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File: 79 KB, 728x471, 1707549602734516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68671100 No.68671100 [Reply] [Original]

>prioritising our livers well being

>> No.68672192

Of course not. Safer to never believe a word of any corporate statement.

>> No.68672273
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NOW they are concerned for their well being
if you have been this "concerned" from the start of NijiEN maybe there won't be a shitton of drama coming from your branch

>> No.68672460

If niji"fans" believe this kind of bs then i don't know what to say except they're practically mindless

>> No.68672501

>Due to schedule delays caused by circumstances such as coronavirus, we regret to announce that this event will be cancelled
unironically more believable

>> No.68672550
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>one of our peeps just tried to fucking kill herself
>""""we prioritize the well being of our livers :)))))""""

>> No.68672580

>They now care about the liver's well-being after being told they're negligible

>> No.68672624

>What do you mean some of them feel uncomfortable doing a collab with each other
>Sigh then just write that it’s postponed because we care about them

>> No.68672642

Should've just blamed Covid again.

>> No.68672660


>> No.68672693

If they're serious then Aster will be terminated soon.

>> No.68672703

Kurosanjispeak for contracts are being reworked to include mandatory weekly rimming of Riku's asshole and reduced merch cut of .01%.

>> No.68672738

They got NijiJP staff to do damage control

>> No.68672826

All i ever wanted was Vox, Jurard, and some other deep voiced people like Fulgur and Vesper to do a 5 man game like OW 2

>> No.68672856

I unironically think the new guy for NijiEN and the IN trio are getting their pinkies cut off right now

>> No.68672883


>> No.68672923
File: 490 KB, 1024x658, Screen-Shot-2019-05-10-at-7.01.27-PM-1024x658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Interviewer] This liver that was involved in the incident in British Columbia this week…

[Riku Tazumi] Yeah, the one that had to go to the hospital?

[Interviewer] Yeah.

[Riku Tazumi] That’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

[Interviewer] Well, how is it untypical?

[Riku Tazumi] Well, there are a lot of these livers streaming around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen … I just don’t want people thinking that our livers aren’t safe.

[Interviewer] Was this liver safe?

[Riku Tazumi] Well I was thinking more about the other ones…

[Interviewer] The ones that are safe,,,

[Riku Tazumi] Yeah... the ones that aren't taken to the hospital.

[Interviewer] Well, if she wasn’t safe, why didn't you try to improve the situation?

[Riku Tazumi] Well, I’m not saying it wasn’t safe, it’s just perhaps not quite as safe as some of the other ones.

[Interviewer] Why?

[Riku Tazumi] Well, some of them are taken care of so that they don't attempt suicide.

[Interviewer] Wasn’t this one taken care of so she wouldn't attempt suicide?

[Riku Tazumi] Well, obviously not.

[Interviewer] “How do you know?”

[Riku Tazumi] Well, because she attempted suicide, but don't worry, the impact on our financial results will be negligible.

>> No.68672922

Harry probably went out to try his new pair of concrete shoes in the Tokyo Bay

>> No.68673063

kek nice one anon

>> No.68673083

Is there a high chance that Harry "the incompetent upper manager" would be blacklisted on a lot of Japanese company?

>> No.68673102
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>> No.68673107

lol no, they are just too afraid of their livers being too retarded again and do stuff like make fun of selen and leaks and thus confirm them further

>> No.68673134


>> No.68673172

is this corporate PR equivalent of throwing shit at wall and seeing what sticks so it could be used as glue to stop stock price from falling?

>> No.68673178


>> No.68673239

They prioritize their livers well being like my alcoholic ass prioritizes my liver's well being

>> No.68673307

why waste time blacklisting him when he's not getting out of the bay anyways?

>> No.68673332


>> No.68673363
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They prioritize their livers worse than a terminal alcoholic

>> No.68674212


>> No.68674293

>Cancelling the event in the last possible minute
Someone must have ghosted them. Probably Rosemi-sama.

>> No.68674482

>Elira and Petra were supposed to be the MCs for the tournament
>both of them have been radio silent since they supposedly arrived to japan just 1 day before the termination

>> No.68674486

Can anyone give a qrd on this agency? I scrolled through tweets Twitter let me see, which are mostly auditions and graduations notices and incident responses, and it seems they at least have someone in charge of PR stuff.

>> No.68674509

/thread (or at least in a sane world it would be)

>> No.68674540
File: 86 KB, 240x224, tenma_coffee_squint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the two biggest female livers are no longer part of your company due to your mismanagement
>lose 150+ million dollardoos in market cap
>put out notice to say the termination is negligible
>drama comes up and your worst perfoming livers are part of it
>management tries to obviously disprove it after seeing it /here/
>cancel event because you suddenly "care" about your livers
I love how the company setting itself on fire is more entertaining than their chuubas.

>> No.68674559
File: 3.45 MB, 498x498, 1702135010703351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allowing Selen to be harassed to the point of trying to kill herself
>Harassing her while she was in the hospital to get her make a tweet to exonerate them
>Firing her and trying to destroy her career when she refused
>Putting a target on the back of every talent
>Downplaying Selen's drama
>"prioritising our livers well being"

I'm genuinely mad. This is disgusting.

>> No.68674717
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Literally paying for bot replies so you know twitter hurts them

>> No.68674788

tl;dr The entire agency existed solely so that the CEO could slide into the girls' DMs and the contract had cartoonish scare clauses with fines of several gorillion dollars for unilateral termination.

It all came down when they had the 100000000 IQ idea not only hiring an actual minor to play a loli character but then tell people that she was underage so please don't lewd her.

