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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 315 KB, 1505x2048, 1696297327880241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68453730 No.68453730 [Reply] [Original]

VRe Schedule: https://holodex.net/?org=VReverie

Nova Aokami [Gen 1]

Lilrya Prisvielle [Gen 1]

Ophelia Midnight [Gen 1]

Rana Ianna [Gen 2]

Akiko Sushi [Gen 2]

Salmon Lordette [Gen 2.5]



Bri At Cookiebox


Graduated members links:

Song playlist:


Yandex is dead, we need to rebuild that. Anyone save them?


Previous thread: >>68347910

>> No.68454078
File: 16 KB, 176x176, My wife[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fldm3cx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Kiyoko
I love you Kiyoko
I love you Kiyoko
I love you Kiyoko
I love you Kiyoko

>> No.68454204
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/VReX/ weekly schedule

>> No.68454443

just realised, lida is active now, so that basically only leaves bnuy as radio silent and maybe kei (privated idk)... man fuck...

>> No.68454538

surely gen 3 will save vreverie

>> No.68454594
File: 553 KB, 650x662, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love abusing bri
i love hitting bri
i love punching bri
i love kicking bri
i love gaslighting bri
i love bri and bri loves me

>> No.68454720
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>> No.68454759
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Why are you like this

>> No.68454758
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I love you Aki
I love you Aki
I love you Aki
I love you Aki
I love you Aki

>> No.68454858
File: 510 KB, 628x483, GDcVnSyWEAAndI5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my bestie
i love my bestie
i love my bestie
i love my bestie
i love my bestie

>> No.68455181
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she can't escape from me

>> No.68455356
File: 53 KB, 161x178, Screenshot 2023-07-30 221530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea Umi, we know you're a lesbian for her

>> No.68455368

give her a good massage and throw her into a warm bath then

>> No.68456085
File: 395 KB, 718x1026, 20240111_225508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amaya... I can't live without your poison. I want it. I need it. I'm hopelessly hooked...

>> No.68456440

maybe slightly off topic but for the toraknights, have you guys found solace in anyone (except the other vrex girls) else for the time being?

>> No.68456565

Bae and Amaya.

>> No.68456811


>> No.68457049
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>except the other vrex girls
ill allow it though

bae though, huh... i can kinda see it but at the same time, ive had the impression shes maybe like almost too loud? like she has the same kinda peppy vibe i think but not as... comfy? maybe ill give her another shot

how i am right now too anon..

>> No.68457302

Absolutely give her another shot, she mellowed out a lot from her debut

>> No.68457623

Eh, I don't know. I tend to watch a lot of vtubers but I always it's wrong to say that I found solace in anybody else. Like, I would say that Fauna, Shiori, and Erika are comfy-autist to me, they're kinda comfy-autist in their own different, unique ways.

>> No.68458105
File: 305 KB, 403x412, 170495725478167322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh cool, i saw she funded the recent en mv all herself which i respect and shes all round good, just timezones kinda cucked me so that was a big reason why but ill check out some vods, thanks anon!!

yeah, thats why i said for the time being, i dont expect to ever "replace" her. i think fauna and toraknights always went hand in hand, maybe like the above i give shiori another shot too though, thank you too anon

>> No.68458305
File: 83 KB, 212x237, Screenshot 2023-08-04 222251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>funded the recent en mv all herself
Well...the 1m yen she won on that one cover game show helped a lot. But yea, she's really hardworking and FeBaerary is a really good time to check her out, it's a whole month of daily streams before her bday on the 29th

>> No.68458643
File: 55 KB, 172x197, 1705167575640382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1m yen she won
yeah, but she could have just used that for herself but instead she "reinvested" it into her and her friends which is wholesome!

