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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67713591 No.67713591 [Reply] [Original]

I am forgotten... that was fast

>> No.67713982
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She is not forgotten. She too is Pomu.

>> No.67715207

There wasn't too much drama, it was just unfortunate.
Thus, people accepted it fast and moved on.
Simple as that.

>> No.67715951
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thank you for keeping her memory alive OP

>> No.67716248
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this image is at the top of my folder

>> No.67717535

Clearly not. As you keep posting about her.

>> No.67717616

Never forgotten. I still play her music while powerlifting.

>> No.67721265


>> No.67723058
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>> No.67723809

The queen of controversies A certain cat named miguel was fast to take back her crown

>> No.67724118

I still have a keychain of her on my keys and her Relax Time figure at the front of my shelf.

>> No.67724502

I've busted more than enough nuts to remember her forever

>> No.67727222

people who masturbate to 2d are so weird

>> No.67727489 [DELETED] 

Agreed. Her roommate is way hotter.

>> No.67727494

Nice fingers bro

>> No.67727716
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Oh, seems like I didn't finish the job...

>> No.67728264

people still shitpost about Hitomi Chris, she won't be forgotten

>> No.67730340
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>> No.67735483


>> No.67735851

she unfortunately was forgotten when she was still in there in good standing.... her fans know where to find her. So not much in the mindshare was lost, I think more people were shocked and sad to see the others hurt by it. It was mostly a clean break, no crazy drama.

>> No.67736158

It's kinda funny how everyone here was screaming about how western women were gonna come in, go crazy and ruin Hololive.

Meanwhile all the graduates are Japanese talent completely fucking up.


>> No.67739715

Her fans are nice people and there's nothing to rage about in the first place since she go with good terms aside from her leaving with terminations instead of graduation. Dramafags can't feed off anything so the best they can do is a thread like this

>> No.67739919

She did nothing wrong

>> No.67740173
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>> No.67740320

There's nothing any of us could do and we have almost nothing to speculate on. Everyone seems to accept that she did something wrong and won't have any problems continuing her career outside of Hololive. All we can do is move on.

>> No.67741624
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the witch foretold her destiny...

>> No.67744268


>> No.67745170

I still think cover gave her a route where she can stay but she opted out. Maybe saw it as a chance to do something else.
It was a strict maybe slightly unfair termination. But ultimately amicable.

>> No.67745301

Not forgotten she is in my bed

>> No.67745429

Never seen her being talked about nearly as much before she got terminated. Doesn't look like she's been forgotten at all.

>> No.67746355

A lot of Hololive fans seem to be absolute brand loyalists and actually care little about the actual vtubers they watch.

>> No.67750219

Not a good argument when Kobo proves that outside branches are not managed at all.

>> No.67750314

>it's bad that people care about Hololive, they should hate it for the sake of people who wouldn't want that
>toss those thirty-plus scum to the gutter for the sake of each one who leaves!
You freaks only see value in Holos after the fact to use for propaganda.

>> No.67750704

I think that the fact that her rm also went on hiatus didn't help with keeping her in people's minds.

>> No.67750924

How does her existence prove anything

>> No.67751162

She's not forgotten but she is gone and there's nothing anyone can do about that. Why keep torturing yourself?

>> No.67751258

unfanthomly based

>> No.67752314

her most popular content was never as mel the Vtuber but as her PL

>> No.67752747

There's this futa pic of her I usually fap to so I won't forget any time soon.

>> No.67752871

Nice strawman.

>> No.67753138

For some reason it still really bothers me. Feels like a death and im not even sure why. It makes me genuinely sad to remember

>> No.67753277
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this damn hag!
marriage correction is needed!

>> No.67756520

No drama, just a sad mistake.

