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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68542100 No.68542100 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you guys are happy for what you did. The Rest of Nijisanji fans are not getting their merchs that they paid for due to the lies and slander selen said. When will you stop this campaign, its hurting innocent fans and idols alike. Poor Enna and Millie have people think they're the bad guys now. Stop this senseless bullying now.

>> No.68542183

I am very happy, yes. Your suffering brings me joy,

>> No.68542187
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>> No.68542194

Cry more bitch
Shit thread

>> No.68542331
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>> No.68542439

Luca cucking sisters deflection thread

>> No.68542597

So many cloutchasers coming out of the woodwork to proudly announce their intent to not get money

>> No.68542666

Apologize? Do you think Niji management posts here?

>> No.68542693


>> No.68542737

But it was 2232's PR that said all that stuff

>> No.68542739
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>> No.68542766
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Ehh what did I do?

>> No.68542767

>due to the things Nijisanji PR said

>> No.68542852

You got what you fucking deserve.

>> No.68542925

hi enna

>> No.68543070

oh no niji got cancelled by a twitter account with 600 followers

>> No.68543201

Their suffering will have negligible effect on my life.

>> No.68544179

Hags tears nice

>> No.68544254

How many times is this thread gonna be made? I know the NDF is seething and coping and crying but like come on, it didn't work the first time, it's not gonna work the 5th time. And shouldn't you be focusing on the latest Luca leak anyway?

>> No.68544302

good, fuck them, they didn't come out and say something they choose their side. let them burn.

>> No.68546271

>Stop this senseless bullying now.
Now is senseless eh?
What about bullying grows character from yesterday?

>> No.68546953

Luna wins again

>> No.68547025

you bastards shat on my oshi its only fair i get to see you faggots suffer and die slowly

>> No.68548923

i am dancing for joy at your suffering.

>> No.68548968

yeah i agree enna should

>> No.68549125

>before cancelling nijisanji, 180 follows, under 600 interactions per twitt
>after cancelling Nijisaji for more visibility, 700 follows, over 220k interaction for that twitt alone

Is that easy

>> No.68549777
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>Shit company acts like the shit they are
>Other companies decide they don't want to tolerate shit company being shitty anymore
>"Stop this senseless bullying now."
Seethe harder lmao

>> No.68550179

I did this

>> No.68551381


>> No.68551534

I'm extremely happy

>> No.68551592

>We'll be holding a sale on all NIJISANJI related mechandise, with all proceedings from Selen-related sales being donated to ChefsForJapan
I know Selen is a bit on the big side, but this seems a bit inappropriate.

>> No.68551606

How about, no

>> No.68551671

Hmmmm....how about...? No. You reap what you sow,

>> No.68551710
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Smell my fucking fingers

>> No.68551948

But didn't Nijisanji say that the effects were negligible?

>> No.68552016

I thought the impact was negligible? Oh nyo

>> No.68552041

>Donations are being made to charity
I feel horrible it's true.

>> No.68552137
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Cope and seethe harder, Nijicuck

>> No.68552370

>Enna and Millie have people think they're the bad guys now.
Dokibird could've just said "guys, I didn't get bullied by the talents, they're all good people" to clear the air.
But since she didn't what do you think people are going to think? lmao

>> No.68552474

If I were a merch company, no matter how fucking evil a partner was, I wouldn't back out until I knew it was going to lose me money. Anyone who sticks with Niji is probably going to make some bank right now off of the fans who refuse to back down.

>> No.68552602

If she's suing AC, she likely can't say anything related to the case.

>> No.68552656

stop biting on obvious bait

>> No.68552708

>If she's suing AC
if that's the case then there's still more in store for dramafags
otherwise doki has no reason not to clear the air so the negative response will continue until morale improves i guess xD

>> No.68552799

>Dokibird could've just said "guys, I didn't get bullied by the talents, they're all good people" to clear the air.
maybe she doesnt like lying lmao

>> No.68553111

She didn't say it because she did get bullied lmao, that's why she said 'Don't bully other people I know how that feels' and alluded to 'high school shit', it's because Enna and Millie were acting like teenage mean girls to her but she's taking the high road

>> No.68553208

her silence on the matter speaks volumes
it feeds the dramafags and gives companies even more reason to pull out

>> No.68553318

they smell absolutely rancid, thank you enna

>> No.68553505

She can't due to the NDA lol. All she can do is verify the truth or offer corrections to false statements.

