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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 346 KB, 1406x2048, @Tsugu_823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67757808 No.67757808 [Reply] [Original]

It's Almost February Edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females. You have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers. Fujo, yume, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>67671782

>> No.67758523
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Cute boy streams on-going:

Sonny - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn1gklzALs4
Kagetsu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnWoh5HgyI4

Within the next hour:

Fuwa Minato - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSSnkk5Z5k8
Inami Rai - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZEezzKi9tM
Hibachi Mana - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulzb9-vzreo
Arurandeisu - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDfa1pAfd0Q

>> No.67758592
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Thanks for the thread!
Bossu love and sex!

>> No.67759534
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A bit of Bettel love.

I still miss him…

>> No.67760619

rosco overlapping zander during the 2.0 relay annoyed me so bad, especially since everyone else before was considerate about not overlapping the next guy… i hope he doesn‘t turn out to be an insufferable fuck like his brother

>> No.67760790

Dw that bothered me as well, when I moved onto Zander’s 2.0, I was wondering when the hell was Rosco going to end his.

>> No.67760797

Aruran False Dream
Miyabi Palworld
Rikka Palworld

>> No.67761391
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When I’m looking at this artstyle, I can’t help but be reminded that it looks like one of those Genshin cutscenes

>> No.67762095
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>> No.67762645
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Oh I just noticed that Cassian is the only one that doesn’t have Palworld in his schedule.
Is it because of the AI accusations?

>> No.67762869

probably though I'm 90% sure the game itself doesn't use it because it was teased way before that was even a thing. I think it's funny that people are trying to get nintendo to shut it down for ripping off designs even though it looking like pokemon is the point and is why people were interested. Something even funnier is that it looks better than the latest pokemon games

>> No.67763085

Most likely. However the recent dev interviews confirm otherwise. Short and sweet, the lead designer was first rejected by the company. However her reputation for fake mons on social media was too much to pass up. She basically did every single one in a very short timespan and overdelivered on concepts.

>> No.67763609
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I love my cute wife (male) (son)!! While making this image, I looked at a bunch of screenshots of Roberu’s AW outfit. That outfit is really cute! The turtleneck is the best, honestly… Turtlenecks are so sexy, and on Roberu it looks amazing!

>> No.67764801
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>> No.67765529

Same thoughts
Also, havent watched the avallum boys 2.0's, any nice ones i should prioritize watching first? I was leaning towards the vampire from debuts

>> No.67766106

I haven't gone through all of them yet but Zander's 2.0 showed a lot more of his sweet side and affection for stories

>> No.67767261

I haven’t given palworld a look or seen the drama but isn’t it a given that they look like pokemon seeing as they (much like pokemon) represent real life animals with a twist?

>> No.67767342

Let’s see personally I liked Gale’s & Zander’s. Gale went into a bit more depth about behind the scenes of his debut while also throwing in some stories about himself. Zander’s was really well and did a fun little quiz on quotev. I got easily bored by Cassian, Rosco was alright but he got easily distracted and it felt more like a Zatsu then learning more about himself in the beginning plus overlapped with Zander’s 2.0 and finally Lucien was the only one I haven’t watched yet either.

>> No.67768524
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>> No.67771147

I watched Cassian's and Zander's. Zander's is worth a watch for sure - you really do get to know him a lot better from it and you can see he's having a ton of fun. While I enjoyed Cassian's as well, if you didn't have a positive impression of him from the debut it won't change your mind since it's basically more of the same.

>> No.67771201
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A little late but Happy Birthday to Altare!

>> No.67772497

There's some accusations for AI and plagiarism (some of which seem like they have teeth honestly). I personally don't care because fuck nintendo and I hope the issues dont get the game pulled

>> No.67772676
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Thank you for the thread! I fell asleep before I could bake last night wwww

I hope he returns son. I miss this cute jester

I'm sure it was an honest mistake, guy just likes to ramble and wanted to get to know his new fanbase. I'll forgive it just this once.

All the 2.0s impressed me except Cassian's. I'm just not into someone who likes gacha and FPS THAT much. I don't mind FPS if it's a collab though.
I think you should really support Gale and I think he's the best out of the group. Funny, good at talking, good at organizing things and keeping everyone together as seen by the first collab, and best of all it seems like he's interested in appealing to a CBDCT audience from all the hints he's dropped. I like Lucien too but I'm going to support Gale the most.

Happy birthday leader! Thank you for filling my mornings and some evenings with your wonderful voice and funny streams! He's a very hard worker and loves the bros! Here's to another year!