>> No.68674805

I have to imagine the recent change in attitude is due to JP management taking over after their stock price took a severe hit. They need to figure out what the fuck is going on, meanwhile EN management are probably getting reamed over their handling of this situation.

>> No.68674879
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tourists getting mad over a boyfriend haver getting her just deserts

Mel deserved it
Dokibird deserved it
Suzi deserves it

>> No.68675018

Typical mismanaged microcorp, they basically imploded when it became public that they hired a minor as one of their new talents IIRC. Prior to that they didn't have major scandals, just your standard grey area stuff for small corpos like having talents do behind-the-scenes managerial stuff and the like.

>> No.68675058

> Moreover, Nophilia was supposed to reach the age of majority the following year.
Pretty much the same as Haachama. Why was this even a problem?

>> No.68675097

You started using 4chan a year ago
Take your (You) and fuck off.

>> No.68675204
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>NOW they are concerned for their well being
Narrator: They were not

>> No.68675215

It was a lie, the RM came out after the drama and said she was 15-16 IIRC and that management knew.

Still I don't know why the fuck they even felt the need to not only reveal her age but tell fans not to lewd her because she was a minor IRL.

>> No.68675237
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Enjoy your slampig, condom atm.

>> No.68675289

>Prior to that they didn't have major scandals, just your standard grey area stuff for small corpos like having talents do behind-the-scenes managerial stuff and the like.
Dont' forget that the CEO forced the girls to play League with him off-stream and insisted to be present in every voice call between the talents.

>> No.68675331

selen doesn't even get real boyfriends, she just gets online orbiters and groomers who do furry erp with her and carry her in apex...
maybe pump and dump her at best

>> No.68675333

>Keep souring NIJISANJIEN. Bless.
Unfortunate typo.

>> No.68675352

kek I didn't bother reading the entire tweet so I didn't notice

>> No.68675359

>maybe pump and dump her

>> No.68675462

>Nijisanji admits
>there is a bully in Livers
>Selen's suicide attempt

>Niji fans call Selen a liar

Of course they are

>> No.68675557

I recall there being a bit more than that, like taking talents on holiday with his mum and demanding them to play apex with him. The kind of shit an anon from here would end up doing

>> No.68675558

>Regret to announce this
>Were glad to announce suspensions and terminations
Truly a black company

>> No.68675566

It's probably too late to get good at apex, isn't it

>> No.68675734

But you can get good at mlp rp and warrior cats rp.

>> No.68676284

Kek, 10/10 anon

>> No.68676438

>Selen tries to off herself
>selens death will be negligible to our profits :^)
>Oh yeah we totaly care about our livers well being ;) better cancel this so nobody can say to sink the yacht
Anyone that believes this truly does not belong on this planet anymore

>> No.68676549

This isn't a paid bot. The jp side of twitter is infested with middle eastern spammers for some god forsaken reason. They will copy other jp tweets and just repost them as their own hoping people click or translate it so they can make some money. If you want to browse jp twitter nowadays you always have to check if a person's account has a middle eastern name/profile pic so you don't get baited.

>> No.68676585
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More like they need to regain some trust before pushing Valentine's merch

>> No.68676606

Lol, not even a mention of investigating workplace bullying and toxicity. These are such empty words from them. What an absolute black company. They don't address the massive elephant in the room here.

>> No.68676932

Late payments to the point where they would never pay their talents unless the talents spammed the ceo with emails. The minor thing was negligible but enough of a twitter storm for the rest of the talents to get attention and expose the rest of the company followed by a 100% walk out rate. They’re all gone.

>> No.68676976

No, but shows they are learning what PR is, at least a little bit, only took them 2 years

>> No.68677086

Where can we realistically expect the resignations to be announced? 1 month from now?

>> No.68677135

>doesn't change
>we totally care though
baka I'm going to piss on their grave when the branch folds

>> No.68677190

>Do any of you feel bad

>> No.68677216

Sounds like a mistranslation. I think they meant how their livers feel being in a well. Trying to reenact Ringu.

>> No.68677270

They'll either shotgun them all out on March 1st, or try to slow the bleeding with one per month.

>> No.68677337

You guys think they will reverse selen's termination as a last gambit to stay solvent?

>> No.68677348

Fucking hell this one always gets me. Good job anon.

>> No.68677407

This month's resignation slot has been used up. So yes, next month.
There's a free termination slot left though.

>> No.68677415

>reverse a termination
That's not how any of this works. Their last resort would be something like legal threats to the ones still remaining if they leave, and or possibly suing the livers that left for money for incurred damages or something dumb.

>> No.68677425

All they need to do is issue an apology, admit fault and tell people they'll be investigating any complaints about bullying or harassment, as well as work towards creating a better working environment.
But they're not even that competent.
Also I suspect hell would freeze over before Doki goes back to that company. They might have better luck with Pomu if they guarantee her shit.

>> No.68677478

They're attempting to fix their already sinking ship. It took them like what, three years to grow a brain?

>> No.68677483

half of the branch is doormats, I highly doubt they're going anywhere regardless of how bad it gets

>> No.68677573

More like they're holding emergency branch-wide meeting to discuss how to damage control all the recent leaks.

>> No.68677660

I think it's funnier that they used this excuse on a fucking mario kart event.
Like, they want to look like they care but also don't want to call too much attention so they sandwich it in a delay announcement.

>> No.68677815

I'm just saying, there's stocks are down, western companies are cutting ties, the entire western vtuber sphere wants nothing to do with them, taking back Selen and letting her do everything she wants for the foreseeable future could staunch the bleeding.

>> No.68677840

They’re colloquially known in the jp sphere as Impression Zombies (インプレゾンビ), because of their literal braindead copypasting and trending hashtag spamming. Thanks Muskrat.

