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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67402308 No.67402308 [Reply] [Original]

She returns

>What is /wasp/?
/wasp/ is a thread for Female Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing

>Why /wasp/?
Men and women target different demographics and this thread is geared towards gender specific strategies to foster growth, increase their numbers, and gain an audience. For more technical advice you can check /asp/.

>Can I self post and promote?
Sure, althought we recommend you eventually leave this thread and this site. You will have your own community to care for soon.

>Should I post in /asp/ too?
The thread recommendation is to introduce yourself in as many communities you can, so yes. Just don't bring the general up unless asked, that particularly applies outside of this site.

>I'm just a lowly viewer but I want to help my oshi grow. Can I ask here?
Go ahead, but remember to ask for her consent for sketchy stuff ( like buying ads in this site, for example)

>"I am X vtuber and I have to say Z girl is an schizo/bitch/liar! Read my Tweetlong..."
Since it's technically off-topic, we would ask you kindly to take that to back to /asp/, if you must talk about it at all. It will be better for viewers if feuds between vtubers are never made public, nor /here/ nor in twitter. Hold a facade for the sake of the children, your fans deserve better. No one likes it when the mommies fight.

>Last thread FAQ:
-We were third place, do you guys think we will ever make it top 1 fastest threads?
- Anon who wanted the /jong/ thread, are you happy now?
- How do feel about male collabs (again)
- Any black vtubers?
- Where do the normies live?
-Should you tell your chat you have a boyfriend (dont)
- How can you become the cutest fighting game streamer?
- Should you do methamphetamines?

Are you an expert on any of these topics? Drop by! Your opinion is welcome!


>Some resources
https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)

>threads of interest:
>>>/vt/wvt/ - OG EN indie thread
>>>/vt//lig/- Large Indies Global
>>>/vt//aus/ - Aussie chuubas
>>>/vt//choc/ - Chuubas with overall darker skin color
>>>/vt//wool/ - Sheep chuubas and friends
>>>/vt//vrt/ - Retro gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//fig/ - Fighting gamer chuubas
>>>/vt//asmr/ - ASMR chuuba discussions
>>>/vt//vt/uber drawthread - Drawfags and draw requests
>>>/vt//hag/ - Chuubas of 30 years old and up
>>>/vt/jong/ - beloved offspring for mahjong players

Previous >>67363180

>> No.67403212

this thread always dies in the night huh

>> No.67403377 [DELETED] 

We don’t want trannies here either

>> No.67403447 [DELETED] 

Autogynephiles are worse than trannies. I have some respect for trannies for going the full pitch and taking the punches for their fantasy. Autogynephiles are just weird perverts

>> No.67403494
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It cant be helped until we get some aussie waspies
we go from the fastest board during the day to dead during the night
Where is our female rezzul

>> No.67403543

Why did you feel the need to post this exact same post both in asp and wasp?

>> No.67403750

well the schizo is already here so we might as well shoot for roof

camui trans hands rura 4/10 basic division ask me in asp

>> No.67403856

>Why did you feel the need to post this exact same post both in asp and wasp?

ask me in /asp/ and I will give you a serious reply

>> No.67404849

camui bad

also any girls live? is linkposter up yet?

>> No.67405398
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Ironically, Gura was live just now

She saw all our shitposting in here and decided to prove us wrong

>> No.67405924

the sharks are returning... nature is healing

>> No.67406935

there are no euro waspies which is why we die on night hours

>> No.67408069

Can someone tell me objectively what is the issue with going to cons or metting up with friends?

>> No.67408245

Doxxing my guy

>> No.67408851

Wasp pussy colors pls...

>> No.67409305
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Well if you dont care about being doxxed is fine
If you are posting real face pics might as well go

>But I trust my friends!

SO HERE IS THE THING: your vtuber friends will also bring their +1. They might invite people who aren't even vtubers. One of them might be an schizo. This has already happened before.
Look up Lyka / Adri*n drama.
Also the vtuber itself might be a schizo on disguise. If Kuku pretended to be a woman for 3 years, why cant our local schizoposter >>67403377 >>67403447 pretend to be normal?
(If he is the boogie man, he actually did for a while, and even Veleck vouched for him. Chuubas are too trusting)

It all comes down to how afraid are you of being doxxed. And if you aren't frighten, staying in this place for long should cure of that unless you are incredibly stupid or incredibly lucky.
This is one of the few jobs were your life is actually in danger. Why risk it?

>> No.67409362
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you tell me

>> No.67409652 [DELETED] 

Am I really the only one thinking letania is full of shit pretending to be a tranny?
I watch kuku and he acts nothing like letania did, they don't even share the most simple of mannerisms.