>> No.67772992
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>> No.67773688

Anyone else surprised by how much attention Avallum has been receiving? I thought they‘d be another one of /cbdct/s pet projects like Valnexia, but people are actually tuning in to watch them en masse. They even have their own thread on the doxxsite now, so it seems the Nijisisters have been getting into them as well

>> No.67773973
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Daily Whale Taylor singing!


>> No.67774281

>Anyone else surprised by how much attention Avallum has been receiving?
Marketing has been very calculated, especially with pre-ad rolls on Niji videos/streams.

>> No.67774326

If you had eyes you would have seen this coming

>> No.67774365

I'm pretty surprised yeah but I shouldn't be. They commissioned some popular mamas for the models, made youtube advertisements for them, and the boys got out there by talking to people and making some pre-debut content. I want them to be successful but I hope they don't get too popular. I'm waiting until the debut weeks are over so the zoomers can fuck off to being clipwatchers so we can have a nice comfy chat.
Fuck....that's never a good sign. Saying [fanbase]sisters is cringe because it's catalogfag talk, but those trannies are some of the worst gossipers and anti-parasocial weirdos one could ever see. They have this weird obsession of "owning le haterz" that is leagues more crazy than the people they call insane. Hope they fuck off soon.

>> No.67774528

They had them on StarsEN streams as well. Lol, I got a bunch of them and I don't watch Niji.

>> No.67774998

Please tribalfag somewhere else

>> No.67775169

I think you're replying to the wrong person. I'm calling tribalfagging cringe and I'm referring to anyone on that awful site as trannies regardless of fanbase.

>> No.67775205

I'm curious to see how it'll pay off for them. And if their company is conscious about pushing for a consistent feeling of group unity and interactions over the long term as well to try to maximize their chances

>> No.67775409

It's surprising to me because I just saw Globie debut with only a fraction of the viewership despite also seeming to have good support from management. >>67774281 anon is right. They're targeting a very specific demographic and it helps that both Holo and Niji boys have publicly acknowledged them.
My only issue is that I'm not liking some of the Avallum fans that are showing up on my twitter. I'm already seeing people calling themselves "Leader of Gale's Fanbase" and doing the whole "Oh, we're dating" shtick. I want to hope that they'll work on establishing some rules and boundaries with the fanbase because I don't want this turning into early LuxNoc months when the fanbase was riddled with minors and twitter menheras.

It's easy to say that now but it's not like NeoPorte did amazing. Avallum's marketing has been pretty great and the boys have been pulling their weight

>> No.67775804

At least for me, the moment I saw that their models and designs were good, that they had a debut song (that they flew the boys out to japan to record), and that they were aggressively marketing themselves to the appropriate audiences, I knew they were gonna be a hit.
At least in the EN Sphere, corpo boys are mostly localized within 2 companies, and a corpo that focuses on guys is gonna fill a niche that people want. Really helps that it seems like FSP really gave a shit about them instead of trying to hide them away in a mixed wave or something. I can't talk on NeoPorte because I don't know anything about em

>> No.67775848

I haven't read the other boys' descriptions but I saw that Gale has rules in his chat so I'm hoping they'll tardwrangle sooner rather than later. If they've watched vtubers at all I hope they've learned a thing or two or ten.

>> No.67776178

Ruze Potionomics

>> No.67776498

Ah, finally got the Altare x Jurard moment I've been craving~
I need a 1v1 stream next.

>> No.67776842
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I'm really happy about Ruze's stream today. Happier than usual. I think it's because he's peak CBDCT to me so I'm really happy he's streaming today. I'm happy Ruru exists.

>> No.67777539 [DELETED] 

Now that the utaite fans are shitting on Holo we should join them so they know that we're not as bad as them.

>> No.67777759
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Shotas, anyone?

>> No.67778335
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Thank you jan-chan

>> No.67778910
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>> No.67779719
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>> No.67780571
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This is Konno Izumi, a member of Piece A Part and Atanaru. His character is pretty much of trashy guy like a "that guy does suspicious things" but he's pretty nice. Also gives an unkempted vibe but is considered one of the sexy one somewhat. His mascot is an ahoge turtle. Only does group / duo covers so don't have solo covers besides these:

>> No.67780856
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cassian's refind self

>> No.67781032

very late reply but ghost was actually stupid enough to show her browser onstream and it had /vt/ in her shortcuts tab. The rrat that she behaves this way to fuck with anons here may actually have some legs lmao

>> No.67781810
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>> No.67782017
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I NEED Uproar's new outfits to be REAL when will they be REAL. I especially need Gamma's sweater

>> No.67782353
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I am not all surprised and extremely disappointed cause it just proves that she also wants attention on here out of all the places

Anyways, I need to cleanse my mind so here, cute boy

>> No.67782482
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I miss Bettelbear ueueueueeeee

>> No.67782671

Youtube HATE
I've been unsubscribed from new cute guys against my will
Pisses me off!

