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File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, Nina hates Sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68295163 No.68295163 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Nina hate Sayu so much? Could it be that she's a bad person that hangs out with dramatubers too much and lies a lot to make herself relevant? Surely not right?

>> No.68295610 [DELETED] 

And Nina is a SJW /pol/tard whore lmao

>> No.68295626

I mean why would you interact with someone that hangs out with nousagi?

>> No.68295684

>Hangs out with nousagi
>Apologized on False's show to Nina and not Nina directly
I dunno man.

>> No.68295723

Nina said something to her in confidence while she was depressed and feeling like shit and Sayu decided to share it publicly, as such Nina doesn't want to speak to her anymore. Which is understandable.

>> No.68295727

Nina is a used-up hag who used to sleep with random men to avoid being homeless.
Can't imagine why she would be jealous of someone who found success in their youth.

>> No.68295849

>Hang out with drama whores
>Leak stuff
>Be shocked when people don't want anything to do with you

>> No.68295952

Your alimony payments are late again sayu.

>> No.68295966

Or its that Nina's a bad person that hangs out with Enna and Millie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyre74wqY-I

>> No.68296030

cause nina shared something in secret with sayu and then she shared it to everyone when she was going nuclear? yeah she apologised in the stream with the purple dramatuber but it was still a scummy thing to do, nina doesn't have to like her or accept it anyway kek

>> No.68296067

I mean if Nina isn’t talking to her…

>> No.68296087

Not as late as your period was all throughout your teenage years, Nina.

>> No.68296086 [DELETED] 

Sayu begged for money on stream because she can't pay the alimony to her ex husband anymore while Nina is 5 times bigger than her on Twitch now lol

>> No.68296093

Maybe JUST maybe she should try to apologize to Nina, not fucking False.

>> No.68296181

>Whore is big on Twitch
What a surprise.

>> No.68296228

When was this?

>> No.68296250

This guy isn't joking, btw
She brought up respecting peoples' pronouns out of nowhere back in one of her collab streams with the other girls in Niji

>> No.68296257

>cause nina shared something in secret with sayu and then she shared it to everyone when she was going nuclear?
And what was that?

>> No.68296304

I'd hardly say Nina not liking you is the mark of being a bad person.

>> No.68296325

What was it?


>> No.68296351

You're not required to pay alimony to your ex if you don't have money

>> No.68296388

It came to me in a dream.

>> No.68296397

Just do your archive reps when Sayu was depressed. A week after that she went to a con to meet with her fans so it might be just her baiting money from her fans. Plus how shitty of a person can you be if the state of california makes the female pay alimony when 99% of the time it's the other way around.

>> No.68296406

That’s really sad.

>> No.68296461

Actual Selen termination deflection thread. Fuck you OP they are both on her side.

>> No.68296511


>> No.68296582

Sayu sure is, she's spoke of her positively enough, but is Nina really? she's pretty cosy with her toxic bullying gemates so idk for sure

>> No.68296637

Reminder that during an Ultimate Chicken Horse Stream with Vienna, Bao and Monarch, while discussing whether or not they pee in the shower, Nina admitted to shitting in the shower and pushing it down the drain with her toes, an act often referred to as wafflestomping.

>> No.68296665

I wanna believe it but I'm gonna have to see a sauce on this one

>> No.68296854

leaked DM's from nina about how she was depressed and felt like shit within niji and used it for herself. Admittedly she said she didn't do this maliciously, just out of anger against nijisanji and wanting to get the truth out but obviously nina noticed and blocked her. I don't believe sayu is that malicious but she was a lil stupid

>> No.68296959

>someone who found success in their youth.
How old is Sayu again? I mean, younger than Nina probably, but still...

>> No.68296963

She didn't leak any dms, she just mentioned it briefly on stream.

>> No.68296995
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She can never apologize to Nina. I wouldn't be surprised if Sayu was on a block list pre debut from her Twitter and Twitch. I'm sure if you say Sayu's name in her Twitch you get auto banned (She had Nina auto banned until a vtuber named Nina raided her and everyone was getting auto banned). This is what mods do if you bring up someone like Selen in her chat.

