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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67572141 No.67572141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.67572199


Lmao even

>> No.67572343


>> No.67572353

Kinda fucked up that Cover offered this merch

>> No.67572375

>lifelong engagement ring

>> No.67572381

it's actually fucking hilarious that she was selling wedding ring merch during this period of time kek

>> No.67572411
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>> No.67572427 [DELETED] 

She was married during this. She got the idea from her own wedding.

>> No.67572426

This whole situation makes everyone look like scum

>> No.67572440

all while guzzling mafu's cum

>> No.67572444 [DELETED] 

Bitch was literally fucking another man the day they got their marriage certificate, crazy.

>> No.67572451

This shit will never not be funny

>> No.67572506

Everyone, including Cover execs and managers, knew it. Let that sink in.

>> No.67572511 [DELETED] 

She was sleeping with a man who wasn't her husband during this, that's where she got the idea of cucking her fans.

>> No.67572514

GFE was a mistake and should not exist

>> No.67572516


>> No.67572571

she's not a vtuber anymore stop posting this shit and go to >>>/soc/

>> No.67572574 [DELETED] 

Knew that she was married or knew that she was cheating on the twink?

>> No.67572584
File: 950 KB, 3018x2616, fandeads_overtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No brakes on this menhera train, strap in.

>> No.67572628

No wonder nobody on hololive miss her.

>> No.67572656

Mikeneko is still a vtuber

>> No.67572696

And you guys think she is the only one ??? LOL

>> No.67572801

At least the person she cucked her audience with also got cucked

>> No.67572808

I hope Soju is ok.

>> No.67572824


name the others

>> No.67572829

No one except extreme autistic fucks or unicorns thinks Rushia is the only one, there's a 98% probability that every v-tuber has a boyfriend or she's married, heck, even 2views indies have their bf modding their chats, why would you think that in big corpos that would be different?

>> No.67572858

Isn't there a pretty consistent Michael Cat general here? I wanted to check the thread for a laugh when the recent news dropped but couldn't find it. I'm guessing mods are also killing threads on the topic?

>> No.67572876

yeah probably when she leaks stuff its the last straw for them gives them a legitimate reason to get rid of her despite shes a big earner

>> No.67572885 [DELETED] 

t. M. Night Shymaymays

>> No.67572911

>Hololive goes full unicornuclear and terminates all girls with bfs/husbands

Who all do you think would go?
I feel like it's pretty obvious Gura has other priorities, it'd be odd for her not to be spending at least a fraction of her time off screen with men/a man.

>> No.67572937

even without hindsight this is such a stupid idea

>> No.67572942

>Isn't there a pretty consistent Michael Cat general here?
It's been dead for quite a while now. I saw one get made earlier but it was obviously for shitposting purposes so they jannies deleted it.

>> No.67572946
File: 40 KB, 597x431, E1XgOOrXMAYqpv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprise, all of your favorite female vtubers are married irl, thanks for the condom money btw

>> No.67572961

My oshi at least had the decency to announce when she got married four years ago.

>> No.67572962 [DELETED] 


>> No.67572981
File: 158 KB, 1789x1400, rushia cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It died some time ago because the 57th cuckoldry yab + mike herself starting to shit on western unicorns finally made even the most brainwashed cucks leave.
Pic related is just one of the many times she cucked them (not the yab that killed the general though, they "forgave" her for this one)

>> No.67573027


>> No.67573085

>being married
>Using condoms
why are you a virgin anon?

>> No.67573096

cause it's not against the rules, they don't care what their RMs do.

>> No.67573098

>Your Oshi is outted for cyber-stalking and stealing the personal property of an unnamed man
>You're heartbroken at the infidelity
>She's terminated from her corp
>Weeks later your doorbell rings
>Your Oshi is on your doorstep with a knife
>You were the unnamed male

This is the goal
This is why I have 6 different Youtube accounts to donate to my different faves with. Each of them thinks I'm completely loyal. I'm already in two separate discord groups where I can chat with the girl in question.
We aren't the same.

>> No.67573099

what was the one that finally did it? when she joined that apex tourney with two dudes, got kicked out of the apex tourney, and streamed with them anyway? Or was there something else?

>> No.67573116

just because she showed her thighs doesn't mean she isn't a chuuba
are you still on copium even today and trying to kill any threads about this fancuck?

>> No.67573118
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>> No.67573128

What a surprise, vtubing is a sham.
Time to delete /vt/.

>> No.67573131

I can't believe the little alien dude was a bro all this time

>> No.67573132

I feel sorry for the poor bastards dating Rie or Lia.