>> No.67783370
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Maid in PRC.

>> No.67783592
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Oh THAT'S where all the maid art is coming from. Bless the person who made that asset. What a well designed maid dress.

>> No.67784534

Cute clown, hope he feels better soon

>> No.67786713
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>> No.67787707

Zander Netherbrand: Palworld

>> No.67789001

Zander and Luci are both comic book nerds!

>> No.67789086
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Rosco with Bomb Rush

>> No.67789285

Zander’s speaking patterns and tone remind me of Goldbullet. Both sound gay but actually bi(?)

>> No.67790362

How dare you

>> No.67791051
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Does your oshi have fuckable feet?

>> No.67791304
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My cute catboy son got some new socks, he hopes you all like them

>> No.67793503
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Galleon palwrorld

>> No.67794353

I dont think NeoPorte is a good comparison here, their focus is on the usual fps & hero shooter games and aside from one in gen 5 they are all mainly japanese speaking, arent they?

>> No.67794822
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>> No.67795469

NeoPorte has some pretty decent talents though who do good numbers wise. It's better to compare them to valnexia who were really the only male exclusive EN group outside of Niji and Stars.

>> No.67795703

My sides, I love Gale

>> No.67796205
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This is Shinomiya Iori, a member of Atanaru, he's also part of the other group of 5 in Atanaru that sort of called themselves Chaos Mansion. He's like a little brother and he' cute and nerdy. Also, very responsible and very good at organizing things.
Some covers:

>> No.67796367
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Here's the 2 of them, the ship, together

>> No.67797019

Jesus those curves are dangerous. I want to wrap the entirety of my arms around him.

>> No.67797107

VantaYu sponsored stream
Wilson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0pGDSoMFgY
Vanta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Np8Tz15-JI

>> No.67797509

Pretty sure it's on purpose. They probably asked the animator to mimic Genshin.

>> No.67797727

I'll be honest, I'm shocked that so many corpos are okay with their talents streaming Palworld now that Pokemon has beef with them. Are they not afraid of losing future Pokemon streaming rights? Like sure Palworld is the trend now and I want Gamefreak to stop producing slop as much as the next guy but eventually the next Pokemon game is gonna come out with a bunch of hype because the internet always forgets, and all these vtubers are gonna wish they could stream it.

>> No.67798098

Oh no, people won't be able to play the latest low effort buggy Pokemon game with stiff animations. The horror. Anyways, that's the good thing about the free market; there's plenty of other games out there to play and if they don't improve, they'll be left in the dust.

>> No.67798290

Altare's birthday karaoke!

>> No.67798330

You don't get the point. The point is that regardless of how shit the next Pokemon game is going to be, there's going to be a lot of hype around it, and people who stream it are gonna do numbers. They could potentially lose the ability to get numbers from every future Pokemon game. I doubt Palworld has the same amount of brand recognition to carry an infinite number of sequels like Pokemon does. Seems like poor foresight to trade in the biggest IP in the world for a flash in the pan.

>> No.67798551
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Oh no, not the heckin' noombers. ANYTHING but teh n00mb3rz....

>> No.67799077

Well yeah, if you're a corporation, you care about the numbers. I don't care if vtubers stream Palworld, I'm just surprised that the corporations who employ them are somehow okay with it. Are you even reading this thread?

>> No.67799427

then by this same logic, not streaming palworld would be the same as losing numbers. does streaming terraria mean minecraft will remove their perms? will they lose fortnite perms if they stream another battle royale game?

>> No.67799537

OH SHIT is that why Niji isn't streaming Palworld? Their corporate overlords don't wanna lose their Pokemon rights?
I mean, sucks for the Chuubas but Kurosanji gonna Kuro.
But I'm sure Niji can't be the only company that's considered this unless all the other companies are being run by incompetent buffoons. Maybe the other corpos have just decided it's not worth it to keep playing Pokemon? Or they can't contractually stop their talents from playing games they have the rights to even if it fucks things up down the line?

>> No.67799723

I don't see why they wouldn't be okay with it. The AI allegations turned out to be false, there's a million other monster catcher games out there, and it's a fun group or solo game to watch. If they couldn't play PKMN because of it, there are a million other n00mb3r games out there. They'll be fine.

>> No.67799757

Read >>67798330
Palworld is temporary but Pokemon is the biggest IP in the world. And unless Minecraft has filed a lawsuit against Terreria and is currently suing them for copyright infringement like the Pokemon Company has, this isn't the same situation. From a business perspective streaming Palworld is kind of risky.

