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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67780234 No.67780234 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting genuinely worried about this person. She dedicated everything to their Oshi and is now having a breakdown.

>> No.67780441

Who gives a fuck. This is the reality of gfe. Maybe he should left years ago but nope like the cuck he is he stayed and now is crying. You reap what you sow.

>> No.67780448

he should be happy now that she's actually single

>> No.67780466

She sounds like an ugly browner who cares

>> No.67780507

Single and fucking rich e celebs and oil barons. He doesn't have a chance

>> No.67780521
File: 98 KB, 871x910, A7E86EB7-868A-4CF5-8875-BA5F0BC0C8D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she faces reality unlike the cuck discord where they still try to convince themselves that "her love for us was genuine".

Always hilarious to what ends copium can lead people but we've already seen that with Zion Don

>> No.67780534

>menhera with a menhera oshi is having a breakdown because her menhera oshi was revealed to be a lying menhera

>> No.67780695

She never felt guilty. She only felt guilty because she was caught. If mafu hadn't dm her that day she'd still be working for cover and would still be lying to her fans. This girls suicide baits for clout and to manipulate fans to think she never did anything wrong, when all of that is the farthest thing from the truth.

>> No.67781045

Just like the saying "Dont put your dick in crazy"

theres also "Dont put your hard work, time and money in crazy"

>> No.67781302

mentally ill fans with a mentally ill vtuber
a match made in mentally ill heaven

>> No.67781518

Fuck em.
They deserve this for being so stupid. Never put your happiness in the hands of others.

>> No.67782408


>> No.67782562

>catalog tourist

>> No.67782741

this is true, she hid her marriage with mfmf from them is because her love for them was so genuine that she didn't want to hurt them and for no other reason at all

>> No.67784026


>> No.67784077


>> No.67784181

Does he know?

>> No.67784259

He/She don't matter it all applies the same. They stayed and paid the price.

>> No.67784345

I can fix her...

>> No.67784393

did a vtuber stole your bf or something? or are you just a psychopath lacking empathy?

>> No.67784514

Huh, did anything happen with Mike or are you just gravedigging?

>> No.67784577

Nice try, Janny

>> No.67784626

There are no more skeletons in the closet surely. The next chapter of Miguel would be her most honest one because what else could there possibly be left to hide? It's then your choice if you want to take that journey with her.

>> No.67785306

Lmao why should I feel empathy for Mike? Or any of her cucked fans, you've got exactly what you deserved.

>> No.67785573

Nevermind, I looked it up. If Mafu was indeed married and forced to send SNS to his wife, during that time period, as he himself writes, then it really can't be anyone other than Mike. Lines up perfectly.

Goddamn. She really *did* fuck the alien it seems. They really were fucking married and he really wrote her "I'm coming home honey" on stream. That's fucked up.

>> No.67785840

you're a bit behind bro. Mike already confirmed it on her fanbox.

>> No.67786264

This is unironically a prime opportunity for her to get a model a scoop up all these heartbroken fandeads that watch her clips as her own, because she's totally like them fr fr. It would be the greatest grift ever.

>> No.67786703

>now that she's actually single

>> No.67786792

>or are you just gravedigging?
it's more a /jp/ topic than here but her ex hubby is taking her to court

>> No.67786999

>The Queen of GFE is found out to have had a husband.
>Her unicorn fans still support her.
Sisters... our narratives... how are we supposed to feel good about ourselves now.

>> No.67787219

If she learns something from this, then her suffering is a good thing. Painful, but good. A shame about all the time and work wasted on that channel.

>> No.67787354


>> No.67787433

Devil’s advocate here they would’ve been divorced even if they didn’t get caught and the relationship started relatively recently. That said it is now possible others started relationships as a holo as well

>> No.67787507

They're pathetic cucks, but wasn't the entire narrative about how dangerous and harmful unicorns are? How the girls are all scared of them, and they would unironically find and kill them if they as much as talked to a man? How is this desperate cuck shit corroborating with that? If anything, it's showing that unicorns are completely harmless and will give you far less of a headache than the annoying homobeggars.

>> No.67787856

buy an ad

>> No.67787918

Make me tough guy.

