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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67356668 No.67356668 [Reply] [Original]

i miss her i miss her i miss her im iss her i miss her imiss her imiss her i mi ss her i miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her i miss her imiss her ismiss her imissh er imissh eri miss heri miss her i missher imissher imiss her imiss her imiss her imis her imiss her imiss her imiss her imi
If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0 [Embed]
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: N/A

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>67333339

>> No.67356689


>> No.67356696


>> No.67356705

Are you alright? Bakerchama

>> No.67356707

I believe that you miss her.

>> No.67356713

I messed up
wife withdrawal is making my brain glitch

>> No.67356792

It's okay anon
We all have our moments, just watch some nise clips, that usually makes me feel better

>> No.67356849

Might be me, I'm on mobile data and i post mainly while in the bus or on the move

>> No.67356906

>no subject
never bake again

>> No.67357248


>> No.67357250

I love shondo unconditionally
Also is it weird that i groomed myself into loving shondo? Unintentionally

>> No.67357273

how come Tuffnarr and Drumen get all their messages read???
this is bullshit, FT has his favorites and the rest of us gotta watch from the cuck chair :(

>> No.67357320

Dear fallenshadow's 4chan thread, conventionally referred to as "/shon/",
It has cone to my attention that fallenshadow (also known as " shondo") is very sexually appealing and has subsequently redirected my blood flow to the groin.
In order to relieve myself of this phenomenon, I will proceed to perform an independent sexual act until ejaculation. Many use the term "masturbate" or slang like "wank".
I will perform such actions while conducting mental fantasies featuring myself and shondo. For example, plunging my fist into her stomach repeatedly until she is gasping for air, and filling her fertile womb with my warm, pulpy seed as she groans for help.
I will inform you of when I have completed this exercise and rate my experience.

>> No.67357357

tl;dr was too busy unblurring the feet pic with my mind for party bear time

>> No.67357359
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1680195030896177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems to have at least a vague understanding of the game, I wonder if he spergs about it to her. I wonder if she talks about games she's streamed to him. Do you think he played Doom after she did, and she told him to? I'm glad they get along, it's sweet.
I don't get along with my sister so it hits a little hard

>> No.67357494

sup /shon/, original artist for the thread pic here (@mizatsuwu on twitter, not a larp)

I've been wanting to draw more shondo and hina stuff but the ol' idea well is dry, anyone got any good suggestions? Preferably non-nsfw since i know i'll prob get a dozen breeding comments or similar, wifey doesn't like that kinda stuff
i'll check back here later :D

>> No.67357516

I like to imagine that some of her banter with us is in part inspired by him, like the rambling about special interests thing. Them having a good relationship is super heartwarming, I hope she can continue the streak and connect with the youngest two eventually

and I hope you can connect with your imouto/onee someday too anon

>> No.67357563

I don't have any suggestions but that pic convinced me to give the game a try so either thank you/I hate you (will let you know which in a week)

>> No.67357586

Draw her getting gut punched she unironically wants that

>> No.67357588

Hina in detention because shondosensei wanted time to look at her without disrupting class

>> No.67357627

Draw Shondo being princess carried by Hina, that would be very cute

>> No.67357671

I don't have ideas really but I do want to say I really like your Shadowsensei design so I will humbly request you keep drawing it when you draw them together.

>> No.67357675

shondo in my arms while we watch FT wipe squads

>> No.67357703

Hina shooting down (YOU)s to secure shondo for herself

>> No.67357778

Good old swimsuit shondo art could be very cute, swimsuit art doesn't have to be lewd or suggestive

>> No.67357866

Hina and shondo wearing matching swimsuits or at the store buying swimwear

>> No.67357914
File: 283 KB, 1436x2058, 20240123_180437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He already did it anon, just gotta scroll down a bit

>> No.67357918
File: 346 KB, 546x482, 1689660606395123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized, this is her new costume. Look at the hair!
I wonder if the eyebags on this pic are part of the new outfit?