>> No.67800116

Now look what you've done, you've triggered the catalog bot. I don't know why you're dickriding Pokemon so hard when Pokemon's designs copied someone else too. No one cares as long as the stream is entertaining. This is my last response, I'm not gonna contribute to shitting up the thread over something that isn't a big deal.

>> No.67800142
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>suing them for copyright infringement like the Pokemon Company
where did you get this? if you mean this notice, it just reads "we are aware of palworld and the similarities with our game. please stop sending complains"
look how many different shooter games with the same mechanics exists. pokemon could only sue if palworld uses the exact same assets, which so far hasnt been totally established. if it were the case, the game would already be dead and removed from platforms

>> No.67800515

It's not like pokemon's the first to come up with ''catching monsters in balls'' either.

>> No.67800577
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>It's not like pokemon's the first to come

>> No.67800889
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Altare's birthday merch is out! The art is pretty nice!

>> No.67800921

I've only been speaking from a corporate perspective this whole time. I've agreed at every single point that Pokemon makes trash games. I haven't even played a single Pokemon game past their 2D sprite era. Not my fault you can't read, so maybe it is best you stop responding when you aren't capable of doing it properly.
You're right. My bad, jumped the gun on that. But imo that notice of investigation is still a red flag and they should hope that Palworld is squeaky clean, which is gonna be hard given Japan's tyrannical copyright laws and eerily similar model assets.

>> No.67801597

>A ring

>> No.67801987

Ah, this reminds me of when Alban had a cute little part when Sonny sang Plastic Love. I'm glad Altare sang this.

>> No.67802454

I really wish /v/ crossboarders would die a painful death by stage 4 cancer if they won't talk about cute boy vtubers.

>> No.67802685

Same. Imagine using "buh-buh-buh from a business standpoint" as an argument when there are better and more popular streaming games. Fucking hate retarded numbermonkey /v/fags.

>> No.67803546

You're part of the problem, since from the sounds of it, you were one of the anons participating in the argument. Shut the fuck up.
Anyway, I wish corpos would release jewelry merch with a gold option. I hate silver.

>> No.67803785
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Instead of thinking about numberfaggotry I think we should think about how Gale is best Avallum boy

>> No.67803927


>> No.67804760
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Good evening I hate women.

>> No.67805311

This collab is so cute. This is literally all I want: cute boys (and only cute boys) being cute after a frustrating day from work to help heal my soul.

>> No.67805774

god now I feel like he should've had dog ears

>> No.67805851

Uki Minecraft

>> No.67806442

I hope their 2.0 gives all of them kemono elements.

>> No.67807652
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>> No.67808726
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Vanta birthday merch!

>> No.67809128

>Zander likes pmd
based, the merry adjacent voice is a killer for me but he's a good boy

>> No.67810813

Zander doesn't sound gay, that's just how British "people" sound when they're being sultry

>> No.67811033

Does goldbullet sound gay? he just sounds campy to me.

>> No.67811399

He does sound fruity but he confirmed he's pan.

>> No.67813561
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>> No.67815412
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Goodnight anons, I hope to get a continuation of my previous dream tonight

>> No.67815585

The ring is honestly a nice touch but I would be too scared to losing it and would probably just end up displaying it at my home

>> No.67816661
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>> No.67817060
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gn, I hope you have a nice dream!

>> No.67818331

pan pizza?

>> No.67818856
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Roscals have a really cute and cool mascot!

>> No.67818961

Octavio's been playing Fall Guys on twitch

Also, Ver joined Uki's Minecraft stream!

>> No.67820501

I screamed when I saw Altare released a ring and necklace for his birthday, that's as BFE as it gets. Even if he says it's not an engagement ring we WILL be getting married and that's final!

>> No.67820789

Well he's going to be marrying a lot of frickin people then the slut

>> No.67823021
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>> No.67823276


>> No.67823508
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Man he was so cute today, chatting and having some laughs with Altare and then having fun voicing the different characters in Potionomics. I love him...

>> No.67823706


>> No.67825493

gibby sounds like he eats cock for breastfast, lunch, and dinner, but zander is just a british whore

>> No.67825895

I'm happy for you Altyume! You deserve it! The ring is so pretty too

>> No.67826954
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>> No.67827757

You sound like you need to stop stereotyping and assuming things anon. Put the yaoi manga down and step into the real world

>> No.67828777

Uproar Palworld

>> No.67828782

Okay Gibby. I love your streams, auntie.

>> No.67829645
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>> No.67830171

Thoughts on Indie boys?

>> No.67830194
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>> No.67830551

They are indie. And they are boys.

