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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 386x259, Sayu_Sincronisity_finished_model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68604456 No.68604456 [Reply] [Original]

It's time to move on from the nijicels. All of them. They and their fans want nothing to do with you because they see that your culture is incompatible with theirs.
They are twitterlings and you are a "chud", an untouchable Other only to be used as fodder to feed their counterfeit social virtue points machine.
There is nothing left for you but heartbreak if you keep trying to be close with them.

You will find real friends, but elsewhere.

>> No.68604509

stop using sayu for your shitposts

>> No.68604570

OP's right, though.

>> No.68604585

I can see why she's mad, the Nijidrones did NOT wake up at all, they are just jumping on the bandwagon because itnernet is on Selen's side on this one. It's tiring seeing people defend selen and shit on Nijisanji for their practices then do a complete 180 about the same thigns done to Zaion. Hell, I had an Ennafag going all "you shouldn't watch Enna if you can't handle dark humor" chimp out the second I brought up Zaion's.

>> No.68604930

She will be fine. I think this was the wake up call she needed to finally move on.

Yup. But at the end of the day, awful people will always be awful people. Sayu doesn't need them.

>> No.68604945

Fuck off you actual cock swallowing faggot. Your concern trolling stinks like shit, tourist.

>> No.68605071

Pretty sure Sayu is an sjw herself so it's the woke eating their own for the umpteenth time

>> No.68605126

Sayu look... I like your model and you are a chatterbox so I can easily turn you on in the background when I play something. But I am gonna need more than that. Usually I watch streams and participate for at least 1 handjob / month. Please be reasonable girl. I can't watch all of you at the same time. You gotta make it worth to me.

>> No.68605162

weren't you phasecucks hellbent on recruiting her? what happened?

>> No.68605761

Look, it's the girl who got fired and makes anti-ing that company her whole personality. She needs to find something else.

>> No.68605880

sayu regularly hangs out with dramatubers, the dredges of the vtuber community, and wonders why nobody wants to be within a country mile of her lol

>> No.68606317

She literally doesn't. I invite you to continue your blatant gaslighting though. It always work out in the end, don't it sis?

>> No.68606334

Is there anyone around Sayu that will strongarm her into building her brand while completely cutting off drama shit and her past as Zaion? Because her manager clearly isn't doing that. I really like Sayu, but she's choosing to shroud herself in metaphorical catnip that Nijisisters go wild for.

>> No.68606424

>They are twitterlings and you are a "chud"
"Nijisanji has fallen, billions must unsubscribe." t. Sayu the Chud

>> No.68606497

Sayu lost respect from ex-nijis after throwing Nina under the bus and revealing a secret conversation for her own gain. She's selfish and cares more about her self-preservation to prove a point thats already been proven before. She also lost my respect when she complained about how she's not as popular as other liggers like Bao and Numi and complained about her model too personally.

>> No.68606566

Can you give me a QRD, because this doesn't match at all with what I remember. Didn't she just vaguely state that a member of Nijisanji felt that their self-worth was being lessened by Nijisanji?

>> No.68606596

>Sayu lost respect from ex-nijis after throwing Nina under the bus and revealing a secret conversation for her own gain
How did she throw her under the bus when Matara said the exact same thing?

>Didn't she just vaguely state that a member of Nijisanji felt that their self-worth was being lessened by Nijisanji?

>> No.68606636

I wonder if OP is an actual fan of sayu or just spams threads of her to shitpost. Either way it only damages her image to be associated so closely with antis.

>> No.68606685

what terrible secrets were leaked?

>> No.68606703

That has been disproven a thousand times over as a nothing burger. The people still pushing this lie are being willfully ignorant because they have other petty grievances that nobody else cares about, but they want to see her punished for.
Petty grievances like the bottom half of that fags reply.

>> No.68606853

it's those weird fucking dramatubers and their npc ilk making these threads

>> No.68606906
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That's just her vtuber background.
Would have been fun if she owned up to it and really played the character she made.

>> No.68607079

t. Mr. Totally Genuine Sayu Enjoyer

>> No.68607141

>for her own gain
FOR EVERYONE'S GAIN. It is in everyone's best interest that Niji dies. The only exception is the scum clique that doesn't deserve their success.