>> No.68677994
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>prioritising our livers well being
>read: Enna and Millie got too many death threats
When the black sheep gets literally bullied into the Suicide Watch unit by her co-workers, she is just being uppity. But when the lapdogs complain about the mean anonymous DM's, it is time to SHUT IT DOWN

>> No.68678052

and luca even though he’s now this board’s most tragic hero

>> No.68678099

At this rate, when will NijiEN get merged? I bet December.

>> No.68678105
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NijiEN needs to immediately reinstate Selen's channel and include a clause in the contract of all livers that they arent gonna delete the channel of anyone who leaves, and also that they are not gonna fire anyone suddenly either. Otherwise the remaining talents will live in a state of constant terror, and many will just try to quit silently and quickly out of fear of getting their channels deleted.

>> No.68678107
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Why are shitskin Caucasians like this?

>> No.68678122

She had no reason to go back when her bullies still remain. They'd have to do that, publicly fire the people responsible and then entertain the idea of her wanting to come back.
But considering how happy she was in her last two streams getting to play whatever she wants, I don't think she ever wants to come back.

>> No.68678196

>Foreinger make image like this to make each other laug-
Oh right festival just has massive eyes like that

>> No.68678274

I'm just starting to gid gud and I have nearly 2000 hours in the game. The skill ceiling is a mile high.

>> No.68678286

>stock is up 38% YoY
>the entire EN branch makes up less than 20% of their revenue
>the finance understanders on /vt/ are convinced that anycolor is doomed

>> No.68678327

They literally called it a "difficult decision", anon.

>> No.68678360

It's too late to take Selen back. She is gone.

>> No.68678361
File: 31 KB, 628x815, stocks down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese stockholders are mad that their stocks are in the red, anon.

>> No.68678395

I'm really curious if they're throwing around the possibility of attempting to sue Dokibird, I have no doubts that it would be a gigantic fucking disaster for them but seeing the jp viewers unironically support this because they earnestly believe that NijiEN has nothing to hide would be fabulous

>> No.68678407

There's no chance in hell Selen would return.

>> No.68678411

Anon. Selen asked to part ways neutrally with them and they not only refused, they terminated her. There was no "difficult decision". They lied as usual to make Selen look bad.

>> No.68678431

Maybe they should avoid investing if they can't handle a -2% monthly fluctuation without getting margin called

>> No.68678457

The EN branch seems like in a death spiral. More people might quit and literally no good talent is gonna apply in the future.

>> No.68678479

Weird to see them cope about Hyte and the smaller Vtuber merch companies that cut ties. It’s like they know nijisanji fucked up, but are too proud to admit it.

>> No.68678496
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but they said its negligible

>> No.68678540

Not for a fucking second
I bet there was too many livers striking that the stream would have been too glaring
everyone whos still "taking a break" is pissed off

>> No.68678546

You should change British Columbia to Canada though

>> No.68678605

Pay attention to the reply chain. The point is that they didn't show a different tone between this announcement and the termination notice, whatever they're thinking behind the scenes.

>> No.68678638

>>foreigners make images like this just to make each other laugh-
>>...it's just an unedited screenshot
this is a funny punchline that deserves to be used on a better image

>> No.68678647

>Lol, not even a mention of investigating workplace bullying and toxicity.
That's not something companies mention to begin with.
Now to play Devil's advocate here:
Is it possible that pretty much every problem with NijiEN stemmed from Anycolor giving its management entirely too wide a berth to do as it pleased because they didn't have any real interest in it, resulting in a total lack of supervision? Is it possible that Selen's suicide attempt caused the corporate office to turn its attention towards EN, followed by an audit of the EN management where they concluded that it needs a major internal overhaul, and that until the management overhaul is complete and those who were involved in the issues are either re-trained or fired (as quietly as possible), they have the entire branch on hold?

>> No.68678654

I did and it just looks like you're complaining about semantics.

>> No.68678670

>It might have been dangerous if Sutopuri had gotten out of the teen genre and really set up an area close to Jisanji to men.
I think.

>> No.68678696

anon, your geography reps

>> No.68678707
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>> No.68678767
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>prioritizing our livers well being
>our livers

>> No.68678854

They are actively recruiting new Canadian management positions. There isn't a snowball's chance in hell anyone has picked up that offer. Livers? They are that stupid. Managerial aspirees? There is no way they catch wind of any of this and think to themselves "I can fix EN."

>> No.68678898
File: 9 KB, 664x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are actively recruiting new Canadian management positions.
They're hiring an assassin

>> No.68678912

If this is the case than it would genuinely be in their best interest to offer an apology and to let the community know that this is the case so that the NijiEN that drove one of its talents to suicide is distanced from NijiEN.
Quietly trying to reorganize and fix the issues with management is something that should've occurred before a pr disaster of this magnitude and if they don't get some good will very quickly, the image of NijiEN as a company of incompetent fuck ups will be a stain that won't go away.

>> No.68678932

The stocks plummeting is no joke. Anycolor is a black company for the sake of making money, and for the sake of making money they will also behead whoever's responsible for losing that money. It stands to reason their headquarters is taking over EN to put the fire out.

>> No.68679086
File: 2.45 MB, 2112x1296, 1707132562643377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, you don't understand. Selen wasn't a Liver. According to company policy, because of her continuous misconduct since May of 2023, she was a redesignated a Deader.

Our Livers tried their best to remind her of what that position entails, which only resulted in subpar success on Selen's part in attempting to fulfill those duties at the end of 2023. Sadly, she failed to meet the expectations we require of a Deader, and for that reason, we had to let her go on less mortal terms.

>> No.68679096

Civil war mother fuckers. As soon as they do collaborations with the shitty people they will cement in stone their allegiances.