>> No.67357949

i love her so much

>> No.67357965

>nearly B cups
chest too big

>> No.67357997

So did we give just up on alts, can I just use my main now

>> No.67358001


>> No.67358012

Well, he should do it again then
Time for a two piece suit

>> No.67358023

Yeah, no one gives a shit as long as you're not autistic and syadouEmote in the chat.

>> No.67358076

find a 1view if you cant handle your 2view ignoring you

>> No.67358117

Two piece would be really nice

>> No.67358269

it pains me these faggots are the ones closest to her

>> No.67358298

What's stopping you from joining us right now?

>> No.67358351

I don't mean generally the people watching but the ones being an embarrassment in chat

>> No.67358360

>the favourites are all talking
its willowver

>> No.67358418

hina punching shondo in the stomach

>> No.67358477

we secretly hate each other

>> No.67358623

>he's there
okay I'm not embarrassed about following anymore. shondo will probably congratulate our stalking skill when she officially endorses him in a few months

>> No.67358624

Is he adding FT to the harem?

>> No.67358677
File: 3.69 MB, 2473x3728, ShonSweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah that's a lot of answers, lemme go through these (sorry if it gets long)

BA is a great game anon, be sure to read the story! Wifey likes it so much for a reason

ryona really isn't my forte, i really wouldn't know how to approach a piece like that lol (will keep the tip in mind tho

Cute idea, might be a little hard to put it all in one piece though, will see what i can do

top contender for a winner right here, dunno how i didn't think of that already

thanks haha, i actually really liked how she looked on PS68 manga sensei's outfit, definitely will keep it on in future pieces

that one could get a bit mean, but could be a funny scenario! think i could turn it into a little comic strip some day

all these asking for a swimsuit piece, hear you loud and clear! my old one wasn't very up to code since i made it when i was new to shadow's streams and didn't know much about her at the time (hence the exposed neck, she even scolded me for it on twitter ;w;), definitely wanna take another shot at it with a cuter swimsuit design though!
As for the ones asking for a two-piece, I'll definitely keep that in mind! In the meantime you can have the pic attached that i drew a little while ago to quench your thirst, not quite a swimsuit but close enough for now (b `w´)b

sorry for the wall of text lads, thanks for the suggestions! (≧▽≦)o.。.:*

>> No.67358738

I hate that I know this general so well that I'm sure there's gonna be favoritist brain worm overflow any moment now

>> No.67358746


>> No.67358815

I'll win gimma two more streams max.

>> No.67358845

what fucking stalking skills? he's a mod in her channel and he has talked in her chat before lol

>> No.67358896

I just pay attention to my wife

>> No.67358907

>one stream forever ago
>paying attention to chat instead of wife

>> No.67358918

>what fucking stalking skills?
lurking 4chan

>> No.67358936

nah, i'll win :)

>> No.67359031

i cant wait until you two retards get banned again

>> No.67359071

Why do you hate us? We're the realest shoggas around.

>> No.67359141
File: 93 KB, 680x661, 1864728580729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care, wont happen

>> No.67359165


>> No.67359420

giving shondo black eyes so when she streams she has to claim theyre 'makeup' and its just a costume and dont worry

>> No.67359560
File: 40 KB, 603x476, 1699612555478555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well dewd is going all-in in case anyone was wondering whether he was gonna try grooming FT to get closer to shondo. if FT ever mentions a chatter to shondo irl and they start talking about them it's over for the rest of us. i can already feel that this will be an amazing year for my mental health.

>> No.67359594

tuffnar already won

>> No.67359651

He just wants to mine...

>> No.67359701

I for one am relived that my wife and my brother in law won't ever be laughing at me specifically irl

>> No.67359946

Tuffnarr mostly stays on topic, he's all about the game while Dewd is funny and memorable. Dewd is king.

>> No.67360081

It's been 3.5 hours and he hasn't peed once is he hydrating? Where is the hydration redeem
Don't get kidney stones bro...

