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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68286771 No.68286771 [Reply] [Original]

If this was posted here, the OP would be laughed at and accused of baiting.
But these retards are unironically bootlicking this hard and getting JP updoots for it.

Is there any hope for these people or are they completely brainwashed on a cultural level?

>> No.68286954

The Japanese diet needs Corporate semen.

>> No.68286995

>nooo I must simp the girl I've never even watched, women can do no wrong waaa it must be le evil company
People did it with Rushia, Mel, and now with Selen. Just a bunch of fucking simps. As the westoid trash redditors they are.

>> No.68287609

The ndf is even worse in Japan

>> No.68287829

>trying to compare 2 holos who blatantly broke their contracts and had a relatively professional and clean termination process to Kurosanji’s latest turbo-Yab.
Spotted the Niji-nigger.

>> No.68287977

NDF-chama...you're trying too hard.

>> No.68288030

The Japanese from what I understand, worship this Idol Culture and they'll defend that to the end, It's weird as shit. As Weird as swifties are honestly. They also seem to love being whipped by their corporate masters, something we (usually) don't tolerate in the civilized world.

Asia is just mentally buck broken beyond repair, and two suns were not enough for Japan.

>> No.68288170

I have literally never even watched a single nijisanji stream because I don't watch homofaggots, but that termination notice clearly stated that she's been breaking rules for 2 years. But simp fag redditors like you clearly ignore that part because muh must protect le lady and be a whiteknight. Fucking saviorfag trash.

>> No.68288187

Where's the idol stuff in Nijisanji

>> No.68288404

It's probably also rooted in their tendency towards groupism and they dislike for certain individualist behaviors. So they tend to believe the group, or side with the group, because that is for the greater good.

>> No.68288451

Many of them are used to nijijp corporate culture and jp corporate culture in general and cannot comprehend the level of incompetance that nijien management has. They are so retarded that it would literally be illegal for them to exist in japan because they are THAT retarded. The idea of being told to sign an NDA with someone elses name on it is something so impossible that it cannot exist in their minds, yet it is everyday standard for nijien.

>> No.68288488
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You know what else it says?
>We privated the song.
>Selene made a misleading statement saying we privated the song

>> No.68288570

>I have literally never even watched a single nijisanji stream because I don't watch homofaggots
The tenth commandment of the nijidrone
> Lie. Lie like your life depends on it.

>> No.68288625
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today anon learns that nijisanji JP fans are batshit retarded and believe anything that Riku ever says.

>> No.68288661
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>JP vtubing fans
that's just niji fans in general. they put the company over the fans all the time and ignore everyone telling them otherwise

>> No.68288665

I hope you're just acting retarded, because I can't fathom how ashamed your mother must feel when she knows she should've swallowed you

>> No.68288673

No, they have a very strong go along to get along mentality and harmonious vibe is the end goal even if that harmony requires bottom feeders to be fed to sharks. Very good for relatively short term scale, but large scale doesn't work without a lot of trauma bonding.

>> No.68288680

Why don't you Anglos and westerners have your own perfect vtuber agency if you hate Japanese and asians so much? Nobody stops you to do it. Just run it and make the world better. A small indie video game company and their indie game Palworld is actually totally beating the shit out of western mega corpos,
so you can also do it.

>> No.68288686
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>Anon doesn't remember 2020 when the EOP wave literally had to save JP specifically hololive vtubers from these retards.
>Anon doesn't remember when we kind of really hated JP fans for being a bunch of schizos
The ENfans burden is great but I carry it with pride.

>> No.68288693
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Here's another fun statement form the corpo you're boot licking
>she told us she was being harassed and bullied, but she didn't address that she wasn't streaming right so we did nothing about the bullying

>> No.68288803
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I don't think you comprehend just how bad the NDF is in Japan.
They will slander you, drag your name through the mud, doxx you and harass you relentlessly.
You think you know schizos? They will make you long for something as sweet as schizos.

>> No.68288834

Doesn't Niji JP do that?

Yeah, this is a huge one. It's honestly weird. They don't like individual employees to overachieve, whereas here it's actually encouraged

>> No.68288865

All in the name of Riku and his shitty corpo

>> No.68288947

Wow getting harassed, who fucking cares? How the fuck can you even get harassed? As an eceleb? At your job? Literally just how? Why would a bunch of random people just decide to harass you for zero reason? Can you just admit that you're a whiteknight nigger? If any of these women would stab someone to death you'd still want to protect them with your life.

>> No.68289062

not an argument niji manager

>> No.68289306

Sasuga nijinigger, you aren't even aware of anycolor and cover making a statement specifically joining together to combat harassment
Truly your knowledge knows no bounds

>> No.68289388

I don't give a fuck about what they do I don't give a fuck even if all of these whores die I just hate your pathetic filthy EOP reddit kind.

>> No.68289426

All Asians are soulless insects.

