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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67391106 No.67391106 [Reply] [Original]

Any vtubers who hinted or confirmed they are streaming naked or only in their underwear

>> No.67391220 [DELETED] 
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Still won't watch the chinigami

>> No.67391287 [DELETED] 

>Streams naked
Well, at least the architects are happy.

>> No.67391368

She's talking about being naked in Rust, not IRL. thank god

>> No.67391379

unicorns fuck off

>> No.67391423 [DELETED] 

Cuckbeats fuck off and kill yourselves.

>> No.67391428

probably Irys (not confirmed or anything)

>> No.67391448

I'll watch her if she covers Hamburger Cheeseburger Big Mac Whopper.

>> No.67391453

I did NOT need to imagine a naked Mori

>> No.67391507 [DELETED] 

blubber ubber ubber ubber splat splat splat braaaaaaaaaaaaaap
There. Now you have audio too.

>> No.67391553

How is a woman being naked and several thousand miles away from you enticing to you? Unless you are a complete shut-in, you are, on a regular basis, within close proximity to women's bodies separated by like a millimeter of fabric.

>> No.67391558

No you fuck off, you should know by now unicorn run this bitch. Just look at how the chinigami and vesper's FWB kronii are crawling back to us begging us to buy their merchandise via forced pandering.

>> No.67391597


>> No.67391602

>you should know by now unicorn run this bitch
lol, lmao even
you don't run shit you cuck

>> No.67391658

You have to be above 18 to post here

>> No.67391661

It kinda amuses me just how desperate those two fanbases must be for any sort of human affection if they forgive this easily.

>> No.67391732

new to vtubers? wait til you hear about superchats

>> No.67391746

Actually we do. And even Dimitri jap is one of us. Get fucked homobeggar.

>> No.67391771
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Now that, we certainly are.

>> No.67391819


>> No.67391857

>catalog reader comes into thread about naked vtubers
>instead finds retarded unicorns seething
>calls unicorns retards
>gets called a homobeggar
I'm sorry you literally cannot stop thinking about the homos and their cocks, but not everyone subscribes to your stupid console war. All collab beggars are retards, and this goes double for the self-important unicucks who think they can dictate streams.

>> No.67391883

>unicorns run this bitch
Which is why JP is pure CGDCT, right?
Nobody successful collab with males there, no sir...

>> No.67391896

Especially after how bad they were treated by those two ungrateful wretches, Mori dedicated 85% of her career in hololive trying to own the "incels" and the unicorns and kronii threw it all away her unicorns and her shippers for a faggot who took a spot from more deserving hire so he can funnel the viewers to his rm.

>> No.67391924 [DELETED] 

everyone here sounds like they have aids

>> No.67391966

Jp are professional women who know how to keep their legs close during streams and no we do not claim Matsuri or laplus as gfe or unicorn friendly chuuba. Stop reaching cuckbeat. You look silly.

>> No.67391996

>You look silly.
Yeah, just as silly as infinitely seething because your """"oshi"""" replied to a tweet.

>> No.67392180 [DELETED] 

Say the faggot harassing girls like irys and Kiara because they wouldn't collab with your homos. Nice projection sis. I think you're watching the wrong company kurosanji is more of your alley.

>> No.67392260 [DELETED] 

The only one projecting is (You), retard. You have no proof I've ever done those things. I don't even fucking watch EN, I only watch JP. Sick projection though anon. You really have those buzzwords and talking points down pat.

>> No.67392277

No, you don't get to call yourself an unicorn and then say shit like that.
Admit it, your problem isn't that they collab with males, is that their collab partners that can be sources of drama (which homos became due to the whole homobeggars + Vesper and Magni situation).
I bet you also wouldn't like it if they collabed with, say, Vshoujo, or a 3DPD twitch streamer, no matter if they are female.

>> No.67392327 [DELETED] 

fuck off homo loving redditard

>> No.67392342

Don't deflect to jp now faggot after all you said everyone that isn't a complete retard can tell you're a fucking homobeggar who loves your male collabs. And you saying I'm projecting are you going go ignore mori lecturing you faggots telling you to leave the girls who did not interacted with your homos alone?

>> No.67392365

>Jp are professional women who know how to keep their legs close during streams
Those gta streams proved otherwise.

>> No.67392376 [DELETED] 

Sick ad hominem, unicuck. I accept your concession.

>> No.67392416
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What’s up deadbeats! It’s ya girl! The grim reaper!
If you hear any weird sounds today during the s-stream, it’s just the controller… the mic picks up the au- DIII!!, whew, the audio super well, yeah h-haha…

>> No.67392428

>And you saying I'm projecting are you going go ignore mori lecturing you faggots telling you to leave the girls who did not interacted with your homos alone?
Can you even read????
>I don't even fucking watch EN, I only watch JP
How the fuck would I know. I don't watch your dumb wigger bitch. I simply cannot stand unicucks and their filmy convictions. You really are a mouth-breather, holy shit.

>> No.67392431
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Confirmed streaming naked

>> No.67392498

keep dreaming. They never backed down or apologized. Unicorns are the ones crawling back

>> No.67392603

They did apologize by trying to make it up to us with coomer bait and pandering and we don't give a fuck about them. You don't watch streams shut your mouth this doesn't concern you thread reader.

>> No.67392644

Nigga, Mori has always coomerbaited.

