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68429762 No.68429762 [Reply] [Original]

All I can see on this board is uncritical defense of her. I think it would be healthy if we all became just a little bit more impartial. Please at the very least, name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation. Show us that you can be calm and rational.

>> No.68429877


>> No.68429948

Thank (you).

>> No.68430082

>she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation
not quitting the company before it could drive her to attempt suicide

>> No.68430118

She willingly joined niggersanji, which is a huge fuckup.

>> No.68430174
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>> No.68430230

enabling people to harass livers without saying anything or give evidence says a lot.

>> No.68430235

She never responded to that one anon's marriage proposals

>> No.68430281


>> No.68430544

im impartial. love doki, hate niji. simple as.
as for the others, i won't partake until names are dropped.

>> No.68430581

she never had the sex with me

>> No.68430647 [DELETED] 

Sure bro
*farts in your thread*

>> No.68430711

>name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault
She joined Niji

>> No.68430757

Why does Selen attract 14 year old boys
like >68430647? Is she a groomer?

>> No.68430782

She joined Nijifagji

>> No.68430875

If she did do something wrong, then the rules, the firms, the law, the world, must bend around that wrongdoing to retroactively make it correct.
I am not being hyperbolic

>> No.68430909

She should have layered up instead of committing. Shes a leaf and we have some very funny rules about what is and isn't actually considered a contractor that anyblack and certainly breaking. She could have abandoned ship with nice settlement and some documentation to sue with if they retaliate or slander instead of just taking it like she currently is.

>> No.68430947

I don't like or watch a single Niji Streamer (calling it a Liver is also gay as fuck)
But seeing her song she paid for herself, got permission from all parties, etc being forced private and never brought back
It's very fucking clear someone at Niji didn't want her to have it at all, she funded it herself, and they got mad as fuck about it.

Niji a shit.
I'm glad she's being shown support after leaving.

>> No.68431085

Centrism is the cerebral palsy of ideologies

>> No.68431108

There are people pointing out discrepencies but they're usually niji antis in the minority. All of the diehard niji fans are being uncritical and trying to overthrow niji by using Selen, and Selen and her crew are probably here and other places drumming up advertisement and astroturfing. When this blows over the niji fans will probably crawl back to niji and then just as uncriticially defend niji against the same niji antis. Those antis are now being called niji management cock slurpers for not joining the uncritical niji fans now, and after this they'll be called holo or doki cock slurpers.

It's the absolute worst and most retarded fanbase by far I have to say.

>> No.68431140

Ideologies are mind viruses that rot your brain and turn you into a mindless vehicle perpetuating ideas that aren't even yours.

>> No.68431144
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>> No.68431155

She speaks Chinese.

>> No.68431166
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12 year old horny gay boy wrote this

>> No.68431194

I'm a married 36 year old man.

>> No.68431201

maybe you could say that she shouldn't have asked her followers to reupload a video that niji corp privated. strictly speaking, she was not following the rules. what would you say? she should have not done that? she should have been obedient in all things to pajeet managers and tried to make her case internally and hope niji changed their minds? do you relly beleb that?

>> No.68431208

desu that really is a big mistake

>> No.68431235

>Please at the very least, name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation
Not here to do your homework, NDF. But nice try.

>> No.68431240

She applied to Nijisanji even when it was known how bad they were. She signed a contract and later thought she was above the rules she agreed to. She broke her contract and obviously coordinated with her mods to undermine her ex-colleagues. Whether or not her attempt was genuine she is very cynically using it as ammunition.

>> No.68431243

Fuck off Enna.

>> No.68431262


>> No.68431326

Sir, the horny and gay allegations???

>> No.68431339
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dokibird's own statement only mentioned internal harassment which could mean only management. it was nijisanji's own statement that implicated livers.

>> No.68431363

Hope much does Enna pays you to be running this much damage control in every thread possible dipshit

>> No.68431417

Her being a retarded menhera with an attitude problem doesn‘t justify niji management attempting to kill her

>> No.68431455

There's no evidence she did anything wrong. All claims and evidence points to Nijisanji and the other toxic talents.

>> No.68431469

Objectivity doesn't mean both parts are responsible. What you are describing is a coping mechanism, because the truth doesn't fit your narrative.

>> No.68431506

Then you are either a retard or blind

>> No.68431507
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>> No.68431535

Not OP but in that case she should have quit. But she made more mistakes before that. Not securing an agreement in writing and paying for the video was a dumb mistake on her own part, can't blame management for her fucking herself like that. I can understand that emotionally she wanted to rush it through but that isn't how it went so her good options were to accept that she had to wait and be a genuine martyr, or quit and been a martyr too. She didn't do either of those so she is not innocent.
Innocent martyrs are good, arrogant opportunists are bad. She chose to be an opportunist.

>> No.68431541
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Thanks Millie, you're a good girl

>> No.68431552

The only thing she did wrong was ever thinking it would get better. Also, unalive yourself worthless Nijidog.

>> No.68431556

It's 2024 anon, gay people can be horny.

