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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68567034 No.68567034 [Reply] [Original]

Wait, how did Dokibird spend $200,000USD on Nijisanji? Did she stock up merch like crazy or buy everybody concert tickets? I don't understand how an indie tuber could wind up that deep in financial ruin...

>> No.68567667
File: 25 KB, 630x487, IMG_3636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect from a sewerslide bitch living with bpd

>> No.68567809

Commissions for all the VR Chat, stream overlays, and fanart shit that she used on stream throughout the year. Plus rush fees because she's a terminally disorganized woman that is incapable of planning more than a week ahead.

>> No.68567858

She paid out of pocket for her game with Pomu. Maybe she also had to pitch in for the actual outfits.

>> No.68567952

I can fix her

>> No.68567970

Making zero profit is not the same as being in deep financial ruin, retard-kun.

>> No.68567988

you're not funny

>> No.68568036

You remember those artists that Selen commissioned that said Anycolor had agreed to pay for at least part of it, only for Selen to have to pay out of pocket without getting reimbursed? That tends to add up.

>> No.68568040

>Clickbait youtube thumbnail post
OP is retarded as always

>> No.68568085

numerous art contests, commissions, events, tournaments, and other projects. many of which nijiEN management axed at the last minute (presumably after she had already spent money producing them).

also she said she never profited, and had spent $200k. not that she was $200k in the hole

>> No.68568087

She has BPD, it makes her impulsive. I know people think are insisting it makes her a supervillainness but it really just makes her an entertaining moron.

>> No.68568177

>Maybe she also had to pitch in for the actual outfits.
That contradicts what she herself has said.

>> No.68568239

She was begging for money to pay her bills not one month after suspension, though. If she had reserves, you'd think she'd be able to last one month at least. Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.

>> No.68568319

>asks niji to hire an artist for a project
>niji fucks and keeps sending the wrong NDA to the artist for several weeks
>Selen goes "fuck it" and commissions the artist herself out of her own pocket
>rinse and repeat
That plus the $15K for the music video and the $5K for outfit design contest

>> No.68568339

I imagine all her reserve funds went to paying for her lawyer.

>> No.68568406
File: 357 KB, 1080x1350, Borderline+Personality+Disorder,+ADHD+and+Autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You see, you and I are not so different, Spiter Men."

>> No.68568469

6 months? What wonderland country are you living in where that's possible?

>> No.68568564

Everybody seems to be misunderstanding the op, we’re talking about the indie vtuber Dokibird who just had a very popular redebut, you guys seem to be confusing her for someone else or something.

>> No.68568579

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money
Majority of adults live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.68568666

I don't get the confusion.
Commissions were made and invoices printed with the company expected to cover the costs of business expenses, Nijisanji left the other side on the hook after delivery, Doki covered it all to save face, to the tune of $200k.

>> No.68568683
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I wish I could lose negative 200k.

>> No.68568766

It's Dave Ramsey's advice. It's not grounded in any emperical way, majority of Americans don't have 6 months saved nor will an unexpected bill relating to health or housing be covered by 6 months of pay.

>> No.68568832

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money
Where the fuck do you live? Also odds are she was expecting to recoup at least some money from the 15k she put into the MV that got privated.

>Eat a meal at a restuarant
>make your tip -$200
>Sit and wait for the waiter to pay you for eating

>> No.68568893 [DELETED] 

>Selen lives with dpt
How do people with BPD feel about sex?
Specifically, those with borderline personality disorder are more likely to exhibit greater sexual preoccupation, have earlier sexual exposure, engage in casual sexual relationships, report a greater number of different sexual partners as well as promiscuity.
>met one of her ex's through tinder
i wonder about the bodycount of this whore

>> No.68568894
File: 3.90 MB, 2484x3509, seek help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this retard /here/ again

>> No.68568927

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.

this hasn't been true for the past 10 years

>> No.68569000


Artist confirmed last cup of coffee commission began in August and requested official contract.

Some artists finally received the contract by January.

>> No.68569006

The company NEVER pays for personal projects. The liver can choose to have the company pay for commissions out of the own earnings if they so choose (before the monthly paycheck gets sent out), but most opt to just pay via their own personal paypals.
As we can obviously see, Selen does not keep any money in reserve, so it would make sense that she would often have to rely on the company to pay for the commissions, so Selen wouldn't have to wait an additional month for her paycheck to come in to then pay via paypal.

>> No.68569066

It is weird how Doki spent so much on Nijisanji though, considering she’s not even a talent there. She’s must be a massive niji shill or something, probably still defending them after this Selen fiasco lmao

>> No.68569104

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.
Most adults don't work for kurosanji

>> No.68569140

Proof next thread ok?

