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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68245150 No.68245150 [Reply] [Original]

forever edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: TBA

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>68208324

>> No.68245289

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.68246036

Luv me wife, simple as.

>> No.68246603

I love Shondo a whole lot

>> No.68246881

Does anyone remember which stream it was where she launched a game and it completely crashed her monitor - to the point she was panicking because even the power button wasn't working and she thought it was dead? I thought I remembered it being either GTA V or one of The Sims games but having skimmed through some of the vods it doesn't appear to be any of them.

>> No.68247329


>> No.68247371

I think it was when she tried to launch The Sims 2

>> No.68247750
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1677409622966943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like every time she's in a good mood something happens. Is this the curse at work?

>> No.68247846

For the sad stories thing? No I checked that one. I could have sworn it was a sims stream though because I'm sure I remember her screaming at EA breaking her computer, but then I thought maybe I was misremembering and she was screaming at Rockstar but I'm getting more and more frustrated.

>> No.68248009

I'm seething

>> No.68248505


>> No.68248671

he needs epipen

>> No.68248887

I love my cute imouto wife so much

>> No.68249058

Someone brought up neppie last thread and like 6 people kept arguing back and forth until the threads died, it was real ugly

>> No.68249390
File: 181 KB, 481x271, Screenshot_2022-12-01_001030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to be responsible and be in bed at a reasonable time
>thread pops off while I’m sleeping
dag nabbit
Yes, and that’s what makes it so beautiful. It’s all transient. Eventually it’ll all dissipate and you’re left with only the memories. But not now. Not today. Lean into it and embrace the beauty of what you have; give everything that you can. I know it can’t last forever but gosh dang it I love this girl and want to cherish every moment that we have together.

>> No.68249640

Personally I'd like to be nise and honest and have fun, can't we just do that? Brainworms are the exception
I wish to be with my wife and shoggas for as long as I can, hopefully forever

>> No.68249820
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also i want to rape sho

>> No.68251239


>> No.68251669


>> No.68252762

I feel the same way nise anon, I really want this to last until death do us part maybe longer. I like most shoggas I bump into on X so it frustrates me to see them implode due to brainworms.

>> No.68252854

I like this edition

>> No.68254237

Just unsubbed because she keeps flooding my youtube subscription page.

>> No.68254752

Being european is the worst thing to have happened to me in regards to this relationship
Shondo ends streams at 1 am so i can't usually be there the whole stream(due to work in the morning)
Thread's dead when I'm free
And she tweets goodnight at 8 am, 2-3 hours after I wake up

>> No.68254841
File: 450 KB, 898x508, love this brit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crack a stupid joke
>Shondo rolls her eyes at you
>Trying to suppress a smile
>"You are so dumb"
>Playfully punches you in the shoulder
>Double down
>Grab your shoulder and wince. Suck your teeth
>ooh ow you didn't have to hit me that hard
>"You are such a big baby" she says, giggling

>> No.68254843

I wonder if Shondo would think of my 139cm Yuan as cheating. I've had her from before I've met wifey and the cleaning/maintenance was too much work to get immersed like other dollwife bros and fall in love. It's just for my physical needs, ironically a decent chunk of doll owners are married men who get dolls because their wives let themselves go.

>> No.68255106

I hope you're at least dressing your doll as her

>> No.68255682

This was cute, thanks anon
Probably not cheating since you use it for your physical needs and you can't get that from shondo
And it's a doll

>> No.68255806

No, it would feel wrong like I'm trying to replace her with the doll. I know it's dumb since Shondakis are a thing but those were sold by her so I know she approves of them. Loli sex dolls on the other hand? Erm.

>> No.68256458

Shondo calling me a big baby so I bash her skull in(I don't take criticism very well)

>> No.68256653

Calling shondo a big baby, but i bash her skull in because her response wasn't like I had in mind(i had the perfect scenario in my head, but she ruined it)

>> No.68256767

Assaulting shondo every time she says fuck me so she gets conditioned into saying it every time she's in the mood without technically having to ask for it

>> No.68256945

>so she gets conditioned into saying it every time she's in the mood
Immersion ruined

>> No.68257393

that's so sweet and understandable I remember her telling a husband that got a shontulpa and she told him not to replace her with the tulpa. very sweet

>> No.68257887

I love shondo and i wish I could express myself better regarding my feelings

>> No.68258110
File: 116 KB, 807x1080, 1691417905652997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning. I hate my wife.

