her, but she was NijiEN's top female talent. Data clearly indicates that 'she's boring' is the minority opinion.

>> No.68768905

she deserved to rot in obscurity, not strike it rich for trying to wrist herself for no reason.

>> No.68768949

Is this the Nijisister cope thread? Just making sure I found the right place

>> No.68769021

I mean you call a grifter a grifter. She pulled out every trick in the book. Bully-bait, poorfag-bait, suicide-bait. It's pathetic. She wanted out so she forced them to fire her, now she'd riding the pity train all the way to the bank. I don't know how she can even look herself in the mirror scamming everyone like this.

>> No.68769111

thats not exactly anything to crow about. being nijiENs top girl is like being a bottom 5 shitter in hololive. She's not likeable, and she's not entertaining.

>> No.68769346

She can't be good or entertaining unless she's my oshi.

>> No.68769458

I wouldn't wish it on her, but can you imagine a career of neverending drama, just so she can push more merch.

>> No.68769599

Based retarded tourist, she was the same on Nijisanji
Always shilling the merch, voicepacks and the few cons she got, plus the next week she will start her usual gaming streams including a collab with 2 of the OG Apex crew (Uto and DTTO)
Maybe stop being salty about your organs getting just 2% of the merch sales

>> No.68769670
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wrong pic, cuckqueen

>> No.68769728

I mean it's working

>> No.68769771
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>> No.68770042

>has $200k in profit left over after living expenses
>spends all of it without putting any into savings
>needs to beg for more money
maybe she should have been smart with her money and put some into savings instead of spending it all and begging for a bail out

>> No.68770047

So we're living in the fantasy land where only your favorite corpo gets viewers. Okay. Sure.

>> No.68770544

So appreciating the culture you lived is baiting now? LMAO
Reimu better never commemorate any Colombian holiday, Millie better never commemorate any flip holiday
Oh lord the Aussies and their "oy mate", such motherfucking baiters
they must terminate kotoka and meloco, their entire existence is a jp bait ffs

>> No.68770726

I won't be surprised nijiEN denied her attempts at merch collaborations
she literally was the only nijiEN member that had a goal of "getting a themed PC of me collaboration", not being part of the Hyte collab was a slap in her face lmao

>> No.68770889

Now thinking of it, actually this might be part of the reason HYTE throw a fit.
They literally had firsthand experience of Selen being treated "differently" by the management.

>> No.68770948

more like
>Spend 200k on paying people that Nijisanji were supposed to be paying
>Don't receive the money back because "she broke the rules"
>People that get the money from selen come forward, they said nijisanji ghosted them and/or they were awful to work with
Yes, she's a retard for working on that company for over 3 years even after getting fucked so much.

>> No.68771025

>I just wanna see her play games.
Dont listen to this anon. Please keep doing zatsu. Its been almost a full week of streams without apex. Please.

>> No.68771084

She's making bank right now with donations and business offers so maybe she knows how to handle money better than you poorfag

>> No.68771687

>Spend 200k on paying people that Nijisanji were supposed to be paying
even if Nijisanji did pay they would have passed the bill on to her afterwards anyways, that's just the way things work.

>> No.68771897

and they would keep sponsor money or even block them. lmao
People inside must have very strong Stockholm syndrome

>> No.68772051

No she doesn't. She can play even more games now. She said she can finally play the Arkham series because she doesn't have to worry about WB shit like niji does.

>> No.68772187
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>> No.68772470

If only she really had killed herself, but women rarely do. It's always a pathetic MEMEMEME moment trying to grab attention for their personal problems. And this board fell for it.

>> No.68772941

Thing is she is very good with money and her mom is money focused so she is just lying.

>> No.68773236

The beautiful thing here is that no matter how much you nijiniggers cope and seethe and throw tantrums, it's not gonna change a thing. Just realize that no matter how much you artistically screech, nothing will change because you are a nobody and don't matter. Maybe just save yourself some blood pressure and an aneurysm and just shut the fuck up. It might improve your life to be ever so slightly less miserable

>> No.68773446

>add a generic insult under a picture
Why are you paypigs so uncreative and low-iq?

>> No.68773533

brevity is the soul of wit

>> No.68773538

Well said anon. Selen simps should just stop posting so they can be slightly less miserable. Nothing they can say can change that Selen is a grifter and a liar that gets naive people to give her money.

