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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67869427 No.67869427 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth, increase their numbers, and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, althought we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm not really new to streaming/ vtubing, it's ok if I post here?
This is the advice thread ma'am, just ask. We also help with redebuts and rebranding.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like buying ads in this site, for example)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.


>Some resources
https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)

>threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>67839948

>> No.67869548

board got really quick all the sudden huh

>> No.67869792

rushia storm days , get used to archive in >20mins

>> No.67870162
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well for now have a blue woman

>> No.67870243

what even happened this time

>> No.67870497

cat is out of the bag, alien dude tweetlongered rushia and just now rushia firedback and trolls are having a party in the catalog, they get their threads banned but they can still push slower threads out.
if I tell you what happened I will get the ban too

>> No.67870634

oh yeah and earlier today selen related drama I think graduation is imminent.
The perfect storm.

>> No.67870722
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been like this all day

>> No.67870790

I literally had the tab open, got distracted and it died

>> No.67870898

oh yeah i know what happened, i just thought that already happened and most of the drama had passed already. thank you
also lol’d /asp/ not realizing i lurk there too, i just don’t post because what would i even talk about

>> No.67871420
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yeah but you gotta understand split always rub people wrong so some of them are going to get into tribalism shit but in truth at this point posters group are still identical

In any case, the objective apparently was to make this thread a bit more focused on the advice and therefore it is slower by design
It is also a little harder to come into a place where everyone knows each other so a fresh start would benefit girls like you and the others.

Still you will need to network far and wide, so I would recommend not only lurking asp but every thread that catches your fancy.
I would recommend for you specifically to check /vsinger/ when it's up.

>> No.67871466

They're not real idols except for Sora

>> No.67871601

le yagoo dream...

>> No.67871855

>thread died

>> No.67872071
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>> No.67872229

So waspies how was your day? any progress in your stuff? Do you have an ETA already?

>> No.67872400

i’m aiming for before march for my first stream! my model art is done, just need to work on actual rigging now

>> No.67872598

>i’m aiming for before march
relatively close then, are you nervous?

>> No.67872721

mutton doko...

>> No.67872832

>So waspies how was your day?
ok I guess
>any progress in your stuff?
lol no

>> No.67872881

a little bit but no more than usual i think? my first stream will be most likely be me testing settings and maybe showing off a little of my model, my actual debut if i choose to have one will be a little later in the year

>> No.67872925

I’m excited for Rinna’s collab and I hope she gets a huge boost from it.

>> No.67872994

anon….. i’m right here…..

>> No.67873010

good plan, just be sure to name it "testing stream" so people get it is an open beta

>> No.67873131

My day was bad my eating disorder is really bad and it’s doing a lot of physical damage really quickly.

Any progress

No I want to dabble in GFE but I can’t get over how cringe I must sound

I’m already a chub

>> No.67873184

>how was day?
im a little tired. good day, but had bad insomnia and been sick recently

>any progress in stuff?
setup a booth model today, and gonna pick out some bgms before i go to bed

probably mid to late feb, it's a first debut so i don't need to be too fancy. gonna prep my stuff and show my skills where it matters, i'm networking here and that's volumes better than tweeting about a debut

>> No.67873303

GFE scary...

>> No.67873321
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you didnt say good mutton morning today...

>> No.67873432

>>No I want to dabble in GFE but I can’t get over how cringe I must sound
embrace the cringe so hard it becomes based

>> No.67873457

cringe gfe is nice too...

>> No.67873470

oh yeah i forgot to talk about my day huh
mostly spent it working but i got a nice latte afterwards, now i’m getting ready for bed to do it all over again

>> No.67873606

i got worried i was being cringe posting it here every day so i posted it on twitter instead…… forgive me

>> No.67873636


>> No.67873674

yeah I actually dont check twitter
I should probably start following chuubas here

>> No.67873769

>bad insomnia
try camomile tea

>> No.67873823

thanks anon, will do! i was stumped on what kind of tea to make

>> No.67873903

yeah that’s fair, i’m very bad at checking social media. i just post then log off
sleepytime tea (aka chamomile mint) is the best

>> No.67874018

Please let this piece of shit thread die

>> No.67874103

i wanna do a test stream but i also want people to show up which defeats it being a test stream...

>> No.67874210

nothing wrong with gathering a little audience before you stream for real i think

>> No.67874612

speaking of networking outside of /here/ where’s some other good places to post?

>> No.67874653
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this one has been coming for a long long time, it's too late to do anything about it anymore.
Balance must be restored to the wvt ruins. It is inevitable.
Truth is, you lost the second the new chuubas started posting here. This is their home now. /asp/ is just the "other thread".
More will come.
I seen many splits during my stay in this zone, and I already know which ones will make it. Give it up, it's ogre.

>> No.67874929

thats the thing: there is nowhere.
reddit is a wasteland
discord are closed spaces and not as effective.