>> No.68297065

yeah and she admitted it was a dumb thing to do afterwards, thankfully she seems like she wants to make amends but it's up to matara to decide desu

>> No.68297064

>a lil stupid
>leaking very personal shit like that
That's a big stupid
Friendship ending big

>> No.68297298

That just means her ex husband didn't make any money while they were married.
Alimony is calculated to make sure the partner can "hold a comparable lifestyle". This means if the husband/wife makes significant more money than their partner they have to pay.

>> No.68297478

If I confided something to someone and they mentioned it to hundreds of people I will never forgive them desu. I won't be surprise if Matara never forgives her, especially when she used it to push her own agenda for something else.

>> No.68297525
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>jew hates nippon lolibaba

>> No.68297543

>She was just a little mad and leaked something said to her in confidence
That's no excuse and nina is right to cut her off.

>> No.68297582

Yeah she shouldnt have done that, but she was also trying to make a point that its not a problem just on her end but widespread across the branch, since nijisisters were hitting back at her as if Sayu was the problem and not niji

>> No.68297600

Who cares, Nina's a fucking whore anyway https://vocaroo.com/1ovM52NcAP9J

>> No.68297647

And Kiara really likes Nina...

>> No.68297672

I see, yeah that’s a severe breach of trust

>> No.68297736

Both were the problem. Why can't you admit that both Niji management and Zaion were problems?

>> No.68297750

Sometimes, women are involved in woman drama anon.

>> No.68297778

Kill yourself NDF organ

>> No.68297783

Or maybe Nina just wants to leave that shitty black company behind and move on
Has that ever crossed your schizo mind

>> No.68297873

i don't get this thread kek, there's not he said she said shit going on here, sayu literally went on purpledramatuber's channel to reveal details and to also publicly apologise to nina about what she did. She acknowledged that she fucked up and wishes that nina would unban her, how is this bait? There's no rrat involved, it's just one person realising she messed up and wants to right it

>> No.68297877

Nina talks about hanging out with Ethyria members all the time and references Pomu every now and then if you actually watched her. Why can't she get in contact with Zaion at all? It's obvious that she hates her.

>> No.68297930

>NDF organ
>When neither person is working for niji at the moment
The monkey is confused.

>> No.68297985

I kept hearing about this, but never actually heard the audio itself.
It's so much worse than people made it sound.
Imagine two of your co-workers, post-coitus, making fun of your dying dog in front of hundreds of people.
It's no wonder Reimu bullied the shit out of her up until the end.

>> No.68297994

Why can’t you admit that what Zaion did isn’t in any way comparable to what Niji does to it’s talent.
Zaion/Sayu fucked up when she shared those DMs, even if they did help prove her point. She knows it, we know it, Mata especially knows it. They aren’t on speaking terms anymore because of it.
Now compare that yab to all the shit Niji’s done.

>> No.68298088

This is pretty obviously a deflection thread, but one constructed well enough for people to actually engage in it.

>> No.68298092

I mean it isn't really necessary. Hardly even a rrat. She would go off on that SJW shit all the time as monkeyism. I turned her off when I heard her going on about how "white privilege is real". But then she became Nina who I can never recall bringing up that shit, instead she focused on being an entertainer. Wow she's a leftist, big fucking woop. A lot of the Vtubers you watch are, they just don't think it's relevant to entertaining people.

>> No.68298121

>Hey man sorry I took your eye out/ran over your cat, you forgive me right?
Apologies don't mean a fucking thing and the person you wronged has no reason to give you the time of day.

>> No.68298149

I don't need to admit anything. Anyone with eyes can see Niji EN being consumed om a blazing inferno due to malicious management.

>> No.68298169

maybe she should've respected anycolor's pronouns: black/company

>> No.68298217

This thread exists because Nijisisters are trying to cope with the fact that Zaion was right about Nijisanji being complete garbage.
People like >>68297736 and OP are just trying to find any way to shit on Sayu and make up rrats because "she's right sure but what about her being stupid in this instance though? what about rrat?"