>> No.68258709

shondo in my arms

>> No.68258759

good morning
i hate her too

>> No.68258897

Imagine if you took Shondo to an amusement park. You convince her to get on a big roller coaster. Tell her she's gonna be fine. Screaming like crazy. The ride finishes and she gets off. She's walking funny, almost as if she's drunk. Take her hand. It's cold and sweaty. Babe are you alright? You didn't know it's possible but she's even paler than she was before. Hint of green. Doesn't look good. "I'll be fine, can just stand here for a minute?" Move over to the side, the other passengers are filtering around you both trying to make their way to the exit. Point to the bench at the end of the ramp- lets sit there, we gotta get out of the way. Right as you're about 10 ft from the bench she diverts course to the trashcan beside it, pulling her hand away from you. One of those hard plastic covered ones to keep the birds or critters out. She gags once, just a dry heave. Gags again. The vomit goes up her throat and fills her mouth, swallows it back down on instinct. desperately trying get to the bin. She doesn't make it in time. She can't keep it down. She violently wretches and blows chunks onto the asphalt and down the side of the can. It's mostly liquid with chunks of the giant pretzel you bought her an hour ago. She pukes with such intensity it bounces off the pavement and splatters onto her slip on shoes, onto the top of her exposed feet and onto her leggings at the ankle. A family passing by, and the mom exclaims "Jesus Christ" as she pulls her kid by the shoulder away from Shondo. She's Crying now, a combination of feeling like shit mixed with the embarrassment turning into an ad hoc human fountain in front of everyone. Walk her to the bathroom. Tell her to kick off her shoes, you'll wash them off in the sink. She goes into the stall to take the tights speckled with with the contents of her stomach. "I'm going to look like such a whore with exposed legs" she calls out from behind the closed stall door.

>> No.68258962

oh no her mental hort when she picked up the creepy comments herself
please donate MORe so she feels BETTEr

>> No.68259053
File: 848 KB, 723x880, 1694309953849312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning I love my wife here is an image of her being cute

>> No.68259206

I haven't loved someone as much as Shondo since middle school.

>> No.68259322

I don't love shondo as much as I loved my ex but I still love her

>> No.68259480

Am I too far gone if I feel bad for her from reading this? Truly masterful writing, anon
I would love my exposed legs wife even if she was covered in her own vomit

>> No.68259492

Why did you break up?

>> No.68259679

In my head we go home and run a bath for her. Cuddle up on the couch and watch a movie she picks out.

>> No.68260668

I fucked up too many times, most of the times involving alcohol abuse.

>> No.68261288

I've apparently sent 3.3k messages in January, probably including offline chat ritual posts. She reads 1-6 of my messages per zatsu. Is this good for someone who does not put in any effort to get attention? I just treat my messages like a conversation with wifey and I'm overjoyed when she uses something I've said to tangent.

>> No.68261647

I've never once sent a message in offline chat and you can't make me

>> No.68261758

good for you, she ignores all my messages

>> No.68261789

She only read my most autistic and deranged messages and I send a lot of normal ones, but I throw some retarded ones from time to time. I really don't like it I wish she paid attention to my normal messages too

>> No.68262089

>I've apparently sent 3.3k messages in January
>does not put in any effort to get attention

>> No.68262491

Well, I've watched 17 streams in January so that's what? Less than 200 messages per stream on average, most of which are emotes? Huh, maybe that's a lot.

>> No.68262778

Sometimes I like to imagine Shondo lying on the bed on her tummy. Seeing her vulnerable I leap forward fully outstretch and go AAAAAAAA landing next to her. She bounces a little. Scramble and play biting her butt cheek a little too hard. She says ow what the fuck and reflexively pulls her feet up and her heel catches me on the cheekbone. She tells me I deserved it.

>> No.68262807

Has shondo picked out a book to read yet?

