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68297411 No.68297411 [Reply] [Original]

How have they pulled it off so far? What makes HoloEN different from the competition

>> No.68297757
File: 342 KB, 548x494, 1651095542962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No mean girls.
>"Fucking bitch...."Fuck you!"

>> No.68297801

i had a dream where kronii cucked her fans with an old man

>> No.68297868

They grew up with streamers. They were small enough to make their mistakes early on, and observant enough to see others make mistakes, and learn from them.
They saw internet gyarufication happen to enough unpopular girls, and knew how the game works when it came their turn.

>> No.68297869

And free access to holostar dick any time any place

>> No.68297926

"no cucking their fans"

>> No.68297940
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It's easy when you only have to put effort a few hours a month

>> No.68298242
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>No cliques
We got lucky that both homos were retarded and fucked off. Mori was pulling an Enna.

>> No.68298411

I wonder if it's just because they don't have the time to communicate with each other
The less women talk to each other the less tempers flare
And the only ones willing enough to take time out of their schedules are generally doing it to help (Mori..)

>> No.68298545

sucks to have charisma and be popular right?

personality driven success

>> No.68298577

can you even call this a clique? A clique impiles they thought they were superior and held power over others.

>> No.68298746

It's just like how in hospitals and research labs and other professional settings they all devolve into gossiping and catfights. Except they don't, stop being an incel.

>> No.68298763

They're just a bunch of idiots

>> No.68298767

This was just a group that liked to shit talk while playing games without any feelings getting hurt. Mori is pro holo en as a whole if anything

>> No.68298862

>No cliques
>Advent won't let Gura stream with them

>> No.68298950

Heard one of them slip up and say they can only raid someone on their list.

>> No.68298967

Get rid of Mori, Kronii, Ina, Ame, and Bae and it will be perfect.

>> No.68299005

That is a prime example of one of those places, anon

>> No.68299125

> No Mean Girls. No cucking their fans
Do ENsharts actually believe this?

>> No.68299156

I instantly lost respect for nurses after having witnessed how petty and childish they are, and finding out how common it is.

>> No.68299275

Why do you think this is a negative statement? Gura is incredibly lucky her fanbase accepts and cheers for her making minimum effort, she is set for life if she keeps this pace for a few years

>> No.68299291

>no cucking their fans
Kronii and ame might as well start shilling chastity belts as merch for their cucked fan rumao

>> No.68299360

that's delusional

>> No.68299429

>Anon when he learns a given profession doesn't magically make you a good person

>> No.68299458

Prove it then.
Let her stream with you.
Yeah, I know it's one of you.

>> No.68299509

I’d rather just get rid of anon. Much simpler

>> No.68299544

I never said it did.
If that's what you got out of my anecdote, then I don't know what to tell you other than you should brush up on your reading comprehension.

>> No.68299607


LUCK is used by antis in the context of gura to say she has done nothing and contributed nothing to her own success, which is a blatant lie.

>> No.68299639
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You wouldn't get rid of (us), r-right ?

>> No.68299800

Sorry everytime we have sex Kronii astral projects the climax to one of her viewers. She kinda a freak like that

>> No.68299892

Is that even a slip up? Raiding has been a new thing for holo overall and I think the singular time Ame/Gura even turned it on was for the myth anni relay. The "list" is just who has it enabled at any one time.

>> No.68300077

lol at anyone who thinks there arn't cliques or anything similar in Hololive, its literally the same shit as Niji cause its all girl branches. Putting that many women together in a workplace automatically creates cliques. Take it from someone who's worked at a company where the gender ratio was 5:1 for women/men

>> No.68300132


>> No.68300201

Some members of HoloEN have infact cucked their fans.
No point in naming names because we've all been through this a hundred times already

>> No.68300295
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>hires males
No thanks, I will stick with the only well managed en company

>> No.68300370

Hahahaha, I love Ame

>> No.68300435
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yeah but on the other hand you have towa

>> No.68300463

Maybe but the fact that holoEN can go 4 years with no signs of any real cliques/drama/bullying surfacing (outside of schizos reading tealeaves) shows a level of professionalism both from the talents and the managers that niji is clearly just incapable of.