>> No.67392759
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>Matsuri, the least representative member of HoloJP, represents all of HoloJP

>> No.67392954

>mori and kronii actually good
Get back to me when they do asmr where they "accidentally" make dick sucking noises

>> No.67392977

Fighting about Mori's ass is the funniest shit I've seen on this board since a long time. Some of you take this shit way too seriously.

>> No.67393012

>only unicorns like coomer bait

>> No.67393014
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>> No.67393045

I know the color of her nipples

>> No.67393067


>> No.67393070

based unichad making the troonbeats seethe

>> No.67393244

Especially when the thread literally wasn't even supposed to be about her specifically, but schizos literally can't help themselves.

>> No.67393269

Where did the whole Mori farting thing come from? Frankly I'm shocked /vt/ isn't into that.

>> No.67393278

"She has become really feminized" lmao dogshit taste

>> No.67393307

I can't tell if you're saying that's a good or a bad thing.

>> No.67393446

The pic is supposed to be sarcasm.

>> No.67393656

that's digusting. It's weird seeing her try so desperately to appeal to coomers when she's hisotrically been pushing against that type of audience.

>> No.67393715

no, she hasn't

>> No.67393763

>she's hisotrically been pushing against that type of audience
She hasn't though. She has coombaited since 2020.

>> No.67393817

>she's hisotrically been pushing against coomers
Last fall, didn't you wonder why there were many crack ass images in 4chan's catalog?

>> No.67394104

>i am ready to settle now
fucking kek

>> No.67394208 [DELETED] 

rent free cuck

>> No.67394478

Kek you got them mad
Keep it up king

>> No.67394498


>> No.67394525

Aia regularly announces when she's taking her pants off to chat.

>> No.67394527

Anon, you start naked in Rust IN-GAME, and need to strip down whenever a helicopter's around so it won't target you.
Calli once went to the bathroom during a stream and people were able to isolate the faint sounds of her farting from the background.

>> No.67394730

>people were able to isolate the faint sounds of her farting from the background.
No, someone just added a stock fart sound effect to the audio, and newfags take the meme at face value for some reason
Frankly I don't know which is funnier, the fact that there are newfags think the audio is real, or the fact anons are retarded enough to think her shitty USB mic was powerful enough to capture the sound of her using the bathroom through door and down a hallway

>> No.67394988

She just has powerful farts bro

>> No.67395042

commit end life

>> No.67395810

not that she admit it, but she's obviously streaming naked sometimes (especially during summer).

also she sometimes doing spin wheel batsu but a quarter of the batsu is just stripping.

>> No.67396571

You sure you’re not the newfag? Most newfags don’t even know about that incident. She lived in a tiny apartment as an English teacher in Tokyo. The bathroom was right next to where she streamed. You could hear more sounds than just farts, if that’s actually what they actually were. It picked up the door shutting, her sitting on the toilet, what sounded like plops, and the toilet flushing. People heard the flushing in the original stream before the audio was even enhanced. There’s a reason she edited the VOD.

>> No.67396705 [DELETED] 

fpbp cuckbeats seething and roping over this

>> No.67396919

lol no. These threads keep being made because Unicorns have NOT come back lol. Rope yourself, Cuckbeat.

>> No.67396943

lol stop lying

>> No.67396984
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>> No.67397061 [DELETED] 

>thread hijacked by antis
Seriously kys cucks. I came in expecting to find new camwhores, not crying exboyfriends who can't get over a tweet from two years ago. Swallow cyanide as soon as possible.

>> No.67397086 [DELETED] 

You first, niggerlover

>> No.67397338

>Open thread about vtubers being naked on stream because they don’t have to deal with cameras
>bunch of people bitching about unicorns or the person not being unicorn friendly
I don’t know what is worse the women being about women or unicornfags being mad or people pretending to be mad for (you)s.

>> No.67397375

No these threads keep getting made by her antis.

>> No.67398635 [DELETED] 

>He belives the Cuckbeat spin!

>> No.67399025

I unironically warmed up to Mori after a long time. I don't really watch her that much, but I used to despise her during TT/lean arc. While I don't think people should forget everything that's in a chuuba's past, I also think it's retarded to hold on to grudges too long if they change their ways. I'm not saying that you need to watch them, but hating on them currently just disincentivizes other chuubas from getting back on the right path. Being too spiteful disincentivizes other chuubas from fixing their mistakes.

>> No.67399084

in short, dont be a schizo

>> No.67400788

Mori still collabs with homos.
Kronii has not.

>> No.67400960

That doesn't erase the months of betrayal you fucking cuckronie. No one will like Kronii ever again. Her merch will always be in stock and her thread the slowest.

>> No.67401039

I like to think FWMC stream naked. In the same bed. Embracing each other.

>> No.67401296
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We know Mumei is only in her panties when she's at home
She talked about how it's more comfortable and told a story about freaking out when someone rang her doorbell and she had to go rush to find pants

>> No.67403880

lol Deadbeat lying again. I still wont watch your whore no matter how often you pretend to be 'a reasonable non-fan' lmao

>> No.67404185

Nobody said you have to watch her.

>> No.67406012

Everyone anon, who the fuck wears clothes at home???

>> No.67406090

What is a rust butt

>> No.67406287

When Mori dosn't wipe, particularly on those occasions when her hemorrhoids burst.

>> No.67410241 [DELETED] 


>> No.67413667

Pretty sure Lamy at least does ASMR in her underwear?