>> No.68298241

yeah but that's all up to nina to decide, and if she doesn't want to unblock her then she doesn't have to. case closed. these two continue going their separate ways. how is this dramafuel kek

>> No.68298277

They're going to have a new scapegoat in 2 days when Selen reveals everything

>> No.68298284

She knows that Zaion was leaking shit and bming everybody which lead to the current situation. Nina got bullied by Zaion too. Its understable that she dislikes her.

>> No.68298295

Because she brought it up in a stream that had to do with Selen's termination.
She's trying to use this to boost herself.

>> No.68298306

OP here, I do believe that Niji management is absolute dogshit. I just find it funny how Nina hates her and understand as to why.

>> No.68298352

Enough about Nina

>> No.68298425
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2 people can be on the right side without getting along. They're both talking shit about Niji now, but Nina hasn't forgiven Sayu for sharing the DMs and making things public that Nina didn't want public.

Sayu needed to do this to drive the point about Niji home, but it's also understandable that Nina feels betrayed by this. Neither of them is a bad person for this.

>> No.68298459

Comparing Sayu and Matara in terms of success is pretty laughable when you imply the superiority of the former.

>> No.68298521

Zaion fucked up. I'm with Sele-Dokibird. I hope she spills the beans.

>> No.68298636

Righting the wrong is giving genuine heart felt apology and expect nothing in return. Nina can forgive her and still choose to proceed without Sayu in her life, her train of thought is self centered and about appeasing her own guilt or amending her image. Now seeing this faggot OP has proven Sayu yet again inadvertently cause trouble for Nina

>> No.68298646

>Neither of them is a bad person for this.
LMAO. Leaking that Nina's depressed because of Nijisanji just to prove her point makes her into a bad person. Yes they're both right about Nijisanji but if you think that Zaion isn't a bad person because of the things she's done then you're wrong.

>> No.68298652

She consulted with a lawyer, anon. You will be sorely dissapointed when she doesn't give you the Clique Hit List.

>> No.68298655

Sucks if true. It’s the kind of fuckup so bad where even if you did it without any malice the damage is so much there’s not much to do but apologize and hope the other person has it in them to forgive you.

>> No.68298661

Dramafags can’t into nuance.

>> No.68298662

Good, I dont want Nina close to Sayu.
That bitch would kill her own mother for numbers.

>> No.68298973

yeah, fuck off. You don't drag people into shit (especially when said info was told in confidence) for your own personal vendetta. She's a bad person.

>> No.68299034

OK. I don't get it.
I'd like some sources on these rrats.
Like Sayu apologising to False and revealing something about Nina

>> No.68299108

Anon, how could she prove that management was mistreating the other talents without citing the talents themselves? You can't be a whistleblower without leaking private information.

>> No.68299220

That just proved my point. Using something that personal for your own gain is something bad people do. And no, using the "Sorry I'm retarded for doing it" card doesn't make it fine.

>> No.68299338

>sjw but also /pol/tard
One of those words doesnt mean what you think it means

>> No.68299363

She was right about Niji, and she's also a drama whore. It's impossible for her to maintain a friendship for longer than a few months without torpedoing it for her own personal gain. Nobody even talks about her outside of the context of some kind of drama she's involved in because she's a shitty streamer too.

>> No.68299450

Anon the Zaion stuff happened way before it was popular to shit on Niji. Nobody believed her, she was getting shit on for daring to say anything negative about them. Her releasing it was dumb, but it wasn’t for personal gain, it was to prove a point and to get the heat off of herself.

>> No.68299530


>> No.68299552

That's not an excuse.

>> No.68299565

Why do you assume that it wasn't beneficial for the public to know what was happening with EN management?

>> No.68299664
File: 39 KB, 617x215, not anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds to me like you are scared shitless https://twitter.com/dokibird/status/1754459958119432664

>> No.68299821

>making the fox whore sad
Lmao who gives a fuck about how she feels. The end justifies the means and Zaion was right all along.

>> No.68299873

>Using Nina's depression talk to get heat off of herself
Anon you're just making her into more of a bad person lol

>> No.68300010

I didn't peg Nina as an anal enthusiast. Interesting.

