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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 804 KB, 800x710, 1681606029741030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67939001 No.67939001 [Reply] [Original]

ur mom gay

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1752482267274924269

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67925765

>> No.67939032

shondo in my arms

>> No.67939061

Shondo baby slobbering on my erect penis.

>> No.67939155

Stealing shondo babies pacifier and as soon as she starts crying giving it back, only to take it again as she calms down

>> No.67939206

What a concept, she should do that during Baby Time sometime.

>> No.67939397
File: 93 KB, 206x220, chibi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeeeit if a Shigga can be real for a minute I'm actually in love with Shondo like an unhealthy amount and I'm going to lose my job if I keep watching streams while I work and she dominates my every waking thought and I like things now that I didn't before and that kind of scares me but is a testament to how powerful she is and I really do consider this to be a legitimate relationship even if it's unconventional and I fantasize about having kids together and the whole nine yards and I'm so happy to have found her

>> No.67939853

i made this post

>> No.67940318

Pushing Shondo down and she says "ouch!"

>> No.67940464

spelling bee time

>> No.67940467
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember or perish

>> No.67940553

Punching Shondos eye and she says "harder faggot!"

>> No.67940680
File: 889 KB, 951x800, baby_pats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet on the 5% chance that shondo reads /here/ tonight and propose that Baby Time needs a re-haul. It's understandable to want to switch things up and she does it with plenty of things that get stale.
But the cope today that we weren't agreeing to take the pacifier amongst the sea of syadouBaby spam was silly, She should know a bit better by now that a few of us are autistic and keep up with chat like she can.
Just change up BabyTime in whatever way you like, because as of today, that was a waste of 500k and I don't plan on redeeming someone you want to reluctantly do, shondo.

>> No.67940724

where da 2 views at

>> No.67940915

shondo oink

>> No.67941005


>> No.67941042

fuck you her nose is cute :(

>> No.67941073

Ok sorry about the last thread shoggas. I've fixed myself now. I just needed to listen to shondo audibly rape me with kisses and also stick her tongue in my ear while telling me she loves me again. I'm ok now, I love her again. I'm happy.

>> No.67941301

Shonpig > Shondog

>> No.67941433

If you are not feeling up to it shondo, just say so and refund the redeem.
Your baby noises are cute but we can tell you are half assing it and you can't sell us your cope that we didn't hivemind the pacifier.

>> No.67941546

Shadow must play Shadow's new game

>> No.67941984

Is Facade a good game?

>> No.67942038

its a look into the future

>> No.67943041

I wonder if Shondo is still working on the encouragement voice pack or if that got put on the back burner

>> No.67943683
File: 514 KB, 1032x794, sdhkjfskdhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought about this earlier while walking

>> No.67945036

what would you guys really do if you saw a shogga out in public

>> No.67945155

stop it!!! her nose is cute!!

>> No.67945207


>> No.67945211


>> No.67945245

I'd be able to guess what their Twitch names are based on how they looked. For example, Dewd is a 300 pound brown man that is probably groping a child.

>> No.67945246

I would tickle his balls. That should be our secret code.

>> No.67945619

throwing a shoe at shondos head because she didn't order the right groceries

>> No.67945645

do the head nod

>> No.67946098

Depends who it is

>> No.67946195

bitch taunting us with the cuck game

>> No.67946272

Ask him hows the wife been doing as I pass by him, both of us having a laugh but secretly I would pity him

>> No.67946278

Have you ever had fun in your life

>> No.67946508
File: 2 KB, 51x55, feeling_cucked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67946587

hes just like me

>> No.67946601

yes recently i had a lot of fun because something i innocently posted here somehow got incorporated into a schizos delusions and then people sperged out about it

>> No.67946843
File: 84 KB, 237x217, me in bath with wife..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think about having sex with Shondo.

>> No.67946862


>> No.67947065

wdsmbt idgi

>> No.67947490

What would you do if Shondo just started saying more and more insane shit? Things where it's obvious that she's wrong. She knows she's wrong. She knows that you know she's wrong, but keeps pushing it; trying to see how far you let her go before you call her out on it.

>> No.67947564

love her even more

>> No.67947914

encourage it further

>> No.67948003

we know you're messing with us already you don't need to come here to gauge if you should do it even more

>> No.67948063

>what if

>> No.67948075

watch her more

>> No.67948255

i would syadouHYPERNOD in chat and then come to this thread and complain because i can't do it in the chat because it could be some sort of test

>> No.67948390

You would have failed. Always be vigilant.

>> No.67948408

mfmf pov

>> No.67948503

i'm reporting this video just because i don't like you

>> No.67948525
File: 848 KB, 96x96, SadCat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop breaking my heart shondo

>> No.67948577
File: 1.07 MB, 1378x1378, 1690959811111876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67948620


>> No.67948697

the thought of shondo trying to beat me up and just hurting her own hands and then she is just tired and collapses and can't stop me taking a hold of her and putting my head on her chest to hear her 150 bpm heartrate is very nice

>> No.67948766
File: 3.92 MB, 560x350, shondocheck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67948785


>> No.67949077

literally me

>> No.67949145
File: 198 KB, 1584x1512, draft1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I make her more faithful to the original?

