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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68360057 No.68360057 [Reply] [Original]

I bet someone's gonna leak more dirty laundry revealing how awful his clique was so he decided to hide instead of getting canceled

>> No.68360090

Graduation queue.
If he left shortly before the Selen fiasco then that means he must have filed for it months ago.

>> No.68360097

shit thread

>> No.68360100

So did Pomu, why don't you talk about her too?

>> No.68360160

>why aren't you staying on the rapidly sinking ship bitch
lol, okay

>> No.68360230

Probably won't even do his Graduation stream.
This won't die down in a week.

>> No.68361404

Honestly I think Kyo saw the shitstorm happening and totally disagreed with whatever whoever bullied her did and wanted out.
I've shat on Kyo hardcore in the past for the bullshit he did, but even I've gained a bit of respect for the guy.
Him, Petra and Pomu both showed some signs of something either directly or indirectly, before all of this came out, possibly more I don't follow / know of.

>> No.68362064

Is Kyo part of “the clique” or not? You schizos can't seem to make up your mind.

>> No.68362216

>but even I've gained a bit of respect for the guy

>> No.68362287

Pomu wasn't a shitstained wigger

>> No.68362511

Spineless wigger. Of course, he would run away

>> No.68362531

what do these Japanese companies think about western people when they cause so much drama?

>> No.68362614

>reading comprehension

>> No.68362953

>finds out she made an attempted an hero
>nopes the fuck out before people start pointing fingers
He's smart. Can't believe he's gonna fool ironmouse too.

>> No.68363036

He's already starting to leech off influencers on Twitter in his PL

>> No.68363308

What did Petra do?
Genuinely curious

>> No.68363967

Tweeted something about how awful things were on her personal account. This was back last month, not sure what date.
I don't know if she will drop out or not, it was her dream to be there, but Pomu did... so there's that.
A lot of them are in a real shit-pickle of a position right now. None of... most of them don't deserve this shit, the shitty managers or the backlash directed at them because of said shitty managers allowing this bullying and horrific mismanagement in the first place.
Their managers are like those shitty teachers I'm sure most of us remember from school that hated teaching and hated people doing extra work.

>> No.68364214

That post was a fake

>> No.68364489
File: 43 KB, 739x415, images-26-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyo running before Enna ruins his life like she ruined their unborn child

>> No.68364540

That they're dumb and it all just affirms their japanese supremacy

>> No.68364682
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>> No.68364849
File: 184 KB, 863x1200, 665656577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese truly have the best yanderes.

>> No.68364939

Oh, oh well I take it back then.
Regardless, the rest still stands, including her.
It's a horrible situation to be in.
I can only hope upper management have indeed fired the fuck out of the shitty managers and taken over after this shitstorm blew up.
