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68398799 No.68398799 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.68398841


>> No.68398925 [DELETED] 
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she saw the support for doki and she got depressed again. seethe cunt

>> No.68398947


>> No.68398968

Can vshojo save this woman.

>> No.68399013

Unironically seek Christ

>> No.68399040


>> No.68399126

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.68399139


>> No.68399155

like Matara is going to let her in

>> No.68399173

Nina is being a bitch for some reason and blocking her from joining

>> No.68399249

obligated to say this is actually the best post in the thread, praise be to the Lord of Hosts who is infinite mercy and absolute justice

that being done we go back to our regular programming


>> No.68399373

>for some reason

>> No.68399382

Is the member veto thing real?

>> No.68399436


>> No.68399442

I know this is supposed to be someone but I don't know who as I never really watched them

>> No.68399455

What position of power does Matara holds? >>68399173
Well that kinda suck if true.

>> No.68399477

>some reason
yeah leaking their combos without her consent is the reason

>> No.68399552

>Maybe more
Certainly isn't the cycle of grief, what cycle is this?

>> No.68399595

escaping an abusive relationship

>> No.68399633

That sounds petty considering women gossip all the time. As if Matara hasn't done it to anybody else too. Women are just fucking dramatic for no reason man.

>> No.68399639
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>> No.68399709

Menstrual cramps.

>> No.68399710

she is very close with Mouse I don't think Mouse is risking losing Matara over Sayu

>> No.68399711


You tards learned nothing from Tama.

>> No.68399779


>> No.68399825

It's kinda sad. Niji fucked her over much worse. Killed her career. Then twitter femcels and trannies got ultra mad because she made a sexual assault joke about a fictional character. Now no one will forgive her or go near her. It's crazy. Then selen who wasn't fucked half as bad gets all the love in the world it must be rough. But she's got to stick with it. It's hard. But those who suffer the most have the greatest reward

>> No.68399848

i sympathise with her, but jesus that's a lot of words for saying nothing

>> No.68399899

Mouse is even a bigger gossiping queen than sayu ever will be. She's Puerto Rican they can't stop themselves from gossiping or being nosey.
T. Puerto Rican

>> No.68399907

Well... She has a lot of attention right now, many can only dream about this, she have all cards in her hands and she has to play it right. The real work begins now.

>> No.68399906

She realized people sympathize more with Selen/Doki than with her, because ultimately she hasn't been a good person.

There's a reason she wasn't invited to join Vshojo, when she even had the initial support from K-son, but K-son can smell menheras from miles away, so she ended up distancing herself from Sayu.

The whole Nina/Matara problem, is 100% on Sayu being a dramafag and leaking private conversations made in good faith, Sayu is the bad person in this case.

I hope she realizes that she has to distance herself from dramafags like Depressed Nousagi or Parrot, stop being /here/ all the time and stop trying to raid this place with her 10 discord simps.

>> No.68399912


>> No.68399915

She needs to just try moving on honestly and stop dwelling on the past. What's done is done. It seems to me at this point like she's taken responsibility for her actions and hopefully learned from her mistakes. As long as she's done that, then there's nothing more for her to do other than pushing forward and trying being the best person she can be.

>> No.68399927

Sayun did nothing wrong

>> No.68400011
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>K-son can smell menhera
So she likes the smell?

>> No.68400039

>kson can smell menhera from miles away.
Explain nazuna then.

>> No.68400068

For every Bruce Wayne there is a Batman.

>> No.68400122

Keeps Tama's name off your keyboard you stupid shit

>> No.68400150

>but K-son can smell menheras from miles away
that is absolutely fucking false

>> No.68400364

She seems like she’s afraid to be herself.

>> No.68400387

Nina was a decent hag but she was never based. Anyone that followed her pl stuff knows she has no problem with clique behavior as long as she's in the clique too.

>> No.68400444

No she's just pissed off she went through what selen did but worse and barely anyone stood up for her. It's soul destroying.

>> No.68400449

>leaking their combos
I'll take a number 9, one with cheese...

>> No.68400595

K-son used rushia/mikeneko/nazuna for vshojo, because she knew that she would be an easy hire and good PR for Vshojo JP, but she already knew she was a menhera from when she was in hololive, she even called her out multiple times.

>> No.68400673

Someone give me a Chinese translation, is she a bitch?

>> No.68400679

The audacity to compare herself with selen. Selen hosted many events, was busy organising and contacting people for work. They are not the same.

>> No.68400685

That's even more sad. Lol.

>> No.68400724

>Mata didn't let her in
>Doki didn't follow her back
>multiple pieces of fanart with every graduated and fired talent excluding Zaion

It's depressing

>> No.68400755

I'm assuming Dokibird blocked her or told her to fuck off when she reached out?

>> No.68400793
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She deserves it

>> No.68400800

Okay Nina ching Chong Yong wonton lo mein Chong Chong yin.

>> No.68400807

>blocking her
I don't think she is even on the radar.

>> No.68400827

It's not even about compering herself to Selen. She left Doki a kind message on Twitter and sisters attacked her for it for the crime of being Sayu.

>> No.68400888

Ok, that’s racist.

>> No.68400891

John the Baptist was never loved as much as Peter or Paul. Always sucks to be the canary in the coal mine, but the ones that know will ride or die with her.

>> No.68400935

Didn't she make a post about "all her friends" in Nijisanji?
Bitch what friends? You stabbed Kotoka and Feesh in the backs then lied to your entire wave.
Nina blacklisted your name and permabans your mention, and Mysta/Mika don't even know who you are

>> No.68400987

No it is not.

>> No.68400992

Women are especially sensitive to social shaming. This is why SJW shit is so effective, and Sayu ran afoul of the SJW types because 'muh rape joke'. So she gets crazy disproportionate hate and attacks from what I've seen.

>> No.68401012

>leaking their combos
Oh no the discord fighting game tech

>> No.68401038

You guys sound like twittertards, the worst thing she did was the leak, and Nina’s no saint

>> No.68401084

Did you dilate today, btw?

>> No.68401086

Total Niji Death is more justified with each passing day

>> No.68401175

Nina sounds like a total bitch from the little I've seen from her whenever she's on henya streams.