>> No.67409723

inb4 deleted

>> No.67409850
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>> No.67410540



>> No.67410665

i vow to never do the phone circle
not because im gfe material
but because i think its fucking cringey as hell

>> No.67410720

Thanks, it is cringey as fuck too

>> No.67411197

called it

>> No.67411408


>> No.67411438
File: 85 KB, 200x224, gumpy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to offkai last year and whenever I encounter some of the vtubers I met at the con online they overshare personal details of how I looked at the time which makes me very uncomfortable but they have more numbers than me so I’m quite honestly afraid to speak up about it. I now know my lesson about opsec and how most vtubers don’t really have etiquette when it comes to collabs nor interactions due to shared autism.
Personally if you don’t really care about opsec or don’t have body insecurity issues like I do, go for it. But just to warn you since I’m not that attractive IRL, it sucks to get disrespected like this. I won’t name and shame who they are, but there’s a reason why I heavily distance myself from being active on discord, from making servers and stuff because oversharing really bit me in the ass.
>t. gumpai

>> No.67411589
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rinna live
finally some fucking chuubas to watch

>> No.67411776

>if you don’t really care about opsec
the only reason not to care about opsec is if you are a man.
The odds are if you a girl the longer you streams the higher the chances you get a creppy stalker leaving shit on your front door
It happened to Kiara, and it will happen to you.
You dont need to deal with this, this is the one advantage vtubing has over facestreaming.
Very few jobs make you fear for your life dont make this one of those by your own choice

>> No.67411829
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Hey she added them
we did it wasp we are helping

>> No.67411922
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also I am still so far away
she does have a good voice

>> No.67411958

>Very few jobs make you fear for your life dont make this one of those by your own choice
You’re right. Again, it’s a mistake that could have snowballed into something worse, and I’m glad I caught myself before it got worse. I closed down my throne and I try not to be overly close to anyone in vtubing as much anymore. I am very afraid of my mutuals letting other schizos who pose as vtubers into their circle. The process of vetting people is close to null, so it’s best to not even interact in public discords, or discords at all for that matter.

>> No.67412047
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you can probably request it right now

>> No.67412189

jannies are faggots, more at 11

>> No.67412346

>not attracrive irl

How so? Im fat and vtubing lets me be a skinny girl

>> No.67412368
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>I am very afraid of my mutuals letting other schizos who pose as vtubers into their circle.

This story has been told over and over since wvt
Time is a flat circle. No one ever learns

>> No.67412639

ngl bet it's women vtubers, they tend to overshare about how cute eachother is either because you're just that cute and they're not that smart about opsec, or due to them maliciously wanting to soft dox you.

>> No.67412657
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God Squchan is finally pregnant

>> No.67412723

I fucking need to pull a kuku and get me into those female only discords
welcome back liggerman you fucked up the tabs

>> No.67412801

Nah women usually don’t care about that shit, otherwise they’d be in /cgl/. They were men. Also you’re in /wasp/ by the way.

>> No.67412888

>Also you’re in /wasp/ by the way.
/wasp/ is just a place to escape /asp/ when schizos get too bad and viceversa
the local schizo cant spam both threads at the same time, he burning thin
this is why schizos hate splits

>> No.67413022

I don't think I have ever not encountered a female vtuber that didn't talk about how cute other vtubers, or genmates were in real life and what they dress like.
>They were men.
Well that does make it worse, but what can you do, was your choice to share that with them.
>Also you’re in /wasp/ by the way.
I know, I've been here since /fasp/

>> No.67413023

oh Rinna is standing, prob that's why she sounds like she's singing from the bathroom in another floor

>> No.67413095

you need to stand to sing in full power
t. singer

>> No.67413228

I was thinking about the mic distance

>> No.67413309

tell her, I normally put it in top of my pc case when I want to sing standing

>> No.67413788

List them so they can be blacklisted

>> No.67413877

Why do studio recordings have sitting singers

>> No.67413928

have you ever seen an opera singer singing sitting down?

>> No.67413930
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I dont vtube, im just here to find a 2view gf

>> No.67413983

ironically the only reason male vtubes is to find a 2view gf so you might want to check asp in the near future

>> No.67414008 [DELETED] 
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>> No.67414029

Can confirm, not a single one of them likes streaming, it's all about juicy collabs and women too dumb to realize they arent destroying the parasocials they are letting them in

>> No.67414038

So people can see them?