>> No.67830766
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Ryuji Palworld

>> No.67830987

They're pretty cool but I mostly watch JP indies

>> No.67831665

Shien Opening Chiikawa WSB Cards

>> No.67831888

Far too many with the /asp/ie energy or just a boring dude who thought a cute png/model would be enough to warrant attention. Those that do break out tend to pander hard or are the biggest whores going. What is left will typically be scouted or picked up by a corpo. We're in a indie boy drought right now

>> No.67831934

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what is /asp/ie energy?

>> No.67832071

Look into the /asp/ thread and see how they react and post about one another. No unity or genuine support, a crab bucket with the singular goal of escaping without trying to achieve the basics. They refuse feedback and yet seemingly also seek feedback from those that want them to fail. A good portion of them either get ousted as groomers, get groomed or worse considering we're talking about the average 4chan male on social media platforms. And when you lot do find one worth a damn to support, he'll instantly pull the "parasocial" card or something equally dumb that would filter this thread tenfold.

>> No.67832867
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>> No.67832975

Sorry for all the questions, but as an /asp/ie is there any way for me to still become a good indie boy? I genuinely want to improve for /cbdct/, but with my uncertainty on what I need to do and what you just mentioned about /asp/ie boys, I'm not even sure if I can be cbdct.

>> No.67833634

Nta but I would advise you to stop going to that place. It's a cesspit and the female version is even worse from what I've seen of it. Work hard, be professional(and I mean it, far too many indies with terrible quality streams whether its the audio settings, the picture quality, lag etc.), don't be a bitchy backstabber, and only do something if you actually enjoy doing it regardless of who you're catering to. It's not that difficult all things considered.
Also, you need to stop looking at this thread as some sort of monolith whose standards you need to live up to. Every anon here has different ideas of what a cbdct vtuber really is. Ask yourself what YOU think a cbdct vtuber is like and whether it's something you want to do.

>> No.67834264

Gamma 3D karaoke

>> No.67835806

a lot of what makes a good vtuber able to capture and keep an audience is already partly downstream from a ton of youtuber examples of past years that captured an audience of some kind. some channels dug in hard into their specific niche because they genuinely enjoy that thing and know a lot, their positive enthusiasm comes through naturally. some channels are broader but the person is quick minded enough with good talking skills to make several types of things engaging through their personality. frankly, there does seem to be a general good instincts side to it too where some vtubers always had a strong sense of what niche they're going for and how to present themselves to their audience. some don't and either had to work hard to find it themselves or simply never "get it".
for myself I like the male vtubers who have inherent interest in their kayfabe/character role to squeeze out the advantages of being a vtuber (ex. doppio, ruze). that chuuni appeal, using whatever they have within their role as something they can use to be playful with their chats. but not every one is going to be like that or wants to be like that long term

>> No.67836239

FSP manes calling out yt publicly for shaving off their subs. Yt pretty much saying people are unsubscribing enmasse which is why the channels are losing subs(very unlikely). I feel sorry for them being fucked over by youtube this bad but the public callout seems a bit unprofessional. You'd never see Holo or Niji make a post like this.

>> No.67836577

I remember something about how youtube's system assumes bots and can do overkill on a culling if direct subscribe links are involved, but idk if it still does that today

>> No.67836681

To be fair, YT support is so dogshit that creators often have to tag Team Youtube in a tweet to get their complaints heard.

Consideing FSP/Ichipro is sitill a small agency. I'd wager they don't have an inside contact at youtube that can help them with this.

>> No.67836866

Pretty much every new debuting wave in Niji has been hit with the cull bot
"How do I become a good indie boy?" Well first and foremost, pandering to /here/ or hoping you are shared here is a red flag. If you aren't genuine with how you present yourself or enjoy what you are doing outright, pretending to be something else in the vein hope of support isn't going to make you happy

>> No.67837071

That's true. After all, they did get team yt to reply but they pretty much told them to deal with it. Kinda sad a newly debuted gen has to deal with this shit

>> No.67837087

Miyabi Enjoy the Diner

>> No.67837232
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missing bear
ibuki if you read my post complaining about how you don't stream much i wasnt being serious please dont push yourself too hard

>> No.67837821

New frame

>> No.67838428
File: 567 KB, 1448x2048, piopio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Doppio’s and Altare’s birthdays are so close to each other is killing me because I love them both but I know for a fact that I could only afford so much…

>> No.67839005

i swear i don’t have a foot fetish, but something about this art makes me want him to put his cute little paws on my face… what’s happening to me…

>> No.67839087

Fuma's Ayakashi Radio Episode 2
Altare Birthday karaoke rebroadcast

>> No.67839810

Pretty much what everyone else said. You have to enjoy what you're doing. There's no hard advice anyone can give for being CBDCT. The basics is just avoid female vtubers and don't push your female audience away, but the rest is up to you. If you don't enjoy doing what you're doing, it's not for you. There's no secret to being cute. You quite literally just do what you enjoy and the cuteness comes along with that.

