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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67335659 No.67335659 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to give love to your oshi】



Previous thread >>67282754

>> No.67336358

Shura spammer, enjoy your ban!

>> No.67337179

think spammer never return

>> No.67337966

Neon >>>>>> Eru
It's not even close
why didn't she go back to her old mama for a new design instead of the Blue Archive knockoff she has now?

>> No.67339547

I need Sylvie's toes in my mouth right now.

>> No.67340024

I miss Neon

>> No.67340904
File: 152 KB, 640x480, 1493113676211.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80 (ochenta) thousand (mil) people saw this retard act like a fucking sperg live

>> No.67341038

She wouldn’t have kept any of her ko-fi money like that

>> No.67342132

How bad do you think Nisha's room smells?, sleeping with a dog in a small room and all, shit must be horrid

>> No.67342813

i'm socially inept but man, she have severe autism...
the chat:
>cringe af
>que asco
>eso es catalan?
>que dice la loca lmao
>hermano tu a quien has metido ahi¿ jAJAJAJajaja
>juan ya no hagas mas eventos que se mete gente rarita
>que bien ser autista
>que le pasa jajaja
>A quien poronga invitaste
>JAHAJAHJAHJA ni un minuto y ya hay momento cringe para toda la serie
>la gente esta loca hermano AJKSKJSA

>> No.67344440

super stinky

>> No.67344729

hello sirs i love the yamu sirs

>> No.67344870

So much cringe it physically hurts

>> No.67345793

Nishaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.67345935

we know merol

>> No.67345936

son las 7 pm como desearia que Nisha hiciera stream a esta hora, que hora sera en espana?

>> No.67346376

for some reason i feel that spaghetti spilling like it was me...

>> No.67346904

I hate Meica so much it's unreal.

>> No.67346942
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stop, stop, stoooop already aaaaaahhhh

>> No.67347251

i hate eructos

>> No.67347280

so no Meica on that event today?

>> No.67347966 [DELETED] 

>illoJuan roasting Meica rn
>ah que es japonesa, pero coño con ese acentazo pense que era latina, estais de coña no?

>> No.67348165

You would have to pay ME to watch a fucking españolete. I'm not opening his stream to watch him shit on Meica.

>> No.67348494

Tourist season
>twitterfags not know how to search in google

>> No.67349655
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What went wrong?

>> No.67350014
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>> No.67351666

Day 2

>> No.67351712


>> No.67351827

meicagona stop being so fucking CRINGEEEE

>> No.67351850

was too stubborn to apologize

>> No.67351862

nothing, blue archive is inclining.

>> No.67351997

She should have stayed a little more in wactor

>> No.67352910

eru based personality on noa?no surprise

>> No.67353552

El mundo de Pal

>> No.67354674

owari da....

>> No.67355129
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Yamu would be very interested.

>> No.67356021

Fuck off Yuritroon

>> No.67356175


>> No.67356221


>> No.67356360

>Lo de ponerse nerviosa es un meme¿verdad?

>> No.67356529

haha your oshi is cringier than mine, you lose

>> No.67356579

go back to fb tourist

>> No.67356773

I don't like Meica, but that manolo acts condescending af.

>> No.67356782

well, it is, typical chuuba behavior

>> No.67356822

Cute Meica

>> No.67356887


>> No.67356964


>> No.67356991

Still cute

>> No.67357146

a good punch of reality for the meica simps.

>> No.67357153

Meica would be perfect as a cast of a henshin emergence live action.

>> No.67357208

???anon you won't get anything negative out of this

>> No.67357243

Anons where right, Meica is nothing more than a lolcow now, and even her current followers see her like that.

>> No.67357269

>these rosties mad of Meica's success
every. single. time.
say mad.

>> No.67357271

Take meds meica schizo

>> No.67357387

Cute around other males except (You)

>> No.67357428
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>> No.67357430

>is this nigger again
ignore him.

>> No.67357433

She can succeed all she wants in taking e-celeb cock

>> No.67357512

Latam vtubing is centered around having no dignity and being a laughing puppet for chat thanks to twitch culture. A terrible state of affairs.

>> No.67357775

Stop shitting on other girls trannya
we love meica, eru and shura /here/

>> No.67357872

You love being a cuckold

>> No.67358002 [DELETED] 

You love ren's babas

>> No.67358071

why are women like that?

>> No.67358136
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>> No.67358292
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when you fail a vtuber, your flesh is your last stand before graduation

>> No.67358374

>meica raid illojuan
why this bitch is so desperate for attention?

