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68316898 No.68316898 [Reply] [Original]

Are people ignoring the bullying because it shows it's not just management that's the problem?
There's a cancer inside that needs to be excised.
Who the fuck are the bullies in NijiEN?

>> No.68317073

no doubts, Enna
unexpected, Rosemi

>> No.68317530
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>> No.68317614
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>> No.68317856
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>> No.68318045

Thin girls bully fat girls that’s the truth

>> No.68318155
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I love her so much

>> No.68318687

Theres no confirmation of who actually bullied Selen so people are placing the blame on management, the ones who oversaw the whole situation and should’ve been able to stop it.

>> No.68319082

word choice is important
management vendettas and power harassment isn't usually described as bullying, especially when we are discussing bullysanji in particular
she could have very easily clarified if the talents were not at fault, but she didn't

>> No.68319356

I'm ignoring it until I hear from her who the culprits were. Still eyeing them all with suspicion, but no sense getting mad before the return stream. Friendly fire is retarded.

>> No.68319481

there's no friendly fire when the good ones have come out with statements in support of selen and the rest are choosing to go down with the company

>> No.68319647

Yes there is, retard. I'm not going to go tweet at a Liver telling them they should have been aborted, only to hear Doki say in 2 days that that person was actually a close confidant and made things a little better for her. There's all the time in the world to hate on the right target later on, why jump the gun and look like a humongous faggot for nothing but self-satisfaction?

>> No.68319953

whoa whoa why the fuck are you telling livers to be aborted on twitter bro?
are you fucking mentally ill?

>> No.68320038

They are ignoring it because it's convinient.

>> No.68320052
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It's not me, it's a hypothetical, I didn't do it, I'm innocent

>> No.68320097

what is comprehension

>> No.68320227

At least Sasaki bullies on screen for all to see.

Milie and Enna are backstabbers who do it in the shadows.

>> No.68320259

Anon, this board works on GMT+8, English reading comprehension is entirely optional.

>> No.68320357

She wrote this after she heard Selen attempted suicide...

>> No.68320369

>January 14th
Dates aren't hard anon. When was Selen hospitalized?

>> No.68320492

This. Everyone is so fucking eager to go full schizo and throw shit but when claims of bullying and mentions of SUICIDE come along, even the big bad fags of 4chan and xitter start to censor themselves.

>> No.68320502

She'll never tell because of some gay shit like
>Oh I don't want them to be harassed nobody deserves that!

>> No.68320677
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Overanalysis is fun, but retarded. I'd rather put two and two together, like pointing out that Nijisanji was the one who inferred bullying on the livers' part.

>> No.68320755

>Nijisanji attempts to not throw their talents under the bus for 1000th time CHALLENGE [IMPOSSIBLE]

>> No.68320788

>She claimed
>Nijisanji inferred

>> No.68320920

Enna and Millie are 100% innocent.

>> No.68321080

Well then I guess they're going to heaven instead of hell when the packages arrive.
Good for them.

>> No.68321136

>Selen said one thing
>the pajeets in management had an ESL moment and understood it as something completely different

>> No.68321762

I'm having a hard time thinking of a complaint Selen had that could possibly be misconstrued as "other livers are harrassing me".
And even if that were the case, Selen could clarify it in her initial response instead of running with the "bullying" language which does imply liver harrassment.

>> No.68321843

More like
>Doki held her cards by making her statements guardedly
>Nijisanji spilt the beans by admitting that Selen specified bullying by other livers

FFS you faggots. Is Occam's Razor too simple of a concept for mental gymnasts?

>> No.68321865

Looking through the quote tweets of the announcement, a lot of alphabet soup Nijifags have convinced themselves the bullying was either:
>only by managers towards talents
>completely fabricated by management to create a witch-hunt against talents so management aren't scrutinised.
They're entirely convinced no other talents could be bad.

>> No.68321994
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There are no proofs against Enna.
Unless Selen's roommate blows Enna up (risking a defamation suit), this bullying thing is a nothingburger imo.