Any vtuber you see here looks down on herself for having 10 viewers, but I have seen girls streaming for years that dont go past 5. They dont understand how privileged they are.
It's a desert out there.

>> No.67875047

Nothing like chatting in someone's stream

>> No.67875306

yeah, go visit their discords
learn how to draw and make art
Above all, be useful
All relationships are transactional
When you have lots of numbers, you are seeking for a way to turn those numbers into something useful
Give them something and they will give back.
Actually I knew a few male vtubers that do this, so it applies to both sexes

>> No.67875712

dont do this if you are a male, thats how you get everyone to schizo you

>> No.67875802

thats why im /here/

>> No.67875998

appreciate this place, and when the time comes, also let it go.
It is a monkey paw indeed.

>> No.67876078

>it is a monkey paw, indeed
i came in knowing this and will go out knowing this

>> No.67876399
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Reminder for that girl who got tekken to check out sabina penguina vtubers tournaments since you will get some networking out of it
Also /fig/ posts tournaments a lot, join them, get your ass kicked, shake a few hands, and you will get new followers. This is actually the real fightan buff, community is very supportive when not trying to fight each other in real life

>> No.67876555

Can anyone give me a script to read to practice with

>> No.67876663

So as a joke, I went to my friend's house wearing Pekora's wig and clothes. I could barely stop my laughter as he went as red as a tomato and looked at me from head to toe with a bit of drool in his mouth. The way he stared made mde feel a bit funny too, but I decided to tease him more by taking off my clothes. He asked me, "Are you serious?" and I said "Yep peko."
He went silent for what seemed like forever, so l asked him, "What's the matter peko?" He said he's confused, but then his bo

>> No.67877028

good night /wasp/
do your best to survive the night

>> No.67877134

"Anyway..." Petra started trying to drive the conversation away from her blush "Selen said you had something for me?" She added, Rosemi smiled "Yeah!!" The rose maiden gently put her hand on Petra's cheek "Stay still for a moment"

Petra looked confused but agreed "Okay...?" Soon a thin vine came out if Rosemi's sleeve and carefully made its way into Petra's hair, It wrapped around the penguin's head until it was in the shape of a halo then a mix of orange and black roses sprouted from the vine and quickly grew into full bloom making a custom flower crown.

When it was done the vine came out of Rosemi's sleeve and pulled it self into Petra's hair as well "There, I've been want to make custom flower crowns for you and Selen for awhile... What do you think?" Petra could barely see it but smiled.

"I love it, thank you Rosemi" She said as she hugged the rose maiden "Your welcome" Rosemi giggled "Oh, and since there made from my magic that means they're never wilt!" She added excitedly.

"Damn, and just when I thought Petra couldn't get cuter" Selen's voice came from the patio door as the two smaller girls turned to look in her direction they saw their lunar dragon holding three bento boxes with sets of chop sticks on top and Ember flying next to her.

Rosemi beamed at the sight of her other girlfriend while Petra was dealing with her blush returning from Selen's comment as the laughing dragon walked over.

The dragon smugly leaned down and whispered into Petra's ear "You know blushing just makes you even cuter right?" Petra groaned and lightly smacked Selen's face making both of her girlfriends laugh. "Okay Selen, stop teasing her"

"But it's fun!"

"If you keep teasing her, I won't kiss you" Rosemi replied with her own smug face.

"Ohhh that's dirty" Rosemi just smirked at the dragon before she groaned "Fine... Your lucky Petra" Selen said in a fake jealous voice "What was that?" Rosemi asked with her smirk increasing, She knew the power she held in this relationship and loved using it.

"I just said I hope she enjoys the bento!" Selen laughed while pass Petra the Orange bento with ice Berg's on it before handing Rosemi the Pink bento box with roses covering the front while Selen's own was a dark purple with a bright purple dragon and a big moon.

These custom painted bento boxes were house warming gifts they got from Aia and Scarle and the three made a habit out of using them when ever they could.

The bento boxes contained egg fried rice in different shapes, Petra's was a pentomo, Rosemi's was a rosebud and Selen's was of course a dragoon, All three had bits of bacon as the details like nose and eyes while being surrounded by breakfast sausage cut into small squids.

"Wow, you so good at this Selen!!" Rosemi said happily as she admired her dragons work, now Selen had a blush creeping up on her face "Thanks, I try" She said before turning to see Petra giving her a smug look, "Shut up you" "I didn't say anything"

Rosemi sighed "What am I gonna do with you too?" She said making all three girls laugh.

They sat down on the grass to eat and Ember kept trying to steal a few pieces, Selen stopped him at first but eventually caved and gave him a bit to eat.

After a few bites Rosemi perked up "Oh, I almost forgot!" She said before getting closer to Selen "I need to give you your crown" She said before cupping the dragons cheek in her hand "Stay still okay?"

