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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68378975 No.68378975 [Reply] [Original]

>Suicide Rrat
>Bullying rrat
>Apostrophe schizos
>Mumei Samaritan
>NijiEN clique
>stealth suspensions and account hostaging by Niji

Have schizos ever been more right ever before? And it's only the beginning of the year

>> No.68379342

Is easy as fuck with niji

> think about the worst case about a drama
> its true

My rrat the bullies are enna, ellira, luca and millie

>> No.68379731

And to think I forgot about Michael
>schizos said she was fucking mafumafu
>turns out she was actually MARRIED to him

>> No.68379766

>Mumei Samaritan

>> No.68379892

Took a break to go help and support Doki according to her Twitter.

>> No.68379976

Wow, Mumei a real friend unlike the backstabbers at Nijisanji.

>> No.68380180
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Base Birb

>> No.68380363

Mumei is an angel and extended her break to take care of her friend Doki after her hospitalization, and invited her to stay with her while she recovers. They watched Twilight together and played with animol.

>> No.68380445
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>They watched Twilight

>> No.68381277

Are you sure Kyo, the blackest man in blacksanji, wasn't in on it?

>> No.68382221

kyo is white, friend

>> No.68382774

eilene did it all... screenshot this i will be vindicated

>> No.68382940

>Mumei Samaritan
I know all the rest but this. Proofs?

>> No.68382965

After the korea stuff im pretty sure that he doesnt hold power

>> No.68383018

And /thread

>> No.68383096

That's why she is the avatar of civilization.

>> No.68383152

No, he has Virgo

>> No.68383169


>> No.68383215

Just shows how bad things are at niji

>> No.68383415

Kyo actually based, killing off enna unicorns early and paying video editors 500 out of his own pocket when niji wanted 20 per vid

>> No.68383804

>vutber talks or clearly hints at something on stream/members content
>people mention it
>schizo schizo schizo SHUT IT DOWN!!!
>months later
>I fucking kneel schizo chads how did you know

reminder that he didn't believe the rrats either. there's probably a valuable life lesson to learn there.

>> No.68384622

>paying video editors 500 out of his own pocket

Literally his one redeeming factor
It could have been 2, after all that Korea plastic surgery drama and refused to bend the knee, but he got his account hijacked (probably)

>> No.68385053

dokibird twitter

>> No.68385234


Do you think this is what shut unicorns the fuck up? They've been eerily silent lately.

>> No.68385333

>MARRIED to him and even KEKING him
It's actually fucking nuts. That wouldn't even pass as bait a month ago.

>> No.68385450

I think its more "Unicorns and Rrat hating tourists" have taken a blow because as it turns out, the people who actually watch the fucking streamers know what we're talking about, crazy right?

>> No.68385637

I honestly think that kyo is leaving because he realized that enna isnt worth it. At the end of the day he's a middle class suburban white kid with middle class suburban white cultural norms, and seeing selen attempt suicide only for enna to laugh at it probably woke him up to the fact that he has been supporting evil.

>> No.68385758

Rent free

>> No.68385952

Dokibird twitter, Mumei's rm account.

>> No.68386793

Don't forget Sayu has confirmed
>None of the NijiEN management speaks English

>> No.68389151

Is vtuber as a whole a smaller community than we have thought or years of schizo posting and reading had trained us well situation?

>> No.68389552

Take some English lessons before you start posting.

>> No.68389641

Ive never been prouder of this birb before

>> No.68389698

They probably kissed and lezzed out too, oh man to he a gly pn that wall as they get wet together little by little and their hands wonder, their heartbeat fastens, one touching the other, the other letting it happen, a look at each other and as they taste their feminity together. Haha.

>> No.68389964

please take an English class and type with both hands

>> No.68389979

Sry. What I'm trying to say is; how can the rrat see the connection so easily.

>> No.68391111

Don't answer this. Just realized the way I ask the question make it look like I'm a niji-staff.

>> No.68391273

Plot twist, it was sexless marriage

>> No.68391315

Didn't even get to fuck but got kek instead lmao

>> No.68391691

It's strange that the real cuck was him and not the unicorns

>> No.68391710

She claims he slammed her pussy real hard

>> No.68391875

That's why his so desperate now
Apparently, he also lost his house to her lol

>> No.68392595

No way he married her and got divorced without ever getting his dick touched.