>> No.68322099

Doki tweeted about never making any such claims against the livers.

>> No.68322144

Why doesn't she just drop the name?
Instead she's deliberately making her rabid fanbase play whodunnit.

>> No.68322207

Doesn't say the bullying isn't management

>> No.68322325

>kicking selen down while's she was MIA
enna, i kneel for embracing the black company spirit

>> No.68322395

because why let the truth get in the way of the one hobby 4chan and twitter faggots have in common: self-righteously dogpiling on the wrong targets

>> No.68322535

But of course she would? Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake. If Selen is being truthful and she never did make any comments about the others, then Niji actually just fucked themselves legally by public slandering her.

>> No.68322611

Noor bullied Selen after China and India has their border issues.

>> No.68322638

I'll just let twitter do the dogpilling and the calls for livers to kill themselves since that's what they're good at.
I'll just stay here and try to find out who the asshole is who would bully Selen.

>> No.68322711

From within pretty clearly implies management

>> No.68322780
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>There are no proofs against Enna.
quick someone post the ''don't follow the steps of an apex predator'' clip

Captcha: SHHH

>> No.68322880

She wasn't specific so no-one knows if it's just about management or if it involves talents to. Honestly, I really hate this wishy-washy crap; use your pro-nouns and name who it is. This entire tweet was really stupid. The next question is obviously going to be, "who bullied you?" Yet for some reason she left it vague and now the waters have been muddied.

>> No.68322998

someone screencap this, just in case

>> No.68323016

she was talking about rpr you retard

>> No.68323315

Defamation suits are impossibly hard to deal with in the west compared to Japan.

In the west you have to prove three things:

1. The person claiming something KNOWS FOR A FACT that it's a lie.
2. It was done with malicious intent.
3. Tangible damages that can be proven.

You need to prove ALL three of these to a certain proof standard depending on the dollar amount (Lower amounts would be "preponderance of evidence", which means that the judge is 51% convinced you are right, (this is for civil cases) and for higher amounts, or if they are going for criminal defamation you'd have the proof standard of "Beyond a reasonable doubt", which means there's not a single question that it was done.)

It sounds easy to get someone on "preponderance of evidence", but there's almost no cases of defamation suits where the "defamer" has been found guilty, UNLESS there's HARD PROOF, or they admit to it.

In Japan they just have to be able to prove damages. Not the intent or if the "defamer" knew they lied.

Sorry for autism.

>> No.68323321

still doesn't make her less of a bitch

>> No.68323401

To add to this - The real purpose of defamation suits isn't to win them. It's to punish the other party, or bleed them dry so they have to give up.

>> No.68323725
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>> No.68323753

Nijisanji was desperate and better to say that other livers were bullying her than to let fans think it was management. That sounds like something a lawyer agreed with so they added that to her termination announcement. Would muddy the waters if Selen ever goes to court since they could argue that it was only the fault of those livers.

>> No.68323996
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Let's not forget the time Enna, Millie and Reimu would lie multiple times to Nina about being too busy to VC while they were in a call without her.

>> No.68324094

I am way more likely to think NIjisanji is lying than she is. It's more likely Niji wants to try lying (a second time as they also claimed she lied) to save face

>> No.68324149

Reimu would never.

>> No.68324415


>> No.68324592

Comprehension is too. In that post the phrase "who bullied Selen" means "What is the specific name of the individual who bullied Selen. Was it Enna? Or Kyo?" Not "Which general category of employee bullied Selen. Was it management, or talent?"

>> No.68324839

Lets be fair, if you don't want to talk that's fine. The clique's communication skills and personalities are uh, not great. Nina's aren't great. We can't be too harsh.
"too busy" is a tender diplomatic mercy compared to fuck off hag we don't want to deal with your shit. Moreso if she wont take that well and she knows they wont take it well despite it being the honest trutherismings

>> No.68324843

Its still crazy that Selen's statement was vague on who the bullies were, while NijiEN's own management were quick to insinuate that she was being bullied by her own coworkers while they just stood by and did nothing about it. NijiEN's management are their own greatest enemy and always have been for ages.