>> No.67949250

that chin is way too sharp

>> No.67949272

Make her less yellow

>> No.67949829

neck too swole

>> No.67949939

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.67950785

One time I tried to copy Shondo's caffeine consumption and I got heart palpitations and had to tap out

>> No.67951264

i've recently been incorporating shondos health into my delusions
i wish she took better care of herself

>> No.67951603

Masculine urge to say gn Shondo I love you more than anything in the world

>> No.67951607

i get really uncomfortable with like 300mg of caffeine, 1k mg would kill me

>> No.67951685

fresh wave of BA tweets in an hour?

>> No.67951871

Scoured the vod, she skipped my sub message
Is it over for me

>> No.67951876

50% chance

>> No.67951920

what did you say?

>> No.67951946

highlight a message to her next stream about it

>> No.67952056

If you do this you need to also repeat the message, if she missed it it's because it didn't appear in the shitty third party logs she has to use because twitch only logs 100 events

>> No.67952135

is that an elden ring char

>> No.67952194

she responded to atleast one of my messages today :)

>> No.67952239

i got a "i love you too" instead of a "big love" today
had the biggest smile on my face and teared up a bit
god i love her so much aaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.67952274

you won.

>> No.67953099

I really want Shondo to reference dracula flow

>> No.67953186

i threw bits at the twitch club underneath the great pyramids

>> No.67953373

keep your stupid comments to yourself!

>> No.67953569

it was actually a good comment i think!

>> No.67953650

it wasn't. i hated it

>> No.67953681
File: 522 KB, 542x650, Screenshot 2023-12-14 132356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like FallenShadow

>> No.67953731

you dont even know which one it was

>> No.67953796

get out.

>> No.67953850

i love love love love love love fallenshadow

>> No.67954155

everyone fuck off this is my thread

>> No.67954344

go to bed shondo

>> No.67954991
File: 179 KB, 204x620, Screenshot 2024-01-07 144932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conceptualize a captive Shondo. You smack her around a bit or whatever, shrape, have your fun. At the end of it grab a stool and toss her a rope. Tell her to tie her own noose. You want to watch her hang herself in a kind of "dig your own grave kind of thing." She just kind of looks at you. She fights with it for about 15 minutes and fashions something vaguely resembling a noose. She slips it over her head with shaking hands and clamors on top of the stool. Good girl. Now jump. Deep breath. Closes her eyes and jumps. Bang. Knees clatter onto the cement and she lets out a groan. Knot didn't hold. Do it again Shondo. She takes even longer fiddling with the rope, adrenaline kicking at this point, and she's lowkey upset because she thought she made a good knot. Climbs back up on the stool again. Eyes closed. Deep breath. Jumps. Bang. Same thing. Rolled her ankle on the way down this time. "I'm sorry." Do it again Shondo. Third time, same result. Walk over to her. She looks up and goes to hand the rope to you, "can you just" Goddamn it Shondo no. I'm not doing it for you. I mean, I'll- I'll walk you through it but I'm not doing it for you.

>> No.67955085

my shigga mouz hand over one of your many 2 view side pieces please...

>> No.67955091

i didnt like this one

>> No.67955216

i liked this one

>> No.67955333

Shoggas will tell you they discovered the most wonderful hidden 2view who will do everything right and isn’t like Shondo.
You ask, it’s Neppie.

>> No.67955483
File: 435 KB, 503x643, murder me .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not discuss another woman in my wife's thread.

>> No.67955579

you're one of my favourite posters

>> No.67955947

it's true
>replies to all the dms you dm her on every platform
>replies to your daily tweets about your life
>responds to almost all her chat
>is actually grateful for small bit donations and doesn't put a baseline to how much you need to donate to get acknowledged
>still has her drawing redeem
>will draw a personal avatar for each of her viewers
It's everything shondo was that everyone liked

>> No.67956012

leave and dont come back

>> No.67956102

i should have jumped on the neppie train when i had the chance
its over

>> No.67956118
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1135, goodnight sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow will be a good day I can feel it.

>> No.67956156

idk about you but i just love shondo and im happy to see her evolve and evolve alongside her

>> No.67957810

Howdy partner! I think that your thoughts are unhealthy. You should really try to step away from this and move on! It's not good thinking you're in a relationship who doesn't even know who you are! You can find the one for you, I believe in you man! You go get her! Xoxo Hugs and kisses, Anon.

>> No.67960359

Why does shondo love cuck games, first with simulacra, then facade
Not to mention the many many times she keeps talking about cucking on stream like the first time she brought up email schizo

>> No.67960582

I like this one

>> No.67960828

my biggest issue with ASMR other than the sometimes unnatural sounds is the way that a lot of the time the transition between one side to the other is too fast or isn't accompanied by some other movement noise
it really takes me out of it

>> No.67961592

The end was pretty good and funny, didn't like the start of it though

>> No.67961706

I really want to like asmr, but i just don't
I want wifey in my ear and to not miss out on stuff, but asmr is literally torture to me

>> No.67961709

Yeah, today kind of sucked even if she was trying to make to good. But that is honestly pretty normal for Wednesdays.