>> No.67414077

Im just here to get women to play tekken

>> No.67414149

liggerman dammit the tabs

>> No.67414188

when they are recording shit

>> No.67414248

Used to standing?

>> No.67414280

I'm not an unicorn I just like my vtubers equal but separated

>> No.67414347

I'm just helping keep this thread alive because it makes so many other male vtubers angry despite being a male vtuber myself

>> No.67414387

oh shit me too

>> No.67414455

i miss streaming

>> No.67414559

>gran blue fantasy

>> No.67414852
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I posted her on fig already lets see if she gets the spic boost

>> No.67414961

then stream dumbass

>> No.67415039

'puters kill, unable to

>> No.67415112

you are using this thread now? You are no more my oshi you /choc/

>> No.67415123

tweet spaces, keep the audience alive, you can do it from your phone

>> No.67415286

I don't get it

>> No.67415675

if someone starts seething about something you dont really care about it is intrinsically funny

>> No.67415739

>no more my oshi
>my oshi
>being someones oshi
ha good one anon
audience engagement during the downtime has been fine im just going completely menhera over not being able to play around and do bits on stream. shiori had a nice twitter space recently with music. i like how she utilized twitter spaces to its fullest over only chatting so that might be an engaging way for spaces
i mean be honest, would you regularly tune in a twitter space every other dayl?

>> No.67415820

>would you regularly tune in a twitter space every other dayl?
yes but it is because i love my oshi very much
better that than radio silence

>> No.67416308
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interesting song choice

>> No.67416548

Are there any male vtubers you're attracted to and want to reverse groom? I want the stinky cheenis in my mouth.

>> No.67416594

Gonna say Camui but only because I want this thread to reach top 3 again

>> No.67416767
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Well it seems she could make it

>> No.67416880
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>sigfried player

>> No.67416986
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actually she is Calligstro

>> No.67417043

thats... objectively worse

>> No.67417155
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brown loli hands ToT

>> No.67417326
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>> No.67417729

Explain yourself /wasp/

>> No.67417828

no one has ever posted tits here thats why this thread still exists

>> No.67417924

What about /asp/?

>> No.67417977

I dont know whats going in there too much gay erp to notice tits

>> No.67418123
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Another one live

>> No.67418174

>getting the raids
see i told you about the fig buff which eventually becomes a debuff around 100cv so you got to drop fighting games forever like Aris and Mr Beast did

>> No.67418429

>/fig/ buff
not real

>> No.67418762
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Oh yeah here is some useful material

Watame doing a literal peek a boo
because she knows her viewers are all children or of the same mental age

learn from watame, learn from the best

>> No.67419701

I would normally complain about backseating but i guess it is ok for fighting games

>> No.67419917
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Literal wasp live

>> No.67419989

they already have in many cases, like Rin and Shania.
It is a testament of human stupidity that some of you want to give Shania a 14th chance, just like with Gael
People don't change

>> No.67420064

thanks for the asmr and karaoke Rinna, love you

>> No.67420266

There is no issue. Nobody cares to doxx you IRL and this is a social hobby, you're gonna wanna meet the friends you meet IRL eventually.

>> No.67420292

first time watcher here
it was pretty cute

>> No.67420367

>Nobody cares to doxx you IRL
t. doxxer

>> No.67420579

Mako Fukasame has her IRL pics out, she went to twitchcon in Las vegas and was spotted in streams and lots of people seen her. Did anyone care? Nobody. Not to mention how she was a teacher too working at a university that everyone knew.

Caring about doxxing is a purely japanese and hololive centric phenomenon. When you live outside of Japan, stalkers and whatever cant easily use a train to find you. Still do you Opsec reps but if you're going to meet friends and people at conventions, 99% of the people will never even know you're a vtuber unless you tell them.

>> No.67420745

Shania and Gael have done nothing wrong and both create content

>> No.67420822

Tell that to Yuii. She got doxxed and people started harassing her mother.

>> No.67420842

>Mako Fukasame
Not the best example.

>> No.67420852

t. person sending death threats to mako on her marshmallows and calling her a tranny in the threads

>> No.67420905
File: 345 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.twitch.tv/khubie is jonging RIGHT NOW!

>> No.67420936

post her in jong too

>> No.67420982

she's in /jong/

>> No.67421038

>22k follows
Not w/asp/

>> No.67421046

so des ka

>> No.67421133

she was playing jong with a few /asp/ies in scissors' server last night, seems good

>> No.67421225

No but she is a wasp

>> No.67421333

well that clears her up for me
Hopefully she will try fighting games next

>> No.67421519
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speaking of fightan bird is better than I expected

>> No.67421763
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Well, anons?

