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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68058838 No.68058838 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.68058918
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>> No.68058943

Guess he’s not a Goldberg fan?

>> No.68058968

TL;DR. I hope this fag will graduate from this life

>> No.68059088

If the "problem" is that nijis are graduating I'm sure /vt/ would very much love to be a part of the problem.

>> No.68059217
File: 31 KB, 523x586, IMG_9130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.68059260

>wow, there's a lot burned people in that burning building
>>you can't point that out, you are part of the problem, chud
also hex is openly racist against straight white people, so fuck him

>> No.68059262
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>> No.68059322

I'm the problem
Also imagine actually making this image lmao, you an intern?

>> No.68059400

heaven forbid that viewers *gasp* discuss the elephant in the room

the only livers that are comfortable saying everything is ok are the most milquetoast mediocre ones that do only the bare minimum, so of course they're safe

>> No.68059421

Pathetic lisping fuck kek

>> No.68059544

>It's YOUR fault that organs are graduating not the company's, you chud.

>> No.68059580

Hi Uki, I hope you stay in Niji forever so notPomu can be free of your incessant bullshit.

>> No.68059591

Why does he speak like a woman?

>> No.68059714

she/her a women

>> No.68059765

normally i would be indifferent to this guy, but i developed a serious hate boner for him when all his little fangirls would tell all the new livers that all of Pomu's builds were done by Uki because they're retards who don't watch the girls

>> No.68059818

in minecraft

>> No.68059890

Gee I wonder why NijiEN is bleeding both fans and talent when one of the "premiere" talents there is like *this*

>> No.68059981

this didn't happen

>> No.68060577


>> No.68060688

Why are you posting double faggots on my board?

>> No.68061131

>you know
>you know

this mf can barely string a sentence together and somehow got hired to entertain people, I think we know what the problem is

>> No.68061271

>god i hate white people
Don't worry, he does too.

>> No.68061542


>> No.68061621
File: 253 KB, 1000x1422, FUh7r_oVIAE4xHd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if they didn't make graduations in Niji a regular occurence people wouldn't bring it up.

I didn't even know he got a new outfit and managed to look even more fruity than before

>> No.68061855

>Racist fag who's entire personality is being a racist fag thinks his opinion is worth shit

>> No.68061904

So who's next?

>> No.68064387


>> No.68064648

Dude writing a fucking novel just to finish a single sentence

>> No.68066592

NijiEN is filled with snowflakes, yet all the time they shit much worse on others and even their fans.

>> No.68066854

I will continue to enjoy the downfall of Nijisanji EN and the exodus of all their shitty fans ending up in Vshojo camp. May Vshojo enjoy the pandora's box Mousey insisted on opening.

>> No.68066990

>Bitch if you don't stfu
Hahahahahaha is hilarious that any niji still thinks they can be intimidating after all this shit show, NijiEN is dying deal with it

>> No.68067653

>your coworkers are all leaving one by one
>your easy streamer job is in danger
>management breathing down your neck whenever you don't pull high enough noombers
I'd be pretty pissed too desu, more so at the management than people making fun of it but still

>> No.68067949

So guys, who's next?

>> No.68068038

I do agree with Uki's take of "If all you're doing is saying stuff like Who's next on the chopping block, then you're part of the problem". There's a big difference between "How many more will you lose before you fix your problems?" and "Oh boy, who's gonna be next? Niji is gonna be over soon!". We complain because we want what's best for the talents, but we have to remember that part of their work is growing the Niji brand and it's hard not to feel bad when you see people badmouthing your work.

>> No.68068167

Kunai, I’d say.

>> No.68068209

I hope him, Enna, and Luca especially stay in niji forever. It's what they deserve

>> No.68068356

why do you fags keep saying that when even if she wanted to be out, she cant go out until her 1 year contract is done?

>> No.68069942

Poor Millie, she tries so hard to defend the company.

>> No.68073133

nah, licking riku's asshole is her specialty.

>> No.68073524
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So does he really feel that way? Or did he draw the short straw and was "convinced" by management to tell fans to stop noticing Selen's absence?

>> No.68073542
File: 2.07 MB, 1100x778, NIJISANJI EN AR LIVE COLORS PASTEL STAGE & VIVID STAGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugo - December 2022
Zaion - March 2023
Nina - July 2023
Mysta - Aug 2023
Pomu - Jan 2024
Kyo - Feb 2024
Selen - TBA

so whos next?

