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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.19 MB, 1841x1588, __selen_tatsuki_pomu_rainpuff_selen_tatsuki_and_pomu_rainpuff_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_ricegnat__af7ff3600b5f090ea670db9205be61db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68676987 No.68676987 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of streamer "attempts to commit suicide" and has a line of merchandise ready for sale on her alt account barely 4 weeks after the fact. Something does not add up here.

>> No.68677051

The kind of streamer who loves vtubing and wants to keep doing it as her primary job which necessitates earning money

>> No.68677056
File: 11 KB, 225x225, IMG_3638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living with bpd cunt dookie. wouldnt be surprised if she actually orchestrated the mv to be privated without waiting for it to be approved. suspicious bitch.

>> No.68677070

Newfag here. Are threads repeating the same bullshit that can be debunked in 2 seconds spammed throughout the day common? I swear I saw a similar thread like 4 times today

>> No.68677076

>barely 4 weeks
>a whole fucking month
>it is impossible to prepare to sell merchandise
is this bait?

>> No.68677099

I hope the steam gift card is worth it, anon. I recommend buying Granblue Relink with that.

>> No.68677102


>> No.68677117

niji being incompetent and inefficient doesnt mean everyone has to be

>> No.68677138

>Are threads repeating the same bullshit that can be debunked in 2 seconds spammed throughout the day common?
Yes but they're being spammed especially hard lately by panicking Nijisanji interns

>> No.68677165

You’re witnessing the Niji defense force shitting up the catalog with various awful counter-narratives as their garbage agency burns

>> No.68677167

It's their job don't hate.

>> No.68677175

Take Enna’s boot out of your mouth anon. What are you, a leashed dog?

>> No.68677182

Yeah, it's like /k/ or /v/ but cranked up to 9001.

>> No.68677246

/vt/ lives in a time bubble, and that's based

>> No.68677275

One with a good manager.

>> No.68677313

And it usually happens at it's worse during the early morning hours.

>> No.68677314

women dont attempt suicide because they want to kill themselves, they do it for attention, look it up
stats show us that women attempt suicide more often than men but they end up killing themselves far less often

>> No.68677421
File: 385 KB, 580x581, DokiMerch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean these merch?

>> No.68677422

announce winter scarf merch in october, customers get their hands on the product early june next year. there is a thing called lead time in these things it's impossible to get things done any faster than it's physically possible

>> No.68677466

The kind of streamer who has a new manager which does their job instead of being hostile to and harassing the streamer.

>> No.68677480

>be Selen
>attempt suicide and fail
>be Niji EN
>attempt suicide and succeed
Huh so I guess Niji EN is run by men

>> No.68677608

>Selen shows traits of anxiety and depression for years
>Has had BPD for the longest time
>Sounded noticeably more distant and tired in December
>Nijisanji accidentally confirmed there was bullying happening
>Lost thousands in a music video that was taken down on Christmas
>Tries to kill herself
Calling you subhuman is an insult to subhumans.

>> No.68677649


>> No.68677659

It's a merch rerun, how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.68677710

>woman tries to do mans job
>fails because women are weak
>attempt suicide for attention
>gets saved
>everythng is fine now because life is easier thanks to useful idiots who support any woman who acts like a victim (because women are weak)

>> No.68677724


>> No.68677737

The kind of streamer who doesn't have merch ready for sale and is on pre-order and all of it was merch that she had made previously.

>> No.68677759


>> No.68677761


>> No.68677775
File: 998 KB, 250x251, 1698410706429027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>requested to leave on the 26th
>planned in December to open up merch again to pay for the $15K she lost
>it's all reprinted merch from years ago
Gosh, I just don't know how it got put together so quickly

>> No.68677793

>no argument

>> No.68677804

Yes it is bait

>> No.68677809
File: 3.90 MB, 2484x3509, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enna shitpost with IMG_numbers jpg
bro I stopped browing this board for one fucking day and this retarded schizo is still here spamming in every selen thread? That is some dedication, or fucking schizo, or dedicated fucking schizo.

Also for OP (You) being a fucking retard
>"Preorder" means nothing has been made just yet you retard chama
>I'm not old doki fans but that daki is 100% old design, as anons had posted prior her redebut. IDK other merch but probably the same.
>If she wants to go back to being doki during this whole month, one month is enough. Especially it's just a rerun of old merch PREORDER.

tl;dr you are a retarded nijisanji intern desu.

>> No.68677817
File: 67 KB, 540x530, mybait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this fucking ignorant of how menhera works, despite allegedly watching vtubers

>> No.68677850

>Avatar or signature use.
Just sayin'.

