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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68044930 No.68044930 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.68045040

>delivery time
>4:51:12 vs 1:34:44
>holo vs holo
don't you have a graduation stream to watch or something?

>> No.68045457

your brain fails

>> No.68045575

Why didn't the /#/ botter bot Fwmc this time?

>> No.68045683

>all those viewers dropping off after a few minutes
Why don't men watch streams?

>> No.68045817
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, 1690483515189191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you don't know how to read graphs, without actually telling me you don't know how to read graphs.

>> No.68045829 [DELETED] 
File: 272 KB, 423x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoLo Vs HoLo

>> No.68045886

Numbertrannie threads should be banned on sight

>> No.68045970

>>4:51:12 vs 1:34:44
>4 times the length and still mogged

>> No.68046033

is this the one that got butthurt over stand/isnt real jokes? or was it the other one?

>> No.68046036


>> No.68046100 [DELETED] 

>smartest /#/fag
saged btw

>> No.68046148

Boy you've fucked up

>> No.68046162

That's pretty grim for a 3d birthday stream

>> No.68046213


>> No.68046348

Kinda weird for a holo to have a non-3D birthday

>> No.68046361

Neither of them liked it because the joke was literally just "haha your sister is dead" and neither one of them are familiar enough with Western memes to have any fucking clue what was being referenced.

>> No.68046370 [DELETED] 


>> No.68046865

Isn't that barely higher than Bae's first birthday? Did all the botting hurt their channel?

>> No.68046937

>3D live vs karaoke
very honest appraisal
love em both btw

>> No.68047044

nobody in HoloEN has had 3D before their first anniversary (Advent could be the first, although they might be held up by the second batch of homos)

>> No.68047053

yeah but just wait for mococo's tomorrow
gonna mog the shit out of mori

>> No.68047105

The mori stream being compared was 3D but it was also a karaoke

>> No.68047973

>Mori's first birthday
>31.7k peak, $55k superchat total
>Fuwawa's first birthday
>21k peak, $14k superchat total
On second thought, let's stick to OP's appraisal...

>> No.68048040

Mococœ > Fuwawa

>> No.68048119

>vtuber prime vs Western stagnation and decline

>> No.68048178

Her first birthday stream was when she dropped "Your Mori" or was that the 2nd one?

>> No.68048237
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So if we account for time it would look something like this?


>> No.68048897 [DELETED] 

>comparing their most recent birthdays doesn't count because one was 3d!
>b-but comparing their first birthdays also doesn't count because one was during prime vtubing!
>b-b-but comparing their 2025 birthdays doesn't count because Mori has way more subs!
>b-b-b-but comparing their 2030 birthdays doesn't count because mori had a decade to build up her audience!

>> No.68048991

>you are not allowed to point out different circumstances because...
>because you can't ok!?

>> No.68049121

Newfags don’t watch streams they just make stupid posts who could’ve foreseen this

>> No.68049158

It will be so awkward if Mococo blows her out of the water

>> No.68049339

>t. compares vtubers inspite of different circumstances

>> No.68050533

he probably torpedoed his bank account trying to save a dead channel

>> No.68050718

I will never understand why retards think that you have to like every Hololive member equally.

>> No.68051038

>>holo vs holo
>in a numbers thread
youre actually fucking retarded. numbers IS holo vs holo. dont like it? dont interact with numbers.

>> No.68051339

Nobody thinks that retard, you simply don't use one holo to shit on another holo, or any vtuber preferably. Being a tribalfaggot asshole contributes nothing to the board, which is garbage as it is already.

>> No.68051695

I get it, when there no other competition for Holo right now, got to pit themselves against each other.

>> No.68051721

Being a tribal faggot is quite literally this whole board’s personality. Even the fucking mods refuse to mod shit most of the time.

>> No.68051729

wait is this why the botretard bots the twins? Just for shit like this?

>> No.68051816
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>> No.68052163

You're free to not like other holomem, you're free to try to pitch them against eachother with your little numbers, and we're free to call you a retard for having worthless opinions
If you want to whine go to your mother

>> No.68052666

Imagine typing all of that out for nothing.

>> No.68052740

Literally a 3d concert vs karaoke, it’s sad that mori didn’t do better

>> No.68052847


>> No.68053210

Line go up haha

>> No.68053426

>3D VS Karaoke
Homobeggar never watches stream, Just like always

>> No.68053760
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The songs were bad.
I unironically cancelled my five month membership last night because I realized I have not really enjoyed their content for a long time.