>> No.68073570

Honestly I'm still amazed that Selen hasn't quit yet.
I thought she would quit after management fucked her art contest up or whatever it was back then.

>> No.68073596

Wasn't Shu mentioned from the guy leaking Nina

>> No.68073616

How did you even make this mistake

>> No.68073623

she has but since she is locked in the contract its at niji's pleasure when she gets to leave

>> No.68073642
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>> No.68073645

Even in their attempt to deflect and project they still can't deny there's a "problem" at NijiEN.

>> No.68073740

still a rrat at the moment.

>> No.68073760

Probably trying to run out the clock so she can get her severance. Can't get those greenbacks if she quits or gets fired.
Also she's almost certainly lawyered up.

>> No.68073766

The funniest shit would be if Selen's stealth suspension is already over but she's staying silent in protest

>> No.68074413

Selen unironically. She's already with a foot at the door and her whole fanbase is already outside

>> No.68074459

>I'm suspended for a month but can I at do literally anything for my lesbian lover Pomu's graduation?
>month-long suspension ends
>complete silence

If she didn't love the dragoons I wouldnt put it past her

>> No.68074634

I wish I was Riku, getting rimmed feels great

>> No.68078221

Vex is next?

>> No.68078418

last year
>if you talk bad about management you got fired

This year
>If you suck management cock, you get out first

>> No.68078977

Nothing against him, I haven't seen a single thing from his content to even have an opinion, but why does he stutter so much to say something so simple? "I don't like when people speculate about future graduations when one one of your friends is leaving. You don't understand what's going behind the scenes and it feels really disrespectful to the talent and their fans" is shorter and straight forward, stuttering and hesitating takes away from the point you're trying to make.

Anyway, people wouldn't joke about it if it didn't happen every month nowadays.

>> No.68079570

the faggot that is constantly being racist suddenly has morals lmao

>> No.68081396

yeah he's next

>> No.68081495


>> No.68084903

What on earth makes you think Niji gives severance pay? Severance pay is basically apology money when you terminate an employee because when downsizing/selling off the company/eliminating their role.

Generally, contract workers (which is what livers are) do not qualify for things like "severance pay", "unemployment benefits", or other monetary benefits provided to direct employees of a company.

>> No.68084920

>: remember that saying things like “oh who’s next” or “who do you think is going to be the next one to leave or graduate” , I’m just gonna say now that if you are somebody who says that unironically then you are apart of the problem.
>if you were in our shoes and you saw that people instead of focusing on sending off one of your precious friends with love and support and a smile , instead people are talking about who’s going to be the next one b*tch if you don’t shut the f*ck up right now
>even if you do joke about it I think it’s a pretty bad joke that’s what I’m going to say it’s a pretty shitty joke. some people are grieving some people are trying to accept things and move forward and you’re here trying to talk about who is going to be the next person +
>to leave and you’re trying to be negative and cause unwanted and unneeded negativity and chaos and distortion amongst the community. There’s probably a group of people that feel like that and to you I say aren’t you tired ?

>> No.68085099

He's upset that drama is distracting people from fawning all over his gayness, he's using it to redirect attention back to himself

>> No.68085207
File: 523 KB, 704x703, 1691211283829794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will continue to be part of the problem until NijiEN is dissolved and every member graduates

>> No.68085215

Because it's pouty and whiny, he's playing for sympathy

>> No.68085355

People are asking who's next because the company is clearly shit.

3 talents leaving is sus. 4 talents leaving with 1 totally radio silent is fucking sus as all hell. Sure we don't see what's going on internally but we can see what former talents have said and we can see that there indeed appears to be a pattern of talent flight here.

>> No.68085380

He just sounds like a normal gay dude you delusional retard

>> No.68085593

Squirm, you little faggot fuck. Your precious "family" is leaving your pathetic crab bucket. KWAB

>> No.68086530

But that is exacly my intention

>> No.68087909

Saying "like" and especially "you know" means he's not confident in what he's saying. When someone says "like" "you know" a lot, it's them searching for validation form the person their talking to.

>> No.68088415

Medical reasons.