>> No.68607258
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>The people still pushing this lie are being willfully ignorant because they have other petty grievances that nobody else cares about, but they want to see her punished for.
It's funny how most of their grievances are actually
>Hey, I saw a clip of Sayu saying or doing something weird when she was feeling extremely depressed. It happened a long time ago and I only read about it in the catalog, but I'm sure she does it every single day. And I'm angry about it.

>> No.68607270

Nijisanji was going to implode regardless, she did it at the expense of her own image and career
And yet no ex-nijis interact with her or even follow her back, kek

>> No.68607284

Look it's a bitter nijisister who cant accept the truth

>> No.68607411
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>"It's a lie."

>> No.68607781

It may not be what sayu wants to hear but she needs to accept that they were never friends and it makes sense. They barely spent time together. Right now Sayu is like those guys who thinks a girl is into them because she talked to him and was nice.
The faster she moves on from this "we should be friends because niji was bad to us" mentality the better.

>> No.68607928

I agree that Sayu needs to move in a different direction, but it's always funny seeing Sayufags act like she isn't an issue herself when a bunch of people don't want to be associated with her and her having to pay her ex hubby money which is something that rarely happens.

>> No.68608143

Honestly? She should leak whatever she has left, people are going to keep coming to her everytime there's drama in the hopes she does, they won't let her move on until she has exhausted all she can say about it; doesn't help she says everytime this happens that she has a lot of things unsaid, but she doesn't want to hurt other talents there.

>> No.68608349

Most of the Sayufags agree on Sayu being a retard who needs someone to kick her ass from time to time when she feels like doing stupid shit. That's not the same as being the cunning and malicious psychopath that the nijisisters want her to be.

>> No.68608354

Fuck off nijinigger

>> No.68608555

>completely nuts
>shits on everybody and everything on-stream
>plausible deniability leaks and doxxes follow her wherever she goes
>the longer she streams the more ''''accidents'''' Nijisanji livers seem to have

>> No.68608870

I agree with this somewhat. Since the niji talents were never her friends anyways just let loose and get it all off her chest regardless of who it hurts. Sayu still thinking she is considered a friend to the niji talents is what's keeping her in this predicament. Either let everything out or stop associating with niji entirely.
JUST. MOVE. ON. No one on the niji side is looking at Sayu the way she looks at them. I like Sayu as much as the next guy but it's getting a bit sad and pathetic to see her hoping that the niji talents still care about her.

>> No.68610035

I really hope she leans into it. Remove the limiters, Sayu. Crank edginess to 11.

>> No.68610132

Someone got that censored gif that looks like she's giving a bj? I'm in need right now.

>> No.68610329

Sayu needs to leave Doki alone. Doki might one day want to join Hololive or Vshojo. Associating with people like Sayu would ruin that chance.

>> No.68610424

It's probably Enna spammer's ADHD kicking in so now he has to shitpost with a different vtuber. Have fun Sayufags.

>> No.68610480
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>Doki in Holo

>> No.68610539

She didn't throw Nina under the bus, in fact it's hard to say that Nina is a victim when she not only continuously throws her old company under the bus, but she also shined a spotlight on her wavemates and exposed them in the first place for not letting her into their clique. She's not that weak and vulnerable.
Sayu's problem more than anything was that she thought she had more of a connection to the Nijis than she actually did. She probably hoped that there was some inkling of a friendship there, that they were close because of the adversity they went through, when in actuality most of the NijiENs are probably just coworkers to each other at most. The actual friendships formed were probably done well before they joined the company.

>> No.68610859

probably not smart to further cement your reputation as a "bridge burner". best to just go the doki route, make one final statement and never speak of it again.

>> No.68610898

least delusional selenfag

>> No.68610954
File: 420 KB, 820x900, __kizuna_ai_kizuna_ai_inc_drawn_by_himuro_shunsuke__2ea5afa1399b20255fcc35e453b96553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 months after the drama settles
>2-3k views
>0% corpo cut, but have to pay for everything out of pocket
>join hololive
>10-15k viewers
>50% company cut, but the viewership is 5x bigger
>also company pays for a lot of stuff, so you don't have to do out of pocket on everything
What a difficult choice.