>> No.68324970

It was me. I bullied her with my cock and left hence the attempt. She wants me back.

>> No.68324982

this, defamation lawsuits are just legal callout threads lol. there's no "winning" it's just a matter of airing everything out

>> No.68325274

she just need's to say one name, one fucking name and all hell will brake lose, like I wouldn't like to be that person

>> No.68325309

I miss the mommy fox model so much. Her new one is unsightly.

>> No.68325383

ikr its sad that graduated chuubas obviously have to get new models, i really loved both sewens and pomus

>> No.68325599

The face rigging is nice at least

>> No.68325706

Not wanting to talk in a particular moment is fine. Completely shutting out one of your genmates for an extended period of time is not.

>> No.68325810

I like the artstyle but not the design. Way too pink, it's hard to tell shapes apart at first sight.

>> No.68326308

>should’ve been able to stop it
Have you been to school anon, ever seen a teacher actually stop bullying?

>> No.68326436
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Would you say these liver's taking time off (or in ren's position, commenting about the situation) as a quasi weird way to stand with Selen, since they cant actively say aloud due to contracts?
And yes Kyo and Vivi's 1 stream cancelation may just be coincidental for time but still could be linked.

Also if i missed someone in EN making a comment on the situation let me know

>> No.68326466

Have you never had or seen a coworker with substance abuse and communication difficulties or filipino disorder? I'm glad they patched it up later or at least got better making it look like they did but it is what it is. When you want someone to fuck off you're going to pick the simplest option. Not get your brass knuckles out for a 600 minute slugfest with a nutjob when all you want... is to not be bothered by their mental illness as much as possible.

>> No.68326583

They're ignoring the bullying because it goes against their claims that "idol culture bad, it needs to be purged". Nijisanji EN was fully westernized and look at the Trainwreck it has become. Wouldn't surprise me if Vshojo is similar, which is why a couple talents wound up bailing there too.

>> No.68326631

Or maybe socials have gone radioactive and there's no real reason to go on them beyond posting the schedule until this blows over? There's a nonzero chance that Niji told them ice it or lose it since it's looking like the manager got necked so corporate doesn't feel as comfortable with them wandering around.

>> No.68326679

I think it's just that "omg did you forget to ask for permissions? stupid bitch" post, rather than an ongoing/chronic abuse issue, at least beyond just getting along badly with some of them. The whole "she claimed that she was being harassed by other affiliated Livers DUE TO MISMANAGEMENT" part makes me think she probably complained about that specific incident and accused them of deliberately not giving others the full story and telling them to publically call her out like that.

>> No.68326721

We already know Nijisanji revokes access to socials when they want to keep the talent quiet so it's probably a management decision and not a personal one.

>> No.68326735

How does a situation like this happen?
To this extent?
Holo mems probably hate each other too. Why is bullysanji the thing?
Is it the culture or just a couple bad actors?

>> No.68327247

Dadsanji is never home
Dadsanji was never home and got the belt out
Not really. They've managed to keep it pretty professional and focus on their own stuff; not finding ways to twist the knife at any turn.
It's the culture of asian and filipino bad actors to be awful and incompetent.

>> No.68327355

Absolutely out of the loop about this one, why are millie and enna bullies

>> No.68327366

>It's the culture of asian and filipino bad actors to be awful and incompetent.
You have never had to work with western women have you?

>> No.68327380

If I was a Liver I would want to stay away from this and not stream either. Fans will not be able to contain themselves. It would not be a good stream as chat would be constantly badgering me over the drama.