>> No.67421828

third option: why the fuck are you clickbaiting?

>> No.67421848

Roast beef brown next question

>> No.67422009
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>teleports behind u
Thats because Cagliostro IS BULLSHIT

>> No.67422083

as a boomer I refuse to believe roblox is real

>> No.67422234

play toontown instead

>> No.67422419

what has gael even done other than be an asshole

>> No.67423093


>> No.67423192
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>> No.67423268

Roblox is literally exploiting children. The current CEO is unironically in favour of child labour and has donated to lobbies in favour of removing child labour laws.
By playing it, you're actively participating. By streaming it, you're promulgating it.
I've seen vtubers stream the games (called "experiences") and their fans pay a few dollars to reach the same level, multiple times. That's a few hundreds to a few thousand dollars total. A few thousands that will be used to erode human rights.
That's not mentioning the fact Roblox does and encourage many exploitative behaviours. The channel "People Make Games" did a video on that.
Roblox and to some extent Genshin are the only 2 games I can think of that are actually morally wrong to play.

>> No.67423305

>The current CEO is unironically in favour of child labour and has donated to lobbies in favour of removing child labour laws.
woa based

>> No.67424199

list them

>> No.67424304
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it would take a while but let me give it a try

>> No.67425222
File: 359 KB, 640x480, 1701810647968813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberlife crushed in a fit of his rage,
Colt called a leech in a drunken rampage.
Cancer he mocked with a heartless decree,
Sei's darkness embraced blind as could be.

From US to Peru across every land,
His drama unfolds like shifting sand.
Dominican shores Caribbean breeze,
He stirs up the pot with venomous ease.

Lumi's ban the silence he kept,
Tantrums and booze while his bridges he swept.
Helping hands spurned with venomous sting,
Vtuber well-wishes no chat offerings.

>> No.67425281

So nothing

>> No.67425400

im sure you did nothing wrong either, it's everyone else fault.

>> No.67425487

what does any of that mean

>> No.67425520

And here I was about the sell my shares. Guess I'll hold onto them a little longer

>> No.67425557

I did my best to make it fit the rhythm

>> No.67425612
File: 25 KB, 257x423, Screenshot 2024-01-24 153729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might go insane

>> No.67425688

brake into even smaller chunks until you can complete 1 per day, then you have a roadmap

>> No.67425747

the worst thing about this is the term "quarterlife crisis"

>> No.67425948

what makes you think anyone would buy a 1views merch

>> No.67425989

>debut merch
you better have a pre established fanbase

>> No.67426001

I bought tenma merch

>> No.67426021

Tenma is a 2view

>> No.67426161

nigga you don't need any of these.
focus on your content.

>> No.67426197

>some of you want to give Shania a 14th chance
fucked up how many collabs he's showing up in...

>> No.67426315

you will have to learn the hard way, but he will teach you
This is will be the third time he burned his bridges with everyone that knew him and every time he gets worse.
The man confessed to harassing viewers of his ex, there is no reason to believe he isn't doing that as well right now

>> No.67426439

Based. Kill your enemies.

>> No.67426599

he will fall for one of the female aspies and everything will begin again, just like the grooming and manipulation which he also confessed to
Then he will destroy her streaming career just to make sure none of the competition ever gets close to them
Those who fail to learn from the 4chan archives are doomed to repeat it

>> No.67426616

I literally stream

this is a redebut/new model reveal, and I've had viewers wanting merch for a bit. specifically only doing cheap merch, standees/charms run <$10 to buy and even cheaper to produce, and I won't be really aiming to make any split, only to break even

>> No.67426631
File: 28 KB, 527x676, shania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67426649

>Women Aspiring and Startup Thread
>faggots trying to start drama with males again

>> No.67426715


>> No.67426882

>Followed by Veleck

>> No.67426909

she was good friends with shania

>> No.67426950

Veleck has an abuse and rape fetish. Obviously she is a gender traitor.

>> No.67427427

And Rin

>> No.67427780

good times

>> No.67428079

Came up in the other thread but what are the chances of fishing a rich husband as a vtuber?

>> No.67428222

Ask in /asp/ and I'll give you a serious answer

>> No.67428301

what do they know they are all poor

>> No.67428319

How rich? You might nab a silicon valley tech worker "rich" guy. VTubing might virtually increase your "attractiveness" but I doubt actual millionaires/billionaires would punch down for a VTuber

>> No.67428731

Unless it's a bitcoin guy, old guy, or it guy, you're not gonna find "rich" people by vtubing and with that comes the likely possibility of them being a sociopath.