>> No.68401178

Go back to Twitter sister

>> No.68401218

jesus christ women are terrifying

>> No.68401232

Here's a translation:

你妈生前为了赚外快3块钱一次在大桥底下给乞丐草日复一日草出了感情原来那个乞丐就是你废物爹草着你表子妈的廉价B 生出了你个废物儿你表子妈街边卖骚的技术被一个来自日本的导演看中了把你表子妈8块钱买回了日本深造之后你表子妈的面孔频繁出现在了小电影的荧幕上导演量了下你表子妈黑洞的面积立马高兴的安排了几个非洲大吊你那日本爹突然双膝跪地恍然大悟受到了大师的指点一般张口就要给我含住我顿时一脚踢在你扒手爹的狗头果然狗改不了吃屎你奶奶被天葬你爷爷被砍碎了塞进了冰箱你们过年腌腊肉就是腌的你爷爷的老肉吃的

>> No.68401262

Just typical sociopath behavior, they feel they have to throw someone under in order to elevate thrmselves and they have no qualms about trampling anyone they perceive as weak to get that feeling. These are the same people that screech not to harass and dox while doing it themselves because they feel the anonymity protects them.

>> No.68401353

she can't. She's an extrovert and not being able to interact with anyone within the vtubing sphere is a bigger issue to her than being successful as a solo content creator.

She strikes me as the type of girl who wanted girl friends but never could since she's too autistic. I mean she worked in IT, so it makes sense why

>> No.68401376

Hard veto only for the founders. New people can give their input but it's not binding

>> No.68401383

>Always sucks to be the canary in the coal mine
except everyone universally loves Yugo now...

>> No.68401468

I wanna save this hag, but she streams like at midnight

>> No.68401490

She is physically incapable of this, because without the drama, she goes back to being a literal who with no substance to her existence.
It's the same reason not-Mika needs to constantly "accidentally" showing up in Kuro's streams

>> No.68401509

She was always a cunt, just not many people know it because she keeps everything surface level so makes it seem like she's being chill when in reality she thinks people giving her money and compliments are losers and retards. The clip of her comment about men actually means something completely different than what most think.

>> No.68401560

this list was made by someone who actually never interacted with a real human before. incredible.

>> No.68401576

I'm not understanding why Nina is so petty and unforgiving towards Sayu like this?

Nina told countless stories about people doing horrible things to her and she still forgave and talks to them. A guy fucking stalked her and she still forgave him

What is this bitch's problem?

>> No.68401639

I used your swords to behead the Kurosanji but I have failed to give you a lottery ticket of revival. This may have been career ending, unfortunately. I don't blame your feelings and dreams feeling destroyed. If no one in the industry wants to work with her, it sucks.

Maybe whistleblowers don't always win. The consequences truly are this severe. It wasn't like she had a choice too... this sucks

>> No.68401660

Nina is petty and self centered, but Sayu is a habitual shit talker and/or liar
My guess is these 2 can not possibly ever mix

>> No.68401750

Nina doesn't want anyone she can't influence or control to be in the same group and Sayu is too much of a wild card, what with her beliefs about speaking the truth and shit.

>> No.68401775

Ofc they do, she's a troon. It's cardinal sin for Twittersisters to say anything negative about those freaks

>> No.68401777

why is everyone making this about themselves

>> No.68401894

>speaking the truth and shit
>>My mom gave me a botched model because i didn't pay for the express service
>>DN isn't that bad guys! So i invited him for a collab to talk about how great of a guy he is!
I forgive everything from her Zaion days, but holy shit did she torpedo her own credibility in what, 2 days time?

>> No.68401922

funny how she didn't fit in with Ethyria but she definitely belongs in Ethyria

>> No.68402003

Well that and he/she/it makes great musics, has a good voice, collabs with interesting people, has good banter, doesn't cry on chat's shoulders when they're out of content
But hey, Sayu has a Genshin sponsorship!

>> No.68402186

Watch streams, Sayu apologized about her comment on her mama and model and explained she got some bad info from disinfo spreaders. To her that was the truth until she realized what actually happened and apologized. DN for his faults did apologize about his Patreon and was one of the few people that reached out to her when she was getting harassed for weeks. You're so quick to blame her when you people were the ones that forced her into that situation.

>> No.68402373

>gets caught in her lie
>"apologizes" but is actually shifting blame
Gotta give her credit, she is as genuinely terrible as an indie, as she was a nijicuck

>> No.68402400

Believe or not, but Nina is not a sociopath. She's just a callous ultra stacy alpha bitch. That's how they behave.
Who is really sociopathic is Enna. Nina also says a lot of fucked up shit, but she seems to always retain an awareness of where the lines are a bit too dangerous to be crossed. Now Enna lacks that awareness almost completely

>> No.68402427

>doesn't deny his role
Concession accepted

>> No.68402506

Damn I didn't know she was good at fighting games.

>> No.68402505

Nah, they're all sociopaths. Nina just unfortunately wasn't CN or PH like the clique

>> No.68402554

there's nothing left to argue, you are providing more (flawed) logic and reasoning than Sayu would ever hope to
Seems like all she does is hop from one retarded take and lie to another, while crying on her streams wondering where it all went wrong

>> No.68402663

Holy fuck, didn't know she was THIS much of a woman

>> No.68402709
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Still not supporting a DN and parrotfag, especially DN. It's not like the DN drama was quiet when it happened. She saw it, and she still chose to associate with him. Sorry for your Niji experience, but you clearly went there post Golden 20 for a reason. Into the bin.

>> No.68402792

Lol this isn't an argument, I just wanted you to out yourself as one of her antis. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.68402804

All it proved is that kson is a retard when it comes to vetting

>> No.68402846

nigga where did you get this stuff lmao

>> No.68402883


>> No.68402909

Who forced her collab with DN or shitting on her mama? Disinfo my ass, just ask directly. She fucked up, I don't really care enough to shit on her and stuff, I also don't think she is some malicious person, but she is dumb as fuck and autistic enough to push people away with her retardation. There is no evil wormtongue whispering in her ear.

>> No.68402926

>>68402709 (me)
And when fucking Pippa has more sense to distance herself from DN and you still associate with him, that says a lot about you.

>> No.68402983

>And when fucking Pippa

>> No.68402988

Sayu is based though, what's the problem?

>> No.68403020

She fucked up and apologized and got thr superb model, Yuniiho is a fan of Sayu and watches stream regularly. DN is doing his own thing. Go fuck yourself

>> No.68403055

I've supported her since the beginning but I agree with other anons about her needing to move on, she's now seen by the "mainstream" Vtubing community the same way Pippa was at the beginning of her career, maybe this is why the phase girls are more sympathetic towards her than other indies. She should've just stayed low profile and let the Nijiniggers destroy themselves, she didn't need appear in False's livestream or talk about this shitshow on stream, that only gave those deranged freaks more ammunition to shit on her.