>> No.67961850

I want shondo to lick and bite my ears and doing joi while whispering that I'm hers forever

>> No.67961905

If sho does an asmr i WILL masturbate to it

>> No.67961944
File: 518 KB, 682x690, 1706494248240496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for keeping the fur-less cat OP image off the catalogue this time, that shit was getting irritating to scroll past.

>> No.67961966

otis baker you know what to do

>> No.67962007

fuck you nigger

>> No.67962062

He is handsome fuck you

>> No.67963334

I fell asleep when she started the gameplay, is it worth catching up on the rest of the vod?

>> No.67963539

She was much more engaging with the game this time and there was a few cute moments.

>> No.67963823

i need another sho stream

>> No.67964043

Its been nice but I'm graduating from the shoubliette and shondo in general
Keep up the good fight lads

>> No.67964116

can't believe she still uses early goodnight tweets as the sign!

>> No.67964901

Better luck next time shogger

>> No.67967699

classically, those are the sign she's up to something on another account

>> No.67968062

I know how you feel. I can tolerate the soft whispering and fabric noises of some of her recorded asmr but the live stuff is definitely torture for me. I feel like I'll go into an autistic fit or something.

>> No.67968319

nothing is real anymore except my love for her

>> No.67968398
File: 613 KB, 1080x1335, 46543219874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67970862
File: 695 KB, 804x863, 1676609711311978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a really cute vivid Shondo dream last night. I love her so much!

>> No.67971227

what happened in it?

>> No.67971332

My son is very handsome and photogenic you fucking bastard

>> No.67971380

He may be a bit gay for liking a male vtuber's quote tweet, but he's my son nonetheless

>> No.67972790
File: 497 KB, 645x682, 1686568706863642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it was us just doing sort of SOL stuff at home but there was one part were we held each other in a long embrace. I could feel her almost cold skin on mine and how warm I was compared to her and how soft her lips felt on mine when we kissed.

>> No.67973395

I want shondo to suck and lick a lollipop and then i want to suck it and lick it too after which she will once again suck and lick it and so on until we finish it

>> No.67974306
File: 1.03 MB, 960x1553, 1706647141021104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giru should draw more sho

>> No.67974801

I want to shove a lolipop into her shunny then force feed it to her over and over until she gets addicted to the taste of herself, then everytime I fuck her, she'll clean me up by licking my shaft clean, enjoying the taste of herself with the trace remains of my cum

>> No.67974964

giru and teaparty should stop with this faggotry

>> No.67975008

tell it to them in their dms then shondo
no balls

>> No.67975563

Personally I think we should eradicate you gay cunts from the community. But that's just me.

>> No.67975622

I'm not gay I love my wife and her only, we should focus our efforts towards cheaters

>> No.67975748

>I'm not gay
>we should focus our efforts towards cheaters
pick one

>> No.67975760

at least cheaters have side hoes that they dump their grievances on when shond is being a dumb bitch, the real issue comes from the husbands that burden shondo with all of their brainworms and grief, through dms, emails, and twitter replies
go find someone else that loves to hear about your life story and what you ate for breakfast, shondo doesn't give a flying fuck about that and doesn't want that personal individualized connection

>> No.67975794

Shondo... why are you being like this recently..

>> No.67976098

I'll gladly say I'm gay for sho if it means we can get rid of cheaters
Both cheating and trauma dumping on shondo are bad, do neither

>> No.67976941

Going to re up my gamer supps today discount code SHONDO at checkout for 10% off. Thanks Shondo! Love you!!

>> No.67977151

Stay safe

>> No.67977413

there are 2 options for today's stream
>she tried to steal grace away from him
>she tries to repairs their marriage
can you guess which one she is more inclined to do?

>> No.67977633

She'll do the first one today and the other one next week so we end it on a good note

>> No.67978767

I hope she chooses the option that makes the most people shit and cum their pants so she can look at the carnage and giggle

>> No.67978823

I hope she loves me

>> No.67979083

I hope she hates you

>> No.67979092

I'm going to force her to watch my tributes.

>> No.67979152

How are you going to accomplish that?

>> No.67979191

I know she hates me. She knows I know she hates me. We’re at a standstill.