>> No.68088889

I just realized he's not talking about anyone other than Sayu/Zaion here, 100%

>> No.68089038

So like did his management tell him to do this because if he doesn't he'll be next on the graduation block? Or is this genuine.

>> No.68089344

> Nothing change in kurosanji, history repeat itself
> people know the result already
this faggot :
> nothing change
> predicting the resuilt if you being le bad
Kek, don't ask a faggot "entertainer" whose only personnality is "i'm gay" too much honnestly it's not like he is smart or anything in the first place. Well at least he consume premium copium, but that shit reduce you life esperancy like the hormone he take.

>> No.68089479

This is just damage control

>> No.68089587

Sayu has not commented on anything Niji-related for months

>> No.68090070

>Nina left because she had to, for some reason it might be management related (Please correct me on this)
>Pomu had a "once in a lifetime opportunity" and was flat out rejected by management
>Selen had perms by the owner of Last Cup of Coffee but for some "reason" she wasn't allowed to + can't host any tourneys anymore
>Mysta's management refuses to help him with his tax problem
>Mika was completely sidelined and forgotten despite being the more popular NijiID.
Yeah. Who the fuck is next? I literally don't give a fuck on what this queer think's he's saying. NijiEN's management and staff is absolute dogshit.

>> No.68090119

ITT: subhumans mad that someone is calling their behavior subhuman

>> No.68090219


>> No.68090241

Nina left because of fanbase shit which she’s clarified in her current persona
Mysta’s had help from management on his tax issues and they had nothing to do with his graduation

>> No.68090316

I would be surprised if she isn't soft terminated by now, the writing is on the wall.

>> No.68090461

A big nijiJP said
>They say we are the companies talent and that we are individual contractors when it's convenient for them.
Anyone who thinks nijisanji is giving more then the talents cut is dilusional.

>> No.68090483

Fucking hell the amount of dick sucking and boot licking in the comment section.

>> No.68090515


>> No.68090550


>> No.68090555

You might be retarded.

>> No.68090562

Medical or """medical"""?

>> No.68090585

I said what I said

>> No.68090781

I'm not sure why you're replying to me since we agree, but ok

>> No.68092555

>but we have to remember that part of their work is growing the Niji brand
Ah yes and Uki posting on twitter and in other male liver’s chats about how much he wants his holes gaped really grows the Niji brand

>> No.68092700

If you do dumb/stupid/bad shit, you get badmouthed, simple as
And Niji livers have done A LOT of stupid shit in the past year

>> No.68092707

>Then you are part of the problem
Why "those" people use the exact same phrases, they're all connected by one huge fag central?

>> No.68092792

He's gay

>> No.68093014

It's called the hivemind, there's no breaking free from it unless they don't touch any phone or internet and work manual labor for 2 years.

>> No.68093227

>Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up right now with your stupid ass, like
If I don't shut the fuck up then what? If you can't commit to any consequences, and if there are no legal consequences, then why should I be restricted in my actions? Even menhera prime Michael Cat was less spineless than this fool. Also, I've heard Biden give more coherent speeches. Yes, I did listen to the video.

>> No.68093426

What I thought the gay one is Uki
Is Ren gay too?

>> No.68094237

Actually doing exactly that is the perfect retaliation against nijisanji management, especially if she's causing the indie scene to rally behind her silence. Either she's still suspended and the drama causes them to say something that may or may not put them in legal trouble, or she isn't and they come out and explain what's happening and it's made clear that they did something that she's protesting, getting more people to rally behind her cause.

>> No.68095673
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> meanwhile, same guy to fans who found out their oshi is graduating

>> No.68095739

oh great here comes the reddit copy paster

>> No.68095789
File: 163 KB, 943x550, can't graduate due to nijien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there's a lottery system and a queue, sooo...

>> No.68096125

Why would he think ANY pomudachi would come to his community after that shitshow of an offcollab with feesh and pomu lmao. "Girls offcollab" my ass

>> No.68096193

This dude is a literal homofaggot so he can fuck right off and fix his own mental state first before trying to fix anyone else.

>> No.68096220

You will never have children

>> No.68096297

Pomu is gone and that means NijiEN is finished plain and simple.

>> No.68096339

I guess Uki is next

>> No.68096391

YWNBAW. Now fuck off, statistic.