Nijisanji breached the NDA by saying too fucking much and Doki released clarification and a correction to Nijisanjis's own statements. This is why most companies say almost nothing unless they are 100% sure they are telling the truth.

>> No.68553624

It's an ongoing case. Evidence is held until presented in court.

>> No.68553645

>>68553505 (me)
Also there is no legal team in the world that would advice them to release the sort of doc they did because it opens the company up to shit like this spilling.

>> No.68553685

>All she can do is verify the truth or offer corrections to false statements.
niji literally said "affiliated livers" were involved
was it really too much for doki to say "no affiliated livers were involved?"
writing's on the wall it seems KEK

>> No.68553875

If she didn't offer a correction to the statement, it's implying it's true.

>> No.68554292

>it feeds the dramafags and gives companies even more reason to pull out

That's not really her problem now, is it? That's Nijisanji's problem to worry about. They aired the dirty laundry, they can deal with the fallout.

>> No.68554464

>selen relate sales being donated to chefsforjapan
>selen the chink sales
>for japan
Did the japanese fans even consented to this?

>> No.68554852

I just want to see Nijisanji burn. I would also love to see the NijiEN that left burn as well. But I'll take what I can get.

>> No.68554957

Kill yourself you fucking faggot shill

>> No.68554998


>> No.68555073

>I hope you guys are happy for what you did
Yes, as a matter of fact I am glad this happened.

>> No.68555158

sorry (not sorry)

>> No.68555188

This is the Dutch guy that prints wall scrolls of other people's art, right?
He's having a 30% off sale on Niji related wall scrolls and might donate some to charity.

>> No.68555276

Outside of HYTE, all these "companies" I've seen announcing they'll stop working with Niji seem to be no more than glorified etsy sellers.

>> No.68555521

>I hope you guys are happy for what you did.
I didn't do anything but I'm still happy about it.

>> No.68555563

>About me
>A lot of people on the web know me by Tamamo, since she has remained my favorite character for the last few years & I'm terrible at coming up with usernames.
>I'm just some guy from the Netherlands who once wanted to buy posters from my favourite artist to support them. After asking them on social media they pointed me to a small Canadian webshop at which they sold their stuff at, one thing led to another and now I'm working with them to help deliver amazing art all while making sure the prices stay affordable for customers.
>We've talked to and worked with several artists to see if they're interested in working with us. We ask them if we're allowed to print their older works but also commission them to make newer works specifically for our store. We make sure to pay them a fair amount for their work and they also receive royalties on each purchase of their product. Thus by buying at our store, you are also supporting the artist.
It's one guy and Anycolor doesn't get a cut anyway.
>proceeds will partially be donated to mental health awareness charities
Sale is for profit and advertisement. Nothing is more that about 30% off either.

>> No.68555673
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>> No.68556093

I am glad so many are finally seeing Kurosanji for what they really are, so yes.

>> No.68556261


>> No.68556298

Boycott working as intended.

>> No.68556422

>don't attack the livers, attack the company!
>it's management that's bad, not the livers!
>the others are innocent, they dindu nuffin!
>you don't know who le bully is!
No. They're all guilty. It IS the livers who are at fault too. Even the ones not involved in the bullying.
You stupid bitches aren't thinking about this hard enough. They all share the same discord servers, they all interact on a regular basis, they all talk about each other behind the scenes. They all fucking KNEW what was happening and did nothing. They KNEW that Selen was being bullied, they KNEW she was suffering, they KNEW how bad it was getting - ALL of them.
A girl was driven to the point that she literally actually for real tried to fucking kill herself and you're telling me to feel sorry for the people who allowed it to happen? Fuck that.
I'm gonna hate on ALL of them - even the fucking cowards who left to save their own skin like Nina, Kyo and yeah even poor innocent little Pomu (who also did fucking nothing for Selen btw and still didn't dare speak out - even after fucking leaving).
Literally the only one who actually tried to do anything was fucking Zaion and you retards spat on her and didn't listen.

