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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67815878 No.67815878 [Reply] [Original]

How can she get away with this?

>> No.67815990

Imagine not being white

>> No.67816051

But she's not white, she's italian.

>> No.67816056

Shiiiiiii cancel this cracka ahhhhh bih, she be rapping but that shi fire on mute, fr

>> No.67816065 [DELETED] 

Mori, Nerissa, Shiori, Ame, Fauna, Gura, Kiara, Mumei, and that's it right?

>> No.67816301

How could you forget she's white, she sounds like the whitest woman on the planet

>> No.67816391 [DELETED] 

Ame is Hispanic. Gura is Middle Eastern adjacent (think Turkey, Greece, Balkan)

>> No.67817156

Gura is Albanian

>> No.67817204

I can't believe some women have the gall to be white. Smdh

>> No.67817251

Gura is Algerian

>> No.67817341

>Dago greaseball amerimut seriously thinks she's white
My dog probably has more human genes than her.

>> No.67817935

Nerissa also said this.

>> No.67818050

>Ame is Hispanic
She doesn't look it.

>> No.67818158

Take it from a latino, shes hispanic. I have an rrat she's cuban because of some words shes used before.

>> No.67818170

Gura is Atlantian.

>> No.67818205

You mean latinx right?

>> No.67818239

I think she looks white, to be honest.

>> No.67818314 [DELETED] 

Shiori is half Asian. The twins are white.

>> No.67818324
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>> No.67818445

i xhink you mean xatinx, and no she is not one of you.

>> No.67818446

The dark secret is most latinos are actually genetically white.

>> No.67818479

She looks cuban dude, specifically she looks like a Miami cuban. She wouldn't look out of place in Hialeah.

>> No.67818886

Just like many hispanics, specially outside America.

>> No.67819047


>> No.67819054

The two genders

>> No.67819058

If Sana was an aussie doesn't that mean that weirdly enough she's super white

>> No.67819464

She literally has blonde hair and blue eyes. A hispanic vtuber would be Scarlie.

>> No.67819581

I presumed Sana was either half abo, or wog. Her bogan accent gave credence to both theories.

>> No.67819636

>She literally has blonde hair and blue eyes.
That isn't unheard of for a hispanich or red hair even.

>> No.67819908

There are Hispanic people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Heck there are black people with blonde hair and blue eyes just look at Patrick Mahomes’ daughter.

>> No.67820289
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>> No.67820502

Probably northern italian. I went to Rome a few years ago and they're actually pretty dark. Mori's rm is porcelain white

>> No.67820582

half polish though.

>> No.67820685

Either gives her the pass for italian racism, so it's fine.

>> No.67820825

ahh that explains the closeness to sydsnap.

>> No.67820956

It's okay to be white.

>> No.67821143

Bogans are the best Aussie subgroup. Everyone else are a bunch of faggots. Rather have davo ripping burnouts down my street in his slammed WRX than live next to surfer fags, citybug basedcucks, entitled farmer faggots or unintelligible deep outback inbreds.

>> No.67821291

Oy vey

>> No.67821453

Wait she isn't a whale?

>> No.67821468

If you lived in a designated housing commission suburb you wouldn't think like this.

>> No.67821529

>She sounds latino. I can tell from some of her verbiage and having heard quite a few latinas in my time

>> No.67821874

it's wideweway what xey pwefew...

>> No.67822177

*is part Polish* is making me lose my shit for some reason

>> No.67826693

based calli

>> No.67826867

She can Polish my dick with those knockers if your know what I'm saying

>> No.67827203

You don't actually want people doing burnouts on your street and playing loud music all night. You want the surfer neighbours.

>> No.67827453

It's really fucking stupid what kind categorization retards go on about for who is white.
Some spaniards show up in America and then you have half-spanish half-natives which then go fuck english/germans/french and you end up with someone who is like 3/4 european born and raised in america and this is apparently a mexican.

>> No.67827680 [DELETED] 

>the twins are white
The fuck they are
They're Japanese Canadian

>> No.67827919 [DELETED] 

they're just so weeb it's hard to tell
they're what kiara wanted to be but she stopped short because she's not that crazy

>> No.67827996

Ame is white-passing hispanic

>> No.67828005

Do you fags not remember the first myth off-collabs and how Ame's grandmother couldn't even speak english to the other girls but only spoke Spanish?
Did you think that was Castilian? Wake up fools.

>> No.67828026

Surprised nobody brought up that scene from The Boondocks where the guy says "Wait a minute.. I'm white." and laughs as he walks away because it's none of his concern.

>> No.67828099

Rm's family is from Sicily, check where the surname is from

>> No.67828148 [DELETED] 

Their RMs don't look an ounce Japanese other than the filters they put on.

>> No.67828208

So, swarthy gangsterland that are half a step away from being Moors.

>> No.67828214

They wish they were.