>> No.68569284

Probably just a handful of yellow fever guys she's impulsively sucked off. I don't think she goes outside enough to make that many bad decisions.

>> No.68569310

Do you honestly think the company would agree to pay for anything for a random-ass cover? For a personal BGM? For a trip to Antarctica? No, I don't think they would ever agree to pay for any of that in the first place.

>> No.68569344

Nijisanji only pays for talent model / game streaming licenses. All other stuff they work on is paid by the talent themselves. This includes

>Streaming assets
>Music videos
>Competition prizes
>Hired clippers
>Various art commissions
>3D models other than company provided ones


Now Selen also definitely had a habit of buying basically any merch of herself, so a small part of that is definitely also that.

But most of it must've just been the aforementioned business expenses. Quality stuff isn't cheap! Running such a channel is a full business on its own. Makes perfect sense that there's significant expenses.

What's crazy here is that even for a channel Selen's size, apparently the resulting streamer cut was only enough to break even. Means Niji's cut is massive for doing very little while blocking a lot of other revenue generating options.

>> No.68569497
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>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.
lol, lmao and kek

>> No.68569595

They don't pay for anything, they don't even give their talents merch? Why even join a company then? At least being indie you don't have a company leeching off of you.

>> No.68569601

> Do you think the company would agree to pay the talents to make content

Yes in a normal company you don't pay the project you had in mind out of your pocket or pay, you ask the company for fund and they provide to you.

>> No.68569610

>Nijibites (Basically animated Niji clips for people who aren't in Luxiem), Wrestlesanji and Puyo Puyo Tetris tournament assets, her original song Fly High, Nijisanji Minecraft mod, VR Chat models and maps, an original game, TSB Customs, the Lofi covers, membership wallpapers, several themed assets, milestone streams, her last birthday concert, and her Last Cup of Coffee cover

It's incredible just how much she was willing to spend out of pocket, firing her was doing her a favor at this rate.

>> No.68569714

God dammit you guys are lame. If you’re not even gonna engage with the OPs bit why not just bring it to the other 200 threads about the subject

>> No.68569716

Replies confirm the average adult is braindamaged when it comes money and can't handle having more than $50 in their checking account without blowing it on McDonalds. People acting like a grown ass woman couldn't just spend 150k and have some cash on the side.

>> No.68569799
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>> No.68569811

>firing her was doing her a favor at this rate

This desu. It's an attention-getting number but it really shows bad decision-making on her part.

>> No.68569819

It's even worse than I thought
Kurosanji is worse than early YouTube MCNs like Mashitima and Maker who are essentially parasites to creators
Even shitty talent agencies gives their talent a stipend to make them do things and actually manage appointments for their talents

>> No.68569995

The MLM of Vtubing.

>> No.68570005

>people are insisting it makes her a supervillainness but it really just makes her an entertaining moron
The beauty of parasocial relationships. It's having your cake, eating it and not having to do the dishes.

>> No.68570153

Even holos have to take from their own pocket or subtract from their earning for pretty much any project they want to do. Do you think fucking NijiEN is willing to do more for them?

>> No.68570154

Dumb financial decisions. Should've just quietly zatsu'd, played games, been slightly parasocial in chat. EZ vtubing money.

>> No.68570176

Selen is just a retard who always try to overcompensate on her projects because she's insecure and feels like she has to prove something, which is why she always pushes for her tournaments to be official nijisanji projects with lots of prizes and it obviously requires a lot of involvement of management, which makes it a pain to work on, meanwhile the others who just want to have fun ping everyone on discord and do a scuffkino stream drafting the groups because at the end of the day they just want a good time unlike Selen
Just look at all the pointless vrchat "projects" she did (which actually meant just paying a lot of money on commissions) that she always painted as doing something for the branch when almost no one was doing vrchat streams, Pomu was one of the members who did the most vrchat streams and most of the time she wasn't even using Selen's waste of money, also good to remember that she delayed Obsydia's outfit debuts because yet again she has to waste a lot of money on commissions otherwise she won't be satisfied with herself, going as far as requesting to do her outfit debut solo when she couldn't get management to delay it for another 2 weeks. Selen is like the polar opposite of the le creatividad chuubas, which instead of working hard on a sometimes simple and scuffed but passionate project, she just goes the megalomaniac route of pumping lots of money on commissions and then boasting about it

>> No.68570401

Anycolor is not a normal company, they are a black company. A black company would never agree to foot the bill for any part of a talent's personal project in the first place.

>> No.68570716

No man, you don't understand, she's GIVING it BACK to the COMMUNITY like she runs a fucking soup kitchen or something.

