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67758161 No.67758161 [Reply] [Original]

HolostarsEN Twitter account employee once again showing his bias

>> No.67758237

I hate Holostars and their fans.

>> No.67758283

>i am speed

>> No.67758295

you have a typo anon its *fan

>> No.67758365

>homo will never reach 1m
cry more, sisters

>> No.67758465
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>> No.67758485

>Holostars are important too!
Holy delusion

>> No.67758527

But let's talk about something actually important such as #WhereIsSelen

>> No.67758732

Am I blind? What am I supposed to be seeing?

>> No.67759041

>3 Std.
What language is that?

>> No.67759191


>> No.67759208

Wtf is this shit?

>> No.67759300


That it took them almost 3 days to congratulate her.

>> No.67759327

homo/holopro side of the new years relay had a cropped image of the bae/ollie to promote it instead of the boys, you had to click on the tweet to see any males, stars fans had a meltdown

>> No.67759350

You made me check the comment nigga, this is not related.

>> No.67759372

For a 4chan board anons here sure love twitter.

>> No.67759395

I don't see anything wrong with it?

>> No.67759407

All while they managed to congratulate the homo for his birthday immediately

>> No.67759864

birthdays are always congratulated on the day

>> No.67759870

is your guys' life genuinley this sad that you have to look for retarded shit like this?

>> No.67759999
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1690630013850172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That account is ran by yaoi-loving landwhales. Were you expecting any better? But, more importantly, why would you even follow that shit?

>> No.67760123

It's "Stunde", German for hour. From the same root as English "stound" and "astound"

>> No.67760712

To be fair they shouldn't use the girls to promote holostars.

>> No.67760822

these people should be gassed

>> No.67761454

The official EN twitter has a very long history of ignoring hololive milestones while always tweeting about holostars. It is legitimately annoying that there's no account you can follow for just hololive news, instead we have one that doesn't do their job with hololive while also spamming you with tweets about shit 95% of their audience doesn't care about

>> No.67761505

You're making a storm in a cup of water.

>> No.67761535

>3 std.

>> No.67761598

So what am I looking at that's worth your seething op.

>> No.67761653

I'm not even the guy who posted the thread, I just think it's reasonable to gripe about them consistently not doing their job properly. It's like if you subscribed to a newspaper and 60% of the time they delivered you a magazine about knitting instead

>> No.67761752

Astound = eine Stunde

>> No.67761828

Well see, neither Mumei nor Holostars have anything concrete to show for, so they might as well be the same thing.

>> No.67761865

It's funny that people on Twitter talk like this but NEVER actually watch them

>> No.67761887

True, I had it followed for like 3 days until I got irritated that 80% of the tweets were about holostars/JP/ID

>> No.67762000

>People actually shitting That page using their main account
Wtf, when did twitterfag stop licking cover asshole

>> No.67762475

>he said, on /vt/

>> No.67762969

I can fix them with dick. I know it. I know it's possible. I will make them normal with hot sweaty sex.

>> No.67763024

Around the time of HLZNTL

>> No.67763927

It's also funny how every other milestone and announcement they tweet out gets a graphic made for it, but for Council's first million sub milestone they just retweeted her 3 days later because they obviously forgot about it

>> No.67764142


>> No.67764228
File: 319 KB, 1170x1390, 1677872773195658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Council/Promise are so forgettable even the employees didn't know who their members are.

lmao no wonder they didn't do as well as expected.

>> No.67764303

All online discussion has been downstream from twitterfags for about a decade now, where have you been?

>> No.67764698

Hololive EN twitter account does seem to have a tendency of either delaying or ignoring news when it only relates to Hololive. Still they do that most frequently with HoloEN talents who go on breaks and they have done that with Mumei, Gura, and Ina.

>> No.67764720

>So what am I looking at that's worth your seething
You aren't supposed to have anything to actually be mad about you need to be mad about the voices in his head with him

>> No.67764769

>Unfollowed but still looking at every tweet they make
Very smart anon

>> No.67764992

I'm so mad. I'm literally shaking right now. This is so unfair. I bet they don't wait 3 days when a holostar gets to 1 million.

>> No.67765809

It's a shame we'll never find out what would happen in that fantasy scenario

>> No.67765826

Worry about nijiEN being in dumpster fire status, ennacuck

>> No.67765980

Hello fulgur
How your diet going

>> No.67767467
File: 282 KB, 512x512, 1706311744298188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't stream for months
>She forgotten by management for being gone that long
>fans wonders why it took three days to notice.
>Immediately shift blame to the homos who actually stream.
Fucking unicorns cornudos.