"As long as I can still eat" Selen laughed, Again a vine came from Rosemi's sleeve and formed a halo the same way the one around Petra's head did but this one sprouted a mix of Purple and Magenta and Blue roses. "Perfect!" Rosemi said as she pulled her hand away and admired her own work.

Selen smiled "Thanks Wosemi-sama" She said with a soft laugh.

Rosemi felt something rubbing her hand and looked down to see Ember pushing is head against it, "I think he wants one to" Petra said, Rosemi giggled "Is that ture?" She asked Ember and got a small roar in return.

"Suck up" Selen laughed as Ember rested his head on Rosemi's lap before the rose maiden used another vine to make a smaller halo with purple and black Roses.

It ended up being a little to big and sat on Embers head at a angle but he seemed happy and he begin hopping around letting out small roars, All three girls smiled as the watch him hop around.

This was pretty much how all of their mornings went, well the flower crowns were new and usually Petra is the one who cooked breakfast but for a most part this was their routine, and they liked it.

>> No.67877271
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it doesnt matter how many times the thread dies as long as it is remade once more

>> No.67877312

Good for you or sorry that happened. Way too much text

>> No.67877563

A deadbeat is buying a body pillow with Mori on it.
The cashier says, "Wow, you must be single."
The deadbeat gets defensive, "You assumed that because I'm buying a body pillow?"
The cashier replies, "No, because you're ugly."

>> No.67877759

a homobeggar walks into a bar,
and the bartender says: “What drink can i get you, sir?”
The homobeggar replies: "You should collab with males"
Then the homobeggar leaves, without buying a drink.

>> No.67879087

damn, what a speed

>> No.67879330
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>13 minutes to page 10

>gura streaming
>selen allegedly dead for real

>> No.67880134

considering everything, is joining nijisanji worth it?

>> No.67880211

Yeah, and get out immediately

>> No.67880277

im pretty sure selen is dead and theyre covering up to pretend terminate her so no

>> No.67880795

did she off herself? Kinda overreaction for not getting the promo video out
has she been active on her alt account

>> No.67880894

that's the suspicion desu, in betting on "she's in a ward" or "she's dead"
i wouldn't see another reason for her to have quote un quote not gotten her phone, so either way bad all around

>> No.67880984

is desu swapped to desu wtf

>> No.67881125

last time her alt was active was on the 12th and she liked a tweet

>> No.67881219

It's really funny to be desu

>> No.67881544

yeah she ded

>> No.67881607

if i did a test stream tomorrow would some of you come say hi

>> No.67882152
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what hour?

>> No.67882498

depends what timezone works for you guys, probably around 6pm est if no one inputs anything

>> No.67883512

that works for me and probably for everyone here
it's all burgers

>> No.67883638

drop the twitch link right now I am reminded by the alerts

>> No.67883866


>> No.67884050

are you going to sing?

>> No.67884192

didnt have it in my plans, but i do have my mic setup for it so...

>> No.67884397
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>> No.67884750

you need to test that anyway and you should always play into your strengths in every occasion

if you get a raid, consider singing a song for the raider, this will allow you to show off quickly to the new commers what you are about
Most people close the stream after dropping the raid message, give them a reason to stay

>> No.67885324

post yourself here and in asp when you go live, dont forget that
twitch discoverability sucks

Also have a raid target in mind before you even start, this with every stream you make

>> No.67885901 [DELETED] 
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yeah might as well tell you this but kiki is a literal sociopath
Go ask the dads.
You shouldn't collab with her not because she is racist or whatever, but because she is fucking insane and a risk to yourself and your career.

Always look in the archives people up. Even if most are baseless rumors, sometimes truth slips in.

>> No.67885995 [DELETED] 


>> No.67886343

genuinely good advice
crazy how you get genuine advice only on 4ch

>> No.67886483

does anyone actually do that?

>> No.67886610

most vsingers like eggy and thinkerbella us this system to reward raiders

>> No.67887254

how do i act normal on stream when i'm having a menhera woman week

>> No.67887490

get into character
schizo shit bu if you dissasociate yourself into a person that doesnt have your problems you no longer have problems.

videogames feel so good precisely because of that

>> No.67888478

maybe you dont want to be normal
being a menhera is a buff

>> No.67889519

take a nap before every stream, sleeping helps you forget because your brain processes stuff during sleep

>> No.67890325

I seen several do this but mostly into karaoke

Also you really want to expand your repertoire as much as possible

>> No.67890842
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mond live at ungodly hours for both her and us

>> No.67891843

stinky neet vampire...

>> No.67892813

Rura also live right now with more kekken

>> No.67893522

shhh dont bring her up or the cuck will throw a fit

>> No.67893795

For the girls who have channel points and know how to sing, look into how alueivtuber does song redeems. It's pretty neat and she cycles the song menu often to avoid it from getting old.
She does it in ASMR and Just Chatting streams, not sure how well that could work for games tho! probably worth experimenting with

>> No.67893969


>> No.67894191

What's the meta now then? An aussie/euro pink loli sheep that plays jong, fighting, and retro games, does ASMR, and also owns a gun?