>> No.68570800

I always read this in the voice of Ethan Ralph

>> No.68570858

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.
In what world?

>> No.68571141

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.
That is what most adults should do. In reality not all can save this much because of the living expenses.

>> No.68571227

>grown ass woman
>needs her mom to help her with her finances

>> No.68571382

I hope you kill yourself

Okay boomer

>> No.68571407

In reality, if you're making 200k post-tax and can't save that much, you're fucking up.

>> No.68571498

That's already 30k a year alone
I love how people don't understand paying payroll out of pocket is a huge sign that that talent agency you work at is incredibly incompetent
Agencies usually have in-house/contractors doing these things and they have additional staff as well like a social media manager and tech support

>> No.68571656

She could be making 6 mil if she didn't have Kurosanji suckling off her teats

>> No.68571832

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money
Lmao no they don't
The vast majority of people live paycheck to paycheck, including about a third of people making 6 figures

>> No.68572098

I have well over a year's pay saved up and I still think you're a retard

>> No.68572370

>hindsight is 20/20
I don't think they knew any of this shit when they first joined. or things "changed" over time when the boys came and they decided to play favourites with their new cash cows.

>> No.68572692

stupid ass boomer take. Don't have 6 months in savings obviously you spend all your money at mcdonalds.

>> No.68572764

Is it really a hindsight problem?
If they researched a little bit about nijisanji, they should know that niji gives more benefits to the members who are doing well.

>> No.68572830

>Financial ruin
These people are rich, no matter how much they'd like to have you think they aren't.

>> No.68572910

What's the point of joining in nijisanji?
FeFe an independent go through her model 5 times now, the sixth is incoming, and that's all from her.
>game streaming licenses
Don't you mean promotion or sponsor?

>> No.68573204


>> No.68573219

why is it ok when hololive does it

>> No.68573340

Yeah, you're right, you spend it on commissioning fanart off Twitter and making mid music. It doesn't matter anyway, she's got the bag now

>> No.68573471

Isn't it the opposite?
When people found out that Ame paid out of pockets for the "smol" VR projects, holofags shat on cover. Meanwhile NDF are dutifully defending Nijisanji for the same shit

>> No.68573659

She didn't LOSE $200k. She lost NOTHING. She said she made $0 profit which means she EARNED and spent $200k!
This is how things should be run. Zero capital, and everything that's done is for the good of the governing body.

>> No.68574042

Yea but that doesn't sound as doom-posty
Same with Mysta, clipfags make it sound like he was running out of money because Nijisanji wasn't paying him, but truth is he kept spending more than he made, and tried to cheat on his taxes

>> No.68574174

but people have known about it for ages and most seem completly indifferent
sure occasionally some people complain about it but then they just go back to ignoring it

>> No.68574199

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money in case of emergencies or unfortunate accidents.
lul what? where? maybe boomers but most adults in the US do not have 6 months worth of cash. only way I have 6 months worth of cash hanging around is if I take money out of my 401k. Median savings account in the US is like $1,200

>> No.68574489

>People acting like a grown ass woman couldn't just spend 150k and have some cash on the side.
having $150k in the first place is a ton. the equity I have in my home, my 401k, my car, my bank account and stuff I have is only like $120,000

>> No.68574587

>$6 mill
didn't cover financial records show the top 20 hologirls only average like $400,000?

>> No.68574597

Anycolor forced her to either spend all that money or get abused even more

>> No.68574662

it wasn't "lost" so much as "spent"

>> No.68575159

Please we already discuss this in the other thread and turn out: hololive pay half of it or put a foot on the bill for the talent while Selen get nothing out of it except some exposures from the black company.

>> No.68575280


>> No.68575704

>How do people with BPD feel about sex?
BPD fag here. I'm obsessed with sex but only for my favourite person.

>> No.68575749

Why would any company spend money on projects which don‘t even turn a profit?

>> No.68575907

Contractors only do general NijiEN stuff, livers need to find their own editors

>> No.68576025

It couldn't be that she's bad with money, no. Streamers always have a good money sense.

>> No.68576066

They didn't spend money on their talents either. The only thing they do spend money on is collecting rabid schizos.

>> No.68576343

The hell did she spend that much money on
Also why

>> No.68577050

Revenue =/= Profit
If she's gonna stay indie she's gonna pay to upkeep her merch and editing staff

>> No.68577170

Payroll and Commissions/Contracts mostly
Basic business expense stuff
It's funny how people nowadays LARP as financially literate but still don't know how payrolls and contracts work in a business

>> No.68577329

Yeah. If they're taking 70% they better be providing me some value.

>> No.68577456

she spent it by running the business that her employer failed to.