>> No.68679114
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>Not even announcing an investigation
>Not even trying to address the harassment and bullying accusations
>Not even trying to protect the talents from the antis
>.".....Why the fuck aren't Elira and Petra picking up their phones?"

>> No.68679135

Nijisanji tried to go full Nijjar on Selen. Someone tell Trudeau.

>> No.68679138

What possible reason is there to believe that JP management is going to be any better at handling this than EN's? At least EN has ESL managers, NijiHQ doesn't speak English at all, and they have the Hunger Games-esque competitive atmosphere for their organs, it's just that nips put up with because of Asian values. There's no saving this yacht.

>> No.68679166

Terminal Twitter users are indeed mindless sheep.
But more specifically we got the Enna/Niji Stans who will swear up and down Enna's members stream was "taken out of context"

>> No.68679199

He still a fucking sex pest who defended Niji when the cracks started to show.

>> No.68679225

The Black Company label is going to stay.
> We deny allegations of malicious practices.
Continues to make their livers pay for everything and no news if the guilty part of management has been purged.
Pomu due to managements poor decisions
Selen left due to harassment
If you let these shitters get away with it a female liver is going to be sexually assaulted one day.

>> No.68679240

Well, i believe that lying wouldn't be the worst thing they had done.

>> No.68679241

The replies to that tweet give me hope that even those drones arent completely lost
You have to really search gor a single positive reply

>> No.68679245

Doubt they care. They didn't even write it in a 3 pages black text, white background document.

>> No.68679248

Bro Truedau is the one who made doctor assisted suicide a method.

>> No.68679272

We need to upgrade to Vantablack Company

>> No.68679288

Nah they're trying to wait for this fire to go out, and they're not getting that it's either going to take a long time or not go out at all. They've proven there's no reason to view what they're doing benevolently or with the livers in mind.

They'll have to fold EN back in to do the laziest >reform
they can possibly get away with. Might work, but considering how many people are convinced Millie and Enna are behind the bullying, probably not for them.

>> No.68679308

The real reason is either A. They stealth suspended some of the talent involved or B they lost contact with them not wanting part in this clown show anymore. Or C a combination of both.

>> No.68679377

You think too highly of Nijiwomen if you think sexually assaulting someone is beneath all of them.

>> No.68679434

The shitty ego part of management and Enna pushed the idea that this would simply blow over.
MAYBE it would of if Dokibird didn't reappear. Now with her mere existence everyone gets perpetually reminded they are a Black company. It also doesn't help they have not gone through an fucking healing process at all. If you have an open wound time doesn't heal it can actually fester and make things fucking worst.

>> No.68679470

>if you have been this "concerned" from the start of nijisanji* maybe there won't be a shitton of drama coming from your company
A lot of shady practices they did in the past were hinted by their retired talents' rm, including the now Hololive Luna.
Even the now infamous 2% has been known since forever.

>> No.68679477

It's all fun and games until she breaks out the strap-on.

>> No.68679537

They blanket stealth suspended everyone while JP investigated. We still know a filthy part of the management exists from the Aster Scarle situation. They used a sentence to say 'everything is ok' in a formal letter.
The good parts of NijiEN are going to get harassed about why are they staying, the worst parts will get one guyed and streaming all around will be poor quality. They will hate streaming.

>> No.68679538

Never forget they published a two sentence statement to their investors that losing her would be negligible. I don't think they even bothered to do that for Zaion. So much of their action is just outright spiteful.

>> No.68679558

>you will never be assaulted and pegged by Rosemi
why even live

>> No.68679636

>I don't think they even bothered to do that for Zaion.
They didn't do it for anyone else other than Selen. They thought they could get away with it, and panicked when they saw the community rioting.

>> No.68679660
File: 319 KB, 1170x1390, 1677872773195658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could be worse, you could be looking at this face when she pegs you.

>> No.68679672

It also doesn't help a good chunk of their livers are mentally retarded and will peruse here. Why the fuck would you when it's all going to be overwhelmingly negative. Their snarky comments about the situation isn't going to save them for choosing to AVOID the fucking problem. These are your professions you have to take responsibility and salvage the situation before you can move on. It's 100% guaranteed you won't be able to brain wash everyone to have the same narrative. If you lie and you talk every fucking day you are going to slip up eventually.

>> No.68679689

You can check out but you can never leave

>> No.68679756

Selen died for this to happen.

>> No.68679762

Well yeah, it doesn't help when they're saying shit like that while the termination papers said she let her go because her staying was causing irreparable harm to the brand. All this is only happening because Doki responded by admitting they pushed her to attempted suicide. An avalanche of shit they wanted buried or left unmentioned came out as a result. Plus even people who don't care about Niji or Vtubers in general get mad at any company doing that.

>> No.68679805

>normies are eating it up
Nijisanji is finally learning how to survive

>> No.68679827

Are they?
Are they actually?

>> No.68679908

No one is eating it up.

>> No.68679915
File: 224 KB, 1066x871, IMG_20240210_054704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this braindead

>> No.68679970
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>making the steps in changing their ways
They wouldn't even cared if Selen died.

>> No.68679997

Next time I bully someone to attempting suicide, i'll buy them a Happy Meal with a note saying "i'll b betta :)"
I'm sure that will exempt me of my sins.

>> No.68680043

Because EN's is/was a fucking clown show and JP was never stupid enough to do something like straight up terminate their biggest female talent. The company might be black but no depressed NijiJP girl ever attempted suicide.
The ability to speak English is a non issue with translators.
>there's no saving this yacht
NijiEN is probably fucked, but Blackcolor is going to at least try to keep the fire from spreading to where most of their income supposedly is. All I want at this point is for EN's management to get fired and blacklisted.