>> No.67358466

lack of dignity
anything for the numbers

>> No.67358554 [DELETED] 
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go back trannya

>> No.67358561
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>> No.67358683

Clock is ticking, not long until saturday https://x.com/shurahiwa/status/1749496144630030437

>> No.67358850

> already clarified it's something good
> shitter still trying to push rrats
Fucking retard lmao. Get another hobby.

>> No.67358939 [DELETED] 

at least create another rm account if you want to show flesh
also eru when?

>> No.67358977

>eru when
slowpoke anon

>> No.67358997


>> No.67359040

eru just just had to be a friend, how is it that hard for that big ego bitch?

>> No.67359068 [DELETED] 
File: 464 KB, 604x536, Eru la mas bonita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eru already did it

>> No.67359090

I don't think Eru is the one with the huge ego, anon.

>> No.67359156

Illojuan noticed her, don't be jealous

>> No.67359187 [DELETED] 

kys trannya stop being a jealous cunt

>> No.67359214

For her numbers, yes
for her self-esteem, no
No one cares about that lolcow mental health anyway

>> No.67359220

one girl is loved and the other avoided for a reason

>> No.67359222

Sure eru

>> No.67359225

mocking on you isn't exactly notice you meica so stop trying, chu~

>> No.67359267

Retard. You don't even know what my post was about.

>> No.67359277

when’s the next extensible, Eru?

>> No.67359322

shut up meica, stop pissing on the thread

>> No.67359338

It's all on your head, I won't believe anything until I see concrete undeniable proof.

>> No.67359345

kek anon please get out of your bubble and meet people

>> No.67359410

Why are you simping for a dude? Gay.

>> No.67359422
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>> No.67359440

I bet that on Saturday she will have guerrilla stream

>> No.67359476 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 720x1019, FzAOh4bWcAA7-p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back trannya go to cuck your cuernuditos and stop bullshitting about the girls disgusting bitch

>> No.67359479

>t. no dignity fag
Get some friends that respect you

>> No.67359484

don't you think is kinda pathetic how much you effort to defend meica? i get it i love her as misora too but she's undefendable now, she literally humiliates herself for numbers in front of her "idols"

>> No.67359487

fuck off.

>> No.67359489

>This nigga think is a banter

>> No.67359504

>the unicorns have come out of hiding
all that remains is for anyaschizo return

>> No.67359539

literally la mas bonita

>> No.67359558

touch grass please

>> No.67359577

And Misora was annoying already

>> No.67359579

>muh unicorn
Keep coping lolcow

>> No.67359588

JAJAJA Meicagona don't be so obvious

>> No.67359613

>nooo they all just have to be friends because I say so!
Unityniggers are cancer.

>> No.67359645

btw anyone have that meicagona clip?

>> No.67359648

>Meica wanted to brag about getting dicked by ecelebs
>Gets laught upon
>Gets mad

>> No.67359676 [DELETED] 

Nice thighs

>> No.67359703

He has no friend~
He has no friend~

>> No.67359731

Why Meica, Mai and brotecitos keep coming here despite being treated as lolcows every time?

>> No.67359799

You really need a real friend meica schizo and online anons doesn't count, you really need irl human interaction

>> No.67359814

Stay that way anon

>> No.67359833

Then you accept all are lies

>> No.67359836

she would like to be fucked.
The only thing she managed to do is be the weirdo

>> No.67359856


>> No.67359898

Meicaca will accept any kind of abuse, as long a the other fag has a minimum of in internet fame.

>> No.67359902

>His friends treat him like shit and he believes it's just banter

>> No.67359980 [DELETED] 

JAJAJAJAJA that always get me
totally mindbreak
but i kinda feel pity for her, its kinda sad to look your old oshi became like that
but in the other way

>> No.67360074

Stop projecting boy. The school bullies are not your friends.

>> No.67360121

Stop talking bad about the girls, Nisha, we know that you are jealous of Meica's numbers.

>> No.67360163

Wasting your whole day on 4chan rotted your brain meica schizo

>> No.67360215

It’s not about the girls coming out and exposing her dms or something, it’s about her doing the angel act while sabotaging her “friend’s” birthday (calling her friend because she still had no shame to show up to the event like nothing happened) and flirting with her gachis while they still talked

>> No.67360320 [DELETED] 
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Stop shitting the thread trannya and go choke on ren's cock instead disgusting bitch

>> No.67360449

I don’t care about what happened with Nisha, Eru should apologize to Shura

>> No.67360760

never forget

>> No.67360766

As always, they shit on all the girls, but paint eru as the innocent one

>> No.67360787 [DELETED] 

kys trannya

>> No.67360995

>keeps projecting
You're more time here than the schizo himself

>> No.67361016

Glad la pizzeria is getting exposed, like chat like vtuber

>> No.67361072

Is that what she said to that ilonjuan fag?