>> No.68327484

I’ll be real if she really tried to off herself in the most delicate way possible she should try again. She’s either a failure or an attention whore because it’s not hard people do it all the time. If she’s just a failure that’s one thing but I hate attention whores trying to solicit pity. Worst part is this is supposedly over cyberbullying she’s a grown ass woman turn the screen off or switch tabs.
Also to save time I agree with your point, you’re wrong, or eat a dick. Prematurely responded for you

>> No.68327528

Well I always heard that Enna was the 'Clique' leader but I don't remember the evidence. And Millie has been playing damage control alot.

But I don't follow it too closely so take this with a grain of salt.

>> No.68327547

Successes in hololive are seen as successes of the group. If Biboo does well, all of advent benefit.
Successes in nijisanji are used as tools to drive other talents to work harder. Why are your engagement numbers lower then your genmates huh?

>> No.68327679

but I thought Kyo would be one of the bullies... (if it's actually a liver bullying, anyways. still think it's non-livers)
I can believe the rest of those ACTUALLY taking a stand of solidarity though, or simply being hit hard by the news

>> No.68327750

>Selen repeatedly breaches contract and ignores management warnings
>Management asks the other livers to talk to her in the hopes she will be more receptive to colleagues than management
>She has never had a job before so she thinks being reprimanded is bullying

>> No.68327768

desu, the suicide attempt is the one thing that worries me about this. As much as i am 99.9% on Selen's Side, I have seen too many people use suicide as a manipulation tactic so I am a bit leery... But even if it is true and she is using it as a "feel sorry for me," situation, the matter stands that Niji drove her to do that. If things were good she wouldn't have had to so something stupid like that.

>> No.68327906

>filipino bad actors to be awful and incompetent.
Wait really? I have a lot of flip coworkers(nurse) and they're fine imo.

>> No.68327939

It's probably more management influencing talents, and going by how almost all livers seem to be treated like shit, they probably tow the line to keep the heat off themselves. Better to be a good little family member then to get ostracized.

>> No.68328034
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This. Typical symptoms of BPD paranoia. Selen is mentally ill. I hope someone comes forward and clarifies this bullshit now.

>> No.68328262

Possible. But Doubtful. maybe if we didn't have a sting of livers bailing over the last year hinting at bad management and toxic environment, then I would be more open to this idea.

>> No.68328304
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why cant zoomers follow simple workplace rules? Getting called out for not doing so is not bullyng. jp niji does not have these kinds of problems probably because they are not westoid dyke whores

>> No.68328377

They usually quit within 2 days then go look for a job as an office whore or waitress instead. The ones that stick are hard mfers that don't play that shit.

>> No.68328602

Nijisider here, Selen boarded Riku Tazumi's yacht with an army of dragoons without borders to rescue her kidnapped play button. Fool that she was, she never anticipated that Niji had already garrisoned a company of Briskadets lead by Sonny Brisko to defend it. The dragoons were massacred and Selen sent to the hospital in tatters with the incident covered up as an... "Attempt"

>> No.68328686

Western monkeys love kangaroo court too much. Also since when has this board allowed posters to brigade and witch hunt? If you want to criticise some 3view SEA vtuber just tell her that. Don't others get involved in your stupid war.

>> No.68328744

Is it paranoia if management keeps fucking you over cause they wont do their fucking job while others are getting their hits in on you? Just look what they did to the poor girl on the offcollab.

>> No.68328840

The Niji announcement literally said "harassed by livers due to mismanagement", i.e someone was trying to talk with her because of her fuckups with management since they wouldn't listen to management themselves and she interpreted this as harassment because of her BPD paranoia.

>> No.68329020
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lol, lmao

>> No.68329058

Under Japanese defamation laws you don't even have to lie to be found guilty, just cause the other party some kind of harm. If I were to catch you live in 4k fucking a goat, recorded a video of you in the act wherein you looked at the camera and said, "Hello. My name is Anonymous Unknown and I'm currently fucking this goat. I sure do love fucking goats and am proud of my actions," then went on Twitter and called you a reprehensible goat fucker causing other people to do the same, in Japan you could sue me for defamation and stand a good chance of winning for causing you to be publicly and permanently attached to the act of caprine fornication. Hell, just the act of being sued itself would be enough to tarnish my name amongst a decently sized segment of the population; a lot of Japs tend to figure that if you're involved with the police or courts in any way you must've done something to deserve it.

