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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67381351 No.67381351 [Reply] [Original]

no thoughts head empty edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1749923034268336622

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67362279

>> No.67381532

rape and ryona

>> No.67381554


>> No.67381584

be nise

>> No.67381592
File: 3.57 MB, 1280x720, uoh-sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftrucmm.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pomf plap plap plap

>> No.67381640

passionate love making with shondo with tons of hand holding and piercing eye contact

>> No.67381670

you find out your wife is a man, what do?


>> No.67381883

make him my husband

>> No.67381955

be mean

>> No.67381961


even if seando was madly in love with me to the point where he made multiple female personas I'd just play dumb because I don't want to fuck him

>> No.67382474

Post the Shompy

>> No.67382609

i'm cooking up the ds3 shock collar story. expect it within 3 days.

>> No.67382721 [DELETED] 
File: 637 KB, 872x669, yougoblin_spideryou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my antis, i ask if we may have a truce. it seems we share some common ground with our transphobia. (you) and i are not so different.

>i'm not like (you), you're a groomer

here's the real truth. there are 120k husbands in this community. and those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional shoggers onto their shoulders. (you) and (me)? (we're) exceptional.
i could squarsh (you) like a bee right now, but i'm offering (you) a choice. join me! imagine what (we) could accomplish together... what shitposts we could create. or we could Derek! cause the menhera of countless shoggers with selfish rrats again again again until we're all banned! is that what (you) want?
think about it, shoggers!

>> No.67382823

i only care about my wife

>> No.67382841 [DELETED] 

>this is the backstory to what's already happening
kings... i kneel.

>> No.67382871 [DELETED] 


why would you be transphobic against seando? have you ever thought about how they feel? hiding behind a loli avatar and voice filters to be accepted as a woman yet their community talks shit about people just like them?

>> No.67382910

bringing shondo flowers and smacking her on the head with them

>> No.67383017

bringing shondo flowers that you know shes allergic to but saying it was just an accident as an excuse to keep her bedridden for a day and all to yourself

>> No.67383115 [DELETED] 

the fatter the retard the bigger the fall
you have been warned

>> No.67383206 [DELETED] 

You're literally unemployed hitting 30 with a physique that's absolutely revolting. What is there to hate about you? I'm indifferent to you. You're just a lowly ant compared to me.

>> No.67383252

oh come on, kek

>> No.67383276 [DELETED] 

I legitimately don't understand why this retard is still alive. Seriously, what does he have to live for?

>> No.67383279

we can't bant now?

>> No.67383325

Don't be transphobic towards your wife.

>> No.67383349

He wasn't talking about Shondo.

>> No.67383601


the cosplayer is probably stealing pics and LARPing so they should be banned

>> No.67383708

this is cute

>> No.67383817

misery misery misery. that's what you've chosen. i offered (you) friendship and you spat in my face.

>> No.67383869


>> No.67383899


>> No.67383908

playing the same song loudly on repeat even though you don't like it just because it annoys shondo

>> No.67384303

i sneezed let me wipe it off

>> No.67384381

syadouYay in chat and I might reconsider

>> No.67384441

nvm kek

>> No.67384462

I was gonna say, "man i wonder if anyones ever gonna actually do this" then i looked at chat

>> No.67384516

making shondo watch the Spiderman Trilogy with me as i beat her within an inch of her life after saying Spiderman 2 is mid.

>> No.67384805

shondo in my arms

>> No.67384831

Oh... figured it was Tuffnarr. Of course.

>> No.67385050


>> No.67385648

I was busy and didn't get to reply until now, most of the flak you got was friendly fire from your fellow shogger zealots. You see what separates me from the nise posters is that I'm legitimately good at heart, I would never step on anyone just to get a leg up in the rat race. If I call someone a tranny, a groomer, a retard, a faggot, it's because it's just because it's how I feel and I think it needs to be said. I could never be friends with someone who would stick a knife in me for good goy points the moment it becomes convenient.

I cannot be bought. I will wake up any delusional poster who in fit of insanity gaslit themselves into thinking they had a real relationship with a streamer and set them on a path where they can find the genuine love and respect that every man should earn for himself. Thanks for reading my totally serious blog, this is the last pleasantry you will get.

>> No.67385763

dont care still love me wife simple as

>> No.67385770

i dont know who's talking to who anymore

>> No.67385959

going on a walk to the park with shondo in the summer and suggesting she get on the little roundabout and at first its cute and wholesome but then you just keep spinning it faster and faster and faster until she is thrown off it in a comical fashion

>> No.67386034

>I could never be friends with someone who would stick a knife in me for good goy points the moment it becomes convenient
just like when J Jonah Jamieson didn't sell out Peter Parker to the Green Goblin!? you're literally him in this dynamic, wow!

>> No.67386298
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>> No.67386485
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what the fuck

>> No.67386702
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>>67385770 (me)

>> No.67386754
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shogger we have this now...