>> No.68403200

I don't dislike Sayu but I wish the catalog wouldn't use her like a stick beating a pinata. You're part of the reason she's stuck in this holding pattern.

>> No.68403209
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>> No.68403251

Sayu stop going here and stop letting trolls affect your life. You're a grown woman with friends ffs.

>> No.68403276

The indie vtubing scene is trash. I watch every Sayu stream, but I wouldn't if she was going to constantly collab with that vermin.

>> No.68403303

No one cares about zaion or sayu, she isn't Selen.

>> No.68403313

Whenever she fucks up it’s treated with much more scorn then the average chuuba yab

>> No.68403357

I love you anon

>> No.68403388

Why are ZaionFags hijacking Selena situation and making it about themselves? Literally no one wants to deal with someone who makes rape jokes.

>> No.68403410

Niji SEA and CN hours, please understand

>> No.68403434

>LITERALLY a seething two view because she blew the one shot at success she had
Hope that deez nuts joke was worth it lmao

>> No.68403475

I'm not sure if you are from her discord or Sayu. Like I said, she is really retarded, sure she apologized, that doesn't make her less retarded, it does make her not a bad person, that's all there is to it.
Being in niji fucked her up, but at the end of the day her decisions and words are her own.
Just because a girl feels sorry for a hoe phase after a bad break up doesn't make the hoe phase less shitty, but it does make me more sympathetic to her.

>> No.68403485

Lmao dumb bitch. Feels good to watch her spiral into depression while Selen gets praised and that shitty company burn to the ground.

>> No.68403552

Again, go back to Twitter you deranged chink sister. Nobody cares about "muh SA jokes here"

>> No.68403591

Let me use language even a turd like you can understand. CNMB NMSL

>> No.68403624

Damn streaming videogames sounds like such tough job

>> No.68403640
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Deez nuts

>> No.68403653

>Leaking combos
I doubt Matara is capable of doing IRL hadoukens

>> No.68403683

It's pretty obvious /here/ isn't the issue now. She even says in that tweet what the problem is. She's persona non grata in the indie space

>> No.68403730

>why is it okay when she purposefully and of her own will says things
>but not okay to leak private DMs of you venting and depressed
gee i wonder you fucking dumbass

>> No.68403735

Sayu was simply just too ahead of her time. Doki is literally in the same situation, but Doki is getting unanimous, universal support, and her fans are essentially giving her a golden parachute. Meanwhile Sayu is still shunned by many despite being fully vindicated, solely because she has a millennial's attitude and was a year too early. It probably hurts for Sayu to see how much better things are for Doki.
She just needs to lay low, stop talking to dramafags and work out her relationships in private. Big emphasis on the cutting off dramatubers part, because the other ex-Nijis so far are keeping their hands clean from that shit.

>> No.68403758

Not sure what that's supposed to mean.
You should go cheer her up instead of being a retard here

>> No.68403775

Nigga people make jokes here about them raping their oshi everyday and you haven't left this shit hole. You disingenuous prick.

>> No.68403838

Maybe the dumb cunt should stop coming here

>> No.68403864

Mind explaining to me why you fags are hijacking Selens situation and making it about your failure of a Oshi? Yep, you’re the real prick

>> No.68403926

The difference is Selen is a good person and Sayu Isn't.

>> No.68404006

sometimes it's better to stay an indie

>> No.68404049

She wants to make real money you know

>> No.68404101

She isn’t Selen anymore, dramafag.

>> No.68404139

>he assumes Sayu is people's oshi and not another pawn in the never ending shitflinging wars that happens here.
Lurk more newfag.

>> No.68404141
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first ack trannies..zeig sayu and shit, we can only wait for her to gain some confidence and for us to support her. we keep trucking, boys...soon we'll be space truckin'

>> No.68404177

Kys tourist

>> No.68404213

This girl is effectively blacklisted from any corpo worth a damn, and that's all her own fault. Niji drama notwithstanding, she is also human trash and would only be hired by a 4chan corpo.

>> No.68404252

>She's persona non grata in the indie space
What "indies" does she even want to collab with though? Because there's decently big ones that follow her like Milky, and there's also the Phase girls too. I think she's wanting to collab with the wrong kinds of people, the same types that would've been in Niji if it werent for the shit conditions.

>> No.68404306

Dog Selen did not get harassed or doxxed nearly as badly as Sayu did, and never will, solely because she has a bigger following

>> No.68404331
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But you're here too you're human trash by association.

>> No.68404360

>would only be hired by a 4chan corpo.
So when is phase debut

>> No.68404397

Yeah I agree, she keeps walking into the drama and then breaks down when it turns into a mess. like It's good of her to support Selen but I think a couple tweets or a statement that her manager goes over would have been perfect and if you want to do an interview about it prepare before hand with your manager. I support her and it sucks to see this happen again.

>> No.68404481

Doki is getting attention for fanning the flames of drama. People will come to gawk and pick up juicy morsels of drama as long as she can drop them. But at a certain point it's not longer relevant and nobody gives a shit about her. Her content is mid and she was not innocent in the whole thing either. She's digging herself a hole she'll never be able to escape again, because she's stupid and not considering the consequences. Exactly the issue that landed her in this mess.

>> No.68404502
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Dimitri jap is also /here/ evidently by him using 4chan words such as cdgct. Does that means sayu has a chance at en4?

>> No.68404588

>There's a reason she wasn't invited to join Vshojo
Yeah, and the reason is numbers.

>> No.68404603

No, I'm not like you. And I'm not so mentally weak that I believe your claim of association. How is Twitter or Facebook or Reddit or Resetera or Tumblr any better? The whole internet is filled with pockets of trash. Just rise above it.
I was thinking of saying that too yeah.

>> No.68404641
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>> No.68404679

This is very true, though I am Mexican so I have a negative bias against Puerto Ricans already. You're cool though anon

>> No.68404740

You're snorting way too much copium.

>> No.68404756

Oh yeah?
What's the reason then?

>> No.68404759

Shut up Riku

>> No.68404763

Now you're not like us. When it convenient to you. I accept your concession.

>> No.68404792

Cgdct was mainstream YEARS ago

>> No.68404858
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She isn't cgdct doe

>> No.68404856

Stop seething Nina...

>> No.68404908

I see you using Omegay every thread for some reason, did you just find it? I'm glad you like it, definitely the one that gave me the most trouble.

>> No.68404929

I'm never like you and I've been on 4chan 20 years. Sorry this is a skill issue for you.