& oh nice, that sounds good, again, thank you anon

>> No.68459044

I'd also recommend Chiaki from PixelLink. Although she doesn't do GFE, she does has very huge love for video games and really gets into any game she plays and Lottie who REALLY seems to get into the axolotl character. I swear I'm not the PixelLink schizo

>> No.68459407

I don't believe you, pxlschizo. I will only watch your girls if Chiaki, who stole our tiger from us, has sex live on stream with her, WITH ASMR MICS

>> No.68460107
File: 552 KB, 677x707, 1706399668033560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, i havent dove into pixel other than Raki (who is cute) so ill check these two out!

not that you guys asked but just in case youre in the same situation as me, i have been enjoying watching Roca and ViVi even among the niji shitshow as i feel bad for her too with it all a lil more

>> No.68461570


>> No.68462411

Man... Looking at her old schedules makes me wish I could see her play some of those games

>> No.68462564
File: 146 KB, 540x563, 1704735147779290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight /vrex/, day 31 nearly over

>> No.68462620

Gn anon

>> No.68463011
File: 55 KB, 176x169, Screenshot 2023-07-12 031118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet dreams anon chu~

>> No.68463429
File: 50 KB, 472x83, 1689215431045994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuuu I'll never forgive the loud latina

>> No.68465059
File: 11 KB, 276x66, 1699466088609266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bri moment

>> No.68466680


>> No.68467256

Ophie live and slaying the spire

>> No.68468909

what if we just go to /corpo/ to endure the next copuple hours of catalog?

>> No.68469133

I guess we could since Bri is dead and Bestie starts in 1h30

>> No.68469312

But at the same time I don't mind bumping until all our girls stop streaming for the day and letting it die then

>> No.68470883
File: 46 KB, 639x322, 1682357636317030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based tv show sex hater

>> No.68471204

that sex? me with my britard

>> No.68471307

>Sex number 4 in like 20 mins
The britard can't survive all that

>> No.68471339
File: 191 KB, 599x337, 1682908312285488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone actually like random sex scenes in TV? Shit's just obnoxious to me

>> No.68471503

no, everyone hates them. it was cool at first, but it's just padded time to actually show minutes of sex rather than leaving it as an implication in the actual episode time

>> No.68471608

I don't think so. And they're never actually erotic or filmed well either

>> No.68474526

Bnuy kiss

>> No.68477309 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.68479537
File: 2.14 MB, 2048x2048, Untitled16_20240131205531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya

>> No.68479648

Roca is great, yeah. Not the same sort of vibe as Erika though, I don't think.

Maybe I should try watching Fauna again...

>> No.68479899

Did Tiger resurrect yet?

>> No.68479939
File: 38 KB, 640x218, 1676470777845430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saw a tiktok
Surely she's not describing herself

>> No.68480008

nop. but she's in my bed

>> No.68480151

I wrote this

>> No.68481884

Yeah, me

>> No.68482198

Bestie live

>> No.68484587

Yeah, I wrote that

>> No.68487375

good night /vrex/
may we be looking at the same moon bnuy is

>> No.68488368

good nigh anon. I'm not sure what moon you're talking about but I agree

>> No.68488560

gn anon
Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight,
Bnuy's thinking of (You) and loving (You) tonight

>> No.68491351

I hope she knows it goes both ways

>> No.68493658

Kiyoko hands

>> No.68495681

Bestie is cute

>> No.68497570
File: 17 KB, 353x105, 1707309828521207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jellyfish having fun

>> No.68497667

I hope Dokibird's redebut helps inspire bnuy.

>> No.68497911

I hope so too

>> No.68498241
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>> No.68498250
File: 40 KB, 511x256, 1690285365793045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.68498974

If they don't show full uncensored penetration then it's cringe. Actors need some fucking commitment to their art.

>> No.68499094

Does that even exist in any films/shows?

>> No.68499248

type "unsimulated sex scenes" into your favourite search engine

>> No.68499430

If you want to show selfies around then don't be a vtuber if you ask me, but I recognize I'm not one of her viewers anyways

>> No.68499477

>60% of them are French
Kek. They really do like their erotica

>> No.68499581

Anon, this is definitely not the thread to say that. Only 2 people here don't do that

>> No.68499866

You're allowed to watch people that you disagree with

>> No.68499926

He said that he doesn't watch her?