>> No.67573143


>> No.67573147

>there's a 98% probability that every v-tuber has a boyfriend or she's married
not every, but it is safe to say statistically significant proportion

>> No.67573175


>> No.67573201


>> No.67573210 [DELETED] 

>Fuwamoco live together
>If they have a husband, he's likely shared by the two of them


>> No.67573217

apparently her responding to some random guy on twitter she was repeatedly interacting with, after promising not to do so anymore
not really sure about the circumstances or who that person was because by that time the general had turned into complete schizo shit with everyone accusing each other of being some discord namefag because only their boogeyman/men could possibly shit on michael cat

>> No.67573229

desu I could never be a gachikoi because if a bitch did me like this I would probably become a murderer. I genuinely would just snap and lose it.

>> No.67573241

bruh... its cum from a different man...
fucking kek

>> No.67573252
File: 52 KB, 572x680, ina-thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the cat is out of the bag...
When she inevitably offs herself, realistically how much will it affect holos morale?

>> No.67573261
File: 399 KB, 1731x1779, 1625343211835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this x1000
when rushia got fired people were kind of taken aback by how apathetic the rest of the girls seemed to be. even most of her own genmates were like "oops things happened, oh well"

the funny thing is looking back now it's like, marine being the most sad looks most sus and flare being the most frigid makes her the most trustworthy as she was not going to pretend it wasn't all sorts of fucked up and didn't care if the audience thought she was mean for not being sad about it.

fuck, for that matter, is it possible migo set her up by telling her to set up her monitor/obs a certain way so the ping might show up? did she know about the notifications bug in GTA V and invited rushia to come play and fuck her over, etc. we'll probably never know, but she's based beyond the entire universe if that was her hidden aim.

>> No.67573281

yagoo is married and has kids.

>> No.67573282

As funny as the irony of the wedding stuff is, our main takeaway should really be about how her "pretending" to be menhera allowed her to manipulate and abuse a man and that we should look out for more red flags in the future instead of screaming "UUUOOOOOHH PLEASE BREAK ME MOMMY" like a bunch of dumbass redditors

>> No.67573287
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>> No.67573332

that kid is our next king

>> No.67573349

I think the girls probably already had an idea of how unhinged she is/was

If you've ever interacted with someone who was truly off-the-rails crazy, you'd know that they can't exactly hide it. It creeps out in every little thing they do.

>> No.67573365

miko being the ultimate mastermind behind rushias undoing is batshit insane but it sounds so fucking awesome that i want to believe it

>> No.67573369

>currently married
Your oshi
>currently married(to me)
My oshi

>> No.67573375

Why is this thread still up? Did the Fandead meido go to bed?

>> No.67573387

So she fucking cucked me with a micro celeb? Other women will pay for this.

>> No.67573391
File: 31 KB, 386x349, 1701903119525085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she might have started the rrats on Gura when Gura surpassed her and took the attention away

>> No.67573392

mofumofu did it on purpose. he rigged her pc then sent the message. it was his way out of the relationship

>> No.67573399

The cat is dead, anon...

>> No.67573404


>> No.67573408

They moved to /jp/ over a year back literally the day of her vshojo joining announcement... You could probably guess why They still have a general going to this day >>>/jp/45914303

>> No.67573409

Flare was pissed because Rushia getting caught brings her a step closer to being caught as well.

>> No.67573410


>> No.67573414
File: 130 KB, 320x320, 1705893103918382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the rrat still keeps growing, bigger and bigger...

>> No.67573420

Not all married couple want to make babies all the time, you know that right? Do you think that married couples just breed like rabbits like in your one of your fetish hentai?

>> No.67573423

>vtubing is literally just playing a "character" on screen
was it really surprising?

>> No.67573424

>Now that the cat is out of the bag...
...and into a grave.

>> No.67573429


>> No.67573448

Gonna do this when Riifu comes back

>> No.67573466

Now that's a rrat, for me, is the thing that Kiara never got into her cat date with Rushia. And she didn't say a thing about her since that collab. One might think that Rushia's figure inside hololive was dark as fuck.

>> No.67573490
File: 790 KB, 658x952, 1629252658107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You told me she was a lesbian

>> No.67573519


>> No.67573539
File: 99 KB, 1280x662, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I know the truth is hard to hear, Fandead... But it's time.
You're all that's left, and We can't live this LIE forever..."

>> No.67573541

you know birth control is a thing? Condoms only matter if you're also sleeping around (or your partner is)

>> No.67573546

Maybe 2 girls in all of Hololive are actually dykes. The rest are "teehee yeah I like girls. huh? get intimate with one? no, I couldn't!" """""""""""""""""""""""""""lesbians""""""""""""""""""""""""""".

>> No.67573549

...or just fuck your gf in the proper days like anyone does? anon you're being extremely virgin today lmao

>> No.67573557

turns out its fucking hard to play pretend when its really fucked up behind the scenes huh.

>> No.67573565
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1704090977066688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some NTRception shit, turns out the husband is getting cucked too

>> No.67573571

if I was her fan I would just disembowel myself on the spot right now in shame