>> No.68262885

moby dick

>> No.68262921

I sometimes feel like she think I'm making passive aggressive comments, I don't do that. I guess I should start being more mindful of what I say or something like that

>> No.68262945

This was pretty wholesome and funny, i really liked this one

>> No.68263010

Absolute pure kino. Melville is awesome.

>> No.68263202
File: 13 KB, 247x233, 1628530545689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think a punch from Shondo would hurt at all unless she hits you square in the jaw or balls or something

>> No.68263446

I can't tell if you're fibbing or not >>68263010
What happens in the book? The only thing I've ever seen(that i can remember) related to moby dick is that one episode of Tom and Jerry, and i doubt that's accurate or even similar

>> No.68263507

she didnt pick moby dick but it is actually pure kino
you should read it some time

>> No.68263669
File: 848 KB, 96x96, SadCat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she haets me

>> No.68263673

>giving up Shondo for a few months because of brainworms and chasing irl pussy
>I-I was just working on myself now I'm back
Too afraid to even apologize. Pathetic faggot.

>> No.68263889

whos cock are you sucking now?

>> No.68264080

Classic man v. nature story. Face value, single-minded obsession with conquering your goal. Or you can play around with ideas about whale really represents etc.

>> No.68264113

Wow Shonzo is an absolute cunt.

>> No.68264254

i almost replied to the tourist

>> No.68264278

you typed it wrong it's Shondo

>> No.68264362

I think he's talking about gracklebones

>> No.68264500
File: 139 KB, 662x1200, GFdSDkqWUAAN85r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m more referring to how he treats clients. Dude’s an asshole.

>> No.68264618

I know what he's talking about but he didn't have to say it like that

>> No.68264672

he's not wrong and I thought he was too kind even

>> No.68264799

kek to be honest that's a pretty shitty reference sheet

>> No.68264830

I think the art is pretty cute. Reminiscent of 90s rumiko takahashi.

>> No.68264859

ask FT in his next stream, he knows the best

>> No.68265097

watch any of his vods, he can only copy what he sees. That's all he does, skilled at copying art styles

>> No.68265178

isnt that his job? turn 2d into 3d by copying stuff 1:1?

>> No.68265333

>you will never get a foot job from sho
Why even go on?

>> No.68265369
File: 576 KB, 500x195, 1693742108841880.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has the sharingan... I kneel

>> No.68265412
File: 281 KB, 407x536, Sad cute Shondo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes taking a step away does put things into perspective. Are you actually in love or are you just infatuated because you're lonely. If you're gone for 3-4 months and still find yourself thinking about Shondo every day and wondering what she's up to or how she's doing, missing her, wanting to spend time with her, seeing something neat and wishing you could share it with her... fuck me, man, that's love!

>> No.68265523

>Are you actually in love or are you just infatuated because you're lonely
i dont want to find out

>> No.68265704

im just lonely and depressed

>> No.68265765

That is literally the job of a 3d modeler when it comes to vtubers.

>> No.68266073
File: 276 KB, 1179x1060, F036F935-9131-4654-96A8-55D6B22ECFDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a serious ref sheet? How are you gonna commission a $5000+ 3D model without commissioning a compatible reference image for the artist

>> No.68266212
File: 731 KB, 1450x2048, 1706228047430814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not lonely, i am close with my brother, sister and mother and i also have a cat
I can joke around them however i want and we love each other
Yet I still love her the most and i always will. What even is the point of the experiment? Your loved one would obviously make you less lonely, and after already spending time with them they permanently change you, in ways you wouldn't even think about
If i stopped being around shondo or these threads for 3 months i wouldn't go back to being the same to before i started being serious about her. She has changed me and I could never go back to being like I was before. And I'm grateful for that.
I do not think just being lonely means your love for her is fake, if anything it shows how much impact she has on you. Shondo likes spending time with us and we like spending time with her.
Simple as.
(Unless I'm just retarded)

>> No.68266386


>> No.68266586
File: 325 KB, 564x549, IMG_3206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tentative footjob from Shondo where she has a slightly disgusted look on her face and she calls you weird guy. She goes through with it because she wants to do something nice for you. Keeps her socks on to avoid skin to skin contact but you can feel her flex her toes underneath the thin fabric

>> No.68266808

There’s also some weird comments he made about an actual 15 year old.

