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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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68353790 No.68353790 [Reply] [Original]

for no particular reason

>> No.68353838

They should do a stream of smashing a parfait for 1 hour

>> No.68353846

I concur but I don't really have any reason for it

>> No.68353870

they should collab with u-san, sayu, kuro and matara

>> No.68353978

is mint maid mel or something, what is the joke

>> No.68354041
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with kyo and enna please

>> No.68354131

Are alcoholic parfaits a thing?

>> No.68354173

Sounds like a great idea, i feel like they would get along very well for some reason.>>68353838

>> No.68354204


>> No.68354249

shut the fuck up enna i thought you said you will be taling some time off bitch kys

>> No.68354344

Why do they always speak like negros?

>> No.68354394

They will in time, I have absolutely no doubt about that. If not as their current selves, then in a new life.

>> No.68355476

Why do you always speak like a retard?

>> No.68355541


>> No.68355638

didnt mint said "dont be an apex predator"

>> No.68355692

Matara already heavily implied that Pomu will be back under a completely new identity and will debut in Vshojo. They won't collab ever again.

>> No.68355787

Yeah, on my dick and my face!

>> No.68355808

To whom? Chat?

>> No.68355882

>Didn't said

>> No.68356142

>under a completely new identity
shame, Mint was cute

>> No.68356227

don't sour the mood with sayu. bitch may be right but it doesn't mean she didn't do anything wrong. bitch could've been the catalyst of all the shit that followed after.

>> No.68356293

they should stream themselves making out

>> No.68356335


>> No.68356338

Sadly their interests didn't really align.
One is a FPSautist, while the other is a Japanese Idol autist

>> No.68356412

Sayu did nothing wrong

>> No.68356473

They can scissor each other and smash a parfait between their pussies, maybe eat eachother out afterwards.

>> No.68356514

Sayu arguably boosted the other exNijis by exposing Niji and getting them free pity points

>> No.68356603
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do sayufags REALLY?

>> No.68356629

I'm not a sayufag but you know I'm not wrong

>> No.68356698

Kurosanji has always been shitty, both before and after Sayu. Sayu did nothing wrong, stop holding old grudges when they've already been proven wrong

>> No.68356770

i think both are pretty solid vtubers and nijisanji should hire them because they lost so many english talents recently.

>> No.68356808

She never "implied" Pomu. She *did* imply "someone you may already know" joining, but there is no consensus, it's fairly evenly divided between Mika and Pomu (and Mika has already appeared on Kuro's stream, so...)

>> No.68356861

Also, Pomu will be in Japan for a few months taking a break, so there's 0 chance she is joining soon

>> No.68356952

I like the way you're thinking, Mr. Anonymous. You might even be one of the brightest minds on this board

>> No.68357141

Retard. I'm not even talking about that old stream, I'm talking about what she said and did during her birthday stream a few days ago.

>> No.68357179

and yet kuro and matara don't want to do anything with her

>> No.68357524

I know why Mata doesn't, but what about Kuro? I don't really follow the dude

>> No.68357608

>believing what the jew has to say

>> No.68357665

they should kiss and have hot lesbian sex

>> No.68357691

>no argument
I accept your cuckcession

>> No.68357700

While Doki fucks Mint with her big futa cock.

>> No.68357808

Umm. There's no reason debuting in VShojo would prevent Pomu and Selen from collabing. Hell Selen might join as well.

>> No.68357893

Haven’t you heard? Kyo is graduating too

>> No.68357936

>implying Mint isn’t the one with the massive schlong

>> No.68357952

2nd-3rd hand posts just told me he doesn't want to get involved with her in any way. i don't think u-san ever interacted with her too. although i'm not too sure about the timeline if they ever met in niji. i only followed selen.
i know there was a collab that happened between bettel, u-san and kuro because of holodex. really makes you think.

>> No.68358017 [SPOILER] 
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Sure, that's fine too. I've been conditioned to think a certain way.

>> No.68358018

Mint is the one with huge futa dick in this case https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWoeCNCXcYU

>> No.68358051 [DELETED] 

He's a fag lying through his teeth. Doki and Kuro's alt follow each other on Twitter.

>> No.68358145

I was asking about Kuro and Sayu, not Kuro and Doki.

>> No.68358149

i think maid mint should come back so we can get porn of her

>> No.68358184

Fair enough.

>> No.68358319

Please… collab with each other.

>> No.68358375

Lyrica might convince Mint otherwise

>> No.68358384

Gap moe Doki getting flustered making out with Mint.

>> No.68359706

The gap moe is why I think Mint should dominate Doki with her big pp.

>> No.68362060

big pp energy...

>> No.68362155

Vince, can you stop thinking about BBC for one day please?

>> No.68362303

Sayu was the catalyst, but only because her termination showed everyone how petty and incompetent Nijisanji's management team is.