>> No.67428809

But if you mean someone not in retail/minimumwage, it would be likely. If you mean someone that will provide everything for you so you can just stream and not lift a finger for the rest of your life, it would be very unlikely.

>> No.67429457

He was best friends and withholding information about one of the biggest doxxers in /wvt/ history is one of them

>> No.67429666

the problem with gael is not "what did has he done" but rather "what has he done lately"
Shania is a bit of a one pony trick but gael is always doing something shit and its always weird and different

>> No.67429868

what has gael done recently?

>> No.67429959

I'm none of those things and I'm rich. I imagine there are other people here in the same situation

>> No.67430006

Please descrive your pussi smell....

>> No.67430036

no matter the year, you can find the answer to that question looking the in archives
he pulls his trip out when he is yabbing so it is very easy to find out

>> No.67430129

Smells like the fresh tilphia seasoned with garlic and onions, next question

>> No.67430257

Thank you for posting. Forgetting to do it each time. And with thread split even confused where - asp / wasp / both / wvt. Somehow it frustrates me a bit.
Finished 100% run of Talos - big fan of this game. Next thing gonna be something dynamic. Turbo autism of puzzles is neat but even I need to rest after few months of it looking for each easter egg / star / ending

>> No.67430298

smells yummy

>> No.67430311

How rich are we talking about? I guess vtubers will settle with them being allowed to stream full time sustenance

>> No.67430334

Tilapia's nice tho

>> No.67430375

Fish but not stinky

>> No.67430380

>And with thread split even confused where - asp / wasp / both / wvt. Somehow it frustrates me a bit.
it's the same people anyway

>> No.67430431

Literally butthole

Ive tried EVERYTHING and nothing ;_;

>> No.67430437

do you like mahjon? there is a new mahjong thread >>67427678

might be a good way to capture a new audience

>> No.67430503
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>Next thing gonna be something dynamic
tekken 8 comes out tomorrow

>> No.67430563

Slit your wrists olga

>> No.67430641
File: 125 KB, 640x292, 1684264247439714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next you will say "go back to asp to avoid the schizos"

>> No.67430670

No I simply hate olga and think she's a bitch

>> No.67430793

>ext thing gonna be something dynamic.
anything but palworld please

>> No.67430815


>> No.67430887

eh he is harrasing every selfposting girl so they leave the thread he is not even really into it

>> No.67430993

>fucking what?? the pozzedtuber follows the crabtuber??

>> No.67430994

Pure copium
It's obvious she seethes at these threads
She is thin skinned and her fake nice act only fools retards

>> No.67431056

lemons, but sweeter
and clean laundry

>> No.67431093

Both of us do not have to work a real job and I could buy a house with a lot of land or a home in a big city in cash

>> No.67431101

Olga please record yourself farting and post it so I can imagine the smell and masturbate

>> No.67431228

absolute 0 into fighting games, so this is gonna be like a bloodbath to me, lol
oh I still never played it. Maybe it's good thing for soma chatting streams. Many people enjoy it, it looks neat.
My laptop won't hold palworld and stream, unfortunately.
It's not my post, lmao. You are that detective anon-chama who can't find his own ass in the daylight and with both hands. Noted. Not any ESL is me. This schizoing me trying to involve in any drama is really weird.

>> No.67431239


Listen to your fans!!!

>> No.67431303

Shut the fuck up, nobody types as much like a mush mouthed retard like you do, not even that fat french whore
Put a gun in your mouth and squeeze the trigger asap

>> No.67431354

>absolute 0 into fighting games, so this is gonna be like a bloodbath to me, lol
everyone will be starting from 0 so its the best time to get in

>> No.67431405

The shy 1view I watch is making friends with another 1view! I am proud of her.

>> No.67431429

>posted at (5 AM) SEA hours while NA sleeping
Detective-chama... Voices in your head are not helping you.

>> No.67431448

>oh I still never played it. Maybe it's good thing for soma chatting streams. Many people enjoy it, it looks neat

The mahjong buff is absolutely real it even works for men.
The game does about half the work for you anyway so you just need to know the bare basics

>> No.67431465

>while NA sleeping
You really are fucking retarded

>> No.67431644

Is it illegal to be a straight female vtuber?

>> No.67431733


>> No.67431881
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no but if you are a corpo your genmates will forcefully fuck the straight out of you

>> No.67432003


>> No.67432006

only in japan but legislation is catching up to the west

>> No.67432047


>> No.67432074
File: 684 KB, 956x534, 1695991031337660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looking for players right now

>> No.67432250

too late :(

>> No.67432284

None of her mods want to play?