I hope the entire company goes bankrupt and every single last one of the livers ends up working at fucking Walmart or some shit for the rest of their lives.

>> No.68556459

thats the point of a strike or speaking up retard

>> No.68556480

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existance on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike.

>> No.68557891

nigga it's obvious Pomu and Selen were planning to leave together
also >he doesn't know

>> No.68558083

Good, someone almost died. Niji needs to burn. It's unfortunate and I feel bad for the other talents who were innocent but it's unavoidable, can't let niji use the talents as human shields to deflect them almost killing someone.

>> No.68558231

Shit is selfish as hell to hurt others out of bitterness towards a 3rd party. Sad for everyone involved.

>> No.68558474
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>> No.68558524

aw noooo!!!!not my heckin treaterinos!!!!!!!!

>> No.68558573


>> No.68558623
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>> No.68558733

We are sinking mother of all yacht here enna can't fret over every sister

>> No.68558983

Why are you mean?

>> No.68559385
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Am I going insane? Why would a little group affect their stock so much. Is the vtuber stock market that volatile?

>> No.68559504

They should kneel

>> No.68559718

You know, when you think about it, the fact that the leaker hasn't leaked the DMs revealing who the bully/bullies are is really strange e.g. leak discord logs showing someone like Enna harrasing Selen in discord or something
what reason would the leaker have not to reveal this but they are leaking other shit that already ruins the reputation of EN anyway?
Kind of makes me think the leaker themselves was in on the bullying desu

>> No.68559942

This girl doesn't even know you, mongoloid. She's a bipolar professional liar that gave her career a second breath at the expense of her shitty former employers. Anything can be "bullying" if you're a self-pitying retard with shit for brains. Girls faking out suicide with pills is nothing new, that's what crazy bitches do to get people to pay attention to them, and that's exactly what happened.

>> No.68560328

I like to believe that the talents are friends and support each other.

>> No.68560442

Either those messages don't exist and you're schizo or the leaker is a massive dramafag and is keeping the best for last instead of dumping everything at once.

>> No.68560896

Yes, i agree that nijisanji should apologize

>> No.68561535

seanigger here, what kind of NDA kurosanji violate ?

>> No.68561624
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>> No.68561975

The stock going down is also due to the implosion of EN. Investors want growth, including international growth.
If Ninjisanji couldn't keep their EN branch in order or are forced to disband it, it's goodbye to their expansion and will take a hit in the stock market as investors go towards Hololive.

>> No.68562387
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BPD, not bipolar retard.

>> No.68562519

Nina did nothing wrong.
The only thing she could have done was maybe stay longer to support doki.

>> No.68562626

Hard truth: Nijisanji relies on glorified etsy sellers because they're the only people willing to work with them. Anything bigger expects real money and Niji isn't willing or able to pony up what anything is worth. As soon as they aren't getting special treatment from the grassroots out of good will their model collapses. Their entire profit margin exists in the gap between what they pay for a thing and what that thing is worth.

>> No.68562634

Cover has lost 8% of its stock value recently. Both companies are seeing a dive.

>> No.68562664
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>> No.68562765

blame selen and management

>> No.68562781

Nijisanji isn't doing merch business with any of these "glorified etsy sellers". All the merch Niji sells is made by them.

>> No.68562827

You retards have no idea how NDA even works.

>> No.68563012

Say even with all the evidences came out but this happened in Japan, would Nijisanji still be a good reputable company?
I understand that work culture in JP is very different but Selen has been nothing less than fucked over even by third world standard.

>> No.68563147

lmao are people really this clueless?

>> No.68563153

So what does everyone think is the future of this company? Will it overcome this adversity to reach the top?