>> No.67360114

>funny and memorable
>almost every comment is some sort of sex joke

>> No.67360119

He's using the gamer bottle.

>> No.67360168

Forest King has a half bathroom in his room, learn the lore. He can keep chatting while taking a few steps.

>> No.67360439

It's a neck and neck fight between those two.

>> No.67360565

>"nooo we should be nise to our fans! he's just a little autistic!"
Shondo tries to get out in response to Forest King mocking Dewdhole for being a try hard degenerate. Unfortunately, the giggles she fails to repress are the strongest form of agreement.

>> No.67360687

so no schedule then?

>> No.67360694

Time to see if she ignores the cosplay or not

>> No.67360717

very lewd response

>> No.67360726

mods make a prediction

>> No.67360950

Thank you for the reply anon, looking forward to the potential swimsuit

>> No.67360955

God i hope so, nothing against kirikanna, but he was told not to post it so i doubt she'll acknowledge it, much less click to view

>> No.67361010

Real husbands are in the offline chat, gay niggas are in FT's chat.

>> No.67361030

Some people have strong bladders. My work shifts are 6 hours and I eat and drink there. Never once needed to piss in the stall after all these years

>> No.67361064

I couldn't find the thread

>> No.67361094

Dont lie, you found the thread

>> No.67361103

you should be afking in FT's channel on your second monitor to support your wife's house ambitions, idiot

>> No.67361135

It's baker's fault, no subject
I just sort catalog by creation date and look for shondo/otis

>> No.67361153

you will never ever fool anyone into joining the monitored users list

>> No.67361160


>> No.67361231

>3 minutes since last retweet
She's debating the tranny cosplay.

>> No.67361239

She's listening to konntali's song I think

>> No.67361252

When will shadowmama stream?

>> No.67361282

she would immediately absorb shondos audience and leave her destitute

>> No.67361286

Wtf, i kneel, precognitionchama

>> No.67361302

No she just reached Konntali's song, it's just under 3 minutes long. She's listening to it.

>> No.67361332

>doko song replacement
Someone check up on ray

>> No.67361346

I’m sorry for being a gay nigga.
This makes me feel like I have friends.

>> No.67361350

I hope so, it will force shondo to rely on her last viewer, me, and then I can finally play with her like putty in my hands

>> No.67361362
File: 47 KB, 260x128, 1696816952772042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called looking where she is in the art tag, not exactly rocket science

>> No.67361374

currently spinning a shondo in my mind between my fingers like a fidget spinner

>> No.67361389

I really like this cat

>> No.67361430

So anons, did she stop uploading her vods to the youtube channel? I checked a day or two ago and saw that the last upload was 4 months ago. If she stopped, that’s a little sad, it was nice to have an archive of all her streams

>> No.67361433


>> No.67361505


>> No.67361528

onion is becoming my favorite fanartist. really love his style

>> No.67361532

imagine teaching shondo how to play the piano and every time she hits the wrong key you slap her

>> No.67361614

imagine shondo teaching YOU how to play the piano and every time you hit the wrong key she bites your shoulders

>> No.67361616

Or light a cigarette and put it out on her if she slips up particularly bad

>> No.67361619

Tranny btfo
Doubters out

>> No.67361640

or just force her to take a drag with her single lung

>> No.67361659

I would just spend all day pretending to slip up

>> No.67361661

blowing smoke in shondos face at the jazz lounge

>> No.67361679

it wasnt even visible on the tag so it wasnt an intentional ignore but either way for the best

>> No.67361759

It is for me unfortunately

>> No.67361768

That's not true its visible

>> No.67361813

its not visible for me, the site barely functions so not a surprise
but yeah it's for the best because some people /here/ would undoubtedly make it a bigger thing than it needs to be

>> No.67361814

It is visible, she ignored it, and rightfully. She told him not to.