>> No.67828283 [DELETED] 

They look pretty yellow to me, but you're telling me this is induced perceived gookery, not natural?

>> No.67828305

I know for a fact you made that up.

>> No.67828324

It's all make up and filters. They WANT to be thought of as nip, or eurasian. They took "YWNBJ" personally as a challenge.

>> No.67828348

>Ame is white
>passing hispanic

>> No.67828370

I remember one of the other girls talking about how Ame's grandmother was really nice when they met but she couldn't speak english.

>> No.67828560

I remember inventing the term "based department". That doesn't mean I actually did it.

>> No.67828621

Get your eyes checked. All you have to do is look at them next to actual Asian people and the difference is night and day.

>> No.67828622

i thought she was a transnigger?

>> No.67828642

It happened. You're wrong. She's part hispanic unless she was adopted.

>> No.67828847
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Imagine not being white

>> No.67828942


>> No.67829041

They might be half Asian.

>> No.67829067

Oh look. Whitey talking bout dogs again. You just know.

>> No.67829112

t.not white

>> No.67829122

Anon dig around a little. They have clearly mentioned that they are fully Caucasian. Swedish Irish to be precise.

>> No.67829153

All Australians in Hololive have been Asian. Australia is an Anglicized country but in the modern world it's part of the Asian sphere of influence so it has plenty of crossover with them as they are the dominant powers of the region.

>> No.67829191

You have never seen an Asian person in your life if that looks Asian to you. Jesus Christ you people are retarded.

>> No.67829290 [DELETED] 

Imagine being a pasty cumskin. My condolences.

>> No.67829428

I dont know my genetic makeup but chances are I’m as white as you

>> No.67829603

liblarp breached containment
wew lad

>> No.67829702

utterly terrifying

>> No.67829718

I'm well aware that Americans are always some sort of mystery meat but can you explain to me how this actually happens in practice?

Like how is it possible to not know your ancestry? Is it just because you don't want to talk to your parents/grandparents? Or are you all the descendants of people who are ashamed of their past and refuse to pass it on?

>> No.67829920
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boland mentioned :DDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.67829932

true horror

>> No.67829965

I'm not sure anon has seen a lot of white people either...

>> No.67830017

america is a very young country. when you're born in a country with a well developed culture and extensive history, you identify with your birth country and its culture and history rather than needing to mythologize your family coming to america and the place they left from and what they brought with them

like if you're born in germany you're just german. they don't need to know more than that, everything is there. its irrelevant if theyre 1/16th some other shit. they're german.

give america 4-500 years and theyll mostly just be American

>> No.67830226

Mutts aren't fully Arian

>> No.67830299

She's Chinese-Indo (according to RM posts)

>> No.67830518

25% of white American men never returned home after the civil war. Some of them died, but most of them just ended up wounded or a thousand miles away from home, Most of them barely 18 when the war started and probably had no real care about their identities.

>> No.67830829

>blatantly talking about RM and PL
two years ago most of you would've gotten IP banned permanently.
fuck jannies

>> No.67831096

Her grandma died before hololive
do you mean her aunt?the part about her being Hispanic is true, but you made up the part about her having a relative that doesn’t speak English

>> No.67831311 [DELETED] 

The real mori is Taiwanese and the American mori is a falseflag to trick people

>> No.67831346

>Swedish Irish to be precise
so mongolian

>> No.67831693

She’s a wigger though, slightly different
>half polish
Explains why I see her as inferior

>> No.67831705

Because that label is a strange cultural classification that only works in the US.

>> No.67831773

They got race change surgery? Chinkification? They look like a Chinese caricature from the 19th century.

>> No.67831808

She's a dirty amerimutt stop comparing her to white Europeans

>> No.67831876
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Australians aren't fucking white and neither are Italians. IDGAF what anyone says.

>> No.67831950

At some point you don't really care what exact percentage of English, German, Irish and whatever else you are. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.67832097

I dunno OP, the same way you get away with being so damn brown on this board?

>> No.67832297
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This thread went from zero to /pol/ immediately.

>> No.67832300

TBF, that's how most countries already see Americans, the moment a Black or Asian dude starts speaking in those particular lax accents with English, they know they are Americans. And they might go as far as call you a regional word for White. Because there's barely any difference.

>> No.67832546

America is heading into the exact same direction Mexico ended.
They can have brown or even black grandma's but suddenly one grandkid pops up Ultra white and he starts a branch of the family with mostly pale skinned relatives.
Why?, because their dunno great grandfather from grandma's side was some Spaniard who assaulted or was assaulted by a Native American woman from Mexico and the genes stayed there, eventually the descendants of those kids mixed with the also mixed descendants around the area or country, add into the mix Asians and Blacks who were there too and stayed for reasons (like the Japanese diaspora and descendants in Peru or the also mixed whites in Argentina) and after 500 years suddenly no one knows and cares about their Spaniard/African and 10% chinese with a speck of Arab in their blood and are just trying to not die due to cartel violence lol.
Mexico, the US, America as a continent, it also keeps getting more and more immigration. And it all gets stuck and filtered at the US border. Or stays forever stuck in Mexico or below.
Suddenly you understand why Mexicans and generally all of LATAM just refer to each other by nationality. At some point ancient minimal heritage becomes unsustainable for your own identity.