>> No.68610971

>make one final statement
There's no need to do even that. It's over, NijiEN is burning down and no one can stop it. Fuck them. Let's continue playing P3R.

>> No.68611122

Why are nijiniggers such terrible people?

>> No.68611128
File: 269 KB, 1394x1130, 0os6zqhekhw61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the statement wouldn't be for niji, but for any opportunistic dramafag trying to circle in like a vulture. don't leak any information, don't even mention niji's name. just a simple "i'm done talking about my previous work experience. i will not be entertaining anymore questions about it. thank you. now let's get back to the games"

>> No.68611222

Honestly, the Nina thing is what niji bootlickers point to as definitive evidence and justification for the hate and abuse Sayu gets.

In reality, the Zaion laundry list of sins is what stuck in their minds, the backstabbing fish crying about getting 'gaslit', and corpo worship from the nijidrones who dream about Riku being a Yagoo level celebrity.

>> No.68611267

yes yes it's all about big number to you, chimp

>> No.68611329

God, Murray is so fucking lame.

>> No.68611397
File: 73 KB, 840x844, 1683575328740962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, that's fair, I hope she does it

>> No.68611734

You forgot
>dont own your own model
>dont own your character
>dont even own your own name
>perms autism
>collabs have to be approved by management
>projects have to be approved by management
>rules on what you're allowed to do and say on stream
In other words, all of the stuff that drove her to suicide and cost her her last job, just executed more competently. And let's not even get into the obnoxious unicorns and /u/shippers in the fanbase.
Doki is fine as an indie, she has total freedom and is essentially set for life. She is not going to join another JP corpo no matter how much you beg.

>> No.68611841

Its also worth stressing that Doki is now at half a million subs now too, and she no longer has to put up with perms like you said. She'll be more than fine.

>> No.68612166
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This post certificated by NDF

>> No.68612323

Does NDF even exist? I mean, outside of literal paid shills.

>> No.68612539

Nah, you're just a naughty boy that is shitposting on 4chan again instead of doing his homework or cleaning his room.

>> No.68612607

Take a look at /NijiEN/, it's genuinely disgusting.

>> No.68612712

ofc. Just wait until any anti niji or pro niji thread is close to closing and see them flock in.

>> No.68612800
File: 81 KB, 585x597, sayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking happy now nijikeks? sayu is depressed because Dokibird got all of the attention Sayu deserves.
This is your fucking fault why couldn't you throw Selen under the bus like you did to Sayu huh? Fuck you nijiniggers

>> No.68612877
File: 40 KB, 588x355, 1707021421287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu participates in cancel culture. She's /theirs/ now
She denies being a shotacon too

>> No.68612922
File: 838 KB, 905x820, 1706325099748384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, is this your strongest warrior?

>> No.68612989

Kys sayutranny

>> No.68613002

here they come, right on time. Like clockwork

>> No.68613182

shut up NDF

>> No.68613253

When is sayu doing jav

>> No.68613380

Yep and honestly, Nina herself confirmed she talked with Sayu with all this nothingburger. I mean a depressed girl in Nijisanji? It could be anyone lmao. I never knew it was Nina until the NDF uses this to cope.
Cope with the fact that they are a cancer, the doxxing and harassment they caused are the center of this discussion. Not if Zaion deserved to be terminated, nobody cares, in fact I'm happy she is no longer there.

>> No.68613840
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>NDF ran away when they were asked to show the receipts
Every damn time. See you next thread?

>> No.68613958

>Yep and honestly, Nina herself confirmed she talked with Sayu with all this nothingburger.

>> No.68613978

never because I will marry her and turn her into my baby factory

the best you'll get are the occasional social media pictures of her swollen belly

>> No.68614538
File: 18 KB, 128x128, 1687349705762959.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every damn time. See you next thread?
The next thread >>68614264

>> No.68615523

Sayu butt. And loving Sayu suck for (Me) her cute little shota

>> No.68616047

She literally thinks this is animal abuse and threw her 3D modeler under the bus for it. She knows what being cancelled for bullshit is like, I can't believe she's doing it to others.

>> No.68616328

>Punches his cat and makes a racist joke in the same stream about not wanting to work in the model of a black vtuber
I can't believe Sayu doesn't want to be associated with this guy.