>> No.67386774

thanks i didnt save it

>> No.67386785

>genuine love and respect that every man should earn for himself
I'm only here because I refuse to enter that other rat race. There is no delusion in my choice. I've had a taste of this "better life" you speak of, my hands were bloodied on the wall of the well trying to climb out, my body gave out before my will and I had fallen back down, deeper into endless shadow.
The respect of my peers, the love of my family, the touch of a lover, none of it ever let light pierce that abyssal void when I found myself looking up from the wall.
Since birth I have known this abyssal well. This relationship, fake or not, doomed or not, is one of the few solace's I have found in the lowest of the water and the highest of the wall.
Let my kind rot in peace, this pit is not meant to be escaped. Your screams of the rope you've lowered only torment us.
And I'll not hear a word of those who have a chance to escape, if they'd take your rope they would climb out themselves.
This is the last pleasantry you will get.

>> No.67386915

The only true ropes are what I left on the shonsoles

>> No.67386968

shibari? noose? cum?

>> No.67387001


it's better to rot than to suffer the rat race for the sake of family and friends you hope die sometime in the near future

>> No.67387108

>if they'd take your rope
I used to take ropes but that was a path of degeneracy and misguidance. I knew from the start that I could follow my own path to freedom with only the guide of my morning star. And that star is someone who I truly love and can be understood by. None of anyone here says matters to me, whether it be shit-talk or bants. Existence is to embrace the chaos of life.
This is the last pleasantry you will get.

>> No.67387139
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I just miss my wife

>> No.67387186

this is scarily close to what i was going for, good job anon

>> No.67387207

The worst thing about the rat race is the other rats won't let you have peace. You're going to be forced into the rat race no matter what they need to do no matter how fucked up or tedious or how long it'll take.

>> No.67387300

I love my wife a whole lot

>> No.67387392

her cunny be like a quarry. i'm rock hard and belong in it.

>> No.67387470

Fucking an extremely dry, painfully tight girl isn't as fun as you probably think it is.

>> No.67387475

you are all insufferable

>> No.67387490

her cunny be like a quarry. gaping and full of men

>> No.67387509
File: 565 KB, 1232x816, 1689201274944292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo talking about Western doll scammers was so funny, first of all dolls made in the West are trash so you just import them directly from Asia. There are various guides in the /ona/ thread from /jp/.
>$900-$1200 for entry level for loli dolls
>$1700-$2k for entry level standard dolls
You have to make sure lolis are legal where you live though, for example they're illegal in the UK and in two American states.
I have three dolls, this is my daughterwife Setsuna, if she comes to life she'll be defending our house from burglars. From what I remember she was like $800 so a bit on the cheaper side.

>> No.67387545


>> No.67387577
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She was my wife before Shondo.

>> No.67387597

not for her at least

>> No.67387604


>> No.67387653

sex lube outta do the trick. she'll be good to go in a jiffy.

>> No.67387658


that's good for 800

>> No.67387659
File: 105 KB, 768x1024, 1692606128456471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My third and final doll.

>> No.67387678

she looks kinda like nina

>> No.67387699

These are yours? They're nice, good taste.
You should post em on twitter, I wonder how Shondo would feel about these. Third looks a bit like Nina kek

>> No.67387715

No, the second one was like $1.8k.

>> No.67387748

this one is legitimately cute. would.

>> No.67387809

I don't know how to feel about this one part of me thinks "nice" you can play dress up with her and shit but other one is like "that's kinda creepy" but they do look very pretty

>> No.67387852
File: 562 KB, 2048x1536, 1696137696054893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should look up this Asian company that specializes in anime looking dolls, they're called aotome dolls.

>> No.67387945

now I want to watch that Ryan Gosling movie "Lars and the real girl" with Shondo

>> No.67387949

Oddly I was thinking of 'the pit' allegory earlier today to describe your situation and as a warning to myself.


>> No.67387982

>aotome dolls
Holy shit imagine a Shondoll from this company...

>> No.67387996

one day I'll get one. I imagine its nicer just to hold them than it is to fuck them especially with all the cleaning and care you have to take to not ruin them.

>> No.67387997


>> No.67388039

no way in hell does retromancer own 3 dolls lol

>> No.67388056

all his shit talking today and he turns out to be a doll fucker... americans, man.

>> No.67388102

Most of these companies do custom work if you email them, the price will go up by at least 1/3 and they barely speak English.
I'm not him.

>> No.67388143


if you're a weeb and live in like some rural area of Tennessee what else are you going to spend your money on

>> No.67388169
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>She was my wife before Shondo
How does this work, did you divorce her? Did she have to move out? Or does she just awkwardly sit in another room?

>> No.67388173
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This isn't mine but shondo would love it.