>> No.68300578

You forgot

>no streams


>> No.68300718

All of this false btw

>> No.68300848

When will Fauna and Ame collab...

>> No.68301014

If well managed include stealing chuuba's 2D models then sucks to be you

>> No.68301038

>No Cliques
>No Mean Girls
>No cucking their fans

>> No.68301051

So Selen is gone
What's next, nigger?

>> No.68301081

Cliques will always form when you have 10+ women in a single place, NijiEN’s problem was the management aiding, abetting and generally cheering on every clique escalation. I don’t think even omegatroon at his worst can compare to post 2023 NijiEN management on a good day.

>> No.68301124
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Hell yeah! No cucking here

>> No.68301162

….Tantalizing Twat……..

>> No.68301267

>posts someone in vshojo

>> No.68301383

COVER hired half-asians, autists and half-asian autists for their english branch
ANYCOLOR hired BPD and ecstasy conceited with low self esteem for their english branch
Hope this helps

>> No.68302054

>COVER hired autists, autists, and autists for their english branch
I get what you're saying anon, but you're being rather redundant

>> No.68302292

>No Cliques.
Mori clique? IRyS and Kiara factions?
>No Mean Girls.
Mori? Ame? Kiara? Kronii?
>No cucking their fans
Mori? Ina? Ame? Kronii? Bae? Mumei? IRyS? Nerissa?

>> No.68302386

She was married while being in Holo actually

>> No.68302490

>What makes HoloEN different from the competition
They have more fans so people disregard rrats instead of swallowing them whole. Mori gets the most, first with her friendship with Kiara, and later when she and Kronii would stream with some of the Holostars.

Conversely none of you watch Nijisanji and all of you willingly believe whatever nonsense gets posted on the catalog.

>> No.68302599
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>they're still friends
Anon... imagine being pettier than literal fucking women.

>> No.68302600

>Mori? Ina? Ame? Kronii? Bae? Mumei? IRyS? Nerissa?
Who else? Your mother? The mailman? Ironmouse?

>> No.68302681

>Mori is pro holo en as a whole
*after her numbers dropped after covid

>> No.68302763

Shiori of course.

>> No.68302844

you forgot to post your flare pic anon

>> No.68302875
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The fac that this happened and that they are still close and comfortable with each other is a true testament to their friendship

>> No.68304286

I don't hate but her voice is tranny levels of annoying

>> No.68304929

Still butthurt about lumis joke stream sister?

>> No.68307806

who is the stacy of advent? its fuwawa isnt it? oh fuck, imagine..

>> No.68308131

Do I need to remind you that Gura got off her ass ONCE just to stream over Advent's debut?

>> No.68308523

Made for kissless virgin boys!

>> No.68308584

She is Advent's "Alpha Bitch"

>> No.68308955

We only have to fix the Takanashi-Hoozuki rift and we would be golden at least on the EN side

>> No.68309196

who is kiaras clique, like, unironically who? kiara, herself, she, and... reine? nerissa?

>> No.68310140

Her model is so cute, god what a waste

>> No.68310868

Hiring social outcasts and mentally ill to stream. Too inkya to form bullying squads and even if the illness overcomes them, they only implode without involving others.

>> No.68310932

She's socially retarded and an autistic sperg, but she's aware of her flaws and is a good person deep down.
The key is to avoid self serving, two-faced backstabbers.

>> No.68311593

OK I know that everyone hated the male/female collabs, but the GUN TTRPG was one of my favorite hololive streams ever. Mad me want to try playing the game.

>> No.68311789


>> No.68312024

Only the most deranged kronies had a problem with those streams.
The four of them actually had bantz and chemistry.

>> No.68312076

Literally because the girls don't force themselves to act like some "family", anons like to shitpost about lack of chemistry but that shit is a good thing, some girls will love each other while others will just work under the same corpo nothing more nothing less

>> No.68312136

They’re not.

>> No.68312251

Understand that most anons don't realize that the closest friends can just sit in a chat and grunt nonsense at each other, and still stay best friends.
Onscreen chemistry isn't an indication of anything.

