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67468793 No.67468793 [Reply] [Original]

is she right?

>> No.67468831
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>> No.67469117


>> No.67469524

Actions speak louder than mere words. Refunding people who wanted to see Mel in concert for instance was the ethical thing to do and Cover did it. Same with the free Youtube concert in the summer because Cover's ticket distributor fucked up the stream.

>> No.67470519

Koyori is a good girl. She is right.

>> No.67471017


>> No.67471107

i mean, most people don't remember early Cover that essentially tortured and dismissed one of their top talents for the sake of Chink dollars, then straight up dropped the entire CN branch anyways
Cover, Wactor, Anycolor, Brave, Idol, and more i won't bother trying to list off are all guilty of some shady shit, it's just Nijisanji is SO BAD at keeping it under wraps

>> No.67471234

>tortured and dismissed
Never happened dipshit.
>then straight up dropped the entire CN branch anyways
Oh, you're just a CCP bug with an agenda. Hint: The Chinese investors pulled out and forced a closure, Cover didsn't want to close the branch, they had no choice. Not to mention Hololive getting banned off their government approved streaming site so the CN branch had no where to even stream from.

>> No.67471362

>Never happened dipshit.
Yea, all of Coco's mods just randomly disappearing and being replaced by zhangs who then perma-banned day 1 subscribers, was all just Cover's way of saying hello. And their "good luck" is shadow banning her from all non-corpo backed collabs until graduation!
>the Chinese investors
What retarded logic are you on dipshit. Cover never needed investors to start any branch, especially not CN. They pulled out on their end because CN thought they could demand who does and says what they want (AKA Coco and Haachama's Taiwan shit), and Cover responded with "no, they are free to say what they want"

>> No.67471405
File: 116 KB, 850x1300, IMG_5683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sometimes people forget that there are human females behind these cute girl avatars. Retarded, mentally ill, females…

>> No.67471524

She's a goddess, so she's always right.

>> No.67471746

>early Cover that essentially tortured and dismissed one of their top talents for the sake of Chink dollars
>They pulled out on their end because CN thought they could demand who does and says what they want (AKA Coco and Haachama's Taiwan shit), and Cover responded with "no, they are free to say what they want"
You can't even keep your story straight, just give up shill

>> No.67471835

it's a very simple chain of events retard
>Our talent is in trouble
>But she's also kinda gross circa pube shaving stream
>We're backing her because she's one of ours
>wait, she's actually making the situation far worse by antagonizing Zhang
>oh, she's also making fun of her own company
>Lets just banishment room her until we figure out what to do with her
>Fuck CN, not worth the capital
>Fuck Coco, not worth the stress

>> No.67471884

hang yourself mud hut dwelller /#/chimp

>> No.67471927

Give up that quick?

>> No.67471984

Sure, which is also why controversial streamers like Matsuri and Haachama also graduated... oh wait

>> No.67472036

the world would be a better place without you

>> No.67472079

Corporate mandated shilling lol

>> No.67472327

Words of wisdom from Koyote as usual

>> No.67472357

What is this fanfiction?
The CN branch talents were literally organising chink raids on Coco and we're caught brigading her with other wolf warriors. Artia and civia being at the forefront of it. That's why they were let go.
It's crazy seeing people who weren't there make shit up about what happened.

>> No.67472387

You would need to first find a point where they were in a similar place as terrible as Coco's "Fuck CN" arc
>Inb4 "Muh muh matsuri RP sex!" or Haachama's intentional face reveals

>> No.67472416

they were "let go" because they were managed and co-owned by bilibili and the cover-bilibili partnership collapsed, it had nothing to do with their scummy behavior

>> No.67472429

You know that has still yet to ever be proven, so uhh, proof? Do the sprits commune in webm, jpg or avi format?

>> No.67472449

but yes, show dont tell.

>> No.67472500

>Luca was mad everyone was calling him a globe trotting sex fiend
>Millie was mad her fans found out she was rejected by Cover since she wouldn't join Vsinger without Enna (LOL)
>Both couldn't just say their respective reasons without being exposed as ego searchers
In a way, they made a mountain from their mole hills

>> No.67472662

Artia and Civia literally brigaded coco and we're behind a lot of the harassment. Did people memory hole that?

>> No.67472773

I don't understand, your narrative say that they were disgusted by Coco by shit like shaving streams but Matsuri does worse on a daily basis, then you say that she made the situation worse by antagonizing the chinese, but Haachama was literally the start of that whole shitshow and the people Coco called out were the antis, not the chinese people in general, and it was neither the first nor the last time a holo did that.
Your story doesn't stand up to scrutiny, sorry. Find a better one next time, ok?

>> No.67472810

Try that again, but without your garbage tier ESL writing.

>> No.67472999

>one typo
why are you like this?

>> No.67474094

You stupid fucking retard. Mel leak happened because of Mel and not the other person.

>> No.67474122

Koyori graduation soon, I'd guess?

>> No.67474154

It all happened. Cover is a Chinese company.

>> No.67474188

>>Millie was mad her fans found out she was rejected by Cover since she wouldn't join Vsinger without Enna (LOL)
Do holotranies really?

>> No.67474200

It's numberchimps who defend cover and hate Coco.

>> No.67474255

This is one of those meaningless sayings that are so broad they're useless. People just ignore everything that might disprove it and point to the situations that might prove it a la confirmation bias.

>> No.67474284

Maybe but it tells a lot about how Koyori is feeling about hololive right now.

>> No.67474289

but aren't girls the cutest when they're (almost) retarded?

>> No.67474435

>Artia and Doris randomnly decides to watch Wolf Warrior
Nothing to see here, gaijin-kun.

>> No.67476612


>> No.67478907

Who are you talking to

>> No.67479012
File: 431 KB, 829x857, 1705486310125556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Hololive isn't that good.

>> No.67480889
File: 218 KB, 451x513, F--K YOU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncalled for. She's being translated, but speaking a truism anyway.

>> No.67481211
File: 879 KB, 2892x4096, 1698971435071387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute.

>> No.67482271

Zoom out a bit. I can't see the hat.

>> No.67485066

It's not her or holo's fault. It's the snitch.

>> No.67486646

Millie and Luca are now companies.

>> No.67488092

It's the oldest trick in the book, yes.

>> No.67489261

And what was snitched?

>> No.67489849

Her secret relationship
With me

>> No.67490358

If it was a sex scandal, getting fired clears the way for suing.
It was something mundane and inconsequential like mentioning what her pay was. Petty shit like that.

>> No.67492860

>Cover lost a lot of control over talents with 2022-2023 BS
>Mel YAB'd
>Perfect opportunity to remind the rest who has the leash
