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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 200 KB, 397x274, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
67699583 No.67699583 [Reply] [Original]

Clips used to be something effortful and with either high-quality edits or good subs. Nowadays we have none of these.
How do we stop the current trend?

>> No.67699661

Don't view videos or subscribe to channels with shitty ESL titles and AI translations.

>> No.67701085

click dots, select Don't Recommend Channel

>> No.67701150

at this point cover is the problem for not creating tighter guidelines to stop this.

>> No.67701207
File: 2.90 MB, 300x400, 1701571457911803.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its daily dose of nerissa right? this dude has shitty bait titles and thumbs and worse zoomer edits.
sadly he's one of the few nerissa clippers out there, i do give a few of his clips a like.

these zoomer type clips can bring coomers but sometimes the worst types: twitch, twitter fans

>> No.67701275

Cover put the fear of God into clippers for this shit a while back but it's gradually been boiling back up to this.
Time for round two

>> No.67701939

Nerissa herself said that they give the wrong impression of her. I miss when clips were good and not massively out of context tabloid like thumbnails and titles.

>> No.67702032
File: 521 KB, 830x677, 1691727461616916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitty clickbait titles and shameless self-insert. Name a more iconic duo.

>> No.67702406

I mean it's her own fault really, she went way too hard on the coombaiting in the beginning

>> No.67702527

only way is to not watch poor quality clips, but how does one dpot them before watching

>> No.67703114

>I miss when clips were good and not massively out of context tabloid like thumbnails and titles.
Were they ever? Even well-meaning fans think they have to clickbait with stupid shit in order to promote their oshi.

>> No.67703177

>still interacted
>still feeding into the algo
Neal doesn't fucking care, interaction is interaction

>> No.67703987
File: 347 KB, 500x500, 1691728198176187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In hindsight, it's fucking funny how a bunch of Goddamn bugmen(hololive moments) did a better job than many of the current year clippers. You've got to be a huge fuckup if you're worse than some CCP-shilling subhumans.

>> No.67704189
File: 202 KB, 447x377, Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers

>> No.67704336

Jesus Christ, they don't even try anymore.

>> No.67704466

Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers?

>> No.67704546

>Live in a mudhut somewhere in Southeast Asia?
>Don't know Japanese or English?
>Have access to ChatGPT and know how to copy/paste a YouTube transcript?
>Can you make obnoxious text overlays in Paint?

Congrats! You are now top 10% of your 3rd world countries' income.

>> No.67704573

These low-effort videos BROKE anon!

>> No.67704670

Watch streams and make your own webms of your favorite moments.

>> No.67704905

You can already weed out 80% of them by the horrible broken English in the title, OP screenshot is a good example

>> No.67704986 [DELETED] 

How excited Fauna to play Nintendo Switch Sports at her closet

>> No.67705047
File: 108 KB, 309x254, HowExcitedFaunaToPlayNintendoSwitchSportsAtHerCloset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How excited Fauna to play Nintendo Switch Sports at her closet

>> No.67705142

Gaming Breathe

>> No.67705244

They were. I remember a time when clips didn't compete against each other because there were few enough of them to watch every single one. Their existence alone was enough to promote the chuuba (and clipper). Nowadays it's quantity over quality and it works because a lot of viewers don't care and the youtube algorithm rewards this shit

>> No.67705273

thats your fault for watching clips you filthy subhuman tourist. there's timestamps for a reason.

>> No.67705351
File: 143 KB, 317x214, Oh no Daddy I cant breath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no Daddy I can't breath

>> No.67705414

You can't, you won't. Clips are the only way to watch Vtubers or Streamers that is actually entertaining. You are not b or pol, you will seethe and do nothing.

>> No.67705432

>Clips used to be something effortful and with either high-quality edits or good subs.
No they fucking didn't lol. These 30 second coomerbait clips have existed from the very beginning.

>> No.67705450

i watch the japanese EN clippers

>> No.67705484

Literally who?