>> No.67361116

kek the anyaschizo its a brocuckcito, not a surprise

>> No.67361148

Vtuber birthdays are completely made up dates and unimportant

>> No.67361200

>It’s okay when Eru does it

>> No.67361206

You're delusional

>> No.67361266 [DELETED] 

For Shura it was her vtuber anniversary. Still sabotaging a “friend”’s event and money flow just because you want another trip to Mexico with your boyfriend is pure scum

>> No.67361354

>sabotage: deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something)
Shura’s income was obstructed by a money farming event made by her friend on the same dates, don’t tell me Eru was forced to choose that weekend

>> No.67361469

It isn't sabotaging, do you think Shura is entitled to be the only one streaming at that moment?

>> No.67361514

Making another business with the same product isn't sabotaging, you aren't entitled to a monopoly.

>> No.67361517

>it’s okay when eru does it

>> No.67361573

Who're you? I refuse to believe pantcakes are this much of a self centered faggots.

>> No.67361584 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 2100x2004, GDimLoHaQAAkyGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullshitting about the other girls trannya deranged schizo
Go choke on ren's cock piece of shit

>> No.67361635

>is Shura entitled?
Well, not really. But if they were friends it’s an act of courtesy specially since Shura supported her events at all times, and she still showed up to her birthday so...

>> No.67361650

still no one shits on yamu funny isn't it?
it's always the same but it's no surprise to anyone any more

>> No.67361690

Someone with common sense and tired of Eru’s victim act

>> No.67361732 [DELETED] 

no it's not funny stupid bitch trannya kys nigger whore

>> No.67362642

I have yet to see that victim act you speak about.

>> No.67362704

>Well, not really.
Then that settles it.
Not participating isn't boycotting neither sabotage.

>> No.67363097

It's okay when anyone does it because they're not coworkers anymore

>> No.67363347

failed damage control attempt
Eructos took meica as new punching bag,what's next going? yamu?

>> No.67364204 [DELETED] 

Kys trannya stop posting bullshit about the other girls piece of shit

>> No.67364548

Meica schizo is really mindbroken, while she had interactions with Zylberk, Illonjuan, Rivers_gg, gref, staryuuki other whores are content to interact with wannabes like radiofuna and other unrenowned people.

>> No.67364570

Someone needs to make porn out of this

>> No.67365328

Shut up whore, don't compare Shura with that lolcow.

>> No.67365427


>> No.67365929 [DELETED] 

hang yourself trannya

>> No.67366284

This but Meica, come on aifags

>> No.67366595

And post it in her art tag for extra effect

>> No.67366628

do it yourself

>> No.67367728

Fuck you meica

>> No.67368695


>> No.67369457

Dont be mean to our plantita sister

>> No.67370355


>> No.67370999

The mere thought of meica makes me nauseous

>> No.67371166 [DELETED] 


>> No.67371258


>> No.67371339

Sylvie's cucking fetish spilling out again...

>> No.67371491

>Splatoon oc’s
>Cliché fanfic
she’s literally a child

>> No.67371553
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>> No.67371581

sex with eru!
sexo!!! (I like neon's hair and face more thanks for reminding me op)

>> No.67371821 [DELETED] 
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>he doesn't know
oh no no no

>> No.67371877
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>> No.67371971

At least post something new, anyaschizo that shit its from 2020

>> No.67372162

Sure here >>67371166

>> No.67372358 [DELETED] 

>Literally splatoon ocs
How far can this schizo's retardedness go?

>> No.67372497

That's from 2023 retard

>> No.67372565

meica mamerta sucks my grandfather's dick

>> No.67372615
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"splatoon ocs"

>> No.67372690 [DELETED] 

Don’t give attention to that shitter. just ignore and report.

>> No.67372728

>anyaschizo and meicaschizo in the same thread
pidan un deseo

>> No.67372976

Anyaschizo always appears when they start to shit on meica, kek

>> No.67372985

Cuernuditos don't look don't look!

>> No.67373364

How do you keep your composure?

>> No.67374807

This, it was kinda funny tho
The retard is a lolcow just as his oshi kek

>> No.67376800
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>> No.67376955
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>> No.67377496 [DELETED] 

Like clockwork. Get groomed dumb fucking whore.

>> No.67378356

Eru should open an onlyfans

>> No.67379816
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>> No.67379912
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gn, faggots
this is me and my lil sis btw

>> No.67381625

I want to fuck Yukine and fix China's birthrate problem with her

>> No.67383327

What's the deal with the new Hana?