>> No.68773583

You are a bitch anon. And there is nothing witty in calling you a bitch. Nor is there anything witty in you have psychosis.

>> No.68773689

Honestly good riddance. Turns out staff knew something we didn't. Nijisanji is better off without her.

>> No.68773711

I don't get it either. It makes the BPD whore look like she has psychosis, like it was made by her antis.

>> No.68773765

>implying NijisanjiEN was good to begin with
lmao nijikeks

>> No.68773864

NijiEN talents stream.
nijisanji only grows stronger :3

>> No.68773940

>checks CCV
Well I agree, strongest 3views for sure

>> No.68774028

>b-but muh numbers
Nice. Very impressive. Let's see Cover's stock value.

>> No.68774069

<999 people happy that their oshi is streaming
Better than not streaming at all

>> No.68774094

Lets see NijiEN Mario Kart tournament... oh wait
Well surely we will see their 3D... oh fuck

>> No.68774103

don't hate the player, hate the game
esp if the game is apex

>> No.68774162

nah, I'm more of a cunt rather than a bitch. At the end of the day though, this thread is as retarded as the OP so at the end of the day, what can you do?

>> No.68774190

And yet Nijisanji is worth more than Hololive.
>does nothing
Losing Selen WAS financially negligible. You can keep the grifter far away from the company along with your lazy whores.

>> No.68774226
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>And yet Nijisanji is worth more than Hololive.

>> No.68774305

>this is what Nijinigs actually believe
Enjoy being the laughing stock of vtuber companies.

>> No.68774325

See >>68774028
The data doesn't lie, since you love numbers so much.

>> No.68774368

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.68776070

This is probably the most exposure she'll ever have. It would be pretty dumb of her to not make the most of it.
Once the controversy cools down her views will scale down to a more reasonable level. Although she'll probably be a high tier indie for life as long she doen't fuck up. She's pretty much set.

>> No.68776495

Thanks for the publicity!
- Mr. Man

>> No.68776633

Engaged to me you mean

>> No.68776744

>It would be pretty dumb of her to not make the most of it.
That suicide stuff must not have been that bad if she is able to be so good and so focused on extracting money from her simps. Maybe it didn't even happen?

>> No.68777022

The fuck is a grift and why is this board obsessed with calling everyone grifters? If it's just shilling, Selen was always shilling something. Look at any of her events, they are borderline commercials.

>> No.68777062

>suicide stuff happened a month ago
>more than 30 days
Based retard.

>> No.68777195

>Escape situation that made you suicidal (nijisanji)
>WTF? How is she no longer suicidal?

>> No.68777457

They're assuming Selen is a mastermind manipulator that put their favorite company into a position that forced them to terminate her and put out the most retarded termination notice possible. Everything she says is a lie, she didn't try to kill herself, it's all part of the plan.

Given that (retarded) perspective, I could see calling it a grift.

>> No.68777522

They did this because a shitload of merch all came out around the same time, and the list was to make people aware of what was limited, so they don't miss out. It's not complicated

>> No.68777776

The fun part of that is that we heard about her attempt from Niji, not her.
Part of the controversy that NDF is trying to make people forget is that NijiEN said she tried to kill herself and the only time Doki acknowledged it was in the statement she made during her return stream.

>> No.68778300

people have short attention spans, she is smart to do what she is doing

>> No.68778320

>Loses her source of income
>expects not to push merch

>> No.68778339

It was the only way she could garner sympathy against le evil big bad company.

>> No.68778343

Dude do you know other humans or have you just been stuck in your room for long enough to not know how to function?

>> No.68778501

presumably she'll just keep doing the same she was doing as Selen, wether that's considered entertaining is up to those who've already watch her

>> No.68780018

your acting like a child kek just admit you were wrong dipshit

>> No.68780073

Seethe more, Nijifags

>> No.68780889

I don't watch nijiwhores, I'm not a cuck who laps up Luca's leftovers.

All part of her plan. She didn't die after all when it's easy to actually kill yourself. You're still falling for whore lies.

>> No.68781010

If it's so easy why haven't you done it?

>> No.68782466

boohoo, I don't get to release a shitty MV, GUESS I'LL DIE! dyrbi?