>> No.67705506

>Clips are the only way to watch Vtubers or Streamers that is actually entertaining
gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8

>> No.67705523

99.9% of the clips of EN vtubers are trash, just don’t watch them.
If you know English you don’t even need to watch the clips since you already know the language

>> No.67705561

>Clips used to be something effortful
Clips were never effortul you absolute melt.

>> No.67705567

The pajeet who replaced Susan.

>> No.67705622

Neal Mohan has been CEO of YT since last year. "Don't recommend channel" does work for your personal recommendations, buy anon is probably right that it boosts the video in the algo for the same reason a dislike does.

>> No.67705638

Literally the YouTube CEO

>> No.67705660

Oh that sucks, have been blocking clipper channels a lot recently, the coombaiting is annoying as shit.

>> No.67705762

I love literal fake thumbnails that has someone saying something that they never said in the actual clip.

>> No.67705797

>Clips were never effortul you absolute melt.
plenty of clippers who used to translate entire streams were around
pretty sure some of them are still active but the algorithm hates them

>> No.67705830

>If you know English you don’t even need to watch the clips since you already know the language
It's not about language, it's about time. I realistically have about 0.5-2.0 hours per day to spend watching chuubas, and can't spend 10+ hours per day just to be caught up with ONLY Hololive. Clippers are the closest thing there is to a summary or Greatest Hits reel.

>> No.67705906

This clipnigger is an Indonesian who was originally a dedicated Zeta clipper (Bruh Ch. is his main channel). Always disliked him for always making cringy thumbnails and titles and also claiming Zeta as his wife, now he fucking dropped her for Nerissa.

>> No.67705961

You can't stop them when the girls themselves comment and share some of them

>> No.67705994

I hate that the algorithm always shits on the people who put in the most effort and only puts out shit. Not just with clippers but with everything. Why is life so unfair?

>> No.67706305

Fairness doesn't make you money

>> No.67706423

Fairness as a concept only exists within certain species of animals, as a mechanism to regulate social behaviors and maximize group survival. Most of nature, to say nothing of the universe, has no concept of it at all.

The YouTube algorithm is designed to reward efficiency of content production over all else because that's what is most beneficial to the group that designed it, through their business with advertisers. Fairness is to the users is only considered insofar as placating that feeling within users is necessary to maintain the health of the platform, which is a purely utilitarian goal, not one of actual fairness experienced emotionally by a person at YouTube.

tl;dr, It's a big club, and you're not in it.

>> No.67706450

I now only subscribe to clippers who animate their clips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKrL0RSRtZg

>> No.67706463

isn't this the faggot who names all his videos as My wife... followed by the most clickbait cringe shit he can think of that often doesn't even have anything to do with the video?
I know beggars can't be choosers, but damn woman, you need to wrangle your clipniggers

>> No.67706572

you dont
if you want good quality clips, make them yourself and add them to the pool, or promote people you think are making them
the cheap bait clips are not going away, but maybe their popularity could be lessened over time if a better alternative comes along
4channers just complain and dont build better solutions though so they probably wont be the ones to do that

>> No.67707632

>4channers just complain and dont build better solutions
Are you new, or have you just grown cynical? Anons have made superior products numerous times.

Aside from that, it's to be expected. 1% of users create, 9% engage, 90% lurk. It's been that way on basically every website since time immemorial, and probably has to do with personality trait distributions in the general population, not to mention the skill levels and economic factors involved.

I have the skills to be a clipper, and the emotional investment in my favorite chuubas to do it for love alone. But I live in America, and will never be able to dedicate as much time to it as an Indonesian doing it as a full time job, because he's ironically able to earn a higher standard of living than me working my regular job, as the YT money would be pocket change to me.

The end result is that market competition can't realistically happen outside of something like an open source software environment, where there's little direct financial incentive, but many people contribute small amounts of code in their limited free time, or in this case, subs/clips.

Actually, that could work. Brb, prototyping.

>> No.67707740

So true, I agree

I want the chinks clippers back

>> No.67708413

Report their channels on the Hololive website. I dont know any other way to get rid of them.