>> No.68300038

You cherry picking poorly worded arguments doesn't help yours

>> No.68300125

I fail to see where revealing someone has depression for your own personal gain isn't something a bad person does.

>> No.68300129


>> No.68300143

Alright. And?
You can believe anyone is evil for any reason you wish to, but at the end of the day it changes nothing.
When people are put into extreme conditions, they might do dumb shit. Sayu has shown that under these conditions, she might share private things she shouldn't.
The good thing is that none of us here is a friend of Sayu, so that part of her moral character is irrelevant, unless you're some kind of twitter moralfag.

>> No.68300180

Can't blame her. Fuck Sayu.

>> No.68300216

I doubt you’d do any better in if you were in that situation, anon.

>> No.68300282

>Apologies dont mean a fucking thing
Yeah sure everyone should hold every grudge for our whole short lives right. That sure leads to peace and happiness

>> No.68300301

I love how none of the fags in this thread tried to push back on this. They know it's true, they can only ignore it.

>> No.68300431

If NijiEN management is causing a talent to be depressed, it's in the viewing public's best interest to be informed.

>> No.68300557

You ask permission or you anonymise the content. It's not that difficult

>> No.68300576

Lmao, this is just mental gymnastics at this point. Sayu is right about Nijisanji being a bad company but stop defending the shitty things she's done and making it seem like it's fine for her to do shitty things to push her own agenda.

>> No.68300711

why hasn't it worked for sayu then

>> No.68300856
File: 2.85 MB, 1070x1172, 1703775398200604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no longer friends because of spilling secrets
>go on purple dramanigger's channel to apologize for spilling secrets and also spill new secrets

>> No.68300968

The main issue is that Niji staff and the other talents actively tried to keep this a secret.

>> No.68300971

Nijiniggers gloryfing Nina after harassing her during the off colab with Luxiem, lmao.

>> No.68301047

Most sane /vt/ posters
Has anyone ever thought that she was basically forced to rely on drama? She was character assassinated and if she streamed like it didn't happen she would go nowhere

>> No.68301074

Sayu sealed her fate when she made a rape joke while in a corporation where the main audience is literal underage twitterbrained teen girls with pronouns in bio. After that point she can be declared ontologically evil and no amount of nuance, circumstance or apology is going to fix it. If getting fired for joking about a Deez Nuts sponsorship is what it takes to get to her, then by God will the nijisister take it and run with it.

>> No.68301178

She got thrown under the bus by the other talents.

>> No.68301208

I mean it depends on what it was, right? A cute, but embarrassing little detail about her life is one thing, the fact that she served prison time for raping someone is another.

>> No.68301317

You weren’t here when it happened, obviously. Practically EVERYBODY was against her.

>> No.68301421

To be fair, you didn't need Sayu leaking things to tell that Nina was depressed, the fact that she's a known wine drinker, even now, should trigger a red flag.

>> No.68301465

>Everyone else wanted to keep the things Nina told them in secret to remain a... secret
I am shocked.

>> No.68301469

That's literally what I'm saying ESLchama. She had no choice if she wanted to continue vtubing

>> No.68301514

>luve nina
>luve pomu
>luve selen
>ate zaion
>ate kyo

Easy as.

>> No.68301632

I’m fucking retarded, forgive me I’ve been drinking a bit today to cope with the fact that my oshi tried to, wel you know.

>> No.68301698

You guys give Luca far more credit than he actually deserves. He is an awkward, probably kissless virgin.

>> No.68301790

Sayu is a worthless whore, why do you retards use her as some kind of martyr? Genuinely, the worst choice you can get

>> No.68301814

>two grown ass women fighting over highschool-like drama for whole fucking months
This is just sad. This community is full of adults who behave like teenagers, and Nijisanji is the perfect ground for childish shit like that to start from since it's barely managed by anyone with active neurones (and I'm being gentle here). It's like putting a thousand copies of Mike in a field and make them interact with each other.