>> No.68500008

Even my oshi did it, but if I don't say here that I disapprove when it comes up then where else

>> No.68500024

He can watch the others but disagree with their decision to do it. There's nothing inherently contradictory about thinking that while using this thread

>> No.68500108

>don't be a vtuber
She's not. She doesn't even have a YouTube channel

>> No.68500187

>Relia is a vtweeter
Oh no

>> No.68500214

>nothing inherently contradictory with thinking that none of the vtubers you watch should be vtubers
Cmon now

>> No.68500482


>> No.68500498

>enjoy someone's content
>believe they are mislabeling themselves and/or using a poorly-chosen medium to create that content
I genuinely don't see an issue here

>> No.68500641

That's great and all, but you believe that /vt/ is not the place to talk about them. Therefore coming to this thread to say something like that is retarded

>> No.68500786

that's what he said

>> No.68501161

I miss Bestie... can the hag go live again so my bestie talks more

>> No.68501353

>you believe
I'm not the original guy. That also isn't what he said.
I don't know what he thinks, but I personally think that "vtuber" and "streamer who uses a vtuber model" are two different categories that are both encompassed by /vt/.

>> No.68501580

>That also isn't what he said
Yes, it is. He believes that she should not be a vtuber therefore she should not allowed to be discussed on this board. Your view is perfectly fine, but it's not what he said

>> No.68502011

just stop responding to bait

>> No.68502102

>Bait is when you repeat what I said

>> No.68502247

>then where else
idk. Not here though. This is like going to /lig/ and complaining that 90% of the chuubas there post selfies all the time. It's meaningless

>> No.68504993

briitard kiss

>> No.68506548
File: 668 KB, 1308x732, 1688840004669089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rana's thumbnails are great

>> No.68508958
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>> No.68509056

I still miss my tiger

>> No.68509186

erika is permadead

>> No.68509287

I also miss my Tiger

>> No.68509961

good morning /vrex/, day 32 begins

>> No.68510126

Gm anon

>> No.68511279

yeah Roca doesn't really have the same vibe content wise but she surprisingly(?) says some words/stuff VERY similar to Erika so it's kinda nice. and the fact her streams are EU friendly is a big thing for me!

>> No.68512043
File: 230 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20240208-030310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I was scared for mine and others' safety"

It must be hard sleeping at night knowing there's dangerous knives just laying out in the kitchen. Hell, your neighbor probably has knives, lock the doors!

has she always been this schizo?

>> No.68512158

damn, management are assholes.

>> No.68512179

Genuinely kys

>> No.68512315

>Tourist that follows a private acc
But what do you gain from that

>> No.68512317

I don't believe for a second that management doesn't know everyone has alt accounts and plan on walking out asap, let alone somehow not knowing you're still active on your old accounts.

I don't get the fear.

>> No.68512413

The account wasn't always private, newfriend

>> No.68512425

Do your reps you dumb cunt

>> No.68512491

Yes? And it's private for a reason. Nobody has posted anything she said since it went private besides 1 anon stirring shit not soon after she went private

>> No.68512533

He said the line!

>> No.68512571

>He says while posting a light theme twitter screenshot
Definitely not a tourist btw

>> No.68512769

Nobody that wasn't retarded has ever once used the default theme on anything

>> No.68512797

Oh no.. it's retarded..

>> No.68512855

>safety concern (doesn't specify what)
>the account's private (already known)
we have no new information. there is nothing to argue about.

>> No.68512941

>there is nothing to argue about
Exactly. Except for the anon coming here to stirr shit for no reason

>> No.68512953

Yeah but he insulted my wife

>> No.68513099

Yeah, my wife's friend

>> No.68513962

I agree with her having a similar accent/wording to Eri. It's kinda strange how she sounds more like her than some of the other Norwegian chuubas like Mirri and Misma

>> No.68514231

You're incredibly retarded

>> No.68514286

Please see >>68512941

>> No.68514525

I feel like there would've been some gen3 news by now if it was actually coming