>> No.67895080

alueivtuber on twitch

>> No.67895320

also into gore that visits the vt minecraft servers, who plays retro games
with that you hit every non corpo non holo thread in this town
Next objective is of course to pander to other boards such as biz with crypto streams

>> No.67895619

>other boards
/o/fags here i cum

>> No.67896063

you should actually visit other forums online to shill your streams
not anon boards just old forums.
talk normally and out your link in the bio. The curious will follow

>> No.67896402

is there any selfposting 'etiquette' here?

>> No.67896626

Don't unless deemed necessary

>> No.67896870

in this thread? no
in the board? every general has its rules.

>> No.67897016

Anons, help me. I didn't grow up around female friends so I don't really know how to interact well with other female vtubers. Any advice on small talk topics, besides complimenting their designs?

>> No.67897093

Look for girls with a similar game focus, try and lurk their streams and raid into them

>> No.67897140

I sent that too early, but finding the common game ground will make it a lot easier for you. I find small talk gets nowhere most of the time

>> No.67897143

What if I'm predebut? My followers are almost exclusively female but I don't know how to make friends with them.

>> No.67897158

well you all have in common
1- you are streamers
2- you play games

so my suggestion is to start there.Its about finding common ground.

>> No.67897219

Mond defeated the tree sentinel without leveling up or knowing half the controls..impressive.

>> No.67897224

for some odd reason most femaoe vtubers are gay so just flirt that puts the ball in their curt since they will be trying to rizz you

>> No.67897235

Tweet about things you like, maybe drop some open ended questions for them to interact with and go from there?

>> No.67897272

it took me way longer when i tried the first time

>> No.67897621

Has anyone here applied to corps? How long has it taken for them to watch your audition video?

>> No.67897863

sometimes months
rememdr even small corpos get 1000 applicants at least

>> No.67898893

one week for intern to check if its not a troll video, 3 secs view
the real view might take moths

>> No.67898982
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>> No.67899276

Does that say neurospicy?

>> No.67899352

i have yet to meet a single femela vtuber without adhd , autism or schizophrenia

>> No.67900180


>> No.67900280

i think viewers should get to vote on which ones have it based on their observed behavior alone

>> No.67900586

"figure out my disability"
feels like a fun family game

>> No.67900845

well im off to sleep if the thread dies i will remake it when i wake
hard days of catalog storm lets hope nothing worse happens

>> No.67905072

Never give up on your dreams

>> No.67906985

depends, usually it takes a week or two minimum

>> No.67907951

by the way you can do this but if you make the chat about you it comes off as annoying so be careful about it. make sure you’re there to support the actual streamer, if you want the chat to be about you then try to land a collab instead

>> No.67908192

How did this happen? Only males were supposed to have such low ccv but i constantly see them in double digits

>> No.67908234

lack of networking, using an ugly model or no model, and streaming unpopular games or content can all contribute to it

>> No.67908401

I see people get views with games that no one else is streaming and the players of super popular games get buried in the deep end of the massive categories. No one is going to go look at row 9001 in the valorant category

>> No.67908997

>lets hope nothing worse happens
apparently Rushia dropped the final yab

>> No.67909199

Didn't people forget her? Her thing happened so long ago no way people still care and haven't moved on to one of the endless drop in replacements

>> No.67909209

What makes a model ugly?

>> No.67909254

Subjective thing. I hear people call models i like bad and i see popular vtubers with models that i think are bad

>> No.67909264

yeah, playing oversaturated games is definitely not great for discoverability. long rpgs are a big debuff too

>> No.67909323

bad anatomy, poor rigging, bad coloring, overcrowded design elements, clashing themes, etc

>> No.67909405

don't forget about social media presence. you need to be posting your clips and edited vods online to grow

>> No.67909475

god i wish i could afford to hire a manager doing all this shit on my own sucks

>> No.67909562

give bad examples that made you click away

>> No.67909641

This, please!

>> No.67909796

Rushia has had 3 personas since joining Hololive so it's pretty hard for her to stay irrelevant and people love a lolcow. But recently a bombshell dropped that she was once married and got divorced after she was cheating and abusing her then husband
Now out of spite she semi revealed which members are dating/fucking/married. Check the archives

>> No.67909827

>out of spite
Absolute bitch with zero redeeming qualities god I hate her.