>> No.68677880

>my source: pomudachis and dragoons.

>> No.68677883

Only if it's literally anything to do with Nijisanji.

>> No.68677903

Half of your post is headcanon. If you actually watched her return stream, you'd know the details but instead you've decided to create your own version of what happened.
You're obviously (You) farming, so you get no more.

>> No.68677932 [DELETED] 

it's literally just like two or three dudes spamming the same threads. remember to sage.

>> No.68677986

Plus it's her old merch

>> No.68678077

yuuuge Black Company w

>> No.68678086

browsing, I'm also retarded desu

>> No.68678117

Nijisisters on nyfco(doxxsite) made a discord to raid /vt/ with anti Doki threads. It will not change anything but they still try.

>> No.68678616

>woman tries to do mans job
Good job outing yourself as a nijisister

>> No.68679345

everyone knows that female suicide attempts are mostly pretentious cries for help but its rude to say so

>> No.68679395

Can we all just agree that both Selen and Anycolor have some fault in their recent actions? Anycolor should have gotten permissions for her faster, and Selen should have not baselessly accused her coworkers of bullying to direct harassment at them and used suicide and drama as a way to shill her new merch. It's like the Zaion situation, both sides have some reflecting to do.

>> No.68679436

The kind of streamer that needs to pay bills and rent retard

>> No.68681211

she doesn't need to pay if the attempt was successful

>> No.68681219

anycolor is shit, what is there to ponder?

>> No.68681749

yes, it's nijisanji's job to shit on the hobby

>> No.68681760

I don't understand the focus on the money she spent on the MV. It was a cover, she wasn't going to make it back.

>> No.68681812

This always happen when there is Niji yab

>> No.68681870

>Can we all just agree
stopped reading there

>> No.68682040
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>> No.68682659

Ugh let’s be honest anons
If Doki was really BPD and suicidal she should be posting nudes on Twitter, not merch sales.
Don’t fall for her tricks! No tits no buy!

>> No.68684035

Yes, but I swear niji livers took a break to spam all these threads because they are appearing more than usual

>> No.68684124

You're not getting that PC case released ever, Enna.

>> No.68684515

This is like Republican tier questioning to deleglitmize someone.
>NijiEN are the Republicans of vtubing.
The corruption, the back stabbing, being cartoonishly evil.

>> No.68684880
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x2000, 1515219585259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holobronies post the same thread 10 times in a row
>niji cucks post the same thread 5 times in a row

Honestly the two worst fanbases are always asian company fans since they attract the most SEA. Fans of western companies are mostly white.

>> No.68685082

This is why you mostly just stick to one or two general
Catalog is dog shit most of the time

>> No.68685248

Women are less likely to be successful at suicide because they usually choose methods that are slower and can be reversed, like taking a bunch of pills.
Men on the other hand usually pick methods that are more immediate and final, like firearms or suicide by cop.

>> No.68685730

The majority of Phase Connect fans are from SEA.

>> No.68685828

>he says while holobronies were begging to be put into parrots videos

>> No.68685921

Then why tf did she try to kill herself if she loves her job so much?

>> No.68686223

Nijisanji is bad dude, come on it’s board culture at this point

>> No.68687210

It'd be funny if they are. Hi luca and Millie!

>> No.68687511

Remember enna saying she could kill someone and her fans would still support her? She wasn't joking

>> No.68687648

They would do anything they could to make you forget NijiEN is now a Black Company. Even suck your dick, but don't let them anon. The Niji Defence Force are diseased riddled whores.

>> No.68687814

>Can we all just agree

>> No.68687871

it's called catalog thread.
only purpose is shitpost best to ignore

>> No.68688338

>if i keep posting it, maybe it'll become true!!
Will you fucking kill yourself already

>> No.68688805

The lead time on paper and acrylic is a good hour or so.

>> No.68688912

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existence on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike

>> No.68689610

>Nijifan deflects again.

>> No.68689728

So when is NijiEN going to close up shop for being a black company I predict September 2024.

>> No.68689837

did she plan on redebuting after killing herself?

>> No.68690541

The kind that was selling merch with her IP before she joined niji you dumb sack of shit.

>> No.68690603

oh, show me the data.