>> No.68431561

>niji management attempting to kill her

>they took my song down
>I got bullied
>I got bullied into suicide
> (you are here) niji management attempted to kill me
>Riku broke into my home with a katana and attempted to kill me
>Riku broke into my home with a katana and raped me after which he attempted to kill me

>> No.68431581

Who the fuck is this bitch?
>Ahh Selen
I thought this bitch is dead?

>> No.68431603

We are uncritical of Selen not because she was flawless but because at every turn Nijisanji was the wrong one and tried to shift blame on the talents

>> No.68431632

>they took my song down
They lied saying they didn't have permissions.
Lily said she gave them permission in Aug 2022 lmao

>> No.68431637

She didn't marry me when i asked her. she just went silent for many seconds then laughed

>> No.68431652

Tbh I am just an impartial guy that wants to see it all burn. Enna, can you give me a handjob please? Also please be psycho when you do it.

>> No.68431663

NTA but I heard they hired a hitman and that's why she was in hospital. Pass it on.

>> No.68431697

Selen getting suspended for having a Karen moment may be justified. Suspensions are a quick and easy way to tell the talent to walk it off, touch some grass and return when their emotions aren't running so high so that they don't do or say something stupid. It may even be possible that she's had a shouting match with management in the past, however since Nijisanji EN is involved in stealth suspensions no one will believe that they've had any trouble with Selen in the past. Though I'd believe it since lazy people tend to hate proactive ones, i.e. that one kid who asks the teacher to give homework.

TLDR It's a manager's responsibility to keep their talent safe from themselves. Nijisanji has terrible managers.

>> No.68431739

Getting a lawyer doesn't get you the same kind of sympathy. She never seriously tried to kill herself, It's a huge grift to try and get pity subs for other channel.

>> No.68431791

Lily is just lying and being stupid. What she meant was she was probably like "yeah sure" informally. Not that she didn't say that she signed forms agreeing to license it to them for that purpose. If you don't understand why that might be relevant in this case then you don't understand anything.

>> No.68431803

How would Riku even rape Selen? She outweighs by a couple hundred pounds and he couldn‘t even lift her fupa out kf the way

>> No.68431826

Doki blocked someone for defending Millie and RPR unfollowed Millie and Enna.

>> No.68431884

>everything that is explicitly stated is false, the truth is actually everything that there is no evidence of

>> No.68431912

>block someone to indirectly point at the "bully"
It is subtle things like this that are the most cynical.

>> No.68431913

>trust a mentally, fat woman
>trust a corp run by japs of all 'people'
Yeah no I‘ll just pray both go up in flames.

>> No.68431915

The guy who got blocked said he was blocked before he made the tweet defending Millie abd rpr said he never followed those two in the first place.

>> No.68431947

>and RPR unfollowed Millie and Enna
wrong, he confirmed in his rant stream he never followed them in the first place

>> No.68431948

>it takes over a year for their "Internal Verification Process"
>once we have confirmed etc etc

Lily gave them perms nijinigger

>> No.68431992

Proactive is an interesting way to say she was flouting her contractual agreements. Also comparing her to a kid being impatient really infantilizes an obese adult woman that got fired for breaching a contract.

>> No.68432022

>mentally, fat woman
Selen was never fat

>> No.68432044

Did she fax them over though? If not it genuinely doesn‘t count

>> No.68432092

>This bitch believes to anyone
>/vt/ in all of places.

>> No.68432095

You guys are too young to understand. They need her to license it to them or it doesn't count as perms.

>> No.68432099

What's funny is they tried to lie in their statement saying that Selen made false statements about them taking the video down. But they did fucking take the video down. Like I am honestly completely fucking stumped as to how badly they fucked this up.

>> No.68432108

It still baffles me how you all fail to notice that she planned her graduation before even beginning to work on the song

>> No.68432210

Honestly don't know who bitch dis is. I'm just here to watch niji burn and I bet I'm not the only one by a long shot.

>> No.68432225 [DELETED] 

b-b-b-but her face
i've been telling all the retards here that asians can have very wide faces yet still not be fat, kinda like how white women can have completely normal faces, yet be fat as fuck. but people still love to maymay that she's fat.

>> No.68432266

No one actually cares that Selen was fired anon. She broke contract about some gay ass permission bullshit, whatever, people would have been angry because nobody like beaucratic shitheads, but nothing of this magnitude.
People are fucking on fire because of how niji decided to go about it by attempting to character assassinate Selen, literally lying in their own statement about the video being privated, trying to shift blame onto Selen and also throwing their own talents under the bus by admitting that Selen told them she was being bullied by the other talents which Selen never has stated publicly.

>> No.68432286

But she said it was fine.

>> No.68432310

>Posting the video without managerial approval was dumb
all but saying "Oh it got taken down by management, repost it other places" was also dumb and misleading
>yes, management took it down, cause they told you not to post it without permission and you did it anyway

How do you work in a black company without learning the rules
The bulling is bad ofc tho

>> No.68432350

She probably shouldn't have instructed people to reupload the video immediately after her employer took it down. I understand why she did, and maybe in the moment I would have done the same thing, but it was a bad call.

>> No.68432353

It's a fucking cover, what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.68432442

>Dragoons can't handle that this bitch moves like a spoiled brat.