>> No.67384481

What do you mean

>> No.67384576

The "new queen" poster

>> No.67384744

Some random girl who has that ChristianCraft creep as a mod. He's also a mod in Hana's channel so he introduced Hana to the girl and they became friends with Hana seeing her like a little sister. That's all I know.

>> No.67385087

She really likes numbers and made up dates

>> No.67385328

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.67386881
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Made for child bearing

>> No.67387508

Something has changed.

>> No.67387917

so supremacía lunar were behind the doxx...

>> No.67388945


>> No.67390020

maybe, yuri is retard so maybe it's someone else...

>> No.67390035

all (You)r fault for letting Mai Noboshi gromm her

>> No.67390042

Which one?

>> No.67390087

and quite active in this shithole
too many candidates.

>> No.67390143


>> No.67390186


>> No.67390290

It seems that Filishna only copied an ss.
after all he ate one of my baits

>> No.67390383

Supremacia niggers or guardia niggers probably

>> No.67390458

It was Sylvie herself retards

>> No.67390511


>> No.67390522

>This retard still believes that shit
Nigga, they even doxxed her dad.

>> No.67390590

a wactor mod is involved
Who could it be...

>> No.67390614 [DELETED] 

argie retards [spolier] and argie groomers [/spoiler] outnumber the Mexicans by a ratio of 20:1.

>> No.67390682

I still think that it was Renacuajo himself

>> No.67390684

no, the doxxer is mexican.
I already confirmed it.

>> No.67390723

Remember that retard was in her fan server with photos of her, kek

>> No.67390731

No it was not renacuajo

>> No.67390797

Damage control so fast.
Supremacía lunar is the most suspicious.

>> No.67390820
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>> No.67390825

It is most likely that Renacuajo has passed the information to some asshole of these groups, most likely. it is obvious that it was someone close to her.

>> No.67390869

Or these niggers probably, i’m still waiting
Filishna to drop that drive shit

>> No.67391223

Loyal literally doxx all the girls he was not only a moderator, he was akira's employee, he had access to the information of all of the girls also anyzado

>> No.67391273

Yes, loyal and anysado are my main suspects.
But the question is what discord?

>> No.67391325

It's still weird that Anysado is still a fan of Sylvie.

>> No.67391482

That video was only seen by sezia and nanachan, so it was most likely loyal.

>> No.67391498

Holy kek, how do you know that?

>> No.67391506

They even posted the channel where she uploaded a rehearsal stream before her debut. That shit is something just a few particular suspects can have access to.

>> No.67391587

I heard it from the inner circles of a certain girl.

>> No.67391679

They never had that power

>> No.67391824

I prefer to see it like my daughterimotowife has overcome the dramas and now she can rewrite it because she doesn't care about all those faggots in the slightless

>> No.67391899

What if Sylvie being retarded shared it with her at the time best friend? (Who now hates her)

>> No.67391916

The information was not secret lol.
The midget used it to threaten the girls.
Everyone had access to that shit.

>> No.67391954

That is a probability. That girl had a lot of shitty friendships.

>> No.67392004

ogey Loyal whatever you say now fk off

>> No.67392044

A lot of damage control.

>> No.67392111

This is retarded Sylvie we all know it was you

>> No.67392119

Isn't it convenient to have a worthless threat like loyal as a scapegoat?

>> No.67392162

>friendly reminder
everyone on twitter has Akipt and the rest of la caca lunar blocked except Ozuni, Go D Coli and sumgju

>> No.67392167

Oh is, angry.

>> No.67392176


>> No.67392467

So some of you know what discord loyal is?

>> No.67392619

How do you know?

>> No.67392706

Bunch of kids pretending to be vigilantes doing nothing but damage to a group of girls that should've been free of this shit months ago.

>> No.67392709
File: 64 KB, 755x420, image-64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filishna rh

>> No.67392804

There is no way that fag is not underage.

>> No.67392978
File: 210 KB, 1440x641, Screenshot_20240124_021856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.67392992

HOLY KEK. Ru had to put up with this retard? I'm not surprised that he cucked Ru, desu. what a retard.

>> No.67393599

>They're fighting between themselves

>> No.67394394

Those are fake retard kun

>> No.67394535

Hi Ren

>> No.67394744


>> No.67394785

Why are yall obsessed with Ru

>> No.67394838
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>> No.67394873

Wonder who that kira fag is asking them for shit

>> No.67394922

So these are the niggers who harass Ru? What a bunch of pathetic faggots.