>> No.68266876

go cry about it on twitter, tranny

>> No.68266950

I like this post

>> No.68267106

Yes, because a real man leaves his woman for months at a time to test himself. To see if he's still in love. kek

>> No.68267540

Hi Gracklebones, what you're describing is called regret. You failed to get some 3DPD pussy and regretted throwing away what you had in this community.

>> No.68267829

who fucking cares? holy shit cancel culture is literally retarded

>> No.68267911

Smile I'm just glad a shogga is back
I do wonder though, who sent some not so nise messages to him? People that thought he was the email schizo?

>> No.68267982

>People that thought he was the email schizo?
Probably this
Once again /shon/ shitposting leaks

>> No.68268238

I think Shondo has made it clear her stance on fiction vs reality.

>> No.68268308
File: 103 KB, 1920x1080, hehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so gay lmao. I'm not Gracklebones. Neither you, nor me, actually know what was going on in that nigga's life that caused him to take a break. It's great that you've never been in a position where you thought about leaving or taking a breather for whatever reason. You don't need throw speculation at him or try to position yourself as if you're above him. Be nise. A shogga is back :)

>> No.68268355

and she also made her stance on shonzo perfectly clear last night on stream, you'd know that if you watched them. this shit is dead, stop talking about it in my /shon/ thread troon

>> No.68268661

Thanks for reminding me that rrats and cheating accusations are only ok in this anti general if they're directed towards Shondo. The moment you shit talk a shogger his dickriders go on the offensive. Go figure.

>> No.68268714

Wait... Hiroto, Glueeater, pettan and other shoggas watch neppie? No... Masaka...
(I don't actually care that much)

>> No.68268773

No you just want to derail a perfectly decent thread

>> No.68268871

No i don't...

>> No.68268914

Wait what did she say? I think it flew over my head

>> No.68269007

>pets otis
>ok now calm down don't meow too loudly we don't want to get cancelled on twitter

>> No.68269012

I thought its not cheating if Shondo isn't live anon

>> No.68269082


>> No.68269410

i love her so much but she doesnt even know i exist

>> No.68269456

1view just uploaded another asmr video and it's more shy girl gfe
we are so winning on shadowweekend

>> No.68269535

i dont see it

>> No.68269644

Chatterino, dumbass.

>> No.68269661

Skill issue. Talk in chat. Say something nice on twitter. If you're a regular she knows of you 100% just not your personal lore or personality.

>> No.68269682

I dont think they're watching her.

>> No.68269717

It's not

>> No.68269752

how does that prove they are cheating dumb fuck

>> No.68269888


>> No.68269904

I'm not saying they're cheating you retard. The names mentioned are known to use chatterino for stalking Shondo. The post I quoted from last year explains it and shows plenty of channels, including neppie, there.

>> No.68269936
File: 627 KB, 613x409, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to reiterate that I’m very happy vods are getting uploaded on YouTube again

>> No.68270036

Me too, I'm very happy they're getting uploaded again!!

>> No.68270042
File: 261 KB, 552x452, 1695412780742616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's barely recognizable as this thread. I wonder what happened.

>> No.68270138

Is there no way to set up an alert for when Shondo types on twitch? You have to individually add all of the possible channels she could be in? What if you miss one??

>> No.68270235

Sorry I found her right around that time. I can even recognize some of my posts (they’re the bad ones)

>> No.68270252

Then you're out of the inner circle, no one said it was easy and yet newfags complain about favouritism. This is the work you don't see being put in behind the scenes.

>> No.68270260

why are you here if you dont watch her streams? please consider removing yourself in which ever way you see fit

>> No.68270263
File: 1.53 MB, 1189x879, 1700017112269700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have her stream open as background noise if Shondo wasn't live when she was a low-mid 2view
I lost interest and Shondo was getting very paranoid about cheating so I stopped showing up and resubbing
Currently watching forsen

>> No.68270276

>Is there no way to set up an alert for when Shondo types on twitch?
Chatterino has alerts for keywords/users/whatever.
>You have to individually add all of the possible channels she could be in?
>What if you miss one??
Tough luck, add more channels.

