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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68531754 No.68531754 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ID the only branch with no drama?

>> No.68531918

They have Risu, everyone loves Risu, Risu is the reincarnation of Allah.

>> No.68531929

Women who are already fulfilled* in life don't need to cause drama. Just look at the chilled JPs, young or old, and ask yourself why you think they too are drama-free and chill. Have a really good think about it.

>> No.68531949

because nobody cares about them

>> No.68532007

Come… that’s a fucking lie.

>> No.68532057


>> No.68532060

"drama" here is just console wars
this is why 90% of it is about EN
it's some turf war between agencies

>> No.68532146

>fulfilled in life

>> No.68532150

That was a fucking e-celeb. Doesn't count.

>> No.68532403


>> No.68532431

Because they're chill af to the extent their only drama in recent memory is some metaposting-tier shit that's hardly relevant to the branch itself.

>> No.68532460

You'd hear more about Ollie's yabs except nobody cares about her anymore.

>> No.68532505

no unicorns

>> No.68532578

Because almost all "drama" is rrats and not enough people here watch them to come up with any.

>> No.68532716 [DELETED] 

moona's husband brother, ollie's existence
that's about it

>> No.68532746

there's drama in other branches?

>> No.68532820

I thought Risu was Catholic

>> No.68533005

Because Reine is a mafia heiress and everybody who oversteps the line gets silenced.

>> No.68533072
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You know why.

>> No.68533301

There were lots of dramas, but they're tame compared to the recent Niji dramas. Most of them were Moona during the early days of Hololive ID :
- Moona drinking alcohol during Ramadan
- Moona's "Astagfirullah Jesus Christ Buddha bless you, guess this VTuber's religion" drama (orchestraed by Nijinigs)
- Moona cheating on Coco's ARK server
- ID talents should always speak Indonesian (orchestraed by Nijinigs)
- Ollie loves to steal drama
- Kobo borderline torturing an artist for her Oh Asmara MV art drama

>> No.68533377

>- Kobo borderline torturing an artist for her Oh Asmara MV art drama
That was hilarious though

>> No.68533406

>>68533301 (me)
add : Ioforias VS Chumbuds

>> No.68533431

Are you fucking dumb, just yersterday anya was acting schizo after being unjustly copyrighted by melfissa

>> No.68533440
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>> No.68533496

if you take all of the muslim yabs into the equation, it's a shock they're not beheaded

>> No.68533580
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Because they have good chemistry

>> No.68533880

Max punishment is you get lashed in public and that only applies to people who lives in Aceh province (the one which got tsunamied the worst in 2004).

>> No.68534112

Drama isn't halal

>> No.68535647

we try to memoryhole thi.. shut the fuckup it never happened

>> No.68536029

ID used to have a lot of drama, but I guess Ollie's yabs overshadowed everyone elses and then everyone just kinda got used to Ollie.

>> No.68536110

If you want a drama, just keep encouraging Ollie. She's the most vulnerable and the clumsiest. Her unhinged persona will backfire one day.

>> No.68536351

Risu's PL is a grumpy antisocial, her tweets looked like they were made by a hate-all kind of teenager.

>> No.68538762


>> No.68542161


>> No.68542207

>Why is ID the only branch with no drama?
No unicorns means no retards nitpicking everything you do

>> No.68542348

Because they live in a culture where they WILL find out if they decide to fuck around, unlike Japan and most other western countries.

>> No.68542704
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Already trying to bury this can you try harder Holobronies?

>> No.68542863

Would iofi really do this?

>> No.68543409

they could all be suckin dicks live on stream in flesh and no one would even bat an eye because no one is watching

>> No.68545030

HoloID does have drama but they are all irrelevant monkey gossips.

>> No.68545158

Because HoloID are treated like top Indonesian celebrities and are some of the top earners in Indonesia.

>> No.68546278

the real question is, what would stop Iofi from doing this

>> No.68549230

Someone younger

>> No.68549274

Ollie exist you know?

>> No.68549691


>> No.68550484

It's not Iraq dude, they're not those kind of muzzies

>> No.68550615

>Why is ID the only branch with no drama?
they are indonesian and indonesians are muslims and muslims do their best to never commit any wrongs towards another person because it is the religion of peace

>> No.68552378

Not relevant enough

>> No.68552682

>HoloJP has stars branch, has drama
>HoloEN has stars branch, has drama
>HoloID has no stars branch, no drama
Isn't it interesting how, even in EN, drama has gradually reduced since CGDCT-Jap was installed

>> No.68553213

this is doxxbait for moona, don't fall for it

>> No.68554739 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.68554841


>> No.68557362

Kaela is good

>> No.68557542

They're not in the middle east.