>> No.68404981
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Neither is shiori but she made it in

>> No.68405032

Yup, it's also pretty clear that when you go against nijisanji publicly as one of their streamers you end up pissing off the other talents who didn't want to rock the boat, hell I wouldn't be surprised if nijisanji instigates it but that's just how it is. Selen gets a pass now because people aren't buying the bullshit anymore both inside and outside the company, even if the other streamers get flack for it they can see that nijisanji just keeps making bad decision and blaming the messenger just doesn't make sense anymore.

>> No.68405039

based. that nigga is acting mighty sus

>> No.68405042

Pretty funny seeing nijjersanji and vshitshow stans acting all high and mighty like they aren't fucking gutter oil of this industry.

>> No.68405094

Sure you are. You're on denial

>> No.68405126

Put yourself in Sayu's shoes. She literally risked it all to land a mark on the shitstain of a corpo to let it be known they were not good and was heavily doxed and harassed for her trouble, so much so that only dramatubers were willing to reach out and most likely for their own ends. Then when Doki goes through the same thing there's suddenly an outpouring of sympathy for her, and despite many hailing Sayu as the original no one cares. Not even Doki seeing as she still hasn't followed Sayu back on twitter. This part rrally gets me because without Sayu doing what she did Doki would've gotten the treatment first, and she either doesn't know or doesn't care. I'm just an observer and I could see how that would sting.

>> No.68405165

I can fix her.

>> No.68405252

She's holding a spot for Kyo, and Kyo and Sayu has history

>> No.68405469
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>Neither is shiori
She is now. I don't think Sayu would be able to stay in lane, also no genchink=no sayu

>> No.68405532

Why do you subhuman bugs always use her as a punching bag whenever Niji fucks up? She’s not a successful vtuber because she’s severely mentally ill you soulless cretins.

>> No.68405595

>so she ended up distancing herself from Sayu.
except she didn't do that, they're still friends and Kson even popped in for a quick chat during Sayu's subathon.
that could be a reason why Kson's word alone isn't enough anymore, just look at fucking michael lmao

>> No.68405624

to put it plainly sayu did everything wrong, made no effort to fit into the corporate mold, and blamed everyone else immediately
which is honestly fine, not everyone's cut out for the corporate environment, and niji's is particularly bad
doki only reached the same fate after years of trying to work within her circumstances
we're still to see where she takes her brand but she'll have my respect if she doesn't go the same route of milking her victimhood and continuing to show unprofessional behavior

>> No.68405647

>whenever Niji fucks up?
Because she is always there whenever Niji fucks up, anon.

>> No.68405684

The difference between them is doki was doing this for years before zion debuted, doki has a bigger fanbase than zion and I don't want to say this but compare to doki zion was a big fucking who. Yes it sucks for her but that's the truth of the situation. People who are also supporting doki are mumei fans and holostars fans whom zion never got a chance to interact with. How long she was employed for like 2 months? Most ppl didn't even got to know her as streamer when she was under contract to kurosanji.

>> No.68405750

Tourists will never understand how bad Shiori struggled with whether to stay a vtuber or not. They eat good now but no appreciation for how much depression and crying she went through before getting scooped up.

>> No.68405841

Why can't she live on the good coast?

>> No.68405853

Difference is Doki is a doormat that laughs to hide the depression and people mistake that as her having fun.

>> No.68405872

if you watch some of the provided clips, her being a "bitch" is literally banter. i know we hate niji atm but come on guys. if you're gonna try shit smear someone at least don't openly lie.

>> No.68405873

And? Is that really all? Why don’t you just ignore her?

>> No.68405883

> minor yabs
>O M G sister she’s such a butch

>> No.68405901

She's more in Phase's orbit given who she's played with on stream before.

>> No.68405934

>So when is phase debut
at this point that seems like the only thing that'll make things easier for her. Maybe she'll make the next invaders wave, it should be announced in March.

>> No.68405954

No, I've watched most of the clips, and she's a genuine mean bitch.

>> No.68406000

>just banter
Gee, I wonder where I've heard this excuses before

>> No.68406024

>without Sayu doing what she did Doki would've gotten the treatment first
That's where you're wrong catalognigger. There were already pushback when Selen had to cancel a tournament with vtubers outside Nijisanji because she slipped up by announcing it too early. Selen was even forced to apologize on stream for it; and now there's that Coffee MV that costed a lot being taken down.
Sayu didn't get a chance to expand her network outside of Niji like Selen did before she got taken down. Three years of a vtuber working hard on projects that extended beyond her own branch and company vs. two months of a later gen streamer that didn't get to do shit and probably wouldn't have done as much shit as Selen.

>> No.68406100

Okay can phase rescue this woman

>> No.68406141

i agree, she is. she's a cunt. but some of those clips, everyone is laughing and shit talking each other and it really doesn't come off as her being a bitch, that's exactly how i am with my friends and we're extremely close. maybe it's a misread on my part, but i just don't see some of those clips being that bad, and more just there to make up volume.

>> No.68406147

Zaion also got done real dirty with the termination letter which they clearly learned from and Instead did a much more political termination this time around. The whole throwing the book and gaslighting fans/talent into thinking the talent is the worst thing in the world just ends up being super divisive and makes it worse for everyone involved.

>> No.68406178

She can just ignore those pestering bugs too lol

>> No.68406477

>about half the list about supposedly terrible stuff she did to Mysta
>still followed her to VShojo
I don't know if that really adds up

>> No.68406509

would mysta honestly stick up for himself

>> No.68406524

And you faggots lined back up
>forced apology
And you faggots lined back up. Again
>Coffee MV
And you faggots were ready to line back up again if she didn't graduate or get terminated.
>n-nuh uh, she was just trying to work with the corpo
A corpo that eats its own. You oshi a fucking doormat. Be glad she had Moom to rely on or you would've been grieving a funeral.

>> No.68406575

Why does she always make everything about her?

>> No.68406602
File: 1.82 MB, 2560x1440, 1701693097478737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you retards even talking about? Kson was one of the few people who supported Sayu to the point she added her to her lore.
Vshojo antis are retarded like always.

>> No.68406840

The hate she got on twitter was honestly a bit mind boggling. Then again SEA women are like 70% of vtuber twitter, so I'm not surprised.

>> No.68406884

the list was made up by Rebecca, the mysta schizo.

>> No.68406916

Didn't Sayu publicly apologize to Nina just the other day when she was talking with False? I don't think the situation is set in stone.