>> No.67832564

And a nice fat set of tits.

>> No.67832598

Hell yeah!!!

>> No.67832616

>Some guy just mass replied to everyone
>I didn't even read what he said and just hide the post
Holy fuck that made me feel powerful.

>> No.67832641

Ame is pretty medium, IMO. Calli is the booblord of EN.

>> No.67832912

>superior Aryan goddesses are crowding 4/10 asians out of the vtuber market
How sad...

>> No.67832946
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The moment race/ethnicy is mentioned all the /pol/lacks come crawling out of the woodworks

>> No.67834416

She had some big ones when she was younger and slim. Just imagine them sexy heavies now that she's gotten a little thicker

>> No.67834535

Just a little thicker, yeah. Just a little.

>> No.67835136

I want to wake up to Mori's fat and sweaty titties every morning....

>> No.67835349
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>> No.67835726

Bro shes cuban blonde, i live in Miami i know what im talking about.

>> No.67835815

Retard, they literally said their parents/grandparents don't speak Japanese.
Their Japanese has weird accent too

>> No.67835827

Frfr muh nigghu
Bic dunno her pleze yo

>> No.67835925

They doesn't look asian at all
It's just that they're trying to look Japanese

>> No.67836024

Anon please, they are obviously finno ugruic

>> No.67836070

No then they would be finnish

>> No.67836130

You love to see it

>> No.67836390

oh, I thought they were fully jouzu

>> No.67836619

The twins are as white as you can possibly get anon.

>> No.67836794

Calli is a honorary nigger on account of being the queen of wiggers.

>> No.67837066


>> No.67838528

why is this still up

>> No.67838633

Can't believe Mori "White Pride" Calliope did it again, truly the embodiment of modern colonisation.

>> No.67838669
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You will never be kansei ni jouzu.
You will always be a baka gaijin.

>> No.67838715

kek fuck off nigger

>> No.67840219

She's 100% American.
>but muh 1/4th German, 1/16th Polish, 1/32rd Scandinavian etc. etc.
Whatever you mutts say.

>> No.67840249

Xtwitter is gonna FREAK

>> No.67841517
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>She's 100% American.

>> No.67843853


>> No.67844036

If /pol/ could stop infighting on whether whites are actually white they might be a lot more dangerous. But I guess then they wouldn't be the /pol/ we know and love anymore

>> No.67844919

I've never seen an Ausborn chink with a full Aussie accent be pro CCP, so at this point I consider the accent to be a sign of successful assimilation

>> No.67845294

Oh for fuck's sake, she's from Texas, you retarded niggerfaggots.

God, no wonder I spend all my time on /gif jerking off if I come to this damn site, you /vt/ards are truly a different breed of stupid.

>> No.67846760

She hogtied me to her F150 and drug me down an old dirt road while blasting Erika

>> No.67847246

Why are americans like this. Just say you're american, stop fetishising other countries or nationalities and using that as your personality.
>I'm new yorker with italian descent so i know my genuine pizza pies
No you don't, you're american, there's nothing genuine about calling a pizza a "pie", and whoever your grand-grandfather fucked doesn't give you the right to pretend you're from another country
>I'm a latinx because I have spanish ancestry
No you're not, whatever that word means, somehow that word is socially acceptable but nigger isn't btw, go be american somewhere else
Can you imagine some fuckhead from france going "oui je suis american because I watch marvel and go to mcdonalds, make america good again, now i gotta go watch the superbowl"? We should hate this type of behaviour the same way we clown on ken-sama, except these ameritards are actually real.
Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.67847402

That's American

>Most of the things you enjoy on a daily basis
Likely American

>Your modern culture
Imported from America

>> No.67847427

No, you're autistic and possible a sociopath.

>> No.67847477

Don't worry anon. It's ok to be a brown person as long as you don't act like one!

>> No.67847602

>whatever that word means
It’s what xey prefer, all my Latinx amigxs told me

>> No.67847895

She's british, can't you tell from the accent?

>> No.67847944

that's why she's so dumb

>> No.67848163

1. As a nation only 200+ years old, saying you are American doesn't mean much to other Americans. The region or state you're from tells us more about you than that.
2. Due to the nature of slavery and waves of immigration, White, Black, (East) Asian, and Hispanic all tend to group you into a broader family of culture further broken up by a specific nationality of your family's original country.

After a certain number of generations, #1 can really start to outshine #2.