>> No.67787992

NTA, but I mean, Rushia had a history of baiting her suicide, even before the whole discord shitshow.
There's just no winning with BPD women. You can't fix them. The more you consciously stick with them, the more you are to blame.

>> No.67788067

I can save them

>> No.67788188

Rushia was always single, she put mafumafu on the same level as one of her viewers, it's why she treated him exactly the same and it's why this situation happened

>> No.67788403

The fact that flare was raped when michael doxxed her out of anger for streaming over her as rushia and thus why she never felt sad when doing the ''sankisei will go on'' video.

>> No.67788492

what happened to the Orca guy? i want to know if he killed himself

>> No.67788744

Do not worry about him. He is still loving her as ever.

>> No.67788788

>At least she faces reality unlike the cuck discord where they still try to convince themselves that "her love for us was genuine".
Anon Rushia 100% loves her fans, every man is a pet to her, real life marriages are no more special to her than the bond she shares with everyone else

One of the biggest things we haven't heard yet, is that she even had any kind of sexual activity
>but there were numerous affairs
That all seem to be emotional only, this girl might be completely devoid of sexual desire and only just sees men as things that can make her happy or sad

>> No.67788852

>sees men as things
This is really sad. You are all just things for her.

>> No.67788970

>Having unicorns left after her so many stunts
No anon, those are twittards and some Vshojokeks, she didn't kill her unicorns, she publicly shamed and beheaded them.way before the confirmed marriage

>> No.67789060

I'm pretty sure to most vtubers we are all just things to them, it's why so many desperately try to rub their own lives in our face
>stop being parasocial
>go outside like i've been doing lately
>also, never stop watching me, never stop supporting me, buy my merch, like, comment and member
This is a very disingenuous hobby filled with snakes who spite the hands that feed them, Rushia is unironically the only honest woman in this entire charade

>> No.67789155

>There are no more skeletons in the closet
How about what she said about Aqua and Shion?

>> No.67789488

What did aqua and shion do.

>> No.67789572

had a threesome sex all night long with her ex

>> No.67789715

sorry im not a clipnigger like you

>> No.67789813

Based mafu.

>> No.67789932

Hana was right, as untalented and retarded as she was, but right nonetheless.
Vtubers are nothing but E-girls in disguise with less steps, at least twitch thots have some make up and shit, a Vtuber, even if it's an obese pig can just splatter a Vtuber model with ''mommy vibes'' and people will think her deep voice is sexy instead of the result of slamming 50 burgers a day down her throat.
>But there are vtubers that sing and dance!!
OH NIGGA, WHO COULD I FORGET THE DANCING AND SINGING!!! WE ALL KNOW THEY ARE AUTOTUNED AS FUCK. Even fucking suisei has so many vocie cracks on her ''first take'' it's hilarious.
One of the examples of this fandom being down bad horrendous is that certain Vtuber's music career took off after being stale for so long when it was discoverd she had HUGE tits.

>> No.67789947

based if true

>> No.67790013

'sup coomers

>> No.67790165

>i mean

>> No.67790196

You're literally the twittards/Vshojokek coping. Next time you try to attack a Holomember or unicorns, I'm going to point out that none of Mikeneko's unicorns attacked her after her marriage/divorce came out.

>> No.67790391

Retard, a cuck would be enjoying this and jacking off to it not acting suicidal. Stop using words you don't understand.

>> No.67790487


>> No.67790603

I'm not defending the whore you absolute retard, In just correcting your moronic use of words that you don't understand.

>> No.67790604

I'm not a Rushia fan

>> No.67790617

Isn't that what you're doing cuck.

>> No.67790684

vsj members don't give a shit abouot rushia, mikeneko, or nazuna.

>> No.67790757

>>67790684 (me)
fuck I keep misspelling my words.

>> No.67790822

Soju's cute, Mike's a whore, and the alien is a crippling faggot, that's all I need to know.

>> No.67790841

Anon, barely anyone cared when she left, even fucking vei and silver still create more drama/shitposting on /vsj+/ than nazuna, if you believe that rrat you are getting baited by or are a retard.

>> No.67790931


>> No.67791917


>> No.67792045

>implying a twink can handle 2 girls

>> No.67792452

they handle him

>> No.67792483

Soju was a chick?
That explains so fucking much.