>> No.67757700

because they are deleting her despite praising her for almost six years. feels unfair

>> No.67757828

Matuli seems to love her the most

>> No.67757885

Her voodoo shaman intro wasn't just for show

>> No.67757924

Nene's mv still have her in it

>> No.67759794
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>> No.67760824

haachama and mio also

>> No.67760862

>vtuber absolutely no one cares about graduates
>people quickly forget her
huh weird it's almost as if she was only watched because of the blue dorito logo

>> No.67762060

that's gay

>> No.67762279

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.67762417
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>Board full of people outside of splits that don't watch Vtubers or care for them
>Only care about drama and shitposting
>There was no drama behind this and she just went out professionally considering what happened with no screaming or drama
>Dramatards don't care since they can't make 20 drama threads

>> No.67762462

No it's just that nobody really ever cared about Mel no matter how much they shitposted about her termination

>> No.67763350

You're saying as if it's a bad thing, Do you think people keep posting about Mike the cat actually care about her not because they want to shit post and because the drama ? This is EOP newfag board full of dramaniggers outside of general threads, no actually watch any stream esp the Japanese vtuber ones

>> No.67763595

Were you living under a rock this weekend? The public mass cucking of cat-loving unicorns happened and it was glorious.

>> No.67763672

Mel was never that popular with the english-speaking side of the fandom. People are probably more upset on the JP side.

>> No.67763774

She wasn't that popular on the JP side either and most of them hate her now because of her homo collabs and because they are corporate bootlickers.

>> No.67764266

What? You're saying JP side hated her for male Collab?

>> No.67764595
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homobeg x mori
deadly combo

>> No.67764701

I masturbated to her in all aviable dimensions

>> No.67765760

just some unicorns, usual thing

>> No.67766054

She actually has one of the best ratios on that JP eceleb site, so I don't think anyone hates her.

>> No.67766222

She’s three dimensional though


>> No.67766402

The unicorn seething shit pretty much just larper in /here/ and no one on JP side hated Mel

>> No.67766643

Just yesterday I heard someone saying “WOW” and my thoughts turned to Mel.

>> No.67766661

Not anymore. She's been in free fall since she got caught playing with a homo off stream.

>> No.67766779

She foretold Rushia’s fate too.

>> No.67766832

>unicorn schizo pretending he has any effect again
This should be as bannable as mlp posting.

>> No.67766961

Mel’s situation makes me worried about Nenechi.
Nene isn’t as dumb as Mel but she is still very airheads so I could see her make a similar mistake, especially given the stuff she has done before.

>> No.67767252

Just stating a fact. She has dropped like 10 positions thanks to her homo collabs and now they hate her even more for being a leaker.

>> No.67767363

She is forever immortalized as jack-off material for me

>> No.67767510

She was in freefall on a site with no limitations on voting and with an unsavory reputation. Do you really think her supporters would bother with such a dramasisters poll that could be abused? Most of the ones using it are JP tourists who were either indifferent to her or maybe somewhat liked her for her RM. They had no skin in the game In financially supporting her and I would be surprised if many of those voting actually ever watched her. May as well walk into the street and survey people asking ‘Do you know and like Yozora Mel?’ then after getting that response asking ‘Did you know she is an idol who collabs with men?’ That is how useless that site is for gauging how actual fan support, all you are getting is the general public perception and even then just a small subsection of angry terminally online antis waiting for a reason to hate.

>> No.67767526

She was never big enough to matter and her fans know this and still liked her for who she was, when all's said and done she had a good run and it's a shame she didn't get a proper graduation, but it is what it is.

>> No.67767978

having thousands of people watching you every stream is big enough, numberfaging on this site causes brain rot

>> No.67768199

Why are you comparing indies to holos?

>> No.67768339

I fully agree with you, but you also have to put it into perspective. Hololive gives you a really big platform by default (guaranteed baseline subs and viewers) and it's (almost) equal visibility for everyone; if, with that visibility, you're one of the least popular members, I think it's fair to say your relevancy is not that high. Not to say nobody gave a shit about her or that she won't be missed, but I think it's hard to argue that her termination is just as impactful as would be someone like Fubuki's.