>> No.68406963

Sayu please just marry me and we can escape all this, meet me by the abandoned chik-fil-a between the KFC and the taco bell off of 20 and we can discuss nuptials

>> No.68406998

>you faggots
Who? I stopped watching anyone from Nijisanji more than a year ago. Selen's tourney and Coffee MV debacles were on the board for all to see.
>You oshi
Go back to school fucking brown nigger. I never mentioned anything about "working with the corpo". I said "three years of a vtuber working hard on projects that extended beyond her own branch and company". Selen was the best worker in Nijisanji and that is what earns her the support she's getting now. Support that come from outside Nijisanji even. She doesn't owe Sayu anything over this whole "I told you so" crap. Nobody got to know Sayu before she got yeeted to oblivion. She might as well never joined.

>> No.68407105

>Apologize while being on a dramafag channel, and not in person or private, all of this while trying to steal the drama buff from Selen

>> No.68407154

I caught her stream recently where she was basically talking about feeling like her own experiences were vindicated by the crap that happened to Selen and even at the time I was thinking it was a bad take that was going to invite tons of zhang backlash and sure enough, it did, and now she feels bad. Shocker.

Menheras man...

>> No.68407175

Sayu he is too suspicious, you should go with me instead by the abandoned McDonalds where we will take our vows

>> No.68407226

It's kinda frightening how you can make someone appear like a total asshole if you have the time and autism to scour their conversations and cherry pick every snippet and soundbite that sounds bad out of context. Honestly, you could probably make it look like she hates everyone at Vshojo if you wanted.

>> No.68407264

I want to cum inside this hag

>> No.68407310

The only black mark against Sayu that I can think of is that Dokibird hasn't followed her back yet.

>> No.68407361

She more than anyone else deserves to grudge post about Niji

>> No.68407369

Nina blocked her you retard how is she supposed to apologize in private then?

>> No.68407418

source on matara blocking her?

>> No.68407422

She obviously reached out and Nina is ghosting her. Same with Dokibird. Learn to read the room.

>> No.68407447

Vshojo is soon going to get all of NijiEN and the clique will want to make sure the "wrong" kind of people aren't in there.

>> No.68407495

Send her a dm from a second account or through her manager, but no, she had to do it live on a dramafag channel, to get more views for her pathetic channel.

There's a reason people are more supportive of Selen than Zaion.

>> No.68407552

Who's Sayu though? Or who WERE they?

>> No.68407604

Doki never got mob-cancelled for anything. Sayu had to get tarred and feathered while being silenced for months, that probably damaged her psyche irreversibly.

>> No.68407619

I doubt the rest of the girls would give approval to all of them, especially with all this shit getting exposed.

>> No.68407629

It's fine, they have Ironmouse to contend with so their clique will never fully materialize.

>> No.68407662

obsessed chimp

>> No.68407751

I don't disagree

>> No.68407890

Sayu desire for a group is really strange.
>She doesn't like Vshouj (they never protected her friend Silvervale and became a retirement home)
>Explains why she will never work with a JP corpo.

So her only option would be Phase. But the rrat that she will join phase during her canada trip never happened.
For someone that wants to be in a group her options are really limited.

>> No.68407913

>the termination letter which they clearly learned from
Not well enough apparently. Yes they did better than with Zion but after seeing how Hololive handled Mels notice, it's clear that an official notice simply shouldnt have that level of detail. Just state that the contract was terminated due to X specific broken policy and that's it. Yes it leads to more speculation about the specifics but it's certainly better that people speculate than answer their questions because that starts finger pointing and you've got a situation like this where Niji can't no longer keep a lid on it.

>> No.68408004

Sayu is the IRL representation of people that think that collab once as vtuber, mean friends IRL

>> No.68408095

Yeah, foundation. Had Selen got the same amount of time in niji as Zaion; she pretty would have been dragged the same. The EN Nijisisters will join the JP Nijisisters in smearing the enemies of Nijisanj. There's no denying it.

>> No.68408122

This thread is dokifag vs sayufag circle jerk. Can we agree that both of them were fucked over by kurosanji.

>> No.68408202

I'm right there with her. It's personal, but I'm right there with her. That's all I have to say.

>> No.68408258

If this was them learning, then they need to go back to school

>> No.68408285

And if Sayu didn't go through all that, Doki would still have this much support. Doki worked her ass off and now butthurt NDF like you is using Sayu to get at her for some reason. Fuck off. Did you even watch Sayu's recent stream? She had over 1k viewers all giving support for her and more comments supporting her on her VOD. Psyche or not, no way any of you niggers should imply Selen owes Sayu shit over this post.

>> No.68408300

We couldn't protect her smile... it's not fair that when it happened to her no one believed her because she wasn't a big shot like Selen. She didn't deserve the character assassination.

>> No.68408302

She was in Nijisanji for a week, nobody there liked her and shes severely mentally ill. Will she ever shut the fuck up about it and move on?

>> No.68408528

Emotional purgatory

>> No.68408673

What a bitch

>> No.68408759

Way to hit close to home faggot

>> No.68408795

you niggers really put vwhores on pedestal when in fact the only reason why they only invited ex talent from other companies is they want to extend the grift and stole their audience. They can't do that to Zaion because she's not popular enough.

>> No.68408997
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>> No.68409021

I'm not disagreeing that she's got the right after what she went through, the problem is that it's not always wise to exercise that right, particularly when it's a safe bet doing so will come with strong backlash, and particularly if you're poor at dealing with it.

>> No.68409092

Telling people to do this never helps especially if those they've wronged have preconceived notions of who they are.

>> No.68409186

I saw a screenshot of someone asking in falsefag's chat why she isn't apologizing in private, and Sayu responded in chat. no, I don't have the screenshot, she's not my oshi so I didn't bother saving it.

>> No.68409227

chill I'm NTA, all I said was Sayu's own mental being a victim of what she's been through. And that mental has been sabotaging her ever since.

>> No.68409363

tf happened? she's just streaming P3R with 1.4ccv yesterday which I thought kinda rare but really good

>> No.68409540

The dokibird happened and is ghosting Sayu

>> No.68409558

Not a single good post is made with a Nose image

>> No.68409605

maybe now she will realize niji wasnt "a one in a lifetime chance"

>> No.68409666

Yeah hope she gets over it soon. To be honest the post was weird to see after spending time on her stream, because she herself was saying positive words like she feels she's back and all that shit. This is just a mood swing moment probably.