>> No.67394924

You are really desperate for more attention Sylvie kek

>> No.67394965

>More attention
That girl doesn’t want more drama, she’s tired af. Niggers like (YOU) are desperate for attention, kys discordtranny

>> No.67395001

She has been declining lately and now with Yamu's comeback in a few weeks she is getting more desperate

>> No.67395006

hey can you sylviefags and sylvie shitters please do your own thread? this place is only comfy when you guys are gone.

>> No.67395013

Angelo explain this shit.

>> No.67395040

>this place is only comfy when you guys are gone

>> No.67395062

Stop samefagging, disgusting choripanero

>> No.67395106

>He is ignoring the fact that they were throwing shit at Meica

>> No.67395127

That shit is nothing in comparison, Meica gets called worse things in facebook groups.

>> No.67395133

hey can you yamufags and yamu shitters please do your own thread? this place is only comfy when you guys are gone.

>> No.67395213

It's not most comfortable place but it was 2 days without shitters

>> No.67395234 [DELETED] 

>Marghott, Lucy, 7knacho, Angelo Felipe, son los que están detrás del acoso a Ruru recordandole siempre a Ren
>Mar su ex mejor amiga irl que da la información de ella, usaba a Ruru para convencer a chicos de que vayan a sus fiestas para coger con ellos con la excusa de ser amiga de la rusa pelirroja y prometer que ella iría a la fiesta; razón por la que ella explica en sus streams, no le gusta ir a fiestas
>Lucy la amiga de dahood de mar que se peleó con Ren y causó la ruptura y a causa de ello Ruru se alejara de ese grupo y busquen acosarla
>Angelo, un acosador irl que le gusta a Mar, quiere violar a Ruru desde hace tiempo y ahora se encuentra en otro país por cuestiones legales de acoso
>Se juntaron todos porque ninguno consiguió nada de ella y quieren hundirle la carrera
>Esta involucrado otra persona chilena que usaba a Ruru para que le compre comida y videojuegos y abusar de su baja autoestima, su Nick era Nyuri
>Llegó a usar la voz de Ruru para intentar hacer un canal de Youtube y la utilizaba para hacer los emotes y cosas sin pagarle nada a Ruru
>También es mejor amigo de Mar
>Tiene antecedentes de pedir fotos a niñas, una de ellas una niña con síndrome de down a quien extorsionaron, por causa de ello, Ruru iba a levantar una denuncia, nyuri desaparecio por ello y cambio de género a femenino
>Al Ruru comenzar su carrera de vtuber se juntaron todos ellos para eso
>Estoy buscando el canal de Youtube de nyuri
>Más tarde regreso si consigo más información
>Toda esa información es verificable
>Ellos son los "doxxers"
>También, mar y saku son amigas del pedófilo de 7knacho
>Esas screenshots que insultan tanto a Ruru son de la chica de las fotos, su Nick es "Tona", es otra chilena, era la novia de 7Knacho, odia a Ruru por el simple hecho de ser rusa
>A lo que tengo entendido, Mar metió a tona en eso para inculparla y echarle toda la culpa a Tona, pues parece que Ruru ya está tomando acciones legales
>Sigo buscando la información de nyuri, veré si consigo lo de su extorsión a la niña
>Este es el nuevo canal del tipo que se hizo transexual para evitar ser encontrado por extorsionar menores con sus nudes y usaba a Ruru para sacar provecho de su voz, luego de la pelea hizo ese canal y curiosamente lo dejó en pausa como si se hubiera metido en algo que ahora se sabe que es
>También parece ser que hubo otra pelea entre ese tipo y Ren, creo que puede ser por el mismo tema
>Todos tienen algo en común en contra de Ren y Ruru
>A lo que se dice, esta persona, Nyuri/Araki/Mio indigo, es amigo de Lucy/saku por su relación con Marghott (ex mejor y única amiga de ruru) y porque a lo que se dice, Lucy igual es transexual
>Círculos de la ex mejor amiga me confirman que hablaba mierda de ruru mientras se juntaba con saku, actualmente Angelo está metido en un problema legal por ser quien contactó a Pettanko en ese Twitter y el Facebook que tenía la foto de Peter(el pelón del juego de novelas), mar está asustada y está tratando de manipular a Ruru para que la deje fuera de todo, por eso en el stream de Splatoon del splatfest estaba tan triste al inicio y hablaba como si tuviera sueño
>Entonces Ruru ya está tomando acciones contra ellos y por eso están tan desesperados, pues me mencionan que están haciendo screenshots editadas de instagram para tratar de probar cosas
>En un momento me pasan pruebas también de los delitos que han cometido esas personas, es increíble que haya tanto lore y solo lo hagan por molestar a una niña, lmao
>Me informan que hace un rato la persona Saku/Lucy va a cambiar de identidad igualmente para hacer que cualquier screenshot tomada dónde ella(el)(es trans supuestamente) participa le deje "fuera de todo"
>Ya tengo ahora hasta la info de la niña que intentaron extorsionar pidiéndole fotos, que asco esa gente, y son ellos quienes siempre están en 4chan atacando a Ruru, lmao, pues tienen hasta un discord donde ven sus streams y van pensando con que atacarla
>Jajaja hay hasta un fracasado que dice que tiene acceso al Facebook de ruru a pesar de que esté eliminado y que de ahí sacan toda la información, igual como me mencionaron, están haciendo screenshots falsas