>> No.67910118

bad rigging: gura, literally had a hole in her chest at one point and her cat ear was floating off her head. even now her rigging still isn't that great
bad anatomy: irys 1.0. the anatomy was just... kind of wonky and off. i love her and i used to really like redjuice's art but it just wasn't that good. there are better examples than this but i can't think of any off the top of my head
clashing colors and elements: this applies to so many different vtubers but i'm gonna go with magni dezmond for this example because the purple and red colors did not go well together in my opinion, at all. not to mention his rigging was also not good. i meant to choose all females for my examples but his is just so bad i can't not mention him
overcrowded design elements: again this could apply to literally almost any vtuber you select but i will go with enna for this example. there's just so much going on visually, the distinctive silhouette shape is good but there's so many elements fighting for attention. the wings, the rainbow tassle that catches your attention away from her face, all the different flowers and buttons and ribbons everywhere making it feel overcrowded
anyway there's probably better example than these, these were just off the top of my head. sorry for mucho texto hope this helps

>> No.67910548

any non hololive/stars examples? with the exception of irys, those examples weren't runts and got more fanart compared to their coworkers.

>> No.67910949

That's pushing it too much. Mutton wasn't welcome in some threads for being too blatant about, and she isn't even pushing it this much. Best to aim for 1-2 of these.

>> No.67911208

If Mutton was smart, she wouldn't have self posted. To other generals, she's an unapologetic leech that can be easily traced back to here. You can still tap into all of these metas as long as you don't selfpost.

>> No.67911399


>> No.67911707

Mutton is trying to play the game too much. She tailored her model to the threads, puts on a forced voice and wants to do ASMR. Very blatant and disingenuous. Disappointing because her art is great and her normal voice is top tier. She has a lot of potential if she relaxed a bit.

>> No.67912084

why does it feels like these three posts feel were written by the same person

>> No.67912317

Because they probably were. That's what a crab looks like.

>> No.67912886

Would love to help, but pretty busy atm myself.

>> No.67913035

I could give examples but I would feel bad for exposing people like that.

>> No.67914093

burn them this is the advice thread stop sugrcoating

>> No.67914147

Seconding this. If people were repulsed by my model I would want to know.

>> No.67914668

she doesn't even stream

>> No.67914877

This. I prefer to know so I can work on it!

>> No.67915017

am i the only one who's tired of the infantilization of disabilites?

>> No.67915055

Easier to try vote who doesn't have it. Bet you can count those with one hand

>> No.67915251

Don't worry I personally don't think it's really the case for any of the female /asp/ies and /wasp/ies.

>> No.67915529

I'm not here to shame outsiders.

>> No.67916263

How tight?

>> No.67916650
File: 695 KB, 992x1403, 31c9571755c54fd1607a3a60229a9eb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning waspies, what are you working on today?

>> No.67916856

How does TMT not have a boyfriend? Japs scared of a deep-voiced woman domming them?

>> No.67916903

japan is a different planet

>> No.67916950

i want to prctice my combos but i got commisions so im drawing instead

>> No.67917056

She actually does (Me)

>> No.67917114

she's fat

>> No.67917364

test streammmm!!!

>> No.67917549


>> No.67917623

You don't know how TMT is

>> No.67917647

I will wait for you. I will not sleep

>> No.67917746

Out of curiosity I looked up a face doxx and I would offer my hand in marriage if I could.

>> No.67917896
File: 196 KB, 848x1200, ESWSSIuWoAA8Cqy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will save towa

>> No.67917951

/euro/ bro...

>> No.67917976

euro bros are stronger than ill ever be

>> No.67918291

Kinda ironic knowing her history. I was right all along picking her as my Holo oshi

>> No.67918723

Today I sleep

>> No.67918860
File: 66 KB, 1000x924, 1698987945575774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true unicorns in the west are a meme for shitposting purposes, demanding women to never had had boyfriends is statistically insane.
meanwhile, in japan

>> No.67919192

Based japanese understand that being sex obsessed is cringe and stupid

>> No.67919224

Imagine a nation when one third of women your own age have never touched a penis.

>> No.67919282

>japanese not being sex obsessed
no they just got so high standards now that they don't wanna fuck real people no more, they just wanna live in the fantasy.

>> No.67919454

ironically it happened in reverse with the spartans

>> No.67919957

Pretty sure all the spartan youth had touched a penis.

>> No.67920077

I laughed

>> No.67920139

I've been a nijisanji fan since 2018 and have fantasized playing on their Minecraft server since before nijiEN existed... And I'd say no it's not worth it. They took a massive dive in direction after they got listed for stock market. We all knew something was very wrong after mayuzumi and lulu dipped.

>> No.67920231

>after they got listed for stock market.
I unironically blame the chinese as with everything else that has gone wrong this decade

>> No.67920350

how doI make mahjong streams interesting, I just remember falling asleep to Ina stream 3 years ago

>> No.67920716

finally some strems

>> No.67920791
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new model huh

>> No.67920852

it'ss just me or is the model in slow motion

>> No.67920985

pc issues it seems

>> No.67921139
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still far away

>> No.67921251
File: 674 KB, 800x1294, 198a8100997c5631240854099a0387bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone else point out bad designs in the indie scene that made them click away? I don't understand why viewers are so scared to point out bland/only decent models to /wasp/ies and /asp/ies. We are blind to design choices that nerf our designs. For every viewer that speaks up, 10 other potential viewer clicks in. Good designs versus bad should be a bigger priority here. The only legitimate discussion we've had was around chuuba skin color. Speak, you're saving our streaming career early on if you do.