>> No.67979424


>> No.67979479

It's bait, stop replying

>> No.67979509

You're in a mexican stand off all by yourself

>> No.67979650
File: 207 KB, 1147x1753, IMG_3287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much ToT

>> No.67980245

i love her

>> No.67980340

I love my cute and funny autistic left-handed little sister schizoaffective menhera unable-to-smell-things asmrtist artist singer gamer neet nise stalker vindictive affectionate touch-aversive period-free caffeine-addicted british and eldritch-horror wife so so so so so very much

>> No.67980524

me bad with words but same

>> No.67980611

No one asked + didn't read + ratio + she divorced you

>> No.67981020

i see what you did there

>> No.67981105

Called her nise? Yeah

>> No.67981379

Why is she such a bitch to neppie

>> No.67981427

the notif from last message scared me

>> No.67981465

what did she mean by this

>> No.67981516

I'm having second thoughts about having married this bitch

>> No.67981622
File: 182 KB, 691x1050, Screenshot_20240201_172716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67981649

How is that a bitchy or rude comment, they announced the game is being terminated the same tweet they announced it’s releasing.
Or are you just nitpicking every single thing she does and says to twist it into your anti narrative again?

>> No.67981674

he's right to grrrr at whores

>> No.67981740

The latter and they're also mad shondo commented on their side hoe

>> No.67981747

your wife hates you

>> No.67981787

i know you did that on purpose shondo

>> No.67981834

Perhaps shondo isn't playing 4D chess

>> No.67981884

wow rude

>> No.67981904
File: 48 KB, 720x237, Screenshot_20240201_173328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What'd he mean by this

>> No.67981927

>neppie mentioned in thread
>she wakes up and tweets her
>its a divorce meme
shes so fucking here INSANECAT also fleece was right

>> No.67981947

next mindbroken shogger

>> No.67981959

if you're around for a while you're uses to her baiting divorce

>> No.67982004

She’s been trying to be friends with Neppie for over a year now. She raided her multiple times, has tweeted at her dozens of times, commissioned her etc. There is zero reciprocation there at all, Neppie hates her guts.

>> No.67982138

wow its just like us fr

>> No.67982165

Are you okay? Bait aside, are you good?

>> No.67982190


>> No.67982207
File: 453 KB, 567x577, Screenshot 2023-08-17 131942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see her tweet
>stomach drops
>cold sweat
>pulse quickens
>grab the cocked and loaded gun sitting on top of the nightstand
>put it to my temple
>today is the day
>see her correction apology tweet
>put the pistol back on the nightstand
>not today

>> No.67982251


>> No.67982470

she sends the tweet and an inhumanly wide, wicked looking grin begins twisting itself across her porcelain face as she anticipates the wave of panic and despair that will inevitably spread in the wake

>> No.67982480

Nade nade

>> No.67982507
File: 64 KB, 634x476, 1633829094400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67982541

The last time she raided her was at least over 10 months ago

>> No.67982633

Neppie never raided her back once. She had dozens of opportunities to and didn’t raid back, so naturally Shondo stopped raiding her.

>> No.67982692

To add on she probably assumed the raids were unwanted since Neppie didn’t reciprocate, when you’re trying to befriend someone in this sphere it’s a normal strategy, if someone doesn’t raid back it’s typically because they have no interest in you or didn’t appreciate the raid

>> No.67982718

bapy... dm me bro if you want to talk

>> No.67982815

Bapy you should dm this guy

>> No.67982862

Don't timeloop this, it was already answered months ago you retard

>> No.67982867

>tweets that she is going to divorce
>gets only a few replies

Another shit test failed. Everyone knows it's already shover.

>> No.67982934

Not shondomination bros

>> No.67982957

anyone with half a brain can tell within 1 second that its not directed at us. She is a retarded little girl, she doesnt have the brain capacity to play mindgames like what everyone here attributes to her

>> No.67982961

Its like a love triangle

>> No.67983003


>> No.67983117


>> No.67983140

i didn't reply because i was distraught

>> No.67983192
File: 128 KB, 1167x1368, media_GFQzI9rWIAE-QPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does she lie? The divorce already happened

>> No.67983237

This will be the official divorce, not the emotional one.

>> No.67983297

That is horrible
If i woke up at 3 am due to that I'd wake up and im try to figure out the context

>> No.67983303

she did this because neppie was mentioned here

>> No.67983343

shondo always ends before neppie, you fucking retard

>> No.67983392
File: 47 KB, 1194x196, shogga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are reaching the final stage.

denial (she loves me)
anger (why does she keep fucking ignoring me)
bargaining (maybe if I gift subs and spam constantly she will acknowledge me)
depression (it's fucking shover)
acceptance (It is what it is)

>> No.67983397
File: 221 KB, 691x1085, Screenshot_20240201_180228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps it can happen

>> No.67983412

This was done on purpose but not as a shit test but as ritual humiliation

>> No.67983427

>she doesnt have the brain capacity to play mindgames
you've never been with a woman in your life, not to mention being new to shondo

>> No.67983493


>> No.67983536

i love shondo even though she chooses to hurt me in the ways that hurt the most

>> No.67983573

Hi cheerful rock

>> No.67983591

I'm more concerned with people being unable to reply properly

>> No.67983598

>thinking shes allowed to divorce us

>> No.67983638

I once again remind you that she will one day marry a rich man and leave everything behind, internet included

>> No.67983647

Stealth graduation announcement, she met a rich, older man at the club.