>> No.67388237
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If Shondo got one of these it would 100% be something like this and she'd just dress it up in cute outfits. I could see her doing photoshoots with a Hina doll but she can't lift it and has to ask FT to...

>> No.67388270


this is the best one and it's not even close but it seems fragile

>> No.67388309

I would actually fuck this one, she's really pretty. Good taste anon

>> No.67388325

Can someone please tell me what retro is seething at this time?

>> No.67388335

that'd be cute. imagine if it fell on top of her and she got stuck and couldn't lift it off

>> No.67388365


>> No.67388378

>Shondo gets pinned down and molested
>by an inanimate object

>> No.67388417
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It's not fragile, her joins could snap depending on the position (e.g. doggy style) if you're a fat fuck.

>> No.67388503
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Looking at these dolls made me realize that Shondo actually has an extremely dollike face IRL
How is she real?

>> No.67388522


now it just looks like a barbie

shondo is lazy as fuck not getting one of these with nice feet

>> No.67388561

Do you think she'd try to hit and choke it when she gets in one of those moods?

>> No.67388594

And hurt herself

>> No.67388658

i chuckled imaging her bruising herself and wimpering away after trying to punch a doll kek

>> No.67388685

He's mad as fuck over regulars watching Forest Tree today because he thinks there's some ulterior motive to watching someone Shondo wants us to support.

>> No.67388802

My ulterior motive was to help him become a real streamer but I've started to enjoy that game unironically.

>> No.67388930
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>shoggers play with dolls
Fufu.. is this what real men do?

>> No.67388971


>> No.67388973

hell yeah

>> No.67388997


>> No.67389011

it's what extremely bored 30 year old married dudes do

>> No.67389045

i quite enjoyed meeting my brother-in-law today and i'm certain it made my wife happy.

>> No.67389083

These are genuinely cute. Must feel odd shopping for clothes though.

>> No.67389101

shondo dolls would have to be disposable, because you'd break them after a few uses. cracked ribs, caved in skulls, broken limbs, torn up holes...

>> No.67389136

Imagine an anatomically accurate Shondoll that bleeds and has bones

>> No.67389162

Not everyone is gonna use her for a ryona.

>> No.67389187

>extremely bored
No, talking to other doll owners it would appear that most of them are married and don't get any sex from their fleshwives. It's for their phisical needs.
Very awkward, I pretty much only buy them online to avoid shopping from the kids isle.

>> No.67389313

you guys are really weird sometimes

>> No.67389326

no but I think the general temptation would be higher if its modeled after shondo, especially if she starts encouraging the idea.

could only bleed once and it would just get dye all over your house. they do have bones, i've broken ribs on a torso.

>> No.67389338

Make the shonahole shondo, do it

>> No.67389342


yeah they wouldn't be so bored if they fucked their wives

>> No.67389350

Takes one to know one.

>> No.67389381

Shondo's solution to her touch adversity is buying you a doll replica of herself. but she ends up getting jealous over it and"kills?" it

>> No.67389412

nah, the doll would win

>> No.67389415

We're talking about average men and women here, both of them are gonna get chubby after a couple of years of marriage and lose all physical attraction they once had for each other.

>> No.67389414

Derek's are always watching. (you) will follow in the paths of the fallen, just as they did.
It puts a wicked smile across my face knowing that this is the last pleasantry you will get.

>> No.67389446

knock it off

>> No.67389468

>some ulterior motive
oh yes completely organic viewing, just popped in to support based /ft/ like shondo said to
oh wait

>> No.67389512

I would love her even more if that was possible

>> No.67389591

>this is the last pleasantry you will get.
don't try and force this one it isn't funny

>> No.67389602

She doesn't mind as long as we behave man it's not that deep. FT was enjoying our company too.

>> No.67389619

it would be very cute to see her sitting on the floor exhausted with ripped up doll flesh everywhere and a knife in her hand looking guilty

>> No.67389622

my solution is constant overstimulation

>> No.67389638

Fuck off, I'm FT's favorite.

>> No.67389637

Why are you so mad he has a wonderful big sister with husbands that want him to have a confidence boost? He is getting a taste of the streamer life and he will pursue it if he's passionate about it. You might be one of the most bitter anons in this general, Mr. New IP.

>> No.67389682

tuffnar I kneel

>> No.67389699

my shogga

>> No.67389712

Im going to spam fts chat like neosky spams shondos

>> No.67389721

crying and stabbing it GOD it's so cute

>> No.67389740

>as long as we behave

>> No.67389803

good, he needs practice if he wants to become a big streamer

>> No.67389830

Literally the biggest retards and sex pests in the chat, I give it a couple weeks before you do something ridiculous

>> No.67389836

Stop policing here, Shondo. I run this joint.

>> No.67389865

Behaving would’ve been watching and chatting on alts dumbfuck.

>> No.67389909

But I wouldnt stand out to Shondo! She wouldnt know that I was there!