>> No.68301909
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>> No.68302176

It's not. It's both because Nina was the "senpai" is parts of her nijisanji exposition document, and because Sayu is more right leaning, while Nina is full SJW "respect my pronouns, white privilege is real" kinda person.

>> No.68302414

Lol Sayu's not the one with pillow talk audio featuring Luca.

>> No.68302925

why does sayu keep catching strays even when the drama is about someone else

>> No.68303531

She's the most convenient boogeyman for Nijiniggers

>> No.68303764

So, anyone can actually provide a good source for the rrats the are spewing?

>> No.68303911

Sayu might be younger and prettier, actually way prettier, but once married that's kind of like a big oof. Should've kept that to herself.

>> No.68304174

>Plus how shitty of a person can you be if the state of california makes the female pay alimony
The state of california is in massive debt and will always decide divorced cases in a way that sees the most alimony momey as feasibly possible go through the california court system regardless of the facts of the case. If she paid alimony, it is simply a matter that the state belived her paying alimony would process more money into the states coffers than if he did.

>> No.68304223

Not bumping your tranny thread tranny

>> No.68304267

Because she went onto a stream to involve herself in the Selen drama and brought up the Nina drama there herself

>> No.68304282

How? She's blocked on all socials?

>> No.68304332
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>> No.68304381

I wouldn't want to associate with someone who hangs out with bottom feeding dramatubers as well so I get it. Literally nothing good can come from that, it's a bomb you just have sitting around that could be lit at any time.

>> No.68304559

She’s apart of a clique; the actual clique, not schizo one. Sayu isn’t.

>> No.68304569

Who gives a shit what Nina thinks?
There's only one good Nina chuuba and she's an indie.

>> No.68304690

If I confided in someone with a personal matter and they aired that dirty laundry out to a bunch of random fucks watching their variety streaming channel, I would never trust them again without some serious fucking amends that would span bare minimum a couple of years. If Sayu wants to repair that bridge she chose to torch she better be willing to be a simpering apologist for her betrayed friend for quite a long time.

>> No.68304726

Nah, we're talking about Zaion.

>> No.68304789

>She didn't leak any dms
>She just leaked them
Fucking idiot.

>> No.68305042

Based fuck Vcliquesho

>> No.68305069

It is not. Sayu was in a corner. If mom makes me choose between Sayu and here, I will drop the person who is asking for something like that.
Idc what was said, what is important is their actions. Sayu has never made anyone a persona non grata unless they were truly a vile pieces of shit and to this day all she needs to be cool with you again is a private apology. That gullible hag would give Kyo another chance if he apologizes.
At this point being a day one momo I would say I am willing to drop my oshi for principles. If vtubers cant stick to their principles, at least I can.

>> No.68305199

I wouldn’t go that far, Momo. Mata’s a person, nobody’s flawless. What Sayu did was a breach of trust.

>> No.68305201

Finally someone with some empathy

>> No.68305327

so you'd be fine with someone breaching your trust and talking publicly about shit you didn't want out there?

>> No.68305346
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Nina's a bad person for keeping that a secret. Zaion revealing it has saved so many organs at this point. Given them the strength to free themselves from the cage. Zaion is literally Jesus.

>> No.68305523

No, but I at least understand what led to her doing it

>> No.68305627
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Sayu participated in a retarded Twitter cancellation two days ago. The idea that Sayu's some morally pure angel is delusion.

>> No.68305694

Not him but I’d be fine with it if I was in Nina’s shoes, but I’m not Nina, how she feels about it is her prerogative.

>> No.68305704

so you understand why Nina wouldn't want to talk to Sayu anymore? because an apology is cool but breached trust is still breached trust.

>> No.68305737

You'd want to maintain correspondence with someone who has shown they'll reveal things you intended to keep between the two of you just because it was advantageous for them to expose it? Nina isn't badmouthing her, she just wants nothing to do with her anymore. Sometimes you just get one shot with interpersonal relationships, should have put herself in Nina's shoes and considered if it was cool.