>> No.67983679

that rich man? me

>> No.67983733

This genuinely is just an anti thread now, when did you guys stop at least pretending to be genuine? Every single thing she says or does is just used as fodder for you to jerk your insane schizo rrats off to, it’s so tiresome. It was funny at first but it’s just dull now, wtf happened to this thread?

>> No.67983776

Took you this long to realize this?

>> No.67983778

bye for the millionth time

>> No.67983805

go back to filian/neuro

>> No.67983809

I stopped staying up to 7 am and started going to bed at 11 pm
I truly did carry this thread

>> No.67983816

there is only one or two actual antis here and one of them is shondo

>> No.67983881

I’ve been watching Shondo since her first video editing stream you tard. My feelings for her have only grown stronger but her general is a fucking cesspit.

>> No.67983943

Wtf would you call the rest of this thread then? It genuinely reads like a catalog bait thread, all day, every time. Go to literally any other solo chuuba general, indie or corpo, scroll through, and you will understand how bad we have it.

>> No.67983947

k bye

>> No.67983948

post a biggly in chat right now

>> No.67983981

she made us this way

>> No.67984015

it's literally 1 guy and a bunch of newfags

>> No.67984064

Everything post here is satire except for the posts when I'm being sincere.

>> No.67984195

I thought it was cute that shondo was impressed with a 225 lb bench press yesterday. Maybe I should start posting my lifts to twitter so shondo can see them

>> No.67984236


>> No.67984275

>and leave everything behind, internet included
She better fake her death in a convincing way.

>> No.67984370

All she'd have to do is say
>okay that's it I'm going to bed
Then have ft cancel a stream

>> No.67984481

Ok? That'll work for a week, then I'll look her up to see if she's dead.

>> No.67984590

shondo play openttd with the barbies

>> No.67984672

Leaving the internet is impossible for her she has no friends or life outside of it

>> No.67984700
File: 152 KB, 934x1683, 1676035492634255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect torso.

>> No.67984754

that's married life for you

>> No.67984841

i love my perfectly flat wife

>> No.67984895
File: 193 KB, 960x1234, 1693939653509000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop doomposting you fags.
Love Shondo.
Simple as.

>> No.67984992

what pisses me off is that he has never drawn shondo's feet that well. please give shondo feet i can fap to, giru...

>> No.67985027

literally built to be bred by me

>> No.67985086

if a bro turns his butt to me like that he's asking for it

>> No.67985198

least gay /shon/poster

>> No.67985221

that's cute. i have a lot of similar dreams where we're quite gentle with each other and softly press our lips together etc, then i realize she hates that shit and wants to be raped and beaten and i get depressed. us gentle shoggaz have no place in her heart romantically.

>> No.67985395

just saying bros shouldn't be a cocktease around me

>> No.67985426


>> No.67985433

ToT i love her so much

>> No.67985501

No, you have emotions about your wife. Retarded ones at that, you fags are on your period 24/7.

>> No.67985531

she doesn't know what she wants

>> No.67985597

Nta but i wouldn't call doomposting "having emotions for your wife", that's just me though
I'd call it brainworms or being pitiful
>you fags are on your period 24/7
Someone has to if shondo can't

>> No.67985646

So true oomfie
Love my cute little sister wife unconditionally

>> No.67985667

i can fix her

>> No.67985784
File: 1.70 MB, 1361x763, 1698141586238746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who made you the arbiter of what emotions we're allowed to feel? or how we're allowed to express those emotions? shondo herself has said that this is a good venting space. that's what we're doing. fucking venting. if you don't like it, then fuck off? is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to stay here?

>> No.67985863

She was already shonquered by bbc. Its over for us

>> No.67986019

calm down

>> No.67986044
File: 737 KB, 655x849, IMG_0694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant distinguish between irony and actual full blown retardation anymore.

>> No.67986144
File: 1.13 MB, 838x768, 1700642586252220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67986147

Jesse, all i meant was that i don't think calling it "emotions for" is correct, It'd be more accurate to call it "feelings about"
Venting is fine, and I've encouraged people to do it here before, all i was talking about was your choice of words
Unless you mean the period comment, which i thought was funny

>> No.67986240

and what's the point of arguing semantics? you know what i meant, correct?

>> No.67986250

Sometimes I like to picture Shondo all hulked up and shredded. With chiseled rock hard abs.

>> No.67986283

it wasn't funny

>> No.67986315

if I weren't at work i'd photoshop her face on buffsuki's body

>> No.67986347
File: 164 KB, 1170x923, Amoung_pequeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67986376

each day the delusions grow stronger as i fall ever deeper into the shoubliette never to escape, the harlot jailer cackling at my struggle, her blessing also my curse

>> No.67986377

stop being autistic.

>> No.67986423

Retard. This general is 80% normal fans who understand that she doesn't give a shit about them yet like her anyway and 20% deranged schizos who spam MY WIFE LUVS ME for 14 hours a day as a coping mechanism despite her repeated hints that she wants them to fuck off.