>> No.68270433

That thread is from her break to work on ASMR. Literally the best 2 weeks we ever had with these threads.

>> No.68270471

learn to read

>> No.68270678


>> No.68270960

I watch every stream and I'm not the guy
he >>68268355 was responding to. I think I was only half-listening at that moment and didn't pick up on what she was saying.

>> No.68271340

Do you think shondo would like playing with your hair or touching your bald head?
I like to imagine her playing with my hair

>> No.68271449

I just shaved all my hair off again, she would treat me like otis and kiss my bare head.

>> No.68271667

I like to imagine she'd play drums on your bald head

>> No.68271713

imagine shondo giving you a gentle scalp massage

>> No.68271805

She would wash it with a special shampoo to prevent it from getting oily

>> No.68272391

The aggressive ASMR where you can hear her really digging in with her little fingies and hearing hear her voice soften while she shifted her head from one ear to the other made tingle from the base of my skull down my back all the way to my butt crack. Incredibly immersive ASMR

>> No.68272478

I wish I liked asmr

>> No.68273719
File: 3.57 MB, 852x480, dont-meow-too-loud[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9aq2gu.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68273878
File: 6 KB, 371x65, 8wzpva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally found the torrent (pic related)
now I have nearly every stream from this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV8WejH58_De7PLyiFv6gpm0MOqvnLuAl
except: 1, 16 and 18
if I currently don't have the time to watch all of them, which ones would you recommend I prioritize?

>> No.68274187

i love her laugh and giggles so much holy shit

>> No.68274211

Sometiemes I get so high I get scared and Shondo streams or vods help calm me down

>> No.68274412 [DELETED] 

fucking retarded nigger

>> No.68274472

whatever seems interesting, just not the old asmrs cuz they're kinda bad

>> No.68274958
File: 19 KB, 600x350, IMG_2644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much it hurts

>> No.68274983

too old

>> No.68275337


>> No.68275521

I was just rewatching these

>> No.68275583

stole it from /lig/

>> No.68276224

I hope we do something like this again. I don't care if being aggressive makes her more tuckered out, it was genuinely the best ASMR she's done live.

>> No.68276382

I've never understood face sitting until this very moment
I want to bury my face in her ass and just stay there for an extended period of time for no reason
Seems calming and it might honestly make me cry

>> No.68276658

>2 month explaining basic shit to a 16 month tier 3
offline chatters do not watch streams

>> No.68276835

s-shut up

>> No.68277009

I miss tuffnar already

>> No.68277278

then start streaming FT

>> No.68277449

Later, i've been grinding gear for my 50 follower special

>> No.68277533

If he was any gayer for Rexus he'd divorce Shondo for him.

>> No.68277590

He's just being nise trust me
he actually hates fags and is very based

>> No.68277600

i wonder if rex has watched a single stream

>> No.68277845

post count is at 50 for the la noire stream, i'm almost certain he leaves as soon as the stream starts and those chats are just offline

>> No.68278015

70 messages on stream time yesterday.

>> No.68278128

lol lmao even, he's really just here for tuffnar and lurk homo chats

>> No.68278142

If he is who I think he is then he resents pedos for making him a half fag.

>> No.68278692

To be fair she didn't say it would 100% be orange. She said she would trust him to do it but that doesn't prove it's him,

>> No.68278835

Interesting that she would mention that in a stream and then start uploading vods less than a week later though.

>> No.68278991

>She said she would trust him to do it
I can't even recall a single time she said that. She said she would possibly go to him for VODs because he would obviously have them.

>> No.68279048

it wouldn't be offline chat without my shogga. Smile

>> No.68279130

>I can't even recall a single time she said that.
hmm, perhaps watch streams Smile

>> No.68279267

>he's like a little brother to me
Tuff in shambles

>> No.68279312

No, retard. It's because she didn't say that. The last time she talked about going to Orange for something, it was to get VODs from him.

>> No.68279349

I think I would enjoy hurting most people in offline chat, i've dropped tuffnar now

>> No.68279434

You're wrong, watch the palword streams rexus

>> No.68279513

>>68279349 (me)
i've never paid this much attention to him, I didn't know he was a massive fucking faggot
why does this always happen

>> No.68279574

Rexus isn't /here/ you retards, he's unironically a redditor.