>> No.68680042

There is no point anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if Anycolour is trying to hire a management that can deal with this but with their reputation it's just not possible to accomplish before the branch collapses totally.
This termination has set of the domino of death, several niji livers are here, shit is coming out about them it has also been alluded that a catastrophic yab is brewing for NijiEN behind the scienes, there is no saving this branch now the only thing left to be seen is how bad the final yab will be.
If they had payed attention and cleaned house like Hololive did with EN the branch might've had a future but it's not salvageable anymore.
Holoens situation was looking preety grim in 2022, the omegafags management must've been really fucking bad because most girls have thrown shade at their last management, it's a miracle that it didn't drive anyone to graduation.
Seems like jp branch noticed something was seriously wrong with the EN management, I remember yagoo started to attend HoloEN meetings then Jap became the branch head and things started to go back on track.

>> No.68680069

Fuck no!

>> No.68680146

How did we go from luxiem and noctyx making jokes about suicide and NDA breaking in the recent pico park collab to cancelling the mario kart collab for the liver's wellbeing?

>> No.68680189

All of them got stealth suspended and management realised that there is no one left to play in the tournament.

>> No.68680223

Like Rosemi, Elira and Petra have gone AWOL and it would be pretty awkward without them

>> No.68680300

So why was Kunai suspended?

>> No.68680308


>> No.68680434

>Suicide Jokes
No fucking way the are THAT retarded. Timestamp?

>> No.68680447

>That's not something companies mention to begin with.
Bullshit that absolutely is. The first instance that comes to mind is when The Ellen Show got fucking reamed internationally for bullying and they immediately announced an internal investigation. It's literally the first thing companies do.

>are either re-trained or fired (as quietly as possible
Why would they keep it quiet? Your reasoning makes zero sense. Is it possible? Yes. It's also possible Riku is 29 guinea pigsp piloting a jap man suit. Is it likely? No.

>> No.68680480

>The ability to speak English is a non issue with translators.
Everything else aside, this is just not true. It's extremely hard to communicate with people when you don't speak their language, and quality translators are expensive. It would make having live conversations between talents and management essentially impossible. This issue alone is enough to make a NijiHQ takeover essentially unviable and equivalent to killing the branch, same as what happened to ID.

>> No.68680763

Mass Graduations EN 2024
Rules according to Niji Staffer who got trolled /here/
Has to occur in the same year (Sorry Zaion)
Has to occur within 6 months of each other
Minimum of 10 people
We are at: February
1. Pomu
2. Kyo
3. Selen
status of rrats: as NijiEN is now 'waiting out' the yabs it can be seen as a show of acceptance of their Black Company ways and unwillingness to repent, even after JPs observations.
4. Petra
5. Rosemi
6. Elira
7. Vivi
compared to culling the actual bad gangrene flesh of the Black company
4. Enna
5. Millie
6. Aster (confirmed harassment of Scarle, unknown about Selen)
7. Luca (due to breaches of his contract as confirmed recently)
It is assumed the last 3 would occur if there was a sharp decline of grads / terminations thus the jumping ship effect.
In conclusion the rrat for the coming days is to pay attention to Petra & Rosemi.

>> No.68680837

>what do you want

1. Retraction of Selen's termination.
2. Offer Selen her job back (she won't take it but it's the offer that counts).
3. Complete suspension of all EN liver activity pending further investigation.
4. A full and complete workplace culture audit and an investigation into all claima of harassment and bullying, completed by an independent 3rd party with the results publicly published with all recommended actions taken.
5. An apology to Doki personally, an apology to their talents, an apology to their fans and an apology to the wider vtubing community for how their actions have tainter everybody
6. Publish their current talent compensation breakdown and their new compensation breakdown which brings them up to industry par, at a minimum (30-60% of merch sales, 30-50% of superchats and donations plus a minimum salary)
7. Compensation paid out to Doki

If they did all of that, I'd defend the company tooth and nail for actually being good.

>> No.68680907

So basically, completely dismantle NijiEN and replace it with a new company wholesale, ship of theseus style?

>> No.68680978

Guessing Elira, Petra, and Rosemi are taking breaks.
Elira and Petra were the commentators of the event and they probably couldn't find anyone to replace them on time. Rosemi could've been swapped out with someone like Aia.

>> No.68681001

What I don't get is they accused Selen is irrepairable damage to their brand, but then they make an announcement to investors that there is no damage.

Which is it?

>> No.68681051

They also announced that it was the livers at fault of harassment, but back pedaled on this later.

>> No.68681064

Elira and Petra are together in Japan and theyre not picking up lmao

>> No.68681087

When did they backpedal on that?

>> No.68681095

More or less. The entire structure from how the talents interact with each other to how EN management interacts with JP management is rotten to it's core and the foundation needs to be ripped up. Any attempts to patch it are ultimately futile and indicative they don't care.

>> No.68681120

they lie about literally everything. even current announcement is there only because they cant ask pomu to damage control for luca anymore.

>> No.68681397

>builds original ship with completely rotten materials
Would it really be a bad thing?

>> No.68681449

No I'd rather believe the rrat than those damn corpo

>> No.68682022

Aster will survive. Unfortunately Luca will be the only one being kicked out since the retard handed over his credentials and minecraft acc to a glorified fujo to to his dirty work.

Unless that's the tip of the iceberg on whatever other shit's behind the curtain.