>> No.68560123

Because four of them are already married or in long term relationships, two of them are actual real-life lesbians, and one of them is too stupid to realize what a yab might be. No clue about the other two.

>> No.68564431


>> No.68564573

Don't forget Ollie's fingerbang arc and Moona's "Love your oshi even if they're married" speech

>> No.68565053


>> No.68565327

Same reason why thirdies don't have gender politics and mental oppression olympics. They have real problems to deal with irl, no time for nonsense.

>> No.68565379

>ollie 'finger yab'
The Little Rrat That Could! I seriously thought people gave up on pushing this classic, good to see it alive in some true blue believer's hearts.

>> No.68565468

I watched the clip, masturbated and forgave Ollie after having a good time (She's not my oshi anyway)

>> No.68565615

We had the Connor/Ollie drama. I think that was the biggest.

>> No.68565853

The real answer is money. EN is the most expensive branch and Indonesia is the cheapest. Mori was complaining about her financial situation despite being one of the top earners because EN pay expectations are much higher than the average JP. ID is happy just being employed by a first world company.

>> No.68565982

Kobo announced ID aren't idol so no one care

>> No.68566195

That was Ioforias thinking they were above chumbuds.

>> No.68566267

No men nor unicorns. That is all you need to minimize drama.

>> No.68566354

I think it's proximity. You notice this in HoloJP a lot too that the drama is relatively low most of the time and just like ID, they tend to hang out frequently.

EN doesn't have that luxury which is why I think it's partly the reason the drama is so much higher in EN

>> No.68566405

We need another stars generation.

>> No.68566506


>> No.68568436

yo oshi so fat, she causes the goddamn tides to roll in!

>> No.68568956

I'm no unicorn, I never had any issue with the JP stars - they only got outrageous with people like Matsuri, who were in themselves outrageous. With the exception to Altare, most of Tempus don't seem to have much of a filter, which absoloutely put me off them.

>> No.68569306

It's actually a genuine piece of theological debate what to do as a centralized religious movement if the respective messiah//savior/chosen one or your texts pops up but your people find him until way later in his life and he's part of another religion.
>What do you do if the second coming of Allah is a Japanese countryside young adult with a well established interest in Shinto?, Is this a test for him or for your movement?
Many questions.

>> No.68569454

yeah, if you're a retard who lives in utah maybe

>> No.68569698

Indonesian muslims are OK compared to their somewhat more classic fellow muslims
Isn't this a VTuber board?, I like Moona despite everything. She was always good.

>> No.68569832

I actually don't live in Utah.
Is there anything noteworthy in Utah?

>> No.68570664

As far as I'm aware, Mormonism is the only religion where a messiah ended up in a completely different country to the one from his main religion and started spouting a completely different ideaology, but it makes sense you'd spout this bullshit about religioun and not know what mormonism is is. Put the hash pipe down, man.

>> No.68571256

>Moona drinking alcohol during Ramadan
Really? I felt like she was the most devout Muslim of the ID branch as a whole. Didn't she do some sort of pre-fast streams before Ramzan or something?

>> No.68571433

No you fucking moron. None of them are devout muslims.

>> No.68571699

>devout Muslim
>in modern times

>> No.68571901

I mean, they exist. They just wouldn't become vtubers for hololive. Like whoever is in charge of hiring woud have to be beyond nijisanji levels of retarded to hire a devout muslim considering the JP branch.

>> No.68571992
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>Why is ID the only branch with no drama?

>> No.68572187

Is Kobo really 3_ years old?

>> No.68572343

30? She sounds like it speaking ID

>> No.68572548

It really knocks you out of the illusion when she was being all sappy about Altare being a big bro but then you remember she's older than you.

Unless ofc Altare is like 40 or something

>> No.68572877

A HoloID AI voice album full of nasheeds. Why hasn't this been done yet?

>> No.68573937

No she's a few days younger than chammers

>> No.68574062

third world. they are more concerned about finding food and having a roof than partaking in childish dramas.

>> No.68574359
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because they don't talk like or think they're wiggers like enna

>> No.68576397

This was back when Moona used to act like an edgy teen in her twitter and in her mind alcohol = cool so she made a few tweets about it which riled up the SEAnigs in facebook.

>> No.68576553

And Kobo, though to a lesser extent.

>> No.68576870

I wish Risu was my wife it's not fair bros

>> No.68577633

Those fucking unicorns bullying Selen into depression and mind controlling Aster to harass his colleagues.... If only nijiEN had done a few more co-ed collabs they'd be drama free

>> No.68578712
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I will fuck the yop (my wife)

>> No.68579473

Such a good model wasted...
