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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68489370 No.68489370 [Reply] [Original]

She's so perfect....

>> No.68489431
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>> No.68489747

besides being loud and obnoxious, shes good

>> No.68489810

she got better

>> No.68489864

i can fix her

>> No.68489868

>besides being loud and obnoxious
But that's the best part...

>> No.68490072

aka woman

>> No.68490151

As I said, perfect.

>> No.68490409

I hope her and mumei and do stuff together more now.

>> No.68493671

I really like how fucking smug she looks

>> No.68493736

If bullies go unpunished then they will keep bullying.

>> No.68493835

That's what the lawyer she mentioned is for.

>> No.68494117

Scorched earth, it's the only way to be certain

>> No.68494234

why does she look oriental?

>> No.68494499

I know actual BPD people (actually diagnosed) and she doesn't sound like that. It's probably some dumb self-diagnosis using WebDM

Real bpd people have a mikeneko-style meltdown on monthly basis

>> No.68494592
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>> No.68499051

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and
Bipolar Affective Disorder (BPAD) are different things (however both are still psychological disorders, so either way she is mentally ill).

>> No.68500080

The way she does that smug fucking face, makes me want to grab her by her handle bars and fuck her back into retardation. That model is unbelievably sex.

>> No.68502463

Smugness reminds me of Purin

>> No.68502729

this whole thing was the best ad she could have ever gotten. I just tuned in to hear what she had to say but i havent had that much fun watching a vtuber stream in a while, her laughter is infectious. By the end I didn't even care about the drama anymore I was just happy listening to her chat shit about the neopets-church of scientology connection and argue with chat about fan names

>> No.68504584

So now /vt/ is cool with chinks?

>> No.68504686

Depends on the subspecies. Some are more human-like.

>> No.68504763

not with you zhang

>> No.68504766
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We never had a problem with asians.

We had a problem with Zhangs who defend Winnie the CCPooh

>> No.68504899

Yes, and?

>> No.68505047

One of the rrats that I've heard several times over and think it may have merit is that Selen was harassed because she's Chinese but hates the CCP. That marks her as an intolerable traitor to chicom loyalists.

>> No.68505121


Millie Mouthpiece just doesn't wanna go back to eating pagpag and working in a call center as nature intended.

>> No.68505245

People seem to forget, CCP will throw your family into the gulag for speaking out against them. No fucking surprise people dont openly speak out against them.

>> No.68505452

Is that why Enna is doing victory laps?

>> No.68505800

It's also not uncommon for Mandarin-speaking and Cantonese-speaking Chinese to discriminate against each other.

>> No.68506371

This is also true. Hadn't actually heard which dialect Doki used before her twitter video, so I didn't know she spoke Canto.

>> No.68508029

She literally bing chillin'd in her twitter post

>> No.68508966

>Wake up at 7pm
>Eat lunch
>Play until 4am
>Eat dinner
>Play until you're exhausted
Sounds like me in college.

>> No.68509135

Rushia is what untreated BPD looks like. I'm a BPD retard but I actively keep it under control by isolating myself when I start noticing I'm getting too attached and having outlets that are not other people.

>> No.68509184

Asian girls do it for me, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.68509674

"Asian" is so broad as to be meaningless

>> No.68509745


>> No.68510156

She's one of the good ones from Hong Kong

>> No.68510249

Sorry, did you mean Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China?

>> No.68510658

I cannot fathom that the world was almost deprived of her laugh.

>> No.68510941

He loves pajeetas anon, don't bully him for it

>> No.68510988

God that’s hot

>> No.68511008
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We need to be talking about this more. Fucking Niji through their talents under the bus with that statement to deflect and it worked. Now everyone is too busy playing among us to find the bully instead of remembering that SOMEONE ALMOST FUCKING DIED BECAUSE OF NIJI MISMANAGEMENT AND THEY HANDLED IT IN THE MOST CRUEL WAY POSSIBLE BY SILENCING HER AND SWEEPING IT UNDER THE RUG.
Fuck Niji I hope they burn, but let's not forget that we almost lost a life because of them and I can't fathom how if she had succeeded I'd have never gotten to laugh with her tonight and we would have lost this smile forever

>> No.68511117

Where I'm from Asian means basically anything East of Myanmar up until Japan

>> No.68511174

Suicide is never the fault of anyone except the person who does it. I'm not saying Niji did nothing wrong but if you have a shitty job, quit, break contract, or sue or whatever. Doing a half-assed suicide attempt as ammo to drag your former employer in public in immature schizo behavior

>> No.68511336

kill yourself

>> No.68511385


>> No.68511423

Unironically, neck yourself.

>> No.68511983

No thanks, not planning on using pity points to boost a debut anytime soon.

>> No.68512027

Nah kill yourself

>> No.68512064

show us how it’s done, anon

>> No.68512691

She did quit, they simply refused the resignation, which pretty much no company ever does when given the option, for damn good reason, even without the obvious PR nightmare.

Granted, that was after the sudoku, but if they'd taken the deal they could have easily forced her to stay silent on the subject of her attempt. (Which they tried to cover up by posting as her when she didn't have access to her socials.)

The fact that we found out about the attempt is more NijiEN's fault than Selen's.

Nevermind the fact that they basically bankrupted her with their incompetence and malice, with almost nothing to show for it, which tends to be a pretty good motive for suicide.

>> No.68513122

Contracts aren't real. Worst case ontario you get sued (if they are even willing to take the PR hit) and if they do you counter sue. Dying over fake shit is weak as fuck.

>> No.68513258

Well I hope you never find yourself at a particularly weak point in your life then

>> No.68513332

fellatio yourself then eat your own poop

>> No.68513359

You think I'd be here right now if I could suck my own dick?

>> No.68513401

You’d be here sucking cock regardless

>> No.68513458

cant stay long only sharing info as it arises

>Aster is currently doing damage control in several liver private messages trying to smooth things over
>Millie private messaged Enna to bitch about the dokibird stream but she seems scared
>Rumblings in the company there will most likely be 2 "graduations" in the coming week
>Aster may likely be forced to graduate


>> No.68514148

how would you know what people are talking about in private messages? low tier bait, bring back the Luca larper

>> No.68514748

Na she definitely does have it, she just has it under control for the most part.
There has been times where it sort of took over, and even impacted her streams in the past.
Look at the time she had a falling out with rpr mid-stream and things got awkward for a while. Glad they made up when she was more calm.

>> No.68515594

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the Republic of China, ftfy. There's is only one china and thats R.O.C. aka Taiwan, not west Taiwan

>> No.68515713

Anon, I don't hate people on individual level, I don't like niggers, gooks, chinks, even japenis getting on my nerves, but I can like someone on individual level even if his name Rajesh Pasviavali

>> No.68515790

Buy an ad shill

>> No.68517450


>> No.68517574

I'm a dude with BPD, can confirm I have a meltdown every two months or so

>> No.68518009

Devil's advocate here.
There's a fair chance everyone he's messaged is clowning on Aster behind his back.

>> No.68518087

She’s a fucking idiot and a coward. She had niji by the fucking throat and pussied out last minute. That company will never be down this bad again. Its only up from here

>> No.68518129


>> No.68518494

Kill yourself.