>> No.67389912

He was using male teenager humour on a male teenager stream. I hate to defend dewd but this time he's doing nothing wrong.

>> No.67389932

Shondo would probably prefer to who is behaving and who isn't, Mr. NewIP.

>> No.67389995

I understand but I doubt she cares that much. I'll chat on an alt next time.

>> No.67390070

snow leopards are so cute

>> No.67390095

we know, shadowmama

>> No.67390146

there is an ulterior motive so he's not wrong

>> No.67390205

>chatting on alts
I'm not gay enough to make an FT alt.

>> No.67390212

Fucking exactly. Don’t pretend this is to help FT in any way you disgusting groomers.

>> No.67390214

He clearly has one too then trying to protect shondo and ft form the scary boogiemen.

>> No.67390260

>shondo I want to protect you and ft from /shon/ boogiemen IM ONE OF TEH GOOD ONES!!!

>> No.67390274

I made one though >:(
I don't care about shondo knowing its me, I just wana chill with her and her brother once a week. His streams are comfy

>> No.67390305

Sorry I don’t hang out here all fucking day and night. Sometimes I have to be away from this site for more than 5 minutes, I understand this is a foreign concept to you.

>> No.67390314

Fucking exactly. Don't pretend this is to help Shondo and FT in any way you disgusting American.

>> No.67390359

If shondo wants us to watch ft why hasnt she promoted him somewhere?

>> No.67390361

This. I was behaving in chat and genuinely having fun, Retro can choke on a bag of dicks.

>> No.67390368

i don't understand why you think i'd care if some random shogger is a hypocrite or not? the point is that there are ulterior motives for watching FT

>> No.67390404

you think shoggers want to fuck fire taco?

>> No.67390419

Why the fuck would she promote a male streamer? Retard.
>b-but FT is her brother
She'd never beat the brocon allegations.

>> No.67390440

It was pretty funny watching shoggas who barely talk during shondo streams chat so much during fts
Are they gay or something? or just scared of talking to women

>> No.67390449

yeajh but shontoes tho

>> No.67390497

I think this anon likes men. >>67390440

>> No.67390510

Who? Fireneko?

>> No.67390516

And ulterior motives aren't inherently malicious, but this doesn't seem to be the case for some it seems.
>why hasn't she flooded FT with an enormous amount of autistic shondophrenics in his male, non-tuber stream

>> No.67390521
File: 141 KB, 565x388, shonsTOES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67390529

right because calling out stupidity anonymously where shondo won't see it and even if she did she won't know who said it is definitely just to try to win favor with her as one of the 'good ones'
use your brain you stupid faggot child

>> No.67390552

>where shondo won't see it
how new?

>> No.67390553


curious indeed, how would he know unless he stalks every man in chat? and he's also in his stream? seems jealous

>> No.67390562

k bye

>> No.67390574

>calling out stupidity anonymously
>while vague tweeting about it while likely being on her list
Use your brain you stupid faggot child.

>> No.67390583

it isn't talk instantly buried in neoskys 2300 messages and a trillion syadouHappynods so I can understand why you might think this way

>> No.67390594

I don’t need to argue with any of you here, one of you will fuck up soon enough and push boundaries too far. It keeps happening with you fuckers, and hopefully this recent trend of her putting her foot down continues.

>> No.67390620

bro you dont need to try to police them. Let them self destruct and let shondo deal with it herself

>> No.67390640

Goodnight, shondo.

>> No.67390660

i don't use twitter and you have no idea who i am, which is the point of this website and a concept you struggle with since you need to make it so obvious who you are with every post

>> No.67390687


you know she reads here and you're tweeting the same things you're "anonymously" posting about what are you trying to do?

>> No.67390721

Read my post a little more carefully.

>> No.67390746

You don't even know who you're talking to either. I get called whatever name you fuckers are mad at every other month.

>> No.67390747

The unification of the zoomer and groomer factions will be a disaster for all shonkind, mark my words.

>> No.67390771

blah blah blah more timelooping more infighting
You shoggas really need a hobby

>> No.67390772

Goodnight, shondo.

>> No.67390794

Like dolls. :D

>> No.67390837

even the good doll looks pretty bad in normal lighting, should make robots or something

>> No.67390858

I'm taking up dark and darker to better spend time with my oshi

>> No.67390864

they chose their war and my tactics are immeasurable and my autism is infinite.

>> No.67390898

The leaders are already discussing shogga politics

>> No.67390938

Those robots will have the same doll faces, the engineers doing the robot parts are only working on the robot parts not the silicone or TPE side of things.

>> No.67390992

It was hilarious seeing Dewd get bullied by two shoggers and lowkey FT.

>> No.67391141

I wonder how ft would feel if he knew his only viewers are there just because they want to get closer to his sister

>> No.67391193

He'd have mad respect for us. In my case I was just curious how he sounds like (his accent) and now I like him as a 1view streamer.