>> No.67395250

This place its only comfy when the anyaschizo and those retarded niggers who leaks shit abt diskek aren’t active.

>> No.67395302

>Es increíble que haya tanto lore y solo lo hagan por molestar a una niña, lmao
>Tienen hasta un discord donde ven sus streams y van pensando con que atacarla
You are describing all the failed groomers and discordtrannys, kek.

>> No.67395321

>These niggers are exposed
>They start blaming Sylvie immediately.

>> No.67395349

Now post something real Sylvie

>> No.67395364


>> No.67395381

Wsup t0tlly_not_wctr

>> No.67395386 [SPOILER] 
File: 525 KB, 2536x1427, 1703844468334853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people still believe that

>> No.67395431

Fucking retarded niggers. This is why nobody can mention Sylvie and give love to her. Because y’all keep parroting the same shit and start creating more drama. You aren’t helping her. You’re giving her more problems, did you forget that Pettancuck and all her schizos lurks /here/?

>> No.67395440

Stop replying to trannya retard, that's what that attention whore wants
Better ignore her and go to sleep anon, don't you see that her full circle of groomer is trying to create drama? the bitch is desperate for more clout

>> No.67395451

Don’t worry retardchama. I have all the proof :)

>> No.67395476

And here’s the anyaschizo, ofc. don't you have e-celeb cum to lick from Meica's pussy?

>> No.67395485

every time you come the fucking thread it's going to shit FUCK OFF soldaditos or whatever the fuck your name is

>> No.67395506

>Filishna and Anyaschizo at the same time
Come on Filishna, post the google drive

>> No.67395510

we also know that there are certain vtubers who join in throwing hate here, we also have their information, we also know that you, who is reading this, has something... in mexico, if you know what i mean;)
we recommend you not to do what you would not like to be done to you

>> No.67395517

Good to know that these useless worm can't do anything.

>> No.67395554

nobody cares about (you) chubba with attention problems,groomer

>> No.67395571

> no se han preguntado, ¿por qué anya habla como mexichanga y usa slags que solo un mexichango sabría? y no me refiero a slags comunes de internet o los que vemos en el doblaje si no cosas más específicas
mas información muy pronto estén atentos

He must be desperate to see how now no one will believe his story KEK

>> No.67395582

>garbage chubba
She’s better than all the shit yall shill /here/ kek
>every time you come the fucking thread it's going to shit
Then stop putting her name in the fucking thread. it’s a win-win.

>> No.67395603

Learn english, fucking retard

>> No.67395629

I care. She’s my little daughterimoutowife, keep seething.

>> No.67395640


>> No.67395657

>They think Filishna has shit

>> No.67395664

>Then stop putting her name in the fucking thread. it’s a win-win.
That shit it’s not going to change anything. they will start to shit on another girl.

>> No.67395674

twitterfags/discordniggers raid
>creator of board is resident shitter stupid tourist

>> No.67395698


>> No.67395713

Holy kek

>> No.67395723

it is being proven that whoever attacks Ruru is people who have known her before

>> No.67395779

This. Also that nigger @totally_not_wactor

>> No.67395829

nice argument
anon....it's bait season

>> No.67395838

Surely he is the fagg that said in that SS that they can fake some screenshots, that explains those Instagram ss, Facebook SS and his last tweet lol

>> No.67395879

We all know that nigger it’s a pathetic shitter. But what is his obsession with Anya?

>> No.67395885

Anya and Ren can you stop posting retarded shit?
it's 7 am niggers

>> No.67395895

Ok argie, go to school

>> No.67395902

>He’s desperate

>> No.67395940

Where did you get this?