>> No.67921296

if i see a vroid I close the stream, simple as

>> No.67922277
File: 570 KB, 686x386, 1693787185617478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

usually you just get what you paid for
Deisgn has certain rules which are not that easy to implement but even a layman can know when something is "wrong"
Sometimes it is just that certain drawing styles do not translate well to l2d, so there is a reason why everyone has the same face

>> No.67922439
File: 441 KB, 987x541, 1698646950456973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thin the pc cant run the model and the game at the same time

>> No.67922671

Alot of big indies started with vroid, what matters is if they took the time to tweak it in unity/not have it look generic

>> No.67922694
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>> No.67922749

>Alot of big indies started with vroid
3 years ago when there was no competition and koopa could get 600 views on debut just for posting in hlgg despite the game she picked up crashing to death on her debut

>> No.67924667


>> No.67925643

It's vroid or a shitty png though for most people

> Captcha: VTRAT

>> No.67925781

qrd on leolayla? she's playing aoe2 and I got interested

>> No.67926305

something about getting groomed and betrayed but i dont know know the details

>> No.67926492

i’m happy she has a pngtuber model that actually looks like her now
good stream, silly

>> No.67927069

full mesugaki vibes from this one

>> No.67927106

esl portuguese not the brightest, but she does her best

>> No.67927122

wasp live

>> No.67927189

Cant nap waiting for pits bird to stream

>> No.67927666

pls nap anon

>> No.67928827

It is nice seeing how far the squibby has come since it first came to be

>> No.67929279

they crabbing the bird back in asp asking her to "support males"... the male fans only ever see women as stepping stones like in nijisanji

>> No.67929701

be good

>> No.67929767

The bros would never do that. They are too busy having a good time. The bros support each other naturally its not a process like it is for females that are well known to be each others worst enemy

>> No.67929772

When you lie with the dogs you get the flees.

>> No.67929968

the bros wouldnt not
the bros "fans" however, the kind that lurks in mans and cbdct... I have been there, and they are as evil as they are cunning

>> No.67930323

strip mahjong

>> No.67930996

Gambling usually does the trick, just learn the rules beforehand
you can even just host tournaments and let everyone else do the heavy work

>> No.67932237

offer to blow a kiss to however wins, raise up the stakes

>> No.67933442
File: 251 KB, 705x484, IMG_0527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first stream in ten minutes WOOO

>> No.67933663


>> No.67934407


>> No.67934510


>> No.67934905
File: 654 KB, 1069x465, 1691340829507898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should make more puzzle edits but I ran out of ideas

>> No.67935058
File: 1.29 MB, 1278x1209, 1703350800335468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost to the jong machine
fig has lost half its posters to jong

>> No.67935553

Your fighting game gaslighting is working anon.

>> No.67935646
File: 8 KB, 187x250, 1682882865290710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok /fig/ counts smash as a fighting game.
We also count Armored core and mahjong as fighting games for complicated reasons

>> No.67936116
File: 2.05 MB, 2742x3386, 1705350249806442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See? I knew we would get em
We just had to drastically change the geopolitical situation in the middle west sphere and cause a civil war between aspies that will have hundreds of innocent casualties for our own egotistical purposes.
Fightan chuubas are our oil.

>> No.67936130

on the topic of designs:
ive encountered a weird phenomenon. girls love my design but guys tend to dislike it. most of my hobbies are dominated by men.should i adjust my design?

>> No.67936198

Can you give us a hint at least?

>> No.67936204
File: 170 KB, 420x420, 1686405081188598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys tend to dislike it.
you can rebrand as a lesbian chuuba

>> No.67936271

nah steal from vei it worked for shilily

>> No.67936337

>guys tend to dislike it.
really, how do you know?

>> No.67936377

Two fighting game bird artist chuubas in this thread now. It's not much, but weird it's happened twice.

>> No.67936508

Nice test stream. Good chatter

>> No.67936543

Wait what's the other one?

>> No.67936580

Sounds like another femboyish design

>> No.67936599

It's not a coincidence when it's a literal agenda being pushed by outside powers >>67934071

>> No.67936714

Indeed, indeed. I'll think she'll do good and maybe when she reveal her menhera side there might some more unintended interesting content.

>> No.67936781

>watched Rushia and Nyanners
Indeed, indeed

>> No.67936857

Naruhodo the real groomers where the guys that need a new fighting game chuuba all along

>> No.67936933

This is where the fun starts, she know what works.

>> No.67937021

she said she'd try them but not really a fighting game player

>> No.67937026

so many people were there holy shit

>> No.67937087

it also worked well for that other phaseconnect girl who is now yellow vei

>> No.67937156

good stream, very good voice and energy, i personally liked that she's not a soft tard that will get bullied easily. Those get boring too soon, she has a good personality

>> No.67937278

Agreed. Likely have some spicy takes too.