>> No.67391200

I wonder how shadowmama would feel we were only nice to her just because we want to get closer to her daughter mimimimimimi

>> No.67391227

This is why we should be open about it instead of alts. People don't have a problem hanging out with their sisters husband, but imagine hanging out with someone and then later finding out it's your sisters husband who's been hiding it and using a fake name with you

>> No.67391228

Speak for yourself I had fun watching his stream. The mining with the doom soundtrack was kino.

>> No.67391236
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>shoggers when they realize that most humans are neutral towards each other until they have something or SOMEONE in common

>> No.67391281

There is literally zero reason to be on an alt when watching his stream, especially when we know who is the moderator for him. What the fuck you tryna hide, shiggie?

>> No.67391313

Ok then, how many have told him you're married to his sister? None?

>> No.67391349

Humans are disgusting.

>> No.67391351

I did. He's my friend on steam. Cope.

>> No.67391358

He never asked you fucking retard. Why would we go there and make his stream all about his sister? Are you fucking daft?

>> No.67391373


you don't have to bring the gimmick to his stream

>> No.67391392

My oshi can only stream next week because his sister is a bitch and wil have the internet all for herself all week during his streaming hours.

>> No.67391419

Your oshi will submit to the woman of the house.

>> No.67391430

>ft would be cool with us being married to shondo
>uh dont bring it up though that would be crazy
Lots of coping here

>> No.67391457

>>ft would be cool with
I don't need his approval, besides he's an otouto not an oniichan.

>> No.67391537

People saw her using an alt and assumed that means we should too

>> No.67391571

Catch my alt exposing you all next ft stream

>> No.67391588

No one is saying it would be crazy. Don't twist the argument.

>> No.67391607

Don't forget the goal isn't to become his community , it's to give him a boost in start so he can develop his own

>> No.67391623

The goal of people not on alts is to get shondos attention, dont forget that

>> No.67391665

Yup, because she should use her main or chama while modding for him. That makes perfect sense.

>> No.67391725

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.67391734

She should lend him one of her mods.

>> No.67391738 [DELETED] 

Hey (fts twitch) awesome stream. I hope you know that most people here are using you to get closer to your sister. (@ all regulars in chat) are all here to get her attention. Have a great rest of your stream
See you fuckers next stream

>> No.67391764

You're creating a pointless strawman just so you can demonize shoggers over nothing, don't forget that.

>> No.67391875 [DELETED] 

Feel free to point out anyone who made an attempt in chat to get her attention, since you're so gung-ho about this stance. I'll wait for you to show someone @ing his mod and trying to talk to her.go on, then.hxmn

>> No.67391913 [DELETED] 

No one cares, we're just boosting him while enjoying the stream. How would I even get closer to her doing that? Asking him for his discord and become close friends with him to the point I can visit his house? That's why she's monitoring our interactions and I'm sure he knows better too.

>> No.67391918 [DELETED] 

doesnt matter to me, that message is being sent next time he streams

>> No.67391950 [DELETED] 

ok retard you'll achieve nothing

>> No.67392095 [DELETED] 

Ok? Do it on main so we can laugh at you while drum-chama bans your ass.

>> No.67392207

less discuss shodno rape and ryona then

>> No.67392266

i hate it here

>> No.67392512

>I was ok talking about forest tree's stream until I got threatened
>now I report everything I don't like so I don't have to talk about it anymore

>> No.67392543

i too try and silence those who disagree with me. based

>> No.67392646

pathetic scared beta males :)

>> No.67392827

I wish him the best if his first fanbase is full of 4chan stalker weirdos

>> No.67393000

I wish Shondo the best as well since she has to moderate the same weirdos who need to hide on alts.

>> No.67393018

shes on an alt, you should be too

>> No.67393126

You don’t understand, if I’m on an alt, how am I supposed to get her attention?

>> No.67393209

We're not mods, just viewers. Move along now, retard.

>> No.67393239

See you next stream :)

>> No.67393478

Cope more :)

>> No.67393609

Im looking forward to this week of streams. Lots of great games and content. This might be the best week of streams in a long time

>> No.67393858

>you should be too
Why? Mr Drumen treated named shoggers in the chat as if they're FT viewers, he only timed out a retard asking for mod privileges.

>> No.67393973

my wife's tiny snappable wrists

>> No.67394018

Just so we're on the same page as the other brilliant anons, the next time shondo streams on chama, we should all be on our alt accounts because that is also her alt. See you guys next stream. :)

>> No.67394194

yeah, we don't want to attract unwanted attention or heckin attention whore. :)

>> No.67394302

Heck yeah! Because none of this can be done on an alt. So that way if you get banned, Shondo won't know you're being a massive faggot. :)

>> No.67394366

pff, implying I would ever get banned.