>> No.67395956

We have a Filishna informant somewhere

>> No.67395986

>Filishna informant
Sure filishna

>> No.67395988

I thought this shit was only from twitter

>> No.67396045

You are free to believe what you want t0tlly_not_wctr

>> No.67396051

>This nigga believes that Filishna it’s only one person

>> No.67396119

Filishna poses as a good actor, however he only has ill intentions, don't trust a single word from that fag or his accomplices.

>> No.67396141

It's Anya and Ren the one posting that shit trying to create a boogeymen out of those discordniggers and make some drama to get attention
You literally can see Anya's DM right there

>> No.67396156

t0tlly and Filish are the same nigger, and most likely is one shitter that joined those faggots harassing her for "fun"

>> No.67396159

I don't know if you're really that stupid or you're just desperate lmao

>> No.67396162

This, I talked to some of them and they're a bunch of kids acting like a damn cult.

>> No.67396215


>> No.67396234

we have no contact with anyone, if you know of anyone impersonating someone in our group, please leave their @

>> No.67396239

Nossa nossa asi voce me mata ai se eu te pego ai ai se eu te pego

>> No.67396240 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 953x1043, (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.67396277

Are you retarded? Ofc she send that shit to someone she trusted. probably it’s from Mar or even Yuritroon.

>> No.67396280

I'm seriously asking, are you retarded? Didn't you read all the copypaste they sent a few minutes ago?

>> No.67396288

>we have no contact with anyone
Sure bud, you can't fool me. You think you're smarter than you are.

>> No.67396289

Looks like pettanko

>> No.67396310

Average shitter

>> No.67396329


>> No.67396345

Try being less stupid next time Ren and Anya

>> No.67396374

>This nigga still believes his narrative

>> No.67396384

Cuernuditosbros how do we do damage control now?

>> No.67396388

The papus and me when Ren Anya but then Anya and Ren

>> No.67396398


>> No.67396421

>now he’s samefagging
This nigger it’s desperate af

>> No.67396427

>Ninguna cuenta externa envía por ningún lado ningun mensaje o comentario haciéndose pasar por esta cuenta
That's not needed, your writing style is easily recognizable. No one talks like a retard but believes to be know it all genius like you. Retard.

>> No.67396438

Wait he must mention Ren one more time

>> No.67396475

well, they literally made a thread that made the shitters start to despair by proving that hackers do not exists

>> No.67396481

Sylvie really fucked it up this time kek

>> No.67396492

>Filishna poses as a good actor, however he only has ill intentions, don't trust a single word from that fag or his accomplices.

>> No.67396495

He wants to eat Ren's big and juicy Norwegian penis

>> No.67396510

this asshole really believes someone else thinks like him wtf

>> No.67396520

Stop samefagging, nigger. it’s pathetic af

>> No.67396556

Nao nao amigao

>> No.67396590

Those assholes admitted to fabricate screenshots, you're braindead if you believe those.

>> No.67396603

These guys are dumber than I thought.
Just because you play along with them for a little while, they think they're the smart asses.

>> No.67396628


>> No.67396633

the curious thing is that in the copypaste they also mentioned something about faking screenshots to screw with sylvie, I wonder if those Facebooks really existed, because they were the only ones I could never find

>> No.67396656

> He keeps trying, so cringe...

>> No.67396670

Just because you didn't do your reps, doesn't mean everyone else didn't.
Don't worry anon, if they are false I will let you know.

>> No.67396682


>> No.67396719

I still remember when Ren opened my legs and said "Du er en god drittsekk, anon"

>> No.67396723

>if they are false I will let you know.
KEK and why shouldn't I assume you're the same kind of lying thrash?

>> No.67396748

But why is Sylvie posting this? did she stop receiving money from her paypigs and is trying to pity bait? how is her throne doing?

>> No.67396750

Hi Nyuri!

>> No.67396771

Because I know what is best for you :)

>> No.67396790

Nigga, she’s doing fine. (You) are the only retard who believes that she will be posting shit about two years. Its obviously someone from her inner circle, she trusted the wrong people.

>> No.67396803

it is obvious that they are screenshots that they shared in her group of friends and one of them passed all that information

>> No.67396806

You are too arrogant, little shitter.

>> No.67396843

>Bunch of kids pretending to be vigilantes doing nothing but damage to a group of girls that should've been free of this shit months ago.
They all should kill themselves, pieces of shit pretending to "make justice"

>> No.67396848

yes, in fact there are some screenshots that directly show the people who were mentioned here a long time ago

>> No.67396850

>I-im norwegian!
This is a new low Ren

>> No.67396861

What can I say, she had shitty friends and what you see is her interaction with them from years ago.
nothing important.

