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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 124x124, dangerous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67760224 No.67760224[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your oshi had, has, and will have a relationship with someone and you anons will never know until a dramatuber / doxxfag exposes it or the member herself announces it. So it is best to stop being unicorns for the sake of yall sanity

>> No.67760268

>stop letting your nature cause you to drop vtubers who engage in tabloid slop

>> No.67760293
File: 497 KB, 900x900, 1692105546865583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still not going to watch holostars en.

>> No.67760406

I don't even watch Stars

I'm just tired man. Devoting my all for a girl and what did I receive ? A massive fuck you with the "im taken" title printed on her womb

Rushia has fallen. Who is next ? Being unicorns only brings suffering

>> No.67760492

It's incorrect to say she was already taken, because she was never going to settle down with anybody.

>> No.67760549

I just need a crutch to climb out of the hole, everything was starting to get better...

>> No.67760952
File: 243 KB, 1024x1024, Prizecorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The heart wants what it wants and your patience will be rewarded.
I have been rewarded with twin wives that love me tender.

>> No.67760980 [DELETED] 

lol some of u are incels

>> No.67761021
File: 41 KB, 310x302, 1692421435950702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm madly in love with my oshi's L2D. Sure, the person behind the avatar is the one giving voice to it, but I wouldn't want to date the person herself. It has to be the amalgamation of the human personality and anime girl aesthetics, that small zone between reality and fantasy. Being a unicorn who believes in 3DPD is great.

>> No.67761053
File: 75 KB, 887x123, who else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not safe to be a unicorn

>> No.67761059

If Rushia, former queen of GFE and broken menhera, was married, then the chances your oshi is married or has a bf are astronomically higher.

>> No.67761061
File: 321 KB, 1080x1440, terriblecars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to making angry tweets about Musk, tranny. YWNBAW.

>> No.67761069

There's a balance to be had IMO where you know you still just genuinely want the CGDCT content, but you also don't have unrealistic expectations either and basically keep yourself at arm's length from getting too gachikoi/simp orbiter mode for any chuuba.

Basically, be oshiless, be extremely hesitant to give out money or excessive praise or stick your neck out white knighting anyone. Because what you are doing is acting in the stead of a presented acted character. The vtuber persona you see might be somewhat accurate to the real person but it also might be like simping for Mickey Mouse and getting real angry defending his honor if it gets slandered. Yeah don't do that. You don't know which ones are which and that's fine. If you don't get too invested, you won't get hurt, and as OP implies, basically disappointment is fucking inevitable so the best course of action is to not let yourself care enough that the disappointment would bite too hard or make you have deep regret spending too much energy/money on the person.

>> No.67761304

I stopped, I'll be unicorning CGDCT anime waifu instead. reject modernity, embrace tradition

>> No.67761451
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, 214536546543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be pretty confused about what a unicorn is.

>> No.67761455

ITT: Unicorns finally realized they are no different than gook-pop's stans

>> No.67761498
File: 445 KB, 515x484, 1702200364016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like seeing cute girls doing cute things and being happy, idc about the drama

>> No.67761810


>> No.67762349

What was the screenshot in response to?
That Rushia was actually a bitch slut?

>> No.67762390

mucho texto, i'm going back to plapping gura in my log cabin in the woods

>> No.67762901

I will literally kill her then myself. She belongs to me and only me.

>> No.67762940

Take the coomer pill
just fap to the designs/AI bots
Stop giving a fuck to the thots behind the avatar
Only watch the ones you find entertaining without being a woman
If you can't just listen to a stream VOD like if it was a podcast while you work and find it entertaining, she is worthless as a streamer and only her design is worth it for those nights where you browse the sad panda lands

>> No.67763015

homobeggars come on this board to own da unicels and then reply to their own threads and then get mad at the replies and storm off back to social media to tell everyone about the CRAZY things they heard on 4chan

>> No.67763033

Where there's smoke there's fire. Always assume they're lying. Suisei is also probably married to that jpop guy

>> No.67763045

I don't care as long as she doesn't bring it up in her streams or any content. I only care about the character, not the actor.

>> No.67763063

Rushia was the cutest one for me, she made me fell in the rabbit hole years ago
I liked her cute interactions with the other holomen
and look where we are now

>> No.67763066

My problem is with males on stream. I do not give a fuck about anything else.

>> No.67763118


>> No.67763126

YEP. Mike really killed any trust I had for holo. If THE gfe tuber had been fucking the ayy for 2 years, nobody's safe

>> No.67763143

I'm not in a relationship with the streamer.

>> No.67763160


>> No.67763216

cool cuck fantasy

>> No.67763258

Scientifically speaking, who is the safest holochuuba to oshi? I'm going to early migrate while it's safe, even though my current oshi is yet to be implicated.

>> No.67763271

this is why you only watch semi retarded streamers like aqua or kanade

>> No.67763313

The most retarded and anti social ones for sure

I am still betting that Aqua is too dumb to maintain a relationship and Gura is way too much of an alcoholic basket case to maintain one too

>> No.67763433
File: 55 KB, 695x585, 1679052747868792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67763592


>> No.67763645

Then why are you watching? Do you think women can actually be entertaining for more than just sex appeal?

>> No.67763651

Liking women has always been the most dangerous thing a man can do. Even more dangerous than putting his head into an alligator's mouth.

>> No.67763671

GFE is for mentally stunted retards

>> No.67763689

>2 votes for gura
I will now watch and potentially oshi your chuuba. But if she yabs your bloodlines shall be cursed for all eternity.

>> No.67763694

>The most retarded and anti social ones for sure

>> No.67763754

What was that old line? "Don't put someone else in charge of your happiness?"

>> No.67763888

Why are you watching? Do you think your supachats will result in her getting into a relationship with you specifically out of the 1000’s of viewers?

>> No.67763964

Genuinely unsure if the whole unicorn thing is a really dedicated LARP or if there are actually people who think that they are in a relationship with the voice actor behind their oshi

>> No.67763977

Why wouldn't you just want your oshi to live a healthy life (which probably include relationships) and do the same in your own life? You'll never ever meet her.