>> No.68053786

>Fuwawa's birthday
Shouldn't it also be Mococo's birthday? Sorry, I don't watch the retarded dogs.

>> No.68053847

KEK, homobeggar never watches anything

>> No.68053934

They need two separate streams for maximum milking. Don't feel bad about not watching. Their own "viewers" can't even watch them KEK

>> No.68053996

Why is there so much Fuwamoco hate on 4 chan, is it sisters offended?

>> No.68054039

This but Mori

>> No.68054077

FuwaMoco split their birthday into 2 parts to get more supas/people buying merch. That's going to hit their view count but increase their revenue, it was a smart business decision.

>> No.68054082

Didn't Fuwawa stream this at like 2 am or something?

>> No.68054138

Chumbud effect: dogshit (heh) fanbase leads to everyone else hating them and their oshi.

>> No.68054228

it was funny because it was super apparent that this was to force more money from fans. fans that treated the 1st one to a lot of money, feels bad, and has to through money at the 2nd birthday as well to not cause imbalance in the matrix, very dark and exploitative business decision of which there will be many, many more from the dogs.

>> No.68054234

This is pretty obvious, but I was just wondering if they had some "lore" for this.

>> No.68054240

They live rent free in homobeggar head after https://youtu.be/B_kZ1WSpJBg?t=2817
KEK, homobeggars seething so hard they make thread non-stop on that day

>> No.68054293

I love the dogs but have wisely spent 0 dollars on them, they are too good at milking paypigs since they've literally had a decade as idols to practice it.

>> No.68054328

Something something mamapuppy magic

>> No.68054339

Holy fucking KEK
Homobeggar got destroyed so hard KEK
and also the comment section LMAO

>> No.68054378 [DELETED] 

>the silent on homo section

>> No.68054395

FuwaMoco literally hitting the mute button on the homos lmao

>> No.68054501

>Homobeggar seething in comment section

>> No.68054522

Born just before and after midnight

>> No.68054623

>Homobeggar are fucking obsessed with the girl
Why these people never cares or watches holostar stream?????
Instead they try to shit on the girl who want to do their own thing???

I will never understand these kind of people……

>> No.68054678

I would feel bad for Ruffians, but they seem to enjoy it, so I guess it is fine.

>> No.68054783

>homobeggar are holo-anti and mentally ill
everyone on this board already knew this, even Reddit hates them now

>> No.68054920
File: 31 KB, 597x286, HomobeggarSeethingNonStop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, no wonder why homobeggar seething so hard

>> No.68054988

Boy there sure is a whole lot of posts with incorrect singular/plural distinction all of a sudden...

>> No.68054989

Sisters are seething that FuwaMoco will make in 2 days the equivalent of their yearly salary

>> No.68055203
File: 307 KB, 750x920, Hr74h69rj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do anti Hololive. How could you tell?

>> No.68055316

Beggars forget they don't actually run things just because they don't get backlash when saying the stupid shit they do on Twitter

>> No.68055437

I see homotroons are still seething hard at the dogs. How is it possible for homoshits to be 3view failures and still have such a cancerous fanbase?

>> No.68055477

Because not even their "fans" watch them

>> No.68055676

This is funny because departing holos don't even get graduation streams lately.

>> No.68055710

yeah, most homobeggar are from from SEA

>> No.68055810

>most homobeggar
>are from from SEA

>> No.68056214

Ruffians.... you told me we would win...

>> No.68056235

Most of homobeggar are from SEA please understand

>> No.68056352

Homobeggar are SEA creature please understand

>> No.68057176
File: 151 KB, 640x809, 1706899631531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo vs holo
Imagine being so successful the only competition you got is your company. Where's embedrodent? Where's the Gura killer Salami? Where is your David who can slay our Goliath?

>> No.68058995

>"Ruffians...? Where are you all going? There's still 3 hours left! Come back!!"
nice fagbase KEEEEEEEEK

>> No.68059097

Why do people bring this one up so much?
All that happened is that Mori put karaoke in the title so people didn't realize it was actually a concert stream.

>> No.68059132

You cant even speak english and you copy and paste your own posts
You shit up this board hating on a boogeyman and cum in your mouth

>> No.68059323

its also a lie considering that a large part of the stars hating-unicorn pride general, /#/, is SEA.

>> No.68059666

It happens, enough people are born that any strange timing can happen. I think I read something about twins born both sides of the new year recently.

>> No.68059737

Homobeggars are a prime example of what a vocal minority is.