>> No.67396873

wactard, you are the only one who cares about Ren, are you sure you r not gay? you're starting to worry me

>> No.67396906

>Her shitter knows he's harassing a girl with asperger.
This is low, even for you, Anyaschizo.

>> No.67396923

Filishna is zeta or related, that group talking is something I've only seen in supremaciafags

>> No.67396936

>Literally "It's from a friend of a friend of a friend" tier of mental gymnastics
This is pathetic Ren

>> No.67396965

So, Filishna only wants to create drama? He’s an anti or what?

>> No.67396980

when this guy knows the phases of pentesting he's going to be crazy

>> No.67396998


>> No.67397003


>> No.67397031

>I-i have Asperger!
>R-ren is norwegian!
This is really low even for you
Being a female quasimodo is not asperger KEK

>> No.67397052

Brown hands wrote this.

>> No.67397053


Use ur time to learn somethng anon, u're starting to feel sorry for me because even I know something about that.

>> No.67397059

so the doxxer was supremacía lunar.

>> No.67397071

>scapegoats, namedropping, parroted shit, larping, ect.
The only niggers doing drama and damage here is you fucking shitters, fuck off to your discord or the shithole you are usually.

>> No.67397085

HAHAHAHAHHA so true, literally we all know that pettanko is the only one who says "cuasimodo"

>> No.67397107

There are several groups involved, morón.

>> No.67397119

Friendly reminder that this is the retarded nigger who waited 6 hours just to shit on Sylvie in her 24 hours stream when she just woke up.

>> No.67397121

>"several groups"
Ren, Anya and Anya's groomer doesn't seems several kek

>> No.67397150

KEK. That shit was so pathetic. He’s totally mindbroken.

>> No.67397153

Both are pretentious as fuck so I wouldn't be surprised.
The doxxers seem to be other group of fags, that doesn't make supremacia supposedly free of stirring shit up, making it all worse.

>> No.67397195

now that you mention it, it has to be the same asshole samefagging right now and Ren Ren but Ren Ren Anya Ren

>> No.67397233

If you mean Angelo's group.
They appeared after the doxx.
Sylvie got into a fight with Mar (her best friend) and she sold her to those pedoa.

>> No.67397250

Bro, I just imagine his brown sausage fingers frantically typing "Ren" while he waits for the accountant to let him post one more time KEK

>> No.67397275

So we still have nigs using google translate to post here...

>> No.67397287

Tona, Nacho and all those niggers really mindbroke if you keep bringing them until this day Anya KEK
>Ren is norwegian!!!
Absolutely pathetic KEK Anya at least you two could try to spread more believable rrats

>> No.67397288 [DELETED] 

Stop shilling your cuckscord negroid, are you trying to do the same shit you did shitlicker subhuman

>> No.67397299

he got angry KEK can I try ur little sausage fingers?

>> No.67397322

>He’s desperate.

>> No.67397332

I'm not that nigger, shithead. I'm tired of all of you anyashizos and rufags. Fucking subhumans using this place for their wars.

>> No.67397358

Then, just ignore and report, nigger. stop being a retarded shitter.

>> No.67397382

Before we help each other expel groomer, it's a shame that only lelas remain in this general.

>> No.67397386

It's funny to se how they get angry as soon as those screenshots are filtered herehaha

>> No.67397415

report them imbecile, why you think they come here? because you and other retards give attention insteed of reporting

>> No.67397615

No one ever ate the bullshit you parroted and spammed here. You are just a retarded kid that believes he can manipulate people with actual working brain cells.

>> No.67397691

And just like that you bullshit narrative went to waste Anya kek
Try being less stupid next time quasimodo

>> No.67397744

I love breaking up mentally retarded, never leave anyaschizo

>> No.67397765

Don't be so obvious pettanko, It seems like you're really angry, because it's been two days since you've appeared on any stream.

>> No.67397773

>Anya is mad

>> No.67397836

Tona WON (without doing or even knowing anything of anya and ren in the last 2 years kek)

>> No.67397892

Hi nachito

>> No.67397993

You are free to seethe as much as you want Ren

>> No.67398054


>> No.67398072

Last thread ruined by shura spammer schizo, this one by anya groomer schizos...
This is why we can't have nice things

>> No.67398469

Go back twitter faggot

>> No.67398785

Just drop the names retard

>> No.67398816

This thread is just two gordos fighting btw

>> No.67399069

The idea of my oshi shitting on other girls here because she's jealous really gets me, I love that kind of toxic girl, sadly she doesn't even come here.

>> No.67399138

Ren was so butthurted at being called negrito that he tried to larp as a norwegian kek