>> No.67792556

You right. I just said Vshojokek cause that's what the other guy said. It's more so Nijifans that do it, but there's way less of those around now.

>> No.67793713

The #1 mistake you can make with a BPDer is enabling them because they "can't control it"

>> No.67794871

I would say the #1 mistake you can make is to think you can fix them. You can't. You can just delay the next outburst by a bit. Its going to be there, and the longer you delay it, the more they will tear down when it comes.

>> No.67795946 [DELETED] 

Simps are never going to learn this and if they do it's almost ALWAYS after they get personally burned. Ontop of her being a woman her abuse is not taken seriously.

>> No.67796725

You telling me a woman simped that hard for Rushia? Aint no way

>> No.67797308

>catalog tourist

>> No.67797823

Yeah? It's called speaking in first person.

>> No.67797890

Does it really affect her simps that much?
I never watched Rushia, but the content of those clips is still funny. I don't see the problem with consuming and creating content from someone who turns out to be a shitty person if it's still fun to watch.

>> No.67798074

>not knowing about some random clipper makes me a tourist
Kill yourself retard.

>> No.67798114


>> No.67798391

Can't say I feel bad for her. Hopefully she finds a new oshi, and if she can't well fuck her.

>> No.67798587

>random clipper
mega catalog tourist

>> No.67800126

>Loud = Funny.
Japanese trolling sucks. This is Ollie level humor. I bet you could make a funnier post about it.
Also, Funny how they have resort to making it up, instead of finding real fans crying about it. It's almost like unicorns were always the more civil ones.

>> No.67801557


>> No.67801757

It's true, but it's sad

>> No.67802887


>> No.67802981

cringe fags

>> No.67803366

the reason why support for her will never die

>you are a sad simp needing love and affection
>i just want too fuck a crazy bitch so hard she's either fixed or breaks even more
>we are not the same

crazy bitches are such a big kink people tried to petition a murderer to be let go because she's too cute for prison
this is just hard filtering the vanilla Andys and letting the truly deranged horndogs in

>> No.67804828

I guess silver was right, they not even a friend bts.

>> No.67804873 [DELETED] 

hey faggot mod you missed this one
clean it up

>> No.67808530

They're co-workers, they don't have to be.

>> No.67811861

Buy an add.

>> No.67812269

maybe in her next life she will choose a better oshi

>> No.67817925

Who else did she clip?

>> No.67818655

Mumei for a bit.

>> No.67820650

>this girl might be completely devoid of sexual desire
BPDs are the most promiscuous ones out of all menheras, so I highly doubt that. if anything, she's prolly triple digit body count

>> No.67820771

>triple digit body count
bruh that loose cunt

>> No.67822681

>feeling bad for a clipper
what happened to this board?

>> No.67822687

Basically this, anyone who is still a Rushia gachi only has themselves to blame for denying reality all this time that she just is not who they hoped she was as a person and yes they were rused and bamboozled and need to just move on.

>> No.67823194

She did? Holy kek, how can fancucks cope now?

>> No.67824783
File: 22 KB, 568x70, 1685847406676379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tried but Silver and Nazuna are just too menhera to form genuine relationships.

>> No.67826581

>The fact that flare was raped when michael doxxed her out of anger for streaming over her as rushia and thus why she never felt sad when doing the ''sankisei will go on'' video.
I know flare shows signs of obviously not getting along with her, but this statement is absolute bull, take your meds anon

>> No.67828138

Why wouldn't we? If it was a good clipper it's normal to feel sympathy if their oshi does something terrible that devastated them. They are a fellow fan of vtuber s at the end of the day.

>> No.67828205

Know that feeling when you can't know if something is a bait post or a mentally ill ramble?
This post right here. Impossible to say.

>> No.67828965

100% true if they like GFE/BFE they are a cuck and their chosen oshi cucks them off screen while milking them for money its a snake oil salesman trade

>> No.67829244
File: 84 KB, 360x300, 1692118108208814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good clipper

soju "memefied" her clips so much, they became annoying to watch. At one point, she would spam the "bruh" meme 2-3 times in sub-1 minute clips. At any rate, like her fellow fandeads/nekofami, she had it coming.