>> No.68329102
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"One talent. Versus a few affiliated bullying Livers.
I'm gonna take down the one talent. And save the yacht!"
- Management probably

>> No.68329117

>Who the fuck are the bullies in NijiEN?
My money's on Luca. He's been an outspoken corporate ass kisser when other talents left after having issues with the company.

>> No.68329147

>Management kept denying and ignoring projects
>Management kept denying and ignoring projects
>Management kept denying and ignoring projects
>Livers finally got tired of never achieving anything meaningful and took matters into their own hands
>FUCK YOU THAT'S A VIOLATION! But you ain't gonna just hear that from us, here's Milie telling you what you did wrong to solidify our claim.
>Millie : Ugh... (whyamIattackingmyownfriends) okay so according to management, this is bad and you should feel bad
>NDF : See if the company tells you you're bad, that means you're at fault! Stop thinking it's a corporate bullying and start thinking it's a form of reprimandment you shitty BPD Mikeneko 2.0 bitch!

>> No.68329212

Japanese law and bootlicking is insane, but i guess its different over there in a monoethnic state where the reflexive distrust of any big institution isn't a widespread thing yet.

>> No.68329269

Bullying is a massive part of idol culture though. It's one of the main reasons the "idol culture bad" position exists.

>> No.68329525

But it’s true

>> No.68329656
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>> No.68329682

Kk bootlicker, thank you for being a good little German.

>> No.68329786

If I'll be completely honest, I'm only fanning the flames so I can see Niji burn. I don't really care about any of this

>> No.68329790

Isn't Elira part of the clique? But she's so sweet and funny, I can't imagine her being okay with bullying.

>> No.68329850

Those are American standards(god bless). It's much easier to get people for defamation in other western countries, notably Canada.

>> No.68329892

This is one I've been curious about too. I'm not very familiar with Nijisanji, but Elira is the only one I've seen listed that didn't give off the mean girl vibe.

>> No.68329947

Who is this?

>> No.68329981

>Steal Selen's play button
>AnyBlack doesn't pay artist for months
>Selen pays artist with her own money
>Niji yells at Selen
>Selen tries to give contest rewards out of her own pocket
>Niji yells at Selen
>Everything is supposed to be square for a tournament
>Um Akhtually Nijishit didn't do their job
>Niji yells at Selen after not doing their own job
>Work on a project for over a year
>Keep working towards perms bingo
>Achieve perms bingo while the fuckers don't answer their god damn emails let alone do a single fucking thing
>mf post it

>> No.68329994

Elira openly defended Selen from peer pressure on an off collab stream a few months ago. 0 reason for her to do that and not go along with everyone else if she was bullying her. The narratives about her have always been bullshit.

>> No.68330040

Some sad girl don't worry about it.

>> No.68330071

I miss her tail with the mask.
That's mascot kino that we'll never see again.

>> No.68330117

Elira wraps around because she's the source of the nepo hires.

>> No.68330187

Which Livers appear in Selen video? It's one of them according to the doc

>> No.68330188

She's either the Queen Bee or completely innocent and unaware. It's one way or the other.

>> No.68330254

I can't believe Axel bullied Selen...

>> No.68330301

JP, CN, and KR are notorious for ignore problems hoping it solves itself or goes away until they fester and cause a catastrophe, not even surprised at how things turned out.

>> No.68330321

>Sent to the TSB gulag twice to repent for her misdeeds

>> No.68330380

Yes, anon, I'm sure one of the six starting hires was magically chosen to invite a bunch of her friends in when she had done nothing in NijiEN at the time to deserve that. It definitely wasn't management just deciding to choose from talent in the same general group of indies for more instant chemistry, like Elira and Pomu for example, unless you think Pomu was somehow a nepohire as well.

>> No.68330546

Sums it up, more specifically Enna's only reason as to how she got in.