>> No.68305853

>Please however do not continue to harass this person
Doesn't sound like she's cancelling anyone to me

>> No.68305874

Again, yes I understand why Nina wouldn't talk to her. But I also understand that Sayu felt like the whole world was against her and she just wanted people to know her side of the story

>> No.68305911

>twitter cancelation
That guy beat his cat. And NOBODY (worth a grain of salt) said that Sayu has never done anything wrong.

>> No.68305958

She's refusing to do business with him because he played with a cat and retarded twitter users thought he was beating the cat.

>> No.68306073

Sounds to me like she wanted people to know Nina's side of the story, whether Nina wanted them to or not

>> No.68306103

There is something called context. And the context looks grim. Pretending the context did not matter is retarded.
Why give someone support if your actions don't mean it? That's the definition of lip service.

You're a retard who can't read or we are not reading the same text.

>> No.68306102

Should this guy go to jail for beating his cat?

>> No.68306113

She's a cat owner herself man, little kitty gets shown regularly on a lot of her streams, so I assume she knows if its abuse or not.

>> No.68306186

WHEN did I say he should go to jail? Did you even listen to the original audio? The thing screams.

>> No.68306281

Yes. Death penalty.
With that said, what does this question have to do with what Sayu said?

>> No.68306420

Sayu was working with this guy. She stopped because a twitter mob of retards thought he was beating his cat. What about this aren't you getting?

>> No.68306599

Context doesn't give someone the right to just spew shit told to them in confidence. If nina wanted it public, she'd make it public. have you ever spoken to another person before?

>> No.68306739

I must have missed the part where Sayu called for jail time.

>> No.68306838

he can do whatever he wants with his property

>> No.68306974


fuck you and your lip service antics.

>> No.68307078

Funny how sayufags don't think getting cancelled matters when its someone else being thrown under the bus. Sayu could have not said anything, she could have remained silent while the twitter mob attacked a guy with no evidence.

>> No.68307113

Or to go to war against him.
>NOT send death threats
>NOT to dox them
Seems pretty clear to me what is going on here. Leave him be and move on maybe?

>> No.68307292

they're both bad people
it's just that niji and the clique are even worse

>> No.68307389

you are actually retarded if you don't understand how Sayu fucked up

>> No.68307593

tail up, ass arched upwards means the cat is enjoying it. Upward inflection meowing after he stops is a sign for more attention. I thought twitterfags were crazy cat ladies, they should know cat bodylanguage

>> No.68307811

He was cancelled for making fun of some random nigger streamer.
The cat had very little to do with it, since Kenji was the one who base boosted it.

>> No.68308032

You are retarded if you think the context given gives an excuse to be excommunicated. You smell like shitty twitter troon

>> No.68308314

Because that's clearly the same as what actually kept happening.

>> No.68308413

why do you not have any empathy?

>> No.68308515

I see sisters still can't help themselves from being disingenuous.

>> No.68308615

It is the exact same. Here's the longer clip from the same stream:

>> No.68308701

pretending you can tell animal abuse from a single sound only clip is absolutely ridiculous

>> No.68308898
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She's just that unforgettable.

>> No.68308977

sexo model, post that webm

>> No.68308988

If someone decides to cut off a 1on1 relationship because you breached their trust, regardless of excuses for it, they're fully within their right to. The idea she desperately HAD to talk about Nina's shit publicly reeks of not understanding how people work.

>> No.68309322

The actual story of events is that another vtuber made a clip out of context of him playing with his cat and accused him of abusing it which many people quickly jumped onboard with. When he replied explaining that it was not the case the accuser immediately replied back with a demand for explanation about an unrelated clip where he was talking about why he didn't want to work with a particular vtuber's model, which could be vaguely construed as being racist towards the vtuber's model. He then apologized for that "incident" but because the door was opened with the cat accusation the public at large are collating the two and taking it to mean he did abuse the cat which is still said not to be the case.
This is the most blatant unabashed example of entrapment I have seen in a very long time, and it makes matters worse that supposedly the accuser in question is known for such things. It also has nothing to do with Sayu outside of it being an unfortunate coincidence that he was working on her model at the time and unfortunate still if her view and decision is tainted by how things were portrayed rather than what actually happened.