>> No.67432334

she is being going for a while so everyone on stream already played with her, so she is giving new people a chance

>> No.67432372

You calling me out for 10+ times, each time for post that was not made by me.
Last ~3 months my posts were:
1. "Not my post, stop namedrop me"
2. Refusing to comment drama (which is even not involves me)
3. Replying to some things as art / constructive topics

>> No.67432380

No mods

>> No.67432408


>> No.67432461

towa anon how do I cope with not being able to buy tekken 8 I'm very sad

>> No.67432465

so he's a schizo because someone else is a doxfag? that's your reasoning?

>> No.67432725
File: 1.82 MB, 1135x1744, 1694810386634857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

putta on throna

>im a viewa
shimada will probably make a raffle so I am betting on that. I wont be able to buy it until its on sale anyway and tekken isnt my game but I do plan to watch every stream

also puzzle

>> No.67432828

yet you can't give an example apparently

>> No.67432938

>putta on throna
I'm still not doing it.. honestly I'm not super excited to play 8 since I don't click with any of the numbers but I have to do my shameless fgc trendhopping

>> No.67432974

do any wasps want cum tributes?

>> No.67433344

Me :3

>> No.67433416

>yshameless fgc trendhopping
yeah there is no hope changing that
Also if I can make a suggestion an important part of fightan streams are bets since you are basically gambling

"Can I win three out of five rankeds" and so?
Puts some spice on the whole thing.
You can even put prizes for top gamblers if you feeling creative

>> No.67433532

NTTowa but I plan to play tekken 7 to cope until the price goes down

>> No.67433661

the archives are just a click away, here https://archive.palanq.win/vt/search/text/gael/ open wide

>> No.67434276

nta but same problem and i don't have a throne

>> No.67434466

say on stream I wish i could play it but its too expensive
and someone will dm you a code
worked for nade chama

>> No.67434551
File: 656 KB, 828x821, 1679842993546795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i followed everyone back who followed me at one time and forgot to unfollow
also obligatory picture

>> No.67434568
File: 38 KB, 589x514, ohio54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is will be the third time he burned his bridges with everyone that knew him

>> No.67434621

The only issue with that is I'd have to set gambas in between sets which is a lot and a bit time consuming and I feel like it'd detract from the stream :(

>> No.67434640

hows your transition going

>> No.67434719

you did unfollow me lol, this is what is called "concern trolling"
life is all about transition, friend. learn 2 embrace change

>> No.67434726

>veleck left /wvt/ for /wasp/
double traitor!!!!!!!

>> No.67434784

>which is a lot and a bit time consuming and I feel like it'd detract from the stream
yeah thats why you dont bet on the particular set, you bet on a block.

"Will I be able to win six out of ten matches?" and keep a scoreboard., that will be spicy enough and keep people invested.

Best gaps i seen is 40 ish minutes during isaac runs so aim for that. maybe 20 out of 40 would do

>> No.67434788

i've been such a naughty girl

>> No.67434846

I mean you gender transition since you are posting here

>> No.67434884

i dont believe in gender so it would be impossible to make that transition, sorry

>> No.67434910

Veleck do you want to be these girls sempais they need a role figure, no sane vtuber has been around this place since the days of Shimada andf even Terumi doesnt count as a good role model

>> No.67434946

Yeah that's fair, I'll try it out! I'm a bit forgetful/easily distracted so keeping a running tally of sets will be more of a challenge than the actual sets

>> No.67434971

non binary also off topic so I would have to ask you to leave
unless you finally decided to pull a letania and just pretend

>> No.67435034

in order to be a senpai i'd need to stream!

>> No.67435077

No need to tease us like that, I'm not gonna spank you.

>> No.67435098
File: 298 KB, 850x1075, sample_79f14250703d1923b3fa81fa078c8210001e63d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /asp/, i am once again asking what theme would work for a vtuber in 2024

i want to voice an otokonoko character like inuyama tamaki but i don't know what to base it around

>> No.67435178
File: 676 KB, 640x893, gura teaches the waspies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry gura is an honorary sempai of this thread

>> No.67435198

sorry but this is a debate more meant for college professors. I'll continue to post shaniachan until the experts come to a definitive conclusion.

>> No.67435280

1- this is wasp

2- tamaki is not even a good example

3- Have you seen Nen from tsunderia? A bara vtuber might get you the regloss female audience. Not huge, but they exist

>> No.67435384

nah we settled this long ago, internal rules of the thread, sorry. Either you do voice reps or you are offtopic, those are the rules.