>> No.68409692

Exactly dawg, just hugbox it out. It would unironically be over for Nijisanji if Doki and Sayu showed up on one stream and they would both reap the benefits. Doki showing she's a great person and Sayu gets her mental block alleviated

>> No.68409807

My rrat, Nina is such a numberfag that ignores Sayu just because her channel is less popular, she is not even mad.

>> No.68409899

This, Nijiniggers won't ever change their minds unless Riku naked dogezas in front of her. And even if that happens they'll be stunlocked in cognitive dissonance for weeks
Exactly, Vshojo isn't some holy charity, they are as opportunistic as a western agency can be

>> No.68409917

Pretty much

>> No.68410040

Vtubing probably does a big number on your mental health, I'm not surprised by Sayu's emotional volatility considering all the shit she's been through. Pretty sure you can see all the small indies have these moments too

>> No.68410062

who the fuck is DN?

>> No.68410126

How are her numbers nowadays?

>> No.68410442

Even if she Nina did forgive her, she can't trust her, and neither can other professionals, proven by her being a retard and taking a 3rd party's word as fact with regards to her botched model that lead her to shitting on her mama instead of literally just asking them directly.
Is that someone you'd be willing to hitch your wagon to? Fuck that, there's much safer and more stable people to invest in.

>> No.68410469

Except she did because shes obviously mentally ill and fucking stupid. She just cant help herself and get over the situation

>> No.68410560

I just cannot comprehend what its like to be as mentally ill as these women. It would take genuine effort for me to still care about this shit months later

>> No.68410592

me me me me me
I'm the one who has built everything on being fired from niji
don't forget about me

>> No.68410692

You're a fag. She's a flawed person like the rest of us she still didn't deserve all the shit she's been through when she's been vindicated at every turn.
The only thing she did wrong is air out Nina's dms and she's been punished for that by the person herself cutting her off and maybe missing out on an opportunity at vshojo because of it. She doesn't need faggots harassing her and rubbing salt in the wound for a year.

>> No.68410728

a lot of these feel less directly cunty and moreso just doesn't understand or sufficiently respect boundaries, which still isnt great.
the dog one had weird vibes though

>> No.68410802

Nijiniggers have no capacity for sympathy so they deserve none in return when everything around their beloved company crumbles

>> No.68410872

Between 800-1000 lately, most are on twitch.

I dont hate Nina, she has the right to dont care about Sayu. But people are totally forgetting all her drama with the luxiem boys.
Nina is not drama free at all. She did everything she could for numbers and that drama killed her chances of being the female NijiEN member with most subs.

>> No.68410928

Nobody cares or gives a shit, WHY do you think theyre rubbing salt in you fucking retard? Its because she makes herself an easy target, next your dumbass will question why people fuck with Rushia. If she were a man people would be making fun of her for acting like a menhera faggot

>> No.68410936

1.4k views can't fix Doki unpersoning her.

Look, it is what it is, but there is a limit of how much self-pitying I can stand.
If being grateful for her current support isn't enough for her, she could focus on looking forward to the new things she could with what she already has.
I still find it amusing Sakana casually comes on her channel to chat.
Hope for the day she can live without needing the acceptance of others.

>> No.68410953

Had over 1000 on youtube day before yesterday

>> No.68410999

She does nothing but sperg out and pity herself. Move on

>> No.68411056
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>On Petra’s stream DURING Obsydia’s anniversary, while Selen, Petra, and Rosemi were off preparing so they asked their guests to entertain the chat in the meantime.
>In the middle of a conversation regarding whose between the Obysdia bentos would the livers like to eat, Nina starts telling people Rosemi is shit at cooking.
>When the others showed only support for Rosemi, she tries to imply Enna would dunk on Rosemi’s cooking like her so she isn’t the odd one out.

>> No.68411137

Sayu needs to understand that ex-nijis cannot interact with her because she made a rape joke and jokes about being a shotacon. About half of NijiEN fanbase is terminally twitterbrained actual teenage girls, and the ex-nijis would inevitably get dragged into drama with her for even the slightest expression of support. It's just not worth it. It's nothing personal.

>> No.68411206

>You're a hero, and you have to leave.

This is the most painful type of realization. Knowing that despite all your surffering and the deeds done for the community, they won't accept you on the ground that you're not spotless.

>> No.68411230

What's Yugo's current persona gain? Want to listen to their music.

>> No.68411245

She's not emotionally mature enough to have this level of introspection. All she can think about is how she was wronged and how she needs to get back at her enemies. Its no wonder why she's the one paying alimony and not her ex husband.

>> No.68411292

Bro people get stepped on in life all the time, do you see them ranting about it on the internet having menhera freakouts weekly?

>> No.68411362

Good advice, how do you think she should go about working out her relationships in private?

>> No.68411443

You mean like you on /here/ now itt?

>> No.68411448

It's not a sign of emotional immaturity to feel sad over stuff like this. Her career was basically permanently damaged by NijiEN and their fans and now she has to carry that with her for the rest of her life. At this point she has no other choice but to accept that and do the best with what she can scrape together.

>> No.68411473

I didn't watch her enough because she spammed Genshin/Engage stream when she redebuted. I guess she's just a fragile girl who talks too fast

Damn! I hope Pomu would not ended up in Vshojo. No one can fix this roach

>> No.68411490

god forbid people have feelings. why is everyone on this board a complete emotional retard? if half of you got relentlessly harassed by schizos for a year straight you'd have killed yourselves by week 3.

>> No.68411497


>> No.68411499

That's exactly what they do, especially with the internet as their outlet

>> No.68411540

It's a retarded rrat NDF has been peddling for months, ignore it

>> No.68411638

Watch her streams, retard. She explicitly talked about it.

>> No.68411664

You fags literally have emotional meltdowns when your oshis get a delivery order from a male uber eats driver...

>> No.68411711

Literally the only way a woman ends up paying alimony to a husband is if the guy was such a massive bum that the wealth differential between them was off the charts. So the dude was useless AND cheated on her. This chick can't catch a break.

>> No.68411744

Why would I watch her stream? I don't watch her, I'm just curious what alimony, kid or something? I know she was married and got keked and stuff.

>> No.68411979

>sisters shit on a woman actually able to provide for herself and others

>> No.68412211

Yup, every single ex-Niji has the exact same Sword of Damocles hanging on top of their heads. They've gathered a fanbase of actual twitterbrained schizos who will turn on them on a moment's notice. Extending a hand to Sayu would be the morally correct move, but what does it hold for them? They'd probably get excommunicated and repeatedly swatted, just like her.