>> No.67361834

Goodnight shoggas, hope you guys can have a brainworm free time and a good rest of day

>> No.67361836

You have to sort by newest

>> No.67361873


>> No.67361918

unfortunately the ultimate brainworm never goes away

>> No.67361920


>> No.67361932

too late

>> No.67361977

i did and its not there for me? weird

>> No.67361998


>> No.67362016

Did you mute the tranny? If so, then that's why.

>> No.67362031

Shondo you can't just invent some excuse here to make it on stream later

>> No.67362074

it's there for me

>> No.67362093

the thought of him wondering why his post doesn't get a like or comment spreads a wicked smile across my face

>> No.67362136
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>> No.67362196

looks like a good week i hope there are some more brainworm confessions and it isn't just a bunch of boring shit

>> No.67362207

solid week

>> No.67362283

Wonder what pal world is like, all I know about it is that vtubers play it a lot rn

>> No.67362309

streamerbait asset flip slop game

>> No.67362312

it's like ark with Pokemon

>> No.67362366

like a worse rust infused with pokemon. it's not very good and it's a mystery to me why it has gotten so insanely popular. you can capture humans too though so i'm sure shondo will be silly and have fun with it.

>> No.67362417

>schizo ramblings about here
>uuuu im embarassed to chat
>forced joke

>> No.67362449

Meds. Take them.

>> No.67362535

My confession is a bit mean, but genuine

>> No.67362541

that was the whole last confession stream pretty much what do you mean meds?

>> No.67362563

yea i kinda expect it to go this way since she curated the replies already and went over a couple of /here/ rrat submissions which covered most of it
the rest are probably going to be more silly or just dull since she probably won't read any actually insane shit out like animal torture

>> No.67362573

I’ve been praying for more ASMR

>> No.67362600


>> No.67362605

ear cleaning always sounds really good and tingly too so i'm looking forward to it

>> No.67362746

aslong as there are some submissions that make some of the usual suspects seethe again then its fine

>> No.67362759

remember when she used to say she doesn't want to play fotm and made an exception for cult of the lamb lol

>> No.67362857

wait so what was the point of ending early last stream then
anyway fotm slop, vr gimmicks, and asmr is a weak week for me personally

>> No.67362863

She addressed this in the offline chat, her logic was that she's running out of stream games especially co-op stuff.

>> No.67362864

she said she doesnt want to play fotm if it doesnt interest her
she's been expressing desire to check out pokemon for a while so it makes sense that she'd play this.

>> No.67362866

More opportunities for her to name a creature after me

>> No.67362881

The troon is coping in the discord

>> No.67362917

I really care

>> No.67362918

thanks for the update but I only care about my wife

>> No.67362938

She said if streamers don't play fotm they'll run out of games, not that she specifically is. She's said she'll play fotm but only if it interests her and not just for the sake of it. A pokemon, animal collecting style game is definitely her forte.

>> No.67362994

thank Shondo years of 4chan exposure didn't give me the variety brainworms that cause tranny obsession

>> No.67363064

>if it interests her
>game where you shoot animals and force them into hard labor

>> No.67363073
File: 167 KB, 395x345, 1688822861356839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiri_kanna and every other tranny that exists

>> No.67363112

and you're somehow even more obsessed

>> No.67363118

thanks for another update but I only care about my wife

>> No.67363119

also applies to shoggers

>> No.67363198

i only care about /ft/

>> No.67363429

rate the stream

>> No.67363438


>> No.67363459

8/10 by dark and darker standards

>> No.67363477

He aight for a wh*teboi/10

>> No.67363479

kinda lost steam towards the end but i unironically had a good time watching/10

>> No.67363493

10/10 he's my homie

>> No.67363552

He seems to be getting more comfortable, lots of silly moments, the doom mining was great. Seems he's building stamina too, this was twice the length of his previous streams.
8/10 love my shogger FT

>> No.67363629

ft/nina collab when

>> No.67363633

human viewbot/10
also tuffnar won

>> No.67367864

>enjoys the company of her husbands
I'm sold.

>> No.67368664

Becky please offer her exorbitant amounts of money, I want to see her review the doll