>> No.68682042

I'm pretty sure Hololive didn't announce to the world "Haachama is underage, please do not draw lewds of her *wink"

>> No.68682173
File: 291 KB, 459x447, niji organs....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>prioritising our livers well being
>Was this liver safe?
>entertaining than their chuubas
uhhh sorry sweetie they're call livers
>Selen wasn't a Liver
>liver activity

>> No.68682201

One is the brand the other is financial results.
>damage to the NijiEN (19% of revenue) in the West (lmao)
Just spam some more EN voice packs and merch on the JP twitter and store and it'll be just fine. If anything JP getting fed up with all the noise on the EN side might do more damage in the long run.

>> No.68682265

>>damage to the NijiEN (19% of revenue) in the West
If I was an investor I'd be fucking pissed off if 1/5 of my investment in a company promising to go international was on fire.

>> No.68682283

>Millie's emoji
Of course kek

>> No.68682367

merch machine broke

>> No.68682460

The only thing they could do as a first step is fire the whole EN management team and hire actual competent people and I don't see that happening any time soon.

>> No.68682484

There's was some recent Niji tweet exonerating any wrongdoing.

>> No.68682743
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1705495415307849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Millie's oshi mark

>> No.68682766

What must be done to people like this?
I just don't really get why nijifans act like kpopfags

>> No.68682789
File: 690 KB, 982x846, 1693095988041749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rules according to Niji Staffer who got trolled /here/
I remember that one kek

>> No.68682799

Total Nijinigger Death

>> No.68682820

They're women.

>> No.68682853

Because they are. They're literally kpop fans evolved into Nijisisters.

>> No.68682873

god I fucking hate south korea

>> No.68683209

Probably miscommunication.
Selen doesn’t have a big impact on the company if you ONLY look at the money she brings in.
As for the damage to the brand they probably meant the one related to the cover song.
They didn’t account nor expected the big shitstorm that happened after her termination.

>> No.68683253

Most kpop stans are clinically insane white teenagers.

>> No.68683310

Possibly by June

>> No.68683436

it's kpop's fault they ended up like that

>> No.68683602
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>> No.68683649

I actually, unironically think that Akio didn't intend any "wink" there, and that Jason really was retarded enough to think that this was the right way to "protect" an underage employee.

>> No.68683688

To be fair, it is a cult they're indoctrinated into. Like white women and Taylor Swift.

>> No.68683708

>why nijifans act like kpopfags
Because a lot of them genuinely were (or are) kpop stans. If you go to the profile of your average female nijifag and scroll down a little you'll most likely see clips of kpop groups dancing, variety show/interview translations and selfies or whatever.

>> No.68683755

A lot of them are clinically insane SEA monkey as well but that isn't a surprise.

>> No.68683871

This is the big thing. A lot of the reason anycolor stock was valued highly was the projected increase in revenue from successful overseas branches. With that gone the project growth has nosedived. They might be able to tread water but from the investor standpoint treading water is a bad thing.

>> No.68683981

And she would honestly goddamn deserve it and worse. I hope they cirumcise her and eat her clit and labia for very good measure.

>> No.68684074

Damn bro, what did they do to you? You get cucked by Enna too?

>> No.68684202

You know considering who's been totally AWOL on Twitter lately I have a feeling this is going to age about as well as the "Selen is RECOVERING guys she'll be back when she's ready"

>> No.68684262
File: 60 KB, 461x494, 1700443240208717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? Comments seem mostly positive (or at least really fucking trusting) or cautiously optimistic at worst to me.

>> No.68684312

The pajeets left last year and they're still looking for a new director. They don't really have any management left.

>> No.68684351

im retard but isn't this just the same person spamming

>> No.68684425
File: 105 KB, 625x1241, 1695916635627840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first results for me seem to be mostly sarcasm.

>> No.68684436

I fully expect them to try to drop the bomb right during holofest to divert attention from it and create a link for people to reminisce to them over a more popular topic

>> No.68684462

I just realized, aren't Niji biz in deep shit now that Hololive also had a dip. Doesn't that mean slow recovery for the industry. Just imagine if MORE BAD NEWS gets paraded around. Like a few more graduations / terminations. kekw

>> No.68684471

Karoshisanji facing the negligible impact

>> No.68684503

>A full and complete workplace culture audit
Not just that we need a Nijisanji financial audit. We need to know where our money is going since most of our money goes to them instead of the talents we're trying to support.

>> No.68684554

If anything the management isn't working hard enough lmao

>> No.68684566

>drop the bomb right during holofest to divert attention from it
That would unironically be so funny if that happens

>> No.68684640

I bet these retards were desperate for a reason to end the "boycott" kek it's the same shit that keeps explotation in the k-pop industry alive

>> No.68684682

Guess I missed it, do you happen to have a link anon?

>> No.68684689

Did they delay it cause they gave a shit or did they delay it cause they need more time to lock down chat for the event so they can act like nothing is going on.

>> No.68684789

If there is no apology or promise of change, it is a nothingburger statement.

>> No.68684909
File: 61 KB, 372x321, 1586544615493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is probably what they wanted to say.

>> No.68684987

I’m pretty sure that translates from corporate speak into something along the lines of
>We desperately need time to convince the majority of our livers to not immediately quit or say retarded shit on stream to make the situation worse for us

>> No.68684993

I want them to look into the bullying situation they dropped a mention about in the termination document and suspend or fire the involved parties who drove Selen to try and kill herself. It's one of the big reasons why you have everyone playing guessing games with which talents had a hand in bullying Selen.

>> No.68685002

>warrior cats rp
snuffy colab confirmed?!?

>> No.68685115

What more do you want from us?

>> No.68685241

>Riku is 29 guinea pigsp piloting a jap man suit
n-new rrat??