>> No.68563313

OMG my fucking sides. Can't be more happy atleast for now

>> No.68563314

Why do you think she didn't retard

>> No.68563457

I guess so. They seem to think that a multi-billion dollar Japanese company is doing business with rainbowgirl391 selling $5 acrylic keychains on Etsy.

>> No.68563517

>she's a liar
>she did 'suicide attempt' with pills for pity
make your mind up retard

>> No.68563537

EN implosion means their most successful attempt at overseas expansion has essentially capped and it's only going to be downhill from there. there's only so much they can do in the local market and investors aren't optimistic about long term gains

>> No.68563776

Japanese companies routinely do worse all the time. The PR disaster won't harm their domestic reputation because the victim was a foreigner and they're just numb to shit like incompetent, vindictive management and petty workplace harassment. In Japan's mind, a "black company" is one that is literally causing employees to die at work from exhaustion, dehydration and lack of sleep. What Selen experienced is pretty much just japanese office culture and more than a new nips will take delight in knowing that a foreigner walked away from japanese business in tears.

The central 'threat' to Nijisanji is that this drama snowballs in the west and causes their English branch to fail. EN is Nijisanji's only avenue of international growth, and if it implodes due to mismanagement and failing to accommodate cultural differences then it demonstrates that Nijisanji does not have the capacity to grow beyond Japan, where they've already pushed up against the limits of their growth potential in that market.

On a macro level the stakes are high but not "imminent existential threat to the company" high.

>> No.68563786
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>Poor Enna and Millie have people think they're the bad guys now. Stop this senseless bullying now.
I apologize man, like fr fr trust me I am sad

>> No.68564344


>> No.68564634
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>What Selen experienced is pretty much just japanese office culture
Selen had to use her own money to pay for the company expense.

>> No.68564740

That's how it goes in Japan. Members of HoloEN talked about having to do the same, so it's not just an Anycolor issue.

>> No.68564850

Good one. Have my (you).

>> No.68564915

Umm seeing this makes my blood boil, like let it go incels

>> No.68565042

Go home enna
Go fuck with your femboy boyfriend

>> No.68565063

what do you mean? anon is right, the issue comes up every now and again on streams, like multiple holos paying for their MVs, not even restricted to EN

>> No.68565086

>Members of HoloEN talked about having to do the same

>> No.68565282

I don't remember any of the hololiver have to pay up 200k. But I do remember hololive being a better company that's for sure.

>> No.68565466

I'm not disputing that, Cover provides tons of support like getting in touch with the right people, management, and actually paying the talents, I'm just agreeing Holos do pay for stuff out of their pocket sometimes

>> No.68565562

Nijisanji will win in the end

>> No.68565603

Maybe they liked Selen. I know there's a subgroup of people who don't watch her regularly but really like her from what little they've watched her.

>> No.68565636

>Members of HoloEN talked about having to do the same
>source: I just made it up

>> No.68565646

Not only am I happy, but I'll also do it again

>> No.68565698


>> No.68565759


>> No.68565792

are they getting refunded at least? the statement didn't seem to mention it and it's very fucked up if they don't.

>> No.68565825


>> No.68565860


>> No.68565872


Holos do pay for personal projects, Bae has talked about it before as an example. But the management team actually does their job and plan things out beforehand. They also don't revoke approval half way through the project and they ensure the talents see the fruits of their labour. So Holos don't just dump hundreds of thousands into a pit and never see anything out of it. Which is the key difference, Holos sometimes lose money from their projects but they see it to completion with support from management. Doki dumped 200k, had to fight her management every step of the way and much of what she planned never even saw the light of day.

>> No.68565883


>> No.68565983

they also get some projects/songs paid for too and obviously sponsorship and collab stuff. No way the sports fes is coming out of mio/miko/subaru's pockets.

>> No.68566019

Holo members have to pay for their own personal projects like solo lives and animated MVs but none of them have ever said they had to pay out of pocket for art commissions that Cover claimed they would pay for.