>> No.68289445

I hope the pay is worth it, intern-kun

>> No.68289472

I hope you get paid more than the jannies here

>> No.68289582

Millie, can i borrow your hat? it's the only thing i like about you, you fucking cunt

>> No.68289607

Jannies do it for free.
NDF pays Tazumi for the 'privelege' of defending him.

>> No.68289621

This is the downside of having a conservative society, independent thought is a sin.

>> No.68289722

>I know, those 4chan losers are a bunch of misogynists, so I'll try to appeal to their hatred of women to get them on my side!
transparent, anon. Very transparent

>> No.68289863

Anon that's just how japanese people are. They're the ones who will say you deserve to give Nintendo part of your paycheck cause you pirated their games

You can't fix the Japanese

>> No.68289902

There's an awful lot of glowing coming from this thread

>> No.68290013

>go to jp kiwifarms
>wtf why are all japanese people like this???
literally even more retarded than if someone took a screenshot of a /vt/ catalog thread and decided that it represented all en fans

>> No.68290064

elevens are chronic rule followers and cant fathom a world in which the rules arent followed, even if it is them failing at their own processes.

>> No.68290154

I refuse to believe NDF are real people and not just hired internet agitators / organized crime

>> No.68290331

I used this picture just because it was the most retarded example I had on hand.
There’s been a bunch of similar sentiment from 2ch and JP twittter.

>> No.68290441

Japs are unfortunately taught from childhood to bootlick those above them in the workplace.
Showing respect to one’s higher-ups, especially if it’s an older person is seen as an important part of Japanese work culture and Japanese culture in general.
No matter how bad said higher-ups are treating you and your co-workers, you must obey.

>> No.68290481

What manner of wacky cultural bullshit do you have to do to a person to make them follow rules for rules' sake?

>> No.68290881

Millie stop shitposting and get back to work

>> No.68291342

Maybe they know something you don't anon? Maybe they went through many more drama shistorms then you? Maybe they realize that is is never one-sided and you should never just believe everything a fired woman says blindly?

>> No.68291412

They are so deep inside nijisanji's ass that they will try any cope no matter how ridiculous in order to reduce the cognitive dissonance they are experiencing anytime anykara gets outed for what it is - a black company not worth supporting.

>> No.68291421

I hope you're getting more than 100 ARS gift cards for this because you're working real hard.

>> No.68291667

>There's an awful lot of glowing coming from this thread
Nijisanji is serving up a combination of astroturfing, deflecting, and gaslighting. They are getting desperate enough over the Selen termination that I am guessing most of their employees are running damage control.

>> No.68292655
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Anon this has long since evolved from a run of the mill drama cycle and become a snowballing discussion of “How is Niji management this consistently pants on head retarded?”

Pic very related.

>> No.68293131

You don't have to believe her to see the contradiction within nijisanji's own statement.

>> No.68293304
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>> No.68293910

>Is there any hope for these people or are they completely brainwashed on a cultural level?
This is a tribal issue for them, in the end. Selen is a foreigner, Anycolor is Japanese. In this equation, the Japanese party will always be right, the foreigner will always be to blame. They hate on Anycolor themselves all the time, but this time they're defending them *because* the "enemies" are foreigners who need to be put in their place.

>> No.68294405

We joke a lot about two nukes not being enough, but they legit weren't enough to stamp out their nationalism. It's nuts.

>> No.68295053

Selen's artist mama called out the stealth suspension despite knowing that would get her blacklisted from both Nijisanji and Hololive. I would take any comments defending Nijisanji with a grain of salt.

>> No.68295263

>western whores and SEA monkeys think they have to fix Japan
Please stop

>> No.68295303

>an actuall atomic bombing apologist
Kill yourself immediately

>> No.68295923

Not any different from most NijiEN fans, sis

>> No.68296018

Quite an extreme take. Their nationalism before made them think they could mass rape people and mass murder innocents just like that.
Their "nationalism" now, which seems more like defending corporations because that's how we learned here in Japan, is far from it.

>> No.68296066

>comparing palworld to western ones instead of gamefreak and Pokémon
I hope you’re larping as a retard but unfortunately it may be a real condition for you

>> No.68296560

I really seems like it. Just look how many Japanese people talk about overseas people not understanding Japanese culture and values. And this time the arrogance is especially blatant. The thought that there could be a good reason >we are angry seems beyond them. Instead it's just about us dumb Westerners not being able to adapt to Japanese companies. They forget this is about NijiEN, not NijiJP.

>> No.68296612

I think its just like any country. Two burgers will complain about the state of the country all night long but as soon as a European chimes in its all USA USA USA

>> No.68296664

implying the chinese are innocents
the biggest mistake was stopping them

>> No.68296759

Japs are barely above China in their bug mentality.

>> No.68296777

Anon it's not about being japanese, they are THE OG Nijiniggers. Remember everything they took from you

>> No.68296792

Did you get rejected by an art school or something?