>> No.67435435

I'll only follow rules if they were written by someone with a degree in gender theory

>> No.67435528

thats why jannies keep banning you
isnt this how it all began?

>> No.67435585

if you aren't getting banned every now and then you're not posting good enough

>> No.67435631

i'm a woman voicing a male character so i assumed it would count

>> No.67435754

yeah It counts for wasp, its just that you said asp
in any case see Ray our Touma Tengu for examples that might inspire you

Tamaki is kind of cheating because she looks like a girly girl

>> No.67435971
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 1688750195904992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue creature is up again

any fans of her? seems like someone worth shilling in retro

>> No.67436087
File: 289 KB, 1062x1080, 1698381921181783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't know what to base it around
I dont think you cab base an otonoko around anything, thats just the most innermost layer.
The concept comes in top of that.

What made you want to be a boy in the first place?

>> No.67436280

yeah they are already on it

>> No.67436742

How did the Mario 3 run went down, did she finish it?

>> No.67436992
File: 262 KB, 378x599, 1683661035125390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pafu live too

>> No.67437126

thats the name of the manga

>> No.67437688

that makes sense

>> No.67437922

Talk for yourself, I would spank Veleck.

>> No.67438446


>> No.67438536

why are the japanese like this

>> No.67439496

Um, let's say a female is being crabbed in /asp/, are they welcome here? Or probably prone to being crabbed here too?

>> No.67439799

sadly it's going to be the same people doing the crabbing since right now the posterbase is almost identical
maybe in a few months it will get more tourists from the catalog but right n ow it is mostly aspies and that one viewer asking chuubas to play tekken

>> No.67440510

i want vtuber auditions to open
>specialite reopens auditions but they’re focused primarily on gaming which isn’t the content i want to focus on and i don’t have any pro gamer experience
>brave group is promoting auditions again but i’m having trouble thinking of what to fill out the form with for some reason
>hololive auditions is always open but isn’t worth auditioning for at my size
not like this….. give me something decent please…

>> No.67440699

I see Veleck as a mother figure.

>> No.67441074
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>> No.67441834

Same, she's so motherly.

>> No.67442362
File: 511 KB, 834x510, 1700070408015283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle close to complete

>> No.67442866

right now you shouldnt focus on auditions anyway
you need to be first big enough so you dont need them, then they will scout you
right now dont even think about numbers either, rather into building your skills
what this vid and try to apply it to vtubing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wiMppQB5Ug

>> No.67442875

mond is a cute autistic and schizo vampire!
she likes osrs and retro games.
rura is a cute autistic dino!
she likes fighting games.
rinna is a cute /choc/ cat!
she is a talented voice actress.
ria is a cute /choc/ hydroblading elf!
she is a talented artist.
andy is a cute space cowboy princess!
she plays a variety of games and sings beautifully.
pafu is a cute japanese donut!
she likes to do lewd streams.
olga is a cute comfy russian NEET!
she likes to draw her beloved potatoes.
arisu is a gyaru hamster artist!
she is currently on hiatus.

pre debut /wasp/ies
mutton is a pink sheep!
she wants to do asmr.
bonni is a homeless dog!
she wants to stream retro games.

>> No.67442953

but which ones are live now

>> No.67443400
File: 353 KB, 1424x707, 1695980511265849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these principles are rather universal:
>purposeful/ deliberate practice, don't focus on winning, focus on improving first

You can also check this

Basically for the first six months of vtubing focus only on becoming a better vtuber (skills, entertainment, humor, reading chat) , then think of increasing your numbers and then think of applying to a corpo
Consider your competitions have years of training ahead of you and they already have a fanbase, your odds of passing an auditions are small because it is a zero sum game: you need to be better than anyone who applies.

Training is what you do while your enemies are crabbing each other. Become stronger.

>> No.67443681
File: 1.47 MB, 1457x950, 1705424099820122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

puzzle done
next puzzle soon

>> No.67445801

i love /wasp/ies!

>> No.67445924

which ones specifically

>> No.67446074


>> No.67446188


>> No.67446231
File: 128 KB, 848x1199, 1681410824360600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me Nun Andy

>> No.67446269

I thought she's 28 or something

>> No.67446272

wasnt the stream today andy anon?

>> No.67446517
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>> No.67446665

Supposedly but Andy's radio silence about it

>> No.67446718

magfest is over anon

>> No.67446791

well if she did went to magfest it is probably covid yeah

>> No.67446896

Dont worry anon I saw Pafu's lecture and I learned women never actually get laid, it has to do with market economics, currency deflation or some shit.