>> No.68432447

You're right. They're both as bad as each other. That's because Niji hires people that fit their culture. Hopefully they destroy her and she takes them down with her. Best scenario possible, but stop trying to infantilize the actions of a grown ass woman.

>> No.68432480

My guess is, she was done. That was the final straw. She was already mentally done and just needed one more thing to kick her over the cliff.

>> No.68432524

>hire people who were rejected by hololive with good reason
>act all shocked and indignant when they have obvious flaws like a rebellious streak or mental illness

>> No.68432584

>They're both as bad as each other.
Didn't say or imply that. A minor infraction about internal permission autism is nowhere near equivalent to bullying your own employee to the point of suicide.
>but stop trying to infantilize the actions of a grown ass woman
I didn't?

>> No.68432595

Lily and producer gave formal permission.

>> No.68432689

holy contrarian

>> No.68432691

Yeah. You need a license for covers. Didn't you know that?
Yeah, it's either already handled by a platform (for individuals) or you need a license. By the book, their legal department is going to require they secure that license. This is a US thing before it's even a Japan thing. Educate yourself.

>> No.68432728

Retard >>68432595

>> No.68432744

Irrelevant. License or you get Selen'd.

>> No.68432780

there’s no proof that didn’t happen

>> No.68432809

>Lily is just lying and being stupid
You her boyfriend or something?
>What she meant was she was probably like "yeah sure" informally
If Lily is the rightful permission holder, then that absolutely counts as formal permission. Lily would have absolutely zero case in court if she tried for copyright infringement. Verbal contracts do exist and are legally enforceable.

>> No.68432828

Irrelevant Educate yourself >>68432744

>> No.68432885

What are you talking about with shit like "permission"? >>68432744

>> No.68432924

I am gonna have a dramagasm once the pendulum swings the other way. I am 100% sure that Selen isn't the saint everyone thinks she is now. But nobody inside nijiEN will come out and call her out for things she lied about now because the mob would lynch them. Once it all starts to blow over people in niji will start talking and they will prove that Selen was incredibly cynical throughout this shit.

>> No.68432982

If Selen asked Lily, "Can I cover your song?" and Lily then says "Yeah of course."

That is a legally binding verbal contract for the licensed permission to cover that song.

>> No.68433000

Why would that take over 1 year? After Lily had already given the ok

>> No.68433007

Factually wrong. Copyright status doesn't turn on verbal agreements.

>> No.68433050

You are literally the kind of person who sits down the bully and their victim, and then gives them both a suspension.

Niji has money, and lawyers, and no accountability to their livers because said livers can't afford to sue them, especially if they'd have to go from Canada to Japan to do it. They need any shred of accountability we can hold them to, not the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.68433072

Oh nah, it should take like 5 minutes, maybe 10 tops. Just get a signature, send it over, done.

>> No.68433121

Lol no anon, that's how the law actually works.

>> No.68433154

Seems we have a pretty similar read of the situation, just using different words.
>Proactive is an interesting way to say she was flouting her contractual agreements.
Management is incompetent, so Selen took things into her own hands to see her projects to fruition. She may have crossed management who knows?
>Also comparing her to a kid being impatient really infantilizes an obese adult woman that got fired for breaching a contract.
Human beings are inherently irrational it has nothing to do with age. The managers may be rational (you break a rule, you get fired), but they are unreasonable (lacking empathy; ignoring the grander context of why Selen might have behaved in such a manner) and that is why we are in this mess. Human beings are not machines, they must on occasion be handled with kiddie gloves, especially by those who hold positions of power over them.

>> No.68433217
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>rejected by hololive with good reason
>obvious flaws like mental illness

>> No.68433225

Telling fans to reupload a video that was taken down for not having perms while working for a Japanese company was objectively insane, and once she started threatening to expose everything online their business relationship had no chance of recovery. For those two reasons, firing her was objectively the right choice. However, while those are very good reasons to end her employment, there is no reason at all for fans to give the tiniest fuck about those infractions, so it's not surprising there's nobody really focusing on that. As a viewer, the bullying that Nijisanji themselves tacitly admitted to, which drove a talent to attempt suicide, is far, far more relevant to their concerns.

>> No.68433243
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Maybe in your shit hole country where you need to build a paper guillotine so you don't get fucked over by a biased court system that sucks of copyright holders

>> No.68433276
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guilty of the crime of... cynicism, after working for a company possessed by face culture. Wow.

>> No.68433295

Uh, factually correct.
>Writing is not required for a non-exclusive license, because by defining a "transfer of copyright ownership" to exclude non-exclusive licenses, 17 U.S.C. Sec. 101 relieves non-exclusive license from the operation of U.S.C. Sec. 204(a). The grant of a non-exclusive license can be oral or inferred from conduct.

>> No.68433369

>people who give you money tell you not to do something
>do it anyway
>get fired
>say that they made you try to kill yourself
>get the biggest paycheck of your life and sink the company that fired you
I am thinking that girl is only going to get worse now that she had been enabled this much.