>> No.68566152

>No way the sports fes is coming out of mio/miko/subaru's pockets.
management cashing in sportfes was the death of soul, but that's another issue

>> No.68566191

Marine, 2:53 "Most they(the company) do is pay half of it"
Also 1M Yen =7k USD

>> No.68566309

Why are you a shill

>> No.68566435

This is something that people who aren't familiar with Nijisanji probably don't understand. When it's mentioned that "the company would pay for it", they don't mean that the company is the one footing the bill. They mean the company is the one handing the money over from the money the livers have earned. This way, the liver doesn't have to wait a whole month for their paycheck in order to go and pay artists. So for all these personal projects that Selen did, the company was never on the horn to actually foot any of the bill.

>> No.68566547

Difference in personal projects and overall projects is in how much of it they get to keep too, some holos have mentioned they could do shit with management support, but when they do, they mention rather do it on their own and get the call over the project
Given their track record, and the fact Selen has mentioned having gone through needing to pay for what they didn't multiple times, and not switching up to paying for it all herself, I don't think that is the case with Nijisanji, which is why big projects are much rarer for them

>> No.68566551

You know, #believenowoman souds based, they should go with that

>> No.68567220
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Yes, the talents have to pay out of their own pocket if they want to do personal projects such as doing a cover songs / original songs and have music videos included or if they're doing stuff outside of Hololive promoted events. It's also been known for years that Cover doesn't cover the full costs of those but that also means that if someone wants to go all out if they want to. That's why Marine's gotten so high quality music videos for her songs, because that's what she wanted and she paid to get that made.

>> No.68567973
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It's fucking over. Over 2% loss tonight.

>> No.68568795

wwwwww nijisanji on fire, love to see it. 98% of talents and their fans should kill themselves.

>> No.68568958

>Dokibird could've just said "guys, I didn't get bullied by the talents, they're all good people" to clear the air.
A. Why would she lie?
B. If she DID get bullied, and this shit SOMEHOW makes it to court, those statements would absolutely be used against her.

>> No.68569068

NDAs cannot be used to cover up or conceal criminal acts. Workplace harassment (aka bullying) is against the law. So, no, an NDA literally could not protect Nijisanji if she went public with what happened. The REAL issue is that you need MONEY to fight a fucking lawsuit against a corporation. That or for some big firm to feel sympathy for your cause and offer to take care of it.

>> No.68569096

A girl tried to kill herself and all you care about is a shitty PC case you fucking animal. Die.

>> No.68569177

I think this is why she isn't saying anything. that or she's a coward.

>> No.68569315


>> No.68569480

Millie not getting her merch is amazing for me, Filipino's are opportunistic snakes and will leech off anything that provides them money.

>> No.68569605


>> No.68569663

I was just making a fat joke, I have nothing against her.

>> No.68569791

I think you've never talked to a lawyer in your entire life and come on the internet and spout whatever ignorant bullshit comes into your head like a fucking moron.

>> No.68569878

anon if you haven't been on /vt/ enough to recognize obvious bait then all i can ask you is to go back to wherever you came for your own sake

>> No.68572468
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>> No.68574643

they did it to themselves

>> No.68574846

>not merch
Is the pagpag in Manila gourmet?

>> No.68575448

No one believes it, Aster.

>> No.68575639

Reform your company, Riku. It's not too late.

>> No.68578013

They didn't.

>> No.68579772

NAY. I genuinely did nothing, just posting here and watching streams. Kurosanji did it to themself.

>> No.68580929

You watch streams? Get out immediately

>> No.68581094

Happy? I'm going through euphoria right now.

>> No.68581173
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>> No.68581281
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actually negligible
what the fuck are these guys thinking when they posted this? just silently drop them without this virtue signaling bullshit

>> No.68581415

nah, make it as visible as possible

>> No.68581419

>Mr. Seren

>> No.68581479

You have to publicize every business decision you make, but your NEET ass doesn't know that

>> No.68581642

Except we've also recently learned Niji also routinely stiffs its suppliers, so were I a merchant, I would not have any confidence in them as a reliable business partner.