>> No.68616997

It's a little disappointing but you can tell she's only doing this out of desperation to get back into the good Graces of people she looks up to. You can tell, because her emphasis on telling people not to go after and harass him.
Still, this is not the way to go about this in the future Sayu. Don't sink to their level.

>> No.68617042

>It's a little disappointing
Not at all, fuck that guy.

>> No.68617593

How hard did he even hit the cat? There's no reason to publically excommunicate someone small and ruin their career like that over something that should be handled in private. You tell them it's not cool and to knock it off, not join a twitter mob.
As for the black thing it was either just an edgy joke or he was specifically referring to one of those insufferable ass BLACKtubers, not just some regular chill dude that just happened to be black.

If there was evidence he dismembering animals or hanging blacks from trees then you'd be justified in your outrage.

>> No.68618108

Dawg I have 3 cats and they don't make that sound unless they were experiencing extreme pain

>> No.68618156

Take a look on twitter and reddit.

>> No.68618256

This hard apparently. He still streams regularly and slaps his cat. If it's actual animal abuse he would've gotten twitch banned already. I think Sayu was being pressured by Chibidoki (the irony).

>> No.68618332

i never thought for a second sayu was cunning or intelligent in any way

>> No.68618352

>people so desperate to be contrarian that they defend hitting cats

>> No.68618538

Why don't you watch this, disingenuous faggot? Let me know what you think afterwards. Retard.

>> No.68618555

>How hard did he even hit the cat?
Hard enough to cry of pain.
>As for the black thing it was either just an edgy joke
Nope, he was just being plain racist.
>I rejected this one because she is... she is b... she is bl... bla...

>> No.68618644

lol, after all these months and Nijisanji fans are still obsessed with her
When are you going to go to therapy?

>> No.68618818

This. I feel bad for her, but it’s pretty damn obvious why Nina gives her the cold shoulder. I’ve met plenty of people that I realized for one reason or another I couldn’t become close friends with, even though I wanted to.
It’s not even out of the range of possibility for Sayu to get closer with ex-NijiENs (with the exception of Nina). But she has to do it as Sayu and not as an ex-Niji, and she probably needs to take time building up a network with other people.

>> No.68618823

People who actually grew up around stubborn dumb fuck animals knows you have to be stern with them sometimes. It should never be anything that could cause injury, but you definitely have to hit them harder than you'd think, because they have layers of hide and fur.

What would be painful to a person of that size is not equally painful to most other animals. You'd think shit like this would be common sense.

>> No.68618919

>actually, it's normal to punch your cat

>> No.68619003

>What would be painful to a person of that size is not equally painful to most other animals. You'd think shit like this would be common sense.

Anon, I think you’re overestimating the human brain’s capabilities. You think we evolved to have an intuitive sense of how other living things’ nervous systems work? No, we evolved to interpret screaming and howling as pain. Animal yells, it’s in pain. And we’ve been socialized to feel bad when people scream, so of course a lot of people immediately feel bad if they hear an animal cry out.

>> No.68619064
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>> No.68619464

>I rejected this one because she is... she is b... she is bl... bla...
Can you link that? It still just sounds like an edgy joke to me. As a quadroon I will be the judge of how racist it was, and whether he should be burned alive at the twitter stake.

>> No.68619494

Sayu is bitch after all and falseyeed's used cocksleeve(first used by DN and parrot)

>> No.68619575
File: 21 KB, 460x312, do you fear death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu, you are dumb as a donkey and twice as ugly. If a stranger offers to take you home for a candybar, take the chance.

>> No.68619589

He's an ESL from a post-soviet shithole who's probably never seen a black person.

>> No.68619645

Is this twitter or 4chan? My family had multiple cats growing up and cats can hiss at you if they're in heat. Not only that but in the stream it sounded like he spanked the cat's ass not punch it

>> No.68622456
File: 770 KB, 1080x1078, Screenshot_20240209_142921_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bets on who dis nigga?

>> No.68624691

Some cats like baps

>> No.68625597
File: 391 KB, 792x723, gabe newell child porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im Gabe Newell.

>> No.68626602

Probably Kyo lol, trying to up his banter game

>> No.68626724

Oh. Hi Vaush!