>> No.68433398

>Selen didn't act in good faith towards the black company that tried to fuck her over at every turn

Wtf I hate selen now
I will now buy anycolor stock

>> No.68433400

unironically this

>> No.68433402

>name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation


>> No.68433414

She signed the contract with niji so she knew what she could and could not do, she could have just graduate instead of starting this to get more attention, tho niji is at fault too for not having an organization fit for the work and for helping the streamers

>> No.68433438

I've never called Selen a saint, or treated her as such, that 3 page smear campaign from Kurosanji looked fucking desperate to try and be ahead of the curve because they knew full well how fucked they were. If they just terminated Selen without much hoo-hah I doubt this shit storm would have been as big. But they tried to go for the Zaion treatment and that backfired SPECTACULARLY.

>> No.68433444

Yes anon, this is definitely the entire story and requires no further context or details, you nailed it

>> No.68433473

Nijisanji did the enabling with their own termination notice you idiot. She only said there was " bullying from within" and she was in a "Toxic and Poor" work environment. She did not specify where it came from.

>> No.68433482

Chink mind games won't work on me. Try harder next time.

>> No.68433492


>> No.68433507

It has never worked like that. You are under a mistaken assumption.
Yeah you need the exclusive one. Lily wasn't licensing it to everyone. Sad thing is that if she wasn't a dumbass Selen could have gotten the mechanical license from Lily herself then forwarded it to whichever department.

>> No.68433516

yeah it's not like she paid for the entire project out of her own pocket or someth-WAIT A SECOND

>> No.68433519

That describes japan perfectly though
Seriously why does this board suddenly try to downplay japan‘s ludicrous legal retardation regarding copyright

>> No.68433601


A lot of people don't seem to understand that most people aren't upset that Selen was terminated. Just like a lot of people weren't that upset that Mel was terminated. If it was a genuine contract breach, Niji's hands were tied, they had to fire her. Sad case all around. But that's not what they did. That's not why people are upset. People are upset because they tried to sink one last knife in her back as they were kicking her out the door.

>> No.68433603

This she is a piece of shit
>bully Enna and millie
>fake suicide attempt
>pretend that Enna and millie were the bullies
Doki is a sociopath

>> No.68433641

and Selen is a fucking leaf, swing and a miss

>> No.68433657

That's the US.

>> No.68433676

Do you actually understand what an exclusive license is? No one fucking transfers away their ownership of rights for someone else to make a cover. Are you insane?

>> No.68433714

Niji management threw their talents under the bus by saying that Selen claimed she was being bullied by one of them, while Selen only claimed she was being bullied in a toxic environment which was most likely management itself. Good work falling for their shitty damage control you stupid niggers.

>> No.68433723

>Enna and Millie bully Selen into trying to kill herself
>Niji Defense Force desperately tries to flip the script

>> No.68433735

Didn't she try to kill herself?
That's one thing she did wrong since she failed

>> No.68433749

US copyright law is like that too. Do you want me to find an easy explainer video for you quickly?

>> No.68433756

She's playing too much Apex.

>> No.68433777

Nijisanji have consistantly proven that they are a black company and that their management is almost criminally incompetant. Their biggest female EN talent was driven to the point of suicide by the company. What should we be impartial about Anon? Even if she did some things wrong procedurally, it is literally managments JOB to manage her and deal with these things. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF TALENT MANAGEMENT. The company failed in every way.

>> No.68433791


>> No.68433811

>i would be totally fine if it turned out she made up the suicide shit and just had a coincidental accident
Incredibly based. I genuinely applaud you. I had no idea Selen simps are so ruthless.

>> No.68433846

>Yeah you need the exclusive one. Lily wasn't licensing it to everyone.

That is not what exclusive means retard. Lily can issue a license to anybody she wants without a written agreement as the copyright holder, but if she were to 'sell' the exclusive license to her song to Selen, as in Selen is the only person who is allowed to cover that song and Selen now owns that license (much like how a production company owns the music produced by an artist, not the artist themselves), then she would absolutely need to do a written agreement.

Please stop talking about shit you know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.68433848

Licenses exist and you're intentionally misunderstanding. Look up the procedure for licensing a cover please.

>> No.68433865

Literally zero proof. Stop wasting your time you anti shill.

>> No.68433918

like clockwork

>> No.68433921

there's no different procedure than any other copyrighted works, song covers aren't some special case. Do you have some sort of humiliation fetish

>> No.68433920
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Selen = immature / Enna = mature and a sexy woman

>> No.68433942

Well it's a good thing that
A. Lily is not Japanese
B. YouTube is not Japanese
C. Selen is not Japanese
D. The work conducted was not done in Japan

So whatever tomfuckery the Japanese legal system says about copyright, literally means fucking nothing

>> No.68433949

>They need any shred of accountability we can hold them to, not the benefit of the doubt.
If you can't stand the heat do not apply and remain an indie.

>> No.68433956

Are you retard? It’s a exclusive one so you need a written permission

>> No.68433981

And do you have any evidence to the contrary?