>> No.68096417

>Nina left because of fanbase shit
Is that why she was immediately going on and on about how great it was to have management that didn't suck complete ass once she started in Vshojo?

>> No.68096482

She didn’t say that. I can tell you’ve never actually watched her since you don’t even know what I’m talking about

>> No.68096569

>actual racist
41% yourself faggot.

>> No.68096590

Matara has absolutely thrown shade at her previous company's management being useless fucks.
If you care so much about her, share a clip where she blames "fanbase shit".

>> No.68096683

>an obnoxious faggot telling other people off
ye no

>> No.68096821

yea i ain't reading that shit
Here's the concise "Why they're gone" list for EN, chronologically
>Yugo was so schizo and menhera, he was asked to walk
>Zaion did Zaion things and was fired for speedrunning infractions in less than 20 days
>Mysta was 1-guy'd to death, along with 3-4 stalkers unironically hard committed to harassing him
>Nina was never appreciated by her own wave, it never stopped bothering her
>Pomu missed out on a OiaLO
>Kyo got bored i guess?

>> No.68096852

How much do you wanna bet he’s white himself too

>> No.68096887

Welp I was trying to find the clip but it looks like the channel got deleted kek. This was the link though
I’ve spoonfed enough, you can do your own archive reps

>> No.68096903

Kyo got Enna pregnant and is now trying to run.

>> No.68096905

no one hates white people as much as other white people

>> No.68096953

Getting rid of that chink faggot would be the only smart decision they've ever made.

>> No.68097029

The irony is they (Kuro and Matara) shit on Niji as much as they can, but also do "accidental" callbacks every chance they get too

>> No.68097190

Matara doesn’t shit on Niji as much as subhuman dramafags would like you to believe, and honestly Kuro doesn’t really either

>> No.68097329

>my sexuality is my whole personality
Why are faggots like this

>> No.68097511

Hex is brown flip, talked about it on stream so not against rules to post

>> No.68097789

So we'll just have to say it ironically? That's all I'm getting from this spergout

>> No.68097962

Monkey hear buzzwords monkey repeat

>> No.68098043

God I hate this faggot

After Selen? Shu

Can't quit if you get terminated first!

>> No.68098070
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>Hexcutters have been simping for him thinking he's a tall handsome white man when in reality he's an ugly brown with sausage fingers

>> No.68098073

precisely because he slept with pomu before, that's why he expects pomudachis to come to his fanbase. That's how their rbains work

>> No.68098087

How am I supposed to read this run-on sentence?

>> No.68098241

Selen is the obvious choice.
But, I'll say Maria.

>> No.68100057

>After Selen? Shu
Shu would never graduate as long as Elira is there.

He's PL is 100% simp to Elira, uses Elira's fanart as a Twitter banner before he debuts as Luxiem

>> No.68100553

Hope you're next in 41% queue

>> No.68101456

Graduations are to Nijisanji what 3D lives are to Hololive

>> No.68102357

You people are just airing out your cuck fetish at this point. It's really weird that you want to be cucked by a gay man bro.

>> No.68102813

Domain Expansion: Wall of text

>> No.68102840


>> No.68102991

why stop at NijiEN, burn the whole thing down. Send Nijisanji to the trash can where it belongs.

>> No.68103013
File: 278 KB, 800x600, 1683767956039920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68103254

this image gives me hearty keks.

>> No.68103426

this to (2) be very fucking honest (vfh)
Seriously though, I have zero fucking sympathy for Uki, he spreads hate.
Disgusting person, disgusting hypocrite.

>> No.68104150

Thanks OP now I remember why I hated Uki's guts on debut.

>> No.68104598

He isn’t actually black, anon

>> No.68105310

everyone uses filler words, usually people trim them out of quotes. just listen for them next time you talk to a human.

this is just absolute made up nonsense.

>> No.68105995

Thought i was having a stroke, a fucking poem of repetitions just to say 3 lines

>> No.68108644


>> No.68108785

Please free Rosemi...

>> No.68108797

ngl that is actually adorable
Is he an asshole like the others or actually one of the good ones?

>> No.68109006

I don't know anything about Nijis but his demeanor sounds so fake. It's like he's trying not to explode before going "Bitch stfu" and exposing himself as just another normalfag with an avatar. People really watch this?