>> No.67709424
File: 144 KB, 287x268, 1680981126047872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can they at the very least not fuck up the English of the very small and short title of the clip?

>> No.67709741

this. I've been doing "Don't recommend channel" consistently for a week on bad stuff on youtube, and its so much nicer now.
wish that option wasn't so hidden away

>> No.67709891

This whore should join vshojo

>> No.67709973

Want to stop the trend? Have talents that actually make content and are entertaining. Oh wait thats not possible with women. The most popular fuwamoco content for example is them just saying bau bau like retarded children.

>> No.67709994

Can't blame them when you act like a slut

>> No.67710034

No. English is very difficult for non-natives to learn, and clickbait titles/thumbnails are an admission of profit-above-all motives and general apathy. Why would they start putting in unnecessary effort into double checking their work?

>> No.67710476

What form of seethe is this? It doesn't match the thinking of anti-unicorns, or even general male vtuber fans. Deflection? Falseflag?

>> No.67710527

The algorithm pushes what people tend to click on. People are clicking on coombait and clickbait, so clickbait gets pushed.

>> No.67712744

Another thing that really bothers me about a lot of these clips is that they use alternate unicode characters or something like that to have different fonts than the youtube default. but it's not actually normal english text so it is incomprehensible to screenreaders, automated translation, etc

Coming from someone who used to make translated clips but stopped because they got sick of this sort of low quality trash: it doesn't really work unless you have an absurd amount of free time. Most viewers care very little for quality of content or translation (many say they do but by their actions it's clear they don't) and are all about speed speed speed and more more more, neither of which are really feasible when you actually want to do a good job.

>> No.67712856


>> No.67713568

Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers

>> No.67714169

>neither of which are really feasible when you actually want to do a good job.
>"Good, Fast, Cheap. Pick two."
I remember a number of businesses in the 90s run by very old men having a sign hung up with some variant of this saying. Seems to have been forgotten to some degree.

>> No.67714679
File: 120 KB, 317x251, Fauna want a drip asking how to make chikubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now for posting bad translation thumbnails. GO

>> No.67714896

So we have daily dose of shiorin, daily dose of nerissa, and pebblesonaa. Any dedicated clipper for fwmc?

>> No.67714921

Worst part is it's not even a fucking translation
They could probably watch their own shit and go with 'Fauna asks chat how to..."

>> No.67715151
File: 73 KB, 313x232, Calliope approved all VTubers are Dudes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this is concerning. Maybe I should give this one a click.....

>> No.67716872

Shit. I'll have to confront my oshi about this one. Shes got- or should i say He's got some explaining to do.

>> No.67717450

The problem is monetization, and there is no cure. It's a double-edged sword. It pays content creators, but then some people try to game the system. You get people who put in the effort to make good videos getting the renumeration that they deserve, and then you get mouth-breathers spamming the platform with low-effort garbage just to make a quick and lazy buck. You can take monetization away, but then no one would want to make videos anymore. They would only be able to make videos in their free-time for fun. The best solution is to create a utopia where everyone's needs are ment so none of us has to work for money anymore and we can just pursue our own hobbies, but we're not there so this is the best we're going to get.

>> No.67720071
File: 138 KB, 321x232, Gura asking Why Girl SHE-Venom have Big booba sexy waist and big butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67720861

That’s like calling Gura a slut because she gets clips like those. The issue is her fans don’t think she’s interesting when she’s not doing that or at least her clippers don’t. It’s like the bae clips just being about her not knowing anything. That’s just a skill issue

>> No.67720905

otakmori, yes that fag, had a monopoly of certain jp moments that NO ONE ELSE fucking clipped. we both have an oversaturation and desperate lack of them.