>> No.67394408

Please for the love of god please stop talking about men

>> No.67394445

Then what's the problem, anon? If you're such a good little shiggie, this is sounding more like you don't want other regulars you don't like being known by ft. I hope this isn't a jealousy thing, :)

>> No.67394581

I was just being sarcastic and poking fun at concernfags like Retro. do whatever you want anon, technically I'm using an alt as well even though now it's my main.

>> No.67394611

Jokes on you, I just like arguing. I didn't even watch ft today.

>> No.67395460
File: 288 KB, 1446x2048, 1688299718963611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is okay in life, if you have a Shondo wife!

>> No.67395706
File: 327 KB, 984x841, 1698966842164881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you go through a whole thread of 232 posts and only post 8 shondo pics?

>> No.67395768

Because this is the /chatter/ general.

>> No.67396504

3D Shondo dancing in the bottom left: https://www.twitch.tv/shonzo

>> No.67396615
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>> No.67396814
File: 1.48 MB, 2623x4096, 1682708769726384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67396866

I love mature Shadow. She could be flatter though.

>> No.67396962

i will never be a favorite and she will never give half a shit about me but at least other vtubers notice me sometimes

>> No.67396964
File: 1.17 MB, 3336x4096, 1702985312912289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67397027

That's right, give up lil bro. :)

>> No.67397044

Shondo, two lucys, some abomination and I guess his OC. And why is he making Koharu, to put her in porn?

>> No.67397054

my wife shen she smokes a fag

>> No.67397072

This is not my wife
Fuck off newfags

>> No.67397102

I mean she wasn't married to you back then.

>> No.67397131

I love that this artist clearly drew Shondo to be over 160cm tall.

>> No.67397214

actually a lot of the art back then didnt have both wrists covered, even from work commissioned by shondo herself
so im gonna call you a newfag instead hahaha

>> No.67397226
File: 2.17 MB, 2622x4096, 20240124_062244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cry about it

>> No.67397255

lol subathon newtard

>> No.67397307 [DELETED] 

Just so we're clear she had a melty over not recognizing her chat anymore during the subathon, meaning that anyone who wasn't around since the PNGTuber era or the youtube streams era is a newfag in her mind. RA keeps winning.

>> No.67397352 [DELETED] 

yeah and 5 years from now after you all had your fleece melty i will be the one she recognizes

>> No.67397364 [DELETED] 

yeah pretty based I think of all my friends I met after elementary as newfags too, fucking scum

>> No.67397435


>> No.67397436

this place gets worse by the day

>> No.67397485

shondo this is our secret place where we can shoot the shit and he real with each other
please stop trying to moderate it

>> No.67397524

Based deleting shit thats off topic. This thread is about shondo not about chatters

>> No.67397596

no keep moderating it

>> No.67397667

Do I have to research skibidi toilet to interact with ft

>> No.67397720

you have to research skibidi toilet to interact with shondo

>> No.67397904

I'm convinced it's her, that wasn't even offtopic.

>> No.67398034


>> No.67398218
File: 196 KB, 1178x601, 1696240469388985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down for discussing something Shondo related but you'll just call me an anti. How come Shondo gets tired or runs out of "brain power" whenever a stream doesn't do good? If she doesn't gain at least 90 new followers she ends it early.

>> No.67398269

yes, she's a huge numbers whore

>> No.67398283

>sub only
couldnt write because she kept getting distracted and had stage fright
imagine having to read your retarded bullshit and then somehow make it fun and entertaining for everyone

>> No.67398355

She's hot
how often do you fuck her. I want to fuck your daughterwife

>> No.67398368

>and then somehow make it fun and entertaining for everyone
It's almost as if being entertaining is the most basic thing expected of a variety streamer.

>> No.67398409

yes i agree, shondo on her own is entertaining and she can do it for hours on end
but having to spin YOUR confessions into something fun for everyone is taxing on her

>> No.67398540

Or it could be that she didn't get at least 90 new followers and said fuck it.

>> No.67398570

ok you convinced me
she is just in it for the money she doesnt actually love any of us
she's such a gold digger

>> No.67398606


>> No.67399142

It's not about the money, it's about the prestige. She wants to see number go up.

>> No.67399290

Very interesting points being brought up and discussed. Hmm.

>> No.67399564
File: 616 KB, 1098x1078, 1681142200743013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blondo, my beloved!

>> No.67399670

>she is just in it for the money she doesnt actually love any of us
Correct. Print that out, frame it and put it on your wall, and think of it every time you're considering donating to her the allowance money your parent's give you as a NEET

>> No.67399856 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 1920x1080, 1691887199211230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could tell this artist is male, the hands are huge.
Wow trolling on an imageboard. Who would do this? Reported.

>> No.67400057

Announcing a report will actually get you banned, the jannies aren't your personal army to roll out every time someone says something factual and it triggers you.

