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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 44 KB, 600x600, komachi-panko-portrait-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67741992 No.67741992 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.67742162

she's a clout chaser

>> No.67742422


>> No.67742765

why do you hate her gen?

>> No.67742843

does she?
cool if so

>> No.67742893

Speaking of which, a poko panko collab might actually be kino

>> No.67743065

i would hate being in phase connect too

>> No.67743082

who the fuck is this

>> No.67743330
File: 803 KB, 1509x843, Most lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only European Phase Connect girl, Panko

>> No.67743698
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Well you wouldn't, you're a boy.
The girls that get into Phase, as troubled as some of them are, stay. They love their kohais, senpais, managers and the comfortable freedoms of Phase policy.

>> No.67746967

>[chuuba name]-portrait.jpg
>absolutely retarded bait

>> No.67747133

she's a KFP in the brownvtmemes corpo
she needs to get out of there

>> No.67748624

Because they are grifting leftists who hold their viewers in contempt, and she’s actually based and truly loves her ringos.

>> No.67748975

0/10 weak performance

>Jammed packed with nu-speak
Second line? See >>67743698

>> No.67749188
File: 42 KB, 504x216, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this behavior?

>> No.67749296

unironic deflection threads

>> No.67749347

who do you think is next

>> No.67749399

Shitposting, bait

>> No.67749428

Judging by the pattern, snuffy

>> No.67749510

>being in the same company as the tourist vtuber
yeah no, thats like being in a company with a literal drooling retard. once she eventually blows up for having an edgelord fanbase its over for them.

>> No.67753116

here nigga nigga

>> No.67756650


>> No.67757581
File: 159 KB, 381x434, 1701202117926868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the only none chinkoid in her gen
also Rie is a fucking retard that flicks the bean to the idea of overtaking panko's noombers

>> No.67757637

Italians are a superior race and can't help but look down on other races of people.

>> No.67760029

Buy an ad

>> No.67761152


>> No.67761225

I wanna flick Hime's bean

>> No.67761340

>she's the only non chinkoid in her gen

>> No.67761822
File: 473 KB, 813x884, 1688172442586336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the eggplant gene

>> No.67761905
File: 84 KB, 332x215, 4088-01-29-2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is OP plan?

>> No.67762226

>comfortable freedoms of Phase policy.
Forbiden to stream during Lia and Flayon Collab

>> No.67763642


>> No.67764376

>once she eventually blows up for having an edgelord fanbase its over for them.
You've been saying this for three years now and the she you're seething about just hit 300k.

>> No.67764663

did you make this thread: >>67752996

>> No.67765069

What the hell are you gibbering about?
Imagine the managers asking everyone to avoid streaming during a big event. They’d be like “okay cool, a night off”. Rie did good.
(You) farming, as usual.

>> No.67765334

tourists are the reason Gura got so big.

>> No.67765853

Ah, so “tourists”=mainstream success.

>> No.67768029

Thats exactly what it means. Mainstream is getting attention of literally everyone especially people who arent into the hobby meaning "tourists"=people who only know the hobby for one thing/person and associates everything in said hobby with one thing/person.

>> No.67771778
File: 2.34 MB, 1630x917, 1702529356518949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially people who arent into the hobby
No. People who are being brought into the "hobby", IE *SUCESS*, IE The *aim* of doing it at all.
Everyone new to vtubing has to start with one of them, and many people, new and old, will stick with just one, or a handful. But this is true of every form of media entertainment. Getting sour about the fact of the matter is childish.

>> No.67772222

She was popular, but she bought in the wrong crowd. Almost all of her fans are ironic weebs and think anything that isnt already popular is cringe. Her success literally came from being the funny meme girl in her pl because she didnt even try to hide it. Once she opened her stupid mouth everyone flocked to her because shes does funnny meme songs.
t. former cumbud from when ame and gura were really fond of eachother.

>> No.67774038


>> No.67774115

same anon, I cum every time I see Panko

>> No.67774187

Panko come home to hololive you deserve better than phasecucks shitting on you behind your back.

>> No.67774792

Panko also hates Poko and immediately shit talked her when she debuted. It would've been kino tho

>> No.67775799

There needs to be a Panko/Poko general like there's an Anya/Petra general. They both have a lot of overlap

>> No.67775951

I sometimes forget that Panko actually has genmates.

>> No.67776190

Tenma is also European

>> No.67776497

I bet at least 75% of her audience never knew her previous ID, and that feels generous. ky0resu had a similar meme girl background and she struggled to get more than 200 people to watch her without literally offering to fuck them.

>> No.67776541

She's just shy and fears rejection because her gen-mates aren't white, and she's secretly based
Her genmates would probably turn on her if they had proof that made her look bad without exposing her PL

>> No.67776544

>Why does she hate her gen?
the depends, who is she and who are her genmates?

>> No.67776679

i want to fill panko with so much cum she is more cum than water

>> No.67776683

Only phase girl i watch, she's just the cutest italian girl ever

>> No.67776742

checked holy trips into based quads
thank you for your service cumbud

>> No.67777651

Did ky0resu get millions of views on her meme vids? If yes, then im a retard just talking nonsense if not rhen gura will literally be popular anywhere she goes because shes one the ironic weebs favorite memers. She could go indie and if she does the same voice that shes been doing since the meme songs she'll still have millions of subs.

>> No.67777898

she's brown dough

>> No.67778051
File: 474 KB, 1280x720, 1706555643407225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American (brown) hands typed this post, also

>> No.67778517

imagine the phasekeks meltdown if she ever goes to holo

>> No.67780375
File: 563 KB, 1080x1720, IMG_20240129_172131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon pls, it takes seconds to check this

>> No.67781802

4ailchan fans may do this, but I like her and never shit on her.

>the wrong crowd
You aren’t the judge of this, gatekeeper.

>> No.67783406

Cool, guess im a retard talking nonsense

>> No.67783688

This place is problably a small fraction of the vtuber community, but look at it. This is literally a containment board scrape off from /jp/. Theyre literal weebs that speak japanese and problably have visited japan, but they dont want anything to do with us.

>> No.67783840

paid posts to force a meme.

>> No.67784021

Panko’s unironically a seething femanon who started getting better after she made it into Phase. But she’s in Phase, which means her menhera is severe and it’s a long term project. This is just bait, she always sounds like an angry little trash panda who hates everybody.

>> No.67784331
File: 82 KB, 415x207, 1688309497756421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. . .

>> No.67785909

I know this is bait but Panko is cute and deserves to make it