>> No.67840436

Doppio's merch is likely to be resold. You're probably not gonna get a ring and necklace ever again. I say go with Altare's birthday merch.

>> No.67840489
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https://www.youtube.com/live/IMSGQHTaUfw my sweet sensei has been playing valo for a few hours now. he’s recently been doing more ‘bilingual’ streams which has made reliably tuning in so much easier! i would love to support more JP boys but since i’m monolingual, my attention span wanes pretty quickly. leo love!

>> No.67841138

Suha's been playing Loddlenaut!

>> No.67841575
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I love my bois

>> No.67841792
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Just <1 week until Kaz's 3D! Too early to hype or just right? Are you excited for a boy's 3D?

>> No.67841896

Doesn't seem too early to me. 3D showcases are always special!

>> No.67842167

Look to the indies this thread likes and go from there. There's no one way

>> No.67843607
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Daily Whale Taylor singing!


>> No.67843761

V4Mirai plugging they are doing auditions again and stressing they are accepting male applications.

>> No.67843910

One quick google search later and I lol lmao. That's not a good idea given that it's currently small corpo with only girls in it #67894378.

>> No.67843972

>all female company #3892745
>"now accepting males!! Same branch btw"
Sorry but I wouldn't watch them even if the boys managed to completely avoid their female coworkers.

>> No.67844017

Goldbullet Slay the Princess

>> No.67846084

Gale Minecraft

>> No.67846300

They're actually a big corpo, brave group is huge. Which is exactly why they don't understand that making it mixed is going to kill whatever little fanbase existed and turn away potential new ones

>> No.67846375

Ah, they're going to share a Minecraft server with their JP senpai. Would have been nice if it was a separate server for just them.

>> No.67846658

This cute goofball....

>> No.67847023

The boys are monitized and Gale just got his first red supa! Congrats!

>> No.67847086

jesus, that was fast

>> No.67847153

Maybe now youtube will stop fucking them over that they're making money for google? ...maybe?

>> No.67847281
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i hope gale continues to do well
he's a good dude

>> No.67847337

Agreed. Very funny and entertaining.

>> No.67847370

That's even if any guys apply. Probably dudes that wanna fuck the girls in there will even try it. The fact that they're begging for it shows a lot

>> No.67847470

What is the best corpo to apply to if I'm a male indie and want to fuck the guys in my mind palace during collabs.

>> No.67847621


>> No.67847664

Nijiboy orgy always has open slots, maybe FSP while they're still all guys

>> No.67847773

In NijiEN most of the livers are fucking each other irl, mostly hetero fucking though.

>> No.67847797

I want to burn these fucking zoomers in gale's chat

>> No.67847898
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Correct, Vox and Ike are a heterosexual couple.

They'll fuck off after a week and go to being clipwatchers or go back to their big corpo oshis.

>> No.67848378

I hope so
During debut when he talked about his interests I got the feel he's actually older than his given age. Unless he has patience of saint keeping these kids around is going to give him lot of headache along the road

>> No.67848681

So many adhd brained attentionwhores in chat it's insane. Hopefully, they start being filtered more.

>> No.67848955

I never got this ship, Vox seems more like ikes retarded drunk cousin.

>> No.67849127
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Mmmmm incest
I think it's because they connect really well when it comes to memes and creative media like movies. They can talk for hours together and it seems like minutes. There's also the things they talked about during that Luxiem off-collab almost 2 years ago. Other than that, their dynamic is like that of one who is obsessed and one who pretends to not care for the one who is obsessed but he secretly does care a lot. Like a horny dog and one who is like "down, boy". Also red and blue.

>> No.67849243

Cassi in the Minecraft stream!

>> No.67849478

Holy hell I forgot there were so many children watching vtubers, what is this chat jesus christ.

>> No.67849590

Yeah I had to close the chat, it's so fucking annoying why do they all need to type in caps and spam so much

>> No.67849796

I hope it straightens out after debut week or the boys try to filter a bit because lord above it is horrid. I forgot how bad it could be

>> No.67849905

I wish every male vtuber could tard wrangle as well as Fulgur. Maybe not go overboard sometimes but just enforcing basic rules and going over them every now and then.