>> No.67937552

i mean they have been very open about their goals from the start

>> No.67937709

>she forgot to raid
Damn bird that was lesson 1: always be networking

>> No.67937744


>> No.67937894
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>> No.67937895

saturated and wakfu
isnt aoi fairly popular with both? she has the bifauxun look but a gap moe personality.
so most of the praise/fanart ive gotten has been from other women. men tend to rank me lower on tierlists. hell there was a time where anon asked their male and female friend to rank /asp/ies and i was higher on the ladies ranking compared to the males.

>> No.67937904

Do you even know/watched anyone you can raid? I really hate random raids

>> No.67938140

raiding it's not about you but the target
It gives you a chance to introduce your self to someone and maybe dming then later for erping purposes.
But you got to be reaching out there, worst raids are the looping between friends, raids have dimished returns and after a while their viewers already made their mind on if they will see you or they wont

Hell even raiding jerma gets you a few follows because his followers want to reward you for bringing new viewers so people keep doing it so they subscribe and never watch you

>> No.67938155

Don't worry it went very well. It was some great singing, your voice reminds me of Juna from Idol, which is good for jazz. You'll learn the ropes with time.

>> No.67938235

If you want retention you need to connect communities. You must be an /asp/ie

>> No.67938375

what kind of post is this even?

>> No.67938459
File: 434 KB, 1140x278, hot vs cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which category are you?

>> No.67938591

But yeah like clothing and hair dress to impress the audience you want, unless you are doing it for yourself more than for a general audience.

>> No.67938608

I'll find you

>> No.67938858

I love poison bird! She is our first official /wasp/ie.. they grow up so fast.

>> No.67939070

Are you going to publish the vod? I was only able to catch the end.

>> No.67939542

unfortunately i forgot to turn vods on

>> No.67939664


>> No.67939666

was just a test stream after all. You can make a new debut later, once you get your feet of the ground.

>> No.67939757

general audience! i don't want to scare off the dudes.
soon. soon hopefully...

>> No.67940003

Unless you're model is like a dyke, or something, I don't think it's the model scaring off dudes. Maybe if you didn't get compliments from girls, but since you do I believe the model is not the reason.

>> No.67940261

>hot & cute
I love lava but how do you find her hot
>soon. soon hopefully...
I'll be honest I don't think I'll find you unless you tell me I'm not looking for chuubas 24/7, unless you mean you have not started streaming yet but you talk like you have already started right?

>> No.67940398

I'm not there but maybe cute

>> No.67940617

whens the bird getting added

>> No.67940662

Should I keep streaming a game I have fun with even if I suck at it?

>> No.67940722

depends on how well you’re able to engage with chat

>> No.67940855

Not as well as usual I think but chat is teaching me the game so I read often (just not as often as usual). Is that good enough?

>> No.67940932

yes, the most important part i having fun
you wont be able to go on for years unless you do

The second most important part is to make your viewers have fun too so collabs do not count

>> No.67941016

yeah, that should be fine. hope you continue to have fun

>> No.67941054

I only collabed with one person yet because I'm very socially anxious but the viewers seemed to enjoy it.

>> No.67941641
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, 1690957283062407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

objectively speaking the problem with collabs in general, both male and female collabs, is that usually they are paying attention to each other instead of the chat, which works for bigger chuubas but robs people for the one reason they watch indies: chat interaction

The trick big asp doesnt want you to know is that you can gain those viewers back by making it an interactive stream:
Instead of doing game collabs, do cringe story reviews like bao does with shilily.

If there is one thing I would beg any indie to copy is what these women did https://twitter.com/baovtuber/status/1516942184242573312
One of the few collabs I ever enjoyed

"No one likes being a third wheel, but everyone loves riding the bike with two wheels" or something

Think very careful before you do a collab if you would watch said collab.

>> No.67942079

>"No one likes being a third wheel, but everyone loves riding the bike with two wheels"
How coincidental that the 3 of them could be considered the town bicycle

>> No.67942308

yeah, i cant stream atm so im avoiding posting and asking around for advice to fine tune during the downtime

>> No.67942810

Nta but it's more of a personality thing in Lava's case, personality + voice will make me feel more than a sexy model

>> No.67945210

its a good stream idea though

>> No.67947233

riding the town's bicycle?

>> No.67947391

no, the love advice booth

>> No.67947563

oh yeah great stream overall
lig loses its shit everytime they do one of these for a reason

>> No.67948469

well bump limit close lets see if we can get some proper question for the next one at last

>> No.67948732

Can I make it by making abusive GFE

>> No.67948956

thats basically yandere so yes and there is a lot of money in that too

>> No.67949096

No dere just total bitch abuser who absolutely hates you and wants to break your spirit because it makes her feel good.