>> No.68393231

That's what both of them said.
This is actually so humiliating to the guy to admit lol
It's up to you if you believe them or not

>> No.68393590

>inb4 Riku's yacht is found out

>> No.68394071

No way lmao. He never got to put his stick in crazy? Lmao

>> No.68394226

maybe i should listen to my voices more

>> No.68394403

They definitely fucked, they’re just pretending to keep whatever unicorns they have left. Nobody gets married and never fucks even once.

>> No.68395144

I'm actually more inclined that it's true.
He looks like his trying to destroy Mike without caring about his career.
If it's really true then I can understand why his doing all of this lmao

>> No.68397193

Management tweeting during a stealth suspension has been known for a while because of the Zaion leak and this was only further confirmation. Those tweets on Selen's twitter account were after her suspension which Nijisanji even confirmed with their termination announcement. Hololive occasionally does the same thing and radio silent "health" breaks are suspicious regardless of which company does them. There is little reason for a vtuber to disappear for months unless they were suspended or were fighting over their contract. There is a reason the Japanese corpos have strictly enforced NDA agreements since they have dirty laundry to hide.

>> No.68399344

Lol, it's ok anon, but the answer to your question is "it came to me in a dream".

But more seriously, if enough schizos make random statements, some of which are based on stream information and others are pulled out of their ass, then SOME of those statements will turn out to be correct.
It's a simple numbers game, the more statements are made, the higher the chances that some of them are true.

>> No.68399725


>> No.68402509

Prove it.

>> No.68402717

yeah it's surprising (or not) how fruitful it is to actually watch streams, people will call shit rrats when it's not even like these girls are trying very hard to hide a lot of this shit

>> No.68402771

>Mumei Samaritan

>> No.68404255

Mumei samaritan?

>> No.68404394

Remember when Selen tweeted she will die for Kurosanji, holobros? Imagine simping a nonholo agency only to be pushed into sewerslide and thrown away like rags.

>> No.68404511

Literally can't make this shit up

>> No.68405100


>> No.68406928

wdyt? sounds possible because of how desperate the guy is.

>> No.68407183

>Mumei Samaritan
Can someone elaborate? I think I'm misunderstanding this turn of phrase in this contact.

>> No.68407265

how are you niggas using 4chan without eyes >>68379892

>> No.68407288


>> No.68408726

Neurotics love blanking out early warning signs and being in denial of everything around them. They can't bear to face unpleasant possibilities like the rest of us.

>> No.68409102

It's insane to me how many of the rrats that people were making up as half-jokes ended up being 100% true.
The mikeneko shit was completely unpredictable, though. If you had "she was actually married to Mafumafu and then cucked him" on your scorecard, I fucking kneel to you, Nostradamus.

>> No.68410989

what was plastic surgery drama?

>> No.68411200

bullshit, japanese court said michael is a virgin

>> No.68411259

kyo said all koreans have plastic surgery or some shit (true and based)

>> No.68411290

is every rrat pertaining to Niji actually true? sorry i havent been browsing here in a while, i just came back from the real world and i only found out about NijiEN's shitshow yesterday

>> No.68411442 [DELETED] 

>They probably kissed and lezzed out too
I don't think ed would have appreciated that very much

>> No.68411518

the guy in twilight who was in batman is more goslin than goslin.

>> No.68411521

see >>68379342
Every time something happens just think of the worst possible way it could have gone down and you'll always be right about niji

>> No.68411625
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What does it have to do with Erectile Dysfunction?

>> No.68411691

dokibird on twitter. most of the girls arent exactly shy about letting people know who their RM is and Moomers isn't IRyS/Kiara/mori level active on there, but she does tweet a lot. Like she bitched about hearing her neighbors fucking while in her original place during hololive and has tweeted about how she got diagnosed with autism

>> No.68411751

>and has tweeted about how she got diagnosed with autism
wasn't it ADHD?

>> No.68411813

a. its the same thing
b. she is a girl, and girls never get diagnosed with autism.
Mori and her both have the same thing and tell me you don't think mori and mumei are autistic as shit

>> No.68412008

I literally still unicorn post all the time. I don't watch michael. though I do shit post about the virgin lawsuit.
anyway I am a gura watcher and just with the amount of shit doxfags know I have a hard time believing many of the EN girls are similar to mike tyson without it getting spamed 24/7 on the board.
the most anyone has on gooba is that she might have at some point prior to being in holo had an online eboyfriend she never met in person.