>> No.68412220

Sayu you got to stop talking about it. You’re 10 layers deep into it and it’s a shitstorm no one wants to touch. No one knows whether you were wrong or got wronged because it’s like trying to read 3 book novel series trying to decipher the events. All anyone outside of it (read:everyone) can tell is that whatever you touch blows up, so yeah, they keep their distance. “It’s not my fault” doesn’t help even if it’s true. People aren’t going to interact with you or put in the work to learn about you because at this state in time, it’s a chore and a liability to their own career.

You need to put your head down and go like 3-4 months just doing content creation with zero mention of any of this shit. Do not bring it up, ever. People will eventually associate your new content with you instead of this dumpster fire and be willing to interact again. But every time you walk back in, you’re resetting the clock, you’re digging the hole deeper. You’ve got to stop.

>> No.68412243
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I think she wants another bun in the oven. I'm offering to sacrifice myself

>> No.68412313

Go for it anon. I believe in you.

>> No.68412347

being of german descent myself, I hate both of you.

>> No.68412695

vshojo is a clique. If you don't get along with someone from the clique you wont make it in

>> No.68412755

If someone has stopped all communication with you, it’s not a good strategy to broadcast your apology on a loud speaker. Doubly true when the reason they’re ignoring you is for you dragging them into a situation they didn’t want to be in. That both the streamer and their fans don’t understand this very basic social norm makes me think you’ll never escape the drama death spiral.

>> No.68412816

Are you stupid? She confirmed it herself.

>> No.68412960

NTA but everyone has feelings. As a whole we all implicitly understand that we can't live and be productive if we only focus on feelings. We have to focus on the feelings of those close to us and the people that matter. Watching someone else break down as a form of entertainment isn't empathy, it's very very very perverse.

>> No.68413021

Lmao. It’s not surprising but you autists can’t handle basic Stacy bants. Yes it’s a dick move but it’s not serious.

>> No.68413023

She didn't say she had to pay alimony you retard

>> No.68413233

whats more perverse is making threads to anonymously shit on someone for showing vulnerability. let the girl live already she's allowed to have mixed feelings after what shes been through

>> No.68413249

Eh? Yeah she did. There was a whole thing on twitter with a big post addressing stuff, and that was one of the mentions. It really just means the guy was broke as fuck in the divorce and that she was the one making the money in the relationship.

>> No.68413280

damn chink copypasta goes hard

>> No.68413290

Shs jumped aboard the cancel train too why should I care anymore

>> No.68413328


>> No.68413340

She said she owed money but that doesn't mean it's alimony you ESL ape

>> No.68413352

Really just hoping she can get past this one day. It'd be nice if in a few years she can heal and develop a nice community with a legacy beyond " she got torched by Niji on the way out."

>> No.68413408

Won't happen if Nijiniggers have a say in it, they'll hound her with the "SHE MADE A RAPE JOKE REEEEEE" until the end of time

>> No.68413432

Yeah, I guess that's true then.

>> No.68413498

>Sayu suicide baiting after it worked for Selen

>> No.68413540

some hodgepodge of terribly letters and custom characters that spells out "Unknown" i think

>> No.68413565

where the fuck is this from?

>> No.68413627

Depressed Nousagi, started off as a sort of Holo anti by doxxing the girls and exposing the drama, eventually was whipped down to just being a drama channel

>> No.68413707

>So her only option would be Phase
Please no, i love how comfy Jello girl and Saya are, and do not need some ME ME ME girl shitting it up with her passive aggressive obsession with her past

>> No.68413872

What is the new notpomu account? I saw it on false's stream but I forgot to actually see the profile.

>> No.68413884

She specifically said alimony at another point. No proof on me but it happened for sure

>> No.68413900

>started off as a sort of Holo anti by doxxing the girls and exposing the drama
both you and him are literally retarded. he was a holo fan he wanted to make documentaries about the myth girls past lives and how it led to who they are today, but he was too stupid to realize how bad this would make him look and how poorly received it would be. i still don't understand why people here hate him when you fags constantly post the same shit.

>> No.68413930

That probably has to do with Selen being a longstanding member while Zaion was a relatively new hire.

>> No.68413986

@dearsqn careful tho bcos she's gonna spam your feed with japanese/idol culture

>> No.68414051

I am in genuine disbelief you believe his retcon story. That shit is such horrendously low hanging fruit it's practically on the floor with the rot and and worms and you just ate it up. Next you're gonna tell me him paywalling all his "extra" content came from noble intentions too?

>> No.68414112

>n-no bro! he was trying to help the girls out!
You are this retarded

>> No.68414162

>literally begging to be hired by a corp
Yikes. Women really are pathetic.

>> No.68414217

Cue to her next subathon where she is "asleep" for 5/6ths of the daily timeframe

>> No.68414242

no it came from him trying to make money and get clout. but he was obviously not an anti if you knew anything about him before the drama blew up, he's just a broke SEA autist who was too blinded by (you)s and 5$ supas to think about how his actions would be perceived.

>> No.68414249
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>sayu leaked cockroachwhore's secret Tekken 8 combos

>> No.68414363

>source: trust me bro

>> No.68414474

So you believe, in genuine earnest, that a SEA monkey chasing dollar bills and hiding "the good shit" behind even more pay walls, was just trying to help the girls out, by.....literally doxxing every facet of their previous life, showing people what they actually look like, and who they currently "are".
All with "good intentions"?

LMAO bro you are living the wrong life. With a fucked brain like yours, you should be selling bodies to the rothschields

>> No.68414655

The last POTUS has freakouts DAILY.

>> No.68414674

i never said he was trying to help the girls out, you literally pulled that out of your ass. i said he wasn't an anti, he was and is a holo fan and he was so delusional he genuinely didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing because he doesn't think pls and roommate info should be taboo
my main point is that i don't understand why he is hated here when we are literally posting in a thread discussing people's pls and personal dramas about alimony and shit as we speak. it's just hypocrisy at its finest.

>> No.68414729

None of us are taking a paycheck from YT or a donation from it

>> No.68414760

Yes that what schizos are like.
Shame you don't have a brain to tell between a mentally ill fan being destructive vs an anti who explicitly shits on someone.

>> No.68414788

yeah that's even worse, you don't even gain anything from it you do it for free

>> No.68414873

I feel like it'd give Sayu a opportunity to move on from it.

>> No.68415057

Finally, a good Sapling post

>> No.68415216

Hun, Niji is sociopathy: the company,
From the fans all up to the management, (almost) anyone connected to it has a disturbingly low amount of empathy.

>> No.68415263
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Don't you have a baby jew to gas? Do the world a favor and don't come out of the chamber.