>> No.68330564

Thank god. I was afeared I was the only one that knew.

>> No.68330604

That's Millie, not Elira. Millie was one of the biggest EN indies at the time and openly said that she and Enna joined as a take-both-or-take-neither deal. Elira had nothing to do with Enna joining.

>> No.68331340

Look at there tweets it's very obvious.

>> No.68331645


>> No.68331943

Sasaki makes me so unreasonably horny.

>> No.68332026

I'M PO--

>> No.68332035

Based. Apex isn't a game, it's a lifestyle. That Apex Predator ain't gonna win itself.

>> No.68332151

I could unironically see this being true as the company I work for straight up has policies now telling management that they aren’t allowed to tell slow workers they are being slow, yet management will still get chewed out themselves for performance being poor. We live in a day and age where people in the Western world have to be coddled. Others seem to be somewhat supporting Selen’s side though so probably not.

>> No.68332240

we just gotta wait for Doki's stream
Niji said the reason they couldn't come to a neutral breakup was because Selen was going to go forward with her statements

>> No.68332444

>"t-this is too much I-i'm gonna go offline for a few days!"
>Makes a tweet hours later anyway
Why is pomu like this.

>> No.68332463

What if corpos are also inhuman psychopaths abusing people for not being disposable robots?

>> No.68332485

I hate her so fucking much.
Wonder if she’s happy as queen of her crumbling little mound of shit and dirt.

>> No.68332509

Why are YOU like this?

>> No.68332597

The site is literally designed to hook you and reel you into scrolling. It's worse when your job is engaging your fanbase.

Why ask when it's clear she is lmao. The jp branch will continue to carry EN even after it's officially closed with the remaining talents rolled in like barnacles under jp's fat rolls.

>> No.68332607

Why would Noor bully specifically Selen when there are other way more pro CCP talents in the company?
Nevermind the fact that most of the manager are Pajeets at this point.

>> No.68332619

I've seen this pasta before

>> No.68332650
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NDF just keeps sinking lower and lower

>> No.68332808

Noor left the company around the beginning of last year.

>> No.68332809

Wtf are you talking about?
Defamation should never be that easy to ”prove”

>> No.68332844

Oh they 100% are, it’s just how they go about it that differs. Like I said, my company essentially tells middle management they aren’t allowed to hurt people’s feelings by telling them they aren’t working fast enough and then that middle management in turn just cops it all from higher ups. This comes directly from people trying to turn the world into a safe space, and it’s not too hard to find retards online having a meltdown because their first job hurt their feelings in some innocuous way. Not saying Selen is in that camp, but sadly it’s not the most out there suggestion.

>> No.68332871

>t.subhuman piece of trash who doesn’t like being held accountable for his actions.

>> No.68333020

No-one cares about you having to work with retards at the box factory.

>> No.68333092

This and so much this. Yes no one truly knows what the fuck happened behind but judging elira is a bully with these accusations is retarded.

>> No.68333131

You cared enough to respond though.

>> No.68333139

>How does a situation like this happen?
>To this extent?
Managers not doing enough to solve things internally and keeping it under the rug.

>> No.68333308

Technically that's the fault of your legislative entity which made it your company's problem.
It is a pretty shit thing to say because that isn't what happened to Selen.

>> No.68333320
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>> No.68333391

Practically confirmed to be Millie and Enna.

>> No.68333465

>can't stream, nintendwo hort :(

>> No.68333538

My money is still on Kyo Tbh.

>> No.68333540

She was talking about management, so nijisanji themselves are the ones throwing blame at the talents.

>> No.68333587

It's Enna dumbass

>> No.68334024

Kyo wasn't the main. He just knew if anyone sued he was going to get raped in the crash so it was a good time to bail.

>> No.68334060

Confirmed by?

>> No.68334256

she herself said she has it, although with how people online fetishize diagnoses it might not mean much

>> No.68334357

keep an eye out for more people unfollowing Enna and Millie, to be honest.