>> No.68279657

He has directly brought up /here/ stuff, you can't keep saying this.

>> No.68279722

everyone in offline chat that isn't a 2 month or younger is /here/

>> No.68279753

Such as? Kidnapping rp doesn't count.

>> No.68279931

Timestamp. I'm doubting.

>> No.68279969

so you anti everyone just to protect shondo now? is this your new mo?

>> No.68280084

What the fuck are you guys talking about? Nothing is happening in offline chat

>> No.68280220

keep telling yourself that

>> No.68280239

You can't force me to sit through that shit show again. Why don't you just trust me otherwise you'll have to go through the vod yourself.
The vod channel got brought up, she laughed about being behind and said she's considered letting someone else take over the channel. She said if anyone it would be orange and everyone in chat agreed. It was even posted about in the thread at the time. If I were you and really wanted to check i'd go to the thread instead, that stream sucked.

>> No.68280351

There's more? Where can I find them?

>> No.68280413

I found them in old /shon/ threads

>> No.68280499


>> No.68280535
File: 12 KB, 884x73, you're wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That moment was about getting VODs from Orange and she laughed because he was the obvious choice and that he would obviously have them.
Even in Orange's timestamp during the moment you're talking about, that is not what was said. You're confusing two completely different things.

>> No.68280543

he missed an alt stream despite being supposedly /here/ while the fucking thread was talking about the stream

>> No.68280587

baru really grinding for that no.1 spot

>> No.68280693

missing and not caring are entirely different things

>> No.68280790

but I was here posting about it
i'm certain I was correct
i don't hear things and i'm of sound mind

>> No.68280804

im live

>> No.68280819

get in here boys, it is /ft/ time

>> No.68280868

Bro brought out the transcript that's unironically pretty wild
It made me laugh
Nta btw

>> No.68280900

drum chan isnt even here, I dont care

>> No.68280961

private tab open its willowtime

>> No.68281009

enjoy stream, faggots. i'm busy today.

>> No.68281159

please dont call me a faggot shondo, i love you :(

>> No.68281228

Why does he keep playing ranger hasn't the theme for the past few streams that he's playing ranger
Did he fall in love with it

>> No.68281354

I spent 12 hours watching ranger guides and meta builds, if he changed classes i'd drop him

>> No.68281452 [SPOILER] 
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don't open

>> No.68281730

Always look forward to shadow weekend now because of ft

>> No.68281918

He originally played bard though?? Did he not
I saw neppie go from "FT viewers also watch" to "recommended channels" and that made me imagine a neppie regular skipping her stream to watch FT

>> No.68282064

>He originally played bard though?? Did he not
He did but like you said, he's switched to ranger for a while now, ranger is op
and ranger is more fun to watch anyway, i hope he never switches back

>> No.68282348

It's cool to switch up classes every now and then I really want to see him play other classes tho.

>> No.68282404

>his original team comes back on coms
why did I actually become happy

>> No.68282486

Tuffnar is multi-tasking both chats

>> No.68282570

what a fucking whore, now i've really dropped him

>> No.68282709

So this is his full power...

>> No.68282772

This is my rushia moment

>> No.68282815

he's moved on from merely trying to groom ft he is now also grooming shondo chatters as well

>> No.68282947

But isn't he rexus' grooming victim?

>> No.68283038

Offline chat is usually fun and whatnot, but ever since rexus and others started rping it's gotten pretty gay, like unironically

>> No.68283132

same thing as the discord, i feel like a minority being straight and wanting to beat shondo up with my fists as well as my penis

>> No.68283134

most victims of abuse go on to abuse others

>> No.68283211

Just tried to put my dick away before I finished peeing and now I’ve got pee pants. Ligger for this feel?