>> No.67447506

I choose to believe this too and if she tries to tell me otherwise I will refuse to listen

>> No.67447653
File: 730 KB, 1140x598, 1699376558053988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to keep studying this one to give her unsolicited advice but I dont really like metroid and my oshi was streaming

>> No.67447785

The way she speaks melts my brain.

>> No.67448052

kuudere sare an unexplored vtuber market in the west

>> No.67448132


>> No.67448237


>> No.67448473

Shill me a girl

>> No.67448600


>> No.67448603

tell me first who is your oshi, I will match her on indie size

>> No.67448737
File: 868 KB, 776x1440, 1685206002849641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you feel about brown lolis

>> No.67448777


>> No.67449020

might be too big for you but this is the closest match: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
Unicorn friendly and anti male, perfect for hololivers.
Let me think for a bit of others...

>> No.67449174


>> No.67449278

considerably smaller but also hololive friendly
same energy and also a loli

Same with this one

For a non loli loli
So called CEO of seiso and shondos' friend
this one is not much like bijou but holofriendly chuubas on the western indie scene are are

Let me keep thinking going lower and lower

>> No.67449845

hmm if you are willing to try other corpos this one is a good fit https://www.youtube.com/@ConfettiConi
wvt crop but they do have different personalities

I ran out of ideas, next you will have to tell me what games you like

>> No.67449911

meant for

>> No.67450587

This is the smallest one I can offer that might fit your description

>> No.67450721

They don't really need to be a loli or holo-like
I like her personality

>> No.67450733

You might also like: Rimaeri

>> No.67451656

well ironically personality like she seems like shondo too
you will have to give me some more details cause I havent watch advent much outside of the dogs

>> No.67451915

you know which honorary waspie bijou reminds me the most? unironically this one >>67435178

>> No.67452176

also she has kiara laugh

>> No.67454061


>> No.67454214
File: 549 KB, 1937x3092, 1674694999411719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to link Andy playing Bugsnax

>> No.67454559

finally time to check what the buzz was about

>> No.67454669

vampire also live

>> No.67455212

as a first critic i can say she is a bit hard to understand

>> No.67455283

I got to be honest, the model looks way worse than the art

>> No.67456405

she uses an eyepatch?
thats the third chuuba i met with one

>> No.67457318

also good zatsu skills, wasnt even commenting on the game just pure tangent

>> No.67458105

>one of the few jobs where your life is actually in danger
Oil riggers, soldiers, police, firemen, loggers, miners, construction and factory workers step aside, the sheltered western woman who uses a 2d puppet to manipulate low iq simps into giving her money risks her life every day!

>> No.67458261
File: 495 KB, 561x532, 1686611074413003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all fun and games until one of those many low iq simps decides to stab you because you are no longer pure

>> No.67458576
File: 231 KB, 726x595, 1697542408156816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe you need an example closer to home?

>> No.67458728

Is this a good or bad thing?

>> No.67458899
File: 133 KB, 421x344, 1690210291138358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe someone from this very board?
From the source of this very thread?
Actually, are you sure you weren't the one sending her the death the threats in the first place?

This hobby attracts mentally ill people. Some are content with shitting boards. Other take it further.
dont be stupid and play into their hand out of some absurd bravado.
If you don't know who your enemies are, you are at a disadvantage, because they sure know everything about you.

>> No.67458959

NTA but it sounds like a good thing
she has a cute voice

>> No.67459393

she thinks she sucks at it

>> No.67459491
File: 627 KB, 946x456, 1690773758596321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this model is pretty cute but isn't she too big already for the aspie threshhold? she should be thinking of leaving this site if she hasnt.

Pretty girls thinking they are ugly syndrome I suppose but this is some really nice zatsu. Is she a hag? older women tend to be considerably better at talking

>> No.67459534

>Is she a hag?
Cake at most

>> No.67459627

I do have been listening with interest

Im keeping track on both but I think I will be going to sleep now

>> No.67459669

Maybe its better to let the thread die through the night since we reached bump limit and not make it
bake it again in the morning when the burggers are awake

>> No.67459799


>> No.67461181

I'm inclining really hard recently (40ccv) but I hate my model and also everything about myself how do I fix this (don't say therapy)

>> No.67461273


>> No.67461400

the answer is indeed therapy

>> No.67461703

unironically get some therapy woman

>> No.67461788

Deal with it
Or say that you were male all along

>> No.67461890

....oh shit really?

>> No.67462328

I can't understand anything Mond is saying

>> No.67463672
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