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File: 270 KB, 1025x572, Screenshot 2021-07-18 184654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6750442 No.6750442 [Reply] [Original]

>>Matsuri could not contact Haachama after July 2
>>Miko chat with Haachama on July 4
What's going on?

>> No.6750690

She left simple responses to "how are you?" type of messages to a few members, Kanata and Watame too. She's avoiding all work related stuff though.

>> No.6750846

were they calling on her phone too?

>> No.6750908

You believe the shit holos tell you?

>> No.6751619

Either Haachama fucking hates Matsuri or some people used Haachama's name to make themselves look good and to make Hololive looks like 'one big family'
What do you think?

>> No.6751829

Haachama is a piece of shit

>> No.6751933

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.6752027

They just wanted to tell her if something's wrong.

>> No.6752060
File: 109 KB, 724x1023, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_tonarikeru__9e716382db3e2b45f1031cb2a212ec65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri raped Haato on christmas night.

>> No.6752182

Did Miko say that Haachama replied to her message?

>> No.6752220

in front of YAGOO

>> No.6752222

>Haachama fucking hates Matsuri

>> No.6752305

I beleb

>> No.6752379

Haachama ghosts people all the time. Have you forgotten how often she cancelled collabs and shit?

>> No.6752536
File: 6 KB, 318x159, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is a nervous wreck and she has been having ups and downs lately, she might actually be bipolar or manic depressive
The word "menhera" gets thrown around so much it has lost its meaning, but Haachama might for real be undergoing some emotional crisis of her own.
We know she's basically a dumb 19 year old who has been living alone for a while and showing bizarre behavior.

It's always a joke "lol haachama went crazy" because it looked like an act but what if she really is broken.
What if all those meme images of herself during her arc were an expression of the internal divide within her heart
We had all the signs to tell she was falling apart but she hid it all with a smile and we watched her lose her fucking mind live.
Her suffering was our amusement, Yagoo is exploiting this kid.
Maybe she is trying to stay out of the public because she doesn't think she can fake the smile, she's afraid of making a bigger fuck up.
Haato seems like an asshole because she's running away but she might not be able to deal with her situation in any other way, run is all she's got.
She's still trying to integrate herself to society outside streaming, maybe this is for the best.
It's not very corporate of her but she's putting her own mental health first.

This is my rrat for you

>> No.6752670

Her emotional crisis is pregnancy retard.

>> No.6752856

She also has schizophrenia.

>> No.6753191

she's retarded, do you really think someone banged her

>> No.6753243

Matsuri raped Haachama and that's why Haachama has been avoiding her.

>> No.6753346

Actually she got impregnated by an Australian aboriginal.

>> No.6753373


>> No.6753722

I just discovered this lovable blonde wrestling over her own body with a demonic little bitch and find out she's doing horribly.

>> No.6753830

The Second Miko

>> No.6753897

That's unprofessional. She should just graduate if she's not serious about this. There are literally millions of people waiting in line to get into Holopro right now.

>> No.6754014

The word schizo is so overused here that none of you fuckers know what it actually means.

>> No.6754451

>Matsuri contacted Akai Haato
>Miko talked with Haachama
I don't see the issue here

>> No.6754545

Thanks for the laugh. You graduation brainlets are an extra special kind of retard, you know that? I couldn't think of a weaker argument if I try.

>> No.6754856

She’s friends with Hoshikawa, retarded or not if she wanted dick in her it would be arranged.

>> No.6754899

>Matsuri going apeshit on twitter instead of keeping it private
Take your meds retard

>> No.6755081

>implying Haato isn't also to blame for her constant autism
Takes like 3 seconds to send even a half-assed reply
These two are a horrible combination

>> No.6755300

So Haato can talk to everyone but noooo she can't talk to Matsuri because she's on hiatus? What the fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.6755706

Yeah because they didn't rape her.

>> No.6757520

what is a weekend

>> No.6757774

shes on hiatus from her job

matsuri was probably spamming her after she said she was going on hiatus

would you respond to a coworker sending you a billion messages about the collab in 3 months when you essentially quit

>> No.6757883

i hope they never let haachama go

>> No.6757930

>shes on hiatus from her job
She did her recording for Rushia while on hiatus.

>> No.6758082

probably before bro the girls prepare their birthday streams months in advance

>> No.6758173

Matuli is just jealous that chamer get to fuck hoshikawa on their first outing instead of matulu who bought her expensive dinner

>> No.6758282

cant believe matsuris roommate is talking about suicide over something like that

>> No.6758468

All talk and no action. Typical festival.

>> No.6762917

She's fine though, just still looking for a proof

>> No.6764131

Moments like this are why it's hilarious when people suggest the girls secretly hate their job or their fans.
Except for a few of the older women, none of these girls are emotionally mature enough to play a long con.

>> No.6764376

While I agree with you, Matsuri has a menhera attack at least once a month so she's a bit of a special case.

>> No.6764425

Does not exist for idols

>> No.6764731

Everybody kneels to Miko. Haachama had no choice.

>> No.6764757

when she comes back, is that proof gonna be good enough for you

>> No.6764821

just how much aussie dick has she taken...
she's having withdrawal symptoms from big dick fucking, small jap dick just can't match

>> No.6764837

The only person who has actually been in contact with Haato is Hoshikawa since they're RL friends.
Everyone else is making up stories

>> No.6764851

i mean so is incel prime matsuri
and just look at her

>> No.6764854

>since they're RL friends
We are rl frens too anon

>> No.6764857
File: 372 KB, 1507x1622, d4368683f1b6b7b4fcf48244d54890ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's been back in Japan and going out, she's at the very least the most likely to have sex among all holos.

>> No.6764882

not if you know what she looks like...

>> No.6764907

HSKWA is pretty enough to pull for the both of them, she's the ugly friend who tags along

>> No.6764913

swear this one big family shit is starting to crack

>> No.6764934

i mean i would definetly bang chammers
but the japs seem to be a bit more picky

>> No.6764947

Big families are bound to have drama.