>> No.67768386

>using that shithole as measurement for anything

>> No.67768935

Not that guy but the funny thing is that this board would know more about small corpo like Phase or Idol or even 3view Nijis and there would be more thread about them despite they are even lower number wise than Mel so the problem isn't really about number but too many EOP and newfags and the real answer for the lack of thread is only because there is no drama behind it, no one in Hololive is not popular enough and people would know if something actually happens

>> No.67769079

True, but same thing applies to the most of them. You could graduate every member after gen 3 and it wouldn't be as impactful as termination of chubas like Fubuki or Marine

>> No.67769225

Just like Rushia, most of her unicorn's left her after they found it she was lying to them and completely did a 180 flip from being gachikoi friendly to collabing with males and doing literal NTR content on stream.
The remaining fans are similar to Rushia's remaining audience too, where they make up any lies and any excuse to make it seem like Mel has never done any wrong and that none of her real fans have left her, as they're doing right now in this thread.
If you ask Rushia's remaining audience about her, do you expect to get the truth? You can't expect honesty from Mel's remaining fans either, they're just brainwashed cuckolds.

>> No.67769454

A lot of people would absolutely give a shit if Watame, Towa, Botan, Chloe or Koyori left hololive. Coco still has the record of the most watched vtuber stream ever with her graduation.

>> No.67769495

Mel is boring, no one actually watched her.

>> No.67769629

Her image was deeply inscribed in my brain by one fact that she was the only one Marine seriously tried to impregnate in the dojin.

>> No.67769670

If by "impactful" you mean financially then no just one or two leaving have enough impact on that matter and I assume you mean reputation impact since you mention Fubuki, if she got terminated with the condition like Mel then there would be no impact as there is no scandal and shit, just unfortunate mistake and then being professional to own that mistake, if there is a scandal then anyone leaving no matter who could have big impact depends on the scandal

>> No.67769728

>didn't financially support her
Yeah, and this is why it took 24+ hours for her limited birthday merch to sell out after most of her unicorn left, because they totally didn't buy merch.
Whereas in previously years they almost immediately sold out in less than an hour.

>> No.67769911

Ever considered she did more signed limited sets?
Why not address the fact her SC total for her last Birthday was the highest she ever received.

>> No.67769953

So real fans are those that left her and fake fans are those that keep watching her? I know unicorns are the most retarded type of fans in existence, but this is next level.

>> No.67770140

I meant neither financial nor reputational impact, I was talking about how much the holo fanbase would react to it. Sure, everyone was talking about Mel's termination and a shitton of people expressed sadness about it but ultimately her absence is most probably not felt that much a week or two after. If Fubuki left I'd imagine a lot of people talking about how much they miss her months afterwards.

>> No.67770184

Her previous birthday streams included the most guest holo's than any of her previous birthday lives, but still got noticeable low viewers despite that. They donated, its not coming from her community. And I think most of the unicorn watching Mel didn't send much superchat in the first place, they just always bought her merch. It's not like she had any rich whales sending red super chats every stream.
Learn english, ESL-kun.

>> No.67770258

>largely don't care about Mel
>Mel starts feeling that nobody loves her
>Mel starts collabing with males
Why are japs like this? All of this shit could've been prevented if they actually watched her and made her feel loved.

>> No.67770314

And yet people stopped talking about Coco a month later, that's the nature of vtubing, things move on and they move fast.

>> No.67770415

are you fucking serious just browse twitter, youtube comments or /hlgg/ you'll still get people talking about coco.

>> No.67770503

How much more limited sets would she have to do for it to take 24+ hours to sell out, when they sold out in less than 1 hour in previous years??
Are you serious?
A lot of her fans stayed, but to say that she didn't lose a noticeable amount of her community that heavily contributed to her financially is a total lie.

>> No.67770741

I'll never forget her tits

>> No.67770830

Actually, looking back at it, it looks like a lot of her superchatters were 6+ month members during that stream https://hololyzer.net/youtube/archive/superchat/YPrUX5M7a5k.html .
But that still doesn't change the fact that her limited merch took 24+ hours to sell out after most of her unicorn left, whom mostly bought merch in the first place.