>> No.68433994

serious question here, never cared about niji:
people who want to fuck enna is it just the model or do you guys have access to rtx because by her voice alone it sounds kind of grating

>> No.68434025

I've been saying she's a narcissistic menhera since the beginning of times
Call me a nijinigger if that makes you happy, the only niji I ever watched was this bitch and she's the most annoying cunt ever, the fact that she tried of off herself only means she needs real help, touch grass bitch
I'm glad nijikeks are finally seeing the truth and nipplesanji en is dying, but I'm not going to defend selen and dragoons are ALWAYS the worst posters, they can eat shit for all I care, they always shit the board
This place is so gay you faggots did a 180° because some discord trannies convinced you selen was good? Damn your weak as fuck kek
Everyone in nijisanji is a backstabbing fag, selen is no different she just love playing the victim

>> No.68434026

Why would it be exclusive? What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.68434081

>I am going to get upset about things that have no evidence because I like being a miserable person

Unironically, I would suggest getting some anti-depressants anon. That is not at all a healthy way to view the world.

>> No.68434103

It's oneguy with a sociopath fetish or something

>> No.68434114

Enna is genuine unlike some fat losers who are too stupid to get proper perms.

>> No.68434149
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HA HAHA HA! That is my dragoon! Thank you dragoon! Don't listen to chinese people.

>> No.68434190

anon, selen might be able to wipe the nijien branch if she plays her cards right
Do you really expect holobronies not to jump on this ? It would mean the end of the thousand year wars, at least in these shores.
It will also imply the death of the male branch of holostars since they only exist as an answer to nijis male branch

>> No.68434205

Is Selen buying the rights of the song off Lily you fucking moron? That's what an exclusive license is. That is not what has happened here.

>> No.68434230


>> No.68434257

I haven't seen any discrepancies pointed out. Just people calling her menhera or an attention whore. Even assuming both of these things are true the only response is 'ok'. It doesn't really change anything.

>> No.68434269

She's definitilvel not a saint, but holy fuck at this point it's difficult to outdo Nijisanji in terms of being unlikeable.
90 of the faggots here (me included) doesn't really give a fuck about Selen, we're just in it to fuck over Nijisanji, because it's fun and they deserve it.

>> No.68434274

>Inconveniencing the branch by living in PST so they had to support more than one timezone, something no other branch ever had to worry about
>Not reading between the lines to understand that really they just didn't want her to do any of these projects, because reasons
>Causing the company to lose face by spending her own money on those projects, allowing fans to get a false impression of the company being cheap
>Asking for 3%

>> No.68434290

Lily has done songs for Hololive/stars before you idiots SHE UNDERSTANDS WHAT LICENCES/RIGHTS HAVE TO BE GIVEN.
Lily and her producer have confirmed that they gave Niji permissions via the corpo email they send to rights holders. Selen also confirmed this in her streams. The produver said that he responded to the email from Niji corporate in Aug 2022 with everything they asked for. She did not just get "verbal confirmation"

>> No.68434313

>Under the law in Canada, when a song is created, copyright exists immediately and automatically for the music, the lyrics (the words) and the combination of music and lyrics. The owner of the copyright is the person who creates the song (the lyricist or author) and the person who writes the music (the composer).
>This right can be assigned by a written contract to another party, such as a publisher or recording company. (Copyright can’t be assigned by a verbal agreement.)
>A song is called a composition. A recording of the song is called a master recording. A separate and independent copyright applies to the recording.
>Copyright owners (in some cases, the authors and composers, but often the publishers and recording companies under written contracts) can control copying and distributing of their compositions and recordings.

>> No.68434323

the gaslighting is blatantly effeminate

>> No.68434355

Because it was given to selen only so exclusive, non exclusive means anybody has the rights

>> No.68434365

>oh god this argument is so weak now let me focus on the exact wording and get a flimsy gotcha
Good job anon good job.

>> No.68434399

lmao no

>> No.68434450

>Copyright can’t be assigned by a verbal agreement.

Which is great because Lily never assigned the copyright to Selen you fucking retard. Lily still owns the copyright. Also fucking Lily is American.

>> No.68434449

me when I lie

>> No.68434473

>Enna is genuine
The delusions you people have are fucking insane

>> No.68434482

>her voice alone it sounds kind of grating
All the niji girls I want to fuck have their assigned roles. Enna is for blowjobs only.

>> No.68434490

>I am gonna have a dramagasm once the pendulum swings the other way.

it will
t. insider

>> No.68434512

Not technically a thing she did in this situation, but it's related to it

Awhile ago I didn't know anything about Selen previously other than "purple longnecked haha dragon", but then I saw two separate incidents that gave me a more negative opinion of her
>she couldnt handle banter during Apex with rpr and some other dude, got upset at them and left the discord call to stream on her own
>TSB happened and sure they're mostly friendly, but during the actual TSB streams the atmosphere was more tense and more argumentative than the average tempus stream, Selen and Axel also bickered a lot despite Selen choosing Axel to be the team leader and Axel being the main reason Selen was allowed in the event in the first place
Because of those things, Selen always came off as a bit thin-skinned to me and her claims of bullying now have less credibility to me

I mean, obviously she was mistreated at Nijisanji, likely even by other nijiEN members (im not going to fucking say "livers" like some cultist) but it's going to be hard for me to trust how severe any allegations against any of them are if dokibird is going to be the only one saying them

>> No.68434547

Come on anon, be a little more mature and admit when you're done. It'll take you far in life.

>> No.68434554

>the only niji I ever watched was this bitch and she's the most annoying cunt ever
Scorned dragoon post.