>> No.67850023

There's also being explicit in who you want to appeal to. I'm happy that I can walk into a vox stream and know that it's mostly people with jobs watching with me because he filtered minors so thoroughly. I'd take emote spam over zoomer chat anyday

>> No.67850048

Fulgur is really good about that but it's rare in corpos. One of the things I like about watching indies is generally a much better chat experience and personal attention

>> No.67850114 [DELETED] 

Anyone know a cute male ID vtuber for language immersion purposes? Or one that can speak it? The only one I wanted to get into graduated a while ago

>> No.67850239

Still feels like minors because of the emote spam. I don't mind if my comment doesn't get read but I would want some type of meaningful back and forth instead of having him wade through a cesspool of emote spam and the same three word comments. Hell even the other Luxiem chats are way better. I've made Ike laugh a couple times and it was nice.

>> No.67850266

Wdym anon? You don't like it when the 15 year olds go
whenever literally anything happens?

>> No.67850310

It's admittedly way better in members. But yeah it sucks either way. I've learned to live with it.

>> No.67850362

It was pretty much like this when Krisis debuted too.Wilson's chat was completely unusable. It got better though.

>> No.67850391
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I will gut you!!!!

Ah, I miss membership streams. I was shocked and amazed when Vox read my comment THREE times in a row. That's what we could have in regular chats but he never reinforced the emote spam rule more than once.

>> No.67850489

I'm enjoying the cute BL banter between this pirate and the elf whore

>> No.67850528
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Hakka in chat!

>> No.67850542
File: 316 KB, 1250x1700, _____seo8light-1730631525992198515-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's still really great in members. The saltburn watchalong was fun and Member's RS is quickly becoming some of my favorite streams of his. He's so gentle and open with us in there, and he calls us darling all the time, it makes me insane. He's been better about being chill in members and more outgoing in public streams, it's a good dichotomy for him.
Whoops rambled about him for the hundredth time mb

>> No.67850594

yooooo thats nice

>> No.67850644

>the one attentionwhore in chat pretending to be Gale's parrot
Why did he shout that person out onstream?

>> No.67850676

Why are you apologizing for being a yume in the yume thread?
The last member stream I got to watch was the first one in that romance film trilogy, I forget what it's called. It was that week he was going to have like 4 or 5 member streams but only ended up having two lol. He overworks himself too much and sets big goals but ends up being too tired to complete them (just like me.....).

Don't be mean to Hakka :(

>> No.67850868
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>He overworks himself too much
Yeah... I'm happy he's getting better about knowing when to pace himself. I hope he's having a good day today. I'm glad he'll be in a few collabs and the big events soon.

>> No.67850986

Cassian has a cute laugh

>> No.67851053
File: 103 KB, 850x850, ed58WMFq5eAizlDv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Hoshinouta Kaz? Kaz is part of Piece A Part and they announced all the group members will do 3D this year. Technically Takao did go first with 3D because he's quite popular and is the best choice for testing the waters. Why is Kaz going 2nd though? It's because Kaz is known to be the "Lucky First Hitter" (exaggerated). Any event or series with Kaz going first is sure to be super lucky and have great success! Maybe this is less supernatural and more due to the fact that Kaz can execute things well as the first one up with little reference and nerves and his high energy and morale boosting really sets up the stage and mood (exaggerated)!

Look forward to more random Kaz spam in the upcoming days leading to his debut.

>> No.67851332

Lore accurate pirate happening!!

>> No.67851851
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Shiny Spicy BL!

>> No.67852891

It's nice that they're showing respect to their senpai but I'm getting tired of the boys talking about them THAT much. I want to get to know you, it's your stream, not your senpai's. I guess it's inevitable since they share a Minecraft server. I hope they get their own soon. Stream has still been fun.

>> No.67854313

I love fudanshi Hakka.

>> No.67854849

Any cute boys that play visual novels recs? I already watch Fuuchan

>> No.67854921

Only other one I can think of are Flayon and sometimes Doppio. Oh and Alban. As for indies, I have no idea. They or someone who watches indies can take it from here.

>> No.67856145

Thank you!

>> No.67857966

No problem! Also I think Shinri might have played one or two? I don't remember, but the horror games he plays are story heavy so I probably got them confused. Good luck finding more and if you do, share them here!

>> No.67858952
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>> No.67859716


>> No.67859887

Zander Death Must Die

>> No.67860187

Zander wants to be your warm fluffy blanket!

>> No.67860448
File: 80 KB, 500x500, Kou uzuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When dost thou answer your door, thou shall see my fierce body before you.
Those who didn't answer the door, died. Whoa, so deep.

>> No.67861164

I haven’t seen THAT Kou fanartist post any rape art in a long while.

>> No.67861211

Did she died? or maybe got a cease and desist.

>> No.67861393

This is literally the most popular Kou picture on pixiv by both genders.