>> No.68309826
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>> No.68310037


>> No.68310203

/vt/ likes her for some reason. A woman who flew around to "meet" all the NijiEN men in person and said she thought it was stupid to marry your first boyfriend is loved by /vt/.

>> No.68310215

and you reek of someone with no spine. but that like your point was never the point of contention.

>> No.68310393

>Could it be that she's a bad person that hangs out with dramatubers too much and lies a lot to make herself relevant?
anon, matara literally used to be a dramatuber herself, holy shit, how retarded are you people

>> No.68310658

how do you people not know this shit?? since day 1 people were shitting on nina before she even did anything yet because she was female hasan

>> No.68310785
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Sayu still left out, kek

>> No.68310813

This board will be flooded with tourists for the next week until the Selen drama dies down. Nobody here knows anything right now.

>> No.68310837

literal sjw reasoning. evaluate people for themselves, not who they listen to

>> No.68310961

that tree should be
>keep it a secret
>haaayyy guuurrrll frrrrriend you won't believe what that dumb bitch just told me LOL
>everyone knows within 20 minutes and ostracizes the girl

>> No.68311044

Nah people here have been doing some weird revisionist history shit with Nina for awhile now, I guess just cause some sisters hate her now or something.

>> No.68311258

The way I've always seen it is that Nina's an ultra-sincere autist who doesn't understand sarcasm and has a somewhat childish understanding of right and wrong. Her left wing beliefs are a product of that personality type. People on here ended up calling her "based" because anything sincere is based, even if it's stupid.

>> No.68311425 [DELETED] 

That that imply she was sent to Hell?

>> No.68311888 [SPOILER] 
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sexo model indeed.

>> No.68312584

No spine? So, Nina was supposed to let Sayu walk over her and say whatever the fuck she wanted with the shit she trusted her to keep private? That's having a spine, you fucking retard??

>> No.68312831

>evaluate people for themselves
>sells dox information

>> No.68312918

Legitimately feel like anyone who is arguing against this has never been in the situation? When a close friend of mine babbled about personal shit I told them to keep quiet I instantly broke off our friendship because that shit fucking hurts man, it breaks all trust you can possibly have.

Sure I don't "hate" them anymore, they're never on my mind unless some faggot argues this kinda shit, but I definitely just do not want to speak to them because I can't trust them

>> No.68314020

>Nina's an ultra-sincere autist who doesn't understand sarcasm and has a somewhat childish understanding of right and wrong
What kind of bizarro world are you living in? Nina is a Vtuber with a lot of life-experience compared to other vtubers on the account of being an ex-normie. There's a reason everyone refers to her as a mom or aunt-type character.

>> No.68314145

I love how you guys mix up this and that to get some weird conclusion that was never the topic. If you need self help dial 988 and then get back to topic.
We ain't here to discuss your personal high school drama.

>> No.68314159


>> No.68314445

They're both lefties, Sayu is just the old fashioned kind who says edgy shit once in a while

>> No.68314585

People call her a mom partially because she's older, and partially because she's kinda cringe. She's not THAT much older than Pomu or the others.

>> No.68314643

It's moreso her personality and aura. She's younger than Pomu IIRC.

>> No.68315241

Sayu fucked up and she apologized. Nina has the right to either accept it or don't. It's not really a big deal.

>> No.68316024

...are people retarded? they complain about that? do they think he literally punched the cat in the face (and that it sounded like that?)
cats love it when you do rough petting of their butt

>> No.68316931

I was worried it would be one of those qtips video.

>> No.68318363

You have it backwards, Cali is absolutely the state you want to file divorce as a man as long as you weren't married or in civil union for 10+ years, modern left is anti-women. Red state are the ones full of white knight activist judges who'll give the woman 80% instead of 50% in divorce because vagina must be protected.

>> No.68319033

come to think of it, none of the former nijis interact with her. her fuck up is on another level of shit.