>> No.68415394
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It's all shit taken out of context. ESL's are notoriously bad at understanding sarcasm and banter.

Nina was universally loved in Nijisanji.

>> No.68415499

I think she absolutely needs to stop associating with some of these channels like parrot and DN. Even False. Even though they did help her and support her (for their own selfish means) it puts a stink on her she can't get rid of.
I sympathize with her feeling down about Matara cutting her off but even if she did forgive her, she's definitely not going to forget.
I don't know if negotiations broke down or what but I think she will be better off just going to Phase Connect and putting all this shit behind her. Easier said than done but she can't keep having this surround her. Sure, she didn't blow up to the level of Doki but it's better to just leave it be now. Her document was the catalyst of this shit branch falling apart but she can't keep going "But what about Mococo Sayu/Zaion..." because it won't help anything.

>> No.68415678

>I think she absolutely needs to stop associating with some of these channels like parrot and DN
Stopped reading there because she only interacted with them once and you guys act like she's constantly interacting with them. You're no better than the troons on Twitter who keep repeating the rape joke bit

>> No.68415812

Maybe if everyone dislikes here there‘s a good reason for it

>> No.68415980

I have nothing against Sayu or Parrot but you are a retarded non-streamwatcher, Sayu has made voice lines for several Parrot videos, played games with him on stream and been in his chat on several occasions.

>> No.68416102

>with friends
Not very good ones

>> No.68416106

Parrot isn't nearly as bad as DN, main reason he's hated is because he's a third worlder containment breaker, but I don't think he's done things as malicious.

>> No.68416136

All those dramatuber defenders when it is obvious this severely hurt her place in the indie scene.
You can talk about Vshojo all you want but she neither has a place in any of the social indie groups.

>> No.68416244

>Stopped reading there
I accept your concession

>> No.68416384

>but I think she will be better off just going to Phase Connect and putting all this shit behind her
Why the fuck would she give her IP away for an absolutely uncertain gamble

>> No.68416527

I agree if only because controversy and drama keeps tainting her activities and associating with these people in such a public fashion doesn't distance her in any way beyond that. The whole Selen termination may or may not be the peak but there's still a bunch of stuff that has yet to happen and she can't keep dwelling on things she is now super far removed from. Any future events won't help her if she tries to keep chasing it for clout or publicity or vindication.
I really hope she sits down and reconsiders where she wants her future to be after this, because the Niji controversy has dogged her for a whole year and it seems like she still can't really move on from it. The fact she still has her Genshin sponsorship puts her way ahead of most indies but everything else is dragging her down back down. I think ultimately she will need to make peace with the fact that her image isn't going to be rehabilitated until she puts in years of hard work to do it, that's just the issue once you do things people don't like.
She'll also need to make the hard choice of giving up who she wants her friends groups to be and just give up on having any formal public ties with ex-Niji folks. Sometimes, some things are a once in a lifetime mistake and there's no hope ever again of repairing or re-associating people once you make that mistake. She may have a chance to reconnect with a select few people years afterwards but it just won't be possible at the current time because the disaster is still ongoing.

>> No.68416616

She is very stupid so you never know

>> No.68416634

I think Parrot is alright, he has a good schizo voice for his shitpost style videos. Dont think ill ever watch his streams tho, he has a clutch formula with his videos already and its funny enough

>> No.68416663

I'm just laying down the options on the table if she wants to belong somewhere within vtubing. I never said the options were great. If you have a better suggestion, i'm all ears.

>> No.68416685

Who do you think you're fooling, drama tourist?

>> No.68416707

I think she can find happiness in her current situation as an indie, but also if she joined Phase as an invader she could keep her IP.

>> No.68416749

You realize part of the reason she can't let go is that the Nijisisters use her as a punching bag everywhere she goes right? And it's not a matter of "haha just turn your screen off", she has to keep track of social media and is bound to run into haters

>> No.68416817

The problem with Sayu is that she wants to be accepted by the community and stop being treated like a forbidden topic. She has a lot of friends, things are looking up for her career and she could perfectly stay where she is now and live a comfortable indie life, but she has gone through fucking hell and the only thing she got from it was
>Yeah, well, maybe we were wrong about Zaion, who knows. Well, back to support Doki!
I perfectly understand if she is feeling like shit right now.

>> No.68416830

I've said it already with Rushia, and I know some women irl like what I'm gonna say, some people just can't be happy, they are built that way, they will find way to complain, to be unhappy, to fuck everything up, now I don't know if Sayu like that. But she seems that way, just move on from stuff that made you so unhappy, sure you want revenge, but you won't get it, not with your hands at least.
If she can't move on, I doubt she'll ever be happy about anything.

>> No.68416863

Yeah but that might be changing now that she is vindicated for most of the dark things Nijisanji did. Her mistakes that aren't anyone's fault but her own are still going haunt her for a while. Grudges run long with people but that's just part of living once you have been on this earth is not everyone is going to like you.

>> No.68416914

Fumbled the last sentence, I need to sleep. Meant to say: Grudges run long with people but that's just part of living with the fact that once you have been on this earth for long enough that not everyone is going to like you.

>> No.68417419

>made one of the tamest rape jokes about a fictional character
>vox sisters totally cancel her and get her fired

>> No.68417493


>> No.68417514

>Yeah but that might be changing now that she is vindicated for most of the dark things Nijisanji did.
This. It was different before because in the beginning, her name was cursed and vilified. Then she put out the document and got people to be on her side. Some still hated her and yes, Nijisisters still continued to attack her. But now, she has that vindication and has undeniably been proven right.
It's easier said than done and it's not just a "move on lol" situation. But I feel the best way to go about this is to consider this the end of the Niji chapter of her life. It's the healthiest way to move away from all this. Feeding dramashitters and being /here/ will not help her, it will only make her sink lower.
And like the other anon said, some of these Niji relationships that broke down are just gone no matter what and there's nothing she'll be able to do about it. There are clearly other friends who are still there for her. You're sadly just not going to get everyone to like you or forgive you.

>> No.68417619

>And like the other anon said, some of these Niji relationships that broke down are just gone no matter what and there's nothing she'll be able to do about it.
That's what frustrates me the most, but it is what it is. Sayu should focus on doing her own thing from now on, and if she eventually crosses paths with someone from her Niji days, then fine.

>> No.68417658

Sayu is an untrustworthy retard who burned all bridges and chills with dramafags
Selen was actually well liked by everyone and at worst went a bit menhera about apex
No shit one will be treted better than the other