>> No.67400090

true oomfie

>> No.67400221

Parasocials will deny it

>> No.67400225

>two anons circlejerk about how the chibi model is better than her 3D
>she brings back chibi next stream
I kneel...
Is this the power of /shon/?

>> No.67400465

I wish you guys would post my art...

>> No.67400906
File: 193 KB, 1000x1000, 1706097160448271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifth panel:
>oh look Shadow is streaming!
No feet or they are drawn poorly = don't care

>> No.67401555

Jeez Louise she looks so good blonde!

>> No.67402402
File: 55 KB, 1024x666, IMG_0941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up with her on my mind again.

>> No.67403766

do you think shes ever thought of us as she woke up
she hasnt

>> No.67403833


>> No.67404274
File: 65 KB, 247x284, IMG_3002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot blackpill me. I am unblackpillable. I love my wife and she loves me. The world can still be a beautiful place. If you let it.

>> No.67404884

but (you) are already black

>> No.67405271

I love my wife

>> No.67406037
File: 392 KB, 1920x1080, 1700628202447658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67406083


>> No.67406953

Do you want to have sex with chibi model Shondo be honest

>> No.67407035

her kisses are extra cute as chibishonshon

>> No.67407120

based. please keep music posting.

>> No.67407600

If you insist

>> No.67407685

>get married
>your wife loves you
>love you wife
>befriend her family for the sake of getting along with them, not to get better in her eyes
>get along with fellow husbands
>be nise
It's that simple

>> No.67407725

I posted this

>> No.67408086

I wonder how many people /here/ can tell who i am, surely none, right?

>> No.67408239

shadow can

>> No.67408880

fuck you moobot

>> No.67408962
File: 935 KB, 960x1234, 1692862039009830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I watch the twin dogs and imagine Shondo is watching too

>> No.67409034

Groomer. It's that simple.

>> No.67409134


>> No.67409144

I hate this thread. Last night I had a dream that I was playing a VR shooter game with FT and one more person.

>> No.67409212

With me?

>> No.67409250

Meds. It's that simple.

>> No.67409310

Shondo enable MONKE before the stream today

>> No.67409326

i wonder how many shoggers have VR headsets
maybe we could so some golfing with the lads

>> No.67409340

I had a dream about shontoes, they were like otis and had a bunch of extra skin for some reason

>> No.67409957

I could swear FT called shondo his girlfriend but I might have hallucinated that because no one else said anything.

>> No.67409999


>> No.67410005

the vod is up go find it

>> No.67410313

I want to play GTA SA now

>> No.67410496

I knew it lmao

>> No.67410578

Plenty of time before the stream

>> No.67410654
File: 847 KB, 506x587, 1689892395478932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67410696

Shondo where the fuck is MONKE? Add it

>> No.67410927
File: 3.83 MB, 454x451, 1681373766888568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I truly hope she's in a good mood today. I have missed her terribly and want this to be a good stream.

>> No.67411071

Funny, I've been replaying it on an off the past week or two

>> No.67411095

she's such a dork I fucking love her

>> No.67411194

woke up
spent 2 hours thinking of shondo
its shover

>> No.67411202

they have lower numbers because they end early. also the fact that she doesn't gain any during a sub only stream is kind of self-explanatory. you're a very silly guy.

>> No.67411272

>norferners get to see this live
its not fair

>> No.67411367

maybe i'll get shit for this but i actually prefer the chibi model to her shonzo one (by a lot)

>> No.67411448

I want to fuck the shonzo one really bad but the chibi is way cuter

>> No.67411604
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1692083379677235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should be the noncontroversial opinion

>> No.67411729 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.39 MB, 720x1280, 1704418424175470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah most people prefer the chibi model, I also do.
I think my opinion will change when she figures out the tracking a bit better though. Imagine shondo being able to do this in 3d and you actually be able to see it instead of the model freaking out.

>> No.67411828

I want to have sex with the Shonzo model and abuse the Chibi model. (non sexual)

>> No.67411833

the 3d one is nice but the chibi has that extra gremlin shitkid vibe

>> No.67412042

i'm imagining her trying to do this in 3d and failing and getting really upset about it which brings a smile to my face of a particular variety

>> No.67412089

it's actually so sad that there isnt any actual shondo cosplays and the first one was a transformer of all things

>> No.67412162

I think it's even more sad that this community has allowed those people to take over. As someone that has only just joined within the last 6 months i'm disappointed with the rest of you.

>> No.67412205

>take over
>literally just 1 who is mostly ignored

>> No.67412252
File: 408 KB, 689x689, 1681289710674816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this emote was a mistake

>> No.67412305

sho changed her...