>> No.68434571

>Selen take your meds. Don't get near to any sharp things.

>> No.68434585

>Because it was given to selen only so exclusive
>non exclusive means anybody has the rights

Unless you're going to cite some legal definitions, you can be retarded all you like

Selen asking Lily if she can cover her song and Lily responding in the affirmative is completely legally binding.

>> No.68434624

>mfw none of this applies
Lily still owns the copyright you idiot, she hasn't assigned the rights to someone else, merely granted permission to use the song.

>> No.68434660

its her fault she didnt wait 3 months for an overworked manager to double check an already approved video and its her fault for assuming she can freely use nijisanji members in a video that will put nijisanji in a positive light.
It is also her fault for not being nostradamus in 2022 to forsee mysta's and nina's graduation before the release of the song. And it was also her fault to not realize that graduated talents are not supposed to be named or shown ever.
did i miss anyhting?

it was not the manager's fault to inquire about a project he/she is supposed to help make reality

>> No.68434713

>a content creator is lying about her own intellectual property rights for no reason

>> No.68434726

Come on anon be a little more mature and admit you have no arguments so you just went for literal meaning of words autism. It will take you far in life.

>> No.68434744
File: 62 KB, 176x176, image_2024-02-07_114147489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to watch this one VTuber talk about the nijidrama on twitch but I missed the notification and TaigaHolic didn't save the VOD. I hope someone fuckin' uploads it. After having that arguement with him a few days ago I just wanna make sure he's doin' alright.

>> No.68434773

Yeah, the reupload tweet really sealed the deal there. There was no coming back from that.

Another factor is that negativity towards Nijisanji has been building for over a year with every liver talking bad about management and how sad it makes them. The stab in the back was just the critical event to focus around.

>> No.68434782

I've been watching the IP count not go up every time a new anti-selen post gets made

>> No.68434779


>> No.68434797

You're right, it WAS objectively insane; oh, right, she was hospitalized because she had a serious mental breakdown.

In the US, reacting to a hospitalization for that by firing somebody might be criminal under the EEOA. I don't know how it is in Canada; Niji's unprofessional announcement makes me think they don't know either.

>> No.68434862

leaf here, just as enforceable if not moreso

>> No.68434864


>> No.68434875

>It is also her fault for not being nostradamus in 2022 to forsee mysta's and nina's graduation before the release of the song. And it was also her fault to not realize that graduated talents are not supposed to be named or shown ever.

actually that alone is a good reason for her not to upload the video. The situation changed and now it showed ex talents. Selen pushed through because it was 15k. Incredibly bad luck, but it is what it is
Then she double down and triple down because she really wanted that shit out, and got fired.
On paper niji should be able to deny uploading to whatever thing they like for whatever reason, even if the talents do not agree

>> No.68434885

To notice that, retard, it would have to be true.

>> No.68434948

>Please at the very least, name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation
She signed with Nijisanji.

>> No.68434949

Siding with talent over corpos is the Right and the Good.

>> No.68434950

She didn't have permission from all the organs that were going to be featured in the MV.

>> No.68434953

>the ip count still didn't go up


>> No.68434978

>rejected by hololive
holy shit do your fucking reps

>> No.68434979

>oh fuck I've been caught, better call him a loser for noticing
jewish behavior

>> No.68435011

>likely even by other nijiEN members
I am sure there were at least a few examples where she dished it out but couldn't take it just like that RPR thing.

>> No.68435035

Yeah and we defended Zaion too. Get used to it nijicuck.

>> No.68435045

She didn't apply for hololive to begin with.

>> No.68435077

People literally are copy and pasting the relevant law. You're acting like a dumbass who can't accept that they're wrong.

>> No.68435201

>Licenses exist
>and therefore that means verbal contracts and non-exclusive licenses don't


>> No.68435235

>jewish behavior
>bad dragon defense squad are all /pol/tards.
Like clockwork.

>> No.68435244

Well personally I've seen a large number of instances of horrible behavior and judgment by the bad apples of nijiEN so it's pretty easy for me to trust the severity of the allegations.

>> No.68435250

Doesn't have experience on a real job before applying to a strict japs company. Kinda stupid.

>> No.68435313
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>source: doing picrel for an hour and deciphering the soundwaves

>> No.68435314

This would apply to 95% of corpo vtubers.

>> No.68435334


>> No.68435335

The NDF isn't sending their best are they?

>> No.68435382

>doesn't deny it

>> No.68435417

did you forget where you were again, grandpa shekel?

>> No.68435433

tfw Ren's tweet about this being unfair is actually because Selen is lying but since she tried to kill herself everyone is on her side so you can't say anything back

>> No.68435446

Your butthurt gives me energy and lets me live longer. Please continue to seethe.

>> No.68435501

>Yeah you need the exclusive one.
(You) must be at least 18 years old to post here. Unfortunately, understanding English beyond a grade school level isn't required yet, but I strongly recommend it anyway.

>> No.68435622

Because the fact that a Japanese company is making up retarded bullshit rules for itself, shouldn't cause its Western staff to suffer when they do business with Western clients.