>> No.68319459

>niji management is full of evil retards
>zaion was an untrustworthy cunt liked by nobody
Both of these statements can be true you know

>> No.68320341

>sayutrannies get told for MONTHS that Nina wants nothing to do with their whore who collects dramatubers as dildos
>INSIST that Nina hates all of her friends in Nijisanji
>Now they TURN on Nina after Sayu finally admits what everyone already knew
Kill yourselves sayucucks

>> No.68321153

sayu MO looks like this
>nina graduates
>mysta graduates
>Pomu graduates
>Selen terminated

>> No.68321331

HOLY SHIT this bitch is basically Enna now twitter trannies got her in their clutches

>> No.68321888

the tail end of every post about niji is some nijisisters falseflagging. 100%

>> No.68322015

>not who they listen to
Retarded take

>> No.68322047

What did the “offender” actually do?

>> No.68322154

Nijisisters MO looks like this
>talent terminated
>talent complains
>talent cries on membership stream
>talents graduates in mass
>talent an hero

>> No.68322200

Oh yeah indogs just woke up
Salamat pagi sayucuck

>> No.68322383

Wenn der Hurensohn glaubt er redet mit einem Indo, dabei sitz hier Hans von der Frühschicht mit Flammenwerfer zum Untermenschen auslöschen. Oder in diesem Fall eher zum anzünden.

Big Yikes my man, given that you Nijisisters are all chinkies and indogs yourself.

>> No.68322451

Sorry, I don't understand subhuman. Try english, french of german. Something real people use.

>> No.68322660

Did your mom teach you European languages so you could be more like your sexpat father? Shame he returned to Europe and you're half breed mutts stuck in SEA

>> No.68322714

German is such an ugly language

>> No.68322850

What does this even mean?

>> No.68323568

What? Your racial inferiority getting to you? Didn't expect to talk to an adult, didn't you?

>> No.68323693

>it's kinda old and unpog and cringe right?
I wonder how Luca restrained himself to not choke that whore out right then and there

>> No.68323909

>"the people listening to retarded people aren't retarded, trust me bro"

>> No.68324529

I am a Sayu defender who acknowledges that Sayu did make some big mistakes and burned some bridges on her exit from Nijisanji that could have been avoided if she had been smarter.

I roll my eyes when I see those posts like "Sayu did nothing wrong and so-and-so is a backstabber or traitor for not supporting her or for saying that she did something wrong". It can be true that Nijisanji fired her for a bullshit reason but that she also made some bad plays as a result. She did some things wrong, but nothing that I would say is unforgivable and in the end I don't think she's a bad person. Sometimes you just have to accept that not everyone in the world is going to like you, and sometimes it is your fault and there's nothing you can do to fix it. We've all made bad decisions that we wish we could take back but never can. I bear no ill will to Nina or anyone else because I completely understand why they feel the way they do.

Sadly you won't find many Sayu fans as level-headed as me, or at least not ones that post here. The other level-headed ones have stopped getting in arguments here and have moved on to just watching her without posting about it.

>> No.68324744

people are shaped by the opinions they hear. biases and prejudices form through these.

>> No.68324858

Luca really gives me a lot of insight into how this board thinks. All he does is project an aura of confidence and that's enough for this board to think he's a gigachad sex machine getting laid by everyone. It's kind of inspiring, it shows you that personality goes a long way.

>> No.68324895

She was pregnant a lot.

>> No.68325043
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Cheers. Now it's time to huddle around the fire that is Niji EN.

>> No.68325365

She didn't get fired for bullshit reasons, she just fucked up, a lot, by her own admittance, while constantly claiming she was going to quit being a fuckup. It's not really about any of the individual things she did, and it's not the kind of problems a viewer should give the tiniest fuck about, but chronic fuckups get a shorter leash. That's just how it works. At a certain point, there are things you could easily ignore if the person breaking the rule had a history of good behavior, but when Captain fuckup steps over the line yet again well, it gets frustrating.

(Anycolor is a garbage company and I hope they get legal consequences for the bullying shit with Selen btw, don't waste your time calling me one of their supporters)

>> No.68325515

Management were a bunch of dumb asses as well. It hasn't even been 24 hours and look what management caused.