>> No.67720961

Despite it being incredibly esl the clip is in fact correct. There was non esl versions as well

>> No.67721243

>Filthy commie
Clips make enough money to buy a console every month or go on 2 nice dates a month. In third world countries and even Japan however it’s worth a lot. En clips give you mostly en viewers so you get highest level ad revenue. If your payout was the same regardless of who watched you’d only get passionate clippers as opposed to all the esls from lesser countries. Though you could always just be a popular streamer like Gura or Pekora so you have enough clippers that don’t use it as a meal ticket

>> No.67721890
File: 137 KB, 317x239, Gura remember Fauna about Whopper Whopper Song That Doxxed Address.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67721972

if you showed these clips to a clip translator in 2018-2019 theyd fucking quit and never touch vtubers again

>> No.67722308

I'm surprised nobody has stepped up to just outright make a sort-of clipper tier list.

>> No.67722485

i like how all of these thumbnails so far are from the same seanig clipper (clotz). dont they teach english in schools?

>> No.67722496

Isn't he the guy who also inserts himself into the clips?
God that's fucking annoying. Reminds me of that retarded Suisei clipper too.

>> No.67722860

I've seen clipper blacklists, which are basically the same thing because 95%+ of clippers are in Failure tier

>> No.67722983
File: 35 KB, 384x384, 1680410585455844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's something extra pathetic about ESLs that completely butcher a sentence like this trying to ingratiate themselves with Americans. This must be how YWNBJ posters feel.

>> No.67723094

How it's even possible that every single clip fag joined the clickbait galore? I unsubbed from all of them.

>> No.67723182

>How it's even possible that every single clip fag joined the clickbait galore
Because it's what gets them more money

>> No.67723325

>Because it's what gets them more money
Wasn't there some weird YouTube change that would fuck with literally all clip channels, like many months ago? I recall Oboretai or whatever getting hit and some pag pag clippers too.

>> No.67723857

Either don’t recommend all these channels or mock them by making your own channel and do 1 good clip. Or a tier list of channels to make them salty. Then move on

>> No.67724142

Only watch oshi channels. Skip channels that take clips from multiple sources. Don't click on retarded clip bait garbage.

>> No.67724354

That's the problem. Anyone can get a piece of that pie, and anyone will, for better or for worse.

>> No.67724493

Are these AI generated?

>> No.67724516

>clippers used to matter when EN vtubers didn't exist because it required translation
the rise of EN vtubers and twitch vtubers coincides with coombaiting ESL clippers. There is literally a pseudoceleb clipper who literally coombaits twitch vtubers and who they credit for getting indie nobodies attention and popularity.

>> No.67724562
File: 155 KB, 314x235, Fauna want more costumer into her restaurant Solo gaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, no.

>> No.67729069


>> No.67735833

>other clippers who actually edit and/or posted some good and long clips
The key is to absolutely avoid clips shorter than 2 mins and focus on dedicated clippers instead of general clippers
The best thing to do is still to watch streams, though

>> No.67736046

>Why is life so unfair?
Welcome to a game called life
You have 2 options
>Adapt and get used to it
>Bail out from the game early

>> No.67736844

>but maybe their popularity could be lessened over time if a better alternative comes along
Roru no they won't
Good quality clips take time, but people want something fast
And a lot of people will scroll TikTok or YT shorts mindlessly for a half hour yet will have a hard time watch clips longer than 10 minutes

>> No.67737830

Yeah, the good ones probably just don't see any reason to continue
>The main goal of making more people watch Hololive has been achieved
>Covid restrictions have been lift which means less WFH or none depending on their jobs
>Burned out
And at this point, even if they are still around in this hobby, they would probably prefer to sit back and watch streams comfortably

>> No.67738363

Shamefur display
How can people watch thisM

>> No.67740288
File: 43 KB, 274x332, 1699850073299164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can report clips for copyright violation.
They're posting non-original content without permission on a monetized channel. This is absolutely copyright-strikeable.

>> No.67740834

im sure having family members being regular guests will turn out fine in the long run...

>> No.67741711

The stream itself was coombaiting thumbnail, Nerissa fault

>> No.67742160

ive been making some good money clickbaiting adults who watch american women pretend to be asian cartoons. Thanks.

>> No.67744560

why stop it