>> No.68296950

NijiJapanese hatred of Hololive goes as deep as /v/'s hatred of feminists.
They will defend Nijisanji until it becomes physically impossible, some have been at it for 5 years nonstop despite even Niji livers asking them to stop.

>> No.68297100

checks in the mail

>> No.68297296
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Japan is collectivist culture, much more than egoism driven China.
it has it's upsides (large social cohesion) and downsides (individuals that stand apart from the group are ostracized).

>> No.68297463

>I openly admit I know nothing that I'm talking about but want my opinion heard because my politics demands attention

>> No.68297542

Even the Japanese at skeptical at the level of mismanagement and unhappiness within the EN branch.

>> No.68297655

NDF was born in Japanistan

>> No.68297836

it's much closer to ark

>> No.68297845

Pretty sure that statement says that she omitted the context that management privated the song. Which wouldn't be a contradiction.
I find it weird that for a document full of live ammo that Niji is freely handing out, all the focus seems to be on misinterpreting a phrase. Is it some kind of psyop?

>> No.68298084

Honestly the fact they have a gay name like Liver instead of VTuber is reason enough to never support this company.

>> No.68298244

The context is that management are a bunch of lazy fucks who couldn't be assed to work.

>> No.68298669

Are they?

>> No.68298697


...Are you retarded? HER statement back in Dec was "Hello I apologize but management has privated the song"

>> No.68298787

>suki kirai dot com
C'mon now

>> No.68299549

Japs fans are schizo followers of their corpo overlords.

>> No.68299897

>The Japanese from what I understand, worship this Idol Culture
not relevant in this context at all clipnig
gb2 shitter

>> No.68300897

>jp not bootlick corp challenge (impossible)

>> No.68301001

It can't be helped

>> No.68301174

Japs are the ultimate bootlickers in human history. They literally worship the people that nuked them 80 years ago and have spent that entire time as their willing slave.

>> No.68301225

True, but arguing with strangers while calling them slurs, makes like a little bit more enjoyable.

>> No.68301403

fuck japs and fuck their dogshit jap culture

>> No.68301410

Nips have always been bot-like drones as a people who just go along with everything without questioning it

>> No.68301585
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>> No.68301692

America needs at least 10 suns dropped on it specifically to get rid of mouth breathers like (You)

>> No.68301769

>are they completely brainwashed on a cultural level?
Isn't the safer assumption that they don't know shit about what's going on in NijiEN, similar to how most westerners don't know shit about what's going on in NijiJP? If the JP side really is more similar to Holo, like you often seen said here, it would make sense for JP Fans to ignorantly defend the EN branch. They haven't experienced the same trainwreck track record that we have.

>> No.68301895

>”japan is le bad”
>he says on a board about a japanese niche
>on a website made for discussion of otaku shit
>made by a weeb who got bullied off of somethingawful for being a weeb
and don’t come back

>> No.68302252 [DELETED] 

You can't. Most of them work in conditions not dissimilar to Niji Livers. To them this is normal. The idea that an employee has the right to happiness and respect is alien, so when they see westerners complain they're shocked and refuse to take off the blinders and admit the company that entertains them after their hard days work in their black company treats their employees like shit as well. It's all just cope.

>> No.68302383

You can't. Most of them work in conditions not dissimilar to Niji Livers. To them this is normal. The idea that an employee has the right to happiness and respect is alien, so when they see westerners complain they're shocked and refuse to take off the blinders and admit that the company that entertains them after theirown hard days work treats their employees like shit as well. It's all just cope.

>> No.68302469
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you wouldn't be here without them

>> No.68302577

dear allah i wish i wasn't

>> No.68304359

>muh idol culture
Holy rentfree
This retard managed to put idol culture into a topic that has nothing to do with it

>> No.68304567

Based. American liberals are the worst because they will say sruff like: "Japan deserves a third nuke" right after comming back home from a BLM rally.

>> No.68304794

Please understand.
Anything the Company says is right by default, unless presented absolute documental and visual proof of the contrary. And even if you do so, you're left as an antisocial scumbag for not being willing to team-play, i.e. sacrifice yourself for your company.

>> No.68304871

The saddest thing in your post is that being a nijitrash corporate cocksucker, desperate to defend the company they are emotionally invested in, is truly the better alternative, because otherwise you are a literal NPC that believes anything a corporation declare, even if said corporation has an history of lying and even contradicting itself in that very declaration.

>> No.68304942

This has nothing to do with conservatism you retarded drone. Quite the opposite.

>> No.68305126
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God I hate niji-pig

>> No.68305288

A large number of those posts are from N employees. Don't fall for the narrative.

>> No.68305321

The japanese are used to getting shit on by their corporate overlords, Niji probably isn’t even that abnormal over there.

>> No.68305639

respecting higher ups whatever they may be is conservative cultural trait inherited from confucianism

>> No.68307280

They need a third nuke