>> No.68412095

idk from the first week of her debut I always clocked her as severe unmedicated ADHD moreso than autism. The way Kiara had to drag that rice story out of her sentence by sentence did it for me. Mori is autistic in a completely different way than the moom.
>source: I pop adderalls like candy

>> No.68412102

anyone who isn't retarded knows vtubing, especially second gen or whatever you call the gen mumei and bae are part of, is tiny as fuck.

>> No.68412159

based on mumei's twitter bitching, I am pretty sure mumei is not currently on meds. she wrote about reading self help books and them not helping because her symptoms didn't match up correctly

>> No.68412318

I know they are japanese so this doesn't apply, but I don't even think that is a legal marriage in America. Like if you get married and don't ever fuck you don't even need to get a divorce you can just annule it

>> No.68412431

yeh the girl is obviously not medicated, as evidenced by the way she can barely finish a complete thought or focus for more than 90 seconds at a stretch i love mumei

>> No.68412478

that isn't even the right girl that shitpost is about. also doxxfags found that guy and he has a wife that isn't in hololive

>> No.68412581

She was already on break well before this shit hit the fan, so it definitely wasn't the reason it started, though it might be a reason why she's still on said break, depending on if it was a "just want time to chill" break or a "I need to put streaming on hold to get a bunch of other shit done" break.

>> No.68412583

tell me you have adhd so i believe your word

>> No.68412703

Kyo used to be black but he went to Korea for plastic surgery to turn himself white like Michael Jackson.

>> No.68412837

i do i take meds daily and i'm still a barely functioning retard. i can tell mumei has my same type of autism

>> No.68414225

What does this even mean

>> No.68415961

when did she start her break? wasn't it over finals/needing to see her family for christmas/wanting to take christmas vacation and then the doki bird thing happened right around christmas?

>> No.68416034

I can say the most unmedicated schizo rrat about Niji and it will probably be true

>> No.68417231

the perks of being a schizo is that if you theorize enough, eventually you'll get it right

>> No.68419309

roru rumao even

>> No.68419336

I need fanart of this

>> No.68419451

check the previous /haha/ thread theres some really cute ones and maybe some in /who/

>> No.68419510

I remember when Laplus did an interview with him and kept asking how does he take a shit in the batman costume
pure cringekino

>> No.68419544
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My rrat is it's probably someone on the inside that posts these "rrats" that are actually facts.
Some 90's hollywood cold war spy movie shit they doing here.

>> No.68420084


Fuking seamonkey, try to learn about west culture while you use western language.

>> No.68420249

Meds. Now.

>> No.68420749

Hi I'm new here. Whats a rrat?
Besides a rodent with a rolled R

>> No.68420918


>> No.68421138

My sister got diagnosed with autism, not surprised honestly she is more autistic than I am and I got diagnosed in middle school.

>> No.68421189

Nah Nijisanji is that predictable.

>> No.68421196

source bitches

>> No.68421400

lurk more

>> No.68422140

how new?

>> No.68422396

>please spoonfeed me, am a baby googoo gaga
roflmaoing at you

>> No.68422758

Do courts do virginity tests? Asking for a unicorn fandead friend. Its absolute not because I don't want to be mocked.

>> No.68422788

a schizo rambling

>> No.68423754

Please predict ID4 debut

>> No.68424183

She already planned the chaos beforehand.

>> No.68424235


>> No.68425382

Stealth suspension and account hostaging was never a rrat as in no one even suspected it was a thing until zion dropped the bomb

>> No.68425510

Yeah it was the zion bomb and Selen's hospitalization that proved it true, fuck that staff boot licker.
Anyways I'm cooking a new rrat. Management purge of EN and civil war. All livers are silent, all livers have to pick a side.

>> No.68425774

Didn't he edit most of his own videos?

>> No.68425808

Mumei would take care of doki’s needs if she was a true homie

>> No.68426003

Black is a state of mind

>> No.68427373

Surely its just a coincidence enna spent months in JP, while Petra and Elira already moved there

>> No.68427514

I feel like the rrats are correct most of the time. You just have no way of verifying most of them. It’s pretty easy to observe things and make inferences from the info available.