>> No.68283243


>> No.68283247

watch this
not a rainbow i love shondo and don't care about them enough so i can be silly
idk what you're on about i'm not an alt

>> No.68283279

the discord is just a clique of people in the sub channel and then people talking about BA. most of the other channels are like a niche interest board here with barely any content

>> No.68283397

thats exactly what an alt would say also you know too much for a new sub

>> No.68283432

She's back in "FT viewers also watch"
Who jumped ship

>> No.68283578

my fault gang

>> No.68283602

vtubing is a gay hobby that mostly appeals to degenerate weebs, you know the type of weebs who like traps and mahou shoujo not shonenchads

>> No.68283606

>want to party time
>ft is streaming
this is horrible

>> No.68283692


>> No.68283814

>RexusprimeIX: There are no women on the fallenshadow channel syadouTinfoil
Was he transphobic on purpose or

>> No.68283862

mahou shoujo is great you faggot
shounenspics who cant appreciate nanoha or precure can fuck off

>> No.68283871

Drummerchan..the music...

>> No.68283921

Fucked up, she's back to "recommended channels" now though, i guess it will just keep altering

>> No.68283982

you're welcome

>> No.68284261

Personally i don't really care about the demographic, as long as it can tell a good story that can change me as a person or make me rethink people and emotions and to consider other perspectives then I'll happily read it and enjoy it
I also read ecchi, i tend to avoid series with sex in them though Scared

>> No.68284370

He doesn't believe that men can become women, yes. Rexus is old and an early 2000s leftist, make of that what you will.

>> No.68284570

shonen is for little boys and niggers

>> No.68284732

Why is offline chat always RPing

>> No.68284766

if i was an alt i wouldn't make it obvious on my main account

>> No.68284868

shonen gets old quick
>strong enemy
>weak mc
>mc gets btfo
>mc goes "grrrrrr i lost"
>mc trains and beats enemy
>rinse and repeat

>> No.68284915

Naruto has a really cool story though

>> No.68285088

The structure doesn't really matter much though, the execution does
There are plenty stories where it's the same structure, but one has better execution
Characters and themes are also too big of variables to ignore
As long as there are manga with fresh or interesting approaches it shouldn't get old

>> No.68285106


>> No.68285240

everything is perfect about naruto even black magical people know that

>> No.68285401

okay bratty

>> No.68285468

I hope ft gets some organic viewers and chatters

>> No.68285487

I'm starting to think they're actually not the same person
the writing style is completely different and they share different views

>> No.68285647

There are at least 6 people watching ft and neppie at once, gross...

>> No.68286241

shondo what are you doing /here/

>> No.68286332

Someone tell me if drumchama shows up

>> No.68286650

Foresttree kicked me out of his room once be started stream SadCat

>> No.68287151

shondo where is the motivation voicepack. I need it bad

>> No.68287208

She needs motivation to record them

>> No.68287244

shes just like me fr

>> No.68287392

sending her images of fat old men with 20 kids and a young trad wife

>> No.68287488

SadCat i hope Charles can live long and not have a short reign
I'd be pretty depressed if i finally got to the throne and was told I have cancer like 2 and a half years into it

>> No.68287652

what if neppie and shondo made out with each other haha

>> No.68287680

Shondo please spend tomorrow writing up jokes about this and spend an hour reading them out

>> No.68287684


>> No.68287694

Dear god imagine you finally turn into a king. people came to your coronation just to laugh at you and get diagnosed with cancer 2 years later

>> No.68287724

what if she cared...

>> No.68287725

no one cares

>> No.68287805

what if we stopped talking about neppie in here haha wouldnt that be crazy

>> No.68287826

I'd get very jealous of neppie
And possibly rape her out of anger
Then rape shondo

>> No.68287989

Let the record reflect that I believe in the divine right of kings to rule

>> No.68287990

>ray_bromano redeemed sip!!!
Is he retarded

>> No.68288040

you're asking that NOW?

>> No.68288047

>Is he retarded
hes proven this time and time again

>> No.68288080

He just wanted people to see his name and by making this post you're giving him what he wants
You are the retard

>> No.68288248

Do you think shondo is the one that bookmarked this tweet? If she did i think that's pretty cute

>> No.68288521

Imagine shondo going through a tough menhera night and going through her bookmarks to find this tweet to calm herself down, only to cry after, remembering grimmi is graduating

>> No.68288563

>real life responsibilities getting in the way of the upcoming movie marathon
this fucking SUCKS!