>> No.68691101

White people dont watch vtubers

>> No.68691300

there's a reason why people relentless mock /catalog/ fags

>> No.68691326
File: 879 KB, 297x277, 1645411046441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68691448

It depends. If they wind down because their financials look bad then it'll probably be late in the year or beginning of the following year to align with fiscal turnovers. They'll pitch the downsizing as a way to limit costs and exposure to liability to damage-control.
The other alternative is that the drama continues spiralling out of control and they're forced to let more and more talents go for serious contract violations (or management desperately covering their asses legally) until they just don't have a branch to operate. That could be as soon as next month or as late as never. If there's a realistic chance of mass staff layoffs to cull the bad actors it might also drive a management exodus (quitting before they can be fired so their record looks clean) that can paralyze the branch

Of course course-correcting is still possible, but even with better people in charge it's going to take a long time for NijiEN to rebuild its reputation. It's more likely that they survive as a branch but with stunted long-term growth than that they implode entirely, but of course things could always get worse than they already are, especially if bad actors do something stupid to try and protect themselves.

>> No.68691515

you should also kill yourself then sell merch
you got this

>> No.68691588
File: 38 KB, 326x400, 1641950280660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mods cant you get this ndf shit that gets the op btfod in like 5 posts off the board or what

>> No.68691603

Shitposting/containment/twitter/reddit sub newfriend.

>> No.68691621

She put the entire merch line together in like 2 hours.

>> No.68691715

you mean the merch from 2021

>> No.68692041
File: 141 KB, 1600x800, The-Chatbot-Experience-5-Ways-to-Know-If-Youre-Chatting-with-a-Human-or-Robot[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread again.jpg
I don't know how much the black company pays you to make these threads over and over again, but as we've explained so many times before:

- All the shit was designed and some ordered up years ago, before she became Selen.
- These are PRE-ORDERS meaning most of the shit doesn't even actually exist yet.
- She's announced plans to open the shop back in December, to help recoup that $15K she lost.
- Despite all that, Mr. Man couldn't even get the store live on time for her re-debut.

I've managed to setup a Shopify within an hour so I've no idea what that took so long. It's really surprising she didn't have the store open *before* her re-debut.

>> No.68692048

It's literally one piece of art broken up into different merch prints

>> No.68692245

Based. When I go out I plan to take out with me as many as I can.

>> No.68692512

>Anycolor should have gotten permissions for her faster
AnyColor had permissions since August of 2022 you fool:
They just "forgot" either by incompetence or malice. Given that they terminated her when she was willing to resign I'm thinking the latter, as no sane company does that shit.

(Inb4 'but it was images of the other livers she didn't have permissions for'. In addition to the fact that it turns out that Discord cap was fake, AnyColor described the issues as "copyright violations", you can't have copyright violations with your own IP.)

>> No.68692562

> There is a lead time
> So expect a scarf in seven-eight months!
Fuck off. You can get T-shirts printed with whatever you want in a day. Having a lead time does not mean that four weeks is short. Not to mention, most of the merchandise are pre-orders, you dumb shit.

Why are you just making these painfully obvious lies.

>> No.68692649

Niji intern damage control.

>> No.68697536

this board sure likes to deflect.

>> No.68697911

they have that in common with Millie

>> No.68698377

OP was a retard and you murdered him

>> No.68699838

She mentioned that she threw it at Mr. Man right before stream. So it was probably a rush fuck up.

>> No.68700646

It isn't ready though. Nothing is coming before may. Do your reps.

>> No.68701751

"they had something they love, why commit suicide?????"
holyshit you shitcolored bulemic monkey

>> No.68701902

stop acting like dokiniggers are friends.

>> No.68701985

stop acting like a nigger.
that's it, that's the post.

>> No.68702520

Dokibird has made roughly 3 million dollars her first week as Dokibird. More money that she has made her entire life. How long will it take for her to cry about having no money for some new reason?

>> No.68702759


>> No.68702799
File: 356 KB, 1191x1012, lol lmao even.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know why this got so many people upset.

>> No.68703409

they aren't wrong though. Only the most pathetic, simple minded, thin skinned pieces of shit try to kill themselves. And over this?? "I don't like my job, time to die!" its laughable and pathetic. The only bad part is she botched it.

>> No.68704187

Not as pathetic as you posting this thinking you have any valid argument.

>> No.68706754

You're onto something here

>> No.68706798
File: 670 KB, 909x1031, thepsychosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68707027

wrong reply. It was supposed to be OP

>> No.68709025


>> No.68709896

God I'm going to miss these two models so fucking much...

>> No.68713189

Run while you can

>> No.68713365

The dates ARE off

>> No.68713661

>Selen should have not baselessly accused her coworkers of bullying
Nijikek what are you on? Kurosanji's the one who accused the livers, dokibird hasn't said a thing about it.

Just fuck off Enna.

>> No.68716076

i though it was 5 million?

>> No.68718738

Literally most of the catalog is made up bullshit