>> No.67949137

seconding the other anon, get those yandere rp bucks

>> No.67949207

Mori is kinda of like that and she makes a bank so sure it works, plenty of masos in this world

>> No.67949605

Thanks I’ll be the best demoralizer out there

>> No.67950964

remember us once you are rich

>> No.67951924

I’ll pay Rura to play any other game than tekken

>> No.67952001

figgers will win in the end, feel free to join them

>> No.67952030

I’m going to play new dragon ball when it comes out dw dw

>> No.67952885


>> No.67953007

Honestly Tekken has like 2 more weeks top being the FOTM
They game is infamous for being the most complicated series and fgc are whores to begin with, they will move to the jujutsu kaisen fighter or something within a month

>> No.67953272
File: 252 KB, 1062x1108, 1677346945416048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which she has been live for a while now

>> No.67953543

>jujutsu kaisen fighter
the fgc hates arena fighters that are not that one DB one lmao, they've been thrashing on the jjk cash grab clash for a while

>> No.67954054

well probably not JJK or HXH but something for sure
whats up this year?

>> No.67954352

there's the 8ing HxH fighter, if it's a 2d fighter or an arena fighter it's anyone's guess, but this year is already out of big releases, Tekken was the last big FG to launch from these past few years
until we get GG Strive 2/new Blazblue

>> No.67954751

guess everyone will just go back to street for akuma then

>> No.67955015

not before everyone comes play Ed! (the only ed player already plays ryu)

>> No.67955089

what the fuck are these people thinking anyway

>> No.67955603

Tourist here, here's a tip for you.
Remember that, while you can learn from your community, you have the final say. Both in what you allow from your community, and what you accept from it. Be open, but stay firm.

>> No.67956597
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>> No.67957265

was raided by one of my oshis tonight.. feels like my hard work is finally paying off!!

>> No.67957709
File: 628 KB, 1100x960, 1698226231260916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you know what must do
slid into dms

>> No.67958785


>> No.67959037

post her in >>>/vt/euro/ too

>> No.67960487

i'll work hard, i'm GMI it no matter what waspies

>> No.67961267

gambaro chuuba

>> No.67962111

>Gonna Make It it
It's over

>> No.67962297

she GMI it so hard it twice

>> No.67962451
File: 139 KB, 1314x1092, 1699166670261894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gonna make you gmi alright

>Forgetting to raid
That's a paddling
>Forgetting to upload clips
That's a paddling
>Getting one'd guy in chat
That's a paddling
>Not checking audio settings
That's a paddling
>Getting into twitter drama
That's a paddling
>Menhering on main
That's a paddling

Every time you debuff yourself? That's a paddling

>> No.67962495

by "they are" you mean "I am" right?

>> No.67962556

you have your weird game and I have mine dont step on my turf

>> No.67962591

What a strange confession.

>> No.67962629

you started the oversharing

>> No.67963086

But she loves Tekken!

>> No.67963161

sleep deprivation is getting to me anons...

>> No.67963166

I don’t but I like Rura it’s putting me in a hard spot because I mostly lurk

>> No.67963206

any raid suggestions?

>> No.67963258

Then you're like me. I love her but I don't like or understand most games she plays. I try to lurk when I'm awake to watch her so I can support her.

>> No.67963308

baka my head

>> No.67963413

I didn't link my stream /here/ again yesterday despite playing a game I know most people like. I always chicken out. How do I stop being so afraid?

>> No.67963452

fuck it we ball mentality

>> No.67963804

if you have nothing, find someone who is playing the same game as you are and of similar size.

>> No.67964129

This was a tragedy: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2049227406

>> No.67964276

not sure what i am suspposed to notice here

>> No.67964469

It's a Layla stream
They're all tragedies because she's a psychotic bpd bitch that has a subhuman IQ like a fucking somalian

>> No.67964511

ok now I need an answer from an actual human being please

>> No.67964656

She's had at least 2 breakdowns because of thread drama and used to fall for bait a lot

>> No.67964788

She is a newfag that replied to bait all the time when she started posting here

>> No.67964832

Layla's good to chat with but fuck I'm always asleep when she streams

>> No.67964874

Hi, is this normal? Everytime Layla is mentioned here, someone pops up calling her bpd and stuff. I find it hard to believe, she's a nice person from what I saw. I don't know what you have against her but you're pathetic bullying an innocent vtuber. Please stop it.

>> No.67964995

It's because she took bait. Crabs got addicted to her replies. She is menhera but she is open about her problems and bpd isn't one of them

>> No.67965080

I don't keep tabs but did Layla distance herself from /asp/? People tend to get /asp/ie schizos when you leave that place like Haru

>> No.67965553

Euro chuuba problems

>> No.67965700

Schizos stalk asp chuubas?

>> No.67965730

/asp/ has a lot of schizo chuubas

>> No.67965979


>> No.67966938

last for fightan