>> No.67771047

>I'd imagine a lot of people talking about how much they miss her months afterwards.
If we are being real, people would only miss their own oshi so using Fubuki as an example is weird, being a Holo fan even if they also support other girl doesn't mean that people would be very care about other girl than their oshi, people won't genuinely miss them, they would express their sadness then go back watching their oshi

>> No.67771048

>2023 Birthday
899k yen
250 SCs
71 Red and Pink
84 memberships
196 gift memberships

>2023 Anniversary
603k yen
205 SCs
51 Red and Pink
119 memberships
346 gift memberships

>2022 Birthday
407k yen
149 SCs
29 Red and Pink
88 memberships
95 gift memberships

>2022 Anniversary
451k yen
229 SCs
32 Red and Pink
86 memberships
325 gift memberships

>2021 Birthday
697k yen
408 SCs
50 Red and Pink

I think your argument about donations from those outside her fan community is more valid for her 2021 Birthday rather than her 2023 one.

>> No.67772452

there are still people talking about Sana, 99% of holo watchers moved on

>> No.67773037

Didn’t some JP fans complain on Twitter about tech issues with HoloPro shop erroring out while trying to do checkout and purchase? The 24 hours is a giant spike but it feels like there is more to it than just some fans leaving. Tech problems not resolved until next day may go a good way to explaining that when even the likes of Roboco and Matsuri have sold out always in under a hour.

>> No.67773217

people were complaining in the numbers thread also iirc

>> No.67773333

A month? Not really but once she started irl camwhoring I think most people lost interest.

>> No.67773472

I'm not tech support, I don't know.

>> No.67775058

She was in Nene's latest cover MV. Y'all really just sit here and make threads about vtubers you don't watch.

>> No.67775232

agreed. That yellow bitch needed to go

>> No.67775280

Hololive actually has some irreplaceable talents though. I'm brand agnostic and watch holo, niji, indies, etc. I've scoured youtube trying to find someone similar to my oshi amongst other companies and 2views, but they just don't exist.

>> No.67775491

No one cared about that except her fans. For something as big as a termination, you'd expect more than just her fans to still be talking about her. She was just that insignificant for her to be almost completely forgotten in only 3-4 days.

>> No.67775580

The cover and MV came out after her termination. I don't think that's happened before.

>> No.67775860

Why does that matter? It was made before her termination, there's nothing management could do about it unless they wanted to cancel the whole video.

>> No.67775992

Because normally they would either cancel the video or delay it until she was edited out of it. It reinforces that she left on good terms despite the situation.

>> No.67776412

Faggot, she was forgotten before she was fired. Her, Aki, and Choco are basically interchangeable boring blonde tit bimbo designs with no actual talent as streamers, uplifted by le dorito.

>> No.67776483

The point of this thread isn't whether or not she's on good terms behind the scenes, it's about her being mostly forgotten by most viewers of hololive after only a few days of her termination.

>> No.67776740

Anon, how could the viewers who saw that video have already forgotten about her? Dementia? Alzheimer's?

>> No.67776755

Most viewers of hololive watch a couple of girls at most and don't even have time to care about what happens to the rest so the point of this thread is retarded.

>> No.67776822

It's also an EOP board, so most viewpoints are skewed towards people who only watch EN and maybe a few translated clips.

>> No.67777396

Not all girls are equal. Mel was one of the most unpopular and forgettable holo's. If someone like Sora or Azki were terminated, I bet you people would still be talking about it.
Mel's termination hardly effected hololive at all, she was superfluous.

>> No.67777454

Not even the Japs care, except that she may be the leaker of the recent Rushia scandal

>> No.67777603

I know you are just fishing for (you)s, but at least put some effort in it

>> No.67777851

Because it's all in her mind.
She was loved and had fans and viewers, but she chose to focus on something she thought was lacking instead of focusing on having gratitude for what she already had.

>> No.67777932

Her roommate is hotter so it worked out for the best

>> No.67778025

She's not western though now is she? So far all the whores are ID and JP

>> No.67778038

Was about to give him a (you) but thank you anon.

>> No.67780121
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I miss her

>> No.67781170

I would be sad if Azki left desu

>> No.67781203