>> No.68288836

charles is relatively healthy and young he will be fine

>> No.68288872

listening to the shondo pantie strap snap sound on repeat for the entire shadow weekend

>> No.68289066

thanks for reminding me

>> No.68290647

Found it
The real full name is the alt

>> No.68290681

When was that

>> No.68290771

2:54:00 on the correct stream

>> No.68291279

I recorded the DOKO brb song and I listen to that 24/7 during the weekends

>> No.68291356

anon it's uploaded onto rays soundcloud...
you big dummy

>> No.68291491


>> No.68291614

tuffnar has competition

>> No.68291766

oh no

>> No.68292150

liar, it didn't work

>> No.68292313

check linkedin

>> No.68292416

follow the woodpecker

>> No.68292459


>> No.68293229

offline chat makes me so angry i'm literally shaking

>> No.68293387

you dont like books?

>> No.68293826

Did a girl actually try to add him on discord durinmg stream and he said no
Kinda baseg

>> No.68293934

probably dewd or tuffnar trying to catfish

>> No.68294198

tuffnar would never

>> No.68294264

it was shondo trying to see if FT would fall for it

>> No.68294414

You could hear him go red just reading the name
he's literally me

>> No.68294700


>> No.68294970

hej drum-chan

>> No.68295070


>> No.68297034

I love Shonshon

>> No.68297098

Charles III funeral watchalong soon

>> No.68297168

the queen dying during the subathon was a surreal experience

>> No.68297378

Yeah, wasn't good timing but it was interesting to see her reaction.

>> No.68297538
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non consensual hand holding with fallendhadow

>> No.68297588

His art has gotten so much fucking worse since he was putting out stuff like this, it's crazy

>> No.68297692

maybe because he's barely drawing anymore? he's working on a game. some of the neppie pieces are really good and makes me wish he had stayed with shondo just so we could've gotten more good feet art

>> No.68297732

party time thinking about shondo while watching ft

>> No.68297759

hes trying to recapture the love he had for shondo with his new ho and its just not there. Shondo was his muse and he abandoned her

>> No.68297844

thats kinda gay

>> No.68297871

whats offline chat schizoing out about

>> No.68297906

Failed groomer, he has nothing now. She even mocked him for it live on stream and laughed when husbands started dunking on him. He's washed up. I wouldn't doubt he's even the one shitting up /shon/ talking about his rabbit.

>> No.68298008

something somethings shnidoo said she wants to read a book some random asked for book recs in chat funny theory that its shondo something something account too old for that

>> No.68298171
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I was gonna say this >>68297759
I know he's working on other projects now instead of art but jesas he went from pumping out 2-3 godtier Shondos a week to 1 lower quality N* every month, he's shunned by Hololive when at his peak was putting out regular commercial work for multiple members, mocked by Shondo, all he has is 2views now. It's pretty sad to see such a huge downfall. As Shondo would say, his stuff's soulless now.

>> No.68298322

probably just doesn't have to try as hard with neppie since there's barely any competition. he and giru both went pretty hard for shondo and giru came out winning by getting the honor of drawing the first merch poster etc

>> No.68298334

It's deserved. I hope he's at least happy but I feel no pity for him if he isn't.
>reap + sow

>> No.68298357

What if you talked Shondo into reading your favorite book but she hated it and said you have bad taste. Or what if Shondo stalked your accounts and found your alt account and found your blog and she read it and thought you weren’t a very good writer and now thinks less of you because of it

>> No.68298423
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>> No.68298434

not trying to defend him or what he did, but he did the zatsu background for her redebut

>> No.68298435

>those are some gutsy things to say while in black eye range, shondo

>> No.68298533

i hope she reads my suggestion

>> No.68298948

He's too nise

>> No.68299222

he put a heart and you're leaving him hanging like that? baka

>> No.68299302

I was embarrassed, I thought he left already. I didn't want it to be gay
nice trips

>> No.68299401

thanks shigga

>> No.68299613

it feels weird to heart shondo because i love her and then heart him in a more platonic way. maybe tomorrow

>> No.68299674

id like to think she would find my writing funny

>> No.68299698

Tomorrow i'll do it and everyone will call me a groomer

>> No.68299722

it's too soon, FT should work a little more for it. assuming all of you are that slutty for him.