>> No.68685390
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>> No.68685418

The only reason they’re “concerned” now is because they genuinely underestimated what effect Selen’s departure would have on their fans, their talents, and most importantly some business partners.
But it’s also probably because in an unrelated incident, Luca’s ex-mod revealed a ton of dirt on both him but also Aster. And if the rumors about Scarle crying on her membership stream are true, it probably occurred to Anycolor staff that the situation was not only true, but that there was no easy way to tell their female livers to just “deal with it” either. It wouldn’t be shocking if only Finana was on friendly terms with him because she’s too airheaded to worry about his bitching.

>> No.68685547

Anon, they were fucking insane 12 years ago. No one is out of touch. They are just legit crazy.

>> No.68685778

This is corporate speak for people right now want to quit en masse so we have to run extreme damage control to not take further reputational damage

>> No.68685784

Or because everyone will get harassed if they streamed.

>> No.68685849

thanks for looking out for me manechan

>> No.68685866

>i spent half my life in this shithole
Why do people brag about this? If i were here as long as you, i’d fucking lie and pretend I was new

>> No.68686605

The talents are probably boycotting the event.

>> No.68686996

no they're probably just cutting the whole thing out because Niji rn is trying to figure out if they should shitcan Luca or not after all the leaks

>> No.68687074

Maybe if the branch didn’t have talents who leaked shit, or trails of clip evidence that could be used to depict some talents as bullies/predators then they wouldn’t be so easy to harass.

As good as it would be for Luca to finally be reprimanded for his actions, I can’t see it. They’ve always played favorites.

>> No.68687121

Can't confirm that, and therefore the current assumption is that the bullies are still running rampant and there are people staying silent and trying to cover it up. Who is who? Don't know, therefore they all need to be treated as if they're the bullies.

>> No.68687136

that's why I said
>trying to figure out if they should

>> No.68687311

i think the word you’re looking for is doubtful

>> No.68687454

It does make me wonder, what exactly would it take to scare Niji management into actually investigating the bullying situation?

>> No.68687532

Haha. Fuck no.

>> No.68687566

Literal unironic death with a suicide note naming names

>> No.68687606

Nothing, they've made it crystal clear they'd rather can the entire branch than ever admit to wrongdoing. Anykara is doing what KR did except this time its their explicit fault.

>> No.68687641

Aster was doing a Mario Kart practice stream shortly before this, which just confirms the lack of communication between management and the talents. Did they seriously wait until the last minute to tell them?

>> No.68687657

You think they told them?

>> No.68687668

No, the bully probably knew.

>> No.68687672

Save for that, the next best thing is a loss of sponsorships, conventions not allowing Anycolor in, and game publishers convincing their talents that they’d be supported even if they leave Anycolor.

>> No.68687750

Nobody willingly talks to Aster.

>> No.68687778

Nah, not severe enough for nijisanji to do anything. They literally just tried to throw selen under the bus after she tried to kill herself.

>> No.68687857

>loss of sponsorships
>conventions not allowing anycolor in
probably happening
>game publishers yada yada
Palworld perms were already confirmed by doki to not be a thing so that's technically happening too

>> No.68687868

Delayed like that one concert, right?

>> No.68688637

NijiEN makes up less than 20% of their revenue but they were supposed to allow for future growth. Nijisanji has lost the ID branch while their EN branch is falling apart. Management doesn't know how to run a foreign branch which is a large weakness. Anycolor might be okay at the moment but the question is how their stock will look in a year. HoloEN did have major issues with employee morale in 2022 and 2023 but Cover is slowly working out contract deals that have settled most of their concerns.

>> No.68688707

The absolute AUDACITY to try to pretend like they give a single fuck, Niji management is fucking shameless

>> No.68688769

The best potential indies refusing to join them would be a red flag.

>> No.68688815

Imagine have new gens that act and behave like Enna & Millie for example. Peek vtuber content right! Cause I see them taking that direction instead of traditional vtuber content.

>> No.68688918
File: 88 KB, 1000x897, 1616973505363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditional vtuber content
Hololive isn't traditional vtuber content.

>> No.68689048

I feel the opposite. I was honestly expecting them to be scared and jump ship but apparently they do know how it works. Now if Koshien goes down...thats when you bail

>> No.68689061

>traditional vtuber content

I swear to god if you try to act like Hololive is 'traditional vtuber content'

>> No.68689091

what was polka previous agency?

>> No.68689154

>complained instead of explaining what )))))traditional(((( vtuber content means

>> No.68689252


>> No.68689271

anon, its near an 11% drop

>> No.68689357
File: 48 KB, 680x696, 20240210_103951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you based faggots made this

>> No.68689607

3D streamers were mostly edgelords and even Kizuna swerved into that type of content. Original 2D, 2018-2019 Nijisanji, was also very edgy with Mito making racist jokes. The semi-idol image was Hololive's gimmick.

>> No.68689779

either elira or petra was stealth suspended
calling it now

>> No.68689819

What if they successfully killed themselves?

>> No.68689902

Then they were definitely suspended.

>> No.68689944

What if they refuse to stream?

>> No.68689984

then they will be suspended for insubordination

>> No.68690032

If you fire all the ones that are unwell then none will be.

>> No.68690101

meh, most of their streams are. they just do some other stuff besides that.

>> No.68690146

So you want girls that talk about how shit their dad is because they divorced his insufferable wife, cry about life all the time, get very excited talking about 'kyo' now replaced with her latest boy toy whichever one she finds. Think this is good content on stream https://streamable.com/2qgth0 and just all around laugh at her fan base and vtubing culture. An entire gen of them. mmm ok

>> No.68690169

Looks like everyone is getting sensitivity training.

>> No.68690203 [DELETED] 

people in the West only care about the EM branch.

>> No.68690228

traditional vtuber content is 3d skits, no? Everything else is nuvtuber content.