>> No.68334363

My dreams
But also I would be VERY surprised if Enna was just playing a bitch and was actually a shy quiet girl all along.

>> No.68334535

okay i’m not a fucking retard alloupeep, was there literally anything else that this could be about? because, as i’m sure everyone else here is aware of, january was fucking BRUTAL. even early january.

did she have any projects that somehow management let her work on? anything???

>> No.68334595

But why is fat girl more popular than thin girl? Please explain.

>> No.68334698

this screenshot will age like milk

>> No.68334702

Thin girl can’t comprehend this, having bullied fatsos like her all her life, so she must make her her nemesis to take down

>> No.68334760

anon there isn’t a single person on this thread who is not posting autism why are you apologizing

>> No.68334922

you have never had someone treat you with respect in the workplace have you?

seriously. the least they coulda done was hang out once or twice and never again if they were genuinely busy or didn’t like her. nijicope

>> No.68335030

She never specified if it was talent or management. Niji was the one that specified, which means that they're straight up telling on themselves.

>> No.68335053

honestly i’m happy that SHES happy. she wanted a bug model? she got a bug model! and it looks great. i agree that it’s too pink, there’s not enough contrast in the design and while that’s probably intentional due to irl inspiration that doesn’t make it the best choice.

>> No.68335073

You're just a fucking retard catalogfaggot

>> No.68335120

I sincerely hope she says names and when she does I hope the ethyria whores get bullied to no end the same way they bullied nina.

>> No.68335210

>She never specified if it was talent or management.
Cause it was both

>> No.68335391


>> No.68335402

we’ve seen the screenshots. we know niji livers actively shittalk hololive in the discord servers. we know the environment is toxic. please stop with the copium anon you are close to overdose.

>> No.68335572

If she doesn't have any tangible proof she has been bullied, then she risks defamation. It's actually smart not to point fingers.
Also, she could have been simply referring to employees and managers in the company, not necessarily the talents, and the company may just be trying to shift the blame on them.

>> No.68335692

Alcoholic assholes are great company in busy times when you don't want to deal with other people's awful choices.

>> No.68335861

Damn, I didn't know paranoia was an infective disease, anon. Good to know. Hope it doesn't affect other EN talents since it apparently took at least 5 victims in the span of months.

>> No.68336114

Think about it.
New Holo Generation.
Pomu x Selen x Zaion.

The Holo Punished!

>> No.68336229

Who the fucks ignoring the narrative of bullying? Everyone shiting up any livers in Niji what are you a newfag?

>> No.68336310

Did anything ever happened with her or is she just dead forever?

>> No.68336349

>Mentioned Apex Predator
>implying that it was Selen
Get some help woman

>> No.68336357

Took 5 victims, so far! as long as 3 livers graduate per month they can still exhaust their entire branch by the end of the year.

lmao no the only thing cover will ever do for Zaion is pay for the diesel and styrofoam so she can burn herself to death. The zoomer retard couldn't spare a single thought towards maintaining any semblance of decorum. Sure niji didn't put out a number of fires that it could and should have but she sure as god damned fuck was not helping nor even contemplating maaaaybe not doing fucktarded shit in the first place.
Do you really think Selen wants to return to Perms nightmare II: HoloEN boogaloo? Nijisanji may have been the worst but HoloEN was gnawing its legs off the whole way. To be neglected and ignored unless she moves to japan only to get stuck doing idolshit and skits all the time?

>> No.68336422

rrats are the announcement intentionally put it that way to divert attention away from them and make the fandom attack each other. not sure yet so I'm waiting for Dokibird's stream

>> No.68336446

LMAOO you really believe on that thread?
>Lurk more newfag

>> No.68336455

from what I read, she was referring to Reimu in that clip since Reimu often streams Apex

>> No.68336459

I think there was an update in 2021 but nothing since, probably still in legal battles? They haven't graduated her yet

>> No.68336466

There's some people that know. I don't remember what they said. Something along the lines of winning battles as the war carries on in court.