>> No.67767721

Late tweets isn't even the biggest issue. THe account ignored: Fuwamoco's White Love and Identity Cover, and Nerissa's Yuki No Hana, SOS and Down by the River. Literally the majority of the music the branch released in the past few months

>> No.67767776


>> No.67767856

Are you tired of winning yet.

>> No.67768678

The concert is gonna be fucking empty if they promote it with the homos, the admin probably just tried his best to attract a bit of audience in it.

>> No.67769377

Yeah they don't work over weekends.

>> No.67769835 [DELETED] 

The troonicorns seem to have really gotten their hormone meds dialed in. Because this is the most womanly thread I've seen in awhile.

>> No.67770142

It's really sad that hololive management seems to be listening to the twitter trannies rather than the fans. I'm glad the hostility for holostars on official channels is going up though

>> No.67770375

I wish the best for Holostars and for continuing success for their branch.

>> No.67770569

It's fair to point out but it's definitely not "make a whole thread about it" material

>> No.67770667

There are dozens of threads made about considerably more stupid things every day, at least the thing this anon is shouting into the void about actually has some basis in reality

>> No.67770740


>> No.67770891

And I bitch about those too, what's your point?
I literally just said you can point it out, you dramanigger brainrotted retard. Making a thread about it is woman-tier gossip shit.

>> No.67770955

>we should allow more shit in the catalog because i mean it's already filled with shit!
No wonder this board fucking sucks and I say that as someone who agrees with OP

>> No.67771068

I hate omegatroon and his acolytes (ie. whoever is managing this homobeggar account) so goddamn much

>> No.67771154

I'm an accelerationist, if they're not going to delete garbage threads then the ones that get posted should at least be either factually accurate or entertaining garbage

>> No.67771240

every single tranny stars fan that acts like this on the hololive Twitter should be hit by a bus

>> No.67771268

Holostars defense force is once again here to shut down negative discussion of his shitty branch. I hope you get paid well for your service.

>> No.67771300

Why shouldn't a thread be made about how the HOLOLIVE ENGLISH account is biased towards posting the useless holostar parasites and there's no twitter account or any other news source for HOLOLIVE ENGLISH only news? You sisters are about as subtle as the faggots running that account

>> No.67771335 [DELETED] 

I know you troonicorns have trouble reading and love projecting but this is ridiculous. Where the fuck did I imply I give a shit about the homos?

>> No.67771385

half the people in the replies of this thread didn't even know what they were supposed to be looking at in OP's image, are you retarded?

>> No.67771500

It was earlier than that but that was big one. Lui and Irys “forced against their will to collab with homos.” Honestly I’m torn I wish they’d do something that would make homos quit but at the same time women once again aren’t held accountable

>> No.67771584

besides showering the homos with hate at every opportunity there's realistically not much else people can do

>> No.67771837

I sent in a report to Cover since I figure that might actually get seen by people who might actually do something about a subordinate negging the achievements of talents.

>> No.67771886

Well, you do that and I'll stick to calling mods retarded for not doing their job and allowing the trillionth Gura thread or "Marine is a horrid bitch" thread to hit bump limit

>> No.67772086

Cover are the ones pushing for this and it's been going on for years, they won't do shit about it. The only way is to turn up the hate until they all neck themselves, the homos and the faggots running the account

>> No.67772220
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1 million is not impressive

>> No.67772310

There are threads not based in reality that could use your deflection services sis. Can't claim the X staff don't know what they are doing here.

>> No.67773558


>> No.67773716

See >>67770891 >>67771886

>> No.67774385

Are you stupid? Birthdays are scheduled events - they literally can schedule all of the tweets in advance.

>> No.67774537

>the birthday celebration tweet was on their... BIRTHDAY!?

>> No.67774568


>> No.67774602

That argument would hold more water if the scheduled tweets actually dropped on the hour like they have in the past like when the account spoiled Kronii's outfit reveal before she finished.

>> No.67774656

>retards falling for falseflagging again
Day that ends in "y" I see

Based. The fans watching didn't want to see any of the females anyway.

>> No.67776615

Oh wow are you planning another raid anon?

>> No.67776954

Lmao grow thicker skin, if the holostars branch didn't quit at the start they're not gonna quit now, and i honestly doubt that some anons calling them gay on the internet is gonna stop them.

>> No.67778540

>scheduled annual event with merch drop
>milestone someone hit at a random time, without any special involvement from management/staff required
I wonder why one gets tweeted about faster than the other?

>> No.67780883

Why are my kinsmen retarded dramaniggers who can't get homocock out of their head even if they tried?

>> No.67781229

hey germans, go to bed now or go back.
t. french