>> No.68782603

>know you are about to escape the situation in a month
>go suicidal anyway

>> No.68782670

I'm just here to post.. "N..negligible!">>68756949
To be fair. She lost money last year

>> No.68782713

no? but the information is readily accessible. she is dumpster-tier by hololive standards

>> No.68782901

Blindly believing everything a person behind an anime girl avatar says, shows that you have been stuck in your room for long enough to not know how to function.

>> No.68783133

people literally WANT all that shit you mentioned

>> No.68783149

She needs to get the money while she can before the drama/reincarnation buff wares off once she starts playing games and filters most of them out again. The first week or so is always the most important for making that money.

>> No.68783307

>people wants to support someone in need and was abused
It's only natural that they shower her money

>> No.68783480

It's very funny how you assume everyone else is blind just because you have your hands over your eyes, like a toddler.

>> No.68783564

>she's always been a grifter, get fucked and seethe

>> No.68783602

And there's misfits more than willing to take advantage of that

>> No.68784148

>promoting your merch is being a grifter
Retarded communist nig

>> No.68784239

>Full grift mode - engaged!
>she was the same on Nijisanji

>> No.68784306

Just out of curiosity, what were people expecting her to do the first couple of streams? She's basically starting a business centered around her streaming, which is exactly the same business she was in before, only now instead of a purple-haired dragon-girl, she's a tomato wearing a smirking blond girl skinsuit. She is, in effect, a small business owner, and that can take some getting used to -- especially since the first order of business is securing the income stream -- getting back into playing Apex might have to wait a little bit, but once things get to whatever form of normal it will be for her, she'll be back to doing more of what she likes to do.

>> No.68784396
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Whatever, Ching Chong

>> No.68784437

>commie thinks promoting your own merch is leh bad
I hope you enjoy the goverment gibs, sadly hardworking people has to sustain leeches like you

>> No.68784504

have fun

>> No.68784549

watching cops beating the shit out of leftoids is indeed, fun

>> No.68784790

They are? Theres nobody on

>> No.68785553

NTA but you don't have to be a communist to hate scammers.

>> No.68785654

>Just out of curiosity, what were people expecting her to do the first couple of streams?
Maybe it is just me but I wouldn't expect someone who tried to kill herself make first 3 streams about money money money money.

>> No.68785776

I mean, she needs the money anon...

>> No.68786304

this, this February suddenly became a warzone for merch sales, i don't think the overlap has caused so much cannibalizing among holo revenue like this, and considering the truth that business is down for anything and anyone the twins can feel the need to stay on top of things and not leaving it all to chance, if they wanna keep this gig going for as long as possible after finally getting their real big opportunity, so don't be a bitch and go bother someone else if you don't like the work they do, cause that's all they are doing, actual work

>> No.68786583

that's how it goes when you pick being racist over being rational, the fight for Coco was against the CCP indoctrinated schizos, not the actual inhabitants of the territory and whoever might have come from there

>> No.68786793

and they need to work extra hard because at the end of the day. What they make will all be divided by 2. Unless these twins act like a married couple and treats everything the other owns as theirs.

>> No.68786878

we hate pinkies, wumaos, and CCP.

>> No.68786951

>Maybe it is just me...
It's just you and the rest of the NDF; misrepresenting her streams isn't helping your case.
If her mental issues are something that can be handled with therapy, then it's really just a matter of not being in an environment which focuses on despair like a black company. You'd be surprised how therapeutic having a job that isn't filled with bullshit and vitriol can be -- both mentally and physically.
Another thing she needs to avoid is crushing debt -- again, a despair issue. That's why she needs to get back to work and secure an income stream for herself. Hopefully, with the new management team that has assembled around her, they will help her avoid spending all of her earnings on the business. Maybe arranged an LLC which pays her and her staff so that she keeps capital (channel) improvements and expenses separate from personal income and expenses.

>> No.68787189

so what would you expect for a suicide attempt survivor streams?

>> No.68787377

>It's just you and the rest of the NDF
It is good to see that all of you Doki simps think suicide isn't anything special and you can just walk it off...... wait a sec.

>> No.68787610

so you have no arguments more than just slandering and making shit up to "downplay" what happened? Or am i asking my own question?

>> No.68787782

I pointed out internal inconsistency of your position. Go and fix that before you try to go debate bro no arguments you dumb simp.

>> No.68787840

You would be surprised how many people come into a hospital to be treated for a suicide attempt and leave within a week. Most of them are women because they actually chicken out as they start dying and call for help. Can't say much about the mental aspect of it though.