>> No.68336496

Getting Cyberbullied by retarded twitter children and being harassed and bullied at a WORK FROM HOME JOB is completely different. I recommend you try killing yourself too, retard.

>> No.68336551
File: 196 KB, 580x580, 16687687152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear these kinds of threads are like stealthy way vtubers use to talk shit with each other.

>> No.68336570

lol, it's insane to the point the japanese fans believed everything the company says and say it's selen's fault
i can't take these cuck japanese behavior seriously. Check how they tweet and quote retweet on the japanese announcement, absolute bootlicking and pathetic NPC behavior

>> No.68336583

why do you think I said "keep an eye out for more?"
one bit of info is nothing conclusive.
but when shit really hits the fan, all PLs and past colleagues might cut ties with Enna and Millie entirely. just wait and see. it could be wrong, it could be true.

>> No.68336591

>there tweets

>> No.68336788

Why are you even dropping names then? Any liver is on the hot pursuit. Anything they will do and write on internet will be overnalayze now. You all will never be satisfied anywag so just move on and support Selen.

>> No.68336860

Most of them have worse english than Meloco and never watched Selen. They can't be expected to know that Selen has had over a year of legitimate grievances over the company abusing her before this blew up. They don't know the sad state of the EN branch's mismanagement.
Due to jap defamation law not giving a shit whether it's a true statement or not they can't mouth off without getting prison time or a larger fine than their slave wages can afford if niji actually wants to slap their shit in which they have in the past a number of times. This has happened for generations atop the asian bug mentality debuff.

>> No.68337154

the millie shitpost stream showed that a good deal of the livers are regulars of this place, let alone many other vtubers

>> No.68337201

it's easier to see shit here than on twitter. and on reddit it's all sugarcoated. Same with fan discords

>> No.68337310

rosemi? come on, anon. zero chance of that.

>> No.68337347

I wasn't even initially here to be saying "it's practically confirmed to be Enna and Millie". I'm just linking that post as an example as to how someone could come to that conclusion. I forgot my "NTA".
>you will never be satisfied anyways
I'm not calling for blood or termination on the 2 either. but whatever

>> No.68337554

how sure that rpr unfollowed them? did he follow them in the first place?

>> No.68337939

It was me all along. I do it because the WEAK should fear the STRONG

>> No.68338197

probably confirmation bias on my part, but
& the fact that I personally also used to follow whole waves of EN vtubers whenever I see them, BEFORE luxiem (2021). I also stopped doing this after luxiem since it became a bit much for me, considering I had HoloMyth + Holocouncil + Lazulight + Obsydia + Ethyria.

I'm not saying I saw with my own eyes that rpr did back then "follow Enna & Millie", but someone who's selective with their follows would only follow people they watch. there's no way people really regularly watch 4 whole branches at once. it makes sense to infer that rpr WAS doing whole-branch follows, at least until 2021. when the EN vtuber novelty was still kind of there.

actually, as we speak, I am checking if rpr is actually following everyone from the first 4 NijiEN waves outside of those two. you can also check on your own.

>> No.68338481

anyways. checked. I can't fucking check for mysta because I was too selective with Luxiem and now that he's out the door the account is already locked, but outside of that:

I checked all the "followers you follow" on every single member of 4 NijiEN waves, from Lazulight to Luxiem. and yes. the anon from other thread is right. rpr is in ALL NijiEN followers up to luxiem, except Enna and Millie.

>inb4 "post video of you scrolling through these lists"
no, that would also show smaller accounts that I follow, and I don't wanna share that. maybe someone else could do it in my stead.

just try following every single nijien member + rpr on a fresh new twitter account, then scroll away.

>> No.68338537

Fucking accurate
Its definitely millie since shes the one who defends niji by mass replying to selen and making her look bad

>> No.68338617

>Ren retweeted the termination announcement tweet
What a king.

>> No.68340888

I didn't think NijiKR's story would repeat itself like this