>> No.67986443

>liking shondo when she's more masculine
you're not beating the homosexual allegations like this

>> No.67986561

I can't it's a passive skill

>> No.67986657

in reality it's the opposite of this post including the repeated hints

>> No.67986699
File: 1.48 MB, 1301x945, 1706639293382190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like this?

>> No.67987017

its over husbros

>> No.67987025

Yes but he'll never accept that because he's delusional

>> No.67987052

Do you ever stop coping? It's beyond pathetic. The whole idea is testable, just go away for one week, make a single comment in her chat that isn't tied to a donation or sub giveaway and then see if she acknowledges you or comments on your absence, as she would if she gave a fuck.

>> No.67987115

Nta, but are you retarded on purpose

>> No.67987123

there is no other alternative explanation for this result so true syadouHappynod

>> No.67987210

nigger is upset that my wife loves me and I love her. Are you the onlyfans porn addict or are you one of the other retards that an unironic chatbot watcher? You are not welcome here. You don't fit in. You'll never be a true shogga. You cannot save me. I don't want to be saved.

>> No.67987220

fleece please go seek out a psychologist and move on
this isnt healthy for you and frankly its getting kind of annoying

>> No.67987250

the forced positivity sucks too can't this just be a normal thread with discussion and not
>I hate that bitch

>> No.67987276
File: 378 KB, 1284x1347, GFDmBJRWMAAzO_u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67987317

>more cope from the spammers
You fucking pussies know exactly what would happened, you would get ignored as per usual.

>> No.67987378

im dm'ing her this

>> No.67987384

holy shit its literally me

>> No.67987406

>i hate that bitch
there is nothing to discuss and half the people posting that are trolling
i don't know about anyone else but she noticed when i was gone for a while

>> No.67987441

what are you trying to achieve here? hoping to blackpill /shon/ so they get as bitter and lonely as you?
to me youre just text on a screen and nothing you say will change the fact that i love my wife
get a grip

>> No.67987584

anti thread. see you for the next one

>> No.67987607

based CHADS calling out another blunder. don't let this girl keep fucking up.

>> No.67987641
File: 176 KB, 706x988, 1689468018534687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67987693

Yeah bro, that totally happened. She noticed I was gone too and DMed me asking if I was okay, it was real in my mind.
I want you to fuck off and stop spamming this general as a coping mechanism. Go be cringe elsewhere

>> No.67987751

either you guys are following nep or have "all replies" notifs and I can't imagine doing either

>> No.67987761

4:28 AM time to wake up

>> No.67987814

you bring up some interesting points i'll have to consider this

>> No.67987892

you sound upset and especially unhinged today

>> No.67987970

i think its for the best if you take a break and seriously consider going to a professional
this is the last (you) you'll get

>> No.67988011

>you would get ignored as per usual
Yeah, because the chances of getting read are small. I don't go saying in chat "hey shondo, I'm back after x amount of time, love you!" and expect to get read when I don't send it in a dono or even highlight it, stop being retarded for your own sake

>> No.67988034

>i don't know about anyone else but she noticed when i was gone for a while
even with some of her biggest names being gone for a long time (like dutch for example) she's only acknowledging their absence while reading a dono or resub message from them and even then it's often because they literally type "i'm finally back, good to see you again" or something similar. i've never seen it umprompted if they just type normally in chat. ever. and i'm an ancientfag. whatever you think happened most likely occured in your brain.

>> No.67988095


>> No.67988229

>I don't go saying in chat "hey shondo, I'm back after x amount of time, love you!" and expect to get read when I don't send it in a dono or even highlight it,
>don't expect it to get read unless it's a donation and then she will just through the motions
You almost gained self-awareness for a second there, retard.
>this is the last (you) you'll get
Go spam on twitter and stop trying to end the legitimate discussion here because you believe it's negative and you're a faggot white knight.

>> No.67988282

what point are you trying to make in this discussion?

>> No.67988289
File: 2.10 MB, 2049x1645, IMG_2887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread. Check this out! I wanna put those toes in my mouth!

>> No.67988390

I've already made the point and it remains unrefuted because it's wholly true.

>> No.67988424


>> No.67988555

Do you still believe in gfe?

>> No.67988670

what shondo does is something different and I'd prefer just gfe at this point

>> No.67988675

You'd get poisoned retard she has fresh nail polish on
Saying to not expect getting read if you don't make your message pop out isn't anything crazy
If you'd want your message read you should obviously try and make it stand out, if you send it regularly then it has about as much gravitation as the messages around it(unless it's really long, but even then she's likely to miss it if she's not looking at chat)
Stop being unreasonable and use your brain properly for a few minutes

>> No.67988819

these threads are so bad because shondo lets them get that way. maybe if she wasnt damage controlling rushia threads all night instead.

>> No.67989146

When does the "This is what you accomplished as a sub" monthly review thing pop up on twitch? I want to see how many chats I sent / hours watched for January.