>> No.68312756
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They've literally done discord sleepovers since then lol

>> No.68312793

the only vtuber smary enough to see this gig for what it is: a job

>> No.68312938

Fuck off dude. They had zero flirting and their collab streams were funny. Not like this board can find the difference

>> No.68313051

Not really a slip up since they said you can only raid people who are whitelisted.

>> No.68313235

HoloEn Scouts doesn't go straight to the psyche ward to scout for members. Maybe for FWMC.

Also asians are basically psychopaths/sociopaths that try to hide it with a lot of fake politeness so yeah, it's easier to get rid of the full crazies in the audition process.

>> No.68313278

I don't think Mori has the time to be Enna.

>> No.68313533

uh... sure they are perfect like that

>> No.68313600

>No cucking their fans
oh nononono

>> No.68313625

retarded post

>> No.68313726

That fight made them unironically closer than ever though

>> No.68313863

Good, Gura doesn’t need handouts like those whores. She’s got an audience entirely separate from the rest of EN and doesn’t have to worry about not getting botted or raid boosted every stream

>> No.68313921

she didnt do much actually, her model is easy to cosplay and advertise thanks to her mamas skills and the jp inability to learn another language.

>> No.68313935

It's easy when you don't stream

>> No.68313982

Why chums are like this, guys?

>> No.68313995

Yeah, with me.

>> No.68314141

Niji deflection thread as per usual. They’re on the verge of a total niji wipeout and can’t help themselves

>> No.68314310
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>> No.68314322

>no cucking their fans
What Kronii did to Kronies was like what happened to Christopher in Sopranos. Tony Chris's girlfriend Adriana are doing coke while he's away and start kind of making eyes at each other, there's sexual tension earlier on. They're in a car going to a dealer for more coke when they have a car accident. A rumor gets spread on account of them being in the car together at 3am that she was blowing him and that's why he crashed. They never fucked (but were most likely going to eventually) but everyone thinks they did. Even when Chris finds proof they didn't fuck, it doesn't matter.

Everyone else thinks they did, that Christopher got cucked and his fiancee is a whore. It doesn't matter that they didn't (yet). Christopher has to live in the world. This is an apt metaphor for what Kronii did to the Kronies. The Kronies have to live in the world, with that shame, that brand. The amount of mental anguish she put them through because of her actions which led directly to this fact... is criminal.

>> No.68314341

The monopoly streams were some of the best Hololive collabs and funny as fuck.

>> No.68314446

>What makes HoloEN different from the competition?
The fact that they're mostly Asian.

>> No.68314491

hooboy are you fuckin' in for it, my man. Godspeed.

>> No.68314602

They were okay to be honest. Nothing special. Dunno why some people thought they were the best collabs ever, just convinces me most of those people barely watched any streams.
I believe HoloEN is actually majority white, way moreso than NijiEN which is almost all Asians

>> No.68314619
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>> No.68314675

the GuraAme schism killed myth
you're kidding yourself if you think it's all sunshine and rainbows OP

>> No.68314681

Calm down, schizo.

>> No.68314714
File: 347 KB, 2048x1152, great-o-khan-tokyo-city-keiba-amesame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura and Ame off collab with fat wrestler oji-san!

>> No.68314772

Ain't reading all that.

>> No.68314906

They're majority white; some look as though they might be half Asian at a push - difficult to tell with some pics.

>> No.68315016

It's because Mori usually filters herself in collabs with the girls, and does THAT fake cutesy voice that I honestly don't care for.
The monopoly, uno and mario party collabs were rare instances where they were all cussing each other out without a second thought and it was glorious.

>> No.68315115

I read this in Shiori's voice

>> No.68315173

People who try to say Kiara is in a clique are dumb af because the whole point of the shitshow of clique-posting last year was that she wasn't in one.

>> No.68315194

Kronies liked it

>> No.68315200

Okay, I can see that. She was less filtered yeah.

>> No.68315288

>HoloEn Scouts doesn't go straight to the psyche ward to scout for members. Maybe for FWMC
If FWMC came from a psyche ward they should exclusively hire from psyche wards because those are the only TRUE IDOLS that exist in EN who would never, ever cuck their fans. With the exception of maybe Kiara.