>> No.67412407

There's at least 3 of them in the discord and many many homosexuals. Do you also think that it will stay at 'just 1' when people actively encourage the freak when they constantly talk about gender politics. You can say you don't care about the discord but how long till those people spill over into the stream more and more

>> No.67412471

>spill over into the stream
they'll be around for 2 streams max before shondo starts laughing at a gay joke or makes one herself

>> No.67412482
File: 320 KB, 524x476, thumbs_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up, did shoggers behave?

>> No.67412577
File: 3.53 MB, 1042x594, 1694470421340043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm always on my best behavior

>> No.67412579

good morning wifey, i did behave im always nise :)

>> No.67412599
File: 171 KB, 1316x1395, 1681979854251141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do hope you're correct, I love my wife

>> No.67412660

>>67412471 (me)
i agree though, purging the discord would be a good thing but she doesn't have the balls to do it
i don't mind the transformer on stream because they don't bring any of that here from what i've seen
they did, they even called antis out and stopped replying to the bait

>> No.67412743

do you really think that they have that much self awareness?
shondo made it very clear that she doesnt want to see cosplay unless its done by hot asian girls
yet KK still did the cosplay and even posted it in the art tag
and then he proceeded to trauma dump in the discord and even double down on it, saying that he will "girlmaxx" and make shondo recognize him as one of her 6 female viewers
let that sink it

>> No.67412764

no sho changed (you)

>> No.67412789

i love her an unreasonable amount

>> No.67412846
File: 154 KB, 366x464, 1698387755275656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67412908

>stopped replying to the bait
That's because I wasn't here

>> No.67412914

i don't like that either, honestly a ban would be justified, but so far it's being contained on the stream and she's disowned the discord for now
multiple shoggers have done worse or similar and gotten away with it so it's to be expected she just ignores it

>> No.67413005

I will use magic to make shondo look like her model and she WILL make a cosplay account and have you guys believe it's someone else

>> No.67413070

I really want to see her cosplaying her model

>> No.67413126

she saw my edits of her chibi covered in yogurt and our lustful posts about it and she wanted to simply oblige. i fucking love my 3D toddler-sized wife.

>> No.67413158

Reminder that the troons won and none of you had the guts to speak up and take heat for it. She could never love such a coward.

>> No.67413182

I love my cute little sister wife and i love my autistic, menhera, delusional fellow husbands, but please change

>> No.67413266

i hate all of you only shondo matters

>> No.67413276

Don't you mean your fellow husbands and wives? Cool it with the transphobia and don't make that mistake again.

>> No.67413350

i've taken enough heat for you ungrateful fucks.

>> No.67413354

sometimes i think about what it would be like to rough up shondo right before a stream
imagine how nice it would be to wait until she finishes the stream prep and puts up the preamble and then just go to town, knowing that she will have to put on a brave face and be happy and entertaining right afterwards

>> No.67413370

I love all my fellow husbands and wives platonically and hope they can change for the better

>> No.67413406

one of the clowns or pests will eventually say something stupid and cause the troon to have a meltdown, its inevitable
the groomer, zoomer and trooner factions will all self-implode eventually

>> No.67413410

Why are you guys talking about changing I already changed my clothes today

>> No.67413441

I'm happy for you, I've been wearing these clothes for the past few days(and sleeping in them)

>> No.67413471

I want to have sex with Forest Tree's gf

>> No.67413473

please get changed shondo

>> No.67413518

ewwww stinky if you haven't showered in 2 days you stink

>> No.67413528
File: 3.78 MB, 2150x3035, 623114-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67413547

that would be amazing

>> No.67413565

I shower every 4 days or once a week

>> No.67413574

I didn't even notice
Last for coating shondos schizoaffective sugar walls

>> No.67413575
File: 25 KB, 480x480, 8cb5500f0a00c198de7dbf8923979309506a9071r1-480-480v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arthur, I have a plan. We do this one last job together and then it's off to Tahiti

>> No.67413577

This but unironically. I am not a member of the community I just like Shondo.

>> No.67413590

last for i love shondo so much

>> No.67413638
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67413641

>fellow wives
That's gonna be a yikes & cringe from me, dawg

>> No.67413693

There's like 5 of them

>> No.67413707
File: 3.71 MB, 275x236, 1678460075869506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67413750

bro why do your fellow wives have penises, wats up w/ that?

>> No.67413756
File: 94 KB, 742x718, 1704364230146174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67413828

Idk I'm not too well versed in female biology, they're probably futas or smth, i heard about those from hentai

>> No.67413837


>> No.67414106

The tracking problems are due to her space issues, she's talked about this a few times. She has everything set up properly but the lighthouses can't properly see all of her trackers, even with three of them directly pointed at her on tripods that reach the ceiling. It's a space issue, her bed and desk are blocking them from working properly. There is a picture she posted once where you can see how much floor space she has when she's doing vr, and it's probably not even enough for me to stand up in.

>> No.67414216


>> No.67414528

it's because they're discordfags. not touching that place with a ten foot pole

>> No.67414738

I love shondo, anyone else?