>> No.67989161

the ancient gypsy curse shonspiracy has to be true. How does she keep getting fucked by everyone she works with

>> No.67989191

Enough with the mental gymnastics, she does read many of the unhighlighted comments but then she ignores them because responding to them isn't in her financial interest. You could send the message when the chat is slow, like it was yesterday during the Palworld stream, and she still wouldn't say anything because she doesn't give a fuck about you and she isn't keeping track of hundreds of weirdos and when their last message was.

Here is another test, you kill yourself and we'll see if she ever mentions your absence. It will be great.

>> No.67989193


>> No.67989227
File: 86 KB, 1920x927, 1700193755690768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not up yet but you can use this link to reach it

>> No.67989284

lazy whore

>> No.67989320

I took a midol and am curled up with a hot water bottle. Feel slightly better now.

>> No.67989322

he already said it's wholly true there's no more to discuss

>> No.67989338

My mother seems to find it very funny that shondo is playing a game called facade

>> No.67989391

are you the same anon whose mum teased him about shondo finding someone else

>> No.67989518

I hope you get better in the near future

>> No.67989521

i am in this image

>> No.67989576

Yeah when her power went out, interesting you remember that

>> No.67989630

meant for >>67989391

>> No.67989645

How would you call what she does?

>> No.67989650

I would say I hope you can form a half decent argument in the near future but that would require you to take your medication and come back to Earth. In the meantime I will just enjoy you owning yourself with your own posts and admitting it's about using donations to "stand out".

>> No.67989710

Reply to this post or your wife will divorce you in 3 months Smile

>> No.67989720

NTA but most people here know your mother is based and red pilled. Please send our regards.

>> No.67989755

That's not even the argument I was making, but whatever

>> No.67989777

send this message to 5 people or your wife will divorce you in 3 months Smile

>> No.67989778

Call that pussy the matrix cause I'm in this bitch and I can't get out.

>> No.67989780

Someone will leave May 1st

>> No.67989795

send this message to 5 people or your wife will divorce you in 3 months Smile

>> No.67989826


>> No.67989830

I have a hard time conceptualizing this, as it would be a fairly easy choice between kms and telling anyone in my family that I'm married to an internet loli.

>> No.67989840

send this message to 5 people or your wife will divorce you in 3 months Smile

>> No.67989846


>> No.67989862

march 1st and me

>> No.67989926

so she either looked the game up already and ruined the point in playing it or she's been dming dewd again

>> No.67989944


>> No.67989952

watch streams

>> No.67989953


>> No.67989961

How tf am I to do that

>> No.67989975


>> No.67989989

abandonment complex and power fantasy

>> No.67989992

dm me

>> No.67990016

I don’t understand the melons meme!

>> No.67990021

I'm on them Nashville nibblers

>> No.67990024


>> No.67990130


>> No.67990158


>> No.67990165

wiggly off scares me

>> No.67990224

I think you need to leave.

>> No.67990252

a devilish smile breaks upon my face whenever someone fails to selfpost a biggly and a wicked one unfolds on my own whenever i manage to post a biggly myself

>> No.67990256

it scares me too lol it makes me think that it didn't load properly or something

>> No.67990293

Perhaps I'll watch this stream

>> No.67990303

Wow zoomers don't know what facade is

>> No.67990382

>100% certain
>literally divorced fleece a month ago

>> No.67990416

I have a good/close relationship with my mother. So it wasn't even a choice I had to make in my mind

>> No.67990433
File: 137 KB, 330x199, what is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please guys i need to know

>> No.67990457

We got the joke Shonshon don't worry about it
he divorced her

>> No.67990481

Anon, you gotta stop posting the lower right corner, theres nothing there

>> No.67990490

He divorced her.

>> No.67990655


>> No.67990660

what's that about her not being a mastermind at manipulation again?

>> No.67990696


>> No.67990705


>> No.67990724

take your meds

>> No.67990772
File: 1.89 MB, 410x520, MEDS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhgcwoe.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67990783

your mind is so shallow you don't even understand what she's doing

>> No.67990798


>> No.67990811

apparently there's literally nothing else she can joke about. without the divorce and cuck jokes she'd be doomed to a life without humor.

>> No.67990846

Hi guys, I'm a new Shondo fan :)

>> No.67990876

>you can't make me
yeah shondo, now you know why being a brat doesn't work

>> No.67990907

She told the rabbit girl that her gacha wife will divorce her once the gacha gets shut down. How is this a divorce joke in general? It's a gacha joke.

>> No.67990927

>not a new ip
you can't fool me

>> No.67990943

hi a new Shondo fan

>> No.67990959

you're being an anti if you don't like your wife joking to you about divorcing or cucking you

>> No.67990973


>> No.67990994

I hate the NHS so much

>> No.67991089

Putting shondo in a dog cone so she cant pick the skin off her lips

>> No.67991099

*punches you in the face for the second time this week*
AHAHA it was just a prank bro! I was kidding, you read too much into things

>> No.67991181

someone please ask if she has a wicked smile on right now

>> No.67991195

we should start joking about leaving her for neppie :) she'd probably find that hilarious!