It cannot be overstated how perfect these girls are.

Mori, Kiara, Gura, Ame, Fauna, Mumei, Nerissa, FWMC.

>> No.68315439

If she was Nerrissa gave her a good Scissoring in their vacation so she will probably collab more with Advent now at least

In my mind, at least they did.

>> No.68315529


>> No.68315604

Haven't holofriends been schizoposting about being cucked for two years now?

>> No.68315633 [DELETED] 

Ame is Hispanic. Gura is Jewish. Mori and Fauna are into Asian dudes. The rest are white.

>> No.68315753

>ame calls Gura a bitch once
>friendless channers thinks their friendship is over

>> No.68315760

It has its advantages but if you put 2 many crazy girls with one another it always ends bad.

Biboo is half asian or half thai, probably

>> No.68315832

Ame is white Hispanic though, like a Spaniard, there's a difference.

FWMC being Aryan as fuck while looking like they could have had an Asian mailman is funny to me.

>> No.68316171

>Mori and Fauna are into Asian dudes
And? They're still White.

>> No.68316193

That wasn't even the first social dynamic that was lost from a graduation.
We lost smug sassy Ina after Sana left, since she was the only one Ina was close enough with to be an unrestrained menace towards.

>> No.68316441

yes but you're explaining this to the ones that are the rumor spreaders. they value conversation content over compassion

>> No.68316641

Man I forgot about that, I don't dislike Ina but the only time she's truly entertained me (in a non-sexual manner) was that fucking Super Bunny Man stream.

>> No.68316790

We're currently working toward Ina acting that way with Bae though, they've gotten much closer recently

>> No.68317007

Why does Ina love Aussies so much?

>> No.68317057

it's more like Bae is wet for korean women

>> No.68318292

Kiara and Mori I could see if you had severe brain damage.
How are Ame and Kronii mean girls?
Are you stupid?

>> No.68318413

>hispanic but also white
I think you are starting to see a problem with your labels.

>> No.68319035

The only clique you could make a case for would be SNOT/Promise, due to how third-wheely anyone else in the same collab ends up. See pink and orange woman in the Easter as well as the Outlast Trials collabs. Honestly felt a little bad.

>> No.68319271

Promise is a gen, not a clique.

>> No.68320297

Oh I see what's happening here. A thread praising Gura showed up in the catalog, so a bunch of jealous seething 2view women showed up.

>> No.68320531

Not having males hasn't stopped phase from collabing with them, so I have no idea what you're doing

>> No.68320926
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God they're so fucking hot!

>> No.68321856

It's a privilege to speak with the Queen of Hololive, not a right. Advent should know it's place.

>> No.68324381

Teppanyaki Twappers...

>> No.68327170

>What makes HoloEN different from the competition
their competition is just more black, dumb or both

>> No.68328918

>No Cliques

>> No.68329524

Whats SNOT?

>> No.68329806

Myth and Council had so many problems with early management that it made them closer. Advent seems to get along but they might be the first HoloEN gen that didn't go through a trial by fire.

>> No.68330430


>> No.68334056

This but EXTRA unironically.

>> No.68334287

Lack of support is obvious. Yagoo said himself the biggest hurdle for expansion is building the support required.
Niji's acceleration works until the box stops increasing. Then it starts to cannibalize itself forming a toxic environment of fighting for viewers.
While Advent has brought in new or returning viewers; Gura, Fauna, and other older gens have retained their viewers. No need to fight over them when the box is expanding. Working as planned.

>> No.68334371

Yup they love each other. Ame has a limited way of showing she loves people though as you can notice, only time I get shocked when I'm watching Ame is when she suddenly reciprocated feelings to Kiara. One of those rare blue moon moments

>> No.68334980
File: 315 KB, 536x684, 1707158517330074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have more of these type of vtuber reaction images?

>> No.68335332

go back to 2ch

>> No.68335390

so stingy

>> No.68335513

EN had vespiss and fagni though and EN girls tried to go the Niji route. No guarantee that they don't redo it.