>> No.68582144

>virtue signaling bullshit
but that's the point. xitter revolves around this

>> No.68582209

staying inside the Japanese-only bubble makes me forget what the rest of Twitter looks like

>> No.68582316

>Enna and Millie
Enna deserves it. Millie is the one getting manipulated.

>> No.68582385

>suicide with pills
Nobody dies from pills. You just get a stomachache at best. If you really want to die you buy hardcore drugs or cut your veins or jump from somewhere high or hang yourself but pills? That's for attention seekers.

Best way to die though is by parking a car inside a small garage and then sleep inside with the air conditioner on. You are never going to wakeup or even realize that you are dying. You just die.

>> No.68582815

First and second wave (except Pomu, Rosami, and Selen) … did nothing wrong!!! Everyone else can fuck off and die.

>> No.68583055

What the fuck does she have to do with Nijisanji? She's not on their payroll

>> No.68583851

phasekekk made this thread

>> No.68583941

I mean yeah if my kami oshi (Pomu) was literally dumb enough to still be a Niji and I or her suffered for that I might be annoyed, not by Selen but by the rest of the situation. But I'm not a retard and neither is my kami-oshi (wow, imagine that, the chat reflects the oshi) so I don't really care much if some people are upset about black company merch for their "idols" being screwed.

>> No.68583957

The japanese deserved more nukes

>> No.68584157

>nijisanji did this
>why would dokibird do this?

>> No.68587064

Stop deflecting.

>> No.68587068

Wow what a disaster

>> No.68587920

Who the fuck is mofumerch?

>> No.68588273

>No an official partner
>Just fan art
Oh so flout chasers then who aren’t actually sacrificing anything.

>> No.68590939

Stop trying to twist the truth.

>> No.68591007

Yes, I am quite happy with the developments. Bullies deserve what they got. Niji deserves all the flak they get for abusing their employees. And sooner the others are out of that shithole, the better.

>> No.68593290

Merch company

>> No.68593512

Niji-keks, don't freeze your lips huffing it that quick

>> No.68594239
File: 37 KB, 554x554, 5mwy3akAAnT2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about NO?

>> No.68594240

A liver should listen to their heart and not their wallet

>> No.68594366

were you born retarded or just pretending

>> No.68594631

>donating proceedings from Niji merch to a mental health charity
It's almost as if they are subtly saying working in that black corpo takes a big toll on your mental health, which is kinda based.

>> No.68596882

What the fuck is mofumerch, and how i come i only hear of its existence just right now?

>> No.68596908


>> No.68597021

They really seem to think their fuck-up with Zaion was not saying enough.

>> No.68597464

People seem to just lie to themselves that this isn't the truth. Its hard to accept but if Ohtani doesn't give an interview where he says fuck Nijisanji then they will continue going their merry way

I would like to start another topic though, and anons feel free to ignore me if you want but its really concerning to me when i read stuff like " the talents should talk to somebody.anybody hell even a therapist". Are people that scared of therapists? What the hell is going on? More than half of these people would have been solved if the company had professional help. Having onboard somebody that can manage the temper tantrums of young adults with more money than a normal person can use is something that will help you in the long run. Look at Scarle using her chat as a therapistwhich is fucking wrong, i know there are many people who enjoy this kind of shit, or Luka using the hambeast as a free manager not thinking that one day if he doesn't deliver she will go scorched earth on him.

>> No.68597614

No, I want more sponsors, collabs, and even permissions to be denied to Niji, Sink the fucking Yacht, pit Riku on the street where his trust fund ass can never escape

>> No.68597883


>> No.68598012
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 1694901518742093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you guys are happy for what you did
i dindu nuffin, but i be happy, thanks fo askin brutha

>> No.68599228

Why are you happy?

>> No.68601627

AIEEEE the sister gonna run their narrative with BPD i see.
>"she got BPD, that mean whatever she say are worthless"

>> No.68601780

But enough about Luca

>> No.68603123

If you're pertaining about the luca leaker not releasing smth that relates to selen, it's because she's not in their discord group