>> No.68577751

Yeah but why though
What kind of retard blows their own money to support the company they work for

>> No.68578015

Mashinima and Maker used to be the only way to fight back against copyright strikes.That was the service they provided. Nijisanji's only service is an initial boost of CCV.

>> No.68578034

You missed the point where Kurosanji is making their talent pay business expenses out of their own pockets while profiting off them by skimming their actual revenue
She's paying out of pocket because its the only way to keep the ball rolling, kurosanji can't be assed to set up contracts and commissions

>> No.68578312

the amount of shit she commissioned on the regular is probably more than the rest of the branch combined. They could have definitely help out but Selen's ambition really doesn't mesh well with a company that has over ten vtubers

>> No.68578530

>They could have definitely help out
But they didn't. They were dead weight, even worse because dead weight doesn't start shit.

>> No.68579044

it's an ego thing to do big, ostentatious, attention-seeking projects that nobody asked for

>> No.68579126

You think a black company like Anycolor would do that? Really?

>> No.68579299

Because she is a fucking idiot

>> No.68579968

Looking at this and trying to decide what alignment I am. They all look pretty good.

>> No.68580361

Would you rather have streamers not stream or just play FOTM slop and collect paychecks?

>> No.68580552

Instead of dropping thousands into commissioning something you'll only use once or twice, why not make a stream series where you learn to make that something yourself for free? Way better than FOTM/APEX spam.

>> No.68581278
File: 6 KB, 215x83, uKPPcpw[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you bros live like that?
>in b4 shopped

>> No.68581956

>Most adults at least have 6 months of reserve money
Only the very smart ones do.

>> No.68582122

She lost 200k, because she would be having that money right now if she hadn't lost it.

>> No.68582439

You’re aware she had to pay for everything out of pocket right? For the entire year?

>> No.68582572

We are all impressed with your photoshop skills lil bro

>> No.68582939

If the normie masses had extra money lying around, prices would rise to take it from them.
There's a billion things you can blame them for, but this is just inherent to capitalism.

>> No.68583451

Anon is being misleading. They pay for some projects.
Selen's out of pocket expenses were mostly to finance projects that her managers gave half-ass rejections to (by saying "we're not paying for that" but not "you can't do that").
The other niji's managers are up to similar half-ass-edry but the other nijis are more interested in money than in work, so they read between the lines and accept that their managers are telling them "no".

>> No.68583687

You forgot to say "My pleasure" bitch, now give me my nuggies

>> No.68583723

So did all the other livers. Just because she wasted more money doesn't make her special.

>> No.68583734

>Okay boomer
Okay renter.

>> No.68584314

She almost certainly had to pay for her legal expenses, especially if she and Nijisanji are suing each other. I have no idea how Canadian healthcare works, I know it's supposedly "free," but she may have had to pay for some of expenses related to medical care for her suicide and her therapy afterwards as well, depending on what the free healthcare actually covers.

Also speaking more generally, when peoples' cash reserves run low, they're going to worry about the future, which is why she began desperately trying to find work, since she knew she was almost certainly out of a job. If I were to lose my job, I would not sit around and wait for my bank account to go to zero before trying to get another job. I would just as frantically be trying to line one up, and I have actual cash on hand.

This is part of the job of a talent manager. The manager is supposed to guide these women in making the correct financial decisions when spending on projects so they don't waste money pointlessly and steer them away from projects that won't succeed. They are also supposed to give advice and guidance to ensure these projects succeed.

But Selen of course had no real manager. She was left to fend for herself and figure things out for herself, in a very hostile company with an unfriendly management who seems to have routinely killed her projects just to fuck with her - after she spent all the money, of course.

>> No.68584890

Did you not see all those short animations for one? Probably costed a grand each

>> No.68585335

She didn't lose it, she just didn't profit from it. If she lost 200k and isn't currently living in a homeless shelter, that's a luxury most people don't have.
But how did she get fans to buy her a 2.5k drawing tablet and other equipment over a month ago if the situation only happened this week?
This is another prime example of shady financials from a grifting chuuba. I feel sorry for her getting bullied, but I don't feel sorry for her financially. Not in the slightest, she probably has more money coming and going each month than 99% of this board make in a year.

>> No.68585619

She begged for the most expensive drawing tablet too. Could have gotten one for $50 but knew simps would pay for the most expensive one. Her art commissions were probably severely overpriced or topped over with tips too. It's the classic woe is me I am destitute grift that saviorfags love to bits.

>> No.68585749

Yeah, and over 49% of adults are below the average IQ, which matches up exactly. You aren't retarded are you, anon?

>> No.68586811

sewerslide is actually a really funny word

>> No.68586918

She spent 15k on her last cup of coffee. She should have just used AI art at this point.