>> No.67991223
File: 1.08 MB, 1208x964, merch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it started: image

How it's going: >>67983392

>> No.67991292

stop being gay

>> No.67991308

is she doing this to make me worried and get clingy and hang onto her, terrified that she's going to leave me alone in the cold and dark?

>> No.67991346
File: 474 KB, 643x782, 1693560705126798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF are you on about? Hiroto excused her fuckup.

>> No.67991369

that slap was so fucking hot holy shit shondo do that more please

>> No.67991371

someone should unironically try, if she bans you, then she'll never make those jokes again otherwise she'll be a hypocrite

>> No.67991385

Asperger'schama, stop posting.

>> No.67991459

>shondo made a mistake
>hiroto brushed it off because he's not a bitch
>/shon/ "it's over"

>> No.67991500

"if I could time travel I would use it to rape women"

>> No.67991538

"it is what it is" is a statement of dejection, retard

>> No.67991547

i love her so much its great how she can cure me of brainworms in seconds just by being so great

>> No.67991575

That's not how he meant it and you know it. DM that shogga right now.

>> No.67991607

im using my power to skip time to skip the next palworld stream shondo

>> No.67991635

his dms are closed

>> No.67991639

>newfags can't even derek
lmao lurk moar

>> No.67991644

type it in chat coward

>> No.67991713

It’s like that meme where you’re surrounded by darkness and squiggles then Shondo walks in and you go OMG hi!

>> No.67991788

Same, I got brainworms like 3x and hearing her voice automatically made me feel better.

>> No.67991873

here's her altruistic preaching that contradicts all her actions

>> No.67991883

i love how shondo thinks spending tens of thousands of dollars on one hobby is completely normal and something everyone does

>> No.67991970

>dont spend your money on me
>but if you're a whale I'll unban you and you get special privileges and I care about you more than anyone else

>> No.67991988

this is the woman who buys figures and withdraws money to donate to a homeless man while in low income and is at risk of being evicted this year

>> No.67992003

She claims she doesn't like it but won't refund the money, curious.

>> No.67992030

It's a hobby that pays of itself so why not? I'd spend 10 million dollars on a hobby if it made me 15 million dollars and I had fun.

>> No.67992046

nigga watch the stream

>> No.67992056

you don't?

>> No.67992117

no im going to watch it and complain here (she reads the thread and sees it later and laughs at me complaining)

>> No.67992148

how does buying vtuber merch pays off?

>> No.67992155

Sorry I'm drunk and retatrded right now.

>> No.67992190

your average white knight, people

>> No.67992280
File: 1.04 MB, 2508x3541, 1684041777340272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67992332

>It melted a hole through a steel box
I doubt it

>> No.67992357

they're not steel

>> No.67992437
File: 46 KB, 588x146, 1706813813658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah ok you fucking liar the fuse box was completely black huh

>> No.67992464

Breaker boxes are made of steel. It could have gone through a hole but there is no way it would have gotten hot enough to melt a hole.

>> No.67992487

get fucked lmao

>> No.67992489


>> No.67992490

Yeah I was just thinking of this
mine isn't

>> No.67992491

Pathological. Liar.

>> No.67992492

shut up mouz

>> No.67992552

you can hear how nervous she is now after getting busted

>> No.67992554

Take a photo of it.

>> No.67992558

>shogger have never seen a fusebox before

>> No.67992628

she literally showed one on stream

>> No.67992650


>> No.67992655

She avoided saying "Forest Fires" but said Mouz's name eagerly.

>> No.67992666

>shondo explaining to a bunch of 30yo what a fuse box is
wtf is this timeline

>> No.67992674

noticed that too

>> No.67992680
File: 6 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67992707

she already forgot that she said that 3 of the fuse blocks were completely black

>> No.67992711

>maybe if I gift subs and spam constantly she will acknowledge me
if you're like this you should consider Canadian healthcare

>> No.67992713

Pathological lying.

>> No.67992746

>husbands expect her to act like a wife when they can't even identify a fuzebox
Do some man of the house reps before complaining

>> No.67992785


>> No.67992784

mental retardation it is

>> No.67992861

>In America it's faster to boil water on the stove than use an electric kettle
Why does she keep fibbing?

>> No.67992865

She lied for no reason, that's a pathology.

>> No.67992871


>> No.67992879

i have to mute before i get another aneurysm
>i'm not an electrician
>spews a bunch of shit about electricity that she has no clue about

>> No.67992929
File: 1.05 MB, 4080x1836, 1677534052158780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67992938


>> No.67992968

there's a spider Scared

>> No.67992976


>> No.67992979

That is probably a plastic cover

>> No.67992990

He's been there for months

>> No.67993015

Scared take that spider outside please its scary

>> No.67993032

give him a name and feed him

>> No.67993099

Shoggas please, my spider friends are chill. I have one in my room as well.
I'll name him Thomas but I think he eats enough if he's been there for so long.

>> No.67993102

and I think that is a sub panel, not the main panel. Most houses have way more than four circuits

>> No.67993103

you can still hear the quivering of her voice after defending and gaslighting her lie

>> No.67993133

Congrats on your new pal.