>> No.68690261

You mean the highest potential victims are getting brain wash training.

>> No.68690368

I don't want everything to be Hololive, retard.

>> No.68690466

You do realize the YOY stock increase is almost purely because of buybacks? Check the anycolor investor relations releases, the dates for buyback programs, then look at your graph again. Every spike and plateau is timed on buybacks. This dip wiped out the gains from the last 2 buybacks. Where did the talents money and profits go?simple. into riku stock buybacks to pump share value.

>> No.68690802

*sigh* you wouldn’t get it anon

>> No.68690893

I'm just wondering why nobody made a bingo card for what might happen after all this.

>> No.68690956

No one dares to summon that many rrats at once.

>> No.68691013


>> No.68691045

>If you let these shitters get away with it a female liver is going to be sexually assaulted one day.

>> No.68691084

people in the West only care about the EN branch.

>> No.68691196

*sigh* if only they would've learned who truly has control over them.
do they think im at the bottom? I am just laying low

>> No.68691285

you mfers HAVE to stop with the *sigh* posting

>> No.68691369

Liver killing a manager or another liver.

>> No.68691376


>> No.68691398
File: 223 KB, 282x338, 1700542415575599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i beleb

>> No.68691445

...by a rope?

>> No.68691492

They both quit outright

>> No.68691837

Only when Aster stops harassing women.

>> No.68691997

My guess is NijiEN will fold in either Q4 2024 or Q1 2025. There will be some last ditch attempts to save the branch that will fail as more and more of the big stars leave.

I also think a rebranding is possible. The name "Nijisanji" is so tainted it's a severe burden on them now. Watch for them to try to rename the EN branch something like "White Agency."

>> No.68692094
File: 600 KB, 576x1024, 1707428427055734.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a point to that when everything in it will probably turn out to be true? Every single rrat is possible now.

>> No.68692816

And its name shall be Jinxjainis!

>> No.68693006

Their best hope is to purposefully start outrageous rumors about themselves and then debunk them, making people no longer believe the ridiculous but true leaks that occur.

>> No.68693083

Why did the jannies delete the thread about Kronii's tweet?

>> No.68693205

Fuck no, they are just scrambling to get moderators in the chats to prevent people from saying anything against them

>> No.68693313

Kronii being depressed isn't new, nice try fabricating bull shit

>> No.68693409

I didn't post the thread. And Nijisanji being shit is also not news yet threads that are used to shit on them with old info are not purged.

>> No.68693505

what the fuck is this sentence?

>> No.68693606

English motherfucker, do you speak it?

>> No.68693743 [SPOILER] 

hell no leave vesper and jurard alone

>> No.68693897

I mean… it’s not like jurard is any better? I’m excluding vesper because he’s already gone

>> No.68693976
File: 401 KB, 1280x2092, yeYu4Zo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They go full Batman shitposting on the internet?

>> No.68694232

We're gonna need an edit of this with Riku ASAP

>> No.68694373


>> No.68694389


>> No.68694441

That would require a level of self-awareness the management has already demonstrated they don't have.

>> No.68694494


>> No.68694504

Isn't this literally what Luca's skinwalker did?

>> No.68694770

Was it posted on twitter? Give links anon

>> No.68695199

Princess Luna was on Nijisanji...?

>> No.68695469

Yup. It's why she never collabs with Niji members

>> No.68695501


>> No.68695706

Bullied out.

>> No.68695713


>> No.68696272

This is the situation where I think don't ask don't tell would have been the proper response here. I think Uto (girl who got popular for looking like Ame) said in one of her streams a while back that she was 16. I think she's in college now but still, probably shouldn't say that.

>> No.68696513

>so we can dedicate our full attention to prioritizing and ensuring the quality of our Livers' well-being declines further.
fixed it

>> No.68696576

That’s bullshit and you know it.

>> No.68696969

Watching them scramble in full damage control is really funny.

>> No.68697110

I will never drink alcohol, my liver will remain clean

>> No.68697124

>quality of well-being
who even talks like that

>> No.68697223



>> No.68697495

It's obviously machine-translated.

>> No.68697581

What happened between Scarle and Aster? I missed that one completely.

>> No.68697805

>They are actively recruiting new Canadian management positions.
JP antis were making fun of this because the job description sounds like the work of 5 people in one position that's obviously going to be underpaid. "Anyone capable of doing all this'd might as well start their own local agency". I wonder if anyone will actually apply.

>> No.68697859

Basically, Aster is a manipulative bitch with a fragile ego who took it out on Scarle and made her apologize for not making him feel special enough.

>> No.68697870
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I'll only spoon feed you this time, anon.

>> No.68697933

Oh wait it was this one? My bad, I did know about it, I guess I just completely forgot about it kek.

>> No.68697946

Looking at their job postings they apparently get students to work part time as translators for just over minimum wage, kek.

>> No.68697969 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 924x660, GFwjMvYWIAAVxn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one that needs to be spoonfed.

>> No.68697999

More like spooned, you handsome beast chu~

>> No.68698153

>they lost perms

>> No.68698172


>> No.68698531

This post is a good summary of everything. It's really easy to miss any one event.

>> No.68699135

>losing their only beachhead into the global market
NijiEN is the definition of damned if you do damned if you don't.
>They must not overshadow JP branch
>But they must not die also

>> No.68699182

>One is the brand the other is financial results.
That's such a nice cope, because you're saying that their reputation/brand is worthless.
Good job Niji defense drone.

>> No.68699229

That's corporate politics for you.

>> No.68700416

>their only beachhead
even that comes from them being fucking shit at their job
they had an ID branch
they had a Korean branch
they just fucked it all up like the failures they are