>> No.68435649

hard to defend much when they're this in the wrong. It's fucking weird to simp for a company and not the talents

>> No.68435699
File: 44 KB, 527x555, 43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah you need thing that is exactly opposite of thing that proves me wrong because... well just fucking trust me, okay???

>> No.68435902

>This bitch think that everyone should be involved to Selen
>She's not that popular.

>> No.68435917
File: 22 KB, 842x254, ESL fwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. ESL retard with zero understanding of basic legal terminology.
An "exclusive license" would literally mean that Lilypichu is never allowed to say whether anyone else can cover the song, and now Selen is the one who gets to make that decision. It is a transfer of copyright ownership. Nobody ever grants this for a cover and nobody ever expects this for a cover. It is not necessary here. See >>68433846 >>68434290.

>> No.68436032

Lily herself said she already gave the permission in 2022. Why are you nijinigger even arguing about ?

>> No.68436037

>involved to
ESL-kun just stop

>> No.68436064
File: 139 KB, 271x403, ESL chama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. doesn't understand what "assign" means in this context

>> No.68436091


>> No.68436128

>The drama buff is ticking dragoons. Tell her to debut now.

>> No.68436203

>The drama buff is ticking dragoons

This sentence doesn't make sense ESLchama

>> No.68436212

what does this even mean holy shit, ESL AND schizophrenic

>> No.68436231

A liver/s (most likely the bullies) didn't want to be part of the MV, so they said to management to take it dont

>> No.68436237

The first one is blatant sarcasm and not an anti post, retard.

>> No.68436282

>me, who fully understood it was RPG terms, knowing it would just need a comma to make it look easier to read

>> No.68436295

Attempt ketchup

>> No.68436302

wtf is that?

>> No.68436320

You both need to post on reddit too.

>> No.68436385

This makes more sense than most reasons why it was privated and never given permission to be relisted.
Niji could not openly state that ever

>> No.68436413
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>> No.68436442

or maybe you're just spewing gibberish because you can't argue about this on a forum in your native language for whatever reason

>> No.68436448

I have stopped posting and been watching the IP count not go up. All I can see is literal retards posting retard shit in defense of purple dragon.

>> No.68436489

Clocks tick, not buffs. Retard. Just say the clock is ticking next time.

>> No.68436544

Thanks for the input faggot.

>> No.68436676

>Clocks tick, not buffs.
I will admit I am a tourist. I can't help but get an impression that most "ESL!" "this is how you actually say ..." posts, are done by insecure ESL's. Am I far off?

>> No.68436760

In their defence, it's not easy. We don't have much to work with when the higher ups have already fucked up with their public statements.

>> No.68436791

not the ESL-kun but okay retard, i guess we can just assume his english just somehow, by sheer magic, got way better between posts

>> No.68436820
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, vwytw7hqstgc1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She joined Nijisanji.

It has nothing to do with what Selen did or didn't do wrong. Even if she murdered someone, there's absolutely no reason to drag the other talents into the firing line like Niji did. They also lied about their not having permissions for the MV, having got them years ago and just either forgot or ignored it, and put up that whole, "Selen lied about us privating that video we privated". Nevermind everything they did to Pomu and the lies they told about Zaion. It's just absolute incompetence and malice beyond the pale.

It's not even about what they did to Selen. It's what they did to THEMSELVES and have and will do to the other talents. These people either need to be publicly sacked en mass, or every EN liver needs to get out of there pronto, and I suspect the latter is the only real option.

>> No.68436898

Completely off, yes. He's being called an ESL because his syntax and cadence are completely fucked and sound unnatural to native speakers. That, and ESLs often puck arguments they don't even understand because they misread the context, then get even angrier and double down when corrected—usually pajeets or slavs in that case.

>> No.68436961

Finally someone gets it but all the retards are ignoring this.

>> No.68437057

The only thing I can think of is that she isn't being too transparent about the bullying, literally as descriptive as the termination doc.
There's a real possibility that none of the *talents* bullied her and it was management, so they threw them under the bus. Maybe if Doki said something vague, something about what "didn't happen", these fires could be quenched. Cause I see nothing but vitriol towards potentially innocent people.

>> No.68437071

>written words have cadence
Anon did you forget your meds or are you a filthy ESL?

>> No.68437094

>Not OP but in that case she should have quit
She did quit, on the 26th, but they told her "You can't quit, your fired!" Despite knowing full well what the shitstorm a high profile termination would cause over a quiet graduation. They are fucking insane.

While Selen failed in her suicide attempt, Nijisanji succeeded.

Nevermind the fact that Nijisanji themselves, not just Selen, got the permissions directly from the source in August 2022, but they apparently either forgot or chose to ignore it.

>> No.68437097
File: 30 KB, 622x170, Oh Canada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68437139


>> No.68437244


>> No.68437254

Doki is keeping her mouth shut because she is lawyered to the teeth and is only repeating things that Niji said in their statement. We will probably never know what exactly the bullying was or who it was done by.

>> No.68437278

Who is Wactor's coach?

>> No.68437286

There's such a thing as type cadence. That's not an English thing, that's a language thing.