>> No.67861928

Yeah that’s her, she went wild when he got a new outfit that was him in a black gothic lolita dress. Before I discovered Kou I thought that she drew lolis being raped (since she doesn’t show Kou’s cock) it wasn’t until I discovered Nijisanji that I realized that he was a boy

>> No.67865180

up you go

>> No.67867073

Didn't realize there were that many roguelikes out there. I'm looking forward to Zander being nerdy about all the ones he plays.

>> No.67868167

Uki Honkai Star Rail

Sonny Street Fighter 6

>> No.67868291

do you think avallum will get big enough to get a general eventually?

>> No.67868433

Zander wants to really play Alien Isolation and get scared. He wants to have donation alerts on so you can scare him even more.

>> No.67869205

Bubi anon wake up, Zander's really into his lore!

>> No.67869287

thank you anon

>> No.67870718
File: 1.63 MB, 1179x1718, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zander owns one of these

>> No.67871370

I'm so glad he's an actual weeb and nerd. We need more men like him in vtubing.

>> No.67871925

Hakka Date With Death

>> No.67873516


>> No.67877034

Luca Elden Ring

>> No.67878325


>> No.67881215
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>> No.67882903
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>> No.67884101
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I'd love to watch the EN FSP boys but I want to wait at least a month to see how they behave around potential female interactions and topics like the obligatory "parasocial good/bad" rant. Threadreading should suffice for now... I hope.

>> No.67884440

Zander has been charming to me and I think he's my favorite in Avallum, Gale would be second. I like his interests too. He mentioned that before getting into Avallum he didn't know much about corpo vtuber culture and terms, but he still shows interest in using aspects of his character role for kayfabe whenever he can

>> No.67886115

Understandable. I'm excited to get to know them and see how they change and improve so that's why I stick around for debut weeks despite the cringey chat. Seems like Zander won't pull a "parasocial fucks" but I won't hold my breath since he's br*tish. It could also be part of his kayfbe which I personally think is a green flag if he can stick to it that well.

I usually go for red and black boys but Gale has been so cute and charming. He's a really funny guy and looks out for the rest of the group. He's a really good guy that deserves to be there (no offense at all to the indies that wanted his spot. Keep working hard and maybe someday you'll be his kouhai!).

>> No.67887727
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>> No.67888496

Ike is finally home! And whoa, those moans....

>> No.67891628
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>> No.67891710
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Kaz is usually accompanied by his hamster, Hamu, who is always on his shoulder. Here is a clip of him voicing Hamu.

>> No.67894704

One of Kaz's favorite songs to sing is the Hamtaro song and he'd sing it in many karaoke

>> No.67896336
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>> No.67897996
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>> No.67899045

cute boy off collab https://youtu.be/95USh-oS1Do

>> No.67899692

Huh, so they were travelling to meet each other.

>> No.67900199

fsp open your next gen auditions let me in!

>> No.67900858

>no offense at all to the indies that wanted his spot
>Indie anon plugs the auditions
>Spotlights the gen to a thread
>"You just aren't good enough anon"

>> No.67901978

I dunno about this whole "not good enough" thing. Sure there are bad indies out there but a lot of corpo aren't really doing anything indies can't do or doing anything better. It's really just a matter of being picked like a lot of jobs. A lot of is recruiters going with the most popular or just going by gut feeling because eventually there are a lot of qualifying similar quality candidates but only a few spots.

>> No.67902912

A LOT of people in your favorite corpos didn't get picked the first time around and had to reapply multiple times. If you fail once, so what? Failure is an inevitable fact of life. Get back in there.

>> No.67903787

Shien Mario Party Superstars with Soara, Kirschtorte, HaYun

>> No.67904041

That's not what I meant and you know it. I'm saying he deserves to be there and I didn't want my comment to come off to mean that anyone else didn't deserve it. Use it as motivation to get better and then maybe you'll make it in next time.

>> No.67904642

Today is Usase Suu's last day of activities.same artist mama as rikka and nijijp shachou
https://www.youtube.com/live/OlRCFnoSU lE?si=1rx7-Hs8--5CHVxX

>> No.67904816

Interesting. Do you think he'll come back?

>> No.67906081

I'm really surprised by how much I like Zander, i thought we were just getting a normal whore but he's actually wholesome. He's the smallest right now but I think that will change.

fsp needed to do more with him at the initial debut.

>> No.67906254

Miyabi Enjoy the Diner

>> No.67907271

Izuru singing

>> No.67908336

Goldbullet Elden Ring

>> No.67909610
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>> No.67910564

I really don't like the way he acts about Zander in general.

>> No.67911235
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>> No.67911697

how does he act?

>> No.67912887
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>> No.67913561
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>> No.67914837
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>> No.67915175
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