>> No.68437315
File: 15 KB, 426x167, image_2024-02-07_122811532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sentence can have cadence without speaking it you fuckin' ESLtard.
>picrel: these all have different cadence

>> No.68437467

No I'm a native speaker. But I've noticed most ESLs will call each other out more often than natives will call out ESLs.

>> No.68437494
File: 52 KB, 1166x437, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find another fancy word for that faggot. You lost.

>> No.68437597
File: 617 KB, 320x180, D1l-F3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68437630

Written words definitely have a cadence. Because you can vocalize them and a majority of people do mentally sound them out when reading them.

>> No.68437634

That discord turned out to be fake. Besides, you can't have what AnyColro described as "copyright violation issues" with your own IP.

>> No.68437643

>In writing, “cadence” is the timing or flow of sentences. As Writing Explained says, “Cadence is created when reading the balanced words and phrases in free verse and prose. Writers choose their words carefully, and by choosing certain words, certain rhythms are created through one's prose.”

>> No.68437683

>he keeps digging his hole

>> No.68437697

>he doesn’t have an internal voice
based retarded NPC, sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.68437752
File: 30 KB, 658x335, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68437846

You are quite possibly the biggest retard on /vt/ right now. I would tell you to stop posting but you are an entertaining monkey, so keep dancing.

>> No.68437902

You mean you read things that disagree with you in ESL voice in your head and that makes them ESL? Such an own anon...

Just admit you tripped over and started fucking the ball trying to sound fancy.

>> No.68437952

Fallacies are for professional debate.

>> No.68438058

Come on anon, be a little more mature and admit you have no arguments, so you just went for the literal meaning of the word autism. It will take you far in life.

>> No.68438074

>majority of people do mentally sound them out when reading them.
>called an ESL because his syntax and cadence are completely fucked
What was the original point again? That you are a retard who can't admit his own fuckups? I guess you are anon.

>> No.68438116

>work for a corpo
>release a song before they clear it

if thats true, isn't that just one of the most incredibly stupid things you could ever do?

>> No.68438359

>had permission from creator and producer over a year prior to it's release
>Niggersanji -she never got permissions from creators bro trust us

>> No.68438389

>be management
>ignore deadlines

>> No.68438517

What I don't understand is why didn't she quit then?
If there was plans all the way back in Aug 2022 that is a year and half to send in your 2 weeks notice but she didn't.

Could be due to pride, not wanting to disappoint the her fanbase, thinking she can handle the toxicity who knows but she stayed until she snapped.

>> No.68438591

>not wanting to disappoint the her fanbase
Your fanbase will just follow you to the dokibird channel.

>> No.68438690

>why didn't she quit then?

>> No.68438734

>I didn't know anything about Selen
>Proceed to talk in detail about her past
Least obvious NDF itt

>> No.68438798

Getting the irrelevant dig in about her weight really shows you’re being rational and unbiased.

>> No.68438955

>work for corpo
>corpo says you need permissions from X,Y,Z stakeholders before you can release song
>this is the job of management
>management doesn't do their job
>Do the job of management anyway
>management doesn't want to look bad for not doing their job and tries to block you from uploading your video at the last minute after you spent $15K doing it and it is a time sensitive upload and needs to released NOW for your fans
>you're finally fucking fed up with trying your little heart out just to constantly be kicked in the ribs at every turn by people who clearly hate you and want you to fail

I empathise with the poor girl immensely.

>> No.68439060

Only if contracts are by yearly basis, if she had planned back in Aug 2022 that is more than enough time.

But also if it's about contracts if she really wanted out she could have chosen a better and less explosive way to break contract at anytime. Just 'accidentally' leak some info or show something sensitive on screen, if she was really a pain in the ass to management they'll drop her on those terms.

Unless of course she was always conflicted on weather to really leave.

>> No.68439627
File: 64 KB, 530x440, 1000008401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir that's an ideology. Would you like fries with your Big Mac?

>> No.68439890

Selen is many things. A mastermind is not among them.

>> No.68440171

I don't like this woman but Nijisanji sucks so I'm gonna defend her out of spite and pretend she never did anything wrong. Suck it.

>> No.68440298

>name 1 thing she did wrong and is totally her fault in this situation
shes chinese

>> No.68441024

Losing in FPS game too many times makes her go menhera.

>> No.68441172

niji management shut down multiple planned projects of selen, not just the coffee song.

>> No.68441174

How is it irrelevant? It speaks volumes on her lack of character and judgement. Being overweight is always everyone else's and the world's fault instead of the fat adult that can't take responsibility for their own health. Sort of like violating a contract on multiple accounts and then claiming to be a victim.

>> No.68441249

Now I think about it you do have a good point.

>> No.68441300

This is actually a good counter-argument

>> No.68441320

Because she was already executing her scorched earth exit strategy for months.

>> No.68441743

A competent manager wouldn’t have allowed their most valuable female streamer fuck up that bad.
For example look at how sakana has to deal with pippa’s messes and how pippa said she can’t function without her tardwrangler.

>> No.68442424
File: 229 KB, 600x600, image_2024-02-07_135038169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a competent manager would milk this drama for all it's worth

>> No.68442701

That would be an outstanding manager instead of just competent.

>> No.68444262

>she did wrong
>totally her fault
c'mon, you gotta blame her parents for that
